A ROMANCE OF 5TDENU0U5 AFFECTION SUCGE3TH) BY THE PLAY BY fe BEAQL4Ì© BWL ARM5TSÍHtí u SYNOPSIS. Cowboy» of th» Ftytng H.srt ranch ar» fwwrtbroken over th» loss of their mueh- prixrst phonograph by th» defeat of their >'hamplon In a foot-rac» with th» cook of the Centipede ranch. A house party Is on at the Flying Heart. J. Wailingford Speed, cheer leader at Yale, and Culver Covington. Inter-colledate champion run­ ner. are expected. Helen Blake. Speed's sweetheart, becomes Interested In the loss at the phonograph She suggests to Jean Chapin, slater of the owner of the ranch, that she Induce Covington. her lover, to win back the phonograph. Helen declares that If Covington won t run. Speed will. The Cowboys are hilarious over the pros­ pect. Speed and his valet Larry Glass, trainer at Yale, arrive. Helen Blake asks Speed, who has posed to her as an ath­ lete. to race against the Centipede man. Tlve cowboys join In the appeal to Wally, and fearing that Helen will find him out. he consents. He insista however, that he shall be entered as an unknown, figuring that Covington will arrive In time to take his place. Fresno, glee club singer from Stanford university and In lov» with Helen, tries to discredit. Speed with the ladles and the cowboys. Speed and Glass put In the time they are supposed to be training playing cards in a secluded spot. The cowboys explain to Speed how much the race means to them. Speed assures them he will do his best. The cowboys tett Glass It Is up to him to see that Speed wins the race. Willie, the gunman, de­ clares the trainer wilt go back east pack­ ed In Ice. If Speed falls. CHAPTER X.—Continued. Carar* returned the knife to Its hiding-place, »wept the floor graceful­ ly with his sombrero, then placing the spangled head-piece at an exact angle upon his raven locks, lounged out. his sliver spurs tinkling In the silence. Glass took a deep breath. “He doesn't mean to kill you—just cut you,“ said Speed. “I got It," declared the other, fer­ vently. Again he laid repressing hands upon his bulging front and looked down at it tenderly. “They've all got It in for my pad. haven't they?” “I told you to keep away from that girt." “Humph!" Glass spoke with soulful conviction. “Take it from me, Bo. Ill walk around her. as if she was a lake. Who'd ever think that chorus-man was a killer?” * “Surely you don’t care for her seri­ ously?" “Not now. I—I love my Cuban, but”—he quivered apprehensively— Til bet that rummy packs a 'shiv* in every pocket.” From outside the bunk-house came the low, musical notes of a quail, and Glass puckered his lips to answer, then grew pale. “That's her,” he de­ clared, in a panic. ”l've got a date with her.” “Are you going to keep It?" “Not for a nose-bag full of gold nug­ gets! Take a look, Wally, and see what she's doing.” Speed did as directed. “She's wait­ ing." “Let her wait,” breathed the trainer. -'Here comes Stover and Willie.” "More bad news.” Glass unrolled his prayer-rug, and stepped upon It hastily. "Say, what's that word? Quick! You know! The password. Quick!” “Allah!” That’s her!” The fat man began to mumble thickly. It was plain that his spirit was utterly broken. But this call was prompted purely by solicitude, it seemed. Willie bad little to say, and Stover, ignoring ail ' mention of the earlier encounter he had witnessed, exclaimed: There's been some queer goln's-on •round here, Mr. Speed. Have you no­ ticed ’em?’ “No. What sort?” “Well, the other mornln' I discov­ ered some tracks through one of Miss Jean's flower-beds.” "Tracks!” "Sure! Strange tracks. Man's tracks.” "What does that signify?” “We ain't altogether certain. Ca- rara says he seen a stranger hangin* around night before last, and jest now we found where a boss had been pick­ eted out in the ravine. Looks like he’d stood there more’n once." "It has nothing to do with me.” "I ain't sure. It looks to us like It's somebody from the Centipede. They're equal to any devilment.” Speed showed an utter lack of com­ prehension, so Willie explained. "Understand, we’ve made this race pay or play. Mebbe they alm to eripple you.” "Me!” Speed started. "Good heav­ ens!” "Oh, they'd do It quick enough! I wouldn't put it past ’em to drop a .45 through your winder if It could be djne safe.” “Shoot me, you mean?” “Allah 1” said Glass, devoutly from bls corner. Stover and Willie nodded. "If I was you. I'd keep the lamp between me and the winder every night." “Why, this is abominable!” ex­ claimed the young college man, stiffly. “I—I can’t stand for this, It’s getting too serious.” "There ain’t nothin’ to fear," said Willie, soothingly. "Remember, I told yon at the start that we'd see there wasn't no crooked work done. Well. I'm goln' to ride herd on you, »■wf m . Mr. Speed." Ha smllM manner to reassure. "If there's any shootin' comes off. I'll be In on It" “8—say, what's to prevent us being murdered when we’re out for a run?” queried Glass. "Me!” declared the little man. “Ill saddle my bronc' an' lope along with you. We'll keep to the open country." Instantly Speed saw the direful con­ sequences of such a procedure, and summoned his courage to say: "No It's very kind of you, but 1 shall give up training." "What!” ”1 mean training on the road. I— I'll run Indoors." "Not a bit like it” declared Stover. "You'll get your daily run if we have to lay off all the punchers on the place and put 'em on as a body-guard. We can’t let you get hurt You're worth too ’iuch to us." “Larry and I will take a chance.” "Not for mine!" firmly declared the trainer. "I don't need no mineral in my system. I'm for the house.” "Then I shall run alone.” "You’re game.” said Willie admir­ ingly, and bis auditor breathed easier, "but we can't allow it” “I—I’d rather risk my life than put you to so much trouble.” "It’s ouly a pleasure.” "Nevertheless, I can't allow IL I’ll run alone. If they kill me for It” "Oh, they won't try to kill you They’ll probably shoot you In the legs. That's just as good, and It's a heap easier to get away with.” Speed felt his knee-caps twitching. “I've got it!” said he at last "I'll run at night!" Stover hesitated thoughtfully. "I don't reckon you could do your­ self justice that-away, but you might do your trainin’ at daylight The Centipede goes to work the same time we do. and the chances Is your assas­ sin won't miss bis breakfast” “Good! I—I'll do that!" "I sure admire your courage, but if you see anything suspicious, let us know. We'll git 'em," said Willie. "Thank you." The two men went out, whereupon Glass chattered: "W—what did I tell you? It's worse’n suicide to stick around this farm. I’m going to blow." "Where are you going?" "New York. Let's beat it!” t"Never!" exclaimed the college man. stubbornly. We’ll hear from Covington before long. Besides, I can't leave until I get some money from home." "Let's walk.” "Don’t be a fool!” ’ "Then I’ve got to have a drink." Glass started for the living-quarters, but at the door ducked quickly out of sight. “She's there!" be whispered tragically. "She seen me, too!” Mariedetta was squatting in the shade opposite, her eyes fixed stolidly upon the training-quarters. “Then you’ve got to lay low till she gives up." declared Wally. "We’re in trouble enough as it is." For nearly an hour the partners dis­ cussed the situation while the Mexi- "There's Something for You.” can maid retained her position; then, when Glass was on the verge of mak­ ing a desperate sally. Cloudy entered silently. Although this had been an unhappy morning for the trainer, here at least was one person of whom he had no fear, and bls natural optim­ ism being again to the fort, be greeted the Indian lightly. "Well, how's the weather, Cloudy?" "Mr. Cloudy to you,” said the other. Both Glass and his protege stared. It was the first word the Indian had uttered since their arrival. Lawrence winked at his companion. "All right, If you like It better. How’s the weather. Mister Cloudy?” He snickered at his own joke, where­ upon the aborigine turned upon him slowly, and said. In perfect English: "Your humor is misplaced with ma. Don’t forget, Mr. Glass, that the one Yale football team you trained, I dropped a goal on from the forty-flvs- < ward Ua<" Glass allowed his mouth to open tn amazement. The day was replete with surprises. “ M!" he said, while the light of un­ derstanding came over him. "You're Cloudy-byt-the-Sun ShinesF’ “Yee—Carlisle." Cloudy threw back his head, and pointed with dignity to the flag of his Altna Mator hanging upon the wall. "By Jove, 1 remember thatl" ex­ claimed Speed. "So will Yale so long as she lives," predicted the Indian, grimly. "You crippled me In the second half"—ho stirred his withered leg—"but I dropped it on you; and—I have not forgotten.” He ground the last sen­ tence between his teeth. "See here. Bo—Mr. Cloudy. You don't blame us for that?” Cloudy grunted, and threw a yellow envelope on the flf Aaiicuitur».) Sheep husbandry should receive more attention from the farmer of this country than It does at tbe pres­ ent time Unquestionably sheep rais­ ing could profitably be fitted into the general management of thousands of farms where there Is none at the pres­ ent time On many other farina the size of the flock could bo Increased and more attention given to thia branch of farming with resulting profit to the owner, according to the depart­ ment of agriculture. It has been estimated that sheep will eat 90 per cent, of all trouble­ some weeds. They are, in fact com­ monly used In cleaning up woods from fields, fence rows, roadsides, stubble fields and corn fields The common belief among farmers Is that weeds eaten by sheep are so broken up tn tbe digestive processes that the seeds will not germlnato after passing through the body as in the caso of other live stock. However, weeds are rarely permitted to go to seed if enough sheep are turned in tho field while the weeds are young and tender. In some investigations carried on b7 th* Canadian government among a considerable number of sheep to de­ termine tho kinds of weeds eaten by them, it was generally agreed that sheep would consume all but a very few extremely unpalatable ones, such as mullein. Scotch thistle, etc. Upon inquiry as to tho specific kinds eaten, one farmer replied that he could not gtve any deflnlto information on the subject, as tho sheep kept bis farm so free from weeds that ho could not see what kinds they actually ate. Where sheep havo been kept, but ■ where for some reason they have been disposed of, a striking difference has usually occurred In tho appear­ ance of tho farm. Weeds have sprung up and grown whoro they had former- i ly been kept in check- There Is no j bettor solution to the weed problem than a flock of sheep. The farmer's sheep should be a wool and mutton sheep, with empha­ sis upon mutton. This "dual purpose" sheep, if tho name be permissible, la a proved success, and It la already represented In some of tbo breeds. bred to him, which fact give« rise to the old saying, “The ram la half tho flock." The selection of the nun la thus seen to be a matter of prime Im­ portance. Improvement tn breeding can be brought about in a flock at less expense by the use of a good ram than In any other way. A good ram Is a valuable Investment, and the few extra dollars tn cost over the prlco of a mediocre one multiply themselves In roturns on tho iamb crop. Tho wise selection of a single ram has in many cases made a flock famous. Probably sheep are subject to more Ills than any other class of dotneslle animals. At any rate, they seem to be more helpless In repelling tbe at­ tacks made upon them. This need not discourage the prospective shep­ herd, since good cure mid manage- me nt will obviate most of these trou­ bles. Upon thia care muf munago- ment depends the "luck" of the shep­ herd. Flocks are known to exist upon weeds and waste roughages with lit­ tle or no attention, but the returns nr« proportionately meager. A well-trained sheep dog Is one of the greatest friends of the Industry, while the cur dog Is one of Ils worst enemies. Tbe Scotch collie Is the sheep dog of America, and a well- trained one can not be appreciated unless seen nt work. Their tireless watching, even at night, makes them Invaluable to tho sheep herder. By their barking they warn him of any prowler that may bo lurking about tho flock. , Much of the sheepy flavor of mutton comes from the generation of gases In the stomach after tho sheep Is killed. For this reason sheep should be dressed as rapidly as possible. A platform six or eight inches high Is a convenient thing to work on and aids tn keeping the blood away from tbe body, insuring a cleaner carcass. After dressing, the carcass should bo cooled to 40 degrees, or as near that as possible. In the summer It will be necessary to have Ice for this purpose. Where there Is a farm re­ frigerator the carcass can be placed In It, provided there la a circulation of dry air and no objectionable odors are present Mutton can be kept for a wook or ten days under these con- 120-Egg Capacity, «1X00 100-Fa» Capacity, 15.00 220-Egg Capacity, 18.00 I'rvlght l‘npald. I Write talas for U»» bls FIIKK Me- I Clanahan Inca tetter Book- tho re- I suite ut my SO yoam <>t Inatibatur- . B bul kiln« ««partenru. Nuil a inatul i A tur If niHv I—-for— you du Mf • J thins olaa. A MaCLAMAMAN M "Tilt: INI I IltlOH MIN” XX» y-rry Hl.. I«—. l»t. On» Quits Enough. A story is being told of n converts, tlon between a weather expert anil a cabinet minister. The minister complained about the other's weather fori casta not AJwaya being reliable, .and th« reply wdb that waathcr forecaatlng would he much easier If It were known mure definite­ ly the sort of weather that waa hap­ pening in the Atlantic. "Now," said the expert, "If wo had further out In ths 'Atlantic another Island like Ireland------ '* "Heaven forbid!* ejaculated the minister, who hud been greatly ha­ rassed over the home rule dispute.-" London Tit Bits. It la not generally known that the muskrat Is the moat Important fur- bearing animal of North America. In one year alone (1910) 5.500.000 musk­ rat skins were put upon the tnnrket, realizing to tho trappers a sum ap­ proximately 81,700,000. AGENTS WANTED! Merchants Wanted! to handle our Wonder “Special” Line of Seml-Tallorcd Suita $12.50 No m«rw No less For particulars address Wonder Clothes Co. 142 Third »tree» Portland. Or»g»n N. IL Lin« of woolena now ready Exclusive territory to right men LOSING HOPE WOMAN VERY ILL Combination Rack for Feeding Hay and Grain. Either 8lde. The best type is the most profitable combination of wool and mutton. Tho Investigations of the tariff board indi­ cate that sheep farming for wool alone Is unprofitable. In Investigating 543 flocks of the flne-wool section of Ohio they found that when there was a net credit to wool the percentage of re­ ceipts from wool was J8 and from other sources 62. If the raising of sheep for wool alone does not pay in this region, it probably would not in any other part of the farming section. In establishing a flock it is better for tbe farmer to start on a small scale, unless he has previously had experience. When one Is dealing with small numbers, a mistake In manage­ ment or an error In judgment Is not so great Importance as where larger numbers are Involved. Starting with a small flock requires less capital also. If it Is desired to augment the size of tbe flock, this can be done by the natural Increase, the best *ewe lambs being selected each year for the pur­ pose. ’ This should prove more eco­ nomical than buying all the breeding stock outright. Where tho stock Is produced on the farm, only the cost of production can rightly be charged •gainst it, but where It Is purchased the cost of production plus a profit and very often tbe price of the repu­ tation of the breeder must be paid. By producing the breeding stock him­ self, the farmer should secure a more uniform lot and one better adapted to his own particular conditions. Anoth­ er advantage of small numbers, espe­ cially where capital la limited. Is that better animals can be purchased. Tbe ram lias as much influence upon the flock as the entire ewe flock Sheep Can Feed Front dltfons. In the majority of cases, how­ ever, Ice is not available on the farm. Under these conditions the sheep or lamb, as the case may be, should be slaughtered in the evening, the car­ cass allowed to hang out overnight (whore nothing will disturb It), and taken to a coo] dry room or cellar in the morning, before the files are about. If the carcass la split it will cool out more rapidly. Under these conditions it Is a good plan for two or more farmers to club together, each taking a part of tbe carcass, so that there will bo no danger of tbe meat spoiling before It can bo used. In tho winter there is little diffi­ culty about keeping the meat A good way to keep mutton at this time Is to allow it to freeze up and to cut off enough for use from time to time with a saw. A single freezing does not Injure the quality, but alternate freez­ ing and thawing is harmful and should be avoided. I-amb and mutton should never be used for food until it Is thoroughly cooled out. Lamb is as good as It ever will be as soon as It Is thorough­ ly cooled, but mutton Improves with ripening for a week at 40 to 45 de­ grees F. Mutton can be corned, but it Is not as palatable nor la It as nu­ tritious as the fresh meat The hama •re sometimes spiced and are consid­ ered by many to be a delicacy when prepared In this way. Select Vigorous Birds. If you are working for eggs be care­ ful to select the most vigorous birds for winter layers. Market all the mat as broilers. Weaklings are no ao- oocnt as egg producers. Finally Restored To Health By Lydia E. Pinkham’» Vegetable Compound. Believne, Ohio. —“I was In a terrible State Itefore 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham’s V e g e t a hl e Com­ pound. My back achcdunUl I thought it would break, 1 had pains all over me, nervous feelings and periodic troubles. I waa very weak and run down and was losing hope of ever being well and strong. After tak­ ing Lydia E. Pink­ ham's Vegetable Compound I improved rapidly And today am a well woman. I cannot tell you how happy I feel and 1 cannot say too much for your Compound. Would not be without it In the house if It coat three times the amount”—Mrs. C has . C hapman , R. F. D. No. 7, Belle­ vue, Ohio. Woman’s Precious Gift. The one which she should most zeal­ ously guard, Is her health, but it is the one most often neglected, until some allmer-t peculiar to her sex has fastened itself upon her. When so af­ fected such women may rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, a remedy that has bean wonderfully suc­ cessful in restoring health to suffering women. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegeta­ ble Compound will help yon.writo to Lydia E.Pinkham MedlelneCo. (confidential) lyynn.Mass., for ad­ vice. Your letter will be opened» read and answered by a woman« and held tn strict confidence.