Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 19, 1914, Image 5

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Sand and Gravel at
Reduced Prices
Prompt Delivery
Call telephone Tabor ZOAJ
R. Heytlnx
«2 Kt. and 46th Ave., M. E
Doings of Our Neighbors
- .
and Made to Order
J. P. Nordin
Main Klre«t
latita, Oregon
Rose City Van
Storage Company
Makes all points between Portland
and I<enta on Mt. Scott Line.
Freight, Express, Baggage and all
kinds of Transfer Work.
Foster Road
latita Office
I .ent« f*hones
. Talxir 1424
Home B «111
F. W. Tuny, Manager
Ask tor Koee City Van
Cor. Main and Foetrr^R'xsd
Wood and Coal
Slab Wood
a Specialty
Order* Drlivervd Promptly
One Year
Beaver State Herald
Diseases of Women and Children
a Specialty
Pacific Tabor 3214
Home Local 2111
Tabor 6207
Main 430, Home A 45M
Dunning & McEntee
Sidupoo Worm Klilei Expels Worms
During the winter month» impurities
j accumulate, your blood liecotuea Im-
| pure and thick, your kidneys, liver
and towels fail to work, causing «o-
ca'ted ’f-pring Fever ’’ You feel tired,
weak and laxy.
Electric Bitter*—the
apring tonic and system cleanser—is
what you need; they stimulate the
kidneys, liver and bowels to healthy ac­
tion, expel blood Impurities and restore
your health, strength and ambition.
Electric Bitters makes you feel like
new. Htart a four week’s treatment—
it will put you in fine shape for your
spring work. Guaranteed All Druggists,
60c. and >1 00.
1.1. leans A C*. fem ap ti *r tt issn
Th« can«« ot your child’« ills—Th*
foul, fetid, offensive breath—The start­
ing up with terror and grinding of
teeth while aaliep—The sallow com­
plexion—The dark circles under^the
eye«—Ar« all indications of worms.
Kickapoo Worm Killer is what yonr
child need* ; it expels the worms, the
cause of the child’s unhealthy condi­
tion. For the removal of seat, stomach
and pin worms, Kickapoo
Killer gives sure relief. Its laxative
effect adds tone to the general system.
Supplied as a candy confection—child­
Safe and sure relief.
i ren like it.
Guaranteed. Buy a box today.
25c. All druggists or by mail.
pend isjM>n to make and develop this
Just skinning the
working farmer who surely has a bard
Rev. Reeder preached to a well filled row to hoe in this country. “Burn
house. both Nundsy morning and even­ down your cities'* says Bryan, “and the
ing and administered the rite of bap­ ■country will soon build them up again,
but destroy your farms and the grass
tism fiunday afternoon.
Mrs. Patterson is In a hospital in will grow in yonr streets.
Frank Rhodes and family went to
Portland, recovering from an operation.
Her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Buxton, Portland last Friday to consult a doctor
who was with her the peat week re­ about their little girl, Alice.
Senator Chamberlain stands a first-
turned home Bunday evening
Frank Reed is afflicted with small­ class chance for re-election as bis stand
pox and much to his dislike is spending on the canal tolls suits the people of
his lime in the peet house with a num­ this state and of all parties and his bill
Why pay >7 tor a rocker you can buy
on the government building a railroad for 45 at Kenworthy A Co., lA*nta.
tier of other patients.
Word was received from Mr. R. M, in Alaska, which has become a law, has
Dodson of California that bis mother made him a host of friends cn the
Let me paint your honee. It will sell
died Friday, March 13.
Mr. Dodson coast, particularly in Oregon, and more quicker. Livett, 1G8 Main Kt.
ba« the «ympalhy of the people of thi« eepecially in Portland, which city ought
to get an immense Alaska easiness.
community in bi« «orrow.
Chris Memsenger of Portland, and
The Mlaaea Mayliee were the gue«t«
of the Mil
Iva and Laura Reed Sun- owner of the beet ranch on the Sandy
day. Tne young people enjoyed a taffy river says he will b t 120,000 to ♦100
pull at the Bert Chamberlain home that the railroad will be ouilt up to
Welches inside of two years.
He prob­
Tueeday evening.
ably has some inside information.
Wm. Alien ami family will move beck
Eugenia Park
to their ranch in » few davs. Mr. Allen
Friends of Mr. Fred Hogue of 7th I has owen employed at the mill near
avenue and leaser street will Ire glad to ' Marmot for some time i*»t but be says
hear that he is able to be out again I wages are cut until there Is but little
after his illness of the past two week*. in it. Wlut a fine'state of affairs it
Friends and neighbor* of Mr. and y’ould be for the greedy rich if they
Wood Work, Carriage, Wagon
Mr*. Frank Roeeman o'. 7th atenae could get a good able-bodied man lor
and Auto Repairing
very pleasantly surprised them Monday 60 cents a day like they do in Europe.
evening, March 9, It being tbeir lOlh
(Wth Street and Foster Road 8. E.
The Portland papers are now telling
wedding anniversary. An enjoyable the unemployed to take the first job
AU Work Guaranteed
time was hyl by all preeent.
they can get and begin to save tbeir
Mr. and Mr*. H. C. Richmond of money (or the idle days next winter.
Rea. Phone Tabor 446
10th avenue entertained some of tbeir How is a man with a family going to
friends last Haturday evening at a save money on wages that will barely
regular old-fashioned social.
A jolly support his family.
A poor man is
good time was bad by every one foolish to go to town and seek employ­
ment as only strong young men get a
The Eugeugia Park cluD met at Mr. job and they get only enough to keep
and Mr*. A. Lawrence's on eight them from day to day.
Phone ASx
Nobody finds
avenue last Saturday evening. Several fault with Henry Ford, the Detroit
Mill 11-4 mtlea southeast of Kelso«
visitor« were preeent at the meeting. automobile man, if be is rich and
Mrs. Edith Bevans and Miss Florence getting richer because be pays all of
Reeve« of Albina were visitors in this bis help, even to the floor-sweeper«,
i vicinity Monday and Tueaday of last ♦5.00 a day for eight hours work. *
• week.
Mrs. Bloomqnist of tenth avenue was
Operated upon again March 9th. It
Larce stock ot Dimension Lumber en hand
Rough and Dresaed lumber for al! purpoaee
| will be remembered she had the mis-
The First Bath.
1 fortune to break her hip over two
aend order to JON8RUD BIUM. Boring RD 3
As soon as the baby is born it should
■ months ago. She is doing as well as
be rubbed thoroughly with olive oil,
could be expected, and the beet wishee
especially under the arms and in all
i <>( her triends and the Herald are with
crease* of the flesh. If there ia no
her for her speedy recovery.
olive oil in the houtr, use vaseline
The P. R. L. A P. Co. are now pre­
Wrap the baby in a flannel cloth or a
paring to continue the electric wiring
blanket several hours, until the mother
south on H2rd street to the Estacada
is made comfortable and the room put
Collections Everywhere
track, enabling the residents in that
vicinity to have their house« lighted by in order. Then the first bath should be I
No Collection—No Charge
given with warm water 100 degrees
I electricity.
First wash the baby's
Agent for Mt. Scott, Montavill^,
eyes with a solution of boric acid Then,
anti Eastern Multnomah.
with a piece of absorbent cotton on the
Mrs. C. H. Bateman has received the finger and saturated with the boric acid
We Make a* Personal Call
appointment as clerk of the election lolution, cleanse the mouth and gums
Morts gages Foreclosed
board in precinct 303 for the ensuing With a soft cloth wash and dry the
We Buy Notes
year. Mr. Baleman has been appointed 'ace Then soap the head well, rinse
chairman of the same board.
tnd wipe dry. After this plunge the
Mr. Mabe« has rented their place body into the warm water, made quite
here and gon« to live in Portland. Mr. soapy with pure castile SQap
Local Manager
G. Commons, the lease holder, is bath should be accomplished as quick­
Main St. ard Foster Road.^Ijents
fitting the place up well which adds to ly as possible and with a minimum of
its appearance and worth.
Tabor 5259
exposure of the baby When the baby
Calkins Hall has been painted and is has been thoroughly dried dust well
a credit to the locality. The first meet­ with corn starch After that the cord
ing of the Development League was must be wiped with a piece of absorb­
held there fiaturnay evening.
ent cotton saturated with pure grain
Mr. Sanford Moore, son of the Pastor, alcohol and dusted freely with boric
Rev. W. Boyd Moore, conducted ser­ acid powder
Then place a fold of
vices Sunday evening at Beunet Chapel. clean linen or game over the cord and
I Every one seemed pleased with his hold in place hy the flannel hand about
work and were glad to sustain him as the abdomen
This is the only full
well as hear him speak.
hath the baby should have before the
The Ratnapo Musical and Literary cord comes off. which is usually in
Club will hold its next meeting at the
about ten days. Other baths should be
home of Mr. Anderson.
May the the same as this every day. except the
weather be fair and all members be
for painting jobs. Are you looking
plunge is omitted When the baby is
for a painter! I,et ua get together
a few weeks old the bath may be cooler
and have a talk. I can tell you
Pleasant Valley Grange has given
by a few degrees There is less danger
what, it will eosr you. can suggest
the contract of painting their hall to
color schemes and will tel) you what
of bahy taking cold from a cool bath
“Johnson the tuny painter?’ which
materials I use I mix my own paint
than from a warm bath—Written by
after studying the conditions of the'
means it will be done right.
a trained nurse
surface to lie painted. These condi­
tions have a direct bearing on the
way th» paint should be mixed.
John Rankin, one of the most ex­
9--------------------------------------------- K tensive hog raisers In the world, gives
Selby “Dutch Boy” White Lead
and pure linseed oil. I consider paint
All Nature dressed in green In honor the following methods of disposing of
marie from these materia^ to be
the carcnsses of dead hogs, a problem
of 8t. Patrick's day.
the best . X
After the sun crosses the line we ex­ that a whole lot of corn belt farmers
F*w«>i H m C m ! •<|th> M la tan a M>o*
hsve been up against during the past
pect better anti more settled weather,
TABOR 478a:
few months. Ills directions are to dig
but after all we have no fault to find a shallow dttch. place Iron bars across
with the weather as it is
it lay the carcass of the hog on the
Glenn Hugh who has been quite poor t>ara, pour coal oil on it, drop a lighted
ly for some time suffered a stroke of match on it and go about one's work
paralysis last Friday and is very low at The burning oil starts the grease to
dropping, the grease in turn burns
this writing.
Cards are out announcing the wed­ fiercely. with the result that the hog Is
ding of Mr. Roes Marsten of Gresham reduced to ashes by a fire fed by Its
to Miss Vera Douglas of Sandy, on Run* own fat.
Watches Clocks and Jewelry
Spring Blood and System Cleanser
day of next week at the home of the
Heventh and Ankeny Streets
Oregon bride’s parents on the Bull Run road
from Bandy at the old Revenue place.
Alvord Undertaking Company Both of the young people formerly
lived here and are well and favorably
Lente and Karn Park
known in this vicinity. Abundant suc­
G. E. GREENLEAF. Manager
cess and unlimited happiness is the wish
Res. 451b 70th fit. 8. K. Cor. 45th Ave
of all.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Another fish rack is being pot in at
Calle answered day or night in any part the dam on the Sandy river at Camp
of the city. Quick Anto Service, Fine Six. The first one was washed ont by
Equipment, l.mly Assistant.
the strong mountain stream which
Night Phon» R 1IM
Day Phons Tabor JSV2
sometimes raises very rapid! v.
Day Phone Lent* 11'21
heads are now running and a few have
already been caught that were ready to
We talk about the folly of killing the
Rhllnh Olirle No. 10, ledles ot G. A. R. meets goose that lays the golden egg but
Ist and M Salnnlay svenings in I. O. O. F,
hall, Lenta. Llllah Magri, Frea., Carri« what a boot the heavy taxes imposed on
the farmer who is the man that we de­
Ingles, ♦re'y.
Hulteen &
UkMSS IsBssCs fefe. wttLsws
I’m on the Lookout
F. F
Senator l^tiyon of Iowa, one of the
states hardest hit by the late epidemic
of hog cholera, has proposed that the
federal government appropriate SI.-
000.000 for the purpose of fighting the
disease. The bulk of the money would
he used In the equipment of labors
torles for, the manufacture of the hog
cholera serum. The suggestion Is a
moat practical one and would be a
vastly more sensible disposal of this
amount of money than if tt were put
into river and harbor improvements
that never nmount to anything or into
♦100,000 poetoffice buildings for one
horse towns.
Stoves, ranges, furniture, cooking
utensels and all kinds of household
goods new and second hand. Lovetts,
10« Main St.
a : i P ( h ;
Tailor to
Men and
■tat« of Ohio, city of Toledo,
Lucas County,
Frank J. Chen«y makes oath that he fe
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney
A Co., doing business in the City of To­
ledo, County and State aforesaid, and
that said firm will par the sum of ONE
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev­
ery r ase of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE.
Sworn to before me and subscribed tn
my presence, this Sth day of December.
A. D IM*.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cur« la taken internally
and acta directly upon the blood and mu-
<r>iM surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENET A CO.. Toledo, a.
Sold by all Druggists. 7Sc.
Take Hell'« Vamilr Hile for constipation.
Window glass at Lovett's, UM Main
Republican Ticket
Blacksmithing and
18th District
Remember the Name—BOHNA
Ice Cream, Sedas and Soft Drinks at Our Fountain
We Lead—othersjhaveto follow rather thanclwethe doors
3 of the largest loaves of hot broad for 10c
Hundreds of thousands are enjoying the result of
our baking, give us a trial and be convinced.
Brugger’s Bakery
The Old Time Lents Baker, Formerly the Mt. Scott Bakery
Remember we Have Changed the Name to Brugger’s Bakery
0 Discount
On Any New Suit, Ladies or Gent's
Usual Quality and Make
No Stamps, You Get the Discount
Main St. Lents
In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association
Oregon Fire| Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual
Fire, American Life and Accident In-
surance of Portland
John Brown, Gresham, Ore
Of High Grade Whiskey
It Leads to
Low Grade Drunkenness
The Young Emancipators
We Give S. A tf. Green Trad­
ing Stamps
Foster Road Next Door
to P. O.
Lents Sta., Portland, Oregon
- Herald'Advertising’Pays