Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 19, 1914, Image 1

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Voten* Mu»t Register
at the Court House
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
The following eurepl from tiie report |
No. 12
While your lively paper is urging tiie Proposed Program Planned
needed ¿improvement of Foster Roa<i.
i cat to < >*vg<>n < irangev* and w age-earner*
1 who have t*en misled a* to the (wxwi-
Mr. Editor—I want to nay something cal effect «4 pr<>iiibiti*i* of J>aid cisnwl-
about the road building fniswiew* and 1 I ation of pet*ion* :
"The fart that circulators of petite mm
would lib* lor you to put kt in tha
1 don’t know much about writ­ i «mat do tlieir work voluntarily and with- |
ing for papers but maybe you cast print 1 out reniuneraMoii will cartainly test the |
it anyway. 1 live over here ou the {«gnritof wllliagiMw ami interest of th* |
Powell Valiev road and I bear they are meiutMoah ip <4 all orgaouaUon>>
While !
going to give tbi* rood a hard surface, we feel that thia restriction fun place,! '
whatever »hat means- and make ua i
' a Iwavy t>ur>len upon individual* in the
far were who live along the road pay for I
of volunteer work, yet upon U m - most
over haM of it. That ia wo will «tend a
careful analyst*, we are convinced that
epecial levy to pay lor ball <rf tire saad,
Ute intereac mire to tn* manifested by ths
and then pay our part of «tie peaneral
.yt.UUO wag,- earner* ami farmer* united
levy which will mean that wo will pay
under our respective banner* will make
more than baW of the cost of the road,
I poasiiilr Um lurnw of this undertaking
which I think ie not fair. When a road
Hpecial interest will not in our belief,
like the Powell Valley ie improved M ' lie able under any circuniktances, to ’
help* the whole county and the whole
; initiate legislation detrimental to public .
county ehould help to pay for it.
i interest* ¡ hu U* c of thi* raetriction |
have been watching thi* road buiinee*
against the payment of petition circul-
tor a long time.
Powell Valley w»s I ator*. In any of the state* wlwre money :
given a coat of gravel 28 year* ago. That
| can be frtoly used for these purposes, a
laeted pretty well until about eix year* great portion of the time and energies of'
ago when ti>e automobile came into
' public spirited organisation* ia tteeessar-
fashion. .Hinee that time the road haa
I ily devoted to killing off legislation mb-
t>een retmilt twice at a coat that in each
I milted by special interests through Ute
instance exceeded the original coet of I use of tinatxv* always at Uteir command
the road and it* coal of gravel.
It ie I for tiie liltsral payment ot petitiou cir­
about ready to have a new drawing. If
culator* and publicity gaineil by the
we are to have a road that will reeiel | power of money upon the public pre**.”
wear of automobile* it will have to lie
something very different from what they
ar« putting on now and tf they are go­
ing to Improve all the road* in the
county with a non-waar oul «urface the
county will go bankrupt before It ia
half done.
Within the
six «reek* especially
!f wa don't improve them all there
To the Editor of the Mt. Scott Herald—
“OM Timer Gives HU Views on 1 of Utr ierislative committee of tltefreder- I
Proposed Hoad Improvement Plans. •lion ol I Aitor at the nwant «eewm at |
I HayiiKiod, Wa»hia«toii, will be <4 iiiter-
Vol. 12.
"1 ■
—Bradley in Chicago Nawc
will be no room on the improved road | the Mountain View Ref* kali lxxige of
for farmer* and horeee and wagon*
It ^rfgla |IM developed an excepionally tine
ie hard enough now to drivei along road.
The meeting held with the lant*
with machines running at 60 milee an
hour. With fewer Improved roads g i preparing to the work they now put on Grange Saturday wa* one of the best in
fellow would »imply have to get off the |*> well a »bort time but tiu-y an- be-
its history. Th* morping session wa*
I have' (joining quite proficient. Th«- team is
road that waa improved.
devoted to bnsinea* and to the instruc­
thought »oroe of propoaing a road *o especially noticairle in tiie uniformity of
tion of several candidato* in the first,
that one (ide of it would be need for size of it* member« anti in the splendid
automobile* and one »ide for horeee. manner in wlilch the lecture* are given, and Mv-ond degree*. After one of the
That would coet a good deal but that I aside from the excellent floor work. best of grange banquets Following thi*
eretn* to be tile only way unlee* we do Bro. J. J. Jnhnaon ha* acted a* drill there wa* a meeting of several of the
like they do in eome part* of California. in art er and a* it usual with hi* drill
master* and lecturer* (4 the various
1 wa* at Oakland last year an>l went to aork. it evidence« gr**l work all around.
grange* of the county. The literary
ride in a carriage. I noon found that
automobile* did not drive on our road. 1 the ordinary dren* of tiie inemlwr* but program opened up by a grange song.
They had a road of their own, lor four­ they have arranged to all drew in the A memorial wa* given by A. F. Miller
teen mile* that coat $100,01)0. and they name color, and the simplicity of it all on the life of Bister Roberts, deceased,
did not let wagon* go on it. If the auto­ i* one of it* most admirable feature*.
and resolutions of condolence .were
mobile fellow* are eo darned anxious to
have a high-priced road why not let LADIES AID OF BAPTIST
Mr. liarnall offered a short explana­
them build it themselves
1 wa* in
tion relative to a lecture prise and ex­
planation of the decision to provide two
Iowa not long ago and they told me
that automobile* paid a state horse I
piece* of regalia for the grange and
On Friday night of last week the ttiese piece* were presented to the Lec­
power tax and the tax that year wa*
I used to live there, near j I-adies' Aid Society of the Baptist turer of the grange and it* Chaplain,
New Hampton. If we had a tax here | church had a very pleasant meeting. Mr». A. F. Miller, the first by virtue of
like that we could let the automobile The occasaion was the annual Meeting the Lecturer’* office having won th*
crowd build a road of their own and of the society. The meeting opned tor 1 prise, the second due to Mr*. Miller
then the other road* vould not coet eo I busineas, and the following officers | having best, in he; ofticisl poeithn
much. It ie eftaply impoeeible to build i were elected: President. Mrs. M. K. I longer than any other person of the
Merritt, Vice-President. Mrs. J. M. j grange.
all the roads good for them.
I notice that Mr. Holman *aye that Nelson. Secretary, Mrs. Ella Moore.
After thia there wa* a violin *olo by
taxes are not eo high thie year a* last. Treasurer, Mrs. R. O. Horning. The Miss Chapman, accompanied by her
Well now I don’t eee that.
My taxee busineas wss followed by a social ses­ sitter, one or two recitations, an address
last year on 30 acre* wae $76. Thie i sion, consisting of Readings by the ■ by Judge Galena of the Juvenile Court,
vear they are $9‘>. Same ground, same I Mieses Frankie Nicbols and Eda Barker. that waa highly pleasing to al) those
personal, and same crop*,
i Ten years 1 instrumental music by Miss. Fay Hick- present, and a discussion by Mr*. Otto
ago my tax on 40 acre* wa* 127. Now ox, a vocal solo by Mr. Geo. Greenwell, Katsky on ’the “Moral Effect of the
it ie 195 on 30 acre* of it. Same ground, and a vocal duet by Mesdames R. O. Scrubbing Brush and the Paint Pot,’’
name crop*, same improvement*. *ame Horning and J. M. Nelson.
in which the lady made the finest
The program closjd with a supper in addre«* of her life.
stock. Il things keep on thi* way u*
It wa* a treat.
farmer* won’t be able to rai*f enough ! the basement to which about 50 of the
The session ended up in a miscel­
on the ground to pay texe*. let alone ; members and friends of the society sat | laneous discus*ion of various poi- t*
keep our families. These raise* have ' down. In token of the esteem o> the that ha<l been developed during the
been made on the class of road* we j members boquets of carnations were' program.
have been gett'ng
What will it be 1 presented to the retiring President. :
when we have to pay for more than Mrs. D. H. Willis and secretary. Mrs. j
Giants Defeated, 2 to 1
halt of the road, and the road* buil^ are W. M. Barker, through whose faithful |
The Lent* Giant* were defeated in a
more th*n twice or three time* a* costly. work the society has had a prosperous
It look* to me like the county officer* year. The-Treasurer reported 1182.20 very fast practice game Sunday by the
ought to n*e some senes ktioiit spending j raised for all purpose* during the year, Oregon law Sch>>ol, the score being 2 to
1. The game wa* full of features
money. land, maybe, he* got higher.,
----------- •--------------------
Lincoln for the law
You can’t raise any more potatoes or
Kansas Cub Will Meet
School «Howe,) 3 hits and Boland tor the
oat* on it, and after yon have raised
The next regular meeting of the
Boland pitched
them you can’t get a* much for them Oregon Kansas Club will be held Fri- Giants alloWed 3 hits.
as you cohid twenty yeare ago when . day evening, March 27 at Alisky Hall, three inning* and Webb and Souther­
taxe* were only a fourth a* much a* I Third and Morrison. There will be a land pitched three innings each, for the
they are to today.
abort program and “get acquainted”
Manager Forte says that he will have
I see it take* a remonstrance of over meeting.
the fastest team in the state thi* year,
half of the property owner* along the
so thing* look pretty b> ight for Lent*.
road* to be improved, or within one
The Eastern Star met last evening at Next Sunday the Giant* play the
mile of the road to prevent a road be­
Odd Fellow* hall with four officer* of Palace laundry and a verv fast game ie
ing improved on thi* plan.
If that is
high rank in attendance. Worthy (Irani! assured.
so we had better get up a petition at
Reinacker; Pant Wor by Grand Pa­
Line up for Oregon law School: ,
once demanding that the court shall
tron. Mr Evan*) Grand Secretary Nel­ Cn|i|ne, let h , Kelly. S. B., Appleate,
not make these improvement*. The
lie McKinley, and Grand Elector Clara c , Rushlas, cf, McDonald If., Mackenv,
ivsy the law is they can try the tame
I’ant Worthy Grand Patron, rf , Mullen, 3rd , Dudhur, 2nd, Lincoln,
thing again in a year. The idea seem*
Evan* »poke highly of the work of the p.
I.ine up for Giant*-.
A. Boland,
to he that they will keep at it and we
lodge here in l.ent*. After the meeting 2nd, B. White 1st, W. Webb cf.,
will forget or neglect to oppose the tax.
a dainty luncheon was nerved.
Jameson, 3rd, b. Boland, c., Forte. If.,
lam paying enough now. If the auto-
m' hile people of this connty want to two home rig to drive over the made. Gulliford, rf., E. Webb, S' S-P . M.
build * road for a pleasure drive, let We had just ' etter give them our Grins Boland p , Southerland, p.
A couple of day* last week were de­
voted to building bird nooses by the
sixth, seventh, and eighth grade pupils
of the Woodmere schools. Some of the
«oet unique productions < -er seen were
produced by tne boys and girls. Yes
girls. The Woodmere girls are learning
to use a hammer. Some ot them were
dainty little cottages. Others were
moa* covered caoin» built of tiny logs.
house*,“ house* with porches, fireplace,
flagpole* front step», and modern con­
veniences, except there were no plumb­
ing arrangements or electric fixtures.
Birds are not supposed to need those
All of this has a manifold value to the
young artisans. Not only are they de­
veloping skill with their hands, and
mot* kindly attitudes toward their fel­
low beings, but they are also uncon­
sciously being lead to love the many
thing* possible in and around every
home, if “we only think of it.”
not the least is the culture of the
imagination which is «> essential in all
these happy faculties that make life en­
The Goetx orchestra, assisted by Miss
Edith Turner ot Lents, gave s coneert
at the Lynch school house, on Section
Line road Friday evening, March 13th.
A full house greeted them, and while
every number was excellent, w* feel
that the violiu solo work of Miss
Turner, and the vocal numbers ren­
dered by Mrs. Goetx, deserve especial
mention. All preeent expressed them­
selves a* well pleased with the high
class musical treat.
Mr. and Mrs. Goetx were former
resident* of this place, ami are well and
favorablv known.
County Grance
The quarterly meeting of the County
Grange at Russelville, on Wedneedsy,
was one of the events of the year in
Grange history.
An unusually good
lime wae had, th* attendance good, and
the ntm *t good cheer prevailed. There
were resolutions and resolution*, lota to
talk about and plenty of orator*. The
debate on the initiative amendment*
held the greatest interest and wa* ably
handled by R W. Gill and W. H H.
Dr E C. Jose, Federal meat
inspector wa* present and gave an in­
teresting talk on inspection.
The evening session wae given to an
interesting program anu initiation of s
several candidates
Rneselvide sus­
tained its reputation as host.
Held Thursday, March 25 and 25,
I permit a reaiier to make a »uggestion
in School Assembly Halls at Arteta
■ relative to the name by which thia great
and Lents.
i thoroughfare is to tie known. There
apfiean to have been some thought of
Plans are about completed for a
' changing the name of the street to Foster
1 Boulevard in imitation of other eitiee general registration rally for Thursday
and of other sections of thi* city, which evening, March 2ixh at I-ents, and
' in their turn have imitated Paris.
March 25th at Arleta. Speakers are
I I hot« thi* will not be done, and am being signe>l up tor the dates by the
confident that many ocher residents of , Civic league officers. Dr. C. J. Smith
this part of Portland favor retaining and W. A. Carter, opposing candidates
the present name. Some of the reasons for governor, will be present at Lanta
for doing so I will endeavor to Hate. to make addresses
Arthur Languth
Tiie present name i» distinctive and has I will also probably come, and J. J. John­
a pretty quaintneea that it would tie a son has promised to come out.
pity to sacrifice. ■‘Road’’ is shorter than
The discussions will be on topics of
j “Boulevard,”
ia inevitably timely interest and will be for the pur­
' abbreviated when written into ’'Boni’’
pose of stimulating an intersst in regis-
I or “Bvd,” and in oral speech is corrupt­ II rat ion. Everybody will be invited to
ed into “buliyvard.”
attend, particularly those who have
If we have any regard for correctnees not registered and it ie bope<i that great
in the use of words we shall retain the good will come from the meetings. So­
word ‘ r<«d.’’ tieennse it ie accurate and cial organizations of various kinds are
descriptive, while "boulevard” means urged to call attention to this rally, and
Homething different from the highway of endeavor Io have a full room ready for
travel and couimeree this street ie de­ the speaker*.
stined to become. Originally the latter
One of the biggest errors of the entire
term referred to a bulwark, and then election season is the view that many
i to the public walk taking the place of take about the primary election More
i such fortification. It has now l<een ex­ than half the people interviewed re­
tended to mean a street of especial cently said they did not thiok they
width, parked at the sides or in tiie cen­ I would bother about the primary. As a
ter and provided with aeate, and not matter of fact the main reason for
used for lieavy teaming.
getting poor material on tbe ballot is
Actually Foster Road is to become a i that tbe voter* neglect tbe primaries.
great artery of trade and bnsinee*travel.
To be ready for the primaries it will
Over it will come into the city yearly in­ be necessary to register. Aad very few
creasing quantities of supplies from the people are registering. It is shown by
rich valley adjacent, and returning to , « house to house canvas of preci< rt 11."»
the farms will be hauled the goods and on Tuesday that about one gBrcrnt >4
implements required by the rural popula­ the women are registered, wh'lr the
tion. It is as a busineas highway that men make a little better sbow>og.
we welcome and value the developed house to house canvas will be necessary
road. How absurd then to affect to . in the end to secure tbe successful
regard it as a mere pleasure way.
registration of all the person* eligible,
There will ue plenty of pleasure driving j, There are still a lot of people at I.eota
over it, but thie is not the primary or who have failed to inform themselves
chief object of the road. Only to the that the recent registration by Mr.
unsophisticated will be die name ‘Foster Tobin was declare.! illegal, not through
Road’’ mean a neglected country high­ any fault of Mr. Tobin’s, but it was
way. Persons familiar with cities wliere discovered that the law required people
English is die language of the people, ’ of county seat town* should go to tbe
know that "road” is frequently em­ courthouse. They will find their regis­
ployed as a title of distinction and lend­ tration* here illegal and they ebonld go
ing variety to the “avenue,” "streets” at once to the court house ami register.
and-‘boulevards,” dial are so common.
Another mistake i* that a good many
Tottenham Court Road is one note! think tbev can be »worn in at tbe pri­
Loudon street that comes to mind. maries, and that will interfere eoneider-
Regent Road is the extension of Princes ■ ably. But the swearing in st the pri-
Street, Edinburgh. Melbourne Road ie is a risky undertaking.
It ie
a leicester highway. New York, Chicago, quite a task to get six freeholders to
Boston. Montreal and odier American take time to go to the poll*.
It ia a
cities have dieir paved and otherwise nuisance that will be found to be very
beautiful “roads,’’ “lanes’’ and “ways" annoying to all concerned.
then why should Mt. Scot ter* fear to be
countrified unless they tack on a French
Surprise Party
name which they cannot pronounce and
A pleasant surprise was given toMn.
which will be a burden and incumbrance
a* long as English is spoken and Port­ Ida Carter, by the Woodmen of Wood­
craft, at the home of Mrs. Tussey on
land stands?
If there is a warning needed, see the Monday afternoon. Mr* Carter leaves
burlesque that has been nia<leof “Sandy soon to make her home in California.
Road.” That name is not particularly A dainty lunch was served by the host­
refreshing; but “Sandy Boulevard” is a ess and a pleasant afternoon spent by
fiat contradiction of terms if one would all.
She was presented with a glass bowl
regard the name seriously, and scream­
ingly funny as a joke. I .ora C. Little. and set of orange spoons by the mem­
bers of Woodcraft, who regret her
departure, but she takes to her new
home the good wishes of all who know
Fanners Will Organize
Saturday, April 4, ia the date set for a
concert at the Arleta school for tbe
b« nefit of thé Athletic Association. This
club i* composed of tbe older boys of
tiu- school and a numiier of young men
who are not in school.
The boy* <le-
aiie some money with which to par­
eil ue mat*, etc., which they need in
their gymnasium work. Through the
kindness of Fredrick E. Chapman, thi*
entertainment ba* been arranged. Tbe
' admission i* 10 cents and all persons
who favor thi* healthful recreation for
boy* and young men are asked to aid
tbi* cause by purchasing a ticket. The
concert is well worth the price and the
entire proceeds will be need to equip
the gymnasium.
Farmers of Powell Valley have arrang­
ed to organize the Powell Valley De­
velopment Association to market the
produce of the valley with system and
dispatch. A meeting will be''held in
tbe Gresham library March 26. Com­
mittees from < 4resham Grange, Gresham
Commercial Chib and the women’s
Council of Voters will arrange the
Veteran Passes to His Reward
The city fruit tree inspector wa* out
through Lent* and vicinity a short time
ago and a g'xxl many people were noti­
fied to sp-ay their trees or have them
cut down by th* city. Mr. Geialer says
he has sold about a barrel of lima and
sulphur spray in *iuali lota frosa a quart
to a gallon. And aa spraying ie a good
thing for tbe tree* we <-e*tainly ought
to have better fruit this »nmmer.
Died, Henry Dorman, 115 years of
age, a veteran of tbe Mexican war and
of tbs Civil war at Liberal, Mo., March
It), 1814. Thie i* the story borne to
Mr*. Frank Fish of Lenta. Mr. Dorman
was her grandfather, th* father of four
boy* and two girls, only two nt whom
are living.
David Dorman, now SO
year* ot age, of South Rend, Ind., is
Mr*. Fish's father.
She has two pic­
tures of her grandfather at 110 and 112
yeais of *ge.
Tbe Parent-Teacher* club will meet
Robt. Chapman and wife boast of a
them al) help to pay for it and not try and try beating our way awhi'e our­
Mrs. E. J. Woods of Bay City is visit­ new girl in their home on south Msin : Friday afternoon at 2:45. All parents
to saddle over half of i onto ua fanners selves. And Mr. Holman want* to be
1 are requested to be preeent.
ing her cousin* Mr*. Geo. Spring.
ont here who have not even a decent commieaioner again—John Moll.
Social Entertainment
On March 27, a play will t>e given by
the “King’s Daughters’’ ol tbe Millard
Avenue Presbyterian chnwh. The play
will lie followed by a »ocial entertain­
ment. Ail ar* cordially invited to
Mr». F. M Gat»*, bujwnntendent of
the Primary Department of tbe Metho­
dist Bunday School i* planning for an
interesting Eaatar service from that de­