Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 12, 1914, Image 7

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and Dairy Produce
•f all kinds wasted.
Writ* far «M
dandruff ,
Pearson-Page Co. ’oiSioi®
Bouabt. Kid and «xrhanssd: snslsK. Iw.Uars
••«mill.. •!<•. H.nd for Stuck Liat •>«! I'rleos.
IHk J. K. MAKTIN CO„ M 1st Ml., fdrlland. (hr
Haver Under Any Clrcumetancee Un>
dsrtake to Thaw Explosives Be­
fore Flee or In Stove—Alwaye
Follow Printed Directions.
In the use of dynamite for ridding
land of stumps, one cannot be too
-areful in handling tho dynamite and
the cape need to eet it off. If good
' ludgment In used, It may be handled
J with perfect safety. It should be
stored In a dry, well ventilated place,
. whore the temperature will not rise
' above 90 degrees F. Tho caps should
bo kept In a separate place, as they
are much easier set off than the dyne-
J mite. It Is unnecessary to tell moat
persons that dynamite should be pro-
i tocted from heavy Jars, and should
not be stored where any shooting Is
likely to be done. A few years ago
a carload of dynamite was exploded
Couldn’t Resist.
at Jellico, Tenn., by a boy flring Into
A trained oatrieh recently tllucon- tbo car with a 22callber rifle.
carted Ila exhibitor at u Ixiudon music
Most dynamite freezes nt a tem­
hall by continually endeavoring to
break away from all rtmtrainl and to perature between 40 and 60 degrees
climb over the footlights Into the or F. Some brands will freeze at about
the freezing point of water. Frozen
Cheat ra.
The widely advertised act came to a dynamite should not be used. Never
sudden end, and the professor emerged attempt to thaw It until printed di­
from behind the curtain and apologis­ rections, which come with every box
ed for the actions of his pot In about (and If no directions are incloaed, ob­
these words:
tain them from your dealer), bare
"Toadies and gentlemen: Hi am very
sorry to disappoint you this heventng. been thoroughly studied.
Never under any circumstances un­
We are compelled to cease our
hengagoment until tho management dertake to thaw dynamite before a
Ore or in a stove.
bengages a new orchestra leader.
“The one al present hemployed ‘as
About the only tools needed are
no 'air on top of ‘Is 'cad, and my bird an augur and a tamping rod. An old
taken hit for a begg."—Philadelphia broom or hoe handle are satisfactory.
Public Ixrdgor.
Never use a hammer or any other ob­
ject for driving the tamping rod.
Free to Osr Headers
The hole Is bored at an angle of
Writs Mnriae Xys UemedrXto., < hlrs<e, for
tepas« lllu.irstea Kre ifm-k Free. Write all about 45 degrees, so that the charge
about Your Kye Trouble and thrjr will s-lvles
as to lbs proper Application of the Murine
gys Menie*lire In Vour Hpeclid Case. Your
Druggist will tell you that Murlus Kelleree
Boro Kye*, strength««* Weak Byes, lloe.n't
Smart. Soothes Kye rain, and sella for Wo.
Try It In lour Byesaad In Baby's gyss lot
Scaly Byalhls sod Grsuulatlou.
Poor Man.
President Elliott of the New Haver
railroad, condemning socialism, said:
“Man la an acquisitive animal, and
socialism can't come till he loses his i
acquisitiveness. That will be never.
Position of Auger In Boring Hole.
“The seven ages of man have been
well tabulated by aomebody or other
will come under the center of the
on an acquisitive basis. Thus:
stump. If stumps are hollow, of
" ‘First ago—Sees the earth.
course the charge will have to be
" ‘Second ago—Wants it.
” ‘Third age—Hustles to get It.
located under some flrm part of the
" ‘Fourth age—Decides to be satis stump. Some blasters throw a log
fled with only about half of It.
chain tightly around the hollow
“ ‘Fifth age—Becomes still more I stumps to facilitate their removal.
The amount of dynamite to be used
" 'Sixth age—Now content to pos­
¿spends upon several conditions: The
sess a slx by two atrip of IL
" 'Seventh age—Gets tho strip.' ’’— character of the stump; the character
of the soil, and whether it Is wet or
Now York Tribune.
dry; whether the stump is green or
In proportion to its weight Califor­ partly decayed, and the nature of the
nia redwood is the strongest conifer root system. Therefore it is mani­
so far tested at the United States for festly Impossible to give specific direc­
est products laboratory. Thia strength
tions as to tho amount of dynamite to
is duo to Its long fibers.
be used. The amount of dynamite re­
Madras, Indin. han nn electric street quired to blow stumps of the same
railway with 14 miles of track, etn kind In tbo same soil does not Vary
ploying 700 persons.
directly with the diameter, but more
nearly with the square of the diame­
ter, or, in other words, with the area
of a cross sectibn of the stump. The
area of a cross section of a stump 48
Inches in diameter is 16 times as great
as the area of a cross section of a
It Is now conceded by physclans stump 12 inches in diameter. How­
that the kidneys should have more at­ ever, only judgment developed by ex­
tention as they control the other or­ perience can determine how much of
gana to a remarkable degree and do a
the explosive shall be used in a given
tremendous amount of work In remov­
ing the poisons and waste matter from case. The blowing of green stumpB
Is from two and one half to three
the system by filtering the blood.
During the winter months especial- times as great as for dead ones.
ly, when we live an indoor life, the
kidneys should roceivo some assist­
ance when needed, as we take less
exercise, drink less water and often
eat more rich heavy food, thereby Only Sufficient Food 8hould Be Given
to Keep the Birds In Good
forcing the kidneys to do more work
Healthy Condition.
than Nature Intended. Evidence of
kidney trouble, such ns lame back, an­
noying bladder troubles, smarting or (By C. E. BROWN. Poultryman, North­
burning, brick-dust or sediment, sal­
west Experiment Station, Crookston,
low complexion, rheumatism, may be
weak or Irregular heart action, warns
During the winter season the stock
you that your kidneys require help turkeys should be fed and watered
Immediately to avoid more serious
twice a day.
Only sufflcient food
Many physicians claim that an her should be given to keep them In good
bal medicine containing no minerals healthy condition. When winter Is
or opiates has the most healing Influ­ over it Is advisable to feed them a
ence. An Ideal herbal compound that small amount of grain each evening
has TTri.l most remarkable success ns to encourage them to return to their
a kidney nnd bladder remedy Is Dr. roosting quarters and thus prevent
Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot.
them from wandering away with other
You may receive a sample bottle ol
flocks. The following ration Is a good
Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., ons for the turkeys: Mix equal parts
and enclose ten cents; also mention by weight of corn or barley, oats and
wheat screenings, and In addition to
this paper.
this green food should be supplied
once a day. For this purpose mangels,
cabbage or clover leaves are the best
Grit and water should be supplied al
all times.
Make Your Boy
him play in overall«
never a care in the
and you will make
him a healthy, happy boy.
Be sure to buy him
Two-Horte Brand
The kind that Is made
for comfort and long wear.
F. N. U.
No. 11, ’14.
WHBN writiM te Uorllxn. «I.H
' IIIM. |»«OT.
Valuabls Clover Crop.
As a soiling crop, to be hauled di­
rect from the field to the manger,
clover has no equal, except possibly
alfalfa. As a green manure crop, 11
Is especially valuable. As a usual
thing, failures with clover can be at
trlbuted to a lack of knowledge, or
inattention to, the details of its grow
Ing. It is to the apparently "littls
things” that ths most successful
".lover growers attrlftite their success
Breeding Placet.
The old decaying apple trees In the
orchard are veritable breeding places
for all sorts of fruit pests. Keep them
well chopped out, using them for fire­
wood this winter and replacing them
with new, healthy trees.
Paddock for Stallion.
Every station should have a paddock
to run In, especially if he does not
get regular exercise.
Only Accurate Way Is by Use of Milk
Bave your Halrl Get a 26csnt bottle
Scales and Babcock Test—Busi­
of Danderins right now—Also
ness Methode Necessary,
stops Itching scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
balr Is mute evidence of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf.
There Is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs tbs hair
of its lustre. Its strength und its very
life; eventually producing a feverish-
ness and itching of the scalp, which
if not remedied causes the balr roots
to shrink, loosen and die—then the
hair falls out fast. A little Danderlne
tonight—now—any time—will surely
eave your hair.
Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton’s
Danderlne from any drug store. You
surely can have beautiful* hair and
lots of it If you will just try a little
Danderlne. Save your hair! Try ill
A Sign of Poverty.
They were talking about poverty a
few evenings ago, when Congressman
Gilbert N. Haugen of Iowa told of an
Impression a man from the rural wilds
once got on visiting the city.
The rurallte, tbo congressman said,
had gone to tho town on a long an­
ticipated visit, and when he returned
he had much to relate of city ways and
what he saw.
‘‘They put on all kinds of fancy
frill» up there,“ he narrated to the
eager crowd at the corner store, "but
I don’t believe they bev got half the
money they pretend ter hev.”
“Well, do tell," wonderlngly ex­
claimed one of the eager listeners.
"Ye don't really mean It, Jake?"
"Yfiits," was the convincing rejoin­
der of Jake. "One night I went by a
house thet looked purty big, but jes
ther same tber people in it were so
darned poor thet two wlmmen was
playin' on one planner."—Philadelphia
The value of a dairy co* depend*
ipon the amount of milk and butter
fat she produces and the quality of
calves she raises as compared with
the cost of her keep. Judges of dairy
cattle can in the majority of cases
' «elect very good cows from very poor
ones, but In the Intermediate grades
' even men most familiar with the so- i
called dairy type make grave mi»-'
take«. If there were no other means :
1 of judging the value of dairy cows ex- j
cept by external appearance«, profit«
In dairying would be more a matter of
chance than 1« now the case. TheI
only accurate way we have of deter­
mining the value of dairy cow« 1« by
the use of the milk «calcs and the Bab-
“Blue” Feeling BSti
yO|ir gyttei’» wsy
•f telegraphing yon that something 1» WRONG aad needs HELP.
It may be that your liver la tired and refuses to work, or vour
digestive organa have had too much to do and need care. Perhaps
you have been eating the wrong kind of food, and your blood la too
rich or tmpoveriabod. What you need is a tonic.
Dr. pierce’»
Golden Medical Discovery
will give the required aid. Tones th« entire system. The week stomach is
Blade strong. The liver vibrates with now life. The blood l«< cleansed of all
impurities and carries renewed health to «vary vein and nerve and muscle and
organ of the body. No more attacks of
the "blue».” Lit« becomes worth while
again, and hope takes place of despair.
Jnxlat on (jetting Dr. Pierce’»
Golden Medical Diecooery.
Sold by dealer» in medicine».
World". Diapmaar»
M'dual A-tuiaiitm.
Australian shipments to the Units*
States are expected by the Oceania
Steamship company to increase rapid­
"Pape’s Diapepsln” makes 8lck, Sour, ly under the new American tariff
which Is causing that line to plan •
Gassy 8tomachs surely feel fine
new 10,000-ton vessel for the txan»
In five minutes.
pacific service.
A Graphic Illustration at a State Fair.
The Exhibit Showed the Amount of
Butter Produced by Three Cows—
A Poor, ■ Good and an Exception­
ally Good Cow. The Amount» Pro­
duced Were 12 Pounde, 360 Pounde
and 800 Pounde, Reepectlvely. In
Which Claw Are Your Cow»?
If what you just ate Is souring on
your s’otnach or Ilea yke a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas, and eructate »our, undigested
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
in mouth and stomach-headache, you
can get blessed relief in five minutes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large flfty-cent case of
Pape's Dupepsln from any drug store.
You realize In five minutes how need­
less it is to suffer from indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It’s the quickest, surest stomach doc­
tor in the world. It’s wonderful.
Until recently the greatest oceaa
depth known was south of the Island
of Guam—9635 meters. A few month»
agp the German Imperial ship Planet
found a depth of 9780 meters 40 mils»
north of the Island of Mindanao.
Makes canaries stew ■
restores thetr Sealite
end teeth- r*. Tie tea
lock test With this clean, accurate
great Mcret «4 the A*.
dreasberg. 5vtd by all dr aggiete.
and convenient method of finding the
Mailed lor ifiC- in coin or etamp*. ,
:’st content of milk, no dairyman can
t»o pages. 150 lllust ratios*, a ptate
afford not to know just what hi» cow»
ot fancy canaries in their csteraS
are doing.
colors. Full Information aa to senw
•nd rare canaries. How to br »s<
The desirability of testing cow» has
them for profit. Hints oa their
been urged for many year». Scores
dises**« and how to care them
To »real. In Now Shoes.
All about Parrots end how to teach
Alwsy« .hake In Allen'« Foot- cut. a powder. of example» could be cited where test­
More than one-half of the money de­
them to talk, nailed for ««c. er
It cure« hot. Shooting, aching, «wollen (eet ing baa meant Increased profit«.
for 35c. Phlla Bird Food Car.
Cures corn«. Ingrowing nail« and bunion«. At
♦OON. ¿rd St, Philadelphia, Pa.
ill drtigglvta and shoe steres, 26<-. Doni tu-cept I is generally accepted that many dairy collected from Londoner».
tny •ulatltule. Hampie mal><lFKEL. Add real I cows yield inadequate returns and
Alloa H.Olm»ted. tot Kor.N. Y.
that their removal from the herd
True Art,
' would be a profit. The easy means of 1
A painter of the “impressionist” detecting the "robbers" (the Babcock
school Is now confined in a lunatic test and scales) are well known and |
asylum. To all persons who visit his
yet some dairymen go right on letting
studio be says, “Look here, this Is
the latest masterpiece of my composi­ the old cow pay what she wishes for
tion.” They look, and see nothing but : her feed. It 1« not enough that the
an expanse of bare canvas. They ask: herd pay a profit Each cow in the
"What does that represent?” "That? herd should be contributing her share
Why, that represents the passage of toward the total profit Until dairy­
the Jews through the Bed sea.” “Beg men come to recognize that adequate
pardon, but where is the sea?” “It business methods are necessary they
has been driven back." "And where need not hope for success.
* * The directions sey*, its good for
are the Jews?" “They have crossed
lumbago too,— Sloan’s cured my
over.” “And the Egyptians?” “Will
rheumatism; I’ve used it and I
be here directly. That's the sort of PLANT AND FRUIT DISEASES
know.” Do you us« Sloan’s?
painting 1 like—simple, suggestive and
Many People Still Ignorant of Benefits
Here’s Proof.
"1 had my back hurt in the Boer War
to Be Derived by Spraying for
ago I was bit by a street
Fungus, 8cab, Etc.
car. I tried all kinds ot dope without
yonr Liniment in a drug
that have been relieved in the past 75
store and got a bottle to try. The first
instant relief, and now
years by Wright's Indian Vegetable
given In recent years to the subject;
except for a little stitTne«, I am almost
Well. — flMchee Aenaoa. * Jumer. Cai/.
Pills and decide whether they are not of plant and fruit diseases and the
Instant Relief from Sciatica
worth a trial. They regulate the demonstration of the value of spray­
“ I was kept in bed with sciatica since
bowels, stimulate the liver and purify ing, it Is surprising how many people
the first of February, but I had almost fts-
stant relief when I tried your Liniment,"
there are who still imagine that sooty
the blood. Adv.
—F. B. Hafakuu. Fnnkjon. Ky.
' fungus, blotch, scab, etc., are only
Willie was struggling through the natural characteristic» of the fruit,
"As a user of your Liniment for the last 15 years. I can aay It la one of the beat aa
story In his reading lesson. “No, said and who seem slow to believe that
the market. Fifteen years ago I sprained my ankle and had to use crutches, and
the captain,” he read, “it was not a such Imperfections may be prevented
the doctors said I would always be lame. A friend adriaed me to try yoar Liniment
and after u-ung it night and morning for three months I could walk without a cane
sloop It was a larger vessel. By the to a large extent by thorough appli­
run aa good as any of the other firemen in my department. I hare never been
rig I judged her to be a-a-a-a-a-a—”
without a buttle uuca that tune.”—Re- * dliam U. Bnm*, CaauW blip, N. I.
cations of fungicides, writes W. Bal­
The word was new to him.
lard of the Maryland experiment sta­
"Barque,” supplied the teacher.
Still Willie hesitated.
In the same connection he also
“Barque!” repeated the teacher,
states that the Ilme-sulpbur solution
thlB time sharply.
Willie looked as though he had not was not as effective as a summer
heard aright. Then, with an appre­ spray as the Bordeaux mixture in that
hensive glance around the class, he
"Bow-wowI”—Detroit Free Press.
Putnam Fadeless Dyes color in
cold water.
The countess of Warwick astounded
a gathering made up largely of society
recently by an address in which she
said she never wears feathers or the
plumage of birds, or furs, owing to the
cruelty of the fur trade, adding:
"I do not want dead birds or beasts
Sprayed Apples.
hung around me as a decoration.”
The countess was speaking in sup­ section of Maryland where the station
port of the movement for bird preser­ Is located, and suggests that to es­
cape Bordeaux injury that the first
two sprayings after the petals have
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regu­ fallen
late and invigorate stomach, liver and should be used and the latter spray­
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, ings.
easy to take as candy.
When the fruit Is near maturity and
less liable to suffer from Bordeaux
"Reasonable” Defined.
"What do you understand by the Injury the Bordeaux spraying» should
word 'reasonable'?"
i be made.
"Reasonable,” replied Mr. Dustin
8’ax, " Is an adjective that may be ap­
plied to any theory or request that I USE OF GREEN FERTILIZERS
may have to present"
Most Approved Method of Renewing
Depleted 8oll Is by Plowing Under
Some Green Crop.
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
The plowing under of green crops
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
like peas, oats, clover, alfalfa and !
Breath—Candy Cathartic.
other grasses, is, next to a liberal use
of barnyard manure, the most ap­
No odds how bad your liver, stom­
proved method of renewing a depleted
ach or bowels; how much your head soil, and of ‘maintaining the fertility
aches, how miserable you are from of new land.
constipation. Indigestion, biliousness
Where this Is practiced In connec­
and sluggish bowels—you always get tion with a rotation of crops tht^e
relief with Cascarets.
They Imme­ need be no fear of any deterioration
diately cleanse and regulate the stom­ In the soil. Indeed, if a sufficiency of
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food live stock is kept and the products
and foul gases; take the excess bile of the farm mainly transformed Into
from the liver and carry off the con­ beef, mutton and poultry before being
stipated waste matter and poison sold, the land will grow richer and
from the Intestines and bowels. A more valuable with each successive
10-cent box from your druggist will year.
keep your liver and bowels clean;
stomach sweet and bead clear for
Profitable Cows.
months. They work while you sleep.
In a profitable dairy herd some
cows may be good enough to pay their
Man’s Setbacks.
own board bill and that of two or
Men never get a fair deal. If, for
Instance, a baby happens to have a 'three unprofitable cows as well. They
good disposition, every one will Insist esn all be made to pay by the use ot
that It takes after Its mother.—Atchi­ scales and the Babcock test.
son Globe.
8eH* ths Poor Sheep.
Have you any sheep that are not
paying their keep? Sell them off. Half
Btst Ce ««h Byrnp. TantM O l 4. U m
a dozen poor sheep make a big hole
In time. Bold by Dmrrists.
in your profit, especially if you keep '
a small flock.
At all Dealers. Price 25c., 50c. and 81.00
Sloan'» Instructive Book on hones, cattle, poultry and hogs, sent free.
Year rings on the scales of fish are
used in Norway and France to deter-
mine the age of sardines, whether they
have reached their full growth and
when they will spawn.
In Argentina it is possible to lease
not more than 49,421 acres of publl«
land and to purchase directly 617S
acres of pasture land or 494 acres ot
agricultural land.
More than 12,000,000 America” wesa-
New York last year registered 13V
en are affiliated with societies for 000 auto owners and collected 81,27V
mission .work in foreign fields.
000 in fees from them.
All Blood Disorders
Quickly Driven Away
Astoaishiog Results With tho Greatest Blood
Purifier Ever Discovered.
Strength, Power, Accomplishment are all Typified in S. S. S.
Bom» blood disorders become deeply
Footed In the glands and tissues, and the
mistake is made of resorting to drastic
flrugs. These only aggravate by causing
other and worse troubles. A host of peo­
ple know this to be true. They know
from painful experience.
To get right down Into where the blood
Is vitiated requires S. 8. 8. the greateat
blood purifier ever discovered.
This remarkable remedy contains one
Ingredient, the active purpose ot which is
to stimulate ths tissues to the healthy
selection of Its own essential nutriment
and ths medicinal elements of this match­
less blood purifier are just as essential to
well balanced health as the nutritious
elements of the meats, grains, fats and
sugars of our dally food.
Not only this, but If from ths presence
of some disturbing poison there Is a local
or general Interference of nutrition to
cause bolls, carbuncles, abscesses and
kindred troubles. 8. 8. 8. so directs ths
local cells that this poison is rejected aud
eliminated from their presence.
Then, too, 8. 8. 8. has such specMte
stimulation on these local cells as to prte
serve their mutual welfare and a prop*
relative assistance to each other.
In a very brief time 8. 8. 8. has th*
reconstructive process so under control
that remarkable changes are obeeved. AH
eruptive places heal, mysterious pains sn<8
aches have disappeared, and from head te
foot there Is a conscious sensation of re­
newed health.
From the fact that 8. 8. 8. to puret»
a botanical preparation. It Is accepted by
the weakest stomach and has great toate
Not one drop of drugs «er
minerals is used In Its prepsratlon. Ask
for 8. 8. 8. and insist upon having ft»
And If you desire skillful advles upon any
matter concerning the blood and skin
write to The Swift Specific Co, J05 Swift
Bldg, Atlanta, Oa. Do not allow aom*
sealous clerk to larrup the atmosphere tn
eloquence over something “Just as good**
as 8. 8. 8. I:«wxr« ot all counterfeits