»rATKMKNT MT. SCC )TT H PCR A LI ) LOCAL ANO PERSONAL ut the ttaenetal ooiidltton of Financial Statement INE MULTNOMAH STATE BANK at lent. Ma., Pori Ian«, In th. male el <>v«B i IXI.uai T4 Ti»TAl. UR Friend Newton Hedin 'honJe ,or “• ,nU worth •*“1' •* LIAIULITttiS managed to get in a good “'J" Capital Meck paM In 1 IA.M (io itarpliu fund l.nno 4» telling speech at the council meet- It ¡, the same way with hospitsl» t’ndlvltlml pr«*Ata. ............ ........... ÙÒ7 H ing la8t Friday in the interest of They evade taxation on the »core of ba­ reata 1 ae.lnaa .lepnalta | U sar M Individuai depnaita «ubjatil charitable institutions. Thev do a the up-country farmers, And 1 to vhvek .................... .ar...,. rv.a» o» , little charity work, the same as the they appreciated it But we are Priuand eerlim-a*M man who run» a har sometimes give» a German Evangelical Reformed Church ot depo.lt ................. I0.WV w afraid it was all in vain, tramp a drink, but all who can pay are S. School 10 A. M. German School Urrtlrtrd check» ................. HM) 0u day is not far distant when all i charged tothe limit in thoae institution» Saturday 10 A. M. Y. P. S. Wednesday I'aahlar check» ou tala nd Ing MH 1» Time certificate, of depo.ll I1.W3 io the animal food coming into I 1 and the truth i« every one is run, not * P. M. Sunday worship II A. M. total nKf-oerm T H. Schilaknecht. I*a«tor.ft Ave Iwnts 1 nu tn m Portland will have to come in as tor charity but for th» money. Not«» and billa redtaeoantad ........... » JOri 00 A bank is taxed on its capital stock live animals. In that we are be­ TOTAL ....................... * 1 ULlW Ú except when th» owners of the bank ttlate o( <>retun. Lents M. E. Church hind the times. Selling dressed own likewise realty, then to the -extent County of Muliiiootah. “ meats to local dealers, and of their realty, the tax on the stock is Preaching li A. M. and reception of 1. H. Boated. Caahler of the at>ovv named member». Services at Bennett Ch«|« khuwikdgr and bfUrt. H RtHilad. < a»hivr to Oregon and some parts of A wealthy man builds a 12)0,1100 Everybody go to church. Corrvel—A>tvM more in furni­ Washington. It dates back to house ami twits W Boyd Moose. l*»stor. c r. Hcndrirkaan ture within it. He is taxed at what the the time when the roads wrould bouse and furniture would bring at Henry liarkaoo M U Thorsen not permit of hauling a creditable ___________ But the m»r man in the Kern Park Chnstain Church Dir»’ct<»ra 8iilMM*rtbe4 aiuti »worn to bei« »re mr thi« *»tb ; load of live animals to market, bw cabin pay« full tax»» upon it. «9 s< «nd 4«t Ave. S E Bible School day ol March. ¡«1« w I"’ Klineman Delivering live animals at the A rich man loan« »l.ooo.ouo on 10 a m. Preaching Service 11 a. m. (8KAL) '««ary rubilo 1 market should be a popular way «*'rtgag»» in an onuide »tate, of mur^ and 7 :3 > p ni. Christain En de« vor ... . ,v__ • the state in which he live« ha» no lien of disposing of them in the lUK.n th4t> hnt ,he men wbo ,Mrrow ,he 8:30 p tn. Junior C, E. 11 a. m Mid- mate breeders in autumn Prayer Meeting Thursday 7:30 Nortwest It is rare indeed ' money have to pay tne taxes upon it in week Mill week Bible class Thursday p. m. when a farmer runs any risk of the outside state and have to send to #:15 p m. Many advocate mating the breed- losing a hoar on the wav to ,h owner of the mortgxga hi« interest, ing pen in February or early March. market from heat or crowding.! These are only sample, but they are One strong point against this prac- Arieia Baptist Church ... . sufficient to show that after the years for heat is never so excessive as o{ tr,al thw ig nfi where in Bn/epot Bible School next Sunday morning at , tice is that the change of location that. And the roads are as good under oar fiAg anything like fair taxa- 9:45. Preaching at 11 a. m. ami 7:30 often tends to check egg production here as they are anywhere in the tion. p. m. B. Y P. U. meeting at 8 15 p. m. for a time There are very few who Central States. On an average. Apparently the gemu« ol tnan has Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at »*y anything about the time when O At The Churches ___________________ ' never yet devised a plan through which :45. Ever welcome to any ami such taxes can be levied, and only one all of these services. ONE OF the ridiculous require- thing i« made dear which i« that the ments now being made of poor tnan who own a little property al- Lents'Baptist Church prospective voters is that they ’»r» w» “>.n hi. fair ratio of Lord*« Day service«, March 15. Bible shall give their ages when regis- Weekly. School. 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Thame: ‘‘Baptist«—What tering. Why should anyone be They are, and What They Believe required to disclose their ages, Young people*« meeting, ti:30 p. tn. particularly unmarried spinsters. Evening worship, 7:30p.tu. Theme: The essential, constitutional re­ "Who are Happy." A cordial welcome quirement is that they should be In «'«"ng to the answer of Pre«i- to all. J. M. Nelson, pastor twenty-one years of age. If we dent Wil*°n 10 the •»«r^.t. who NOTES OF THE W. C. T. U. are required to be twenty-one, "ke'1 h'01 40 take • stand upon the whose business is it how much , l,bat h\ w" nuvoc t _ _ suffrage issue whe ever it presents itself, just reason why a _ person should . , for - nothing . ’ . , ’ ; ' give« surer ground for be required to disclose a non- irriution. It ig doe to the gnffrBgigtg essential. It is about time some to meet them frankly and squarely, of these frills were lopped off the either in approval or disapproval.” statutes if they are there. If The Outlook point, out that Mr. Wilson they are not there, then the recommended a Federal officials might as well drop them form of hj, p.rty was silent, showing now as later. that he doe« as be please« when it -------------------------------- pleases him «o to do- The editor takes this oppor- The pre», in Cbicogn i. helping the tumty to make a public acknowl- dBy newg iu,mg of trBl It has come with a rush, _ ® 1 these representative, of royalty declare exceptionally mild winter has against disease breeding, tippling. May kept US in anticipation of some- their subject« follow the example of thing worse ahead for months Jtheir’over'?n8- Mi«« Broad ai«o quoted but the probability of a severe i thee“'*w “ n . . in the battlee that mar be waged in the Spell IS now past. future the successful army will tie the Lents Evangelical Church Morning worship 11 A. M. Subject; "The Hope of the gospel.’’ Evening worxhtp, 7 30P. M. Subject:Our Wicked Cities. S. 8. 9.45 A. M. Y. P. A. «30 P. M. "Enter into hie Gates with Thanksgiving.'* Strangers are cordially welcomed, j, * _ ~_L ''****? P CONKLIN. Pastor. 1 St Paul’s Episcopal Church St. Paul’« Episcopal Church, Wood- mere Station. Service« during I^nt will be ax follow» : Wednesday« at 1:30 the Ladie« Guild will meet in the church. At 3 p. m. on Wednesday* the Litarry followed by a «bort add res* by Rev. Taylor. Good Friday service« will be from noon until 3 p. tn. Easter Sunday, Holy Communion at 10:30 a. m. followed by sermon by Rev. | Taylor. Ah desiring to enter the con­ firmation class must send their name, to Mr. Fredric Ge«el) or Rev. Taylor. | Lents Friend’s Church Bible Schoo) 9:45 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Chrixtain Endeavor ♦* :3<»p. m. Preaching 7 :30 p. m , Sunday will be observed ax "Every Member Day" Special service and roll call at 11 a. m. Revival meeting« will begin Wednes­ day evening, March 18th. Rev O. B. Ong. an Evangeli«t of much power and strong personality, will be in charge. Everybody invited. John Riley, pastor. the breeder should start to pick out ! his birds preparatory to mating them together. Interest Paid on Tim Deposits The Multnomah State Bank UNITED STATES POSTAL DEPOSITORY Lents Sta., Portland, Oregon I Hay, Feed and Grain Washed Gravel, Sand ('.ET OUR PRICES Cement, Brick, Lime, Wall and Land Plaster M c K inley & This is, perhaps, the moat important part of all. A bird which has been sickly dur­ ing a part of the winter, or one which was slow in maturing or in Attention is called to our sworn state­ ment of condition published in this paper, and the substantial increase in our deposits since our last report, the same having now reached the $100,000.00 mark Our “Cash Reserve” is also the largest on record and far more than required by law. We wish to thank our friends and pat­ rons who have contributed to our splendid growth and trust that we may continue to merit your patronage and support. Respectfully, H. ROSTAD, Manager. I Block East r (W ; Home 31 IS Wall paper, Seta per roll and up. some way was not physically sound Caleomine. L vetta, lOfi Main Ht. while growing, and never reached its The t value« in home furnishing* at proper condition, may recover by loweat price»—Kenworthy 4 On., lenta spring so that it will appear sound enough to use as a breeder The re­ sult would be infertile eggs, chicks dying in the shell or soon after they are hatched, or becoming sickly or stunted throughout life. The breeder who waits until spring to form his breeding pen will not re­ member those fowls which have been sickly during the winter, so that he is very apt to pick out some of the birds which are not sound Pick out about twice the number of birds required for the breeding pen and place them in a separate coop and run. If this is done before they start laying in the fall no evil effects are likely to result from the change in location. Much attention should be given this flock, and every bird which shows the slightest defect in health should immediately be discard­ ed. Several birds are sure to be thrown out during the winter, •o there will be only a few over the re­ quired number The breeder will now be sure that he has sound birds to pick from The marked absence of chicks dying in the shell or soon after hatching, and the healthy appearance of the flock, together with the in­ creased rapidity with which the young stock matures, is sure to make every one who tries it a strong advocate of picking out the breeding birds in the fall—A. E. Vandervort, in Farm and Home. are out of the “high-rent dis­ trict”; no “buncomb piano checks” nor “trading stamp«.” We positively give you ¡more value at a less price than is possi­ ble to obtain elsewhere. Send us Best (Family Laxative the names of three or more Be«r«re of constipation. Use Or. King's New Lil» Pill« ami keep well. friends or neighbors who mitrht Mr«. Charles E. Smith, of West Frank­ be interested in a piano, player lin, Me., call« them "Our family laxa­ piano or Victrola, and we will tive." Nothing better for adults or aged Get them today, 25c. All send you and them a beautiful monthly art calendar forj 1914. Druggist« or by mail. I. f tackM« A C« SWMtipM st it A visit will be of mutual advant­ age. We will be pleased to Daily Mails demonstrate the “Christmas Mail« at the Lent« postoffice arrive player” action, which can be and depart ax follow« : easily installed in any piano,fand l*e|>art Arrive 8:»> A. M. makesany piano a “playor piano” 6:00 A. M. a pianist, Our 12 4AP. M or anybody 12:4OP. M. 3:10 P. M. 5:20 P. M i “auto” is at your service. Open evenings. Soule Bros. Piano A “Piano” For $10 Company. 388 Morrison street, Deposit: balance on easy pay­ I near Tenth.- Adv. ments. Let your “Christmas present’’ be a permanent one. Stubborn, Annoying Coughs Cured Let us prove to you a saving of "My husband had a rough for fifteen $25 to $100 on any piano you wish year« and my «on for eight years. Dr, to buy. Our system of selling King's New Discovery completely cured (or which 1 am mint thankful," insures satisfaction. Free tuning them, writex Mr«. David Moor, of Saginaw, and inspection for one year. We Ala. What Dr. King*« New Discovery offer you a good piano for $195 did for these men, it will do for you. (others would charge you $.300). Dr. King'« New Dix-ove-y should lie in Special offer for this week: First everv home. Stop« hacking cough«, re­ lieve« lx grippe «nd all throat and lung class player piano for $455 ailment». Money back if it fail«. All epi*er and salt. One wealthy member supplies the Mix the flour to a smooth |>e«te. add organ; another the altar or pulpit; It to the stock, leaving it to boil for others the stained windows; until when a quarter of an hour. Beat up the egg« completed the structure represents two and mix them gradually with a little thousand dollar« expended for pride for stock, then add them to the soup, stir­ every thousand expended for essential«. ring carefully for a few minute«, but without giving the wild hen« a chance But when it come« to levying taxes, the taking care that the soup does not boil, to fly out. When the chicken« are hatched each tax-gatherer ia warned away from the as this would curdle it. Herve with hen hax her own «belter and mn No structure because it is God’s house. But | little sippets of fried bread. fighting hen«, no hurrying to «hut up under its shadow is a little house and , How to Dry Clean White Hair. chicken« when a storm approach««. A lot. In the house is a tired woman and My some absorbent cotton over the woman can make one if «he so desire«. five babies, the husband and father be­ bristles of n wire h»lrlm«h. pushing ing away earning the money needed to It down until the bristles peni-tnite the feed and clothe the babies. Which does i cotton «nd it Ile« close to the bark of How to Make a Pretty Brassiere. any one think God holds dearest; the the brush. A few stroke« of this over A pretty braeaiere la made of alter woman and the five children and the the hnir will show hov. I >rge n quan­ note atrip« of lace and heading through husband and father away at work, or ' tity of dust can l»e takàn m> by the which wide ribbon la threaded. Ad­ the big church in the shadow of which ! cotton, leaving the hair bright, «oft justable «trap« are need for evening wear. the little home is situated? Still the •nd dean Do this every night. Ten Electric Generating Plants Widely scattered, have been built by the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company for the purpose of pro­ viding Where Located Portland (2) Oregon City RELIABLE Silverton Cazadero Estacada Bull Run X * to its patrons. Through high tension transmission lines, each of these gen­ erating plants are inter-communica­ tive, so that the service is insured against unforeseen interruptions. Boring St. Johns Salem Portland Railway Light & Power Company Broadway and Alder Streets PHONES: Marshall 6100; Home A-6131