Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 12, 1914, Image 1

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Voter» Must Register
at the Court House
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
iîîL ^rott ïîmilù
No. 11
---------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------
Informal Event, Chicken Supper and
Literary and Musical Program
Completes Most Interesting Meet­
According to schedule the opening of
Calkin* Hall at Gilbert Station was the
big event in this part of the county last
Hat unlay evening
The supper an«! pro­
gram waa under the direction* of the
Ladles Aid of the Bennett Chapel M.
K. Church an«! tbe Epworth league,
The supper took up a good part ot tbe
Genuine stews«!
chicken wa* the big testlire on tlie bill
ot fare. An<! gravy. There wa* pota­
toes, and kraut, and pick lee, and tea and
coffee, anti cream-—real cream th.'t
added to coffee developed that delight­
ful golden brown sha«le that makes von
want to empty the coffee tank.
ami cake, chocolate, layer cake, and
cream cake, real cream, too. My but
those people are careleee about their
cream. Why they seem to be as used
to using cream a* moat people are
about taking a bath in ordinary water.
Ami the way the provender did disap­
pear. It kept about two doaen women
red in the face trving to feed the crown.
Places at the table were al a premium
and there were no vacancies for a long
After the supper wa* done there wa*
one o’ tbe beat «ociala you ever aaw.
Just real old time country style. Crowd
moat quiet and courteous you ever saw.
Everybody visited and people who
came tn stay a half hour, or until they
relieved their physical distress warn
around there until ten thirty.
After the tablee were cleared away
the music waa brought out and the
young people got ready—no, no! The
music was a , bras* band.
boasts of a bran new bras* bend. Only
two weeks old. The only one tn the
county outside of Portland,
that? There are ten member* in the ban I
ami they are being lead by a leading
Portland musician. The first selection
to be delivere«i was, "My Country ’Tie
of Thee/' And they got an encore. In
fact moat everything got an encore, ex­
cept a few unfortunates who were sup-
jkmwx I to *|>eak extemporaneously.
low you will find tlie progam in full.
Sacred Bong........................... ...Audience
Prayer...... ........................ Bro. Moore
Recitation................................. Mis* Davis
Talk.................... .................... Bro. Moore
Violin and Organ Duet ..
Tlie Misses
Chapman ......................... ...........................
Duet ’’Savior Lead Me l^st I Stray,"
The Misaea Bluhm .....
Original Poem _________ Bro. McGrew
Music ..................... ............. ............ Band
Kong “My Ain Countrie" ................ Mr».
Anderson . ............... ..
Talk ....................Bro, Stanford Moore
Muaic, “Nearer My God".............. Band
Talk........................................ Mr. Darnell
Music................................................. Band
Talk,....Mr. Anderson, President of
the Development League ... ...............
Sung.........................“G«xi l>e With You"
As an outcome of the assault on John
Anderson, January 17, P. 1. Keith of
| Ards:, Park was placed under arrest
, W«dneedsv the 4th. Tbe preliminary
i was held Momiay afternoon in the die-
’ trict court. The evidence depended up­
on the point of whether Mr. Kleth wore
a mustache In January. Several wit-
nrsee« testified that be did not wear
III» neighbor acroee tbe street
says Kielb never wore a mustache.
man bv the natns of Campbell testified
that he did.
But it developed that
Campbell had a grudge against Keith
and Campbel"* own general character
will tie attacked wh»n be is caiied to
testify before tbe grand jury.
Tbe introduction of a steel rod about
a foot lonf seems to lisve had influence,
though there waa absolutely nothing
| shown to prove that Keith ever had
I lieen connected with It.
Keith was bound over to tbe grand
I jury under *5000 bond.
lie will have
J to wait In jail. That the action is un-
| just is the geueral sentiment among all
of Keith's acquaintances
Any num tier
can be found around Lents who are will-
i iug to testify that Keith never wore a
| mustache. Others feel that while An­
derson is hom-st in bis view of Keith's
lootinection with the case, and some of
those who lisve l>een most interested in
tbe matter and have talked it over re­
peatedly with Anderson, say they do
not liebeve he ha* wholly recovered
. from tbe tieshpg he got.
In tbe meantime Keith's sick wife
| and four children are wholly at the
mercy of charitable people. Two of tbe
children were sick with measles and the
mother waa calltel from her bed, being
down.witb lueasles, to attend tbe tri*).
M r*. Edith Tozier Weathered of the
I1 m Z h > a 7 iojj ^F
this y- ar and new talent I* coming for­
ward in abundance.
Manager Forte
states that the first game ol the season
will be played next Sunday, March T5,
the Oregon Law Team being lined up
against the Giants. Three or four new
men will try out, including, Mann in
the outer field and Sutherland a twirler
who come* to the Giants with a gilt
edge passport. Next Thursday evening
there will be a baseball meeting at the
residence of Manager Forte where the
situation will be gone over thoroughly.
Anyone interested in the baseball game
is asked to attend.
—Gag« in Philadelphia Praa«.
E. P. Tobin will be at the Herald
office Saturday after-noon to register
out-of-town people who would prefer to
come here rather than go to the court­
house. This arrangement ia made e*-
A* the open season for baseball an- i pecially by tbe Herald and we hope our
preaches, the player* and fans are full | friends will take advantage ol it.
member no city people need attem pl to
of baseball dope. The Lents Giant* the
f register here.
coming season will be stronger iu every
department than ever before. A few of I
last year’* player* will be on the team
J. G. McDougal and wife of Lent«
visited one of the Broadway theatre«
Tuesday evening, leaving their auto on
Yamhill near by.
Some time during
the evening a careless smoker dropped
tire in the gutter and it was communi­
cated to the machine, doing about *360
itf damage. Three division* of the fire
department were called out to put out
I he fire. The proprietor of the “New
Method Laundry'* will now travel afoot.
St. Patrick's Day, Tuesday March 17,
/rill be celebrated in fitting style by the
On Wednesday evening, March 4, a
representatipn of members from Lents
Manufacturer’* Association of Oregon Plans Formulating for Two Big
provided Evening Star Grange at their
Meetings, March 26 and 28.
last masting with a “Made in Oregon
Registration Day Boosters. Speak­
Dinner.’’ The gift was much appreci­
ing Program Planning.
ated by all, and they have our thanks
ami also those of the dinner committee.
Plan* are being completed by which
Tbe day was fine and the attendance
waa large.
Lent* and Arieta will be treated to dis­
Mr*. Weathered in a nice little speech cussion* from several ol the leading
told about Oregon made good*, and candidate« tor «tate office toward the
urged all present to use home product*,
close of the month. Ths dates are not
and not tbeeaatern factories’and good«,
definitely set yet but it is probable that
when ever po aibie.
Miss Lucy Broad, a miaaionary, des­ the date will be well toward the close
cribed a wedding ceremony in Core*, of March, and most likely the 26th and
in • very entertaining manner, being 28th of the month. The Civic League
dressed in costume.
will have tbe matter in charge. The
Mr. J. G. Kelly talked about “Chick­
purpose of tbe meeting will be to stimu-
en* and Setting Hen«," from experi­
ate an interest in registration. It will
essentially boost for registration
Mr. H. A. Rice, an experienced
will precede tbe day set for registration
pigeon raise, spoke on the relation of
throughout thi* district, namely April
“Pigeon* to the high coat of living.’’
He told bow pigeon« should be cared
From tbe statements ma«le in th
for and fed so a? to bring beet results,
daily paper* it is time that something
and be thought that the raising of
was done to stir up an interest in regis­
pigeons was cheaper and easier than of
Not over a fourth of the
voters of tbe state bave shown their in­
Prof. V. R. Gardner of O. A. C. came
terest io tbe duties of citizenship to the
from Corvallis io tell us how to prune
fruit trees in the correct way. Hi* talk extent of registering yet. If the many
wae interesting and should beof profit to good thimra that are in view for the
coming election are to succee«l it i* time
Miss Bernicq Elliott rendered * piano that people begin at once to arouse an
solo: Gladys Johnson a vocal «olo to interest in the necessity of attending to
thi* first detail in tbe coming el<-ction.
her own accompaniment.
Mias Rudd
favored us with a vocal solo and four In meeting people at various parte of
little children sang “Tbe Little Shoe­ the county it 1« evident that tbe esti­
maker.’’ Mis* Harriet Burn* gave* very mate placed by the dailes is not too low.
Only a small part of the people von •
fine reading a^J wae twice* recalled.
meet bave registered and a good many
of them seem to be utterly indiffr-rent.
At the coming rallies it is pn.bailie
that several person« of inter«»' «<• *1)
tbe people will be secured to give talks.
At least two of tbe candidates for
governor will be invited. Possibly two
One of tne features on the program candidates lor attorney general will be
orthe grange Saturday afternoon will asked and probably a congressional can­
be an address by Judge Gatene. The didate or some one else seeking a state
position. In fact it ie not tbe desire so
following short program will
much to give publicity for candidates a«
it i* to discuss some of the coming
Song by Grange; Violin Solo, Milton initiative questions, and the duty of
Katzky; Making the Most of Our Ad- participating in elections.
Look out
vantages, Mr«. Bewlev; Club Drill, for the date and be ready to attend one
Girlsot 7tb grade; Moral Value of the or more of tbe meetings, and if you
Scabbing Brush and Paint Pot—Dis­ have not previously registered, join
cussion; Violin Solo, Mrs. Chapman; with tbe crowd that will go to the regis­
tration office on APRIL 4th.
Juvenile Court, Judge Gateus.
First ami second degrees in the
Rebekah lodge met at tbe home of Mrs. morning.
luminated drill will be given in the
Cora Wright on S2nd avenue, to pay
eveuing by the motor apparatus. There
their respects to her as she is about to
Julian Lefevre Passes Suddenly
will be music by the Fireman’s liand
Julian Lefevre of 203 Cason Street,
¡eave for her new home in famhilL
during the drill. Al) tbe latest fire­
Mrs. Wright has been warden of tbe Lents, was calle«! to rest Saturday even
men’s stunts will be put on, such as net tants lodge for some time, and has been ing, the cause of hie death being ap-
He leave« a wife and chil­
jumping, rope cliJibing, stretching, a most faithful and attentive worker in poplexy.
dren. The funeral was held Monday at
ladder.dim bing, etc.
After the exhi­
know her. To «bow their esteem the Kenworthy’s and the body was laid in
bition a grand ball will be given in the
Mr. Lefevre
hxige mem tiers presented her with a Multnomah cemetery.
Armory, with special muaic. beginning
Rev. Riley
beautiful toilet set. The Noble Grand, wae sixty-five year« of age.
, at 9 p. m. The proceeds to be added to
Mr«. F. R. Peterson, made the pres­ of tba Friend’s church officiated.
NEIGHBORS CHICKEN ' tbe firemen's fund.
entation and gave an appropriate a -
“ For destroying a live chickeu lielong-
dress. All wished her success ami hap­
The Epworth League oi the Methodiet
ing to Mrs. Annie Brunxell. last Satur­
piness in her new home.
church is planning (or an enterveting
day, l*eter Dahlberg wae fined f2o Mon­
Tbe evening was spent with refresh­ entertainment. Doni forget the time
day morning in the municipal court.
Neal is the name of a new station on ments and discussion« of travel in and place, (¡range Hall, Sat March 21.
Both parties live in tlie Mt. Scott dis- the Mt. H«w>d road a mile west of
Oregon, the United States and abroad,
trict, Dahlberg was accum>d of catching Gresham.
and comparing the Colnmbia river with
Mrs. A. E. Forysth of Fourth avenue tlie chicken, which had stray«*! upon
wm fortunate in having her <»et do* re- the lawn, pulling the neck from the
The Public Market idea is still pre­ went finely till Dr. Gartner met with a
turned from the pound, kind friend* Ixxiy, then throwing it l«a<k in the
valent. A t'ommitte representing all the slight accident which might
p tying the license fee for her.
woman’* yard. He wax also ordt-red to
grangers in the county has been called proven serious hut for tne timely dis­
put up a bond of *250 to keep the peace,
for Monday March 16. to discuss the covery on his own part, but which left
Walt Webb ha* the lathing contrsct as charges were made that he threatened
market question. The peraonel of the some of the fair member« speechless for
Iter life.
on the new theatre building
comimtte is not certainfyet.
a time.
present were:
R W. Gill, lias announced his oan- Peterson,
I didacy for Representative in this county. Smith, Keller, Greenleaf, McNeil, Jones,
Mr. Gillis well known throughout the Mam, Blaufus, Thomas and Mr. and
«‘astern part of the County, particularly, Mr«. Gartner.
Mrs. Jone« has been appointe«! to fill
and hi* Worth is generally recognise«!.
Ht> is one of the careful, reliable kind the position as warden for the nnex-
of met: everyone respects, tliorouglily pired term.
dependable to do what lie considers
rjght, irrespective of outside influent*«.
Foster Road Work Urged
He is a farmer, granger, and wide awnke
Property owners along the Foster
middle nge«l man whom we should all
road, between East Fifty-second streets,
take pleasure in «iipportitig.
have petitioned the County Comuiis-
ioners to defray one-third of theexpenses
John Rathkey, has served hie con- of paving that part of the highway, with
nection with the Lenta Grange to take the understanding that the property
up the occupation of a farmer near owners pay the rest of the cost. The
Drain, He and a cowin expect to • pro- plan is to take over tlie 36-foot right of
duce honey on an exteusevc plan, ¡«ente wny of the Portland Railway, Light
friends will regret to see lohn leave us A Power Company, making the street
as lie has always lieen well liked.
116 feet wide. The company has agreed
to move its double tracks to the middle
Chari ie Eatchel saw lent* Tiietwiay of the sfreet.
for the first time in months, He is now
It is announced that the people of
nearly well and will return home per­ la*nti> have taken steja to widen the
manently in another week.
Foster Road to 96 feet from East Sev­
enty-second street to Main street in
I>>nts )<slge I. O. O. F, is Coining to l>nts. making it correspond with the
be one of the strongest in the State west enJ of the road.
fire department.
A free il­
—Fax in New Vor)« Evening Sun.
Forty to fifty is an average attendance
and some of the team work they are
Mr. F. C. Thayer and »on »pent Sun­
I putting on will compare favorably with day with F. P. Smith and family last
I the nest.
School Entertainment Success
The entertainment given by the pu­
pil« and teacher« of the Lents ecbool*
last Thursday evening wae one of the
most aucceMfui of the year. Attendance
was good and the program wae excep­
tionally fiqe. The proceed« netted the
Parent Teacher « Club over *26.
Mrs. Otto Katzky, Mr*, tiesell and
Mr. Darnall were interested spectators
last Friday afteinion at the council
meeting during tne di«cu«eiou of the
Meat Inspection Ordinance.
Arthur Powers arri veil in Lenta
Thursday, after a season at Sheridan.