Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 05, 1914, Image 1

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Voter»* Must Register
at the Court House
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Fishing Season In Shoestring Lake Gone Since Saturday Afternoon,
And no Reports as to His Where­
About to Open. Black Cat, Bass,
Mother Frantic with
Carp, Water Dogs and Bullfrogs In
Denlaena of the Ar lets country live
Wealsy Hllmmons of 4035 «3 st. S. B.
During has been missing since Haturday.
the winter season they skate, bunt and
trap around Shoestring lake, a pictures­ and up to this lime has not even gotten
que body of water that Ilea along side a trace of his wlereaboute. The police
the right of way of the P. R. L A P.,
claim they are unable to do anything
and the public highway. The past
season was not remarkable lor the skat­ lor her, excusing themselves from the
ing, the ice never attaining a thickrn-aa job by saying they are employed to
ot more than six inches. Several per­ bunt bad men, and not good ones.
sona disappeared in the winter.
It ie young Hllmmons bail sto'en a dozen
probable that their clothes will lie eggs there would b- a rattling of hand­
found in the bottom of the lake when cuffs around the city jail. But when it
it evaporates, or is drained during the comae to locating an Innocent boy, tbo
possibly in the direst danger, there is
In the fall, after the first heavy rains, no way to call them into service, so we i
the shooting along the take ia tine. ar« told.
Weeley has lieen employed tn some
Ducks formerly were disturbed by the
traffic and noise of the passing trains. manufacturing concern until this week,
But since shooting from the trains has when due to an accident, he has been
been forbidden by city ordinance, and laid off on ball pay. He wept Saturday
the last legislature passed a law forbid­ last to draw hie pay and consult his
ding the privilege <>| shooting game from doctor. He saw tbe doctor, leaving the
the public highway, game has become office early in the afternoon, and ie re-
quite tame. Home of the more success­ liorled to have said that he was going
ful hunters use salt now. But this ie a directly borne. From that time to this
—Webstar in Naw York Globa.
rather dangerous practice on account ol he haa not been heard of. Hie mother
the shores of the lake living extremely phonud to friends in the country and
Not many’ years since several found that he had not lieen out there.
persons nearly lost their lives along the A large force ot friends are now assist­
His mother “ «
shores of the lake. Only forming a ing in the search.
‘‘human chain” and exercising stren­ widow woman and be is her main • Op* <
uous efforts were they able to save port.
The case of I. H. Wall against Dr.
several daring hunters who ventured to
The following resolutions were passed
‘‘salt” ducks on the lake and were
McHloy was ordered dismissed by Cir- by a unanimous vote of Pleasant Valley
caught in the treacherous mire, sinking
cuit Judge Davie this week.
Wall auf- («range, Saturday. Feb. 28,
slowly toward a helpless death.
fered a broken leg some time ago and
Whereas petitions are now being cir­
The lake afforda a fine opportunity
Dr. McSIoy was called to attend it. Af- culated throughout the state to get
for rafting parties
There are one or
ter some four weeks Wall decided that measure plai-ed upon the ballot to be
two landings, and with light draft
One of the happiest men in town to­ the leg was safe to get around on and voted upon by the voters at the coming
canoes, motor boats or rafta tbe young­ day ia onr friend Bohni.
At the election in November, favoring a law
Burned out took the splints off himself,
er citizens ot tbe vicinity fairly cover I last fall when the old McGrew building next call of the Doctor he was advised i whereby property to the value of *1500.
the surface of ite waters, in the evenings went ont, he baa lieen doing business in to keep to his bed for another month, shall tie exempt from’taxation.
or holidays ot spring. Occasionally one the Roas building since, and the build­ But Wall thought differently ann as
.Ami wtiereas we believe that the en-
gets dumped into the water l«lt as yet ing that haa been erected on the old soon as the Doctor was gone he pro­
: act men t of such a law would be dis-
no lives have lieen reported as lost altho aite ia the result of hia importunities. ceeded to try himself and as result suf­
! criminating and unjust.
several very suspicious circumstances He has tried everyway to get beck into fered a relapse and added trouble with
Therefore be it resolved by Pleasant
have occurred. It has been suggested hia old place bnt it was not until Lent hie leg. Dr. Hunter had observed tbe
Grange, assembled in regular
that a regular steam boat pleasure craft A Campbell decided to buy the grounJ measurement of tbe leg and certified
be built in the summer and better plans j and pub up a new building for him that that it was set properly and that it was Mession that we go on record as lieing
for the safety of the public provided ' life began to take on a rosy hue for in good condition up to the time of their < <>P)>osed to this measure lieing adopted
around and on the lake. , It is probable I
last visit. The Doctor’s evidence was ■ by the voters of Oregon.
Bohni again.
Resolved by members of Pleasant Val-
that something of ttie sort will lie done
He moved in at the very earliest op not needed as the judge decided the
unless some disgruntled health crank portunity,-even before the paint wa* case on Wall’s own testimony, so tbe j ley Grange convened in regular session.
carries out a threat to appeal to the dry, with a lot of new fixtures, due*, amount sued for, *10,000 was not at any > that we are adverse to the proposed
stock and meat inspection ordinance
city commission to have the lake drained counters, etc , and he will be found time in danger.
now under consideration by the City
on the basis ol living a source of disease, ready to reiuw acquaintances and meet
: Commission of Portland.
and mosquitos. However the large vise additional customers in hie fine new
of the lake would seem to excuse it from place of business. Go in and see Bohni ‘ALFALFA WEEK' FOR OREGON
This proposed law has pawned ite third
such blame. And it ie probable that and tell him we sent you.
reading and will come up for final hear-
State Superintendent of Public In-
the commissioners are too busy with
I mg at a special. meeting of the City
etructlon of Oregon, J. A. Churchill,
water meters, the auditorium, ami pub- ‘
: Council called for March«, at2:30 P. M.
Names March 9th to 13th as “Al­
lie docks to give attention to matters '
We believe this to tie a measure fav­
effecting public health.
oring tbe meat trust
Good Thing.
If a lieat is hudt for traffic on tbe lake
And earnestly urge producers and ron-
it wilfBliave to lie of shallow draft,
-Alfalfa growing 1s of such Impor- suniers alike to tie on hand at this meet­
rather narrow, built in eections like a |
tance, not only to the live-stock in­ ing and register a vigorous protest.
train, ami provided with large, wide I T,1B
tereata of the country, but also in ks
tired wheels, to enable them to back : no»»h
,M‘ l*,‘* •’ relation to the maintenance and up­
of March. building of soil fertility, that the on-
Farewell Party
out of mini banka and hers.
An effort
will be mails to prevent the use of the Several important matters will be taken tire second week of March has been
On Saturday evening Feb. 28. a very
regulation steam Ixiat whistle m it is up. The question ot Initiative and designated as 'Alfalfa Week.' Every enjoyable party was tendered Mr. and
thought that its use in the center of Referendum change* will occupy much school in Oregon, including the one-
room country schools, the grades and Mrs. Wright of 82nd St Grays Crossing
the town would cause too much noise of the time.
The motiou passed some time ago high schools of the cities, will be as a farewell to them prior to their
aud lead to nervous affections.
favoring a raise in percentage require­ asked to observe the week through going to their new home at North Yam­
ments will lie handled without gloves, aa placing special emphasis in the lan­ hill. Refreshments were served and all
Meter Plan Approved
most of the memliers have come to the guage work on the subject of alfalfa had a very good time, and all joined in
Editor Herald: I note considerable conclusion that tie' requirement is now growing. Bulletins of the Oregon Ag­
wishing them the greatest success with
opposition to the use of meters for col­ high enough. Then the question of ricultural College and of the Holden
Improvement Committee, which give regrets of loosing them form the com­
lecting water rent. From my own ex­ paying for petitions will lie taken up.
valuable Information on the growing munity; Those present were Mr. and
perience I am inclined to think that
It is probable that the movement to of alfalfa, will be distributed among Mrs. Douglas and 8on, Mr. and Mrs.
th*> meteZ ia a good thing. They made require petitions to be circulated with­ the schools* In the lower grades, this
Ferrell, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Aeters and
me put in a meter a couple of years out pay will receive an equal amount work will take the form of story tell-
son. Mr and Mra. A. Nelson and daugh­
a<*o and it has cost me lees for water attention and from what we can learn it Ing on the part of the teachera and
ters. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Thomas, Mrs.
oral reproduction by the pupils, In
aince I put in the meter than when I will probably 1« voted unfavorably.
Iiehman and children, Mrs. Keller, Mrs.
paid the fiat rate. My water cost me There wili tie music, recitations and dis-_
Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Wright and
from a dollar to two and a half and etissiona and one of Russelvilie’s best composition work of the week will be
daughter, Mrs. Diller, Mrs.
three dollars. Under the meter plan I dinners All graniivrs will he welcome.
Mrs Lyons, Mrs. Corisina, Mrs. Willis.
baaed upon information gathered from
am paying seventy-five cents a month
bulletins, magazines, agricultural jour­ Mrs. Action, Mrs. Wester. Mrs. White.
at my house. I believe the meter plan
nals and observation on the part of
Mt Scott Wants Change
ia all right if it.doii't cost too much to
The custom of the Portland Railway the pupils. Tn these grades the Hol­
begin with. Ju-t now, it Is sure, money
Chicken thieves have been buisy for
of maintaining a "Lost Bureau” at Sell­ den seed corn tester will also be
la scarce and it will be pretty bard for
placed In the hands of the pupils and the past six weeks in the neighborhood
wood is objectionable to 95 percent of
anyone to lie required to pay ten or
the results of their corn testing will of south Grays Crossing some loosing as
its patrons. The result of such a loca­
be embodied on written reports, which high as twenty and some just exchange
fifteen dollars for a meter. It it can be
tion is that every one who recovers a will be accepted by the teachera tn
arranged to |ray for it in monthly pay­
lost article must spend several hours lieu of other composition work during roosters for pullets. Nothing mean about
ments it Is pmhable that no one would
that only less eggs in that poultry yard.
time in getting it, and two unnecessary that week.
be seriously sfleeted by it.
I think I
the widow is not passed in the
fares. The ‘‘lost*' Irarrau should he lo­
"Boys' and girls' industrial clubs
prefer the meter. Bnt I don't see why
night womlering of the wideawakes.
cated at First and Alder, where mis­ are being organised throughout the
Mr. Daly wants *600,000 to install
placed art idea can be recovered at a state, whose work will Include ten
meters. Can you explain?
minimun of expense in tjme or money. projects, via: Poultry raising, sewing,
Mr. an<l Mn Clarence Donghterty, of
John Adams.
pig feeding, gardening, dairy records
If any one in town can answer this
Castle Rock, Wash., were recent guests
and rnanual arts.
Next year ft la
question please do so.—Ed.
Edwin M- Reed Dies.
planned to add the eleventh project, of W. C Smith and family of 9th. Ave.
Edwin M. Reed of Wichita station which will be alfalfa growing."
S. V. Auxiliary Gives Social
died February 28, aged 86 years and
Fred Katzky and wife returned from
A social meeting of the Auxiliary to three m nths. He had lieen confined
Southern Californian points Wednesday.
the B. of V. will lie held on Monday to hie bed for months, due to his ex­
The#ehoir of the Baptist Church,
They report moisture in big lumps in
He was buried .March 2 organised with Geo. Greenwell as presi­
evening. Marc t). There will lie speak­ treme age.
the '‘Sunshine State”.
ing by G. A. R. men.
Refreshments from the Kenworthy Chapel, Lente, in dent, R O. Horning vice-president, Mrs.
He leave* a Cecil Homing secretary, and Mies Fay
will be served. A good time is expected Mt. Scott cemetery.
and a good attendance wanted. Come mirried son at Wichita. Mr. Reed «as Hickox as organist. Thexhoir met for
Mrs. Harvey O. Bowen, who has been
every body and help them along.
A formerly a merchant in New York t ity practice and a social time at the home seriously ill and under the care of a
Rev. of the vice-president in Woodmere on trained nurse, is reported I letter at this
general invitation is extended to the and had lieen here two years.
Riley of the Friend's church officiated. Tuesday evening of this week.
in one round or amusement.
Tbe following ie the nu • her of
Granges that have complied with the
bylaws and paid ail dues to December Milage Graft Given A Hard Jolt by
Lents Man. State Railway Com­
3), 1913, »nd are entitled to lie con­
sidered in tbe apportionment for repre­
mission Declares Custom Unlaw-
sentation in the 41st session of the
fuL Lents Citizens Save Big Sum
Btate Grange to be held at Mommontb,
May 1», 20, 21, 22:
In a dispute some time ago tietween
Benton County, 5 Granges; Clack­
amas, 16; Clatsop, 8; Columbia, 8; the Pacific States Telephone Company
Coos, 8; Crook, 2; Douglas, 12; Gilliam, and Marvin Hedge of the tents Hard­
6; Harney, 5; Hood River, 4; Jackson, ware Co., the qnestion at issue was taken
2; Josephine, 6; Malheur, 2; Marion, to the Stgie Railway Commission. It
9; Multnomah, 10; Polk, 5; Lane, 11; has long lieen tlie custom for the Pacific
Linn, 14; Lincoln. 6; Sherman, 2; States Co., to charge the regular fee for
Tillamook, 5; Umatilla, 2; Union, 5; phones and to exact an feiditional milage
Wasco, 3; Washington, 11; Wheeler, from people living in this section of the
2; Yambill, 6.
city, and in suburban districts generally.
In accordance with the above, tbe
After coming into the city Mr. Hedge
following Granges are place«! in class contended the phone company had no
one and are entitled to representation farther right
to make the ___
charge. __
in tbe 41st annna) session of tbe Oregon ¡carried
, carneu tlie
tne matter
matter to
to the
tne Commission.
State Grange:
One of the points against the phone
Benton: Fairmont 252, Summit 432. folks was that the rates were not uniform
Clackamas: Tualatin 111, Warner 117, or even proportional. Persons living
Molalla 310 Milwaukee 268, Eagle right across the street for each other or
Creek 297.
in adjoining buildings were paying
Clatsop: I-ogan412.
Columbia: Yankton 301, Vernonia
306, Cedar Grove 320.
Coos : M yrtle 289.
Crook : Eastern 8tkr 482.
Douglas: Rescue 420, Kellogg 46«,
Progressive 480, Garden Valley 4X7.
Gilliam: Mayville 206, Ige 315.
Harney: Sunset 472, Silver Creek
Hood River: Parkdale 500.
Jackson: Enterprise 489.
Josepline: Deer Creek 371, Rogne
River Valley 469.
Malheur: Boulevard 389
Marion. Woodburn 79, Stayton 340,
Aumsville 436.
Multnomah: Multnomah 71, Rock­
wood, 323, Russelville 353.
Pole McCoy 465, Monmouth 47«.
Sherman: Locus.
Tillamook: W’hite Clover 279, Nes-
Umatilla: Stanfield 502.
Riverside 406,
Grove 475.
Wasco: Mosier 234.
Washington: Hillsboro 73, Green
Mountain 295, Washington 313, Beaver­
ton 324.
Lane: Sinslaw 54. North Fork 492,
Creswell 496, Willakenxie 498.
Linn: Grand Prairie 10, Sand Ridge
57, Crowfoot 314, Sweet Home 381,
Springbank 409.
Lincoln: Five Rivers 423, Toledo 426.
Wheeler: Winlock 497.
Yambill: Mores Valley 362, North
*Yamhill 393.
C. E. Spence
C. L. Shaw
B. G. Leedy
Ex. Committee.
different rates for milage. One man
was paying a dollar and a halt, another
two dollars anj still another two ami a
half. It was the old phone trick
Get all they can and trust the luck
that to subscribers «lid not discover
their duplicity. What has been found
to lie true in regard to tlie milage matter
is true of general phone service. Some
people on a supposed two party line are
really supporting an eight party line.
Dr. Nelson of Lents was also instru­
■ mental in getting the matter before the
Commission, and he intends now to put
in a claim for milage paid out illegally.
Hereafter persons taking service from the
Phone Company will not be unde r obli­
gation to pay tbe milage. Indo-d the
company are now turning back some of
tlie milage collected last month, unjustly
In this connection it might be men­
tioned that one of the City Commission-
era was given the credit for thia decision
of the Railroad Commission, by the
Dailies last week. As a matter of fact
Mr. Daly only came into the case in­
cidentally. Lents men brought the ease
and won the decision.
The entertainment announced last
week »or the Lents Schools tor Friday
evening of this week was in error as to
date. It should have stated that the
entertainment would be held on Thurs­
day evening. The en'ertainment will
be of nnusal interest as several of Prof.
Chapman's beet high school singers
will be in attendance and the Professor
will conduct a chorus in person. There
will be a special orchestra in attendance,
in addition to local songs, drills, recita­
tions and other attrretive features.
Calkins Hall at Gilbert Station will TONIGHT
be dedicated Saturday evening with a
big chicken supper and musical and
literary program.
W. E. Thomas Bays Fam
W. E. Thomae, for the past twelve
years a farmer living a node east of
Lents has sold hia farm am) bought a
120 acre farm three miles west of North
Yamhill, eighty acres of which is in
He left on Wednesday
with Mrs. Thomas for hie new borne.
Lente acquaintances wish them success
in their new home.
Mr. Thomas has
been one of the beet farmers near Lenta
and he ought to make a fortune with
hie larger opportunity.
There will lie music
by a local band, instrumental music by
the Chapman sisters, recitations, songs,
speechmaking and a general good time.
It will be the first occasion for the use
of the hall and it is expected that a full
house will respond to the call.
Gilliert Statian intends to keep itself on
the map. It is one of the moat progres­
sive pointe aiong the line and around it
and grouped a large number of prosper­
ous people who are making comfortable
homes ami good livings from small
acreages, and city jolie. The addition
of the community hall to the neighbor­
hood will give a decided standing to the
community that will not be lost for
many a day. All sorts of neighborhood
gatherings will now be possible, ami next
season we will probadly see a University
extension course in fnll swing at Gilbert.
Ehrlich Succeeds Bosch
F. F. Ehrlich, who haa been in charge
of the G. F. Rusch tailoring business at ■
Lenta for the past two years has bought
, Mr. Rusch's interest and will conduct
it in the future in bis name. In leav­
ing the Lenta field Mr. Rusch wishes to
thank the public for the generous sup­
port they have shown
Ehrlick will endeavor to render the
same good service to the public in the
| future that he has in the past, and will
appreciate the further custom of all
former patrons of the shop, and others
in addition. He. will continue to have
The Pisgah Home in Lenta ie in a bad ■ the able assistance of Mr. P. Bernhardt,
and will be open lor every week day,
way from want of food, the long winter, I
bnt not on Bundays, as heretofore.
shortage of work, aud scarcity of money j
has given the ‘ home” an unusual bur- ’
R retaaine for
eMt„n Ma>(Ilwaah
den. Then* ere many people around county firm Andrews, Bros, of Pleasant
Mt. Scott that have garden vegetables or | Home, to get the lowest standing in the
potatoes or canned goods that they <**n state In the February ratingof the State
spare. Jnst call Tabor 2492.
Dairy and Food Inapectona ten and two
' tenths per cent was the depth of their
The Emporium ie rkady with its degradation.
Spring offering. The stock ie very
much larger than before, and customers I The tea at the W. C. T. U. hewd-
will find it well worth their time to qnratera, at the Dekum building, will
look it over.
be lield on Friday, March 12.