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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1914)
Tremont, Kem Park and Arleta The Kern Park Feed A Fuel Co. ie 1 building two new house», one at 73rd street aud 46th avenue, and another at «Sth »treet and 44th avenue. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Arleta school» are preparing to (tart All ,'harvh, socteiy. per» mal «ini loeal nvw» J H. D. Jone» is putting np a house at | Mrs. Roy Stearns and »on, Sherman, extensive school garden . Mr. Newbill noi |>ubU»hn<l tur proti!. tre« noli»»» ot vi* ; | of Nashville.¡went to Seaside, Sat unlay. 64lh street and 47th avenue. is some farmer, and we will ex|*ect spivlt , IsrlalnnisnU. <-on<iucled tor proliI, p>it>U»h«,t ' The R. 8. Hawley home is being torn lata*« mlntmuii. ol se word« Annottile«' R. J. Leslie is building anew house to be cheap in Arleta neat fall. ninni« «ini card ot thsnk«. Mine rate Adver- 1 1 down preparatory to re-building of a at 64th avenue and 79th street. Th» Beu Hur Court No. 9, will give a i lisina rate» quoliMl on reqiwat. tine residence. E. H. Flagg has disposed of hie print Cha« Cleveland of Gresham called on social at the W. O. W. hall on March Sain Puckett and wife are parents of ing interest» at Arleta and bought the ' •c'l"**ntances at Myrtle Park Wednee- 12th. Thia is oue of the largest courts Couch'" a son born Sunday. Hoge pri* ting plant, 381 E in the state and its socials are local i I day. events of importance. The Wilberg-Oppegard Company has Mrs, Collier of Duncan street was re Mr. C. E. Lindloff, 4836 «44th, Are j begun the erection of a new bungalow ported ill the drat of the week, man of engine company No. 27, ie no w j at Woodmere for Charlie Wise. able to walk ou c rule he» alter four P. Schneider of Alberta street ha» Mrs. W. T. Payne of Grays Crossing 1 bought the Joe Nash Concrete Block on weeks in bed. He was kicked by a I I has been very ill the past week. horse iu the engine house. ' 72nd street and Millam avenue. Mr». Schneider and Mre. Woetell of J. K. Dunhan, 58th street and 55 th Funeral Directors Mr». McKinley, lias been very ill a I avenue ie getting ready to build a new Gnghaat visited tbe Arleta school» Fri Montgomery »ml Fifth St day for the purpose ot gettiug idea» |>art of U h < week. residence. Mr». Montgomery was chosen Oie- about a domestic science department Mr». G. A. <A»x, of Sandy visitai trict Vice President at the recent Pis- for Gresham. I trict Rebekah convention in Portland. ( The ladies of the Arleta Baptist mother, Mrs. lUvglv. this week. The Loyal Bereans ot the Christain church gave a George Washington so Experienced Woman church will give a social Friday evening cial at the home of Mrs. Dr. Curry on W. H. Taylor and wife of Arleta in Attendance at the church, corner ot t*9th aud 46 th Tuesday afternoon. It was an excep tended lodge at lx>nts Friday evening tionally eujoyable affair. avenue. Mrs. Frank Griffith of 63 street and I An "Old People'» Concert" will be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gsisler are parents , 50th avenue is recovering from a i given at the school house aasetubly hall of a daughter burn Sunday. And Fre«1 lengthy illness. She was in the hos on Monday evening. There will be a may recover. Main Office social and general good time with songs pital over fifty days. Phone Main « T. R. Newbill, of Arleta Schools and from memory. W. A. Hall 1» improving from a M. P Evans, garden director, addrwweii The new Franklin high school at serious attack of pnauinouia. Can't the Arleta Parent Teacher Association Creston is receiving a tine support, afford to lose W. A. yet awhile. lar*t Tueeday on School gardens. i Altho this ie its first term, and moot of Wm. Conners has reopened his shoe the young people attending high school The Copeland Lumber Co. has opened shop at Firland, after having been en have entered downtown, there are ir< up the Copeland A McCready Lumber gaged in other parte of the city for . in first term classes enrolled. Phone East Home several months. yards at Forest Grove. Th» Kern Park Fire Department was B-1888 781 The Ben Hara had a social Wednes called to save the horns ot E. W. Mrs. Goggins attended a five hundred day evening at W. O. W. hall. After Goddard, 5524, 62 avenue 8. E. Monday the routine of business. Refreshments evening about ten o’clock. Th» house, party at Kern Park Friday and was one were served and dancing and other valued at 92500 and furniture worth of the lucky losers. amusements were enjoyed. ?U«O. were completely destroyed. Avon Prestentine of 53 avenue has There was about 91500 insurance. Mr. Helots, from California, a wire Undertaker bought an SO acre farm near Belling less operator, has located at Agate and ham, Wash., which his sons will man Hawthore Ave. and East 11th. St. Puncan street. Save Middleman's Profit age. It cost him 513,500 cash. and buy your Bread at Brugger » Arleta people former residents of Bakery. 3 large loaves of hot bread for M. G. Kilis, of The bailes, visited Mrs. , Kansas are invited to attend the regular 10c. We are now running two wagons Bryant and Mrs. Hogue, over Saturday Mr». Lerch monthly meeting of the Kansas Society, to town and we are selling the same and Sunday Assistant which meet» at the Centray library Bread from house to house at 5c a loaf, Friday evening of this week. the same Bread we sell 3 for 10c here. Mrs. .'-arali K. Co>>n, returned from "The American Indian Operetta” All our customers over town think its Branch Office lier California . trip »ml >s now occupy Ing was rendered Monday evening at W. O. Carters Building the best Bread out, f ml you can get it her home on 1 Fifth Ave. j W. hall, 60th street, under the direc- at 3 for 10c here. Kern Park | tion of Prof. Hunter of the city schools. Brugger'« Bakery on the car line, I Russelville grange will entertain | There were sixty characters in it, most- formerly Mt. Scott Bakery. Beware of Multnomah county Pomona at the I ly children from the local sehools. i imitation of Brugger’» Bread. • March meeting, third Wednesday. J. P. Finley&Son LERCH CUT THIS OUT The R. A. Leisy Pharmacy Spring Building Phone Tabor 1280 WE ARE GOING . to sell Sat Feb. 28 Our Entire Stock of We have the Lime. Brick, Cement, Plaster, Gravel or Sand, all good a- the brat at prices to suit And Don’t Forget Us alien in need of Feed, Wood or Coal. and Quality for all purposes Grades Kem Park Feed & Fuel Company 6906 Foster Road SHOES AT COST Ladies patent leather dress Shoes to go at 9 $2.75 Ladies Martha Washington House Shoes to go at will come if you buy your interior finishing lumber from us. We furnish soft yellow fir Men’s Dress Shoes to Ro at of the kinu that suits. Let us Show You Our Stock of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Moul dings, Paper, Roofing and Builders Hardware Lowest Prices consistent with $2.75 Mens 14-in. top Boots Ro at $5.00 Men’s house Slippers to go at worth while qualities 75c The Square Deal Dominates all Our Business Transactions This is a chance of a lifetime to buy Shoes at actually what they cost us. Don’t forget Saturday Feb. 28 Wilberg-Oppegard Inv. Co. Lumber Yard Real Estate Office 6024 Foster Road Phone Taber 619 Broadway Building Phone Main 6199 The Copeland Lumber Company Phone Tabor 1371 Foster Road and Campbell sta lamia Station. Portland, Oregon Good Paint Costs Nothing but remember, this is true of good paint only. When you buy a paint of recognized high quality you insure your house of beauty and durability. Good paint insures so many positive benefits that its original cost is re duced to nothing. Think twice before you buy paints of cheap quality and cheaper price—they are poor economy. The cheapest you can buy is the one that will stand by you for the longest pos- sihle time—that paint is S. W. P. Sherwin Williams Paint Prepared FOR SALE BY Mt. Scott Drug Company LENTS, OREGON . Mm. Co« has resigned Iter secretary- i ship of the Parent Teaciiers Club and Misa Dorothy Waugh has le-en chosen in I her place. _____ Find Out What Best Means in Bakery Goods Emil Alplanalp of i-ents was awarded 912.51 for a cow that was condemned I and slaughtered. The award wa» made ' by tbe county court. Hundreds are enjoying the result of our baking. You can and should enjoy it. too! Make one test and find out how delicious our bread, cakes and pies really are. The teachers. of the l»*nt». Woodmere I and Arlota School», met at the Ij-nte1 School Tuesday afternoon. A very in- I ■ lereating meeting wae belìi. The Modem Shoe Repair Factory W. B. GOOOINS, Proprietor LENTS, OREGON 3 large loaves fresh bread 10c Mira Amelia Rasmuraen of Kennett I Ave , is receiving the congratulation»« of ' tier many frien<ls on the occasion of her ■ ' promotion as chief operator. Miss Katlierine Rusael, of th«- "Camp Fire Movement” spoke to the Parent I < Teacher Clnb at ls*nt» last Friday. 8be proved to lie a very entertaining speaker. f>enU> people were not very well pleased i Ladies Dress Shoes to go at Ì with tbe lecture that Dr. Chapman did | $2.75 A Smile of Satisfaction is the Imru or other out building constructed with our lumber. Kvery board will tie found thoroughly sound and fully »easoned. It ruts with lees waste and stands all kinds of weather. Give us your nett order. 11.89 pay» for the Herald one year and Sidney Keller and family left last week three tine aluminum sauce pan»— for Twin Fall», Idaho, where lie ha» a worth 53.110. Call or write us your job of line work with tlie Telephone Co. order. The Herald. 6146 Foster Road Will give you an order for a regular $1.25 Photo of yourself, FREE on presentation of this advertise ment when making a 25c purchase. This applies on any order from this store and does not require further expense at the studio. BUILT TO LAST not give at the Friends church last Thurs- . day afternoon. No explanations have I | ■ been received. -------- Louis Wagner of I^nts was served with a notice disapproving his attempt to close up the road designated as No. m 2! near Gilbert station one day during this week Mr. and Mrs. Curt Baker, of Portland and Mr». Fillmore and daughter of Abron I Ohio, wer* the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Drake of 10th. Ave., Sunday, Mr». Fulmom was much pleased with Ijent». Mr. C. 8. Drake, of 10th., had a very narrow escape while making a fire I one morning laid week as hi» clothing caught fire and was aoon enveloped in flames but only by the timely aid of Ilin wife he eacaped without injury. B* rt Miinxera, year old child took fl rat grade, 96, at the recent Ijenta Ell- ) genic tent. Mrs E. P. Smith’» infant «laughter ranked aecond with a grade of Iff. Both children were affected with cold», otherwise we might of »een »"per fect” report. LOOK!LOOK!LOOK! As my business has increased by the kind patronage of the people I am com- . pelted to put on another barber, one of Lente* ol«1 timers, Mr. Homer Arnold He will be on hand evei y day alony with . Wilson and myself. By doing this It means quick service to all at all times Soliciting vonr patronage, I am cordial ly yours, Chester’s Union Hanitary Barber Shop, corner Foster road and Main street.* Now is the Time to Plant SWEET PEAS We have a fine selection of the BEST VARIETIES A full selection of all kinds of Garden Seeds always on hand Cqt Flowers and Blooming Plants Lents Seed and Flower Store R. KEIL, prprt*tor Phone Remember the Name—BOHNA WHEN YOU WANT LIGHT GROCERIES, BAKING GOODS. CONFECTIONERY, CI GARS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ETC. 20 0 0 Discount On Any New Suit, Ladies or Gent's Usual Quality and Make 9 No Stamps, You Get the Disconnt JOHN MANZ, Main St. Lents CLEANING PRESSING Repairing THE HERALD $1.00 PER YEAR