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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1914)
POULTRY ■■■■■.. and Dairy Produce •I all kliwU wanted. Writ« for our CASH OFFER ITAKEt OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Halrl Ost a 25-oent bottls of Dandsrlns right now—Also stops Itching scalp. ¡’earson-l’age Co. ’’S kmcon .” SOIL SURVEY RESULTS Interesting Statistics Announced by Government. Thin, brittle, colorU>sa and scraggy hair la mute evidence of a neglected Dwarf Kafir Corn Has Proved Profit W« «ruaran tra buy. scalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf. «*• fur farm» that There Is nothing so destructive to able Farm Crop—Peruvian Alfalfa ar* prirod light. If the hair ns dandruff. It roba the balr Valuable In Warm Cllmatee you wtah to »oil. ►•»»»•! «crural» « atrip I* la dravriu« of its lustre, Ila strength and Its very tkm. MT. 1 II AMI >14 I ANII < O. Dlaeaeea of Potatoes. 104 Morti min Mt. Mi. « bar!»» Hotel. Portland. Or. life; eventually producing a feverish- nnss and Itching of the scalp, which If not remedied cuuses the balr roots (Prepared by the United States De to shrink, loosen and die—then the partment of Agriculture.) Bouehl. *u'.l and varhangod: *nrln**, bul'ar*. hair falls out fast. A little Danderine Durlug the year ending Juns 30, •awitUlia. •<*. Hrnd fur Htv. k 1.1*1 *,ul Price*. tonight— uow—any time—will surely 1913, an area amounting to 62,609,600 Ill» t. F-. MAIITIN < O.. «3 l*i Bl.. Portland. Or. suve your hair S..'. .............. - ------- ■ (let a 26-cent bottle of Knowlton's acres woa covered by soil surveys by Of Danderine from any drug store. You the department of agriculture. March of Progress. this amount 21,210,980 acres wero sur aurely can havA beautiful balr and "How long must I wait for thia pres i lot» of It if you will Just try a little veyed and mapped in detail. Parts cription?“ "About thirty minutes," answered Dandorlne. Have your hair! Try it! of thirty-one states were Included in this work and ail sections of the coun ths driiKKlst. "but you cun occupy Only a Lease. try were represented. The remainder your limo plensuntly. Here Is a coup "George Cohan, Just the day before on which entitles you to admission to of the area surveyed was covered bls automobile accident, was talking which took In a reconnolssance sur our moving picture show." to me about a beautiful chorus girl who bad married a millionaire of 78 vey. Tho total area of which soil years," said a Philadelphia Impresario. surveys have been made up to June "I was shocked'. I was indignant, 30, last. Is 703,235 square miles. for the girl la one of the loveliest crea Dwarf Kafir Corn Has Proved a Prof tures I've ever scon. itable Farm Crop. "'To think of her!' I growled. ‘To The department of agriculture an think that that bnnutlful. beautiful nounced that the dwarf kafir corn has girl should sell herself to such an old been extensively distributed through ruin!' federal states and commercial agen "Cohan smiled his queer little twist cies and has proved to be a very de ed smile. “'My dear boy,' be said, 'this isn't a sirable and profitable farm crop. sale—it's a lease." "—Washington Her Feterlta has awakened much interest as a desirable typo of white durra- ald. Both faterlta and dwarf kafir are to harvesting with the ordi Putnam Fadeless Dyes make adapted nary grain header, which add greatly no muss. to the value as crops for extensive farming. A Girl All Right. Mark Twain, so the story goes, was The department has taken a promi walking on Hannibal street when be nent part in tho campaign now being met is woman with ber youthful fam waged for the planting of pure and ily. viable broom corn seed. Experiments "So this in the little girl, eh?" Mark with dwarf broom corn tend to prove yield Immediately to Sloan's Lin iment. It relieves aching and said to her as she displayed her chil swollen parts Instantly. Reduce* dren. "And this sturdy little urchin that this crop is usually sown too Inflammation aielquletathatagon In the bib belongs, 1 suppose, to the thickly for best results. High Value of 8udsn Grass. ising pain. Don't rub—it pene contrary sex?" trate*. Sudan grass has continued to dem "Yessah," the woman replied; "yea- onstrate its high value for the semi- sah, dat'a a girl, too."—Exchange. arid regions, and even in the humid regions has given exceedingly satis- IF YOU'RE GROUCHY It Is likely that your liver needs stir ring up. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will set you right quickly. Adv. FARM WANTED SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Rheumatic Twinges SLOANS Relief fr«»m RhenmetUm *Mr m<»tt»rr haa weed on« iûr hottie of Moan a Uniment, and although »be to «V«r M year« << age. baa ob- Neural«is Gone “Sloan'a Uniment la the heat modi ein« in the wrrtd, It han relieved me of neuralgia. Thora pain* have all gone and I can truhr aav your Uniment did • ih^Aer •/ Z*A*»> Alali Dealer». Frh« 25«.. SO«. A >1.00 SI cmmi '» luatructiwe Rookie! on H oom ran* free. established as soon as the seed is placed on the market. Potato Diseases. SHORT COURSE Dtamond Q..llt* The appearance in a destructive way of several new diseases of po tatoes in large producing areas has caused great alarm and heavy loos in Will begin Monday, April 6, certain of the Important potato pro and continue 10 weeks. ducing districts of the Rocky Moun Regular Normal Credits given. ! tain territory. Among these mala Special emphasis will be placed I dies, heretofore unknown in this coui.- on the following subjects: try, are leaf roll, known in Europe for State Course of Study; Rural a number of years, curly-dwarf, : School Administration; Rural So rosette, and the mosaic disease. ciology; Pedagogy; Psychology; The attention of the pathologists in i History of Education; English * charge of this line of work has been I History; Sociology; American devoted exclusively to a study of the | History; Professional History; causes and methods for controling Professional Grammar; Reading; these troubles. As a result of the In 1 Advanced Literature; Profession- : I al Language; English Literature; ' vestigation a method has been worked American Literature; Physics; I out by which the resistance of the Botany; Chemistry; Agriculture; foliage of potato varieties or seed Algebra; Arithmetic; Geometry; lings may be tested in the greenhouse Professional Arithmetic; Draw- I during the winter which will greatly ing; Music; Physiology; Special facilitate the work of potato breed Methods; Playground. ing and will also furnish a method I Practically these same subjects ■ of determining whether seed potatoes | will be offered during the Sum- ! are freo from this disease. Recent in mer School, which will convene Ask tor Catalog evo. 110. vestigations have proved that the dry- June 22, a Catalogue for which rot of potatoes, which has been de will be sent on application to the Returning a Favor. I President, Monmouth, Oregon. structive In certain regions, is not “It’s going to be war to the knif«,* caused by Fasarlum, as was previ declared the suburban man, who wag ously supposed, but that this disease feeding his chickens. is due to other wound parasites, "What now?” asked the friend. The Change Courteous. Date Ripening. “Why, Blinks sent me a box of ail* Client—Good gracious! What a ca grease and advised me to use It on my The work during tlie last year has lawn mower.” proved beyond a doubt that the arti ricature? Painter—Excuse me; that’s a por "Well?" ficial ripening of dates such as the "Well, I sent it back and told him ta Degelet Noor may be carried on trait of myself. Client—Oh. lifelike; very lifelike, use it on hts daughter’s voice.”—Ll^ cheaply and efficiently merely by I’m sure.—Fliegende Blatter. pincott’s Magazine. keeping the full-sized though imma ture fruit in a moist, warm condition. | Fruit so ripened is cleaner and more attractive than that ripened on the tree. Thus the failure of the Degelet; ^OR centuries 't has been known that Nature’s most valuable health giv Noor to ripen on the tree as it does ing agents for the rare of disease are found in our American forests. in some parts of the Sahara Desert, Over fort7 years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the invalids* Hotel and Surgical institute at Buffalo, N.Y., used tne powdered extracts a* well ae which at first seems a great draw the liquid extracts of native medicinal plants, such a* Bloodroot and Queen's root. back to date culture in California, Golden Seal and Stone root. Cherry bark and Mandrake, for the cure of blood turns out to be an actual advantage, diseases. Thia prescription as put up in liquid form was called permitting the ripening of the fruit more uniformly and more efficiently DR. PIERCE’S than is possible in the open air, where the conditions cannot be controlled. Date Propagation. 9 and has for all these years in every drug store in the £5 The rapid propagation of date off y land. Yc powdered extract in sugar-coated tablet form of , shoots is a matter of great import ¿oar medicine dealer, or send 50e in ooe-cent postage stamps for trial box t»’ ance to the development of the date r. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y., and tablets will be "»»iLd postage prepaid. OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL | i 5!S^ Facts in Nature Golden Medical Discovery The "Golden Medical Discovery” makes rich, red blood, invigorates the stomach, liver and bowels and through them the whole system. Skin affections, blotches, boils, pimples and eruption*—result of bad blood —are eradicated by thia alterative extract—as thousands have testified. Only One He Knew. Can you give me an example of a toothless animal of the mammalian group?" ask<-d a teacher of a small boy In the class of (oology. "Yea, sir," said the boy, promptly. "Indeed! What is It?” "My grandma!"—Boston Globe. Send 31 Pierce's Fortunate in Her Husband. "Did your husband have any luck on his hunting trip? ’ "Splendid! ' Didn't you hear?" "No. What was it?” "He got back alive."-»-Houston PosL Tommy's Excuse, Teacher—Tommy Sllmson, have you any good excuse for being late? Tommy (beaming)—Yes, ma'am. Teacher—What is It? Tommy—Waffles.—Harper's Bazaar. Every effort is being made to maka in round figures 43,000,000 sheep are sheared in this country each year, army life as attractive as possible la yielding 289,000,000 pounds of wool, order to get the most desirable class of recruits. worth 365,000,000. Dr. Perry'* Vermifuge "Dead Hhot" kills anil exp*,. Wurm* lu a **ry few hour*. Ad*. ______________________ The total production of coal in China There are 10,000 barristers in the united kingdom and only about 2000 at present reaches almost 10,000,06* tons a year. practice. What Stocks? Mr. Rockefeller enigmatically re marks that stocks are as good as eggs, and some financiers seem to think they are as easily scrambled.—Balti more American. Ninety Acres of Alfalfa on J. E. Long's Grand View Farm, Seven Miles Northeast of Wagner, Oklahoma. factory results. Extensive experi ments are being made with this grass and arrangements have been made so that sufficient seed will be grown for all demands. Rhodes grass Is continuing to show its high value for Florida and Gulf coast conditions. American-grown seed will be produced to meet the continued growing demands. Vetches. Interest in the cultivation of vetches, especially the hairy vetch, continues to increase, and there is probably now a greater acreage grown than ever before. In many parts of the United 8tates seed is now being grown successfully. One difficulty in the production of hairy-vetch seed, which ordinarily must be grown with a small grain crop, has been the sep- For years we have been stating in the newspapers of the e-atIon of the seeds. country that a great many women have escaped serious op By means of the spiral seed sepa erations by taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com rator, this can easily be accomplished, and these machines are now available pound, and it is true. to American farmers. There is rea We are permitted to publish in this announcement son to believe that within the near extracts from the letters of five women. All have been future sufficient American seed will raised to meet the demands and recently received unsolicited. Could any evidence be be probably reduce the price of seed more convincing? much below what is at present asked. The department has recently intro H ododon , Mm.—“I hod pains in both sides »nd such a soreness duced the purple vetch, which is • I could scarcely straighten up at times. My back ached and I especially promising, inasmuch as it Was so nervous I could not Bleep, and I thought I never would bo yields as much hay and more seed any better until I submitted to an operation, but I commenced taking per acre than the common vetch. Lydia E. l*inkham’s Vegetable Compound and noon felt like a new Ccwpeas. Woman.”—Mrs. H ayward S owers , Ilodgdon, Me. The cowpea Investigation, especial ly in breeding, has resulted in the CiiARLOTTt N. C.—“I was in bad health for two years, with production of a considerable number • pains in both sides and was very nervous. I had a growth Which the doctor said was a tumor, and I never would get wellunless of exceedingly promising new varie I had an operation. A friend advised me to take I.ydia E. Pink ties, some of which, especially from ham^ Vegetable Compound, and I gladly Bay that I am now enjoying the view point of seed production, are fine health."—Mrs. H oba S ims , 1G Winona St, Charlotte, N. C. apparently superior to any of the standard varieties. II anovkr , P a .—“The doctor advised a severe operation, but my Alfalfa. • husband got mo Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegef able Compound and I The breeding of Improved varieties experienced great relief in n Bliort time. Now I feel like u new person of alfalfa, especially hardy and and can do a hard day’s work and not mind it.”—Mrs. A da W ilt , drough-enduring strains, has devel 196 Stock St, Hanover, l’a. oped new possibilities through the D ecatur . III.—“I was sick in bod and three of tho best phyai- finding of forms of yellow-flowered • clans Baid I would have to bo taken to tho hospital for an oper. Medicago falcata that produco new ation as I had something growing in my left side. I refused to sub plants from true lateral roots. Cer mit to tho operation and took Lydia E. I’inkham’s Vegetable Com tain of the forms that possess this pound—and It worked a miracle in my case, and I tell other women character are good forage types, and what it has dono for me.”—Mrs. L aura A G riswold , 2300 Blk. East it is hoped that by hybridizing them William Street, Decatur, Hl. with selected plants of common al falfa an extremely vigorous strain C lkvkland , O hio .—“I was very irregular and for several yearS • my aldo pained mo so that I expected to have to undergo an op will result. As a result of the recent introduc eration. Doctors said they knew of nothing that tion of new roots of seed of Peruvian would help mo. I took Lydia E. I’inkham’s Vege alfalfa, the chances of establishing table Compound and I liecamo regular and free this variety in the southwest are be from pain. I am thankful for such a good medi coming extremely favorable. Peruvian cine and will always givo it tho highest praise.”— alfalfa has so thoroughly demonstrat Mrs. C. II.G riffith ,7305 Madison Av., Cleveland,O. ed Its value as a quick-growing strain CME*» Write to LYDIA E.PINKIIAM MEDICINE CO. for warm climates that little difficulty (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice. is anticipated in getting It thoroughly Op&urturnti I 2 3 4 S Your letter will lie opened, read »nd answered by a woman and hold in strict conlidence. Formerly French was the most widto ly spoken language; today it is th* mother tongue of only 45,000,000, as compared with 100,000,000 who speak German and 130,000,000 who speak English. industry. Experiments* now under way indicate that it is possible to root upshoots much- more rapidly un der greenhouse conditions where they can be given bottom heat than by the old world method of procedure. It is believed that by this method much smaller upshoots can be rooted. It has also been found that when grown in the cool, moist climate of the Pa cific coast, in immediate proximity to the ocean, certain varieties of the date palm fruit scarcely at all, but produce instead very great numbers of offshoots and continue to produce them through a much longer period of years than in typical date growing districts. New Hybrid Substitute for the Lime. A new hybrid, a substitute for the lime, fruited for the first time during the year. This is the llmequat, ob tained by crossing the West Indian lime with the kumquat. It has proved to be not only a very procoelous but also exceedingly fruitful and hardy. It bears a very acid fruit, much like the West Indian lime in Bize and.flavor. The tree, however, is much hardier than the lime, having withstood the past three winters in extreme north ern Florida where the lime can not be grown. Tobacco Investigations. It has been found that a rotation in which special fertilizers are applied is of great Importance in maintaining the character and burning qualities of the producL Investigations are made during the year in the Connecticut Valley, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Maryland, Vir ginia and the Carolinas. In the last four states the most important prob lem is the restoration of the much de pleted supply of vegetable matter In tobacco soils through the use of cover crops, which do not increase the nitrogen supply. 8ummer Apples. Summer apples were, for a long pe riod, a minor commercial considera tion. but for the past 10 or 15 years an important demand for them has developed in the eastern markets, which has greatly stimulated tho planting of early apple varieties in many sections whero formerly they were little valued. Well-Dressed Fowls. Well-dressed fowls are more attrac tive to the hungry than well-dressed people. If you don’t believe It leaVe it to the hired man or the growing boy. Gets Right Twist z On Rheumatism Makes Short Work of Cleaning Oat Your Entire System—Aches and Pains Go Fast. In S. S. S. Yon Get a Twist on Rheumatism That Settles It. Many a rheumatic sufferer has been to the drug store for a bottle of 8. 8. 8. and been handed something claimed to be "Just as good.” Truly, to ask for bread and be given a stone is still In practice. If you are troubled with rheumatism In any form be sure to use S. 8. 8. and note its wonderful Influence. 8. 8. 8. has the peculiar action of soak ing through the intestines directly into the blood. In five minutes its influence Is at work in every artery, vein and tiny capillary. Every membrane, every organ cf the body, every emunctory becomes in effect a filter to strain the blood of Im- purities. The stimulating properties of 3. 8. S. compel the skin, liver, bowels, kid neys, bladder to all work to the one end of casting out every Irritating, every pain. Inflicting atom of poison; it dislodges by Irrigation all accumulations In the joints, causes acid accretions to disolve, renders them neutral and scatters those peculiar formations in the nerve centers that cause such mystifying and often b a ffl i n g rheumatic pains. And best of all this remarkable remedy is welcome to the weakest stomach. K you have drugged yourself until your stomach Is nearly paralyzed, you will ba astonished to And that S. 3. 8. gives no sensation but goes right to work. Thia 1* because it is a pure vegetable Infusion, 1» taken naturally into your blood just a* pure air is inhaled naturally Into you* lungs. Get a bottle of S. S. S. today, and as* for S. 8. 8. You may depend upon it that the star* that sells you what you ask for is a good place to trade. Write to the Swift Specific Co., tot Swift Bldg.. Atlanta, Ga^ for their Book on Rheumatism. IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED OUT OF TOWN PEOPLE Look Mother! If tongue la coated, cleanae little bowele with "Cali fornia Syrup of Figo.” Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs,” because in ' a few hours all the clogged-up waate, j sour bile and fermenting food gently , moves out of the bowels, and you have | a well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to J take this harmless “fruit laxative.”! Millions of mothers keep it handy be-1 cause they know its action on the ’ stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and* sure. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs,” i which contains directions for babies, > children of all ages and for grown-ups. F B<«t CcRfh Bynip. Taste« òood. U m la tim«. Soli by Draff cist*. G GEE WO th* Chia*** Aceto*. CONSULTATION FREE. If you lira out of town and ran not etlJ, wrfra far symptom blank and circular, enclcaiac < rant* b* «lampa. THEC. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 162 J First St., Cor. Morrison Portland, Oregon. ■ P. N. U r» I No. », *1* WHEN writing to advert!**». p!«aae ’ tlon thl* gager- 1