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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1914)
Doings of Our Neighbors HKI I ZV III M'. COM kIHI Illi Hi III KAI I) IMPORTERS AT NEARBY POINTS CHERRYVILLE ■------------------------ LENTS FUEL COMPANY ('or. Main and Foster^Road Frank Rhode*, with one aaaistant, one half day lMt week, .awed HO00 shingle* al bl« mw mill 3 mile* north of town and he «ay. from one cedar log be rowed 40,0» shingle*. He says hia claim contain* fully 0I6OX) worth of ahinglee and Inmber of cedar alone. There are fully 100 co called railroad clalme around here that have fully aa many cedar log* and etube on them that no one can uee on account of litigation. tn a recent ieeue of the Sunday Oregon Journal there ie an article commenting on a letter received by the writer from Robert Lincoln elating that the old lady at Eugene, 104 year« ot age, who claimed .he wae an aunt of Lincoln la mi«taken aa bla only aunt livee in Ky. Acting upon tbia the Journal got In touch with tbe aunt at Louvilie, Ky.. who «aye »he never bad a brother, Frank Todd, living in Mo., and that all three of her brother, were killed in the Civil war. U. 8. Senator Ixne In writing to your correepondent aay* he will continue to etir up the animal* In the U. 8. Senate, no matter how much It ebocka their pretended dignity nor amug self-com placency. No one la well enough versed in the dead language to ineult Root or Galiinger. While Portland ia atill dallying about their new poet office building, Cherry ville haa it* new poet office building nearly finiahed and it will be ready for bueineee neat week. Nothing like puah when you want to pueb thing*. Two team* from the school here will engage in a spelling conical at Sandy on Thursday of thia week with team* at Kandy and from Kelso, Firwood, and the Bluff*. PHONE TABOX lMt GILBERT Wood and Coal Slab Wood a Specialty orders Drlivered Promptly EveningTelagram and HERALD One Year $4.50 Beaver State Herald Oregon PROFESSIONAL CAROS DR. JOHN FAWCETT Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty Pacific Tal><>r 3214 Home Local 2111 A. D. KENWORTHY & CO. Funeral Directors L 0. 0. F. BUILDING Talxir 6207 Oregon Lents, Phone*: Th* Ramapo Musical and Literary Club met on Tueeday evening at the home o! Mr. Lynn, but the storm of tbe afternoon kept the crowd at home. Thoee present report a pleasant time. Tbe next meeting will be at the resi dence of Mr. J. L. Johnson on Lenox avenue. Mr*. Rindle led the meeting at Ben nett Chapel Sunday evening. Say, it wa» good—like old time*. Mr. F. E. Dano who have been living on I^onx avenue near Ramapo atation ha« l.iught a fruit farm at the Dalle*. He leavee here to take up a poeition which lie held there in tbe («at. They want him back, and it certainly i* not to be wondered at, aa he i* a aplendidly refined, educated man. The whole family will be tniaaed by thoee who knew them beat. We are aorry to have them leave thia locality. Calkins, the poultry man ie putting up a hall on Buckley avenue He re quests thoee in the vicinity to help erect it and offer* the hall free for all respect able uee or entertaiument. We can ■land Iota of that eocialitm eh? Eugenia Park Address Lents. s------------------------------------ a Main 430, Home A 4558 Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL OIRECTORS Seventh ami Ankeny Street. Portland .... Oregon Alvord Undertaking Company Lenta and Kern Park Q. E. GREENLEAF, Manager Re«. 4510 70th St S E. O»r 45th Ave Funeral Directors and Embalmers Call* anHWered <lay or night in any part of the city. Quick Ant« Service, Fine Equipment, Lady Assistant. Night Phon« B lite Dey Phone Tebor »2 Day Phone Lenw :«Wl LODGE DIRECTORY. Nhlloh dirci« No. I®, ladle« ot O. A. R. niwte l«t «nd Ud Het uni» y evening« In I. O. O. <• halt. Unte. Lllleh Maltet, Pre«,, Carrie Ingle«, Nee'y. Mr. and Mr*. Cha* Isaacson, have recently moved into their new cottage on 10th. Ave., between Lerner and Holly street*. Mr and Mr. John Brown have start- e<l preparation, for an attractive ban- galow on their property on Oth Ave near Rose St. Mr. ami Mr*. Frank Sterne, of 831 E. ! Everett St. came over Sunday in their auto, ae visitor* of Mr. H. C. Richmond of 10th., Ave. They contemplate build ing on their property on 9th. Ave., thi* spring, and we all welcome them back in our mid*t. Mr. H. C. Richmond of 10th Ave ha* now completed the interior of hie house and aa soon aa tne weather per mit* will paint exterior, making, it one of the most attractive home* in Eugenia Park addition. Mr*. 8. Montgomery of 8th avenue I* 1 recovering from a bad caae of la grippe. ; Friends of Mrs. N. Y. Richmond, o 8 th. Ave. will lie glad to hear, that ahe | is steadily improving in health, and the beat wiahea ofjthe Herald, and it* patron* are with her, for her speedy recovery. Mrs. D. Arbuckle, of Sth. Ave ia steadily improving, after her aeige of Mgrippe of the past two weeks. Measles seem to be very prevalent in this vicinity causing many vacancies in the school room*. Mr. ami Mrs. R. II. Porter, have re turned to their home on the Oregon City road between Rose and Lesser Sts. 1 They have been on a ranch near Mosier ; Oregon, the pafet year. Residents of Grays Crossing and vicinity, certainly appreciate the gravel 1 strewn on the path on the Oregon City ' road, by the city, and would heartily be in favor of more are lights HOW TO MAKE SOAP CUREALL FOR PLANTS. LOCAL AND PERSONAL JEWELER Watches, Jewelry Repair Work G. F. RUSCH Tailor to- Men and Women When you arrive next Tuesday night. Oh, be prepared to tell Th« worst adventure. fearful fright. That ever you befell! How to Mak* Lemonade Sirup. Many housewives have found that It is wiser nnd more economical to mnk< The King ol All Laxatives lemonade sirup than to rely on making For constipation, use Dr. King’s New lemonade Impromptu. Make a sirup Life Pills. Paul Mathnlka, of Buffalo, by using one cupful of sugar to one N ¥., says they are the "king of all ' pint of water nnd boll nlamt ten min laxatives. They are a blessing to all ute*. Add lemon Juice, strained, or Use as re my familv and I always keep a I mix at other juice and bottle. home.” Get a box ami get well again. quired and dilute If necessary to indi Price 25c. At Druggi-ts or by mail. vidual tastes. H I luckles A Ct. Phuadclploa w it. Ltait A. N. GARDNER Why pay |7 ior a rocker you can buy for >6 at Kenworthy & Co., Lenta. Jelly Good Fun on Oct. 31. This jolly Halloween party given last year may offer suggestion* to the hostess of 1918. On tbe Invitations to the party were inscribed the following jingle done in fantastic lettering: How to Lossen Tire Trouble. One-half the enjoyment of touring ia Immunity from tire troubles. The aver age owner-driver can enjoy this im munity by exercising care in making his preparations. Blowouts, punctures and other tire troubles are holdups that he looks forward to with no de gree of enjoyment, whereas a little prepartion in the way of accessories for temporary repairs obviates unnec essary delay. In the first place, he should be sure that hia casings and tubes are In good condition and thnt he has an extra supply of both. Then, with a good air pump, a tire gauge to test the air pres sure In his tires and a supply of tire repair devices, he can go on his way confident that he has taken every pre caution to sidestep tire troubles. He will find thnt thus prepared the tour will be more enjoyable Ixith for him self and his guests Dally Mails LUMBER $6 AND UP Have Tbe rooms were gorgeous with au tumn leave*, golden yellow pumpkin Jfck-o’-lantems and fantastic black cat candle shades. An upstair* room which was occupied had t>een turned into a “chamber of horrors.” The walls were hung with aheets, then witches, spi ders. bats, owls and cats had been cut from black pai*er, almost life sixed, and pasted on them: the lights were «had ed with a green paper that gave a moat ghastly glow. In thl« weird place the guest* were assembled to relate their “horror" tales, A black cat and her family of jet black kittens played about, adding Interest to the scene. As the people entered this spooky place a ghostly figure held out its hand lu greeting. A white kid glove had Ix-en stuffed with fine sawdust and laid on ice for hours, a round stick was fastened to it, which the ghost bad concealed under the flowing sleeve dra peries. This Is an, old trick, but one that always works well. When the stories were about finished a strange rattling was heard at the door and two little scarlet clad Imp* rushed into the room and chased ev erybody down to the dining room. The table was lovely with a huge pumpkin coach drawn by twelve chocolate mice, which cavorted about the table driven by a black cat coachman. The coach was filled with grapes and yellow chrysanthemums. At each place there was an individual lantern made from an orange Tbe ttonbon holders were yellow Ice cups attached to pumpkin wheels drawn by black cats. The host ess said she had made these from cra|>e pafier. cutting out the figures, mount ing them on cardlsuird. then touching them up a bit with black and gold paint. These wonderful crape papers are a great help to hostesses, as tbe napkins come decorated for nearly ev ery s|>ecial day In the calendar and they are very decorative. A simple but “Halloweeny” menu was served, consisting of coffee, crab meat a la Newburg in the chafing dishes, cheese, olives, cider, popcorn, salad (Waldorf! in red hollowed out apples, gingercakes and a huge cake containing the usual mystic symbols— namely, a ring, thimble, coin and but ton. On a stand by the fireplace there was a huge bowl filled with chestnuts, raisin* and apples for roasting, it was all jolly and Informal, as Halloween parties should be. Meets JONSRUD BROS. HALLOWEEN PARTY. te Circle Mr. John Brown 1* beginning bi* scription* and anecdote* of hi* travel*, new residence on Ninth Ave. near Koe* lhe Boy* Orchestra under th« skillful btreet. leadership of .Mi** Ewing one of the BORING OREGON Phone tex teacher* gave several delightful musical Mill I 1-4 mile« «outheaM nt Keito^ Katzky Bro*, have one ot the finest number*. A buaiuesa meeting of parent* ■belt display* of canned good* in the and teacher* concluded tbe evening. CEDAR POSTS The circle meet* every third Friday of citv. SHINGLES tbe month in the school auditorium at MOULDINGS 8 o’clock, Ur. Frank Melvin i* President TURNED WORK John Walrod, 8r. I* recovering from a and Mr*. Cha* Thoma*secretary. lengthy spell of sicknes*. Tbe Mother* Club meet* at tbe school Large stock of Dimension Lumber on hand house every second Tuesday afternoon Roufh *nd Dressed lumber ior »11 purposes L. E. Browning and wife of Ritchie at about 2:30. Parent* interested in •and order to JOKBBUD BKO8. Borin* RD* and Lewi* Street* are parent* of a son the school life of their children should born thia week. attend these meeting* when ever it ia The best values in home furnishings at possible to do *o. lowest prices—Kenworthy 4 Co.. Lenta. Mr. Roy Kelly ia contemplating an Whitewashing the interior of the addition to hie residence on Fourth Ave. He ie already at work excavating poultry house will not rid it of lice unless a little carbolic acid is added for a basement. to the wash. To keep plant* that can be grown Indoor* In fine condition ■have a pound of a good white «oap very finely Into a gallon of boiling water. When dissolved add twenty-four gallona of cold water and use wlthouSdelay. If a small quantity Is wanted dla solve one-sixth of a small cake of soap In a pint of boiling water ■ nd add a gallon and a half of cold water Apply tn rose plants, carna tion*. violet leaves and tbe like. Half an hour after applying rinse off tbe solution with soft, clear water. For begonias, fuchsias, ferns ■ nd all tender and bulbous plants add a third more water to the solution so that it will t>e about three-fourths as strong a* the one mentioned etsive am! again, after half an hour, rinse off with clear, soft water. Be careful al ways to reach tbe under as well aa the up|>er side of the leaves. Hew Woodmere Mell* at the Lente poetoffice arrive The Woodmere Parent-TeacheraCircle met at the school house last Friday eve and depart a* follow*: Arrive Depart ning. Geo. M. Weister entertained 8:00 A.M. 8:20 A.M. Mrs. Frank Cruikahank and children them in an odMAttoMi way with hia 12:40P.M. 12:45 PM. : spent Wednesday with friend* in Bell ■teroption view* of the wonder sight* of 3:10 P.M. 5:20 P.M. wood. Oregon aceompained by interesting de We Give S. & H. Green Trad ing Stamps All Goods and jWork I’m on the Lookout for painting jobs. Are you looking for a painter' Let ua get together and have a talk. I can tell you what it will cost you. can suggest color scheme* and will tell you what material* I use. I mix my own paint after stuuying the condition* ot the surface to be painted. These condi tion* have a direct l»earing on the way the paint should be mixed. I USE PIONEER OR Selby “Dutch Boy” White Lead Foster Road Next Door to P. O. Lents Sta., Portland, Oregon and pure linseed oil. I consider paint made from these materials to be the best. lit ■« R*»r, «■ Ite C m ! •( tka M T h Ran ■ Mi«* TABOR 4762 RALPH P. LAWRENCE KAL8OMIXING and PAPERftANGING First Class Near Poet Office, LENTS Foster Road FEARY BROS. Inc. COLLECTORS Collection* Everywhere No Collection—No Charge Agent for Mt. Scott, Mcntavilla, and Eastern Multnomah. We .Make a’ Personal Call Mortagages Foreclosed We Buy Notes Eggiman’s Market The Center of Interest for Tasty and Economic Buyers Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, and Mutton. Butter, Eggs, Cheese and Pickles. Our own Lard, Sausage, and Home Cured Bacon. Full Line of Cured Meats No Stale Goods—Everything Sanitary EGGIMAN BROS. MAIN ST. LENTS GEORGE G. IRVINE Local Manager Main St. ard Foster Rnad.^Lent* Tabor 5259 Temple of Economy Pays More for THERE IS ONLY ONE Second Hand Brugger’s Bakery and that is the old Bakery on Nelson St. near Station, on the car line. I FURNITURE We Sell 3 Large Loaves Hot Bread 10c and sells it for less than others Stale Bread 2 Loaves for 5c Minimum expenses enable us to sell cheaper and better Bakery Goods than any other. Formerly 6 years proprie tor of this Bakery, we advertise no hot air. McNeil Bldg, Main St, Lents TRY Brugger’s Bread, TRY any other kind, you will say That Brugger’s Bread is the BEST Automobile Repairing Prest-O-Lite Service VULCANIZING u. s. DIAMOND GOODRICH Tires Storage ¡Battery Recharging We CarryJ a Stock’ofJORD Parts and Accessories Day and Night Service LENTS GARAGE Third Ave. and Foster R«ad)3