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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1914)
MT. SC( )TT H ERA LI ) Entered a* K«*x>ud Ulas* Mail Matter at Lente, Oregon, August ¿5, 1911 Published Every Thursday at lent*, Ore., by the M t . S cott BvauagiKo Co. H. A. DARN ALL, Knrroa Office Phone: Home 1111. GAIN we call attention to the efforts being made by Commissioner Holman to show how considerate the county court has been this year in the mat ter of assessments. Why not? The county has been paying for a showy courthouse, has had a high priced library on hands, and numerous other more or less fancy bills to pay. Those have been a soitv enough burden and at this time when there was chance for temporary relief the people of the county would ap preciate a short breathing spell. State taxes are high this year, and the court must have known it before they made their assess ments. Even at the figure laid out for roads last year the coun ty would have been relieved to the extent of $346,114. which would have meant something over a mill to every taxpayer. A S TIME permits develop ments it is evident that the real animus back of the recall movement is the desire for re venge on the part of a number of disgruntled office seekers and discharged incompetents. Mr. Buck Keith, the “main guy” seeking revenge is a discharged market inspector. How Buck ever got to be market inspector is one of the mysteries of the town. He is just about as com petent to be market inspector as he is to be chief justice of the United States, and if he knows anything about law’ or language he has picked it out of the gutter. Buck might know a rotten potato if it was shown to him in the bins of an opponent, but he would have hard work seeing one if it was being ped dled by a “liberal” salesman. A The Editor of the Herald called at the Pisgah home recent ly and one of the assistants in quired how long since he had left. He suggests that persons calling at the Home be specific as to their business or they may be mistaken for a prospective in mate and forced to take a “hobo bath.” amd M amaou . Residence: Tabor 2S13 ment to divest the President of the power of appointment, in order to de prive th* President of power to build up an Administration political machine and dicale to Senatorsand Congressmen who want the privilege of paiceling out a little of the pie. If Bourne goes into that, it ia safe to say, in view of hie pa»t campaign*, that there will be a good deal of noise whether he win* or not. NOTES OF THE W. C. T. 0. Do You Keep Geese? Try This Graftlnc Wax Gress «ill begin to lay about the first of March. The egg* should be gathered Irefore they ere much chilled and save«! for setting. They will keep if handled carefully, and turned daily, tor three weeks. Generally bene do better with the egg* than geese Set about live to «even egg* under a large hen. If eel under the old goore. belter take them away from her a few day* before hatching begin* and give tpem to a hen. The egg* hatch in tB to 30 day*. Bee that the hen ha* a nice clean roomy neet, clone to the ground, and free (rem vermin. About the 26th day lake the eggs from the nest and dip them in eonie tnild water, replacing them In the neet if the egg* are pipped do not let water get into the eggs. It takes 94 to 36 houre for eggs to bo fully hatched after th* pipping begins. Don't worry if they come slowly. If the pipping just break* the «hell, better op n op th* tough membrane with a short slit. It th* goeling doe* not come out, after several hour*, better assist by breaking the shell eom* more, and finally it may be necessary to practically remove it,—a last reeort. A* the young goeling* come out, take them away from the hen and put them in a comfortable box and set them near the stove. Don't get too hot. After dry and fluffy, and the batch is off, re turn them to lb* ben. After a week or *o the ben may be removed a* the young goslings will not really need her unleee the weather io quite bad. Let the gosling* alone for the first 36 hours. Then fee«! a little bread soaked in milk and provide them with some •and. Give them lettuce or allow them to rnn on short grass. Cinders or oyster «bell will do for grit. After they are severs! day* old they will eat b riled vegetable*, mixed with bran, «horta. ground chop, or boiled whole wheat. If they get lousy, from the hen*, place a little sweet oil oo the heads, or under the wings. Provide plenty of shade and some good clean water, but they should not be allowed far get into it, especially when quite young. Young geese are liable to be hurt by extremely hot weather. As they get older give them free range and they will nearly m ake a liv- ing on gra*« but they will grow larger if supplied wi’h some chop moistened with water. They do not care for oily food*. Tallow, ou» part; tweewax, two parta; rerin, four part*. Melt them together and when well mixed poor them into cold water. When cool pull a* you would taffy until while. For cold weather use, a pint ol lin- »eed oil, a pound of Iteeawax, and six pounds of resin wilt make a good wax, which 1* applied hot and about an eight of an inch thick. Arrangement* have been made for the presence in Lent* on Tuesday March lttth of the worldwide missionary, Miae l.wy Broad, in the afternoon, from two to four, a reception will be held at the M. E. Church, and in the evening a lecture will be given by Miss Broad in the Evangelical church There will be pictures of the people and places where the speaker has travelled. There will be no charge for admission, but an odering will be expected in the evening. This missionary meeting takes the place of ths regular meeting of the Mt. Scott union, the press and lituature <iepart- menw giving way for the reception which is to be participated in by all the mission ary societies in lente. The meml er* of Mt. Scott Union are requested to bring wafers. Tea will be furnished by the ladies of the church. On Thursday, March 12th. «at the Friends church, Hon W. 8. U’Ren will tell tlie a-wembled [wople why tie is an independent candidate, for office of governor. As has been staled the differ ent candidate for governor are to be in vited to give the reason why they believe as they do, *o that the new voter* may have a first hand opportunity to judge for themselves for whom they wish to vote. There lecture* are from three to four o'clock in the afternoon. Mr U’Ren himself selected the date of his appearance, Thursday. March 12th. An effort to have all who can register upon a certain date has been made by the women’* Christian Temperance Union. The date fixed upon is the 4th. of March. It is believed that many timid ones may find it more pleasant to take the trip to the court house if others are going, so the morning of Wednesday March 4th has been set aside by the unions for that purpose. All who can possibly 'io so are requested to register on that date. On Friday March 12th. a tea will be “FOR HALE" and “WANT' reader, given at county headquarters to which classified column, 1 cent per word all interested in the “Oregon Dry” cam in for first insertion; % cent sulwequentlv. paign are invited to participate. The Watch the column for bargains. headquarters are now located on fourth WANT1D floor of the Dekum building, corner Third and Washington street. WANTED—A good reliable man or woman to «»licit mibeciptions. Enquire at Herald office. CLASSIFIED At The Churches German Evangelical Reformed Church 8. School 10 A. M. German School Saturday 10 A. M. Y. P. S. Wednesday Collier’s View of Bourne Former Senator Jonathan Bourne of S P. M. Sunday worship 11 A. M. T. H. Schilaknecht. Pastor. 5 Ave Lent* Oregon, who believe* the good-road* problem contain* the key to American Arleta Baptist Church economic development and rural hap piness, always think* the particular The "Merry Milkmaid*" Cantata work he ha* in hand is the paramount under the direction of Mr*. Ella Hoburg issue. In his younger year* Bourne Tripp, will be given at the Arleta Baptist was a “booxe fighter,” but a* soon as be. Church, Friday evening Feb. 27, 1914. realized that it wa* a losing game, he Sunday School next Sunday morning at emptied hi* champagne in o the wash 9:45. B Y. P I'.6:15 Church service« bowl, and in the iwenty-two years has , 11:00 and 7:30. Everyliody welcome to not taBted alcoholic liquor. A few years any and all of tbe*e meeting*. The B. ago he became convinced that the old : Y. P. U. will give a social Friday eve style of politics ia bad, and helped ning Mar. 6. U’reo and other* to make Oregon the | pioneer progressive State by backing M. E. CHURCH tne initiative and referendum and di Preaching 11 A. M. Service* at Ben rect primary. Hi* “Statement One” nett Chapel 3. P. M. Evangelistic campaign was one of the most stren uous ever pulled off in that strenuous Service in the evening ; and the Men* State, and it landed in the United Quartett will *ing. We note a better State* Senate the first two Senators attendance every Sabbat and hope others chosen by direct vote of the people. w ill join the procession, and go to church. W. Boyd Moore Pastor. While in the Senate, Bourne made a speech declaring the “Oregon system" the ’‘best in the world" (superlative as Baptist Church usual), and he organized a campaign Service* of Lord’« Day, March 1. for its adoption in every state in the > Union. Then he started the “Preri-1 Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon theme: "The dential-primary" idea, and by a vigor- i Man of Sin.” Young People’s Meeting ou* campaign in hi* home State secured 1 6:30 p. tn. Evening worship, 7:30 p. m. its adoption by a narrow margin over Sermon theme: "Bringing a Man to the protest of the old machine. Since [ Christ." The Lord’s Supper will be then ten other state* have adopted it, observed at the cl'ise of the morning and Woodrow Wilson and Theodore worship. All are welcome. Roosevelt have indorsed it. Then J. M. Nelson, pastor. Bourne turned hie attention to parcel poet. Brushing aeide with one hand A Winter Cough the advocates of Government purchas - A stubborn, annoying, depressing ol the express companies, and with the other squelching the advocates of a “fiat congh hang* on, racks the Itody, rate regardless of distance,” he went weakens the lung*, and often leads to dowiî the line for the “z me system” serious results. The first dose of Dr. and, as chairman of the Senate com- King’s New Discovery gives relief. mitte, helped to put the parcel-post law Henry D. Handers, of Cavendish, Vt., as it stands on the statute books. Now was threatened with consumption, Mr Bourne think* ‘‘good roads" the after having pneumonia. He writes; most important economic problem be-1 "Dr. King’s New Discovery ought to be ore the American peou'e* “more im in every family; it is certainly the Lest portant," he says, “than both tariff and medicine for coughs, cold* or lung tronble.” Good for children's coughs. currency combined.” Hi* friends say Money back if not satisfied. Price 50c. that when be gets done with road legis and *¡.00. At all Druggists. lation he will start a nation-wide move- I. t. 4000*1 A C* HNMMglM« *r It LMt Plan—Then Act Many people plan their whole lives to have a bank account and then leave this world without so much as a start at one. Planning is not worth anything un » A “Piano" For $1« Deposit: balance on easy pay ments. Let your “Christmas present” be a permanent one. Let us prove to you a saving of $25 to $100 on any piano you wish to buy. Our System of Selling insures satisfaction. Free tuning and inspection for one year. We offer you a Rood piano for $196 (others would charge you $900). Special offer for this week: First claps player piano for $456 (r£?ular price $4500). No sensa tional (circus) advertising; we are out of the “high-rent dis trict”; no “buncomb piano checks" nor “trading stamps.” We positively give you Jmore value at a less price than is possi ble to obtain elsewhere. Send us the names of three or more friends or neighbors who might be interested in a piano.^player piano or Victrula.- and we will send you and them a beautiful monthly art calendar fori 1914. A visit will be of mutual advant age. We will be pleased to demonstrate the ‘ ‘Christmas player” action, which can be easily installed in any piano,Tand makesan y piano a "playor piano” or anybody a pianist, Our “auto” is at your service. Open eveningB. Soule Bros. Piamo Company. .‘588 Morrison street, near Tenth.—Adv. less followed by action and good intentions Interest with this bank right now and back up your plans with action and the rest will come Time Deposits easy. It is a stepping stone to prosperity and it is up to you, so why not begin today. The Multnomah State Denk UNITED STATES POSTAL DEPOSITORY Lents Sta., Portland, Oregon Hay, Feed and Grain Washed Gravel, Sand GET OUR PRICES Cement, Brick, Lime, Wall and Land Plaster MCKINLEY & BUNDY 1 Block East of Main St. on Foster Roni Phon«« Tatsir 1«IH; Hum* 3112 Horrible Blotches of Eczema Quickly cured by Dr. Hobson'* Ec- rema Ointment, C. P. Cadwell, of New Orleans, La., states: "My doctor advised me to try ’Da. Hobson s Ec zema Balve.’ I used three box** of Ointment and three cake* ol Dr. Hob- son'* DermaZems Snap, Today I have not a spot anywhere on my body and can say 1 am cured." It will do the same for you. Ita soothing, heal- I ing, antiseptic action will rid you of all ■kin humor«, blackhead*, pimples, Eczema blotches, red unsightly sores, and leaves your skin clean and healthy. Get a box to-day. Guaranteed. All Druggist*, 50c. or by mail. Storage Warehouse All kinds of Storage for Household arti cles, Furniture or other Goods Mrltt»r Ctomca C* MNUps A It I Mi Daily Oregonian, Herald, McCall,* Magazine and Bunret, ail for the regular price (*6 00) of the Oregonian, WANTED—A woman to do houre if taken at the Herald office. work. Only middle aged need apply. Call at H-rald office for information WANTED—Boys mar be had and i sometime* girl*. The older one* at ordinary wage* anil other* to be schooled «nd cared for in return In' (light services rendered. For particu lars address W. T. Gardner, sujierin- tendent Boys and Giri* Aid Society of > Oregon. Portland. Ore. tf never land you anywhere. Make your plans to start an account Rates Reasonable Feel Miserable? Out of aorta, depressed. pain in back —Electric Bitter* renew« vour health and strength. A guaranteed Liver and Kidney remedy. Money back if not satisfied. It completely cured Robert Madsen, of West Burlington, Iowa, who suffered from virulent liver trouble for FOR KALE eight month«. After four doctor« gave FOR HALE—244) egg fncnlmtor, him up, he took Electric Bitter* and is cheap. Mn. F. C. Hugh, Gilbert road. now a well man. Get a bottle to-day; FOR SALE—Good young horse. In it will do the same for you. Keep in the house for all liver and kidney com quire at Herald office. plaints. Perfectly safe and dependable. FOR HALE—Pure brad white ¡eg- It* result* will surprise you. 5<ic and born rooster. Inquire at Herald office *1.00 FOR SALE—Newspaper* for wrap I. t tackles A C*. PkOMpku *r St LMit ping or kindling. Mt. Scott Pub. Co. Office Lents Furniture Company North Main St., Lents PHONES: Home 1111; Tabor 1361 The Herald is only $1.00 the year LUMBER—At our new mill 1*4 mile* southeast of Kelso. We deliver ¡umber. Jonarud Bros (• FOR SALE — Silver Campine Roosters. F. B. Golden, % mile south of I-ents, R. D. Box 303. MARES, HORSES, WAGONS and HARNESS. Call at Grange Store. Katzky Bro*. Buff Leghorn males for breeding, I {>rixe stock. Buff, white and brown ■ eghorn setting egg*. *022, 05 Ave., i 8. E. Tabor 3426. letter heads, envelopes, cards, bill i heads, auction notices and poster*, [ dodgers, announcements, etc, at Mt. Bcott Pub. Co., office, Lents. Ten a ectric Generating Plants Portland (2) Oregon City RELIABLE ELECRTIC SERVICE Silverton FOR BILE—Thoronghhred White Plymouth Kock Egg* for hatching, *1.00 I*er setting of 15. A. Schuman, Lenta. Home Phone 2014. Cazadero FOR HALE—Pure Bred Rhode friand Red Egg* lor hatching, *1 00 f>or Betting of 15. Mr*. Frank Hnuffin* mile east of lente. Home Phone 4621. Bull Run FOR SALE—A «tore with modern living room*, including good wood range. Good bueiness propertv on Mt. Hcott carline, corner Sth and Nel«>n street, «Iso horse, harness and buggy cheap for ca»h. Phone Tabor 4440. Widely scattered, have been built by the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company for the purpose of pro viding Where Located Estacada to its patrons. Through high tension transmission lines, each of these gen erating plants are inter-communica tive, so that the service is insured against unforeseen interruptions. Boring St Johns . • Salem -iT-’TTSF FOI? RRNT FOR RENT—Two «ere* of ground, 2 third« in berries. Wi l rent cheap. Mr*. F C. High, Gilbert road. mihckij . ankoi m We buy and sell second hand furniture and stoves Alvord’s Furniture Htore 111 Main Ht. Portland Railway Light & Power Company Broadway and Alder Streets PHONES: Marshall 5100; Home A-6131