SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, OASES OR INDIGESTION POULTRY................ . and Dairy Produce W ail binds wanted. Kaoh "Fap«'s Dlap«p«ln" Digests 3000 grains food, ending all stomach misery In five mlnutas. Write for our CASH OFFER Praraon-Page Co. STOP1 UKIZI I.INTKNI Your oppartunltr to buy 1100 California farm land fur 1'1 ■ which lowltlwly should double In value within three rears. Ten annual payments. Writ« today. Psupla's Real Kalate Lain Co.. I/O« Amalea. Cal. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Bought, ♦okl ami aichan««Nl: «naln«*. bpilar«. 8«w-mlII*. rtr. ftrr Htock Ll«l atui I'rice«. 11lk: J. K. MA la IN CO.. Ml lat St.. Portland. Or. VISIT TO ANT VILLAGE WITH “$ÌANDMAI r Hotel Washington Portland, Oregon Waahlastoa KtraH. Caraar ot Twalfth. CRAB. li. ROWLEY. Maaa«ar. I1M. IIAS (Z.IS Par Dar Wltk Batfe Privila««. Spellai Kulet bu uretb or monili. Bua to ami frani trai Washington 8t. and tzanafrr, gol oft at Twalfth Straat. Time itl In five minutes all stom­ ach distress will go. No Indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloutlug, foul breath or headache. Pape's lllapepsln is noted for Its speed In regulating upset stomachs. It Is the surest, quickest stomach rem­ edy in the whole world and besides it Is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble Worever by getting a large flfty-cent case of i’apo's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five mtuutee bow needless It is to suf­ fer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's tha quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor In the world. A «Hr cow Is a bad Inveatment. end a cow that Is not producing as much good milk as «hr should is not writ. All cows need careful attention to keep them healthy, and little disorders can be kept from becoming big by the use of Kow Kure. .This famous remedy is a sure cure and preventive of meet row each as Lout Appetite. Milk Fever. Bunches, Red Water, Scouru<, Abortion. Barrenness, and Retained Afterbirth. Oct a package of Row Kure front your dealer and keep it on hand couatautly. 90 cent and 11.00 sixes. A«k for copy of “The Cow Book.” eun umcutim a., sns. vl e/cirio coasr onraisuro»« NCTUM Stu Ct- r». »0« Merrlsea Nt. Nt. that le» Jlotel. Pertlaed. Or. COMPANY. DR MARSHALL’S CATARRH SNUFF *> c,»»r tu MUfitrasuovWtf rat ¿<7 Minii i a stinttitituxe :«ie ON’T waste your time and money on worn-out land that is high-priced simply because it was orwe worth its present price! The richest virgin soil is waiting for you in Manitoba—and the Alberta-Saskatchewan district. You can buy it for practically the same price per acre that the mere manuring per acre of soil in many parts Z P. O. Itos I0U. PurUand. Or. KINGING-EARS DEAFNESS IHYIANTLY HiLlfVlD BY THt fill) Get Your ^Canadian Home Zy/n /Ze Canadian Pacific Putnam Fadeless Dyes guaran­ tee satisfaction. Continuous Performance. "We have decided to inform Willie that there I m no Hanta Claus.“ [/ "At his age? I wouldn't do It.” "We urn compelled to do It. He Is Hatlll hanging up hla stocking, and the ■ > expense of filllug It every night is too heavy." of the U. 8. costs! Fertile Canadian West offers you not only soil cf wondrous productivity, but It also offers you a splendid climate, churches of all creeds, splendid public schools, exceptionally good merkets. fine hotels and transportation facilities that are unexcelled. We have a truly splendid proposition to make to any earnest farmer or to men who wish to farm and who «re sincere In their desire to u'tlt In this country. We actually are In a position to enable you Io men 10 acres for every acre that you now own or farm -and every acre here will produce dmtb.r what a worn out acre produces anywhere. On top ot that, we give you 20 Yean to Paw for It You gain the land for from fll to J.W per acre. In 4.V SCOTS IU I «/ TUT Ik irrigation districts the price Is trom 33S to «‘.5. You pay merely one twentieth down. The balance Is split up into 19 equal pay­ ments. The farm will more than meet the payments and your family's living ex­ penses. Canadian Pacilic farms pay for themselves over and over again before the time the last payment falls due. We can refer you Io terra ot faxmera who paid tor their farms with the proceeds of just one crop! í ór;® ■ BV \ y • GIVE “SYRUP OF FIGS" TO CON8TIPATED CHILD For 76 years Wright's Indian Vege­ table Pills have been their own recom­ Dsllclous "Fruit Laxative" esn’t harm mendation In conditions of upset stom­ tender little Stomach, liver ach, liver and bowels. If you have not and bowel«. tried them, a test now will prove their Look at the tongue, mother! if benefit to you Send for free sample coated, your little oue'e stomach, liver to 372 Pearl St, New York. Adv. and bowels need cleansing at once. You Can't Fool All the People. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't Conductor of Village Band—What's sleep, eat or act naturally, or Is fever­ wrong, Duncan? ish, stomach sour, breath bad; bus Duncan (celloist)—The drum's been sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, playin' ma music and I've been playin' give a teuspoonful ot “Cnliforrla his. Hyrup of Figs," and In a few hours all Conductor—I thoebt there was some­ the foul, constipated waste, undigest­ thing no .lust quite richt.—Punch. ed food and sour bile gently moves out of Its little bowels without grip Free to Oar liradvrs tag. and yftu have a well, playful child Writ« Kurin. Eye Kvmvdy Co., Chicago, for again. Ask your druggist for a 6o- W page Illustrated Kye Book Free. Write all cent bottle of “California HyRip of •b»ut Your Rys Trouble and Ibey will advla« p> (ba Proper AppHrallua of the Murine Figs." which contains full directions «■ Eye Remedlee In Your Hpeclal Case, Your for babies, children of all ages and Drusglal will tell you that Murine Kelteves for grown-ups. Mor. Kyaa, Hlrenglhena Weak Kye«. Ilor.n'l You Are Loaned $2000.00 to Pay for Farm Improvements! Here Is land adapted to grain growing, to poultry raising, dairying, mined farming and to cattle, bog and sheep raising. You decide for yourself what kind of farming you wish to follow. The Canadian Pacific helps you select the land best adapted to your purposes. And then, it you so desire it. we arrange to bav« Th« Sandman and Twins Call to Vlalt th« Appt« Factory. Your Farm Made Ready by Expert« «¿’r an expert on the case and «elect Me farm that will eiaetlp suit yon—tie one that "Mother Dearie," said Johnnie one top to the bottom. Down the ladder you can farm to most «^vantage toymrrultl Let ns tell you about the 400.000.0f» night after he and Jessie had crawled they went, Jackie first, then Johnnie, bushel crop in Canada thia year I Write tor Handsomely lilu.trated Books. Address up in the big chair before the fire- next Jessie and then the Sandman. It place, "what makes some apples green was a pretty long climb because they L. S. THORNTON, District Representative. when they are ripe and other apples were so small, but they finally reached 271 Pine St.. Multnomah Hotel Bldg, Portland, Oregon. hSff the bottom, and there was a large green when they are green T” » Mdther Dearie bugged her little room, all filled up with wooden pipes Twins close to her side and smiled that looked just like water pipes. Some of these pipes were yellow into the Are, and just then there came a little pop in the fireplace and there and some were white and some were Only One He Knew. in a cloud of black soot stood the green in color and they ran in every “Can you give me an example of a Sandman, laughing and bobbing bis direction. toothless animal of the mammalia» bead at the children. Just aa Johnnie was about to ask group?” asked a teacher of a small I boy in the class of zoology. "Seems to me 1 heard something the Sandman what the pipes were for “Yes, sir,” said the boy, promptly, Jackl« turned around and Kmart, Moolhea Kye Pain, and aella tag 10c. said about apples as I came down the little It la Your Kiva and In Baby's Kyea tut chimney," said the Sandman. "Indeed! What is it?” squeaked: '"ihe green pipes carry Rent paid by New York city for Try tk-aly Kyellda and Urauulallun. "My grandma!”—Boston Globe. polling places for four primary and "Yea," said Jessie. "Johnnie was the green juice up to the leaves and one regular election amounts to >360,- An acre of wheat needs 60 tons of just asking Mother Dearie why it is the yellow pipes carry the yellow Exports of Bahia coffee from Brazil water a mont^i. * that aome red apples are green and juice for the Inside of the blossoms last year approximated 24.n0O.0OS and after the blossoms are gone they some green apples are red.” pounds, of which half went to Franc». "Didn't either," said Johnnie. "I carry the juice for the green apples. The white pipes carry the sugar up asked her why green apples are green to sweeten the apples In the fall. aSESEEEEeSES a 1 and red too.” Usually they are empty because they "Don't quarrel about that, because only have to carry sugar up for a few we can easily go and find out all days every year, but just now we have For those ills peculiar to women Dr. Pierco «bout It," said the Sandman. So he a few apples that are not quite sweet i What la Femininiam? pulled out of hla pocket the very recommends his "Favorite Prescription” as I enough so I am feeding them a little What's all this about “femininism?” same two long pointed caps with bells I more sugar.” . By wearing a SEELEY SPERMATIC There seems to be a debate about on their ends that the Twins had SHIELD TRUSS. No worrying or dan* While he was saying this in his fun­ whether it is a good thing or not worn before, and they clapped them ■ ger of an operation. Rupture is not a tear Thgt depends a good deal on what or breach, as commonly supposed, bat is on their heads and there they were. , ny little voice he turned to a sort ot J ' tool chest and pulled out a little it is. ' A medicine prepared by pegular graduated phy«iciaa of unua- the stretching, or dilation, of a natural The no bigger than the Sandman. a We heve had masculinism, meaning I opening. This SEELEY SPERMATIC nal experience in treating woman’s diseases—carefully adapted green cup made out of an acorn shell. Sandman took each one by the hand. SHIELD appliance closes this opening in male dominance—though we didn't to work in harmony with the most delicate feminine constitution. just as he had done before, but this He held the cup under a faucet which :all it that and the tact of dominance 10 days in mo6t cases. If you can’t corner I All medicine dealer« have sold It with satisfaction to cus­ write for measuring blank and literatura. time they did not skip up the chimney was fastened to one of the white nay be not entirely undebatable. tomers for the past 40 years. It is now obtainable in liquid or Sold only by tn the smoke. The library window was pipes, and filled it with fresh sweet ap Does “femininism” mean changing augar-coated tablet form at the drug store—or send 50oue-cent open and through it came a long level pie juice, right from the factory nale dominance to female dominance? stamps for a trial box, to Buffalo. LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. The good Lord forbid! sunbeam from the big red sun going Each of tt)em had a fine drink and Every woman may write fully and confidentially to Dr. Pierro, Third and Yamhill, Portland, Or. ; Jackie then led the way down Into But if it means striking a human invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y^ and may b« to sleep over behind the orchard. a long sort of tunnel which twisted balance—if It Is a step toward human- Who are Truss Experts and Exclusive Sure that her case will receive careful, conscientious, confidential The sunbeam looked just like a won­ State Agents for this appliance. consideration, and that experienced madical advic« will be given and turned for ever so far until finally ,sm—then bring it on and speed its derful road all made out of gold and to her absolutely tr—. the passage way in it was too small doming.—Duluth Herald. the first thing they knew they were up for them to go any further. Dr. 'Aarca’a Pliaiant Fallat• ragalota and invig^rata Itomach, Z p - on that golden road and there was the "This Is the end of one of the big •ront/bo«»/«. Sagar coot««/, tirtji gmaUu gatf f lobe a« canrfp. cutest little golden automobile they ------------------------------------------------------------ ,------------------------------------- had ever dreamed of. It was no big­ roots, and we are way under the ger than half an orange but it was ground now," said Jackie. “I thought Wins Either Way. Ea«y to Find. you might like to see where the Juice "They say that a man who has cold "And did you ever seek the man?" plenty big enough for the Sandman comes from. There are a whole lot and the Twins, so they hopped In and feet la pretty sure to have an active we asked the Office. of little suckers at the end of each "Once or twice," replied the Office. ,he S*nd,n«n cranked up the engine brain.” « root and they suck the water right "Yes, either that or a well-filled “But 1 found him waiting outside my and away they went like the wind. puree."—Chicago Record-Herald. door.”—Cldc Innati Inquirer. The Sandman steered the golden out of the ground and the roots and ■ automobile straight along the golden leaves turn it Into juice for the bloe- Sweden la making efforta to revive The American mountain sheep are sunbeam road and before long the soms and leaves and branches and ap Ita lobster Industry. greatest leapers in the world. I road had to make a little turn to go pies. After all of the food has been I taken out of the juice It all runs into —= 1 around the trunk of a big old apple the leaves and they blow It out into i tree. relieves rheumatism quickly. It stimulates the circulation — in­ the air just like your own breath on a "This Is the apple factory." said the stantly relieves stiffness and soreness of muscles and joints, cold morning. This one apple factory' | Sandman, and they all climbed out of Don’t rub — it penetrates. uses up enough water to fill a cistern ; the automobile and stretched their half full every day.” legs. They were way up high in the Rheumatism Never Returned They now returned to the ladder I branches because, you know, the sun­ ’i «tn t travelling men and about one year a«o I was laid up with rheumatism and and Jessie sighed as she looked up at could not walk. A friend recommended Sloan'» Liniment and the morninc after I beam road runs right through the air used it my knee was all O.K. and it baa never bothered me since. I alwara keep the long climb ahead of her. As soon and hardly ever touches the ground. V”r.M"»ihyv-°.“^.e llouse c*rrJ ‘t with me ou the road.”— Mr. Tknw X ifanar. "There is no time to lose if we are as they were all on the ladder the ap pie man told them to hold on tight to see all of the factory and get back to Mother Dearie before sleepy time,” and then he punched a little button. called the Sandman, as he slid down When he did this the ladder began to one of the branches toward the big shoot up to the top of the tree just trunk. The Twins slid down after as if it had been an elevator and be­ Stiffaeea Van ah. 4 "I suffered with an awful stiffness In him and I expect they wore holes In fore they knew it they were back at my less. That night I gave my legs a rood their stockings doing it Down at the the little door. rubbing with Sloan'» Liniment and beTiev« When they stepped outside it was me. next morning I could jump out of bed. place where the branch Joined the I have been aupplied with a bottle ever trunk of the tree there was a little almost dark and both the sunbeam »inc«."—Mr 4. Moura e/Meaekwaw, X H. bell knob and the Sandman gave this road and the golden automobile had Sprained Ankle Relieved a great pull. In a moment the Twins disappeared. *'l was ill foe along true with a severely heard a tiny little creaking noise, just sprained ankle. I got a bottle of Sloan « The Sandman reached up and broke Liniment »nd now I am able to be about like a door swinging In the wind, and off a yellow apple leaf that grew just and can walk a great deal. I write this because I think you deserve a lot of cred­ there stood « little man much smaller over bis head. it for putting such a fine Liniment on the than the Sandman, all dressed In it 8. 8. S. Means Pure IHood Which Insures Long Life and Health. "Come on, children,” he called. market and I «hall always take time to ' pretty iult of green, and all wet with recommend Dr. Sloan'» Liniment"—Mr«. "Take hold of the stem of this leaf The great experts in Chemistry and And in regenerating the tissues 8. 8. 8. CAoriaa A tom o/ Bainaiara, MA t*hy»lology bow declare what has all has a rapid and positive antidotal effect apple juice. with me and we will be home soon.” along bean contended by the Rwlft lab­ upon all those irritating Influences that "Hullo Sandy, how are ye.” he Sloan's Liniment gives a grateful So they all held onto the stem of oratory that the germa of blood disorders cause rheumatism, sore throat, weak sensation of comfort. Good for the big apple leaf and along cam« a find lodgment in the lnter«tlo«s of the tiu- eyes, loss of weight, thin pale cheek.«, «nd called, and opened the door wide. sprains, neuralgia, sore throat and "I'm pretty well, Jackie," said the big puff of wind and sent them whirl­ suea that weariness of musclo anJ nerve that toothache. Use it now. And herein Is where 8. 8. 8. goes to Is generally experienced, by all sufferers Sandman.' "I thought that I would ing, leaf and all. They spun round and work rapidly, effectively and with won­ with poisoned blood. At an Dealers. 2 Sc., 80c. ana «1.00 brtng Johpnie and Jessie over and round and then they spun over and derfully noticeable results. Send for Sloan'» free book ou borocs. Get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. at any drug take them through the factory." over, Mid the wind blew the leaf high This famous blood purifier contains store, and In a few days you will not only ' Address medicinal component« Just as vital and feel bright, and energetic, but you wlll*be “All right, come on in,” squeaked above the house. The Twins began to essential to healthy blood as the nutritive ths picture of new life. Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc. Jackie. Of course the Inside of the feel very dizzy and the Sandman had to elements of wheat,- roest beef, and fata BOSTON, MASS. 8. 8. 8. Is prepared only in the labora­ apple tree was very dark and you and put his arm around Jessie to keep her and the sugars that make up our dally tory of the Swift Bpeclflc Co., 101 Swift I I could not have seen anything after from falling, and then all of a sud­ ration. As a matter or fact there is one ingre­ Ill.lK, Atlanta, Ga. Who maintain a very the door was shut, but the Twins den came a Whirling gust of wind and dient in 8. 8. 8. which serve« th« active efficient Medical Department, where all jould see as well as if it had been out whirled them down beside the house who have any blood disorder of a stub­ purpo«« of stimulating each cellu|ar part born nature may writ« freely for advice, if doors because of their magic caps. and through the bedroom window of th« body to the healthy and j-idlcioua PISO’S REMEDY 8. 8. 8. is «Old everywhere by all drug They found the Inside of the tree all and right smack into their own little selection of its own essential nutriment. Bert Crvtb Byrwp. T m A m Good. U m ] That Is why it regenerate« th« blood sup­ stores. 8 ” ' ""I hollow and there was a tiny little white beds. i« tim«. Bold by Drnrtitt». H «n -41 ply; why It ha« such a tremsndous In­ a «Beware of all attempts to sell you wrmdan' ladder running clear from th« (Copyright. 1913. by Joseph B. Bowla*> fluence In overcoming ecsema, rash, pirn- something “Just M good.” Insist upas ron C ouchs and colds 1 Go Into Business For T o Wome n' Seeking Health and Strength RUPTURE Q “THE ONE REMEDY” ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ EJ ■ IS CURABLE -SLOANS- LINIMENT Wonderful Blood Remedy That Works in the Tissues The Very Werf Theory Aberf How and Why the Rheumatism L- Rl««, and all akiu affliction» 8. 8. C -J Neuralgia