Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, February 19, 1914, Image 6

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Idea for Proc««« Known «• "Craven-
•tte” Accidentally Obtained In a
Yorkshire Dye House.
It always gives me pleasure to rec
smmcnd anything that is right and so
I feel it my duty to herald the praises
of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root.
For years I was troubled with kid
aey disease and it was so intense that
i was bedridden for days at a time. 1
gave up all hope and doctors for miles
around gave me no help. Incidentally
I tried several patent remedies and at
last tried Swamp-Root. From the first
It gave me relief and It was no time
before I was able to be up and around
and now I am perfectly well and able
to work a» I used to before my terri
ble sickness.
So now let me thank you for youi
wonderful discovery and take this op­
portunity'to recommend it to all whc
suffer from kidney troubles.
Tours very truly,
Hope. Ark.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 25th day of March, 1912.
________ A. V WARE, Notary Public
Letter -o
Dr. Kilmer & Co-
Binghamton. N. Y.
The water-proofing of cloth, so uhi-
versa! today, was unknown twenty-
five years ago. In 1890, Thomas Fearn-
ly ’ 'ey. of Bedford, took out the first
patent for the process known as “era-
venettu." He got the idea from an ac­
cident in a Yorkshire dye house. Cer­
tain materials had been wrongly dyed
and the workmen were directed to
wash out the surplus logwood color
with alum. After the material had
been dried the improvement was so
marked that the dyer ordered a repe­
tition of the alum washing. The cloth
was sent to the wetttng machtne, but
the workmen found that they could
not wet it It prosed through the wa­
ter and came out dry. Thus was
the discovery made that cloth could be
water-proof and yet remain porous
The process used today is as follows:
Cloths Intended for rain-proofing aro
first freed from greake and are then
saturated with the clear liquor obtain­
ed In adding together solutions of pure
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do tor loi sulphate of alumina and acetate of
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.’ lead. The lead is precipitated out and
Binghamton. N. Y.. for a sample six« I the acetate of alumina la dk'd in the
bottle. It will convince anyone. Yoi fabric. The cloth undergoes further
will also receive a booklet of valuabl« I treatment with wax. which is some­
information, telling about the kidney: times applied frictionally from a block
and bladder. When writing, be sun;
and mention this paper.
Regular under the pressure of a pneumatic
fifty-cent and one-dollar site bottle« roller. Under the method more gen­
erally used, the wax. or mixture of
for sale at all drug stores.
waxes, is melted by heat and applied
in an infinitesimally fine film by the
One Year's Electrical Advance.
Perhaps the most important new de action of a ductor roller.
velopment during the last year in th«
electrical field was the half-watt nit NAIL PULLER IS CONVENIENT
rogen-fllled tungsten lamp brought ou
by the General Electric company, a:
a result of several years’ work by Dr Great Pressure Secured Assures Ex­
traction of Any Nail—Idea Given
Irving Langmuir. There has been lit
of Its Construction.
tie change in generators and motor«
except in the sixe of the former t<
keep pace with the increasing capac
An ingenious and effective imple­
tty of steam turbines. The larges- ment for the extraction of nails from
alternating-current generator install packing boxes and the like has been
ed during 1913 was a 25,000-kw. ma patented by a Pennsylvania man. One
chine at the Commonwealth Edisoi
company of Chicago, although stil of ita features is the powerful lever­
larger ones have been ordered, ant age. which the user can bring to bear
the largest direct-current machine on a stubborn nail. The illustration
having a capacity of 3750 kw„ was in gives a better idea of the construction
■tailed at the Canal Road plant of th«
Cleveland Electric Illuminating com
pany. For alternating-current trans
nission 150,000 volts still remains th«
upper limit, work on the Big creek
development tn California, at which
this is employed, having progressed
steadily during the last year. In di
rect-current transmission, however, a
bold step was taken in the decision
to employ the Thury system at 90.00C
volts to transmit 20,000 kw. from the
Trollhattan Falls in Sweden to Copen
Lagen, Denmark.—Power.
Bullets That Come Back.
Speaking about a purchase of a
large quantity of xinc instead of sheet
lead for the manufacture of coffins
two men interested in metals joined
In th© following discussion:
“That is a final consumption,” Baid
one. "That metal never comes back
into the market.” “There are others.”;
remarked his friend. “Shot and bul
lets, for example.” “You are only par
tially correct.” replied the first. "Some
of the bullets come back. They are of the tool than words could do, but
so economical and so well organized it operates in this way: The upper
in Germany that after military target
handlebar Is raised and by the triple
practice the soldiers have to pick up >
and account for all the lead they have pivot connection raises the curved
fired. They are no theorists about lever member. The claw member can
conservation over there. They are then be Inserted under the box lid and
practitioners.”—Engineering Journal. the latter pried up a fraction of an
inch. The lid is then hammered down
again and the heads of the nails re­
Liebe Jugend!
main just far enough above the sur­
Teacher—Tommy Slimson. have you face for the claw, or the little lifter
any good excuse for being late?
attached to the side of the device, to
Tommy (beaming)—Yes, ma’am.
get under and uproot them.
Teacher—What is it?
Tommy—Waffles.—Harper’s Bazar.
Though Sick and Suffering; At
Last Found Help in Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegeta­
ble Compound.
Richmond, Pa. — *' When I started
taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound I was in a
dreadfully rundown
state of health,
had internal trou­
bles, and was so ex­
tremely nervous and
prostrated that if I
had given in to my
feelings I would
have been in bed.
As it was I had
hardly strength at
times to be on my
feet and what I did do was by a great
effort. I could not sleep at night and
of coarse felt very bad in the morning,
and had a steady headache.
“After taking the second bottle 1 no­
ticed that the headache was not so bad,
1 rested better, and my nerves were
stronger. I continued its use until it
made a new woman of me, and now I
can hardly realize that I am able to do
■o much as I do. Whenever I know any
woman in need of a good medicine I
highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg­
etable Compound.” — Mrs. F rank
C lark , 3146 N. Tulip St, Richmond,Pa.
Women Hare Been Telling Women
Cards on Which Accounts Are Due
May Be Turned So as to Expose
the Indicating Symbol.
The Scientific American in describ­
ing an account index designed by W.
E Roach of San Antonio, Texas, says:
The object of this invention Is to
provide such an arrangement that
cards may be held in a series in which
a portion of each card is visible, these
cards being reversible and each hav­
ing upon its opposite face a symbol
which when turned to view will serve
Cowboys of th« Flying Heart ranch are
heartbroken over the loaa of their much-
prised phonograph by the defeat of their
champion tn a foot-rec« with th« cook of
th« Centipede ranch. A home party Is
on at the Flying Heart. J. Wallingford
Speed, cheer leader nt Yale, and Culver
Covington. Inter-collegiate ehnntplon run­
ner. are expected. Helen lilake, Speed's
sweetheart, becomes interested In the loss
of the phonograph She suggests to Jean
Chapin, sister of th« owner of the ranch,
that she Induce Covington, her lover, to
win back the phonograph. lielen declares
that If Covington won't run. Npeed will
The cowboys are hilarious over th« pros­
pect. Speed and his valet tarry ulaas.
trainer at Yale, arrive, Helen Blake asks
Speed, who has nosed to her as an ath.
lete. to race against the Centipede man
The cowboys join In the appeal to Wally,
and fearing that Helen will And him out.
he consents. Ho Insists, however, that he
shall be ar.trrcd as an unknown, figuring
that Covington will arrive In time to take
his place. Speed begins training under
Glass'« direction The tadlea tlx up train­
ing quarters for Speed.
CHAPTER VII.—ontlnu«d.
“No, tnde«Hi," Jean corrected. *he
will merely use this room to train In."
“How do you tfaln in a room?"
Stover asked her.
“Why. »you—just train, I suppose."
Miss Chapin turned to Glass. “How
does a person train In a room?”
“Why, he—just trains, that’s all. A
guy can't train without trainin' quar
ters, can he?"
“We thought It would make a nice
gymnasium.” offered Miss Blake.
“Looks like business.” Stover's ad
miration was keen. "I rode over to
Gallagher's place last night-and laid
our beta."
“How much have you wagered?"
asked Fresno.
"More'n we can afford to lose."
"But you aren’t going to lose," Miss
Blake said, enthusiastically.
"I got Gallagher to play some rec
ords for me.”
” 'Silas on Fifth Avenue'?"
"Sure! And ’The Holy City.’ too!
Willie stayed out by the barb-wire
fence; he didn't dast to go in. When 1
come out I found him ready to cry
That desperado has sure got the heart
of a woman. I reckon he'd commit
murder for that phonograph—he’s so
full of sentiment."
Fresno spoke sympathetically.
"It's a fortunate thing for you fel­
lows that Speed came when he did.
I’m anxious for him to beat this cook,
and I hate to see him so careless with
bls training."
"Careless!" cried Helen.
“What’s he done?" Inquired Stover
"Nothing, so far. That's the trouble.
He's sure he can win. but"—Fresno
shook his head, doubtfully—"there's
such a thing as overconfidence. No
matter how good a man may be, he
should take care of himself."
"What's wrong with his trainin'?”
demanded Glass.
“I think he ought to have more rest.
It’s too noisy around the house; he
can’t get enough sleep.”
“Nor anybody else,” agreed Glass,
meaningly; “there's too much singln'.”
"That's funny," said Stover. "Music
soothes me, no matter how bad it is.
Last night when we come back from
the Centipede Mr. Fresno was singln'
Dearie,' but I dozed right off in the
middle of it An* it's the same way
with cattle. They like It. It's part
"Ain’t He No Champeen?’’
Account Index.
to call attention to the particular card.
The cards and their supports may be
reversed. Thus, the cards on which
the accounts are due may be turned so
as to expose the indicating symbol,
and thus permit of the account due
cards being readily and quickly distin­
guished from the remaining cards.
Indestructible Stairway.
By mixing a carborundum with con­
crete a Paris architect succeeded In
building a stairway in a public build­
lug that seems to defy wear despite
its use by thousands of persons daily.
for forty years how Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound has restored their
health when suffering with female ills.
This accounts for the enormous demand
Mineral Production.
for it from coast to coast If you are
Both in value and In quantity the
troubled with any ailment peculiar to
women why don’t you try Lydia E. great increase in mineral production
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound ? It In the United States has taken place
will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pink­ since 1900.
ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
of a man's duty when he's night-ridin'
a herd to plzen the atmosphere with
“We can’t afford to spoil Speed's
chances,” argued the young man.
"There is too much at stake. Am I
right, Mr. Glass?"
Now, like most fat men, Lawrence
Glass was fond of his rest, and since
his arrival at the Flying Heart his
sleeping-hours had been shortened con­
siderably, so for once he agreed with
the Californian.
“No question about It,” said he.
"And I’ll sleep here with him if you’ll
put a couple of cots in the place.”
"But suppose Mr. Speed won’t do
It?" questioned Miss Blake.
"You ask him, and he won’t refuse,"
said Jean.
"We don't want to see him defeat­
ed,” urged Helen’s other suitor; at
which the girl rose, saying doubtfully:
"Of course I'll do my beat, if you
think it's really Important"
“Thank you,” said Stover gratefully,
while Fresno congratulated himself
upon an eaify victory.
The two girls took Speed's trainer
with them, and went forth in search of
the young man.
“It's up to you fellows to see that he
gets to bed early,“ said Frceuo, when
be and Stover were alone.
“I^ave II to us. And as for gettln'
up, we turn out at daylight. I don't
reckon he could sleep none after that
if he tried.” Stover pointed to the
striped elastic colls of the exerciser
against the wall. "I didn't want to
speak about It while they was here,"
■aid he, "but one of them young ladles
lost her garters."
“That's not a pair of garters, that's
a chest weight.”
“Jest wait for what?”
“Oh!" Stover examined the device
curiously. “I thought a chest develop­
er came In a bottle."
Fresno explained the operation of
the apparatus, at which the cowman
remarked, admiringly:
"That young feller la all right, ain't
"Think so?”
"Sure! Don't you?"
Fresno explained bls doubts by a
crafty lift of bls brows and a shrug.
1 thought so at first."
Stover wheeled upon him abruptly
"What's wrong?”
“Oh, nothing.”
After a pause the foreman remarked,
vaguely: "He’s the lntercolieglt cham­
peen of Yale."
“Oh no, hardly that, or
I would
have heard of him.”
"Ain't he no champeen?”
"Champion of the running broad
smile and the half-mile talk perhaps."
"Ain’t he a foot runner?”
"Perhaps. I've never seen him run,
but I have my doubts.”
"Good Lord!" moaned Stover, weak­
"He may be the best sprinter in the
country, mind you. but I'll lay a little
bet that he can't run a hundred yards
without sustenance."
"Without what?”
“Sustenance—something to eat.”
"Well, wo’ve got plenty for him to
eat.” sab) the mystified foreman.
“You don't understand. However,
time will tell."
"But we ain't got no time. We've
made this race 'pay or play,’ a week
from Saturday, and the beta are down.
We was afraid the Centipede would
welsh when they seen who we had, so
we framed it that way. What's to be
Again Fresno displayed an artistic
restraint that was admirable. “It's
none of my business." said he, with a
careless shrug.
"I—I guess I'll tell Willie and the
boys,” vouchsafed Bill apprehensively.
"No! no! Don't breathe a wdrd
I've said to you. He may be a cracker­
jack, and I wouldn't do him an Injus­
tice for the world. All the same, I
wish he hadn't broken my stop-watch.”
“D* you think he broke it a-pur-
"What do you think?"
Stover mopped the sweat from his
"Can't we time him with a ordinary
“8ure. We can take yours. It won’t
be exact, but—”
"I ain't got no watch. I bet mine
last night at the Centipede. Willie's
got one, though.”
"Mind you, be may be all right,"
Fresno repeated, reassuringly; then
hearing the object of their discussion
approaching with his trainer, the two
strolled out through the bunkroom,
Stover a prey to a new-born suspicion,
Fresno musing to himself that diplo­
macy was not a lost art.
“You're a fine friend, you are!”
Speed exploded, when he and Glass
were inside the gymnasium. “What
made you say 'yes?”’
"I had to."
“Rot, Larry!
You played Into
Fresno’s hands deliberately! Now I've
got to spend my evenings In bed while
be alts in the hammock and sings
'Dearie.'" He shook his head gloomily.
"Who knows what may happen?"
"It will do you good to get some
sleep, Wally.”
"But I don’t want to sleep!” cried
the exasperated suitor. “I want to
make love. Do you think I came all
the way from New York to sleep? I
can do that at Yale.”
"Take it from me, Bo, you’ve got
plenty of time to win that dame. Eight
hours is a workln' day anywhere.”
Glass chuckled. "The whole thing la
a hit. Look at this joint, for instance.”
He took in their surroundings with a
comprehensive gesture. "It looks about
as much like a gymnasium as I look
like a contortionist Why don’t you
get a Morris chair and a mandolin?"
"There are two reasons,” said Speed,
facetiously. "First, It takes an athlete
to get out o* ' Morris chair; and, sec­
ond, a mandolin has proved to ba
many a young niiin'i ruin.”
Glass examinad the bow of .
upon the lonssoin« piece of exercising
“It looks like the tralntn’-stable for
the Colonial Cantea. What a yelp this
place would be to Covington or any
other athlete.”
"It la not an athletic gymnasium.**
Speed smiled as he lighted a cigarette.
"It Is a romantic gymnasium. As
Socrates once observed—”
"Boeratvsl I'm hop to him." Glass
Interrupted, quickly. ’’I trained a
Greek professor once and got wlaed
up on all that stuff. Socrates was the
- the Hemlock Kid.”
"Exactly I As Socratss, ths Hem­
lock Kid, deftly put it, in hoc signa­
ture vintage.* ”
"1 don't get you."
"That Is archaic Scandinavian, and.
translated, means, Ta>v« cannot thrive
without her bower.’"
"No anawer to that telegram yet,
“Hardly time.”
"Better wire Covington again, hadn't
you? Mebbe he didn't gel It?”
"I promlard Mrs. Ko.vp that I would,
but—” Hp«*rd lost himself abruptly
In speculation, for he did not kuow ex­
actly how to manage this unexpected
complication. Of one thing only was
he certain; It would require some
“Say. Wally, suppose Covington
don't come?”
‘Thon I shall sprain my ankle.”
said the other. “Hollo! What in the
Still Bill Stoverand Willie came into
the room carrying an nrmful of lum­
Behind them followed Carara
with a huge wooden tub. and Cloudy
rolling a keroavno barrel.”
“Where do you want IL gents?"
Inqulrud the foreman.
“Where do we want what?”
“The showerbath.“
"Shower— I didn't order a shower-
“No; but we aim to make lies pleas­
ant tor you as we can."
'if there Is anything 1 abhor, it’s a
shower bath!” exclaimed the athlete.
"You just got to have on«. Mr.
Fresno said all this gymnasium lacksd
Remorse always “gets
you” when you have
been neglectful of the
Stomach, Liver and
Bowels and have al­
lowed a spell of Bilious­
ness or Indigestion to
develop but be of good
cheer, and try a bottle of
Stomach Bitters
It will help you back to
health. Start today.
■F* A Quartrr of a Cm-
tury of StKCMt I» Kri’lng
Northw«H«r" Crew««»
Ask 'or Catalog
o. ito.
ar •Kpwtmmnt with freak tniwar«
it*» a«|>atM»ivaand 4aa«»rt»ua No
mailer how
lutig alarwhntf
the ruplure. wa fti a Iruaa to suit,
by mail ar ia pmwti -that'« «Mir
txialnasM». W« auarantaa aal'hfar
tian Sand NOW. « rail far FMKK
tNM»K. h talk all.
MO J »urna I Ml<l< . I*arlland. <»ra.
Carara Followed With a Hug« Wood­
en Tub.
was a shower bath, a pair of scales,
and a bulletin board. He said you'd
sure need a bath after workln' that
chest developer. Wo ain't lot no
scales, nor uo board, but we'll toggle
up some sort of a bath for you. Tbo
blacksmith's inakln* a iqulrter to go
on the bar'!."
“Very well, put It wherever you
wish. I sha'n't use It.”
”1 wouldn't overlook nothin'. If I
was you.” said Willie, In even milder
tones that Stover had used.
"You overwhelm me with these lit»
tie attentions,” retorted Mr. Speed.
"Where you goln' to run today?" In­
quired the first speaker.
“I don't know. Why?"
"We thought you might do a hun­
dred yarJs agin time.”
"Nix!” Interposed Glass, hurriedly.
"I can't let him overdo at the start
Betides, we ain't got no «top-watch.**
"I got a reg'lar watch," said Willie,
“and 1 can catch you pretty close.
We'd admire to see you travel some,
Mr. Speed."
But Glaus vowed that he was in
charge of his protege's health, and
would not permit It. Once outside,
however, he exclaimed: "That's more
of Fresno's work. Wally!
I tell you,
he’« Jerry. Heil rib them pirates to
clock you, and If they do—well, you'd
better keep runnln*, that's all.”
"You can do me a favor,” said
Speed. “Buy that watch."
"There's other watches on the farm.”
"Buy them all, and bring me the
Before Betting out on his dally
grind, Speed announced to hie train­
er that he had decided to take him
along for company, and when that
corpulent gentleman rebelled on the
ground that the day was too sultry,
his employer would have none of It,
so together they trotted away later In
the morning. Speed In his silken suit,
Glass running flat-footed and with
great effort. But once safely bidden
from view, they dropped into a walk,
and selecting a favorable rusting place,
paused. Speed lighted a cigarette.
Glass produced a deck of cards from
his pocket, and they played seven-up.
Having covered five miles In this ex­
hausting fashion, they returned to th«
ranch in time for luncheon. Both ate
heartily, for the exercise had agr««d
with them.
Extravagance Wasted.
“What's doing?” asked the tall
plumber. "You're al! dolled up.” “Had
a date with my best girl," explained
the short bricklayer. “But aren't you
going to keep It?” “I showed up all
right, but she wasn’t there.” “That
was pretty tough.” "I wouldn't car«,’’
said the short bricklayer, "only I
went and had my shoes shined all for
nothing.”—Youngstown Telegram,
For Sick Headsch«, Sour Stomach,
Sluggish Llv«r and Bowala—They
work while you sl««p.
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste. Indiges­
tion, Sallow Hkln and Miserable Head-
aches come from s torpid liver and
clogged bowels, which causa your
I stomach to become filled with undi­
gested food, which sours and ferments
Ilk« gnrbage in a swill barrel. That's
I th« first step to untold misery—Indi­
gestion, foul gnses, bad breath, yellow
skin, mental fears, everything that la
i horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret
tonight will give your constipated
i bowels a thorough cleansing and
! straighten you out by morning. They
. work while you sleep—a lOcent box
from your druggist will keep you feel-
! Ing good for months.
Putting Them Awsy.
“Your wife seems to have had a
' happy Christmas."
"Yes; nearly every gift she got will
! do to pass along next year It Is such
| a oomforUto her to know that she has
her Christmas shopping for 1914 prac
tlcaliy done."
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets first
put up 40 years ago.
Th«-y regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow
els. Sugar-coated tiny granules.
The Bookkeeper's Mlstske.
Travers (phoning tailor)—What de
you mean by sending a bill with my
new suit? I consider It an insult.
Tailor (meekly)—Very sorry, sir
It's the nuw bookkeeper's fnult; h<
evidently got yc.i mixed up with thus«
who pay.—Boston Transcript.
Glrlel Try Itl Hair gets soft, fluffy
and beautiful—Get a 25 cent
bottle of Danderlne.
If you care for heavy hair that glia
tens with beauty and Is radiant with
Ilf«; has an Incomparable softness and
Is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderlne.
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it Imme­
diately dissolves every pnrtlcle of
You can not have nice
heavy, healthy hair if you have
dandruff. This destructive scurf sobs
th« hair of its lustre, Its strength and
Its very life, and If not overcome It
produces a feverishness and Itching of
the scalp; the hair roots famish, loos-
en and die; then the hnlr falls out
fast Surely get a 25 cent bottle of
Knowlton’s Dander’ne from any drug
store and Ju«t try It.
“Well,” says the philosopher of
folly, “I just won my case against the
scoundrel who took my house away
from me. My lawyer's going to move
Into it next week.”—Cleveland Plain