Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, February 19, 1914, Image 2

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NEWS NOTES OF Unfriendly
Threatens Apple-Growing
Resume of World’s Important
Events Told in Brief.
Commissioner Caminetti. of the im­
migration service, is repjrted about
to resign.
Silas Christofferson succeedel in fly­
ing across the Coast range of moun­
tains in California.
Mrs. Samuel Allen, widow of a lum­
berman and the wealthiest woman in
the Hawaiian islands, is dead.
A New York commission finds that
girls in candy factories in that city
average about $5 to *6 weekly.
Theodore Low DeVinne, dean of
printers and author of several books
on types and their uses, is dead.
A head-on collision of railroad trains
in Mississippi injured 60 persons, five
of whom are not expected to live.
It is believed the immigration bill
will be vetoed by President Wilson on
account of the illiteracy test clause.
John J. Kennedy, treasurer of New
York state, committed suicide. His
books were found in perfect condition.
letters demanding
$10,000 on pain of death have been re­
ceived by Henry W. Longfelloyr, II, a
descendant of the poet
The steamers Portland and General
Hubbard, both en route from Loe An­
geles to Portland, collided in the Co­
lumbia river, but neither was disabled.
The sixteenth anniversary of the de­
struction of the Maine in Havana har­
bor was fittingly observed Feb. 16, by
services at Arlington national ceme­
A woman who declared she was
starving held up another woman on
the steets of Bridgeport, Conn. She
told the officers who arrested her that
she had eaten nothing for a week.
Industrial School Club
Contests Are Plannea
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
vallis—If H. R. 9266 is enacted by the
national congress, it will be an offense
punishable by fine and imprisonment
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ enter the State Fair Juvenile Exhibit
to keep apples in cold storage for
more than 90 days and then ship them vallis—Club membership in the newly- contest. Contestants may engage in
out of the state. If H. R. 9530 is en­ organized industrial school club con­ more than one club project and enter
acted, it will be illegal to take from tests it divided into three classes. more than one contest bqt are not al­
storage and then return them again to Any Oregon boy or girl who is be­ lowed to enter the same work or exhib­
storage, either before or after inter­ tween the ages of fourteen and nine­ it for more than one prise in any club
state shipment. Both bills enumerate teen years on October 1, 1914, and contest.
Girls and boys who are not able to
certain food products and then add, has had leas than five. months train-
“also any other articles used for hu­ ' ing in domestic science, domestic art, enter school or county contests may
man food.”
Remedial amendments or manual training, may become mem­ compete in the project special contest
have been promised, but so far eggs bers of Class A. Those between the or the juvenile exhibit contest, pro­
only have been given more favorable ages of ten and fourteen years at the vided they have enrolled for any club
time specified will be members of project
All contestants must be regularly
High authorities in the apple busi­ Class B. And those who have had
ness assert that the first of the pro­ more that five months' training in tbe enrolled on the special enrollment
constitute blanks provided.
The blanks may m>
posed laws would ruin the industry foregoing subjects will
obtained from the State Superintend­
and bankrupt producers from one side Class C.
The club winners contest at the ent of Public Instruction, Salem, from
of the continent to the other. It
would cause a glutted market in some state fair will be open only to the the State Agent of Club Work, Ore­
seasons of the year and an apple fam­ prize winners in classes A and B in gon Agricultural College, Corvallis,
county contests. The awards will be or from the teacher.
ine for the remainder.
A club project is the particular
If re-storage is prevented it will based upon the rules governing the
greatly damage the apple business in respective club projects and will be kind of work in which a boy or girl
many sections of the country.
It m^ie to the contestant scoring the engages. It is called a project from
would be illegal, for instance,
take highest general average in any club tbe fact that the work is so outlined
that the club members can make more
apples from a cooler at Hood River project.
and ship them to the great Eastern
Any boy or girl in Oregon who has rapid process by first acquiring the
markets. All apples and pears, once enrolled in any club project and com­ knowledge and skill which distinguish
put in|o cold storage with a tempera­ plied with the rules governing it, is I efficient workmen from the untrained.
ture below forty degrees for a longer eligible to enter the State Fair club By learning bow to do these things
period than ten days, are branded as project contest, regardless of having and by doing them in the moat practi­
cal, scientific and businesslike way,
adulterated if shipped out of the state. entered any other.
“Northwest growers should write to
Any boy or girl in Oregon wbo en­ the members will discover at the close
their congressmen asking them to use ters an exhibit accompanied by a of tbe contest that they have gained
their influence to have fruits exempt­ statement from parent or guardian something more valuable than any
ed,” said Professor C. I. Lewis, hor­ certifying that the exhibit as actually prize —knowledge, power and efficien-
ticulturist of the college.
“Since produced by the entrant, is eligible to «y-
both bills threaten the fruit interests
fruitmen should refer to both bills,
preferably by number, in all corres­
pondence regarding the proposed legis­
And they should do it at
Japanese War Talk Is
All Jingo, Says Professor
Lane County Pears Are
All Taken By France
Eugene—An order for all available
canned Lane county pears for ship­
ment to France has been received by
the Eugene Fruitgrowers* association,
following the shipping, four months
ago, of a carload of the goods. Not
only are the cannery officials elated
at the receipt of the order, but they
are doubly so at the prospect of open­
ing in Europe a market for tbe Lane
county canned fruits.
“This opens the way for a very
large tffisinesa in canned fruit,” said J.
O. Holt, manager. “We are quoting
prices to dealers in France, not only
on pears, but on berries and cherries.
The French people have been accus­
tomed to buy California canned fruits,
but they are learning that the Oregon
fruits are better.
“The fruits and berries on which
we have been quoting prices are of the
highest grades, and are sold f. o. b.
Eugene. In spite of the high freight
charges, we are able to book the or­
ders, and with the opening of the Pan­
ama canal, and the reduction of proba­
bly one-half of the freight cost, we
should be able to book largo orders in
Europe, for then we will be able to
deliver our goods on the eastern side
of the Atlantic as cheaply as at New
The Eugene Fruitgrowers* associa­
tion last year sold $20,000 worth of
dried prunes in London alone, and sub­
stantial shipments
were made to
points in Holland and Sweden.
The Eastern broker for the Eugene
cannery is now booking orders’for
canned fruits and vegetables for de­
livery in the fall of 1914.
Operators of Colorado mines admit
buying arms and machine guns for use
of the guards during the recent strike.
Boston—“Talk of war between the
United States and Japan has emanated
from the Eastern part of America, not
from Japan,” Professor Sidney L.
Gulick, of Dishishn University at To-
kio. said before the Twentieth Cen­
tury club in this city.
“I don't believe there will be any
war,” he added.
“There are a few
Japanese who say America will finally
insist on war, and there is a ‘yellow
press* in Japan, just as there is in
this country.
But the J apanese earn­
re the friendship of the
United States, for they know they
have foes at their back door, and, be­
sides, Japan sells more goods to this
country than to any other.”
The Court of Appeals of New York
has decided that a woman with a baby
cannot be allowed to teach school in
that state.
Wool Man Optimistic
Many New Features for
As to Future Outlook
Coming Rose Festival
Witness in copper strike inquiry de­
clares miners are not allowed to aver­
age more than $75 per month, and are
forced to work under such conditions
that they do not last more than five or
six years.
Retail prices of eggs in Pacific
Coast markets fell 5 cents, and there'
are prospects of a further drop.
Pendleton, Or., is waging war upon
the cigarette in every possible way.
It is reported that the king of Bul­
garia will visit the United States in
President Wilson was obliged to re­
main in bed several days on account of
a bad cold.
The premier of Russia has regisned,
and the czar is reported to be “on the
water wagon.”
An American naval officer was fired
on and slightly wounded by a Mexican
on the streets of Vera Cruz.
Tacoma, Wash.—Florence Virginia
Cole is a future voter of Washington
here who is attracting much attention
because at the age of 11 weeks she
weighs only two pounds.
The nurses
say she is perfectly normal in every
way and has not been sick at all in
the weeks of her existence in the bas­
ket, surrounded by hot water bottles.
She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Cole, of Oakland addition, and
weighed jute 1} pounds at birth. It
is possible to slip a finger ring over
her hands and arms to tbe armpit.
Full length of the baby at birth was
12} inches; at eight weeks, 15} inch­
Congress May Enact
Laws Barring Hindus
Washington, D. C.—While freezing
winds swept across the Potomac from
I the Virgina bills, where stands the
l^e mansion at Arlington, a barehead­
ed Southern officer of the Civil war
opened the simple exercises that
marked the breaking of the ground for
the construction of the great white
marble memorial the nation Is to erect
Director Admits “Something la
to Abraham Lincoln.
Friday, the
Wrong” With Methods On
105th anniversary of Lincoln's birth,
British Lines.
was chosen for breaking the ground on
which the structure will stand.
Only a small group witnessed the
Ixmdon — The Great Eastern Rail­
Joseph C. Blackourn, ex­ way company of England haa decided
senator from Kentucky, was the first to employ an American executive offi­
cer, to bring its system up to dale,
llenry Thornton, general superintend­
then with uncovered heads he spoke ent of the Ixtng Island railroad, was
in praise of the memory of the presi­ named as general manager.
dent against whom he fought half a
“I think there is something wrong
century ago.
"This memorial will in the British system,” said lx»rd
. show that Lincoln is now regarded aa Claud Hamilton, “which tends to In­
the greatest of all Americans,” Sena­ terfere with the mental activity of
tor Blackburn said, “and that he is so employes. They are reduced to auto­
held by the South as well aa the mata, as merit iw sacrificed to senior­
Today we let the country ity.
1 have not been able to find in
know that thia great work haa been England a man lit for thia po.4, but In
begun and will be carried on steadily Mr. Thornton I have found a general
until ita completion.1”
admirably qualified
In the senate it was a Southerner whose career haa been one succession
who made the motion to adjourn out of of Intellectual railway triumphs.”
respect to the memory of Lincoln.
The motion was made without prear­
New York — Henry W. Thornton,
rangement by Senator Overman, of chosen aa general manager of the
North Carolina, after the reading of Great Eastern railway of England, is
the Gettysburg address by Senator 42 year« old. He is a graduate of the
Bradley, of Kentucky. It was Sen­ University of Pennsylvania. Ha be­
ator Kenyon, of Iowa, who had sug­ gan hie railroad career in the engi­
gested that the senate might well neering corps of tbe Pennsylvania
pause a moment to observe tbe birth­ lines west and rose to the position of
day anniversary.
superintendent of ail lines west of
The bousj, too, paused in its delib- Pittsburg.
In February. 1911, bo
| erations to pay ita respect to the mrnj- came to Now York aa general superin­
ory of the emancipator.
tendent of the l-ong Island railyoad.
He had practically full charge of the
operating department of the road.
Mr. Thornton went to England In
January, presumably to consult with
Washington, D. CL— What was said directors of the Great Eastern regard­
ing the position to which he was ap­
to be the most successful convention pointed.
aince the organization of the Boy
Scouft of America was prought to a
Great Eastern Railway Company
Seeks Better Manager.
Boy Scouts Entertained
at White House Reception
with a flourish of
The scouts and their leaders, more
than 100 strong, were entertained by
Secretary Bryan, personally represent­
ing the President, wbo was confined to
his room with a cold; Secretary Dan­
iels, of the Navy department, and
other officers of the nation, at the
White House. Without exception the
movement was lauded as possessing
the great possibilities for good service
to the coming generation.
Chief Scout Ernest Thompson Seton
said that already the Boy Seout move­
ment was jammed with boys and that
many were turned away because of the
scarcity of men leaders.
Mrs. Wilson pinned on five boys
eagle badges, the highest honor which
the organization confers on members.
“When the country wakens up there
will be a chair of scouting in avery
university and a secretary of scouting \
in the cabinet.” said Mr. Thompson
Beton. at the business session of the
council. "Everyone now knows that
boys are not born bad, but are made
bad by evil associaites. It is up to
the people to end this destruction of
our moat precious national resource.”
Pendleton — “Statistically, wool is
in a stronger position today than it
has been for a number of years,” Jhys
Dr. S. W. McClure, secretary of the
National Woolgrowcrs
Tbe statement was made in a letter
received by State Senator Burgees and
in which the national secretary re­
quested Mr. Burgess to spread tbe
hopeful tidings among local growers
of wool. Dr. McClure says:
“My advices from Boston are to the
effect that the market has been prac­
tically cleaned up here and abroad.
In London the January sales closed
stronger than they have at any time
in the last 12 months, s American
buyers bought considerable quantities.
Since the sale has closed, wool con­
tinues to advance. Statistically wool
is in a stronger position today than at
any time for years.
“About January >20, Eastern wool
buyers began contracting wool in
Utah and Idaho.
Already 8,000,000
pound« have been contracted at prices
the same as last year and in some
cases a half cent higher; 16| cents
has been paid for Soda Springs wool
and 16 cents for Utah. 1 am unable,
of course, to predict the future course
of prices, but I believe that these
facts should be given to your wool­
Industrial and historical Oregon will
play an active part in the coming
Roae Festival. This will be the eighth
annual Rose Festival, and for the first
time in the history of this classic
event the manufacturing concerns
throughout the state will be represent­
ed in the pageant that will pass in re­
view before the public.
The board of governors is having
constructed fifteen floats to represent
the Rose Festival, while at least as
many more have been ordered, and al­
ready four have been
These floats will typify the historical
growth of Oregon from its earliest
days down to the present.
It has
taken the association’s artist many
months of close study and much read­
ing of data pertaining to the early his­
tory of Oregon before he began the
work of drawing designs typical of
the rapid passing events which have
made Portland and Oregon great as
they are.
The Pageant of the Human Rose­
buds will again be a feature of the
Rose Festival. The board of govern­
ors hhs issued invitations to ton thou­
sand school children, both boys and
girls, and plans are being considered
for safeguarding the tots while march­
Grants Pass Approves
City Bonds for Railroad
Portland — Electricity may be used
to improve school gardens at Wood­
lawn, a suburb of this city, if the
plans of L. M. Lepper work out satis­
factorily. This will be the first time
such an attempt will have been made
here. In England market gardeners
use electricity to stimulate the growth
of vegetables.
The vegetables are
Old Trick Wins Victims.
said to be better, crisper and firmer.
Centralia, Wash.—Several wholesale
According to the plan employed the
ground is wired and current turned on houses of Portland, Tacoma and Seat
periodically. Bugs and pests are said tie have been victimized by an old
to be killed, and production increased. trick, but one that was never before
worked in this section. Last month a
Wool Buyer Now Out.
firm named Murphy & Son, purporting
Pendleton—According to reports re­ to be opening up in business here,
ceived by local sheepmen, R. F. Bick- placed large orders with these houses
well, a buyer of sheep and wool, is The orders were delivered at the local
now in Morrow county endeavoring to freighthouses and the merchandise
contract for Qie 1914 clip at prices ap­ sold at a discount, after which Murphy
proximately 2 cents in advance of & Son disappeared.
The fraud was
those paid last year. According to discovered when the firms endesvored
these reports some sales have been to collect on the goods shipped.
made, but most of the growers are re­
fusing to contract. Bert Smith, of the
Swedish Liberals Aloof.
J. E. Smith Livestock company, said
Stockholm—The refusal of the lib­
local growers sold their wool last sea erals to accept office has compelled
son at least 2 cents too low.
Baron de Geer to withdraw from the
Wheat—Track prices : Club, 88(®
88}e; bluestem, 98c; forty-fold, 89c;
red Russian, 87@88c; valley, 89c.
Washington, D. C.—Representative
Oats—No. 1 white, milling, $24(3
Burnett, of Alabama, chairman of the
24.50 ton.
house committee on immigration, pre­
Corn—Whole, $33.50^34; cracked,
dicted that as a compromise on the Pa­
$34.50(335 ton.
cific Coast fight to exclude Japanese
Barley — Feed, $22.50(323 ton;
and all other Asiatics congress at this
brewing, $24; rolled, $25.
session would enact legislation to bar
Hay—No. 1 Eastern Oregon timo­
out the Hindus.
thy, $16.50; mixed timothy. $14; al­
“Whether the immigration commit-1
falfa, $14; clover, $9(310; valley
tee will go further than that I do not
grain hay, $12(313.50.
know,” Mr. Burnett said, “but there
Millfeed—Bran, $22 ton; shorts,
is no gentleman's agreement or fa­
$24; middlings, $30.
vored nation arrangement with Great
Vegetables — Cauliflower,
Britain so far as the Hindus are con­
crate; peppers, 12}c pound; garlic.
There ought to be prompt
lt|c; sprouts, 11c; artichokes, $1.75
legislation to nip in the bud any
dozen; squash, lf(32}s; celery, $3.50
steamship arrangements to bring on
crate; hothouse lettuce, 50(8)75cbox;
Grants Pass—At a special city elec­
an extraordinary number of the Hin­
spinach, $1 crate; horseradish, 8.3
tion the voters authorized the issuance
dus, a project which the immigration
10c; cabbage, 2}(32}c pound.
of railroad bonds in the sum of $200,-
bureau once discovered and foiled.”
| 000, to be used in building and equip­
Green Fruit — App'es. 75c(?i$2.25
box; cranberries, $12(312.50 barrel;
ing the 10-mile line to Wilderville.
Travel By Coaster Idea.
pears, $1(3150.
The bonds are said virtually to have
Onions—Old, $3.25@3.50 sack; buy­
San Francisco—A roller coaster with been sold to Keeler Bros., of Denver.
ing price, $3 sack at shipping points.
Much encouragement is felt here,
plenty of seats is being considered as
as the municipal road will stimulate
Potatoes—Oregon, 80<390c hundred,
a means of transporting millions of
buying price, 60(375c at shipping
trade between this city and Illinois
visitors from the Ferry building,
points; sweet potatoes, $2.25(3,2.50
where North Coast and overland traffic
Dr. J. F. Reddy says as soon as the
end, to the Panama-Pacific exposition,
Eggs—Oregon fresh ranch, 24(325c.
municipal unit is finished and equipped
it is announced officially here. The
Poultry—Hens, 15}(316c; springs,
capitalists will be on hand to build the
distance is perhaps a mile and a half. 1
15}316c; turkeys, live,
remainder of the way to Illinois val­
Tbe project contemplates an endless
dressed, choice, 254326c; ducks, 14(3, platform, bearing gondolas or cars, I ley, tapping 30,000 acres of land
18c; geese, 12}(3 13c.
which is under gravity irrigation.
starting 12 or more feet above ground
Butter — Creamery prints, extras,
The road also will open up a portion
and sliding down, with machinery to
35c pound; eubes, 32c.
of the Rogue River valley and cross
raise the belt from the foot of the in­
Pork—Fancy, 11c pound.
through Applegate valley.
cline to a new altitude.
Veal—Fancy, 14(314}e pound.
The development of the road is one
Hopa—1913 crop, prime and choice,
of the biggest projects ever under­
Benefactor of Blind Dies.
18(39c; 1914 contracts, 14(3)15c.
taken by any city in Oregon.
Pelts—Dry, 10c; dry short wool.
Philadelphia — Dr. Robert C. C. vote for the bonds was 4 to 1.
7e; dry shearings. 10c; green shear­ Moon, widely known as a benefactor
ings, 10c; salted lights, 60@75c; salt­ of the blind, died Monday from heart
Oregon Owes $704,701. #
ed heavy, 75(3 90c.
disease after an illness of 18 months.
Salem—The outstanding state war­
Wool — Valley, 16(317e; Eastern He was 70 years old.
He continued
Oregon, 10(315c; mohair, 1913 clip, the", work of publishing books and rants January 1, totaled $704,701.85,
26(3 27c pound.
charts for the blind from embossed according to a report made by Secre­
The warrants
Cascara Bark— Old and new, 5c. type which was begun by his father, tary of State Olcott.
date back to 1897, the state owing for
Cattle — Prime steers, $7.60(3,8; Dr. William Moon, of England.
that year and 1898 out of the general
choice, $7.40(37.60;
medium, $7(3
fund $294.23.
7.25; choice cows, $6.2W3 6.75; me­
King Thanks Carnegie.
Small amounts, payable from the
dium, $6(36.25; heifers, $6(37; light
Madrid — King Alfonso has sent an same fund, owed for each succeeding
calves, $8(39; heavy, $6(37.50; bulls,
$4(3.5.60; stags, $6(37.
autographed portrait and a letter of year until 1909 being $6681.78.
Hogs — Light, $7.75(38.65; heavy, thanks to Andrew Carnegie for the 1913 and 1914 there is $685,098.94
diplodocus cast, which Mr. Carnegie owed on warrants, due to the small
Sheep — Wethers, $5(36; ewes, recently presented to the Madrid mu- levy last year and appropriations by
the legislature.
l seum of natural history.
$3.5<'(34 75; lambs, $5(36.75.
“Juice” to Aid Plants.
Bunny Scorns Poison Bait.
Pendleton—Ray T. Jackson, a repre­
sentative of the bureau of biological
survey, who has been in Umatilla
County for several days in an effort to
assist farmers in ridding their fields
of jackrabbits, reports poor success.
specialty is feeding poisoned
wheat, and he finds the rabbits of this
part of the country prefer the green
feed, which is to be had in abundance,
to the poisoned grain which he has
scattered about.
Southerner Breakn Ground
for Memorial to Lincoln
Epidemics Run Riot In
French Army Barracks
Paris—Epidemics of scarlet fever,
pneumonia, cerebro-spinal meningitis
anl scarletina have broken out in a
serious form in the French army.
Late figures, which are incomplete,
' show that 800 soldiers are in the hos­
pitals suffering from these diseases at
Tout, where there have been 40 deaths
from these causes among the troopers
since January 1. At Nancy 500 sol­
diers are in hospitals and eight have
died since January 2.
At Luneville
125 men are in hospitals, and at
| Rheims 100.
Other garrisons are seriously affect­
ed and have lost several men.
tary authorities have taken compre­
hensive sanitary measures.
The cause of the outbreaks is said
to be the crowding of 185,000 more
recruits than usual into the barracks,
owing to the Introduction of the three-
year term of service.
Radium Bill Opposed;
Many U ncb for Mineral
Washington, D. C. - General objec­
tions tn Senator Walsh's bill for gov­
ernment control of all radium bearing
lands were made Saturday before the
senate mines committee by J. M. Flan­
nery, of Pittsburg, president of a pri­
vate corporation producing radium.
He attacked principally the broad
powers to be conferred on the secre­
tary of the interior, some of which
he characterized as “an outrage.”
Mr. Flannery said that a govern­
ment representative in Colorado gath­
ering Informatkn of the carnotite
fields had not been sufficiently Inform­
ed to furnish Information on which the
house radium bill w«s passe-1. ,
In a few years, he said, radium
would be only secondary in Importance
to other uses to which radium-bearing
orcs were put. Startling results were
being obtained by the use of radioact­
ive earth as a fertilizer and some veg­
etables, he said, were stimulated aa
much as 300 per cent.
Hard Work Is (kiod,
Says King George
London—King George Saturday told
S. Prebendary Wilson Carlisle, head of
the Church army, that he was a great
I believer in hard work. The king said:
“I have to work hard myself and 1
think it good for peop'e ”
The king expressed hia strong dis­
approval of indiscriminate charity,
saying he considered agencies such as
the Church Army far better able to
help backsliders and unfortunate peo­
ple back to good citizenship.
As Mr. Carlisle was entering Buck­
ingham palace he was accosted by a
former pickpocket, who had been re­
claimed by the Church Army and who
wished to send a message to the king.
" Tell him I have lived honestly since
the day of King Edwards’ corona­
tion,” he said. On that day I stole 32
watches and purses. I now have $640
in the savings hank.”
Curb Put On Burleson.
Washington, D. C,—With the $310,-
000,000 poatoffiee appropriation bill
before It, the senate committee report­
ed an amendment to prevent further
changes in rates or extension of the
parcel post without congressional ac­
Postmaster General Burleson
extended the weight limlta and re­
duced the rates recently, and it was
developed that he had legal authority
to do so. Maintaining that it la im­
possible to determine what it costa to
operate the parcel poet, the committee
wants to check changes.
Blood Tie Does Not Save.
Pearson, Chihuahua,
Mex__ The
fortunea of war called on Captain
Martinez to execute hia brother and
his stepfather aa bandits hero and he
did not falter. These two Mexicans
and three others were arrested for the
murder of Charles Redd, an American
resident of Colonia Juarez. Although
the brother and stepfather pleaded
with Captain Martinez not to execute
them, he refused to listen and carried
task of attempting to form a cabinet, out the orders given him by Gen.Villa.
the king haa Invited the conservatives
to take control and it is expected that
Troop Horses I'oiaoned.
M. S. A. A. Lindman, ex-premier and
El Paso, Tex. — The presence of
minister of marine, will assume the strychnine in the water given some of
premiership. Dissolution of the riks­ the horses of the Amercian troopers on
dag will follow immediately.
guard at Ysleta was discoverd Satur­
Three horses died Wednesday
Compulsory Bible Bill Defeated.
night when the
Annapolis — A bill to compel the rushed to Ysleta in pursuit of tbe
reading of the Bible in public schools Mexican federal recruits who escaped
under penalty of $5 fine or imprison­ across the river.
Since then seven
ment for the teacher was rejected by more have died and a pq»t rpo-veb.
the house of delegates.
amination disclok«« - Re cause.