Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, February 19, 1914, Image 1

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    Tliare 1« u story to th* «•ffeel that
"When a duck lays an "Kg.
ilk« ot! Hint «ay» nollkilitf
When a Inn
lay« on*, there* a h—of a nolw. Th*
hail advertises; hen« e III« deiiiaixl for
han*« egg«, not duck's.”
Gel In line witli th« In n
* - -
ML Scott District Interested in
Auditorium Location. East Side,
Centrally Located Preferred Even
at Extra Cost
Tha agitation relative to the location
of th* auditorium haa pot caused any
particular «stir in tha Mt. Hcott section
yet but ahould that section be called
upon to give its views II would moat!
probably go strongly In favor of an real.
aide location, and that souiswhal j
central, it would n<Jt lie favorable to a
location north of Burnside or south of1
Harrison. The majority would likely'
support a location about East Morrison ;
and Eighth. Buch a location, while,
not Immediately touched by car lines,
is within easy walking distance of three
city lines that would give general dis­
tribution, anil that without crowding.
The Grand Avenue line* would dis­
tribute |>eople to all parts of north and
south Portland and to tbs west side.
The Hawthorne lines would 1**1 to Mt.
Tabor, Mt Hcott, Woodstock and Hell­
wood and points in Eastern Multnomah.
' The same lines cross the river west and
tranefer to all points north and south,
and west. The Morrison lines reach
east Portland. Montavilla, Mt. Tabor,
Rose City Park, and west side points,
hotels, and transfers. These car lines
are not co distant from the rite as to be
objectionable Indeed a short distance
would tie preferable as tending to give :
room for distribution and avoiding con !
geetion. The site is not a difficult one I
to prepare for building. There wodld
lie economy in that and practically
every dollar invested would lie ha lance« 1
by visible returns.
If the point must boon the west side, :
the cititans of the east side would prob-1
ably prefer some point not too removed (
from the shopping district. It might as 1
I well be in east Portland as to be so dis- |
lents , multnomam co ..
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
— —— ■ . *«"*«
■ «—.a,
— ..
. .
O regon , T hursday , F ebruary
19, i9i<
John Hmith heard Bill Jone* deliver­
ing a lecture on preseot day taiation.
Jon*« lives In 'he newly "annexed”
Hays Jones, “I tell you
Brown this double taxation is an out­
rage, nothing short ot robbery, and
what are we getting for It?
absolutely nothing.
"Oh ye* we ar--,
Jones, we get Mayor -Allie*. * "Well
what did w* have before.” "We had
Mayor Coffman.” "Then me lor Coff­
man" says Jone*
"1^1* secede, and
re-elect Coffman "
Lents people have suddenly lieen in­
formed that th* registration laws will
not permit a registration officer for the
Mt. Hcott district. E. P. Tobin was ap­
pointed some time ago to attend to
registration and he ha* listed about
' l'XX) votes. Those so registered will not
li* required to repeat the registration
I but all will have to go to tbe
county clerk’s office. Thia ruling comes
| up under an old statute, which reads aa
follows: “All electors residing in tbe
town or incorporated city which is tbe
county seat, and where the county
clerk of tbe county court has his offlee,
shall personally appear in tbe clerk's
office and comply with tbe provisions of
this chapter, iu order to register. The
board of county commiMionert shall
furnish the county clerk of the county
court all necessary assistance to enable
i him to carry out the provisions of this
jt is evident that the author of this
clause did not have in mind a city of
the size of Portland, or the suffragette
vote. It is highly unreasonable and
should be amended to permit of regis-
! tration places in manv parts of the
j city.
Fred Kuab, two and a half years of
age. son ol Fred Knab ot Lenox avenue,
died February 15 of pneumonia. The
funeral was held at Kenworthy'* and
th<- burial at Multnomah cemetery.
Isis Specials
The Camp Fire, a beautiful Indian
Cantata, by Madam Albert* Hadley,
with a chorus of 50 local children, is
the attraction al the Isis on Thursday
On Friday evenipg, "The
Htorru at Hea” will lie present*!.
Madam ll*lley visited l-ente aboht s
year ago and presented "The Ijgly
City,” one ot the best things ever seen
in Mots.
Copyright, 1*11, by the Panama-bacine International Exposition Co.
IIIH superb group of statuary la a Utodel of the "Natlona of the
East." which will Airmount th* Arch of the Rising Hun In the
Court of the Hun and Htars at th* Panama Pacific International
Exposition at Hau Eranclwo in lfel.’i Reading from left to right,
the fisures are a* follows: I, Arab Sheik; 2 and 8, Negro Rerrltors; 3 and
T. Mohammedans; 4. Arab F'alconer; 5 (the elephant), India; 6, Tibetan
Lama; 9. Mougollaii Horseman
The four pedestrian figures are by A.
Btlrling Calder, the equestrians by I sm > LAitelli and the elephant and
camel and their riders by Frederick G. R. Roth.
Passinc of Peter W. Reas
Peter W. Rees, die«! at th* iiome of
Mr. (J. M. Blair, Monday, at the corner
of Gate* and Johnson struts.
Rea* wai M years of age. He came to
Oregon in 184k, croaaing the plains with
an os team.
He lived at Hubbard,
Oregon for about 25 years. The funeral
was held Wednesday at Hubbard, on
arrival of the train. The death was
due to pneumonia.
tent front the shopping district as to re­
Prohibition Meeting
quire transportation.
A few dollars, The Young Emancipators of America
more or lees will be far more than ma«le want everybody to know that "If you
up In transportation expenses. Th* get the best of whiskey it will get the
block between the City ball and the beat of you,” and that we will have
county court house haa never come in I
prominent men and candidate* discus*
Copyright, 1*11. by th* Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co
for consideration It would cost some - prohibition at lounty library hall
............ ..... ..............
...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------___________ ____________________________
thing, but consider the importance of a every Sunday at 'I p. to. until further
civic improvement in that relation.
It. notice. Come and learn more about it.
would be a group of public institutions j
The Young Emancipators, 414 Behnke
that would make th* city lamoua. The | Walker Building.
only reasonable objection to that would
REGON. the first state to select and dedicate a site at the Panuma-
lie the limited area, as a building of
I’lictfic International Exiiosltlon. was aW the first to accept de­
Harry Eaton is the victim of the care-
that nature ahould be able to accommo- ’
signs for her state building. This very Interesting structure,
leas driver of a Buick automobile on
date at least 250«« people.
neighbor to New York's great bulldog, has lieen design««) in ttie
Sunday afternoon 'near the Cotton
One of the most pointe that has
chaste spirit of the golden age of Greece'* architecture. It will lie Ito by
already been urged is that such a build-| farm, Powell Valley road. He was
250 feet and designs«! on the classl«« line of Ictliinus' I’artbt non. The col­
thrown from hi* motorcycle ami run
umns, which Gre»«ce herself in-slele«! in marble from previous exemplars
mg will have a considerable amount of
over, sustaining a badly crushed foot
iu wood of a more ancient architecture, will revert to the original and b*
waste space. At the Iwat It will pot lie
and a severe jolting
The auto driver
of timber brought from Oregou's forests. They will lie five fewt In
occnpietl more than a fraction of the
•eemed to have gotten confused.
diameter and forty feet In height. Not only will the materials which
time. Probably on an average once or
was considerate enough to bring Harry
will be placed within the structure be Oregon's products.,but tbe ma­
.twice a week. The remainder of the:
terials of which tbe state palacw will be constructed will come from Ore­
home an I show tome interest in the
'time it will he idle.
gon's vast resource*.
Rueb a building must have scores of'
small committee ryorns, ant* rooms,
lent*' Rebekah** entertaiued Mrs.
closets, and conference rooms. There
Roderick, who has been instruct­
ought to I* come way to utilise these
rooms between times, and aa haa been ing their degree team, Tuesday after­
Roderick will go
Clyde Eagan formerly of Gresham,
suggested, it ought to be |>oeaible to noon.
Resilient* along the Base line R.-ad
utilise them in connection with the Irrigon. Oregon, soon to live on a now of Wallawalla was circulating among are not a« easily penraded to bond their
friend« in tlie community this week.
educational work of the community. homestead.
homes for state highway improvements
The city ami the school district might
as was at first supposed tliey would be.
work together In the construction ol | F. F. Elich and John Eggiman, two
A man by tbe name ol Morrow has This thing of' taxing all property one
confirm*! bachelors, are reported to disapjieared in the-wil«is between tlrvsh-
such a building.
mile on each side of a road way 40 per­
Of oue thing we are al) sure. We are , now tie in a receptive mood. Anv j«er- am and Troutdale
When last seen lie cent of the coat of the road is not lieing
getting tiled of the spirit that seems to I son of serious intentiqns might leave | was in Troutdale, hea>l<«<t for Portland. so ea«ily accepted by snme of the wiser
be directing the constructing ot this their credential* and they will be given
heads along the proposed highways. 51
public improvement. Here it baa been due consideration.
The manipulation of the taxes is a pen-ent of the property owners will de­
two years since the bonds were voted to
thing not generally under»too«l A feat the improvement.
begin construction It is little further
The *ocial committee of the Epworth slight raise in valuation will off set a big
along now than when the bonds were laague held a business meeting at the
reduction in the rate of levy. Before
Foster Boulevard will be widened from
voted. There is little evidence of pub­ home of Mrs. Boyd Moore Monday
concluding that yon have had a one Hasel Wild to Lents Junction The in­
lic pride or energy in this.
We were evening. The committee is planning to
mill reduction heller look up your valu­ tention is to take about thirtyfive feet
la resident ot Kansas City fifteen yeais have a series pf entertainments in the
off the projierty on the south si«te of the
ago. when the first plan* were laid for near future.
street, adding it to the street. The
a puolic auditorium. The aim was for
R W Gill, and L. H. Wells of Port­ jmqierty owners along that side will
a building to coat about MUX),(MX).
The ten inch woodeu water pip«- that
Kansas City at that time was not over has supplied thia district for so long, land, aildressed thè grange at Gre-ham prolxbly have something to say about it.
But then there will lie one decently
half Portland's present rise. They did lying along Foster road, is being sup- last Wedneeday in rejrard lo pieparation
not vote bon'* to build it. They built pletnented bv a ten inch metal pipe. of thè spring garden ami progresrive- wide street in the city of Portland if that
nes* in thè grange. *rhey Iliade a good plan is carried out.
it by stock subscription. Share* were one
dollar each.
About every man and The eply was; "We will lie ready for bit and nceived proper consideratimi
woman in the town had a share of the you ' and they were ready.
Ninety fot ìt.
The ««ounty commissioner* have calle,!
hall stock.
Hall stock medals were day* sufficed to raise a new hall fund,
for *ea>e<l hid* tor the construction of
Rockwood granger* umlertook to”clean two concrete viaducts and a nnmlier of
struck off and sold at one dollar each. and complete a resurrected temple,
They were sold all over eastern Kansas, more grand even than the first.
No up” the Gresham school kids, teacher* hrhige« along the Columbia river high­
and Missouri. Al) sorti of devices were one was disappointed, end the city has and all at a spelling match on last way The bids are to lie opned at 10
taken up to raise that fund and when the hall today, a constant source of Wednesday evening. A* a result several A M„ March 2.
it was raised the ball wan paid for and revenue, far more than necessary to grangers an- rubbing tlie chat! out of
The largest bridges is to lie located at
there were no bonds to bother.
A cover it* maintenance. With Portland’* their eye* and trying to "gat onto” some Latonrelle falls. It is to be of reinforce«!
dozen great convention* use.)
it. population, wealth, attractions and of the new fangled words they are teach­ concrete, with arches of IMO feet. At
Kansas City bid for the Democratic prospects, such and undertaking ought ing in school nitwdays.
Young’« creek, near Bridal Veil, will lie
National Convention of 1W0.
Almost to be an annual affair. It seems to lie
another one, with an arch of 50 feet.
immediately after the place was acc pt-I a life and death struggle.
Cannty Commissioner llolman is
Oi her points to lie spanne,) with re­
ed some malicious hand fired their the auditorium is to he, lets have it and making serious efforts to convince us inforced concrete girder bridges are
magnificent auditorinm. In an hour it get to something else
that Tax«« are no higher this year than Bridal Veil, Multnomah and Horsetail
was in ruins. The vision of a national
The best way to ‘««ttle I is to submit last. One thing sure is that they would Falls creeks The list embrai-es all the
convention seemed to fade away. Cam- it to a vote on several sites, ami let a not have had that eight mills extra of bridge work between Mtonrelle ami
kiaign managers telegraphed to Kansas plurality vote decide the issue.
Mt. lieen tacked on to the levy this time. Warrendale. The work of construction
City inquiring if the town would at- Hcott will support an east side loca- Except for Mr. Holman
is to lie hurried with a view of having
jffMiift<t> care lor the convention.
A ti >n, provided it is central, otherwise a
The levy seems to b«> worrying Mr. tlie highway sufficiently far enough along
few hours,—fewer than Portland haa good west side location will get the Holman. He is a candidate for elect­ to permit of travel to Multnomah fall«
t>een months—decided the question. backing.
ion to the commisaionership.
by tlw mi-idle of June.
News Notes From Around the County
- —
Heilwajon Home Destroyed
A destructive fire occurred at tbe
borne of F. P. Heil wagon on Campbell
street last Saturday forenoon, when
their three room l-ouse was destroyed
with all tbe furniture. Tbe house was
well filled wRh good furniture. There
was no insurance. The Heilwagons are
both employed down town and as a
consequence were not able to s*ve a
thing. They certainly deserve the
sympathy of tbe neighbornood.
Vol. 12.
No. 8
Futher Evidence of Paid Depart­
ment Need Shown. Home of Georie
Smith Burned.
Chimney Fires
Th* home ol George Smith, on Camp­
bell street was burned to the ground
We«inesday night about 10:30. The
family were awav from borne. There is
no evidence as to the canse of the fir*.
The roof wm all in fl «mea before dis­
covery and th* firemen bad a bad time
in reaching it. Tbe hose waa not long
enough. Tremont responded in good
shape and connected on, an I by making
several additons a stream was finally
thrown oí the '-oilding, which was
burned to the floor. Moat of the furni­
ture was destroyed. There was some
It WiB the second call for the evening,
the first being up in Haginaw Heights,
that proved to be merely a chimney
But the Kern Park Company
responded to both. It waa a long run
for them, they having had a fire on
Powell street between alarms here.
Running to lienta from Kern Park on a
chimnev fire is pretty stiff work for the
department. The service is highly ap­
preciated by Unte people, but rather
severe on men and horses.
Al) these circumstances and condi­
tions only serve to emphasize tbe im­
portance of the Herald'« suggestion of
ilast week, that it is high time for the
city to put in a paid department at
Unte, and in addition provide one or
móre of the station* with motor appa­
ratus. The run* are too long, an«l on
nights like those of tbe past week,
when risk* were so great due to high
winds, an outfit depending on horses
Eugenia Park
1 for locomotion, is incapable of handling
The home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. I the conditions.
Richmond on l<Xh avenue was again
the scene of a very happy gathering last
Commercial Club Will Meet
Saturday evening, it lieing the regular
A special met ting of tbe Unte Com-
meeting,of the Eugenia Park club and
meWial Club will be bel J on Friday
Valentine's day. The principal feature
evening. It has been some time since
of tbe evening was tbe exchanging of
a. meeting was held and it is probable
valentines, some of which were very
that considerable business will have to
Decorations were also very
be consid red. The meetios aill be
suggestive of the day, being deeigned by
i held as usual at Seward’s ball.
Mrs. D. Arbuckle of Sth avenue. • After
refreshments were served, dancing and
cards were indulge«! in by all until the
Epworth League Entertains
early hours ot morning. Music was
One o> the most enjoyable gatherings
furnished by home talent.
of the Epworth League of the M. E.
Church was a valentine party at Fawcett
The home of tbe Railtons on Saginaw hall Saturday evening, where Unta
Heights was endangered by the burning chapter entertained
out of a chimney on Saturday morning. Usgue of Arteta. Tbe hall was most
The Fire Department responded in tastefully decorated in Oregon gr*pe,
quick time and the fire was soon out. red streamers, and hearts of all sixes in
harmony with the occasion. The pro­
gram consists«! ot readings by Miss
Mrs. Bonquist of 10th avenve, who Merle Garrett, selection of songs by tbe
had tbe misfortune to fracture her hip Uague members, and tbe male quar­
by a fall in December has so far re­ tette, Merer* Hollingworth, Spearow,
covered to be about with the aid of Wilkinson, and Wil-on, were heartily
encored. The last, and most amusing
part of the program being a “bow and
” contest, Rev. Boyd Moore
Frien«la were entertained at tbe home
of W. P. Herman Thursday evening. winning the first prize. At the close of
Among thoae present were Mr B Lam­ tbe evening dainty refreshment* and
bert, who recently arrived from San orange punch were served.
Those on the reception committee
Francisco enroute from Chicago.
were: Lona Crandal, .Edna Bleything,
Fay Smith, Charles Wilaon, and R. J.
Mrs. Henry Inlow sails this week on Wilkinson. Much credit is due them,
the “Beaver” for an extended visit also Mrs. Boyd Moore *n<l Stanford
with relatives in tbe central end south­ Moore for their untiring effort* in mak­
ern part ol California.
ing the affair one of the best given by
the League.
Mr. Hughes has gone to Eastern
Oregon for his two work teams.
H e
will put them to use in Lents this
A. R. Fairbank* and Mis* Grace E.
Eatcbel, both of Lente, were married at
the home of Wm. Eatchel, Feburary
C. J. Bright of fxie Angles, Cal., is 14th, W. Boyd Moore, pastor ol tbe M.
making the Bright home bright these E. Church officiating. After tbe cere­
days, paying his mother an«l sisters a mony a wedding luneb waa served,
after which the young couple betook
themselves to other part* on their
honeymoon. Their friends and ac­
It was d«'ci<le«l the other evening at a quaintance* in Lente wish them much
meeting at tlw- Eaat Side Library that happiness.
both houses of the l-egislaturv «hould
go. The governor and conimi«sion of
twelve commissioners, three of whom
Rhoads of Grays Crossing
should coooe from Multnomah county,
has lieen decided upon and the new plan and Mre. Ell* E. Burnett, recently from
will he put into execution as soon as Wisconsin, were married at tbe home
enough people can be induced to vote of the groom, February 14tn, by Rev.
the system in. That wilF not be thia W. Bovd Moore, pastor of tbe M. E.
A number of relatives and
friend* were present.
After tbe cere­
The result of the roiel meeting at mony a wedding supper was eerred.
Rockwood is indicative of the way the Mr. Rhoad« has resided in Lente lor
many yeais.
recent highway business wan handlcl in
Columbia County. Tlie intention of tlie
Thoroquist-Browne Wedding
road promoters ot Rockwood waa to pre­
vent tlie opposing forces having any­
Mr. Edwin 1 hurnqiust and Mis* Rose
thing to say. As a result the meeting Nell Browne were married in Vancouv­
was a failure. Farmers living along the er, Friday, Fehtuarv 13. They will re­
bar«* line know when they have a r«a«l side at Flint and Iliaaiond streets in
giswl enough to use in marketing their McKinlev Park
Lents acquaintances
products and what is tlie use of their join in wishing the youag couple a
investing in nnnecemary im«|roveinents. happy voyage on the sea of matrimony.