Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, December 30, 1922, Image 4

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I T 7 TV 7 n !i
J Local l vewsrnrevmes
!' -
Return to Nam pa
Therman Fahrney
Nampa Sunday after
I ture of C. C. Romph from Parma to
returned to'mmet- Mr. Beach made another
a few days' transIer trlP Irom vale 10 "uniing-
Over From Wild
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Diven spent
Christmas with Mrs.,Divens mother
but have returned to their home in
Wilder now.
Social Events o; Week
visit with his father, F, V. Fahrney
of this city.
Spends Week End In Vale
Clarke Westfall of Fayette sppnt
the week end with George Ilait and
family, returning to Payette Ratur
day night.
Goes to Boi
The Misses Evelyn Hjde and Leah
Smith left on Thursday's train for
Boise, where they will be some time.
Miss Smith will resume her work
there while Miss Hyde will attend
business college.
Leave for California
Carol Mansur left Tuesday morn
ing for Los Angeles, where he ex
pects to spend most of the winter
Elsie O'Neil Home
Miss Elsie O'Neil is home for the
vacation days with her mother, Mrs.
Anna O'Neil. Miss O'Neil will re
turn to Bellingham, Wash., to re
sume her course in the Washington
State Normal school Saturday even
ton the last of this week.
Visits in Nyssa
Mrs. Vera Hall spent Christmas
with her mother near Nyssa, return
ing to Vale Tuesday.
Left for Portland
Mrs. Pearl Jessup left for Port-
i. .i. -i v nu children, Hope and Merle,
her mother, Mrs. G. Y. Chester, of '
this city for a couple of weeks.
Hope Re-union.
! There was another happy re-union
this Christmas when the members ot
i the I. W. Hope family returned to
Vale to eat the turkey with their
parents. Miss Bernice returned from
Cheney Normal school, Miss Mazie
from Nyssa, where she is teaching
this year, Miss Erma from Hoquiam,
Was., where she has been teaching,
Mr. and Mrs. James Rasmussen and
Marks of Rawlins,
For Christmas Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Foster enter
tained for Christmas dinner. Covers
were laid for Mr. and Mrs. F. V.
Sister Visits
Mrs., George
Wyo., spent Christmas with her j Fahrney and children.
brother. Leslie Hope, of this town. I 1
Mrs. Marks has not returned to' Guests at Ontario.
Rawlins as yet. ' Mr. an( Mrs- 0. E. Carman and
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kinder spent a
Motors to Ontario ! delightful Chritsmas as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O'Dell and ' Mr- and Mrs- L- R- Breithaupt of
family spent Monday with Mr. and : Ontario. The two couples returned
Mrs. W. W. Hinton in Ontario, hav-j to Va,e inthe evening,
ing motored there for the day. Christian Church Party.
O. A. C Students-
Miss Vina Mueller and Cleo Slaght
the two O. A. C. students who ate
Christmas turkey with their parents,
re planning to return to Corvallis
either Saturday night or Sunday in
order to witness the game between
the Corvallis high school and the
eastern team that will play on Jan,
2. Miss Verdi Miller, another Vale
high school student who is attending
the Agricultural college, spent her
Christmas in Portland.
At Brogan
Miss Mae Foiles is spending the
week with her parents at Brogan,
having gone there in time for
Over From Baker
Earl Streams arrived from Baker
in time to eat up some of his
friends' Christmas turkey and to at
tend the dance Monday evening
after an absence from Vale for a
number of months. . Earl lives in
Baker at the present time.
j A party was given for the
j members of the primary Sunday
school classes of the Christian
I church Wedensday afternoon. The
, different teachers including Mrs.
I Ben Mulkey, Mrs. G. Y. Chester,
Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Mrs. C. E
A Decided Success
The M. E. Sunday school
mas program last Sunday night was
a decided success. The program
was well rendered by the youngsters
who participated in it; those in
, .. , , - I Charles, Mrs. C. G. Griffin and Mrs.
uenerve uiuuii creuu aim maims xor i T, , ,
this splendid work. It is also en
couraging to state that the program
was witnesses by a full house, every j
available scat being occupied.
Miss Molly is spending the holi
days in Los Angeles. She is to ar
rive in Vale about the middle of
January. Miss Molly has taken it
upon herself to see that the local
parsonage bathroom is supplied with
the necessary fixtures. For full
particulars concerning the mysteri
ous Miss Molly, read next issue of
The Enterprise.
Ferd Zutz were the hostesses for
the affair. A very good time was
had in playing games and later in
the afternoon delicious refreshments
were served.
University Students Home
The University of Oregon students
who arrived home in time to eat
Christmas turkey with their folks
were the Misses Nellie Thompson,
Margaret Cleveland and LaVera
At W. G. Thomson's.
Those of the Thomson family who
spent their Christmas with their
parents were Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
Woodward of Vale, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Griffin of Vale, Mr. and Mrs.
ChRrles Powell of Ontario and Mrs.
Nellie T. Jacobs of Big Bend. A
large turkry was enjoyed by all and
another Christmas passed pleas
antly. Mrs. Lumpee Entertains.
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Lumpee enter
tained "at a Christmas dinner Mon
day evening with a large turkey and
plenty of other good things to eat
und beautiful decorations to do the
ChriHtmaa Dance
The Christmas dance was well at
tended both by Vale young people
and by many outsiders, chiefly
among whom were the Ontario
boys, about 15 in number, who par
took of the enjoyment of the dance.
The Jolly Five furnished exceptional
music for the occasion.
Motor to Nyssa
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Cleveland and
duughter Margaret motored to
Nyssa Monday and spent Christmas
with Mrs. Cleveland's mother, who
lives near there.
Ontario Biminens Men
J. W. McCulloch and R. W. Swag
ler, prominent men of Ontario,
spent a few days in Vale this week
on business.
To Stay With Sister
Ming Nola DeArmond arrived in
Vale just before Christmas to spend
the holidays with her sister, Mrs.
H. W. Steelhammer. Miss DeAr
mond will not return to Payette for
soma time.
Tucke Girls Expected
The Misses lone and Mae Tucke
re expected Monday from Big Bend
to resume their school work.
Selection Given
At the Rex theatre Sunday and
Monday to accompany the screen
version of "My Old Kentucky
Home," Mrs. John Barkely with Mrs.
C. C. Coates violinist, and Mrs. A. E.
McGillivray pianist, sang the song
of "My Old Kentucky Home." The
muBle and the picture was appreciat
ed by everyone present.
Payette Visitor
G. J. Peterson, general manager
of the Associated Fruit Company of
Payette, spent Christmas with
friends in Vale.
Beach Goes to Parma
R. M. Beach left Vale Wednesday
evening for Parma, where he in
tends to move the household furnl-
Moe. who cama Frulav pvaninc nnri i
MU. rwtio T rv,,mm0f turkey justice, covers were laia ior
Saturday night Miss Pauline Bos
ton is spending the holidays with
friends in Portland while Miss
ItTofla Rnanrall a riatfin Vm aunt 4 v.
uau woni,Aa. m f IOI ling V I OUIlIt III
fcaiem. waiter Taylor, who is in
his senior year at Oregon, was visit
ing with his mother and sister in
Eugene when the holidays began.
They had come there for a brief
visit with him and his brother Web-'
ster Jones, who is a freshman thisj
year. Paul Ager came part ways '
on the trip home, leaving the party
at the junction for his new home in
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Steelhammer,
Miss Nola DeArmond, G. J. Peter
son of Payette, John Boswell, and
I Kenneth Herrett.
The children of Park Sunday
rchool gave an intersting program
Sunday, followed by a Christmas
treo. There were fifty present to
enjoy the program. Next Sunday,
Dc. 31st, will be election of officers
and a full attendance is desired.
Gordon Boals, who is attending
Whitman College at Walla Walla,
Make Final Proof came home Saturday to snend the
Robert M. Goodwin of Ironside holidays with his parents, Mr. and
has just finished making final proof Mrs. P. M. Boals.
for his claim at the land office. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Others who have made final proofs ( George Thomas is very ill with
during the month are Margretha , bronchial pneumonia.
Kime, Harper; JeBsie Griffith, Wat-' Harold McKinney left last week
son; Clarence L. Vandiver, Brogun;
Emma Paustian, Unity.
Out of Town on Vacation
Mrs. Mary A. Walsh is awny
from her Juties in the land office at
present, enjoying a two weeks vaca
tion. She is expected to return
about the first.
Home From Boi
MiHses Marie and Leah Smith
came over from Boise to spend
Christmas with their parents here.
Miss Marie Smith was only able to
visit a couplo of days before she
hud to return but her sister will re
main for awhile.
Vixitiiig in Jamiemin
Mrs. John Malone and daughter
Laura are visiting relatives in
Jumieson. They will return to Vale
for Cow Valley to spend the holi
days with his grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Skippcn en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Blaqeney ot
Freewater, Or., at dinner Sunday.
Terry Rudd returned home Satur
day after spending the past two
weeks in Pine Valley.
Misses Miles and Cumberland and
Messrs Etohn and Miles of Payette
were dinner guests on Christmas of
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cumberland.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and
Mrs. D. R. Davis were entertained
Christmas evening at the home of
Mr. und Mrs. P. M. Boals.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sullens and
foii Harold motored to Vale Christ
mas and spent the day with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.
G. Sullens.
Over From Parma
Harold Romph of Parma spent
Christmas with friends in Vale.
Caperton spent
Fisher home in
John Cramer of
house guests of
D. Conner.
Returns to Baker
Miss Mary Boswell returned tn
Buker the first of the week after
spending Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. John Boswell and family.
A Happy
New Year
to one and all
Vale Trading Co.
Mr. and Mrs.
Christmas at the
Mr. and Mrs.
SH)kune are the
their aunt, Mrs. J,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis were
ireusts of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Karat
f'.uinlay evening.
F. r'ror.t was a business visitor In
V.'lo on Tuesday.
t' ;niplimenting Mr. and Mrs. S. J.
''nil dm, who left last week for
-VvrUi, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Bonlh
n" m 1 ained at 7 o'clock dinner Tues
J:i., , veiling of last week. Covers
uviv' luid for Mr. md Mrs. C. G.
Heslup, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, the and hostess.
Iu . and Mrs. E. L. Brown and
'Vi.iily, who have lived on the Slope
foi . i veral years, moved to their
new nonie on McKinney Island last
wchIk. They will be greatly missed
in 'I'.p community and all hope to
'i: tnem return to the Slope.
. . !'. Bower fell from the top ot
a ladder Tuesday and was quite
b, i - ly injured. Althouph no
bones were broken his injuries were where they
vh to confine him to his , home.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller en
tertained at Christmas dinner for
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stevens nd
daughter Betty.
Mr. and Mrs. - Arner - Gorton and
daughter Audrey , were Christmas
dinner guests of the former's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gorton of Pay
ette. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Heslup nd
son James of Boise spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Heslup.
Walter Davis and family were
dinner guests Sunday of
Mrs. Otto Meili.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lauer and
sons Ernest and Ralph, were enter
tained at Christmas dinner by Mr.
and Mrs. C. Welcher.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tomlin and
daughter Janet were Christmas
guests of the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Tomlin.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Simpson and
children left last week for Seattle,
to the Christmas program and dis
tribution of gfts, after which a de
licious two-course luncheon was
served by the hostess.
The next regular meeting of the
club will be held at the home of
Mrs. Walter Davis, Thursday, Janu
ary 11th.
Mrs. Arner Gorton and Mrs. Ar
thur Miller entertained at dinner
Saturday evening at the home of the
former in honor of the birthday an
niversary of Mr. Miller, which falls
on Christmas day. -The beautifully
appointed dinner table was gay in
holiday colors, gleaming red can
dles and masses of holly, making
an effective arrangement. Dancing
occupied the evening hours. The
guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wilcox,
expect to make their
Mr. and Mrs. C C. McVicker and
Mr. and Mrs. E. Frost spent Sun
day at the J. L. Brown home.
A successiul CnriBtmai program
was held at the Pioneer school house
t nday. evening. . Santa Ulaus was
there with gifts for everyone pres
ent .
The members of Park Improve
ment club were delightfully enter
tained Thursday afternoon th the
home of Mrs. C. G. Heslup with
Mrs. C. C. Wilcox assisting. This
being the Christmas meeting, each
Mr. and 1 Kuest wa8 requested to Drng a gift,
which were arranged by the host
esses in a large Christmas basket
with red ribbon streamers. The
rooms were beautifully decorated
with sprays of holly, fern and Ore
gon grape, which were sent to Mrs.
Heslup by Mrs. Alice Simpson of
Seattle. Following a short business
session, the afternoon was devited
delivered. Squash 1 cts. per lb.
Jesse Wheeler. d30-3tp
Chinese Pheasants for sale, also
New Zealand rabbits. C. T. Splawn,
Vale, Ore. d30-3tp
In the Matter of the Estate of
Charles H. Kimball, Deceased.
'I he undersigned having been ap
pointed by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Malheur Coun
ty, Administrator of the estate of
Charles H. Kimball, deceased, and
having qualified, notice is hereby
given to the creditors of, and all
persons having claims against said
deceased, to present them, verified
as required by law, within six
months after the first publication of
this notice to said C. W. Drinkwater!
Mac Says
January 5th will mark the opening of our EIGHTH year in
Vale. ,
We wish at this time to extend to nil our friends, our sin
cere thanks for the spirit of loyalty demonstrated throughout
the year just closing. We promise to all of you, for the year
dawning, our utmost efforts to deserve your continued sup
port and good will.
May 1923 bring to each of you 365 days of Happiness ana
A. E. McGillivray
The Rexall Store
at his place of business at Drewsey, !
nr;-,. m i.' no n m;Ui.oH . Oroeon. or to Davis & Kestcr, hi
illlDaCO iTICl V 111(4 ji v o uwu -v , , -
Conner, Messrs
A Hanov New Yer I
k- - j - - - -
their office at Vale,
r-t t j i aiiuiiicyo. hi
ueorge Jones ami ; n.n n w. DRINKWATER.
Herbert Marvin, the hostesses and
their husbands.
One of the enjoyable dinner parties
given on Christmas day was that
given by Mr. and Mrs. E. Frost,
when all their children were pres
ent. Covers were laid for Mrs.
Friedley and two sons of Fairbnry, j
Neb., Mr. and Mrs. Friel Frost of
Administrator of the Estate of
Charles H. Kimball, Deceased.
Dated December 27, 1922.
Notice' is hereby given, that the i
regular annual meeting of stock- j
holders of the Orchards Water Com-!
pany, an Uregon corporation, win De
held on Saturday, the 13th day ot
Kordale's Furniture Store
Furniture to Make the Home Pleasant
the office of said Company r.
Jamieson, Malheur County, Orcgo.i.
Dated this 26th day of December,
1922. H. G. GREEN,
Wyoming, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley January, 1923, at 2 o'clock p. m., at
Brown and sons of Otn,ano, Mr. and
Mrs. J, L. Brown and children, Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. McVicker, Marie and
Bernard Frost.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto C. Miller en
tertained at dinner Christmas. The
table decorations were holly and
Warge red candles, with tiny red
candles at each plate. Covers were
laid for fourteen, the guests being
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Chapman of On
tario, W. D. Graham of Payette, Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Vincent.
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Boals enter
tained at Christmas dinner in honor
of their son Gordon, who is home
from Walla Walla for the holidays.
The geusts were Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Karat and daughter Evnline.
Bf m m m m ...
iH'jivt' wnu" miAti wiym mmi myui mum' Ll
There is no "Hire," but
wheezy breathing may
oftentimes be relieved
by inhaling the soothing
medicated vapors of j
r',g s Bins
: . ' .y..-
..... - j g
i M
V w
J n
We wish you all a
Happy New Year
and abundant prosperity
AT THIS, our first New
Year in Vale, we extend
hearty season greetings
to all.
Bullock & Hoichkiss
The Ford Doctors, Vale, Oregon
Happy New Year
To All
Our Friends
Vale National Bank
Job Printing
We are auuiprnd tn
handle any tuid of Job
fiuiii!, a ltd haa it
ctNita lo Service, w
can only iwlar you lo
out tuMoiixua or a&k
Dual you give im U1l
1 Vicirola 1
For Christmas
$25 to $250
Small payment down, balance easy terms
Ontario Pharmacy
!-!- -5-M
! Vale Grain & Feed Co.
Car Corn and Poultry Supplies
Just Received.
4 'H
Ship Your Furs To
A. L. Hackney Fur& Hide Co.
Will pay Eastern prin ts and cave you
freight and wilinj; ruiiirnirljii.
Caldwell Idaho