MALHEUR ENTERPRISE, VALE, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30,, 1922. 0 l . , ,, ,, .t ,;, ; ,, , i, ,, i ,,, , t, , -HmH. COUNTY NEWS Items of Local and Personal Interest, Gathered By I he Enterprise Correspondehts. t 1 I KINGMAN KOLONY I m k Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Morgan and children left Friday for Eugene to Bend the holiday's with Mrs. Morgan parents of that town. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Overstreet, C. M. Beaumont and R. S. Overstreet went to Vale Wednesday to attend the hearing before the Court and the Budget Committee. Mrs. Overstreet was appointed by the county P.-T. A. to attend and Mr. Overstreet and Mr. Beaumont were there in the intersts of he bureau. M. L. Parsons and daughter left in their car Saturday for Portland. Mrs. Tai-sons left for Roswell where they will make their future home. Merritt Creeling is home for the holidays from the Weiser Institute. Miss June Page came from Boise Friday -to spend the holidays with her father. They were entertained nt Christmas dinner in the W. L. Schafer home. Mr.s Herbert Hickox went to Nam pa this Friday to visit relatives and Mr. Hickox motored to Nampa for Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Johnston were 1 guests for Christmas dinner in the P. B. Anderson home. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Beaumont en tertained the Martin family for the Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schweizer are in New Plymouth for the present Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Kingman and Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Otis were the Christmas guests in the C. Peck home in Big Bend. Miss Homan left Sunday to spend the vacation with her parents in Ontario,. Several Kolony residents enjoyed the musicale in Owyhee Sunda. The Zeirlein family is at Fruitland during the holidays. The cream truck of the Coopera tive Creamery in Payette has made the first of the year two trips a week he first of the year two trips a week will be made. Eventually, a route that will reach Big Bend and Parma is expeted. The slides to be used in the "The Other Wise Man" will be shown at the next P.-T. A. meeting, Jan. 5 The school children gave a very pleasing program Saturday evening Deiore a large house of parents and friends. A large tree, furnishel by the Sunday school, a very attract ive fire place,, candles, small Christ mas trees and vases of Poinsettas formed an effective setting for the Christmas gongs, recitations and a little play. In addition to the num bers given by the school children songs were sung by the Misses Ber nice Martin and Threlma McCreary and by Mrs. Ro ,De Witt. Santa dashed in at the close of the program and help to distribute the excellent candy furnished by the Sun day school classes. r BROGAN There will be a dance at the Bro gan community hall Saturday Dec ember 30, J. A. Smith and daughter Beulah and Thelma motored to Ontario this Tuesday. Mr. Noah was a business visitor in Ontario Tuesday. 'Miss rnestine Locey was a guest of Miss Sylvia rubner Monday. Carroll Locey of Ironside was a guest of Newt Zailor Monday. Mrs. Mary Carlisle of Ontario is a guest of her sister Mrs. Tom Logan. Glenn and lton Smith made a trip to Ontario Monday concerning busi ness matters. Charies Grabner was a business visitor in Ontario Tuesday. Clarence Vandever was in Ontario Tuesday. , J. A. Smith and family were the dwinner guests cf J. W. Smith and family for Christmas. Mrs. Fred Kaphasam was an On tario Friday. J. W. Smith made a business trip to Ontario Tuesday. Father O'Connor of Ontario held services at Brogan Monday. Miss Mell Carter of Ontario was! a guett of Mrs. J. W. Smith lust' week. Mrs. mory Cole has been quite ill for the past week. Arden Reed who has been quite ill is reported to be doing quite nicly. John and Matilda Lewellyn who are attending high school in Vale have been home for the holidays. Mr. Galvin was a dinner guest at the Ton) Logan home Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bos well were guests of Mrs. Boswell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horn at Jamieson for Christmas. Mrs. Francis Kennedy and child ren and Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Wood ward were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Edward at Jamieson for Ch ristmas. Water In Troubling Kilroad la V.orrr Chinook which Imve swept the Cuo-ad-e for the hint two days, cmuihi heavy volume of water to run out of the mountain during the I a t H h..uiH, with (tie Ir.ult that S. V. & H. i,i O-V. It. ii N. lints in thtt Columbia riwt fcurt r J rlciK lut water troubles bit .v-I-pH-I-H-H raonuay. Between Portland and Tasco watr was reported on the North Bank line in several places this morning but no trouble was an ticipated, as faintenance crews were engaged in keeping tunnls and drain pips open. CRAZED MAN KILLS CHILDREN AT CHRISTMAS PARTY Seattle, Transforming a happy family Christmas party into a sham los, E. Newrider invaded the home of his old friend D. C. Engel, here, this morning and shot three of Engel's children to death. He then turned the weapon upon himself and blew out his brains. The dead are Anna Engel, 17; Hans Engel, 14, and Lily Engel, 3. The elder Engel, his wife! a son and daugther escaped. No reason was ascribed for the act. The only explanation was that Newrider had suddenly lost his mind. As Newrider entered the house un announced and started firing, Anna f-ngel, the 17-year-old daughter, made a heroic but futile effort to stuy the madman. "Drop those guns, I'm not afraid of you," Bhe told him, throwing her self between her father and Newrider Her head and body were literally riddled with bullets. The wanton killing was witnessed by the girl's father and mother, two brothers and a sister who immediate' ly broke for cover, it being imposs ible to do anthing with the maniac. Newrder pursued them with fiend ish determination. Beside the Christ mas tree little 3 year old Lily sat in a rocking chair cooing over a new dolly that Santa had brought her and unaware of the tragedy. Newrider shot her through the head as she sat there. Little Hans was the only other member left in the house. Terrified he had crawled under his bed and was trying to hide when Newrider found and shot him. Officers who investigated the trag- edy found 14 bullet holes in the house. Newrider had three revolvers with him. Four motorcycle patrolmen and four detectives were rushed to the scene. Coroner Carson and a deputy took charge of the four bodies. Wo wish to express our very hearty appreciations of the many expres sions of good will that has been shown us since coming to Vale, by the good people of the community, and especially for the many nice presents and greetings of good cheer extended us this Christmas week. Your many expressions of confidence and good will have put us under very great obligations to you which we can only hope to repay through grateful service. We are praying God's richest blessing's upon ou all and that He will give us strength and wisdom to be a blessing to you during the coming days. P'rom the depths of grateful hearts we thank you. Very sincerely, A. B. Weaver and family. Enterprise Want-Ads mean mon ey to you COUNT STATISTICS Malheur County Real Estate Trans fers Recorded Dec. 16th to Dec. 23rd. . Pacific Live Stock Co to Albert Hucker-Lot 7, Block 6, Harper. 12-12 20. $150.00 U. S. A. to Benjamin H. Plessinger Lot 7, Sec. 30-21-47. 11-3-22. Mrs. Orrilla Logan to O. W, Lo-gan-SE',4 Sec. 23; SWSW Sec 24-14-43. 11-22. $1.00 U. S. Land Office to Ralph W. Faust SE14, ESWtt, SENW SENW4 Sec. 8; NEUNE'A Sec. 18; NW14NW14 Sec. 17; WSE4 Sec. 20; S'iSW Sec. 21-14-38. 11-20-22. Final Certificate. O. W. Logan to Orilla Logan Lot 3 Block 42, Brogan. 11-20-22. $1.00 Sheriff II. Lee Noe to J. S. Mc Cumsey-Lot 6, Block 20, Outlook. 12-16-22. $5.00 I.uella S. Burnett et vir to T. L. Ragsdale-W, SE4, SttNEVi Sec. 34; SWUSW',4 Sec. 35-26-40; also Lot 2, Sec. 2-27-40. 12-5-22. $10.00 U. S. A. to Maude Haylett-WV4E4 Sec. 1428-46. 5-26-21. Sheriff II. Lee Noe to John W. Russell SW4, SWKNW14, WSE 4. SE14SE14 Sec. 24-16-43. 12-C-22 $13,997.56 G. E. Rutherford et al to J. R. Blackaby, Triistee-EHNEK Sec. 14; SWUNWU, WV4SW. SEKSW SE4SW14, Sec, 13-14-41. 12 1822. $21,000.00 Isaiah Yant et ux to S. B. Wood SENEV4 Sec. 30-15-4(5. 12-14-22. $10.00 I. C. Deen to Wadn Silver-Lots 8 and 4, and NEViSWVi, and NW'4SE "4 Sec. 7-13-40. 12-15-22. $10.00. John BoKWt-H et ux to Robert Ros well Placer mining claim. 12-20-22. Anna C. Yoe to R. F. Wolf et al N'W",SE',SE14 Sec. K 18-47. 12-9-22 , Harms C. tt al to E. J. Hurrough..N,'4NK'4SK,.r.E,j Hoe. 3 llM'i. VI U-ii. $1,0041.00 Aa M. Deny t-t ux to Ralph A. Ilollc, JttMttivtr-EUK'fcW a4 SE14NEV4 Sec. 23-18-45. 8-10-22. $1. Sheriff II. Lee Noe t Bank of Jordan Valley et al Lot 3, Block 8, 1 loneer Add. to Jordan Valley. 12-18 22. $1,000.00. . U. S. A. to Robert George-SVsNW '.4, SW Sec. 27; SMiiSVi, N'sSMi, 6ec. 28; SEKNEVi, NEViSEVi Sec. 29-16-40. 2-20-22. Harry J. Smith et ux to Harley E. Noah-NE NE 14 , and parts of SE14 NEVi and EttNWWNEtt Sec. 12-21-22. U. S. A. to Dorris R. Whiltemore EHSec. 29; Lots, 1, 2, 3, SEViHWVi, NE14SW Sec. 19-14-38; WttSEVi Sec. 27-13-38. Ui2722. Final cer tificate. U. S. A. to Blanche Whittemore EVi Sec. 29; Lots 1, 2, 3, SE'ANWli NEttSWVi Sec. 3214-38. 1-10-21. Dorris R. Whittemore to Blanche Whittemore-Ett Sec. 29-14-38 12-15- 22. $1.00. Kay Boyd et al to Sarah E. Fox SE'mSEVi Sec. 16-0-47. 7-12-22. $1.00 U. S. A. to Ralph R. Yeoman-SW SW& Sec. 3; SEliSEK Sec. 4; N EV4 Sec. 9; WftNWtt Sec. 10-14-42 4-19-22. U. S. A. to Ralph R. Yeoman-SW ViSE, SEViSW'A Sec. 4; Lots 2, 3 4, 6, SWV4NEV1, SENE Sec. 6 14-42. 4-19-22 Arthur W. Glenn et ux to Charles W. Glenn SSE Sec. 34-18-43. 3- 2-22. $10.00. Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Wm. Curte man Lot 5, Block 17, Outlook. 12-23-22. $13.09. Marriage Licenses Issued During the Week. Perry L. Franklin and Lillian V. Rogers. 12-20-22. John S. Carr and Margaret Gladys Bullard. 12-23-22. Complaints Filed in Circuit Court Iva Tyler vs. T. H. Moore et al. 12-18-22. Damages. $10,000.00. Minnie Bowden vs. James Bowden. 12-18-22. Divorce. William E. Lees vs. Malheur Coun ty. 12-20-22. Damages. $2,000.00. W. H. Claggett vs. David H. Bur rows et ux. 12-2322. Recovery on notes. $3,510.00. Petitions Filed in Probate Court Estate of Mary Emma Burbidge. 12-21-22. Let the others follow. You be the leader. Link's training will open the door and point the way. Thousands have been placed by Link's on the road to success. Link's training can be bought for $15 for four weeks. Come and get the benefit of our ex- perience and assistance. Full in formation sent on request. Adv, Classified Ads FOR SALE 10 Acres irrigated, mile of Vale. Will bull euuitv w land together wuh zoo laying pullets and team ail for $1000. J. Wneeier, Box 33.-Vaie, Ore. U0-3tp FOR SALE 47 Head Poland China pigs; first-class. Ed Campbell, on 6. Miller ranch. Phone Ontario exchange 20M2. dec93tp FOR SALE Mammoth Pekin ducks for breeding purposes. Price $2.50 each. Purvis 1' arm & ' Dairy Co., Vale. dec 15-U'e ESl'RAYED Three year old Dur ham heifer, a few white spots, gen tle. Came to my place Sept. 25, li22. Branded connected RH on left hip. Owner can have same by pay ing for keep and advertisement. I. B. Quisenberry, Vale. dec9-3t Highest market prices paid for all kinds poultry at Chatfield black smith shop. Commons & Geissler. Adv-dec. 16-3tp . j ' FOR SALE Single Comb Rhode Island Red Cocks. Pure bred, super ior new strain. Mallett's, Ontario Phone 20M. dec23-tfc LOST Between Vale and the Mal lett ranch, a 32x4 fa cord tire on rim. r'inder return to Enterprise and receive reward. dec232tc FOR SALE Duofold Davenport; light oak, solid brown leather. Cash or terms. Mrs. Theodore r order. dec9-tfc FOR SALE at a bargain Girl's small sized bicycle. Inquire at the Enterprise. Adv.n25-tf Before selling your grain or seed, call or see Andrews Grain Co., Boy r Building, Ontario, .Oregon. HEMSTITCHING 10c PER YD. Madams Anderson and Carlton, On tario, Oregon- Buy from Vale merchants and keep your money at home. Before selling your grain or seed,; call or see Andrews Grain Co., Boy er Building, Ontario, Oregon. Before selling your grain or seed, call or see Andrews Grain Co., Buy er Building, Ontario, Oregon. POULTRY WANTED. ' I will, pay cash, market quotation, for chickens, ducks, geese and tur keys delivered to my ranch. VERNON T. UERRETT, tf-ch Vale. Oregon. Professional Dirtctoiy ATTORNEYS . aj C. M ('RANDALL C. K. CRANDALi. t RANDALL & f RANDALL Altorweya anal Cwikr Al La Vale. ti.aa tea. K be fa H.uee See uAvia aKSTta Atla mt4 t Mi ...Ium a Lmm Vei. ifveve NeiMi tlUla . .- Vale !,. aiiHssr u. trns iim- fitmt Nftii'ii H.,e Ifl4g VeU. O'eeu ii K. U. WUKKLKk Atterney ana UaiwUif at La l-raeuce la Ml . t-ourw ftnu o c. 'Lu Otftee trfV.ieei km. PH-meu iium j - Vehe, Oreaw- KNUi.Nfc.EK2i Juho S. Juhnaon J. ltd win Johneoc JOUN8UN fcf.UiNKfc.HINU CO. Lirne Kealtr Ltaalcn i.an4 Leealen lee-aaMp Uiae Prima Surveying A bnciMtnnf Heye rtnilditiir Vale. OTegqi. UNDERTAKERS T. T. NKL8BN Vale. Drum tre-te-4ete HrwUrteklne Partem. Fin ItM of Undertaking Supplies AiiU H-ar- Service Phone Phone your want adds to The En terprise, and get results. Butterwr&ppci Enterprise Joi. printed at the Miss Molly will fascinate you when you meet her. Adv. Elegant line of Christmas cards at the Enterprise office. Order yours at once. Legal Advei tisements NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution in foreclosure duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur, dated the 22nd day of December, 1922, and directed to me, upon a de cree and order of sale rendered in said Court on the 20th day of Decem ber, 1922, wherein Farmers & Stock Growers Bank, a cornoration, as plain tiff, and Bruce Dennis and Florence J. Dennis, his wife; Joseph H. Mrsh all and Letitia H. Marshall, his wife; Howard H. McLay and Denney and Company, a corporation, as defend ants, a judgement was rendered in favor of the above named plaintiff and against the above named defend ant Bruce Dennis, for the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Nine-ry-four & 55-100 Dollars ($3,594.56), with interest thereon from the 20th day of December, 1922, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and Three Hundred Fifty & No-100 Dol lars ($350.00) attorney's fees, and :he further sum of Fifty-one & 10-100 Dollars ($51.40) costs and li.sbursements herein, which judg nent and decree further directed the ale of the following described real iroperty situated in Malheur County, Jregon, to wit: Lots One (1), Two (2), and Three 3), and the Southwest Quarter of he Northeast Quarter (SWttNE), he southeast Quarter of the North vest Quarter (SENWtt), and the .ast Half of the Southwest Quarter ,ESWV4). of Section six (6), in Township Nineteen (19) South, Kange Forty-five (45) East. W. M together with all water and water rights thereunto appertaining. THEREFORE, I will on Tuesday the 30th day of January, 1923, at the nour of eleven oclock in the fore noon of said day at the north main entrance door of the County Court House at Vale, Malheur County, Ore- on, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all right, title and interest which said above named defendants had on the 19th day of January, 1921, and now have in said real property, with the app urtenances, to satisfy said judgment and decree in favor of the above named plaintiff and against said de fendant Bruce Dennis, together with said attorney's fees, and interest, and all costs, and accruing costs upon said sale. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 27th day of December, 1922. H. Lee Noe. Sheriff, By C. W. Glenn, Deputy. Date of first publication, December 30th, 1922. Date of last publication January 27th, 1923. Date of sale, January 30th, 1923, at 11 A. M. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALT? 1 BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, IN FORECLOSURE, duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County, dated the 14th day of December 1922 in a certain suit in the said Circuit Court for said State and County, wherein S. A. Blauner, as Plaintiff, recovered judgement against C. E. DeVol, and Bank of Sherwood, a cor poration, as Defendants, in tne sum of $500.00 dollars, with interest thereon from the 26th day of De cember 1920. at the rate of 8 per annum and $50.00 Attorney fees, and the further sum o $21.75 dollars cots, which judgement was enrolled and docketed in the Clerks Office of said Court in said County on the 14th day of December 1922. THEREFOR: NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN; That I will on the 22nd, day of January 1923, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the North Main Entrance Door of the Court House, at Vale, in said County and State, sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder or bidders for cash, the following described real property to-wit; The NVaNE'4, The NV4SW ViNEU, of Section (16), Twp. (16), South, Range, (44). E.W.M. containing 100 acres; WttNWtt of Section (16), Twp. (18), South, Range. (43). E.W.M. containing 80 acres. The WHNE'4, of Section (30), Twp. (19), South, Range, (43), E.W.j Al. containing eu acres. . The SE'ANWK, of Section (16), Twp. (15), South, Range (44) E.W. M. containing 40 acres. All in Malheur County, Oregon. The above real property with its appurtenances, taken and levied upon as the property of the said Defend ants, C. E. DeVol and Bank of Sher wood, a corporation, by virtue of a Mortgage given thereon by the above named Defendants, or as much there of as may be necessary to sutisfy said Judgment in favor of S. A. Blauner, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may ac crue. Dated at Vale Oregon this 18th, duy of becemlxr 1922. II. Lee Noe. Sheriff. Date of first publication December 23rd. 1922. Date of last publication January 2'-th. 1923. Date of Sule January 22nd. 1923. NOTICE TO CREDITOR. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OK OREGOM FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR. In the Matter of the F.lst of Es ther Ronton, Itort-aaed. Notire la litirby xwen by the un dtr igiii-'l, Join lion I on. mlitilmi. tratur of the aetata of Katlmr Hus ton, din l !, tu lli creditors of, and all persons having claims against said ueteased, 10 exuiuii tntm with the necessary vouchers, within six months from the date oi the first publication of this nonce, to saiu auminitrator, or his attor ney, R. CJ. Wheeler, at Vale, Mal heur County, Oregon, the Bams be ing the place for the transaction of , the business of said estate. j Dated the 11th day of December, 1922. , JOHN BOSTON, . R. G. Wheeler, Attorney for AHmin- istrator( residing at Vale, Ore. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL HEUR COUNTY. I In the Matter of the Estate of John1 Mielke, Deceused. NO i ICE 16 HEREBY GIVEN TO; WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: That f V. R Milir.r tin a nHminietrntnr with ' will annexed of the above entitled-. estate, has wade und filed in iu ?."1C" llie lork the bove en- titled Court, his third and final ac- count, report and petition for distri- uuuiui in nuu ! i u " has been by. order of said Court set down for hearing at the Court room thereof in the County Court House in the city of Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, at the hour of 11:30 o'clock in the forenoon on the 3rd ! day of January, 1923. All persons, if any, having objec tions thereto, are hereby notified of said defendanti jordan Valley and required to present same m Farms in custody of the receiver to writing on or before said day, or gatisfy the Bum of $750.00 for re said account may be allowed as filed :ceiver.g compensation, and $860.01; and said estate closed. ; t,.. HUhnr.ompni. cn,l .vn.n.u f Dated this 27th day of November, 1922. F. R. MILLER. Administrator With Will Annexed of the Estate of John Mielke. De - ceased- j will be offered for sale by the reseiv- NOTICE TO CREDITORS er' are diverse propissory notes se In the County Court of the Slate of 1 cured, by mortgage upon lands under Oregon, for Malheur County. ! Jordan Valley Irrigation Pro In the Matter of the Estate of Wat-!!"- executed by settJers to secure son D. Fanning, Deceased. ) payment for land and water rights TUo ,,n,ioritrn0H hnvino hi.n on. a list of which may be had by add- pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur Coun-'"le uineo amies iiuuumu own ty. administrator of the estate oflBank Bui'din'?A.rr.tJaJd'r,0re.fron Watson D. Fanning, deceased, and! J- HUMFELD. Receiver. having qualified, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them, verified as required by law, within six months after the publication of this notice to said J. B. Jones at his residence near Brogan, Oregon, or to Davis & Kester, his attorneys, at their office in Vale, Oregon. J. B. JONES. Administrator of the Estate of Wat son D. Fanning, Deceased.. Dated November 20, 1922. ' NOTICE! OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. United States of America, District of Oregon, ss. In the United States District Court in and for the said District, in Bankruptcy. ' In the matter of Harry F. Looney anl Mona O. Looney, husband and wife, bankrupts. To the creditors of Harry F. Looney and Mona O. Looney, his wife, of Jordan Valley, in the Coun ty of Malheur, and district afore said, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of November, A. D. 1922, the said Harry F. Looney and Mona O. Looney were duly adjudi cated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Vale on the 26th day of December, A. D. 1922, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, . at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come beiore said meeting. J. D. ROGERS. Referee in Bankruptcy. Office: Vale, Oregon. Dated Vale, Oregon. !OTlCEOF RECEIVER'S SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON , Mortgage Company for America, plaintiff, vs. Jordan Valley Furms ana joruan vauey Liana ana waier Company, defendants. Whereas, by an order duly passed in the above entitled court and cause on the 3rd day of November, 1922, the undersigned as receiver of the properties of the above named de fendants and each of theiu, was ordered to sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all f the highest bidder for cash, all cf defendants above, named, and part icularly the irrigation system of the said Jordan Valley Land and Wuter Company, known as the Jordan Valley Project, including all res ervoirs, dams, head gates, canals, ditches, .flumes, gates, weirs, rights of way, lands, buildings, and all other property of every kind and nature constituting a part of the said Jordan Valley Irrigation Pro ject and to be used in connection therewith. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority conferred upon him as receiver of the suid defendant cor porations and each of them, and pur suant to the orders of the above entitled court, the undersigned will, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. on the 10th day of January , 1923, at the front door of the Court House in Vale, Malheur County, State of Oregon, offer for sale and proceed to sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the proper ties above mentioned constituting the irrigation system known as the Jor- dan Valley Project; also all of the ; November, 1921, at the rate of rights of said Jordan Valley Land i Eight per cent (8 per cent) per 61 Water Company in all outstanding nnnum, and Two Hundred Fifty & contracts between said company and, No-100 Dollars ($250.00) attorney's the settlers under said Jordan Valley , fees, and the further sura of Eleven Project for water rights and water I Hundred Nine & 05-100 Dollars for irrigation and domestic purposes; j ($1,109.96) taxes paid by plaintiff, also all other property and assets of ; and the further sum of Fifteen and every kind and nature belonging toi40-100 Dollars ($16.40), costs, which said Jordan Valley Land and Wuter I judgment and decree further direct Company, in the custody of he re- td the sale of the following describ ceiver, including the following de-ied real property, situated in Mal scribed real property situate in Mal-lheur County. Oreiron. to-wit: hcur County, State of Oregon, to wit:i All of Section Thirty-five (35) containing 640 acres more or less; Northeast Quarter (NE) and East one-half (EH) of the Northwest Quarter (NW'4) of Section Seven (7) containing 240 acres more or less; Northwest Quarter (NW'4) and Northwe.t Quarter (NW4) of the North east quarter of Section Nine (0) containing 200 acres more or le" nil in Township Thirty-one (81) South of Rurige Forty-three (i'D F.ut of W. M. Kouttiweet Quarter (KW'4) a I North out -half (N'H) of South mt Quarter (SK'4) and South wt Quarter (HW) of r!uui!i t-aat Qnuiter (SK'4) of Kwtion Nina (9) i-oiitaiiiliiK 20 st-raa more or leaj all of Waft one , Unit snd all ut Norllitaet Quart- er (NEU) and -West one-half of Southeast Quarter (SEK) of Section Seventeen (17), contain ing 5oU acres more or less; the Northwest Quarter (NWVi) of Northwest Quarter (NW14) and East one-half (E1) of the West Halt (WH) and South one-half (S) of Northeast Quarter (NEK) and all Southeast Quart er (SE14) of Section Nineteen (19) containing 440 acres more or less; all in Township Thirty one (31) South of Range Forty two (42) East of W. M. All that portion of Section Thir tyfive (35) lying south of Jordan Creek containing 620 acres more or less; all that portion of Sec tion Thirty-three (33) lying south of Jordan Creek contain ing 110 acres more or less; all in . Township Thirty (30) South of Range Forty-two (42) East of W. M. Xhe foregoing property and assets Wlll be 8olJ to Batisfy an aliowance tsr.nnnn tn h Qio' ,.,- j penBation, $3233.43 for disbursements M( expenses of the receifership, Iind $750.00 attomev's fee. with in- terest upon said sums from July 14, 1922, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. At the same time and place the receiver will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidded for cash in hand, all of the property and assets the receiver of said Jordan Valley Farm, with interest from July 14, 1922, at six perpoent per annum. Ata.n (Un MnnVt:n- w.A n ... ! - .jj ii vn v. ,u;v, ' r08Si'nsr he Receiver at his office in! NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Noice is hereby given that under and by virtue Of an execution in foreclosure issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State oi Oregon, for the County of Malheur, dated the 2nd day of December, 1922, and directed to me, upon decree and order of sale rendered in the said Court on the 23rd day of November, 1922, wherein Frank E. Weed, as plaintiff, and Samuel F. Sutton, and United States National Bank of Vale, Oregon, a corporation, as defend ants, a 'judgment and decree was rendered in favor of the above named , plaintiffs and against the above named defendant Samuel F. Sutton, for the sum of $4,000.00 with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from he 28th day of Jane, 1920, and the further sum of $500.00 attorney a fees, and the further following sums: $85.95 paid on said note with interest at I the rate of eight per cent from Feb- ...... ruary 9th, 1922, and the further sum 0 $83.56 paid on same note with interest at the rate of eight per cent from March 27th, 1922, and the further Bum of $34.40 costs and disbursements, which judgment and decree further directed the sale of the following , desecribed real prop erty, situated in Malheur county. Or egon, to-wit: The Sounthwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter ( SW i NW M ) and the South Half (SV4) of Sec tion Twenty-three (23); also the East Half (E) of Section Twenty-six (26), all in Town ship Twenty-seven (27) South, Range Thirty-eight (38) East, Millumette Meridian. I will on Tuesday the 9th day of January, 1923, at the hour of elepen (11) o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the north main en trance door of the County Court House at Vale, Malheur County, Ore gon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder or bidders for cash, all right, title and interest which said above defendants had on the 28th duy of June, 1919, and now have in said real property, with the appur tenances to satisfy said judgment and decree in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendant Samuel - F. Sutton, together with said attorney's fees, and costs and dispursements, and interest, and accruing costs upon said sale. Dated at Vale Oregon, this 4th day of December, 1922. H. LEE NOE. Sheriff of Malheur County, Oregon By C. W. Glenn, Deputy Date of first publication, December 0th. 1922. Date of last publication, January 6th, 1922 Date' of sale January 9th, 1923 at 11 A. M. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that nder rind by virtue of an execution in foreclosure duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur, dated the 7th day of December, 1922, and directed to me, upon a decree and order of sale rendered in said Court on the 7th day of December, 1922, wherein Chas. Horn as pluin tiff recovered judgment and decree against R. E. Weant and Anna May Weant as defendants, for the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred & No-100 Dollars ($2,500.00), with in terest theron from the 15th day of The Southwest Quarter (SW) I ,,f Section Twelva Town ship Nineteen (19) South, Rang Forty-four (44) E.W.M. I will on Wednesday, the 10th day of January, 1923, at the hour of 10: t0 o'clock in the forenoon of said l:iv. at the north main entrance l'"r of the County Court House at V.i'e, Mullieur County, Oregon, sell it public s net ion to the higheit bid der fur csiih, all right, title and in terest which said defendant had on the IMh day of November, 1020, and new have in snld real property, w 'h the anpui teiiaiicea, to satiafy M d judinntiit and decree in favor or aiild nlnintiff and airuirikt suld .ie?i oiUMt, together with said at to.m y'a fees, Ukk, and Inteieat, Slid ((rilling ronta uiion said salt'. Outfit at Valu, Or.oll, this Hth day of petfiiil'er, H. LEE NOE. Sheriff, By C. W. Glenn, Deputy. Date of first publication Decem ber th, 1922. Date of last publication January 6th, 1923. , Date of Sale January 10th, 1923, at 10:30 a, m. SUMMONS. Equity No. 2061. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Si'AiE OF OREGON, FOR MAL HEUR COUNTY. THE BANK. OF NVSSA, a Corpora tion, ' - Plaintiff. TILLMAN A. HUFFMAN. ELROY : HUFFMAN, LNGER E. HUFF MAN, JACOB HUFFMAN, BAR NEY WILSON and E. C, WIL SON. Defendants. TO TILLMAN A. HUFFMAN. ONE OF THE ABOVE NAMED DE FENDANTS: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the cross complaint of defendant, Jacob Huffman, filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the 9th day of December, 1922, which is the date of the first pub lication of this summons; and if you fail so to appear and answer for want thereof the defendant, Jacob Huffman, will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his saiu cross-complaint, to-wiU For a de cree foreclosing that certain mort gage on Lot 4 and SEtt of SWW and SWit of SE4 of Section 7, and Lot 1 and NEVi of NWV o Section 18, all ' in Township 2 south. Range 46 east, W. ii. Malheur County, Oregon, wh.. mortgage was given by defendant Tillman A. Huffman and Elrto ufc man, to secure payment of a prom issory note for $7,900 payable to de fendant, Jacob Huffman, on or be fore 4 years after the date thereof, with interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, payable annually; said note and mortgage bearing date December 19th, 1918, and all o which is due by reason of defaul. for nonpayment of interest; and fo, the further sum of $750.00 as at torneys' fees herein, and ' for costs and disbursements of defendant, Jacob Huffman, and for an order 01 . sale of said property for the pay ment of said sums, and a furthei decree forever barring and foreclos ing you of all right, interest am: estate in said property, except youi Statutory right to redeem, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable. This summons is psblished in th Malheur Enterprise, a weekly news paper published in Vale, Madheu. County, Oregon, and having a gener al circulation therein, by virtue o an order of the above entitled Coun made and entered on the 7th day o December, 1922, directing such pub lication, for a period of six .veek;; commencing with the issue of said paper of December 9th, 1922, and ending with the issue of January 20th, 1923, and ordering a copy of sucn summons ana 01 , tne cross . - . . 1 j I, ..1 1 i . complaint to be forthwith mailed to you at your place of residence. DAVIS & KESTER, Attorneys for Cross Complainant. Residence and address: Vale, Oregon. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Notice is hereby given that the County School Superintendent of Malheur County, Oregon, will hold -the regular examination of appli cants for State Certificates at Vale, Oregon, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, Decem ber 20, 1922, at 9:00 o'clock a. m., and continue until Saturday, Decem ber 23. 1922. Wednewdoy Forenoon. U. S. History, Writing, Music, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon, Civil Government, Reading, Com position, Methods in Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Meth ods in Arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon. Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology, Methods in Geography, Mechanical Druwing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art. Thursday Afternoon. Grammar, Geography, Stenog raphy, American Literulure, Physics, 'I ypewriting, Method in Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography, Physical Geography, English Litera ture, Chemistry. Friday Afternoon. School Law, Geology, Algebra, Physiology. Saturday Forenoon. Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon. General History, Bookkeeping, E. M. CRA1L, County School Superintendent. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. 1 ,und Office at Vale, Oregon, November 14, ll'i'i. Notice is hereby given that Mar-. gretha Kime, of Harper, Oregon, who, on January 6, 1022 made desert land entry. No. 05761. for SttNEtt, Section 27. Township 20 South, Range 41 East, Willamette Merid ian, has filed notice of intention to muke final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Vale. Oregon, on the 10tb day of December, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Kime, Edwin Costo, Pres ton Farber, all of Harper, Oregon; Oscar Jacokes, of Ontario, Oregon. THOS. JONES, Register. NO. 12262. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Of fice of Comptroller of the Currency. Washington, D. C, October 10, 1022. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evi dence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that The Vule National Bank in the City of Vale, in the County of Malheur and State of Oregon, bas complied with all the provisions of the Statutes of the United States, required to be complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of Ranking; NOW THEREFORE. I T. P. Kane, Acting Comptroller oi the Currency, do hereby certify that The Vale National Bank in the City of Vsle, in the County of Malheur and State of Oregon, Is authorised tti commence the buitliiess of Banking as provided in Section Fifty-one hun dred and sinty-nine of the Revised statutes of the United States. IN TESTIMONY WllfcKLoF wit. naas my hand and Seal of cffit'tf this elf liUtnth day of ) tol c-r, lui, (hEAL,) T. V. KANE, AvtlitaT Comptroller of 0 Curruoi y. Vr