Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, December 23, 1922, Image 1

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    Tr9 n
CUT OF $20,000 MADE IN
The budget -committee's report
asks the oounty court to levy $335,
OOO in round figures for all state
. and county purposes for 1923. This
is something like $20,000 under the
levy for 1922. The report was com-
pleted and signed by the committee
at the close of a two-days' session
Thursday afternoon. It will be con
sidered by the county court some
time before the first of the month,
at which time the official levies for
next year will be made.
For general expenditures, taxes
will be about $30,000 less next year
than they were this year in Malheur
county. But there is a new item of
$1 0,000 which had to be put into the
budget this year to retire road
bondi, which cuts the saving to
$20,000. The big savings comes in
the state tax but there is also a
saving of $10,000 in general and
special county expenditures.
The budget as originally publish
ed provides for an appropriation of
$160,000 for state taxes. This was
based upon the state tax of 1922,
which was $153,000. The county
court held that the state tax was
exhovbifant for Malheur county and
sent District Attorney Lytle to ap
pear before the state tax commis
sion with evidence to prove this.
Mr. Lytle was successful enough in
pleading the case of this county- to
get the state tax for 1923 reduced
to $14.000.
As heretofore, the big fight of thp
budgot meeting centered around the
t appropriation fqr., the - county agri
cultural agent and . county club
leader. Delegations of farmers,
members of commercial organiza
tions, the Parent Teachers' Associa-
Otion and business men of the county
appeared and argued that the con
tinuation of this educational work
was essential to the county.
"It is an imposition that every
year many people of this county
have to leave their work and come
from distant parts of the county to
fight for this appropriation," said
Mr. Claggett, of Ontario. "I re
quest that hereafter the county
court determine this matter upon
the merits of the work and not
listen to the clamor of a few tax
payers." The argument of most of those in
the county, not farmers who have
asked for the continuation of this
work were aptly summed up by R.
W. Swag'er, who said he was for the
work because most of the successful
farmers of the county were for it.
After some little time of heated
arguments the budget board voted
to continue the work of these two
The amount of salaries to be paid
the deputies in the various- county
o'ffices precipitated another verbal
fight in the meeting. Last year
these salaries were cut 10 per cent
0 snd requests were made by heads
departments and by others that
these salaries be returned to the old
figure which was $125 a month for
A all chief deputies excepting the
sheriffs tax deputy, who received
$150 a month. The matter was not
settled until lust before adiourn-
ment on Thursday when the salaries
of the sheriff's field deputy, chief
denuty clerk and chief deputy
assessor were placed at $125 a
month and the salary of the tax
deputy left at $135 a month.
An unsuccessful attempt was
made to cut out the appropriation of
SfiO.OOO for the maintenance of the
4000 miles of county roads and the
various bridges in the county.
At the conclusion of the budget
hearing Judge E. H. Test stated
that ,in his opinion, the budget did
not allow enough money to main
tain tKa oniii I i nn a inut Kfluil novt
yar; that most of the bills had to :
he n;,l . w, rnvri,l,.,l for hv
law and that, in all probability,
Malheur county would he buck on a
warrant basis before the year was
Arrived Fridtiv
Thp Mipep-1 Bcrnice Hope and
Mazie Hope are home fur the holi
days, having arrived from Cheney
and Nyssa, respectively, Friday af
ternoon. To Visit In 1'itrm.
Jehn I'.int. miih'I son of Mr. and
Mr. A .S. limit, left Thursday for
l amia, v. heft ho w .ll i"iJ the hols- j
du with hi (iMiidimmiU.
Everybody Come.
This means you!
And the place Vale wants to
see you on Saturday evening is
at the new community hall.
Bring the kiddies 1
Because Santa Claus will be
there with plenty of surprise
packages for every little tot in
the city.
Bring everybody!
There's going to be entertain-
ment that will make you laugh
and entertainment that will
make you think.
All your neighbors will be
How about you?
Personal damages to the extent of
$10,000 was askedv, in a suit which
was filed in the circuit court of Mal
heur county this week by Mrs. Iva
Tyler against T. II. and Theodore
Moore. AH of the parties live in
Ontario. The defendants are the
owners of the Moore hotel.
According to the allegations of
the complaint, Mrs. Ivers was run
over by an auto driven by an em
ployee of the hotel men. She al
leges the employee was a Korean
and a man of inferior intelligence
and should never have been allowed
to drive an automobile upon public
streets. The accident is alleged to
have happened in Ontario.
Nyssa, Or., Dec. 22 (Special)
A party of Nyssaites captured a
bold, bad auto thief Tuesday even
ing after a most exciting chase, be
ginning at Nyssa and ending at a
farm home in the Roswell neighbor
hood. The party was composed of
Marshal Reberger, G. H. Davis, own
er of the stolen car, F. E. Young
and Skinney Tensen, who acted as
chauffeur. F. E. Young was the
bright particular star of the con
stellation and covered himself with
glory by capturing the thief single
handed after an exciting chase of
two miles on foot through barb wire
fences and over fields.
The car was taken from the Davis
home two miles northwest of Nyssa
about 6:30 p. m. The theft was
discovered shortly after and a posse
organized and the chase begun. For
tunately the car was equipped with
vacuum tread tires and could easily
be traced. The chase led south
through Adrian and across the river
into the Roswell country and the
car was located at a farm house.
The thief soon emerged from the
house and upon being questioned
started to run, whereupon Fred
got into action, with the result
stated above. The captured man
was brought back to Nyssa and
placed in the city bastile to medi
tate upon the fact that the way of
the transgressor is hard.
Officers of s Golden Rule Lodee i
u. ra v, vi,.i, i,i ..n
' " i v, liic nic . 1 nun iuu i , n 111
ho ;.,toii,.,i . v, l.i..., t,.ii u
Via iitoll,.,l , 1J , ,ll" "' uun..K -....j
.JC 111.1 111 U U . L 1 11. .UUC 1 ll I Ul
. , o . I
eviiuig vi January , n.iier me in- ii tirin rafMotimnnta urill ka
The officers are: Noble grand,!
Minnie Fegtly; vice grand, Daisy
I-.hncn. r.,t rr,A Mull- CLH.. "
J I' 1 11 1111 1 , J' l.'l 1 llllll .T1UUIC l.J 1 U 1 1 1 II ,
secretary, Lucy Johnson; treasurer,
Lillie B. Hope.
Orchard Management Big Factor.
Some Oregon orchardists make
money out of their orchards and
some don't. Many factors soils,
location, varieties, markets and
others determine the profits, and
management is a bout the most im-
"'' " ,
A11 PhasM of management from
cultivation to disposal of the crop
picking, thinning, grading. :
packing will be
short courses at O
considered in
A. C. January
Vf get able gardening for profit
under Oregon conditions, and study
of Oregon plants ami plant d'seasc
will also be given tiatmcnt over
the same period.
Co to Port lu ad-
Mr. and Mr.. Burgess F. Ford left.
Vale Thumduy afternoon for Port-;
land, whera they will spend the
Chriitm holid.iy with Mm. Ford'
ILdl 0
The fight entered into this week
by: The Enterprise against legisla
tion proposed by Governor-elect
Pierce to stop the state guarantee
of irrigation bond interest was
backed up by the budget committee
of Malheur county which passed
resolutions opposed to any such ac
The resolution was directed to the
legislature and the governor. It
called attention to the agricultural
condition at the present time and
stated the fact that it would mean
wholesale bankruptcy for farmers
on state guaranteed irrigation dis
tricts were they forced to assume a
heavy interest charge the coming
year. The resolution asked that the
state guarantee be continued for the
time intended under the law on
those projects now operating under
this plan.
Individual members of the budget
committee which is composed of
County Judge E. II. Test, Commis
sioners Dean and Vines, H. C.
Boyer, William Jones and A. A. Gut
teridge, were unanimous in this
Through resolutions the legisla
ture will be asked by the budget
committee to repeal the law provid
ing for bounties on preditory ani
mals. Other resolutions ask the legisla
ture to repeal the preditory animal
bounty law; to include Malheur
county in any possible state con
ducted campaign against alfalfa
weevil; to repeal the law creating
the offices of watermasters in the
various districts of the state; and
to pass laws prohibiting any special
The bounty law is costing Mal
heur county many thousands of dol
lars every year and is not acconv
plishing its object as the number of
coyotes killed each year is increasing
by big leaps. The county court of
Malheur is determined to go before
the legislature this year with evi
dence and fight this law off the
statutes if it is possible.
Governor-elect Pierce has said he
would ask the legislature for an ap
propriation to fight the alfalfa wee
vil in Baker county. Inasmuch as
Malheur county grows more alfalfa
than any other county in the state
the court believes that any such
state campaign should include this
county also, and is asking for it.
Guy Travis is working
at the
Shumway home.
The Creston school was closed one
day this week on account of sickness.
David Rogers spent the week end
at Riverside.
Frank Shumway was called home
last week on account of his son Wal-
ter being ill. Walter is much better
at this writing.
Ralph Shumway is out of school
?" being confined at home
"ot lunches have been provided
' u i i i,;i.i..,,.. a, i.i
T. R. Beers is suffering from an
jiijuiu aim, Having uei'ii Liiruwii
from his horse this week.
Mr. Barks was a Creston visitor
j tu: .......I,
MAKING. Nyssa, Or., Dec. 22. (Special)
Sixteen nurr.btrs ' of the Nyssa
Volunteer Fire Department held the
Bnufl me' ting of tJhis ""
Monday evening and celebrated the
occasion with a big duck dinner.
The ducks had been captured the
day before by a hinting pxrty and;
as the hunt was very successful
the boys had a whole roast duck
apiece, which they proceeded to de
Vuur to the laht acrup. The ban
quet was fervtd at the Silver Grill.
Following u the menu:
Kuast Duck with Drcsning.
Mash.-d Potato.
Brown Gravy.
111 I LI
(By the Editor.)
At the outset of this article per-!
mit me to say that I dislike very
much to criticise Governor-elect
Walter M. Pierce this early in the
game. I did not support him, as my
readers well know, and some may
thing I will jump at every oppor
tunity to discredit him or bis ac
tions. But my intentions are not to
do so. Mr. Pierce has heralded him
self as the farmers' friend and wa
elected on a platform of promises
to reduce the farmers' taxes and in
crease the income from their busi
ness. I am with him in both of
these and will do what I can to
But is Mr. Pierce a friend of the
farmers of Malheur county?
He told them so at Cairo last Fri
day in no uncertain terms. But
within a few hours he told the peo
ple of Portland the city people he
made so much fun of at Cairo he
was against any further state guar
antee of interest of irrigation dis
tricts and would ask the legislature
to repeal the existing law to that
While professing to be the friend
of the farmers of Malheur county
Mr. Pierce has deliberately kicked
them and kicked them while they
are down. And he has also deliver
ed a blow to farmers of Crook, Kla
math, Josephine and other counties
in the state where irrigation dstricts
are eniovinar state guarantee of in
tcrest. " ,
Mr. Pierce cannot plead ingorance
of what will happen to thousands of
farmers in Oregon if this payment
of interest by the Btate is stopped
at this time. At his own request of
ficers and members of the Irrigation
Congress met with him last week at
Baker to consider this very question,
Sound, substantial farmers and
stockmen from all over the state
plainly told Mr. Pierce that disaster
to thousands of farmers would fol
low the stoppage of this interest.
Yet this self-appointed friend of
the down-trodden farmers says, in
effect, to the city people of Port'
land, "I will save you $1,000,000 in
taxes. Let the farmers fo&ecare of
Mr. Pierce is probably reasoning
that if the farmers cannot pay irri
gation bond interest now they never
can pay it. In normal agricultural
times his reasoning would be sound,
but any farmer in the state knows it
is false reasoning now. It will mean
disaster to thousands of farmers in
Oregon. And it will also mean
added tax burden upon other farmers
and rural business men.
"Don't pay any attention to what
he is saying. He is alright," said a
capitalistic friend of Mr. Pierce to
me after meeting at Cairo last Fri
day. I am beginning to think this
friend knows Mr. Pierce better than
his farmer friends know him.
The following resolutions were
adopted at the recent meeting of the
county council at Warren district
near Nyssa.
1. Resolved, That we, the Mal
heur County Parent-Teachers asso
ciation endorse the work of the
county agricultural agent, and the
boys and girls club leader and re
quest the county court to include
these items in the budget.
2. Resolved, That we as members
of the P.-T. A. use our influence to
encourage the rural and city school
of this county to participate in the
county field and track meet held in
3. Resolved, That the P.-T. A.
recommend that the circle furnish
the American Legion Weekly to the
schools of the district.
4. Resolved, That a county press
chairman be appointed, and that
each circle shall appoint a press
correspondent to furnish Items of
P.-T. A. activity to the county
press chairman for publication in
the P.-T. A. Magazine, in Portland
papers, and local papers, also to
make a report of this meeting at
5. Resolved, That the county
P.-T, A. express its regret for the
absence of their beloved president,
Mrs. Earl Dean, occasioned by her
present illness and hope for a
speedy return to health.
Will lie Home for ChriMtmaa
The Minse Margaret Cleveland,
Nellie Thompson and. La Vera Moe
will arrive tudxy from Eugene to
xjiend the holiday with their par
ent. Return Home
Mrs. Anna Cleveland, who ha
I Jin viviting with Mm. J. Kerc-her,
returned to bur home In Jamieaon
U first of the werk.
Exhaustive tests of practically
every variety of farm product grown
in Malheur county for the purpose
of perfecting possible varieties bet
ter adapted to the soil and climate
of this district will be done next
year by County Agent L. R. Breith-
aupt, according 'to his annual report
which was presented to the farm
bureau meeting at Cairo last Friday.
The plans for this work outline hun
dreds of tests of varieties of grains,
hay and other agricultural and live
stock products. These tests are out
lined in the following extract from
the report:
"Complete tests of 89 varieties of
winter wheat and two varieties of
winter barley; make test of ten to
twenty varieties of spring wheat
and extend tests of Federation
Spring wheat to all wheat growing
communities in the county; expand
the use of Trebi barley to new com
munities; start five to ten demon
strations of Grimm alfalfa vs. com
mon; repeat test of promising soy
bean varieties and extend demonstra
tions to five or ten communities;
conduct five to ten red clover seed
demonstrations to show possibility
of increased profits by taking first
crop of the second year for seed in
stead of for hay, as now practiced,, land docg not belong to Cantrell
maiding siuuy vi uie ciover image
in relation to time of clover bloom
ing; hold demonstration meetings in
all clover seed growing communities
to familiarize, growers with buck-
horn, and other noxious weeds, and
methods of eradicating them; make
Held test or alsike clover for seel gy RECEIVER OF DEFUNCT
purpsoses under different soil condi- NATIONAL BANK.
tions on Warm Springs project;
continue tests of Strawberry and Suit was filed in the federal court
Ladino clover and test out other in portiand by Ralph A. Holto, re
new seed crops; start tests of pas- celver -of the United States National
ture plants on both high grade and banki againgt William Allen and
alkaline soils; make five to ten j John Norwood to collect directors
tests of Groot strain of Reid yellow liabilities totallinir S21.500. Both
dent corn vs. other local strains; ex- j
pand local production of certified
seed potatoes to five or ten new
communities and test out whole
tubers vs. cut seed for seed pro
duction; conduct potato seed certi
fication and rogueing demonstra
tions; hold lettuce production meet
ings during winter and make soil
management . tests for head lettuce
land, comparing barnyard manure,
green pasture, and bare fallow in
effect on yield and quality of the
crop; make further tests of fall
cauliflower in three to five new
communities, and conduct a variety
of tests of onions; start three to
five crop rotations demonstration
farms under irrigation of good .
, , , , , , . I
bench land on a four-year plan of
, ... , ' ..r ... I
grain-ciover yi), ciover cuiii-
vated crops.1
Other work now under way or
planned for next year by Mr.
Breithaupt includes assisting in
soil improvement and irrigation;
holding livestock and poultry dem
onstrations; continue the campaign
for poisoning rabbits, squirrels, coy
ote and other crop pests; assist in
fruit production and the eradication
of coddling moth, and various other
farm activitiei which have been
helped in the past by this office.
Mr. Breithaupt' . report covered
the work of hi department for the
past two year and, in the opinion
of many member of the farm bu
reau, showed valuable work for ag
ricultural development of the coun
ty. The report attributed credit to
whatever has' been accomplished to
the farm bureau, the county court,
newspaper of the county, and the
commercial, parent - teacher and
other organization within the
county that have assisted.
"The work i essentially educa
tional," continued the report, "con
ducted by special method under un
usual circumstances, and for this
reason it is exceedingly difficult to
measure the results in term of cash
value immediately accruing to the
county because of it. !t is far more
difficult to estimate the ultinvite
economic benefit. However, u'fi.
rient direct raxh return can be at
tributed thereto to offset the .coat
many time."
That part of the report dealing
with co-operative marketing in the
county clu'mod the closest interest
of the farmer who listened to the
report. This work began with an
educational campaign in 1021 to
teach the fundamental principle of
succeaiful co-operative marketing
Next Year?
There are about "steen" dif-
ferent ways to make Vale and
fha WarmRnrincrti nmto rant.
1- - -. - o , . - j
the highest stage of develop-
ment and prosperity and every
formula contains the word
"boost" and the word co-oper-
Do not foreet that, friends.
Big things are ahead for this
district next year and it is time
now to prepare for them. And
the first thing to do is to in-
corporate those two little words
Into every action for the bet-
terment of this district is to
incorporate some sort of club,
association, organization, etc.
It does not matter what you
call it just so you "co-operate"
and boost."
$4000 WORTH.
When the county built the Adrian
Owyhee section of the Nyssa-Jordan
Valley market road it did damages
to property owned' by W. E. Lees of
Ontario to the tune of $4000, ac
cording tg a complaint filed in the
circuit court of Malheur county this
week by the plaintiff's attorney.
Damages to that amount are atked
of the county to appease the plain
tiff of the Injury he alleges he sus
tained. The lan din question is along the
bank of the Owyhee river and a
deep fill was placed across it for
the road. According to District At
torney Lytle a right-of-way deed to
the land was secured by the county
from a Mr. Cantrell at the time the
road was built. The county did not
obtain an abstract of title to the
am J la. 1 J 1 J 1.1....
but to Mr. Lees.
of the defendants were director of
the bank which closed its doors over
a year ago.
Joe Winters has been bidding his
many friends in this vicinity goodbye
as he expects to leave shortly for
Idahe. !,
Frank Davis was a Crowley, vis
itor Thursday.
Dave Rogers of Creston was here
one day this week.
Cliff Jordan returned Thursday
after a business trip to the lower
. . , .. ,
Thursday . on account of the serious
. , , . n.
illness of his son Walter.
The Crowley school children are
expecting to give a Christmas pro
gram on December 22nd.
Mrs. Crosby and daughter of Rome
passed through Crowley this week.
and has been carried on until it is
entimated that many thousands of
additional dollars have found their
way into the pocket of Malheur
county farmer in the two years.
"The exact amount of additional
cash which ha been received by the
farmers of Malheur county because
of this movement is difficult to de
termine accurately because of the
complexity of the problem and the
expense involved in assembling de
pendable data," says Mr. Breithaupt.
"There is no question, however, that
the benefits amount to many thou
sands of dollars. Aside from the
extra cash received by the farmers
there i considerable advantage to
the members in being able to spend
their time on useful work on the
farm, whereas, without such mar
keting facilitie they would be call
ed upon frequently to spend much
valuable time searching for some
mean of disposing of their product.
Vhen viewed with the fact that
farming at best pay very narrow
margins of profit and frequently
none whatever, even amall gains
:l'i-ough efficient marketing are of
;treme importance in maintaining
or expanding the industry, which,
by the way, i the only primary in
dustry of any consequence in the
country. These benefit should in
crease greatly from year to year a
the farmer more generally take
advantage of the superior facilities
o'fvred for marketing farm product
through properly organized and well
managed co-operative marketing
The property and hotel equipment
of the Drexel hotel in this city has
been leased by James A. Smith and
will- be conducted by the new p: o
prietor beginning the first of the
year. '- . -
The Drexel hotel property is con
sidered one of the best hotel prop
erties in a city the size of Vale in
Eastern Oregon. It is .a three-story
stone ; building and contains 68
guest rooms, many of them with in
dividual bath. The ground floor
contains a spacious lobby, a lunch
room and a dining room outside of
the part of this floor which is rented
to the Vale National "bank and the
Vale branch of the Federal Reserve
bank. The property is owned by G.
Porter; who conducted the hostelry .
up to last August. Mr. Porter is
now operating a hotel at Lethbridge,
Alia., which is one of a string ot
hotels owned in Canada by his
father and himself.
', Mr. Smith .iteJs no introduction
to the people of Malheur county.
He has owned and conducted a bil
liard hall and cigar store in Vale
for a number of years and is one of
the popult. young business n.en of
this section.
While all of his plans are not
fully made, Mr. Smith has announced
that he will continue to operate the
dining room in the hotel. He ex
pects to make some changes in this
feature of the hotel and says that
the dining room will be greatly im
proved and that he will endeavor to
make it a credit tj the county. His
cigar rstoi6 will,, be m'ove(i into1' the '"
lobby of the hotel and he expects to '
renovate the dining room and lunch
room so that he will have space
enough for at least part of his bil
liard hall equipment.
A. J. Zettle has been conducting
the Drexel hotel since Mr. Porter
left Vale a few months ago. He has
already returned to his old home at
Nyssa, Or., Dec. 22. (Special)
Gate City Lodge I. O. O. F. No.
214 and Yellow Rose Rebejkah Lodge
No. 202 were royally entertained by
the I. O. O. F and Rebekah lodges
of Parma last Thursday evining at
Parma. The occasion was a recep
tion for Bro. Mitchell, the grand
master of Idaho. Mitchell delivered
a splendid talk on Odd Fellowship
one that was appreciated by all
Sister Ross, past president of the
Rebekah assembly, in behalf of the
member of the Parma order, then
presented Bro. Mitchell with a fine
leather brief case. Those who at
tended from Nyssa were:
Mr. and Mr. William Beam, Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Duncan, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Newbill, Mr. and Mr.
A. V. Cook, Mr. J. R. Hunter, Mrs.
Sam Blaylock, Mrs. C. W. Reberger,
Mrs. Frank Stubb and Mia Mc
Clure. Bridge Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. D. Lytle en
tertained at a bridge dinner given in
honor of the birthday anniversary of
John P. Houston. A very charming
table was arranged with Candler
flowers and a huge birthday cake.
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mr.
John P. Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
E. Oakes of Ontario, Mr. and Mr.
C. C. Burrow, A. J. Mean of Port
land and Mr. and Mr. R. D, Lytle.
After dinner bridge waa played with
Mr. Oakes winning high honor.
Return From Portland
I Tommy Boston returned Wednes
day from Portland, where he ha-i
been visiting for the past wecl
Basil Boston, who accompunied hir.i
to Portland, will continue to San
Francisco, slopping over in Eugene
to visit with hi, lister, Mis Pauline
Boston, of the University.
Motor to Ontario
Mr. George Hart and Children and
John Hart made bualnesa trip to
Ontario the last of this week.
Leaves for Juntura
Gilbert Manterson left Friday for
Juntura fur a visit with hi parent.