MALHEUR ENTERPRISE, VALE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1922. COUNTY NEWS - Items of Local and Personal Interest, Gathered By The Enterprise Correspondents. X X KINGMAN KOLONY -a BIDS LEI TOO HIGHWAY -TT-. ,rc f California, and tKM I Portland, Oregon Judd part of the in Boise Friday ' Kin-man Kolony. Railroad mon ad-' tour through Yellowstone National ; here Wednesday of last week. Mis, Bcrnice Martin is .ponding vise thai the si-lmg w.,1 be put in at Park. - Mrs. L . E. Wor,hm iK the week with Mrs. P. B. A nderson ' This is an improvement ot . Mr. and Mrs. E. . Toml.n wc,c.ncr daughter, Mrs. F. E. Woodcock met iuiii.uaiice for a large ano rarma visjiors t riuay. in itaKer. at Big Bend, and Mrs. Geo. MaeLaf ferty and Miss Florence Bach are thinning apples, at the Steele or- chard in Roswell. - Mrs. Embry Maxwell leaves soon with her little son and daughter for a visit in the old home in Minne sota. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Casad motor- highly productive district will be served by this switch. OREGON SLOPE CONTRACT TO GKAVEL ROAD. Mrs. M. M. Maxwell and Miss Corinne Maxwell recently returned from southern California, where they spent a delightful winter and spring. They contemplate .motoring bock to California for the winter. Mrs. Maxwell is now visiting in New Plymouth. Miss Bertha Sehafer of Nez Perce, Idaho, has been visiting the past two week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sehafer. While in the Kolony Miss Sehafer was enter tained in the Martin and Otis homes. Mrs. Harrison McAdams of Wei- ser and Miss Jilisc liomnson, wnu is on her way east to the Sigma Kappa MrS. Maurice week. The past week Mr. and Mrs. Wal-)"d from New Plymouth to spend a ter Nichols entertained Mrs. Nich- ; 'lay with the Edwards this week, ol's mother, Mrs. Pattison, of Em- Mr. F. Lee Johnston, Mr. II. C. mett, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs Pollard Baldridge, Mr. S. C. Tucker and Mr. McLain 01 others from Parma were looking at The guests de- the potato fields this week. parted the last of the week for their i Messrs. Breithaupt and Wellman homos. While here Mrs. l'attison also visited her daughter, Mrs. Nick Bach. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Edwards were dinner gu.'sts Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Preston in Homedalc. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton and (laughters Susan and Madeline cele brated the hitter's return from school in Twin Falls by a trip to Arrow Rock Dam one day last week. Viola Blodgett and Francis Peck are going to visit in the Kolony this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ovcrstreet, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd nnd. convention, were house guests of Robert S. Overstreet were shopping Field Seeds MILLET, ALFA M' A, CLOVERS, BLUE GRASS, TIMOTHY. ORCHARD AND SOUDAN GRASS. A: ILL FEED, BARLEY CHOPS WHOM.'. CRACKED OR GROUND CORN OIL AND CALF MEAL COMPLETE STOCK OF POULTRY FEEDS J Vale Grain & Feed Company f PHONE 36 J .... j. are coming Thursday to make a test of the demonstration wheat planted in the Kolony. Mr. Housh's meat deliveries have been a boon to housekeepers these hot days. Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Crouch of Wild er, visited in the A. D. Moses home this week. Two car loads of Pig Club boys and their leader went to Nyssa Frl day afternoon and gave the Nyssa Tig. Club team a jolly good run foi high score. Both teams played well and the score was a tie untr the last half of the ninth inning, when Nyssa got two in, making the score 4-2 in Nyssa's favor. The school board held a meeting at the Edwards home Thursday evening. Mrs. Charles Schweizcr, who W" taught several successful terms in Owyhee, has been engaged as prin cipal of the Kolony school for the ensuing year. Miss Alma Homan of Ontario will teach the lower grades. The contract for grading an:) graveling the highway through the Kolony has been let to Lem Walker, of Arcadia, and work will be com menced at an early date. Gravel from the Beaumont pit will be used. Men from the Owyhee and from this c ommunity Monday did the gliding for a 000 foot switch just north of Overstreet crossing in CONDENSED STATEMENT OF MalIhiyiif Crafty Baimlk NYSSA. OREGON AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 30, 1922. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $288,170.42 Overdrafts 207.H0 Banking House, Furnituro and Fix tures - 10,700.77 Other Real Estate 500.00 Liberty Bonds... 3,722.50 School District Warrants 7,704.20 11,420.70 CASH AND DUE FROM BANKS 81,085.79 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock ? 25,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,100.40. Hills Payable NONE Re-discounts NONE DEPOSITS 330,080.81 $392,247.30 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. II. J. Ward, President. John Ray, Vice President J. P. Duuaway, Cashier O. G. Bauer, Assistnnt Cashier J. F. Reece G. L. Phillips $392,247.30 The sincere desire of this blink is to promote prosperity. To help you get your share of it and to use that share with wisdom. Send for ilii-odory of Oregon man ufactured roods. Learn what the fur them by Oregon brands are --ask name. ...teasing fragrance of made-in-Oregon parfum, powders and talcs soft as eider-down, face creams-these and other toilet requisites are made-in-Oregon. Many tried and tested med icinal preparations and arti cles sold l' your druggist's are manufactured here Druggists who an community upbuihl crs carry these Oregon Quality products. Look for the Oregon Label when you buv. Kncouraivc pav-rolls. Keep the workers busy. Ill J V OKKdON PRODUCTS ON M KKIT! luy Oregon ilniKM'ists. 6IBL iiiilil l ACCIDENT HS lJUODA KKiGS INJURED WHEN CAR OVERTURN'S NEAR WE1SER. C. C. Wilcox and family, Mr. and j Mra Alice Williams and son Mar Mrs. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Arncr j vc,j nave gone to galem for the sum Gorton, F. B. Wilcox aid George i mpr jn ho tnc change of climate r. 1 i - . . :iisi kl.oda Riggs was quite seri ously injured Saturday evening in e.n auto accident near Weiser. She, wiiii three others, were on their way to Wciser and they were going about t miles an hour when the car r.lruck a cow, throwing Miss l:igg oi.t on the gravel highway, striking on her face. The car ov'iuiiH'i!, throwing the other oc leaanis out, but all escaped injury. A::.::h.-r car wn. secured from a i: i -by lunch and Miss Riggs taken to V'ei-er, where a physician dress ed the wound. .Sunday school at Park school next Sunday at 10 a. m. There was a fi!-;i attendance last Sunday and an t-i'iori. is being made to increase the i'Kendance next Sunday. Lee Brown and family and Ger. Tiiomas and family spent the 4th on the J. L. Brown lawn. The lettuce growers of the Slope i.tUmlcd a lettuce meeting in Wei ser Saturday- evening. :!r. and Mrs. C. Welcher enter tained Sunday evening in honor of their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Moffitt. Ai usic was enjoyed and dainty re freshmunts were served by the IiosUks. The guests were Mr. and Jones were dinner guests Sunday of Art Miller and wife. Miss Ruby Tomlin spent the week end at the Mallett ranch near On tario. Archie Tomlin spwit Tuesday with his brother, Ben Tomlin, nnd wife of North Payette. will benefit her health. Mrs. Albert Morfitt is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mis. D. M. Ripley at Ironside this week. Dr. and Mrs. J. Ward Sargent an3 children, Mrs. Fannie Sargent and J. E. Hill were dinner guests (Continued on page five.) RIVERDALE TO REPAIR BRIDGE SOON PLANS UNDER WAY TO MAKE REPAIRS ON SNAKE RIVER BRIDGE. Mrs. V. M. Boals, Mr. and Mrs. Clough. George and Maude Culp, I . i!a ilai i.-he and Eugene Shay. C. A. Karst and family, Waller Davis rnd family and Mr. and Mrs. J 1. K. Lattig picnicked in the hills l;if t Sunday. Mr.--.. G'-orge Sullens nnd son Har old and I'ern Cole motored to Vale Thursday and spent the day with N. (i. Sullens and wife. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Karst and daughter were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Owens of New Plymouth. and Mrs. Clair Coekram and Utile daughter of Payette were nu";b: Sunday of F. J. Carico and family. Mis. Lias had the misfortune one day last week to fall and dislocate I-,.-- !!v e. She is getting along as vi il as could be expected. I'lisnis Warren of Baker if spend-i-i;.; a few days with his parents, Mr. ai-.l Mi-:-. Bclnap. A. J. Shearer anc family of Pay ette siient Sunday with J. If. Carico. L. L. Culbertson returned from the hill;. Monday with three loads of poles. !.. .. I uihertson returned from (lie hill? Monday with three loads of pul"-. Mrs. A. J. Haunt, spent last v.- 1- with relatives in Midvale. :.l's. iteltian spent last week with heV son, ('has. Warren, and wife of Hi: !;:!. James Deiiliam and Miss Minnie N, tiii:i:i o,' Cambridge were guests last .ek of A. J. llauntz and fam- Misses RubyTomlin, Delta Horn ai .i Lena Haunt., and Messrs. Do lus Loveland, Roy Christianson nnd l!ay Gutteri idge motored to the lid'.-; last Tuesday for a day's out- It is understood that work will soon commence on repairing the Snake river bridge which we under stand has been condemned. The greater part of it is in n dangerous condition. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Nichols of Ironside were here a few days ,ago visiting the family of Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley VanBuren. Miss Mary Hayden returned to her home at Union a few days ago after spending a few weeks with the family of her grandfather, A.' It. i Grant. Dennis Patch is home from attend ing school. Ivin Adkins and J. M. Lyons of Cambridge, Idaho, were here a few days ago on business. Little Mae Estley is home from a visit with her sister at Boise. Orchardists are busy thinning apples which are too thick on most trees. Cutting second crop of alfalfa has commenced, which is good but not so heavy ns the first crop. Miss Bertha Webb is vi-iiio-griends at Cambridge, Idaho, this week. Carl' G. Eddy of Bridgeport was here Friday on the trail of a har ness thief who was rnpt-'ire-l tie- ' here but it seems he had disposed of the harness. Oscar Estley made a binlne..: trip to Huntington and Bai. -r a fo-v days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis --.: family of the More's Hollow country visited Mr. and Mrs. John MnlUi-'W.. on the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson of Hun- Jacoli , Jensen and on Bitding's Howard and aa.l M family spent the -1th l-.i tnd with William family. T. .!. Carico returned Sunday fr.-.m the hills with a load of poles. -ml Mrs. Harry Feldeher and of Boise, were Sunday guests of the former's par-.-. ami Mrs. Henry Feldeher. ml Mrs. S. E. Chapman ot and William Wilkerson and Wei -ei- were guests of O. C. . r.; v- i.V Tuesday, i j- i i i.. of Boise is visiting Lis ' eon. --ins at the Walter heme. . , . Mrs. William I-ogle who ;,. in n living on the Harry Caul .:.r, ,;, I f, the last of the week 'or a motor trip through Californa. ..: Cailierine Eberman of Los V i . spending the sunimei ' ! : . Arthur Karr. .. ": -.Horn and family ot moiin City, leua, arrived Friday by . i the sumnu r on' his ii cii the Slope. ': - ( ! ri.-.t iae.son was a Vale vis- Mr. I i, !. dinner Dav.- .f Arthur Karr an.! made products at your M-V Dun from imrvhants who dhplat) litis sifu Merchants who li play this sign recommend (Mrgon ttaality goods. They j'liar.Hitee ll-e ineiihiijiilise they Hell, 'lliey ;uv loinmuiuly up builders. Tin y mini vour patnmage. Associated Industries of Oregon 702 Oregon Uuiltlin:, IVntland, ()rt(oii '1 hose Oregon iiuliisli-ies make Oregon quality buiid , lug materials They guarantee the goods they bell They merit your patronage. Mr. an I 1 1th P Anu.rl.-nn S".!:i . , blun.riuc.--l Mih'. 1' :. Clitrkv. ..(, ..i It (-utiit. r.iiu.-t.i r . Kw-U-San S ill, I .. Hri.n. t lia i. 1 In liiutliwr 4 luur ( .i. l.rU II rS-o. I n. il. M UflilmiiM 4j1iicu I'ri.iliti-U l ... (iuwllla ( HllllV I 'n n Uny, M. Inn . I '. i I' lr. St SiHiini- l'i. Ila. Kmm.iI Irt- l H-a.n I II...II. l' I... lll.OI MjllH I'll'U.- I'll I.m.iu A t'n , l-t.iiihi-i. l, fMlllf i rtK.. Sua., i n Ml llia.l In' l ii-iini I Ml II.-..I S...I1I In MiiIumI I rt-Hiii..) l'i. Ni.ll.a Li.i.1 In Nll.k-rMi.rr I .nUu tilnrv llr.lliMl Ai'llll.-llil l.iluli (tl I' n-eii- t'.-n -I III 1 u I'll, ilu- l'i. t I Vi!.' I'n. 1 .- il ii- I'. i.. .1 !' lu ll MlK I'iOiii.-i li. I ii-ll.' r.ti.ii.iin.' rn I:.. II. ii- .- s.iiii .t. , a so., i .. a.. ., i i itiiii. .t S1i.Oiii.-i .4 in. iti ii. K.I. n I I'. Si i up f I'uinf. '.. 1 1 .. lis, i:. ...,l I il. i'i:ull t'ai.ilk in. and Cuo. Culp were 'mi s iii WYiscr Friday. Mrs. V.. l-'t-isl and daugh- and Mildred and Clay r . were Sunday dinner . ,.; Mi. and Mi-s. Stanley . i ( 0,' i:-,ii. i. :: ::t . family. Mr. and Ma hi I lough, J. I.. Brown !. I ri'.t ami families spent the ieni. king on Matin's creek. .... o to Mann's creek . load !' apple tree I Mi. C. II. Avers are the . ;i' , of a'.v boy. ' . ii don of Sault Ste Marie, v. ; 1 4 , ecu v eating his sis. . ., Wa ii.. A Cool and Comfortable Kitchen If you have a new perfection oil range A SUFERFIX. It is a won-, der has a flnme hotter than gas. Makes Summer Cooking A Pleasure You are rid of the drudgery of feed ing and cleaning out a range and your kitchen is comfortable. Nordale's Furniture Store Furniture to Make the Home Pleasant tington were guest:; of M. ;. Webb recently. Every farmer and ('. seems to be busy, wi'h " scai-ce in fact, about tr shortage in three or four yeai E MALHEUR Hi.:' NMANY BEI.1EVI-. CLAIM . MALIIELR IS I.OSt' i'i 1 BUCKET MINE. It is believed 111- Hi :. diggings have been siim !-- o i creek, four and one-half m:: -. ill) west of Malheur. C. XL h--picked up. a ?12.r) nugget a tin claims and hundreds of : r.v-i' ones are being found, beside t 1 i'; gold. Dr. J. Ward Sargent ami lam; of Portland arc visit mg It ' guests of his mother, Mrs. Faun Sargent. They came llrough f o . Portland in their car. Mr. nnd Mrs. ('has. VYrnli am children of Baker visited rel i in '-3. quality standard i on? v for x-. - R 1 A. r..i L Size or pr'w cannot modify the one quality Goodrich standard. You can buy any Goodrich Tire, Silvertown Cord or the popular 30 x 34 clincher fabric, and know beyond a doubt that you are getting the same quality always. It is this quality which has made Goodrich Tires unsur passed for dependability and durability in service, mileage and value. This principle has put the real meaning in the widely known Goodrich slogan of "bejst in the long" run." ft HIIHI I IM IIIMIII HIliB IfllTTHTTf 1 Look for this Goodrich Tire sign over your tire dealer's store. It means satis-' faction in every transaction. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY Akron, Ohio FABRICS SILVERTOWN CORDS TUBES ACCESSORIES .-jaxsa-Ri".- iiiBKaEEiszaaEiisBsacainMnssxMxsuHHHEmiBKH nnn rami DAMP WASH y Laundry Service .' '. .' '. 7 " 7-V-',1-T V -7 7-7 " 7--7--V1-7--7--7---7--7--7'1f -7;-7'!?- LOUGH DRY i ' This ervue itoes all the wa-hinu and vi iiu-ine; of the family bundle. Individual wash ing. No marking. I-'veiy- Ihing that a home va!img machine em da, minus all the muss and fuss of washilav. (i'lirk delivery. Customers will own their bars whiih ill be furni hed at eo-t. Minimum Clrirge sl.oo. f. i ts. . r pound. Tliis Service irons all flat pieces, fluffs all soft goods and starches at remainder. The oroning or starched work is all that is left to be done at home. Upon request we can do washing without marking when bun dles weigh 10 lbs. or more MIM.MIM ciiak;; $1.(10. . .10c PF.U POIND. Finished Family Work t -t! it tx This service is Complete. We first do the bundle Rough Pry and then charge for the actual time taken for The hand ironing of starched pieces. As we the -f v . or use 25 a U pound jumho irons wherever prae- ticnl the charge is lower than would j: in m.; -i SOFT wATKIJ left Suinla ! t . v !Mt I M if ; it t and ( . n I.',. oi. i, vim have b.iii . iy da;, i w it tt the bit- ' . left Tuesday for 11 be evpected. ... ' ' ' ,l .', .-v-v-, 7.-. ... . . . . 7 .-.-;.--v-.--.k-.-r.;7r-,' '-' 7 ,VV I'lTKF. SO VP ! OWDKR ALL AMI lvT STARCH Wo Use Only thv Yf r I!vlt.i Materials riioNK ys Ontario Laundry & Dry Cleaning Works i.u m..i:im;. ci.iwim.. i i;.' kkpaiicim;. ai.ti wim;. i i-viiii u hknovatino. c ai .i'1 r-i ii wise, ii T-i'.i.ot hive, dvkim; llllZBIKXCaBSaaHKBIIIKlfiliillllKIHIBIIIlliBIBIEKIIBi