Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, June 10, 1922, Image 6

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Local News Brevities
On Pleasure Trip
Mrs. Early Neeley left Wednes
day for Portland, where she will
visit a short time before going on to
Corvallis. In the college town Mrs.
Neeley will attend the two weekR'
session of Hummer school for the
purpose of gaining information on
club work. She is local leader of
the Home Making Club and is very
much interested in club work.
Before returning home Mrs. Neel
ey will visit on the coast and attend
a reunion of the Rinehart family
in Salem. She also expects to be in
Portland for the Rose Carnival.
Little Edward and Roger Neeley,
accompanied their mother as far as
Thayers Move to Vale
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thayer moved
to Vale last week from their former
home near Ontario. Mr. Thayer is
working in the Rose Mercantile
Store, having commenced Mondaj
Visiting at Propst Home
Mrs. D. Burnett' of Umatilla spent
the greater part of the week visiting
at the home of her brother, O. W.
Propst. The visitor returned to hei
home Thursday.
Watermaster on Trip
H. G. Kennard, state watermaster,
was in Riverside from Tuesday until
Sunday on business.
Shipments Received in the Last
Few Days-Fancy Grays,
Browns, Tartans
$24.50 and $26.65
Everybody Wearing
Palm Beach Suits
Look for tho Genuine Palm Beach Label.
Conservative Suits for Men
Sport Models for Young" Men
$15 and $16.50 Suits
Extra Pants Same Shades as Suits
$4.50 pair
White Flannel Pants
White Cream Striped
$5 to $7.50 pair
New Models New Designs
Mens Worsted Pants
Blue Serges, drays and
Purchase ot z.-fl Pairs Specially Priced at
$4.25, 4.75 and $5 pair
Silk Striped Madras Shirts
$1.95 and 2.15
All Sizes Again In Stock
Alexander's Famous Blue and drav Chambray
Work Shirts
75 cents
Alexander's Suspender Back
Men's $1.25
jl H a la J
' One Trice Clothier
liaise Visitor
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rose were
nlensed with the arrival of old
friends from Boise Tuesday, when
Mr. and Mrs. H. Tucker stopped
over for a short visit in the city be
fore going on to California, where
they will spend the summer.
Utah Visitor-
Mrs. Jarver of Hiram, Utah, is
visit inir at the home of Mr. and Mrs
R. Parkinson. The visitor in Vale is
a sister of Mrs. Parkinson.
Fishing Near Ironside
Among Vale sportsmen who spent
last Sundav fishing on Willow creeK
above Ironside were R. N. Sim
monds, C. C. Mueller, H. E. Spcith
and L. P. Lumpee. This mountain
stream seems to be the favorite
fishing resort at present.
Mrf. F. Jones Here
Mrs. F. Jones of Ontario arrivec
hero Thursday to spend a few days
with her mother, Mrs. Emily Ander
son. Take Vocal Lessons
Mrs. H. E. Young, Miss Lillian
Davis and Miss Gladys Chester mo
tored to Ontario Wednesday for the
purpose of taking a vocal lesson.
Propsts in Weiser
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Propst and
children motored to Weiser Sunday
to ntterA church and to spend the
day visiting with friends there.
Browns An exceptional
Vale and Ontario
i i
i lie
Evslffi Darin In Payette
Mi s Evalyn Davis went to Pay
ette Friday to spend two weeks as
the guest of Misses Gladys and
Bertha Federson at their home.
House Guest Leaves
Miss Ruth Barker, who has been
a house guert of Mrs. Vernon T.
Herrett tho last month left Monday
evening for her home in Wisconsin.
Miss Barker enjoyed her visit in
Vale at the home of her cousin.
During her stay here she was honor
guest at severnl social functions.
Mrs. Cleveland's Sister Visits
Mrs. P. G. Cleveland was very
pleased with the arrival of hef sis
ter, Mrs. Mible Heath, the last of
the week. The visitor will be n
guest in Vale indefinitely.
Ina Mae C-lenn Visits
Little Ina Mae Glenn ( spent the
weekend wi'.h little Eva Willinmr.
at her country home several miles
from Vale. Eva's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Williams, are. living on the
R H. De Aimond place at present.
Mrs. F'ahrney 111
Mrs. F. V. Fahrney, recently ol
Caldwell was very ill last week with
complications bordering on pneu
monia. She is reported convalesc
ing at present.
Visits in Brogan
Laurie Malone spen the weekend
visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Grimes in Brogan. Miss Malone
is a niece of Mrs. Grimes.
Working at McKay's
Miss Irene ' Chester commenced
workin'g in McKay's Variety Store
on Monday.
At Griffith Home
Mrs. Gettys Griffith has guests
from Caldwell this week. The visit
ors are her sister, Mrs. George Ash
ton, and four children.
Visiting Mrs. Al Munson
Mrs. G. H. Hathaway and baby
daughter of Parma are visiting the
former's brother, Al Munson, and
wife this week.
fishing Sunday
L. K. Bullock and Saxon Humph
rey motored above Ironside Sunday
and f.pent a pleasant day fishing.
They returned home Sunday evening
with a nice catch of trout.
Merle Boswell at Owyhee .
Miss Merle Boswell left Friday to
spend the week visiting friends at
the Owyhee.
Mrs. J". C. Gordon Away
T r n,,viinn luf- TupsflnV to
.til . " -. wuiuuti - t!
enjoy a few days visiting a friend
r . i
in layeiie.
CoIcn in Ironside
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Cole and little
son Billie motored to Ironside the
last of the week, the former to at
tend business affairs.
R. H. DeArmond Away
R. II. DeArmond is away on a
business trip near Ironside. lie is
looking over cattle interests and will
return in a few days.
Mother Arrives
Mrs. Nellie Mncasee arrived in
Vale Sunday to visit indefinitely
with her daughter, Mrs. Clyde
Davis, at her country home near
the city. The visitor is from Grand
view, Wash.
Beth Ager at Summer School
Miss Beth Ager successfully
completed the work outlined for the
Home Making Club and Wednesday
she left for Portland and Corvnllis
with Mrs. Karl Neeley. After visit
ing a week in Portland Beth will go
on to Corvallis and spend two weeks
attending summer school for club
Jamioson Visitors
Mrs. John Kircher delightfully en
tertained Mrs. Harry Cleveland" and
Mrs. II. G. Cleveland of Jamieson
at her home Tuesday evening.
Mae Fuiles in Weiser
Mr. and Mrs. 11. B. Earp and Miss
Mae Fuiles motored to Payette Mon
day, the former to transact business.
Miss Foilcs went on to Weiser from
Payelte, where she will visit hei
sister, Mrs. Ed Romph, indefinitely
Ret ui 11 From Ironside
I Miss Nellie Thompson and Miss
Oia Lawrence returned from Iron-
' nide Wednesday, after having a
pleasant visit in the country.
Mm. A. S. Hunt in Parma
, Mrs. A. S. Hunt spent the week
visiting Mrs. Kirkpatrick of Parma.
1 During h r absence Miss Agnes
Beach issi.-ted with the work at the
Vale News Stand.
! Harold HomohlUre
i Harold L mph returned to Vale
the last of the week from Parma.
is working in the ice plant ot
Vnle Company and cx-
iiocta to spend the summer here.
A Printer's Dcwl '
Buy Moo, Jr., is the new "print-
devil" at the Enterprise olfiru.
comm. n. ed work at the office
lemliiy morning.
Mra. A. Clupmd In WMtfull
Mrs. Arthur Cluypool spent last
w.-el. visit i'nr in Vale and Ontario
mul n tin ii.. I to Went fall Saturday,
for a few d i. Mn. Cluypool has
loeatid a I'l'iise ill town which she
expects to make her home this
rummer. "
Madams Aueeraoit und Cuiiton, On
1 Tli
Urio, Oregon.
Earps Motor to Parma
H. B. Earp motored to Parma
Tuesday on business. Mrs. Earp
and Evalyn accompanied his as far
as Nyssa and there spent the day
John Boswell Leaves
John Boswell left the last of V the
week for Malheur City, where he
expects to spend the sumnier work
ing in the mines.
MisT Tucka in Adrian
Miss May Tucke spent last week
at the country home of her parents
near Adrian. She returned to the
city Sunday evening.
Vern MrCullen Here
Vern McCulIen, who was employ
ed in the Vale Electric Bakery for
Wm. Veelman last summer, returned
to Vale Tpesday and will work in
the bakery again this summer for
Joe Gwilliams, the present owner.
Vern has spent the last few months
at bis home in Blackfoot.
Mrs. Malone in Jamieson
Mrs. John Malone left Monday
morning to spend a few days visit
ing at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. II. F. England in Jamie
son. Mrs. John Houston Home
Mrs. John P. Houston returned
home Tuesday evening after spend
ing a very pleasant visit in Boise as
the house guest of Mrs. L. W.
Thrailkill. Both Harold and Robert
Houston accompanied their mother
to Boise.
Mrs. G. W. Clevenger Returns
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Clevenger re
turned from Portland Sunday, after
having enjoyed a very pleasant
trip. Mr. Clevenger went on to
Burns, where he has business inter
ests the last of the week.
Mrs. M. Patterson Leaves
Mrs. M. Patterson returned to her
home in Burns Tuesday. She has
spent the last three weeks at the;
Vale Hot Springs Sanitarium be
cause of poor health, and is very
much improved. The visitor from
Burns is a cousin of Mrs. George
Railroad Agent Has Vacation
W. T. Posey, local railroad agent,)
and his family left this week for
his old home in Indiana, going by
way of Salt Lake City and Buffalo,
New York. They expect to return
about the middle of August by way
of Chicago and Seattle.
Mrs. Kester's Mother Leaves
Mrs. Helen Judd, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bruce
Kester, in the city the last few
weeks, left here on Tuesday. Mrs.
Judd is bound for her home in Wis
consin but will visit at various
points "on the way east.
Attend Dedication Service
Mr. and Mrs. John Kircher mo
tored to Fruitland Sunday to attend
the dedication service of the new
Methodist church. They were also
guests at the sumptuous picnic din
ner which was served after the
Has Splendid Position
Interesting news . was received
by n friend in the city from Mr. and
Mrs. Andy Rose, who moved to Pen
dleton recently. Mr. Rose left Vale
with tho intention of working in the
Alexander store but this week he
accepted a splendid position as man
ager of the grocery department in
the People's Warehouse.
In the Mountiins
A party of young people spent a
very pleasant weekend trip in the
mountains near Ironside nnd at the
Rainbow mine. They left Vale and
went by way of Jamieson to the
Rainbow mine then visited at the
Haw ranch. Those in the party
wero Grace and Leo Haw, Miss
Evalyn Davis nnd John Harris.
J. Kdwin Johnson Surveying
J. Edwin Johnson, an engineer of
the city, spent the greater part ot
the week surveying land for Arrien
Rafino, near Castle Rock. He re
turned the last of the week.
Motor to lloisr
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Porter and
daughter. Miss Alice, Stewart Por
ter and Mrs. Gordon Freeborn mo
tored to Hoise Monday morning.
They enjoyed n pleasant visit in the
city and returned homo Tuesday
Boy at Carey Home
A fine baby boy was born nt the
..r VI. n,l Mla n....ffr Pfll'i.V
Sunday morning. The baby weigh-j
ed t pounds. Mother and ilttle son '
are reported doing nicely. It is alsj I
reported that George is very proud
of the late addition to his family, i
New Waitress
Mrs. AUud of Twin Falls arrived
in Vale the last of the week and
will be employed at the Drexel hotel
as a waitress in the dining room.
Mr. Allud has been working in the I
Pruitt barber shop over a month.
Slai;htn Motor to Payette
Mrs. M. J. Slagts and children
and Miss Fern Ciummett nmtoivd
to Payette Wednesday und ?p-iu
most of the day in the city.
Crystal Stacey Home
Miss Crystal Stacey arrived home
from Hoise where she has been at
tending business college on Wednes
day. She will remain at her p ir
er.ts country home iiidcfiuitt ly.
Paul Grondona was up fr.nn Pro
tcuit this week. He wan registered
at thu Arlington hotel.
m era
Will Be
or Girl
4 i '
Social Events of W eek
Lawn Party.
The pretty country home of Mr.
and Mrs. F. M. Vines was the cell-,
ter of social attraction on Saturday
evening when forty guests were de
lightfully entertained with a lawn
The lawn and porche.-. wto gzylj
illuminated with pretty Jan ;m:'
Throughout the evening the fcvcitr
enjoyed dancing. At midmgiiL n . li
belous luncheon was served. '111.
lawn party is reported oivj of the
most enjoyable social f..r. ; -.
the month.
Lawn Social.
Tuesday Rev. and Mr.?. J. A. Mil
ton entertained friends and members
of the Christian church at lh.ii
homo with a lawn social. Abo..,
fifty guests were , present. Pretty
Japanese lanterns were ur-wl for tl-.v-oration
and lighting. At the do.-,
of u pleasant evening spent plnyii;'
various game3 dainty rel're: hnu ;iL.;
were nerved by members of the
Surprise Pariy.
The Freshman clasr of the school
year just passed fsme Mhs P"lh
Ager the surprise of her life Friday
inght as a farewell paity before her
departure for Portland and Corval
lis. A merry evening pa.?.Red in
playing games indoors and on the
p. i;. .
Chapter K of the )'. K. O. Si a. r
hood nut Tuesday afternoon at tin
home of Mrs. II. E. Young. l!ou
riucts of California poppies and blue
bachelor buttons created a chnrming
effect. The vice-president, Mrs.
Lytle, read a program for year be
ginning in October, which was
After adjournment, the 'hostess
served refreshments and the guest:',
lingered for the usual social hour.
Guests in Jamieson.
Mcsdames R. E. Weant, Thos.
Jones, Ida Kennard, and Leslie Hope
motored to Jamieson Thursday af
ternoon and were guests at the
country home of Mrs. C. II. Oxman
near Jamieson. They were pleas
antly entertained w-ith dinner in tht'
Dinner Guest.
Mrs. II. E. Yoi'ng was a dinner
guest of Mrs. 11. L. Peterson in On
tario Wednesday evening.
Honor Mr. and Mrs. Speith.
'I ho pretty home of Dr. and Mrs.
The pretty home of Mr. anil Mr.
H. W. Steelhammer was the seen"
of social interest Wednesday even
ing. Mrs. Steelhammer and Mrs.
Lumpee entertained in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. 11. E. Seith, who are
leaving for Boise today.
The living and dining rooms were
lovely with baskets and vases of
yellow roses. There were two tables
of bridge, Mrs. Lloyd Riches an.'
Jas. A. Smith winning high honors.
After a delightful evening the hosl-i
esses served a sumptuous luncheon. I
The guests enjoying this social
function were Mr. and Mrs. H. E.I
SiK'ith, Mr. and Mrs. J;e-.. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenn. :!i iU.r.w, Mr,
and Mrs. O. E. Caiman, Mr. anu ,
Mr j. Lloyd Riches and Mr. and Mrs
Lloyd Lump.
Given, One to
who comes to
parents at 1:30
Starts at 9 O'CIock
Mr. and Mrs. K. Herrett F.ntertain
" Mr nml Mrs. Kennpth Herrett de
lightfully entertained several friends
at their country home Tuesday even
in in honor of Mr. and Mrj. II. E.
Speith. A pleasant evening passed
playinf? bridge. The . guests were
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Speith, Mr. and
Mrs. L. P. Lumpee, and Dr. and
Mrs. II. W. Steelhammer.
Unity Class.
Those who are members of the
Unity Class or who are interested
in the ntudy of practical Christian
ity are invited to the home of Mrs.
George Eldredge next Wednesday,
June 14.-
Ladies' Aid.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
Christian church met Friday after
noon at the church. Every member
was invited to bring thimble anJ
needle and the afternoon was spent
in sewing.
Friday Ilridgj.
The Friday bridge Club was en
tertained at the homo of Mrs. Jan.
A. Smith this week.
Small Talks of W eek
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Cole motored
to New Plymouth on business Tues
day. W. L. Johnson and Edgar Camann
who live near Huntington, were bus
iness visitors at the lanil office this
W. Robinson of Parma was in the
city the last of the week. During
his stay in Vale he was a guest at
the Drexel hotel.
J. Palmer of Drewsey spent Fri
day and Saturday in Vale.
11. B. Earp . and Joe Thompson
motored to Council Wednesday on
business and returned Thursday.
Scott B. Lindsay of Huntington
was in town the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Dawson of the
Homedale country spent the week
end in the city.
C. R. Hall of Nyssa was in town
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Swagler and
children of Ontario spent Thursday
in Vale.
J. A. McNulty of Watson was a
business visitor here last week.
Mrs. B. Schlupe arrived in Vale
Tuesday from her home at Harper
expecting to spend a short time In
the county seat.
agencies controlled by the Denioci.Ht.
had been such that the ex-service men
had received a minimum of benefit
from the funds. A large part of thin
was due to lack of co-ordination and
co-operation of the various bureaus
Ono of the greatett plucei of construe
tive legislation of the Republican Con i
Kress was the consolidation of the va
rioui agencies dealing with the ex
service uiun uader the one bead of tht
Veteran Dureau. This assure rxpe
ditlon as well at fair and adequate
treatment of our disabled ex-service
In addition to this consolidation and
ier:iiilia(liin additional m itllona wm
appropriated for the use of the Uu
itau. American ex service men of the
Wo; Id War have been bottei treated
at the hands of the Republican Con.
grei than the ex-service men of any
prevlout war In American history and
belter treated than the ex iter vice men
of any oilier nation engaged in the
Woiid War And the end is not yet
A un aid to the agricultural sec
lioan aud a an untldotc to the uatuv
Each Boy
the store
ployment situation, tne consross
tossed at $75,000,000 appropriation bill
for the construction and maintenance
ot improved highways, which sum will
be doubled when the provisions of the
bill are complied with by States put
ting up an equal sum of money.
Anions the numerous constructive
and roller measures the Maternity Dili
was enacted iu resconfce to the demand
of the womanhood of the country.
This great piece of humanitarian leg
islation is the first of an ambitious
program of progressive legislation
espoused by women in their now
sphere of political activity.
The Republican Congress enacted a
new taxation measure. This new
measure reduces during the current
year the public tax bill in the sura Of
$818,000,000. It increases the exemp
tions allowed the man of moderate in
come; It repeals tho "nuisance" taxes;
all of the transportation taxes, which
were a heavy burden upon agricultural
and Industrial shippers; it repenloit
tho excess profits tax and reduced and
revltod the surtax.
Iu this connection It Is Interesting
to set down the actual reduction of
public expenditures which have taken
place since the Republican Party came
Into control of the United States Con
gress. The operating of the
L'nited States Government in the year
1919 was $19,000,000,000. That year
the Republican Congress began to
function. It used a bluo pencil upon
the appropriations asked by the Demo
cratic administration chiefs. The op
erating costs of the Government In
1920 were only $7,500,000,000. The Ite
publican Congress continued to econo
mize, and the cost of running thn Gov
ernment In 1921 was reduced to iti,
ROO.000,000. Much of this was the
residue of the Democratic administra
tion. By close co-operation between
the executive departments and tho
Congress In 1921, tho expenditures of
the Government for the current year
are to be not In excess of $ i.nno.O'iQ,.
000, and economies which have been
put Into effect give promise of rutting
thii to $3.5'.0,rOO.non. In connection
with this, Conure.--!i has enHcted the
foreign-debt funding law, which au
thorizes a commission to take imme
diate steps to place our loans to
foreign countries in a collectible'',
so that we may begin to receive the
Interest and principal due us and
thereby still further reduce our do
mestic taxation.
In summing up, It may be state.:
that the Republican Party in Much.
1921. found the nation with her rela
tions with manv foreign cnuntrl"-
strained to almost the brenkine pu.nt
her fundamental pine'ples und. r din
cusslon. her historic sfgnllir-ancc In
question, her population suifc'tec wtth
the profits of war and wild extrava
gance, her Industries Inflated by over
expansion from war detuaadi, and
i'-v .. -si