- 1 Malheur enterprise, vale, Oregon, Saturday, may 27, 1922. i Jflal(jeur Cnterprtee PUBLISHES B? MALHTUB PUBLISHING COMPANY LUPVO RICHES. Editor MALHEUI COUNTY OFFICIAL PAFEB Special Community Correspondent. Mem ber, Onto Stat Editorial Aaaociatlon. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT VALE. MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON Kntccd -it tke Vale. Oregon, poatoffie as Second Clara Mall Matter. , BUMCXIPTJON RATES IN ADVANCE ONI YEAR (IN ADVANCH) $2.0 ' ONI YEAR NOT IN ADVANCB).. 2 !6 Caauaa - and Foretea Subscription. Pom Ma Istra. V Standard . Franklin Printing; Qiwrtm on AH Job Printing. Price Lint W If AT., ARE YOU DOING 7 There is one duty the people of Vale owe their town and county. That is to be progressive. ' We'o'l expect Vale to grow and Malheur county to develop. The towns and counties do not grow by themselves but by activity that produces growth by the spirit of citizenship. What are you doing for Vnle? That is a good question to ask your self. Not what you have done, for cities cannot long live on reputation alone. Nor is it important what Vale can offer you. For unless you first have something to give, you cannot hope to receive anything. It is a plain statement of the universal law of service. He receives most who gives much. Figure out your muwrlon for Valo and Malheur coun ty and you will Boon find by taking your place among those who ever push ahead, you will find your re ward. With this sentiment in the minds of the people of Vale and the people of Malheur county our own small part of the country vould de velop to an unbelievable degree. Not many years ago irrigation projects were derided and considered the sheerest folly. But the dreamer's vision has created millions and mil lions of new wealth. There are hun dreds of new little farms in this part of the country that were but a few years ago '.desert sage brush tracts. This.. land is all new and in its pioneer tages of development. There must be the progressive There are all kinds of cheap printing but none of it Is real ly cheap at least not on a basis of value.. Cheap stuff Is usually worth al most what It costs. Our prlntlad Isn't the cheapest you can tiet. but tts as flood as the best. i A'AV.VA'.'.V.V.NV'A WE CAN SELL YOUR WOOL We are interested in seeing the Sheepmen get the bent pobsible price for their 1922 clip of wool. We want no pro fit, but will, do all we can to help you get the top price. It might be well to Bee us before you sell. OUR PRICE TODAY IS 32 CENTS FOR FINE WOOL. Farmers & Stock Growers Bank VALE, OREGON j Field and Garden Seeds BARLEY, CORN, ALFALFA, TIMOTHY, ! BLUE CRASS, RED CLOVER. YELLOW BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS AND CANE SEED. POULTRY AND STOCK FEEDS i Vale Grain & Feed Company PHONE 3 I How is Your Car's i Perhaps you don't know. Hut perhaps your ball cry may nave it chargea. Or your generator my grind Or one light might keep going on Or your motor may be dipping and misHing in spite of 'new plug after new plug. If Ho,vthcn the wiring and relative electrical part of your car 1 ; should he looked over. Drive in Home time when you are near . here. Bullock & THE FORD '"If" -SEE AH FALL AM)SEEllKnr.M , t K GRIND DR. J. A. McFALL Kyeaight Speclaliht, Ontario, Oregon. Emmm spirit behind it to move it forward. We have hundreds of thousands of acres of the finest farm Inn (Is in America. If tho dairying scheme is carried out, this part of the country may become noted for that industry. The farmers may produce head let tuce that will make the locality wealthy. Vale is not, however, a city o mere futures. There are plenty o tasks demanding immediate atten tion, and there are great problems for the future. WHAT are IUU doing NOW for VALE? Nyssa is leading in baseball. Last Snnilav rlaced her first in the a Four League. Perhaps the Nyssa Journal will tell where Vale stands n:t Moratinl Pptpraon hasn't mntnrcvcle to . catch t!ne speeders with, but he has an Oakland that seems to serve the purpose. HEALTH DEMONSTRATION MISS STROUD OF OREGON TU BERCULOSIS ASSOCIA TION HERE. Miss Bertha R. Stroud, state pub lic health demonstration nurse, work ing under tho supervision of the state , bureau of nursing, and repre senting the Oregon State Tuber culosis association, has spent the past week in the Vale schools in specting the children in grades one to seven inclusive. Talks pertaining to health were given in each room and each individual was thoroughly examined for defects. Where symp toms indicated that attention shrfuld be given the matter, parents were either consulted in person or notes were sent to the homo. CANYON COUUNTY FARMERS COMING TO STUDY WEEVIL The Canyon County Farm Bureau is arranging a tour into Malheur county to be held on June 2 to in vestigate the alfalfa weevil. This pest has not yet ' become general over much of Canyon county like it has in Malheur, Payette and Wash ington counties, but is gaming a foothold quite rapidly. The farmers up there at least are beginning to worry about it and want to know just what it means to have a real infestation of weevil in their fields. Also they are looking for the besl way to control the pest. The Canyon county caravan will come by way ofNyssa, stopping at a few points along the road to ex amine the fields. They will go -as far north as Ontario, at which point dinner will be taken in the park near the epot. County Agricultural Agent Brcithaupt is assisting in ar ranging a short program which will come immediately after the lunch hour and will cover Buch points as the life history of the wevu, tne rapidity of its increase and extent of damage and various control measures which are recommended. The field entomologist of Idaho is expected to be present and several other persons who have had practi cal experience in fighting alfalfa weevil have Been invited to give i Electrical Equipment? I run down quickly right after you and off Hotchkiss DOCTORS 1 01' It OWN LENSES PHONE 118YV their views on spraying and other methods. At 3 p. m. a spraying demonstra tion will be given on the Homer Utley farm just east of Ontario.This demonstration will be put on by Don Whelen of the Idaho Extension Ser vice, who is in charge of alfalfa weevil work in that State. The ma chine will be a two-horse tractor type ; prayer such as is now recom mence. and sold by the Iron Age Com puny for use on alfalfa, potatoes and other field crops. It covers a wide strip, using liquid spray made of Wi pounds calcium rsenate to 100 gallons of water. The farmers of Malheur county are welcome to attend this meeting and demonstration. Also residents of the towns who may wish to do so. Parties may bring basket lunch with them and eat in the park if desired. The program will start at 1 p. m. and the spraying demonstration as noted above at 3 p. m. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY , ACT COVERS FARMERS The following article, is taken from the Extension Service News, published by the Extension Service of the Oregon Agricultural College, and will be of interest to employers of farm labor: "The farmers of the state -may not generaly know that under a de cision of the Oregon supreme court made in April, 1917, they are sub ject to the operation of the Employ ers' LiaMlity Act with practically the same effect as any of the most hazardous occupations. It was de cided in that case that an injured farm hand had a right of action for damages against hia employer even, though there wae a contributory negligence on his own part. I "The knowledge of this coidition has caused many farmers through out the state to embrace the protec tion afforded by the Oregon Com pensation law as administered by the State Industrial Accident Com mission, which is a state institution not operated for profit, but for th;? benefit of Oregon citizens, and which furnishes a guarantee to tho employer against lawsuits. Workers Contribute. "An employer who is operating under the Industrial Accident Com mission pays a certain percentage of his payroll into the state fund, his workers each contributing one cent a day to the same fund. When accident happens and a workman is injured he is entitled to medical at-, tention and care, also compensation for loss of time, and in such cases of accident as result in death, the widow and children or other depen dents receive substantial relief, the widow for all her life unless she re marries, and the children to the ago of 1(5 years. "All this is paid from the con tributed fund, the beneficiary re quiring no lawyers or other costly agencies to obtain it and the em ployer being relieved of legal liabil ity. "All this is done at the lowest possible expense because the Indus trial Accident Commission is a state functionary, existing and operating not for profit, but for service to the whole people. Farmers who may feel interested in the matter can obtain all the par ticulars and instructions by apply ing to the Commission at Salem." COUNJfjTllTISIS MALHEUR COUNTY REAL ES TATE TRANSFERS RECORDED MAY 13 TO MAY 20. Henry L. fjnyder et ux to Clarence W. Hinkley, part of Lot 3, Sec. 17 47. 9-7-20. $1500. U. S. A. to Richard J. Pellissier, SEMSec, 20-14-43. 2-20-22. U. S. A. to Richard J. Pellissier, K Sec. 35; SW'4 Sec. 25-14-4. 2-20-22. Alex Smith et ux to Clarence E. Rces, SE'4NE4 Sec. 29-18-47. 1-0-109. $5000. Oregon & Western Colon. Co. to Ed.D urbin, SHSEUSWUSWU Sec. 9-18-47. 5-3-22. $1.00. Myrtle Miller to Wm. Miller, N',j SW'4NW'.4SW'4 Sec. 9; NViNRVi SE'.SEU, SEttNESE'4, Sec. 8-18-17. 5-15-22. $1.00. M attic B. Chenault et vir to Myr tle Miller, NV4SW4NW4SWV4 See. 9; NM,NE'.4SE4SE4, SE'4NK'4 SE':, Sec. 8-18-47. 5-13-22. $1.00. Dora Pennington et vir to C. II. Morehouse, SW4NW4 Sec. 11-17-47. 3-20-22. $1.00. Henry Faulhaber et ux to Louise Fulh.ilHT, EV4SEV4, SHNEVi Sec. U-1S-41. 5-9-22. $1.00. U. S. A. to Peter ("hristem.en. NW, Sec. 15-21-4!. 3.1-22. Sheriff 11. Lee Noe to Malheur I'oun'y, ot 4, Sec. 28-17-47; also Lot-: 1 to 5, Block 244, Ontario. 5-20-22. $111.52. Marriage Orli'ii Boston Johnson. S-15-22. Licenses. and Mary Ellen ('onilaiiitM Filed in Circuit Court. Mulhcur Livestock & Lund Co. vs. Wiflboe K. llubbell et ul. f.-lS-J.. Recovery of money. $1.2S2.(i0. .1. 1'. Hill vs. T. II. Moore et ills. 5 17--'- Foreclosure of mortgage $ lo,'.';'H.sj. On gon & Western Col. Co. vs Herbert H. Tunny et uls. f.-tS-'.':'. Foreclosure of mortgage. $1,'J!2.!1. IVli.i.inn Filed in Probute Court. Km ale of P. J. Conroy. B-iO-'-'S. At Catholic Church. A class of 10 children under th personal direction of Rev. Father PICRIC ACID MADE FOR WAR IS USEFUL FOR BLASTING STUMPS To Blast a Stump Successfully O'Connor, received their First Holy Communion at St. Patrick's Cath olic church on - Sunday. After the services, an elaborate breakfast was served by the ladies of the parish to the first communicants as well as the grownups, which was followed by ice cream and cake. SPREAD OLD STRAW ON LAND Considerable Fertility Can Be Ot talned WlnterklltfriB of Wheat I Prevented. Farmers who have old stack bot toms on their farms should put this straw In a manure spreader and put It on the land. Considerable fertility can be returned by this means, and nt the same time an eyesore can be elim inated .from the farm yard. By plac ing racks on the sides of the manure spreader much straw can be hauled at a load. Where this straw Is wet, of course, the rack will pot be needed. New straw that will not be used for feed could be placed on the winter wheat, and this will furnish a good covering end make a good fertilizer. One farmer last winter reported that the use "of straw prevented winter killing. ' Rsquirea -Experience and Judgment. Transf er ; ; All Kinds of Hauling Cheaply :! and Promptly Done ;i Phone 31 VALE TRANSFER CO. J Enterprise Want Ads pay. IF YOU NEED Letterheads Cards Invitations Folders Statements Circulars Envelopes Billheads ;r anything else in the print ing line, come in and see us. 11 -i Subscrip lions Many subscriptions to the Enterprise have expired since the first of the year. jPlease examine the label on your paper and remit the renewal, if the date is past due. The Malheur Enterprise (I) . Mac Says: . .. VACATION NEEDS! g Summer is here, and with it comes that Insistent call of the Great Outdoors. In planning your trips include some of these little comforts that will serve to make your outing superlatively enjoyable: THERMOS BOTTLES Pints $1.50, Quarts $2.50 AIR PILLOWS 100 STERNO HEAT - - 2 for 25 CTS. CAMERAS $2.50 to $30.00 COLD CREAMS, 57 Varieties. ..TALCUMS 25 CTS. to $1.00 VANITY BOXES '60 CTS. to $1.25 MIRRORS, COMBS, ETC. .And Mac Pays the Postage on Orders of $1.00 or More. . A. E. McGillivray REXALL DRUG STORE . . Vale, Oregon )d ' i (g Will You Paint This Season? No doubt youywill because !t is a fact that,, if you "save the surface, you save all." The thing to consider when thinking of the money side is that it's expensive NOT to paint. And it is likewise expensive to pay more for paint than that which we ask for our high grade lines. It is poor economy to pay less, too, because GOOD paint that will last CANNOT be sold at less price. Wc have a good stock of various colors. Let us show you our color chart to help you in your selection. Nordale Furniture Co. VALE. OREGON Are Due