ERHilSE, VALE. ouEftarcrm Ll A MALHL. vTERERISfl. VALE, OREGON. SATURDAY. APRIL 8, 1922. MAUIEL- Nbws Notes of the Week at the Vale School Editorial Staff. (Freshman Class) Editorial Verda Doolittlc. Assistant Editor Beth Ager. Manager Whittior Harris. Cartoonist Rollen Williams. Joke Editor Mildred Stacey. Arbor Day. In Oregon, the second Friday afternoon in April of each year in all counties east of the Cascade mountains has been set aside for Arbor Day. The purpose of this law is to stimulate tho minds of children and students toward the benefits of the preservation and per petuation of our forests and to en courage the plunting of shrubs and trees. On Friday, the fourteenth of this month, the following program will be presented by the pupils of the Vale School: Song High School Chorus; Reading Majesty of Trees Evelyn Davis; Essay History and Purpose of Arbor Day Agnes She bo; Instrumental Solo Veryl Griggs; Reading What We Plant Eighth Grade; Tree Planting Exercises Sixth Grade; Planting of Shrub, (Outside.) . The first five numbers will bt given in the High rchool assembly, after which all will pass outside to witness the last number, the planting of the shrub. The program will begin at 2:30 o'clock. Everyone is cordially invited. Debators Witness Contest By Vera Doolittle. The championship debate between Idaho and Chicago, held in Boise March 31, was witnessed by the members of the Vale High School debating teams, Herschel Brown, La Vera Moe, John Boswell and Marga ret Humphrey. It was a very close contest but Chicago won a 2 to 1 decision over their Western op ponents. Tht students obtained several use ful points for their next debate in which Herschel Brown and La Vera Moe will up hold tho affirmative of the question: "Resolved: That a graduated income tax should be made a feature of the state system of taxation in Oregon" iigainst Lostine, Oregon. This debate will be held on Friday, April 14, in the Rex Theatre. Lostine expects to win the state championship, am' since they were very successful in debating last year, a close and in teresting contest is anticipated. the proper backing is given victory will almost be certain. That Junior Play. The Junior play, "Safety First" is lo be staged at the Hex 'iheatre the 21st and 22nd of this month. The play is progressing rapidly under the direction of Miss Comstock, the Junior class advisor. Soplw Entertain Juniors. A party was given by the Sopho mores on March the thirty-first for the Juniors. The time flew very rapidly while playing games, hunting i'or peanuts, etc. Delicious re .'leshmcnts were served rdiout l.t:'W. The guests departed for their homes all saying they had a splendid time. Seventh Grade Entertained. The seventh grade pupils spent a cry enjoyable evening with their .eacher, Miss Hazel Daley, Saturday, April the first, at the Ager home. Many pranks and games were played md plenty of refreshments served.. Track Meet Promising. Word has recently been received from Jordan Valley to the effect that they will participate in the track meet to be' held May 5th at Vale. This makes at least four high schools which intend to take part in the contest. These schools will probably give our contestants a hard fight, but the final victory and the letters that the HighSchool awards for so many points won will more than balance the scales. The boys and girls have been practicing dilligently almost every night after school, so we may expect a strong team. Now it is up to the student body to support this team, and if lUpt. ..Ager ..Attends ..Educational Meeting. Supt. Ager left the last of the .veek for Portland where he will at 1ynd a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Oregon State Teachers' Association. Mr. Ager was elected Vice President of the State Association at the Portland meeting during the Christmas holi days. Grade News. Ivan Pope has been absent from ;chool for some time on account of sickness. Meryl Sterling, who has been 3tay tig with her grandmother, went to :'ayette, Idaho, to continue her school. Joel Cathey has entered the fifth grade. The eighth grade boys tested milk April 3. They have been doing this for practice, Mr. Harry Well nrtan, County Club Leader, is their 'instructor. Jokes. Thomas: "Did your watch stop when it dropped on the floor?" Otis: "Sure; did you think it v.ould go through?" Senior: "Can you let me have a little money?" Freshman: "Certainly. About now little?" CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bible school, 10 A. M. Preaching at 11 Topic: "Belief and Knowledge." The choir will sing for the morn ing anthem: "Like a Shepherd." Christian Endeavor at 7 P. M. Preaching at 8 Subject: "The Borrowed Ax." For the evening service the choir will sing, "Deep as the Sea.'' The musical program has been ar langed so as to make the service, very impressive and helpful with the hyms, anthems, Prayer responses :tnd doxology. All Welcome. J. A. Melton.' Pastor. LOCAL NEWS BREVITIES Mrs. Cook Here Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Voung and little son, Harry, Jr., motored to Boise Saturday evening and visited with relatives in Boise and Meridian until Tuesday. Mrs. Young's mo ther, Mrs. F. L. Cook accompanied them home and will visit here in definitely, while Rev. Cook is filling the Christian church pulpit in Twin Falls, during the resident minister's absence. Rev. and Mrs. Cook have ;nany friends in this community as they resided here a number of years dur ing the time Rev. Cook served. th people of Vale as pastor of the Christian church. KELLY-SPRINGFIELD Tires and Tubes Thus schedule represents the NET CASH prices, including: War Tax, of Kelly-Springfield Tires and Tubes, to the members of Ore gon State Farm Bureau Federation. The pub lic also will be allowed these prices. fee KS-BB-GRV Jlfe. Triad Tubes Cords Fabric 30x3 lpU.03 ? 1.85 30x3Mi $10,21 12.74 2.31 32x3 Vj 22.15 17.06 2.48 31x4 25.48 20.52 2.87 32x4 28.01 23.g2 . 2.!i 33x4 28.87 24.37 3.08 34r4 20.8 2g.45 3.17 32x4 3li.2ti 3.'J! 33x4 37.02 4.07 34x4 37.88 4.24 35x4 38.87 4.28 30x4 30.81 4.50 33x5 44.72 5.13 84x5 45.58 5.22 35x5 4 .52 5.35 37x5 4-.U3 6.70 3 x(i 77.72 IU2 38x7 103.80 12.71 40x8 134.07 10.04 Eastern Oregon Auto Co. Telephone 76 VALE, OREGON Our Stock of Seed Wheat and Barley Is Getting Low Limited supply of Bald Barley on hand. Alfalfa, Sweet Clover, Blue Crass, Or chard Crass and Timothy on hand. We sell only ret leaned seed. CAE LOAD MILL EEEl) JUST EE CEIYEIK Full Supply of Poultry and Baby Chit Foods in Stock. Vale Grain & Feed Company State Club Leader Here Mr. Seymour, of Portland, State Club Leader, was in town this -.veek, and made several visits with II. II. Wellman, county club leader, in con nection with club work to schools in neighboring communities. L. Bilyeu Improving L. Bilyeu Bad J. M. Bilyer, of Bonita, were in town this week. The former was stricken with paral ysis at his home in Bonita some hue ago has improved very much, since living on the coast. Mr. Bil yeu i3 able to walk now without the lid of crutches, and he is much stronger. .ome In Crane Mrs. G. F. Gordon and her lit :.le son, Walter, returned to their home in Crane Tuesday, after spend ing three weeks in Vale, under a doctor's care. Mrs. Jacobs Here Mrs. Nellie Jacobs arrived at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Thomson, Thursday because of tho illness oi her mother. Mrs. Jacobs is teaching school in the Big Bend community this year. i'rof Ager In Portland Prof. G. W.Ager left the last of :he week for Portland where he will attend an Executive Committee meeting of the Oregon State taach ers' Association. Mr. Ager was elected Vice President of the state association at the Portland meeting during the Christmas holidays. Completes Winter Term A University of Oregon News bulletin was received at the Enter prise office this week containing cholarship repports of the students or the winter term and Miss liottie rummett, formerly of this city, .;as successfully completed the term ind in good standing. I'o Run Mill Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster left iie first of the week for Rye Val ley where they will make their home. Mr. Foster is a business partner and will manage a lumber :iill, situated near Rye Valley. Irs. Norwood Here Mrs. John Norwod of Jamieson pent the greater part of the week a Vale visiting friends. louse Guest Mrs. F. B. Stephen of Denver was i guest of Mrs. R. E. Weant over ihe weekend, and the visit was a ,'ery pleasant one. vVeiser Visitors An auto party, consisting of Mr. uul Mrs. Ed Romph and Mr. and ind Mrs. Russell of Weiser motored to Vale Sunday and spent the day isiting friends and relatives in this ommunity. All of the party ex cept Mrs. Romph returned to heir homes that evening, but she vill visit indefinitely with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Foiles vho live a few miles from Vale. Relatives Visit Mrs. John Malone proprietor, of the Arlington Hotel was very pleasant ly surprised this week when several relatives from Jamieson arrived at lier homt to visit a short time mong them were her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. II. M. England, and their laughter, Alice. Mr. McLaughin Awav W. W. McLaughin returned to th; ity Monday after spending a very pleasant week visiting friends and relatives in Beveral Washington cit ies, among them his old homp Waitsburg. He was also a busines visitor in Weiser during his absence May Foiles Home , Miss May Foiles went home Sun day afternoon and spent a pleasant visit with her parents, and sister Mrs. Ed Romph until Tuesday even ing, when she returned to resume her school work. Legal Business C. K. Crandall made a business trip to Bums ' Saturaday on legal matters and returned home the ear ly part of the week. Friends Here Miss Elizabeth Mutch of Cald well arrived in the city Saturday to visit over Sunday with her friend Miss Frceda Walbrecht. That evening, Miss Blanche McDonald also came from Ontario and the three girls enjoyed a very pleasant visit. Sunday evening they went to Ontario and Miss Mutch re turned to her home. Miss Walbrecht wr.s a guest of her friend in Ontar io, and the following morning re lumed to Vale. Social Events of Week Saturday Night Bridge Mrs. Chas. Burrow was a charm ing hostess of last week to the mem bers of the Saturday night Bridge Club. The party was on April Foo'sl night and several novel stunts were enjoyed by the guests. . There were three tables, and the evening was plasantly spent in play ing bridge., with Mrs. liobt. D. Ly tle and H. W. Champmeys winning high honors. A sumptuous 12 o'clock was served by the hostess, Ihose who were guests at the party, report it one of the most charming social affairs of the season. Meaning in Our Stores r the benefit at : liters" SERVICE Has a Genuine "Performance of labor or It has always been our ambition to turn our uncerstev.dipg of the woros significance into positive application in our stoics in every transaction, with every individual with whom it is our privilege to DEAL. Latest Models Swim i 9 ? i supper SERGES, TWILLS, TRICOT1XES and TWEEDS, 19 CO Priced from . . $14,215 10 p Spring Coats and Capes in all the new fabrics and $17 l 97 models, from . . . $1' w VJ COMPLETE LINE OF NEW PIECE GOODS FOR SPRING WEAR Ladies' Dresses, Crepes, Taffetas in all the latest coloring in cluding the new CAPE models in Silks, Twills and Tweeds, from - $15.00 to $37.00 Guild Mrs. Leslie Hone and Mrs. C. H. Oxman of Jamieson were hostesses ? to the Guild Thursday afternoon. ! V After the business session, the usu- , I al pleasant social hour was enjoyed j : by the ladies. ; Monday Study Club ' Tho Monday Study Club will not meet on the regular day the coming weuK, due to tne tact that Monday, ' ? April 10th, is clean-up day at the u e Ml cjmetery. Mrs. H. E. Speith will 03 nostess on Tuesday. Repairs of all kinds for all makes of Farm Machinery GARDEN Sudan Grass, Alfalfa Hot ;, Rt- PLOWS DRILLS Cultivators 1 7 P. E. O. Chapter K. of P. E. O. was de lightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. Bruce Kester Tuesday after. r.oon ot this week. There were ! y P.RVon mpmhprfl nrftCDnt V Following the- business session, ! , a program was enjoyed, consisting j : ."..Z.xj of two entertaining numbers on the : " 1 oot Robert Burns. "The Life ami ', AT THE REX, WEF.;i Works of Burns" was given by Mrs. fiTII t'; Ti. NelT and scTaL po.Hmn ' Sun. and Mon. Adm- y the poet were read by Mrs. Tne Fou). Hovk: nv.-n ..." ueorge. r.. uavis. !,,. .,-,,! nr:-n hour followed ! ,..,..) ;:, -,i;,-ir vvi'l April It Barley, iiiue Cras? lit 1 FIELD SEEDS Clover, Sv.tct Ci-ver, Baart Wheat. Tm-fcy Fk-U cerr.-, and a full line of Vegetable Seeds. 'J "More for Cash" X A pleasant social he program. Surprise Party. A pleasant social function was en-1 joyed at the home of Mrs. Amcn's j mother. Grandma Wild, on her SSHh ! birthday anniversary. Music and 1 irumes were enjoyed by the guest:-, j nnd a very pleasant time was spent. : Guests were: Mrs. C. W. Nelson and j her daughter, Violet, Mrs. J. E. Kiser ; nnd her little son, Joe, Mrs. Lee Dil- j ion and her little son, Mrs. Scott and ; children.Mrs. E. B. Nelson and Mrs. E. Hickman and son, Walter. i ypse j Tuesday, j Teacher I romp ie Association i' C hii'.'i du;.ua. f. rr et ; i.i c:v:L . 1. :'" I'.-ii' Mi: :i"1 A': . lU-.w : w t- .-.! ltl't Monday for ple.usi 1 wiJh th-. ; il , i ..; M. in .'tu-lw.iy after :; pending u 1 ';- rm.iiicr A! ;;-:or, :r.!' . : '.u-tir .vtvk in Val-.' vihitiiivr . I,!'tu':!:-tev. Wiseon-dn. !: '.xvh. ,. . r. ; i ! V"-s. !i;.; i-y Beelar ;:.nd i?r-s. -!ud(! wi!i n.k.' :n sfi'KvUl ' "... . '; -.-:tl '.Vhile in Vale, Dr. . visit it! Vale vrnvv 1.; : t::j ,!'! : ': txi i-nditi to busuius.; wiiitei' in Los ArifS'') ' ' !'!. iir--. nnd r-'!r. 'vV'(lne:-(!ay and Please One Womr.::." !'i i..'U'ctioi. ' .''.miedy a-..! "M -..;. Q. Juc a.". Working in Country Leo Chatfield is working for Al bert Hill on his ranch a few mile i from Vale. 3ah Nd :.. ' .l-i," and C-.;a .und.,y . . ' . 1923 Supper Party. Miss Lucy Comstock's Sunday ! "y''r,, chool class of girta enjoyed one of i iheir supper parties at the home of j rr ' .lr.3. Chas. L. Batchelder Tuesday! iOO LAIK vening. They played Easter game ' - .---t-.-. and spent a jolly time. j vr.i? ai w 1 a; ...i; :,y. . Friday Bridge. Mrs. Jas. Smith delightfully en- . or, o inch cenfi.u . ' and foot-valve. L. J J..-u! Wednesday Bridge. Mrs. Chas. Burrow entertained the Wednesday Bridge Club at her house this week. There were four tables, and after an afternoon pleasantly spent playing cards, Mrs. H. W. Speith won high honors. Thd in vited guests were Mrs. H. E. Speith, Airs. L. F. Lumpee, and Mrs. John tt'gby. Eighth Birthday Anniversary. Little Edna Barkeley entertained with a birthday party given Saturday afternoon on her eighth birthday an niversary. Eighteen little girls were present. After games and music were enjoyed dainty refreshments were served and tho birthday cake with eight candles burning brightly was placed in the center ofthe table. These were blown out by the girls and the cake enjoyed by the little g-'.ests. attained the Friday Bridge Club at COUNTY P.Ei-ivESI-.N i niT nome last weeK. mere were . wanted in every cc; i our tames. inviteu guests were .!rs. O. E. Carman, Mrs. Rob't. D. Lytic and Mrs. Wilcox. Mrs. I G. W. Ager won high honors. An I enjoyuble afternoon was spent play irg cards. or. I. 1 west to ivprercnt Metal Grain Bin'-. Farm ConvLtiier.o farmers, and iivi;,. peeiaHics to kucIi iiet manent and j'.'. 'i; v.i'i'. .".ut:.ii wji injr :( at .1 nnd ref.'fem ; 1 'OAST C 't JJ .T.i" .OA1I Ai'.'V, !' v. . :. in i'.nowl .iH-. ho MM.. FOR SALE--!!c U Iv iO acre.-, tillable, i land, 6 room heme, j I mile from r,;o.i :. :i:ler. fr;;m ::i:lr:.d Titles from t-vn. der good I'eiifv. T Cash. 0r Ontario, Oivg r. food u ' i :r.f, 1 1 . Jul cchi SUttifi i- J'J, j.CI. repted c' in co aled icud :U (.HUM me IS :.ri; .v. I.XCtlhrit cit: (loud iicularr-. . . ,o. In 1 a Hen Eastern Orcpnn Ch DEBATE LOSTINE vs. VALE Ilex From Corvallis Wm. Johnson, who is a student teacher at O. A. C. this year, ar rived in Vale the last of the week an 1 pent several days here on businesi . New Management The Gate City Journal of Nyssa, which was edited by Jas. A Dement, dr., until recently is under the man agement of II. F.' Brown, who owrs the paper. Mr. Dement leave; N'yssa in the near future for his ranch near Caldwell which he ex pects to manage this year. t'leb Leader Visits County Club Leader. 11. R. Well man, made several visits in intcrcM of club work this week. On Wed nesday he was in Ontario and tl:e VaMev View communities and in Tmurdny made a trip to Uivev dale. Mrs. Wellman accompanied him on Thursday. Kiln Brosnan Here Miss Ellu Brosnan who formerly lived a few miles from the city but now of W-eiMer, motored to Vh'o '.Sunday nnd enioyed a short i--"l 1 . ! herr ith friends. ! J ; Buys $300 CamTaH $ ' Cecil Ager has ambitirns anil is!i Ion the road to silcce s as a fir ti clas. photographer. This week he i purchased a MOO. 00 C.raflex eam-'S i era which will, arrive in the ner.r .j. future for use in Vale. j Ladies Aid. Mrs. Ivers and Mrs. I. W. Hopo w.'re hostesses this week at a meet ii g of the Christian LadiesAid. The number:', aanswered roll call with iutns of current events. An interest iivr paper was prepared and read by A ra. Gettys Griffith on the "Benev olent Institutions of the Church." After the business session was over, a social hour was enjoyed and dainty refreshments were served by the h .tepees. Iheatre Fridav. April 'erne, ) !,o::r schwl lo ai, state ho nor a. ADDED ATTRACTK; V ANNA 0. Mf.LSON "WHAT WILL' ViOMEX A Pu::z!. to a Man, a Kiddie sell', ani Ciias. Hutchison in KUAN t:L.TCII." Admits Children ur.der 12 V)r. Adn't--. JO.-. IN DO to Her ' U- I' ve :r GET THESE PRICES ! On the Genuine Article t (5) (ft (i: (; O (0 t-i) PP 'T :t .! q h'jlk, v' XLLi is v,"iir.c c-oiiUfe v;i rites are eon.ister.tly you senice th:;t in: I'ritnds. n you. wo i.n'jv; our i it hi and we 'ry to give '.(s -arul Jvcens 1'usiiiess Hoarse Cured. Msijtw and Tlricon Ficiii:' Hams n-;cou Hams o lbs.- Lurd ... Lard 2?e -cp 10 lbs Notch - e r.nwc 3Go . l"iC SI. 30 i'reca, Made it Yale 10c S.iO. . V o .-, !yinr .sheenrnen 'j.u'un, lard and ti'eus at lumoing ?eas- jn. i mg -Company m (0) m Hope GlrlH Hume Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Hope were Very pleased at the arrival of two of their daughters, Misses lWnice and Maxie Hope the lust of the week. After spending Sund.w iii ivk' v t ' borne, Mim Mutie Hepe left I HONK 3b for Nysa where .he is te-ichiar Kchod this year. Miss l' rider TlioiH' will not return to Whitman until the coming week. Axle Housinir, 8.00 Ritii-; (Joar Drive l'inion, 1.00 Radiator . . iiimJtietir mid I'r.ittd S'tea lift s I u.-l. .' V . ! CvmpUte oi'ciiui.f vj 1 Hj'tnntitil li i.' lh .CO 3. r,o si C.t Ir l.alior Bullock & Eoiehkixp THE FORI) DOCTORS 1 M- . V - - ' no. Ui:: Nor an ::vu. si iuiT S'arciil.- a m d aulu r t: iiirciili'. In. one l kin ; on .-, i im I . r. r,i i .ill ji n of e- i 'I. r,i i rid ir-l on r a-. e. i.u1 v i tl t,'.I - lb;. I eitiini; : ail lirlW" a'l j).,v - ie ou I'rop. lireifun t