IT MALHEUR EMTERPKlSE, VILk, OREGON, SAfuitDXyrflttr57l92r r ' ,1 1 "4 I ! ! ' 4. i V." i J ; ', it if i! V T COUNTY NEWS . Items of Local and Personal Interest, Gathered By The Enterprise Correspondents. "i"H"H"r'rH"rr' JAMIESON JAMIESONBALLSUGGESS MANY PEOPLE FROM JAMIESON AND NEIGHBORING TOWNS A1TEND. Mrs. Frank Kendall visited in Vale last week. Mrs. A. L. Guerber and children, and Miss Estella Guerber, were shopping in Vale Saturday after noon. Miss Blanche Jarvis spent the week end with her brother. Homer Jarvis, and family, at Parma. They brought her back to Jamiesnn Sun day, and all took dinner with Mrs. A. L. Guerber. John Norwood and family ,also Mrs. McLaughlin, were in Vale Sat urday afternoon. Big dance at Vale Saturday night. All had a splendid time. Myron McLaughlin is visiting rel atives here. J. L. Pope and wife were in Vale Tuesday afternoon. George England and his sister, Mrs. John Malone, of Vale attended the dance here Saturday night. Miss Blanche Jarvis, who has been ill with a severe cold, is able to re sume her duties in the school room again. C. W. Polk of Weiser was here on business Monday and Teusday. Through an error in last week's paper, it stated that Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Oxman had moved to Ontario. This is false and they still reside here. MALHEUR IS ratia. ilia a. UAKbi tJALLtu AWAY BECAUSE HER MOTHER DIES. A six pound baby boy was born on Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. C. H Bronson. Fred Hart is home, suffering from a sprained knee, having fallen while firing on a train. Dr. Hulshizer was called to attend Mr. Todhunter, who is suffering from an attack of rheumatism. C. H. Bronson is in Baker receiv ing treatment for heart trouble. Mrs. Ida B.- Carey was called to Walla Walla by the death of her mother. Mrs. Alice Morfitt had charge of the hotel during her ab sence. Mrs. W. N. Worsham returned home from Baker Wednesday, vrtiere she underwent an operation fcr an' abscess of the throat, also having her tonsils removed. Dr. Hulshizer was called to Bridgeport one day last week to at tend the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCorkle. W. J. Sargent returned home Wednesday from a business trip to Ontario. H. M. Rutherford made a business trip to Ontario the first of last week. Father O'Connor was a buninesF visitor from Ontario last week. The Baker stage is now ermine in on wheels, the snow being nearly all gone. Woodcock brothers branded calves Saturday. Rutherford brothers vaccinated the calves at the Howard place Fri day. William Reed of Drewsey, i ; here visiting his cousins Mr. and Mrs. The Danger Point in trying to save on painting Repa irs Cost More Than Paint WHEN the paint on your property begins to check and crack, it is tune to paint again. Unless your house is Erotected by a smooth, elastic lm of durable paint, decay will set in and rapidly depreciate it Decay is expensive and wasteful. Price lumber alone, to get an idea of what it will coat to repair or re build. Paint saves this cost The beat paint it the most econom ical In tha long run. It spreads easily saves labor cost. It covers a larger area per gallon than "cheap" paint. But most important, the best paint serve five or more years longer than "cheap" parnt. We have been making the best paints ft 73 years. They are scien tific iu formula and preparation. They Fullers SPECIFICATION tPECIFICATIOM House Pa Into Phoonin Pur Pain Pwr Prepared Point Manufactured by W. P. Fuller & Co., Dept. 49, Ssa Francisco BruckM la 19 Cltiea la the Wm) Hr smsssc needs pauolinaV r ullet s spea&cauou Huuse faints art tula by Ihs luimwuif Assets; J. E. II AM ST II EFT, liROGAN. OKV.C. PHOKMX I'tRE ROSE MERCANTILE CO. VALE, ORE(i. PHOENIX PL' RE Geo. N. Dotson. If he can find suitable location, he will move his lamny here for the summer. The I. O. O. V. lodge gave socinl here Saturday night. The bachelor members prepared the lunch A large crowd was present and all report a pood titme. W. N. Worshiim had the misfor tune to run a 22 ramrod through me lorennger ot his right hand which made quite a . painful wound Mrs. Norma Weils, who Is teach ing school at Bon i La, passed through here on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Yeoman, at the uasin Saturday. Mr. Allenbaugh, of Cow Valley, ut'iverea a ioaa oi gram to U. 11 Morfitt here Saturday. Frank Elliott , and Mrs. Johnson of Bridge port were business visi tors here Mondav. The Girls' Sewing Club gave a party t nuay night which was great ly enjoyed. Games were played and rciresnments were served. John Boswll, of Vale, is here and expects to begin placer mining on men ureek soon, m OWYHEE WM. PEUTZ CONTRIVES NEW FEEDING DEVICE FOR ORPHANS Mr. Peutz has contrived a feeder by which half a dozen lambs can bo fed at once, after htey are brok en to leed. hven at that its al most a permanent job taking care ot eighty orphan woolies. Word has recently been received that John C, the youngest brother of Fred Klingback, who is foreman on a through passenger on the southern lJacitic, is one of the eight enffiremen tn he nrpsentpH with a j beautiful gold hat badge by virtue of being a winner in the ruel saving contest in the best pool-in freight i aP- passenger service on the Tuscon division., Jack McConnel started his sheep for the hills the fir; of the week. Herb Walters now has his sheep feeding at the upper Klingback rancn. Mrs. Rose Fletcher, who has been visiting Mrs. A. C. Bradley for the past several days, went back to Nyssa with Chas. Bradley Tuesday evening. Last week it was erroneously stated that Grandma Bradley was seriously ill. Mr. Freeman (Grand pa) Bradley is seriously ill with dropsy and sows no improvement at this writing. Wm. Peutz was a business visitor in Ontario Friday. Jimmie Hite, scarlet fever patient is much better and the family will out of quarantine soon. Fred Klingback and Frank De Bord attended a "Potato growers" meeting in Nyssa Tuesday evening. Mrs. Warren Fenn and daughter, Uernice, returned home Friday from a visit with relatives in Nyssa. Mrs. Lu DeGoedc, who has been cocking for the Jenkins-McLain Sheep Company for the nast month, returned to her home Thursday. Mrs. LeRoy DeWitt is ill with an nslhmatic attack. . Vicenti Mendiola sold his 1922 wool clip through the agency of John Archbold, for. 20c per pound, cash, some time ago. Robert Overstreet, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schweizer, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schweizer, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe, and the Misses Lillian Davis and meet the weather conditions in tha West. They contain the finest materials PIONEER WHITE LEAD, pure lin seed oil, pure zinc and pure colors combined scientifically in exact pro portions. They are tlie best paints we know. Free Advice on Painting AA oar tfvat for iMm, Aik lh Fuller 6 pod 6c. tiao Department aioM tb tost deciiaijU color cEeinea, eolor sMrnoDf Bad uf otiaor detail. Makr of Robber Cemet Floor Pilot, All-ParpoM Vat cttob , bilkenwbU Enamel , Flftaen-fcr-ft loore VtunifJi. Vaebable Veil fimiA, Aoto, lUro ant. Roof Patnl. Po b u4 &tey Pais. MR POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT (Paid Advertisement.) I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the Republican nom ination for Circuit Judge of the Ninth Judicial District of Oregon, embracing Grant, Harney and Mat her Conties- at the Primary elec, tion. on May 19, 1U22. WELLS M. WOOD, Ontario, Oregon. Bessie Whipple entertained Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schweizer and family at dinner Sunday in honor of Mrs. Gus Schweizer's birthday. Carl Schweizer, who is becoming quite proficient in cornet playing, makes an appreciated additiion to the Sunday school orchestra. Mr; and Mrs. AWin McGinnis and son, James, who arc employed in the timber (iO miles from Baker City, were obliged to go to the city to have some dental work done for James, and came on home for a short visit with the Smith and Mc Ginnis families. Mildred and Evelyn DeBord at tended a farewell party given in honor of Kuby Keed last week. Fred Snively and Lyle Keelor were down from "up river Monday. Mrs. T. M. Lowe is not well this week. F. L. DeBord purchased some clover seed from A. B. Bradney in the Big Bend Friday. The annual "pilgrimage" of sheep to the hills is on, Gordon, Mendiola, Peterson, Walters, Connelly; Mc- Connell, Jenkins & McLain, and others having started their sheep for summer range during the past week. The hay supply in Owyhee is practically ..exhausted and though feed in the hills is scanty, many are risking it in hopes of good grass soon. P. I. Spier, Geo. Phillips and Wm. G. Vogts were business visitors in the Owyhee Wednesday, eating din ner at the DeBord home, where they purcnasea a lew snecp ana sneep pelts. Miss Vera Nieb, of Ontario, spent the weekend visiting at the home of 1'. McGinnis. RIVERDALE POPULAR COUPLE WED HOME TO BE IN WEISER FIELD OF SALVATION ARMY WORK E. S. Strongen of SDokane was here Saturday, a week ago, on bus iness. Some hustling farmers have be gun plowing small egrain, whil others are preparing land for head lettuce. Very few sugar beets will be grown here this year. Ihe Local Jfrogress Club meeting wnicn was to vane been March 29 at the home of Mrs. E. E. Record, was postponed on account of the. stormy weather, until April 12th. at the same place. A splendid pro gram is being prepared. Each member should maks an effort to be present. Miss Wilma Perry and H. Lee Gregory were united in marriage Monday by Kev. B. Jj . Mendeth and will perhaps make their home in Weiser for the present, both being engaged in Salvation Army. work. a pig, line boy was bornr to Mr. andMrs. J. G. White a few days ago. Charles Joseph who has been at tending O. A. C. for the nast six months arrived home Monday. A. M. .Leach and familv. who SDent the winter in western Oregon, re turned to their home here Friday. Alter spending three weekss with her mother, Mrs. J. M. Joseph and everal brothers. Mrs. B. F. Wil- iams returned to her home at Lin coln., Nebraska, Monday of last week. Mrs. May Wilson and little daughter left Tuesday for Forest irove to join her son and brother. Alfred, who went to Willamette some weeks ago , O. W. Bryan started to build a dwelling house on his twenty acre nome place the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Williams ar rived from Pendleton Sundav after noon to spend a few days with their relutives, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Bryan. Mrs. E. J. Patch attended the Red Cross Board meeting in On tario Monday, of which she is a member. ADRIAN The many friends of Elsie Elliot were overjoyed because of her re turn from Ontario this week. She will add another number to Adrian's young people, while residing at the Holly home for the present. A happy crowd of vouncr npnnle from Kingman Kolony, and Adrian spent Sunday afternoon in climbing to the heights of Brown Butte. which is west of town. Those present were Misses Elsie Elliot, Florence Bach, Bernice Martin, Dol lie and Thelnu McCreary, MessrB Loyd Ray, Clarence and Harold El liot, Al Schafer, Kenneth Bach, Archie and Perry Cantrell. Many of the Dainty Yellow-bell flowers were found blooming. Frank Doyle spent Sunday after friends in Kingman Kolony. Rober Wade has been employed in plowing ground, which he has rent ed from Web Otis. He expects to put in potatoes and onions. Mr. Nelson has rented eighty acres in Arena Valley and expects to move hoa family there as soon as school is out. Two car loads of coal were shipped in to the Van Petten Lumber Co., this week. Mrs. William Ashcraft and Mrs. Irmal Ashcraft were ruests at the McCreary home Wednesday. The neighborhood shall very much miss the Heed family, who plan on leaving this vicinity for Nevada some time this week. Business hiuses have been busy clearing up their back yards and the streets this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Cooley, of Wilder, were guests of relatives in Adrian this week. Mrs. Gruver was visiting at the McCreary home' Monday. Mrs. Creeling and Mrs. Herbert Hickox were shopping in Adrian Friday. A joyous rrowd of young people motored to Nyssa Sunday evening. where they enjoyed the famous picture show: "The Birth of a Na-1 tion." I Theodore Gruver and Avery Chrihten'.en made a trip to I Corned ale ; Saturday, where they spent the day with the former's sister. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Blaskaby and Mr. and Mrs. Emison, of Ontario, motored to Adrian Sunday. They cooked their dinner on a bonfire on the bank of Snake river. Mr. Valentine Abbey was the guest of Robert Wade this week. Mrs. Powell of Kingman Kolony, was shopping in the city Monday. Mr. Stacy is employed on the Edwards ranch, helping with the spring work. Mr. Pat Connelly received a ship ment of corn this week. T RYE VALLEY " John Friso and son, Joe, are tak ing advantage of the freshet water by soaking up their alfalfa field. Fred Cosins is doing likewise. Elmer Powell moved his family to the Cartright house in Rye Val ley this week. The place they va cated has been sold to a Mr. Smith of La Grande. Chris Armbuster returned home this week from Baker where he served as . a juror. Mrs. Frank Powell and children moved to their farm on the table after sojourning in Rye Valley, where the children were close to school during the bad weather. All were rejoicing over a good ram Wednesday night, which took off lots of our snow. But we still have plenty left. - This section had more snow than it has had for years, but lots of grass was left last -fall, which makes very good feed for horses. Almost all the hay here has been fed up but the stock look good and no one reported any loss. Squirrels have begun to show up the last few days. Gerald Justus is having a very bad case of grippe. D. W. Hyatt made a business trip to Baker this week. Miss Hazel Justus visited Miss Dayal Cochran Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. Frank Powell was a visitor to Baker this week. On her re turn she will be accompanied by her daughter, Miss Lila, who has been attending school there. Miss Freda Armbuster is plan ning on visiting her brother, Ray, at the Rainbow mine next Saturday. She will be accompanied by Miss Edna Thorp. Among the Rye Valley people who attended the social and dance at Durkee, we noted Arthur Cart- right. ' RolUe Justus and Jess Head are hauling hay from the Goll Coin ranch this week. Mr. Wm Justus has some fine honey he has been selling to local people. They advice him to put in an apiary. The Rye Valley school closes May 5. The Griffin store is showing a nice line of spring hats. Craig Cochran made a visit to the Pando sheep ranch Friday, re turning Saturday. COUlfpSTICS Malheur County Real Estate Trans fens Recorded March 25 to April 1. Sheriff H. Lee Noe to D. C. Dor wart NWSEK Sec. 35-30-41. 3-25-22. $9.75. Wm. B. Napton to Meryl V. Nap ton, SE4NWV4 Sec. 12-22-46. 1-30-22. $100. Sheriff H. Lee Noe to N. P. Scott SWSEtt Sec. 31-32-41. l-3-2y. $8.50. Mary J. Hicks to Joseph H. Sin gleton et al, SW4SE4 Sec. 35-33- 3y. 8-26-21. ?10. Parma State Bank to C. Muntjew erff, Lot 6 and part of Lot 7, Sec. 19-21-47. 9-10-19. $10,875. O. A. West et al to L. L. Culbert son SNWVi Sec. 32-15-47. 3-25-22. $1. Joy H. Husted et al to Bernhard Benson et ux, Lots 16, 17 and NV& 18, Block 118, Ontario. 3-18-22. $412.50. U. S. A. to Esther Rogers, Lots 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Sec. 6; Lots 1 and 2, Sec. 7-24-39. 10-11-21. Frank L. Hupp to Alice H. Hupp, Und. 1-3 Int. in WMtSEtt, NE14 SW, Lot 3, EESWSW WttWSESW4 Sec. 7-19-47. 3-6-22. $1. Carrie I. Kibler et al to Alice H. Hupp, WSEH, NEySWU, Lot 3, E'EVS SW'4SW, WHWtt SE SW Sec. 7-19-47. 2-21-22. $10. John Boswell to C. Ceal Boswell, Lots 2 and 7, Block 9, Eldredges Add. to Vale. 3-30-22. $1. Clark Rhodes et ux to Chas. Skip pen, WW4 SE4SW4 Sec. 23-16-47. 8-23-22. $2,375. Luis Legarza to Juan Yturriondo- New here Land of the long leaf pine gives the world a famous vapor rub ;or all cold troubles. The famous Lealing odors of the long-leaf pin.! are to be had, evt:ti if you ain't go South. For j-o)!u subject to colds, a North Carolina flruzjjiv. some years :-yo worked out a valorizing :aivc, containing the very rs of pir j .:iff, t"i;ether with tl it iiC'.liii 'ictratirij.; vaixrs. This w r.f'trful preparation, Yi-!.3 V;:;(J!i!li, lias Lecn liie ?utt rub it on and breathe in the vapors t7"T!. "SEE MCFALL W I A nte I'.yealjrht Spex-lalial, Classified Want Ads Want ads in The Enterprise bridge the gap between seller and buyer of all small articles. A few cents will carry your message to thousands of poten tail buyers. Cost IV2 cents a word, each insertion $...H''H''H'.H''H''W'X'' beitial SEV4 Sec. 4-3143. 3-28-22. $10. Chas. W. Ladd et ux to i. II. Howland Lots 85' and 36, Block 4, Riverside Add. to Ontario. 1-5-22. $500. . S. P. Newman et ux to E. M. Greig, trustee, Und. Int. in SEV4 NEUi NEWSE. Lot 1, and part of SWSEVA Sec. 82; Lots 2, 3, and 4, Sec. 33-19-47. 12-16-21. $1. Payette-Oregon Slope Irrig. Dis trict to Lee Charles Miller, SESW V Sec. 8-16-21. $200. U. S. A. to Thos. Goodyear, Ntf SEU Sec. 26; NW4SW4, SW4 Sec. 25-28-45. 3-21-93. Marriaeo Licenses. Thomas E. Collins and Jennie ITescott. 3-27-22. Complaints Filed In Circuit Court Thos. Welsh et al vs. M. R Everts et al. 3-27-22. Foreclosure of mortgage. $4,907.32. J. M. Addington vs. Malheur Lum ber Co. 3-28-22. Recovery on ac count. $116.63. The Adjustment Bureau vs. On tario Electric Co. 3-28-22. Recovery on account, szzu.43. Frank Correa vs. Benjamin F. Jordan et ux. 3-28-22. Foreclosure of mortgage. $2,500. De Tweede Northwestern & Pa cific Hypotheek bank vs. Henry S. iMcireage et al. 3-U9-22. Foreclos ure of mortgage. $5,042.96. Geo. P. Reishen et al vs. H. H, Tunny et ux. 3-31-22. Accounting, Harper State Bank vs. Ben F, Jordan et al. 3-31-22.. To set aside deed. Richard L. Scott vs. Elizabeth Johnson et al. 3-31-22. To quiet title. Ontario National Bank vs. Henry C. Pinney et al. 4-1-22. Recovery on note, Wm. E. Lees vs. Louis Zaninetta et al. 4-1-22. Foreclosure of tax lien. Petitions Filed in Probate Court. Estate of Vincil Shrader. 3-31-22. MANSUR'S SEED POTATOES CHOICE NETTED GEMS ALSO EATING POTATOES CARROTS and PARSNIPS See L. A. MANSUR Vale, Oregon You'll Be Sorry If You Buy Else where. Just Arrived" In time for the Spring time renovation: A large shipment of the new Wall papers, in modern designs and late colors. Inlaid and printed Linoleums to cover the old floor, making It new and easy to clean. Curtains, Rugs, and all the things necessary to bring the house up to the minute... Let us help you make your house the place you have always wanted to live in At Vale's Modern Furniture Store. T. T. Nelsen Licenses Embalmer. Chapel. VALE, OREGON m ttandby for years in Southern homes. Year by year and St;:tu by Gtate its reputation las grown until today Vic!:s in the favorite treatment tliroti; hf st the country for all cold tr- '.iu'cs, croup, cat.inh- neuialic, skin hints and iLeliiuj, troubles. 1 )nij';:ist. arc i:toeke(" now. (iet a r;ood supply i t i i.ei. V VAPOR . Ei. 'vwr 4 1 iiattMiun aur vfeu sVlsTt AND tJEE 0BTTER' MnPAIf WE GRIND OUB OWN LENSES l'HONE 118M untirlo, Oregon J. . STOP. LOOK, MR. TRAPPER, and listen. I have oovuta scent that will oring tha wise old coyote to your traps and 1 hv Ui boat scent that Is made as I have been trapping- In Malheur county for 8 yeurs. 1 will sell tn 1-S pound cans for II. v and pound cans for S3. Guaranteed satisfaction or money refunded. N. H. Hamlin, Crowley. Oreeon. FOR SALE LIVE STOCK. FOR S ALB Two borsas, 1 cows, I calves, A bos. 1 brood sow, 1 breaking plow. 1 cpmant block maahln, 10 stands of bees. D. A. Ewtevday mar lH-gtp . POULTRY. FOR BALE Betting eetm for ala in Rhode Island Red. Borne iptcmllr selected eggi. Learn order at Dlven'a store. Mrs. C. C. Ceatea. Biarl818Uh BABY CHIX White Leghorn. Heavy lay ing strain. April and May, 50, f a ; 100, 18. Hatching eggs 76c per 16. Agency Queen Incubators and Brooders. Katr view Poultry Farm, Vale, Ore. James Filer, Prop. aprl-tf-ehg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, Real Estate. 160 acres. 40 acres tillable, acres in alfalfa, small orchard, balance pasturer land, fl room houne. good soft water at door. I Seven miles from town, one-half mile frdm station. Prtca 12500.00. Must be cash. Box 407, Ontario. Oregon. Oscar Jacokes. aprl-fitrchg. SUPERB EVERBEARING Strawberry plants (1.26 per 100. J. a. Clark. Payette, Idaho, Box 19a. aprl-4ichg. WANTED BUCKS TO PA8TURE. ilution. Phone 204J. Cairo Petitions Filed in Probate Court Estate of John A. Morton, 3-21) 22. Enterprise Want Ads will bring results. Cost but a few cents COMMERCIAL PRINTING of superior workmanship at the Enterprise office. , the nterprlsat office. Coming to Baker SPECIALIST in Internal Medicine for the past eleven years. DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at Geiser Grand Hotel Saturday, April 22nd. Office Hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY No' Charge for Consultation Dr. Mcllenthin is a regular erad- uate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He vaults professionally the more im portant towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip free con sultation, . except the expense of treatment when desired. According to his method of treat ment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re suits ir diseases of the stomach, liver. Dowels, blood skin., nerves, heart kidney bladder, bed wetting, catarrah, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail ments. , v If you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any better, do not fail to call, as inv Droner rruiaHurea rather than dis ease are very often the cause of your long standing trouble. Remember above date, that con sultation on this trip will he free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be acaoxn- panied by their husbands. Address: 336 Boston Block, Min- nenpoliH, Minn. Professional Directory ATTORNEYS O. at. CKANDALL 0. K. C RAND ALL CR AND ALL & CRANDAIX Attorneys and Ceansekua At Law Vale, Orsaea Geo. C Davis ' Bruea K. Keater DAVIS KESJEU Attorneys and CeaaaelWra at Law Vale. Oregon Meisea Bid. .. VsJs, Ore. BOBICRT D. LTTLN AttesTsMjr First National Bank BldaT. Vale, Oregon fhuae aa B. O. WBKEJ.BR Attorney ana Ceansetuv at La lratiee tn nil Coarts and 0. 8. Land Office CollceUone Hejecn Bldg. -t Valo, Oregon) DOCTORS r. Paallne sWars Dr. Harris fleer OS'! KOl'ATHIC PHVB1U1ANS Graduates of American School ud Osteopathy Kirksvllle. Mo. js Hjilldlng Worth of Vale Drug Store ENGINEERS John B. Aohneoo J. Edwin Jobbm JOBNSON BNGINBKJtlNO CO. LUenses) K sally DseUra Lana LecsWrs Tewnsbrn bias rristas Servcrlna es Baaineerlna UNDERTAKERS T. T. MBLSBN Vale Oreeen V-as-aato iraeertekls Ffarleru Fine IBii e of Uadertakluar KPlks Service. PWessa TT Auto Hm, HutteriKTODDora nrintssd art thai MELLENTHIN " - . EnterprUtf job shop, I I '4. x Legal Adveitisements SUMMONS Equity No. 210. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OKEOON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY ROBERT F. NICHOLS, Plaintiff, 0. F. WILDHABER, Bankrupt, and LELA W1LDHABER. his wife, and. rTrustee of the Estate of said G. F. Wildhabsr, Bankrupt, Defendants. To O. F. WILDHABER, Bankrupt, and to LELA WILDHABER, his wife, of the above named defendants : IN Til El NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Yon and each of you are here by commanded to appear In the above en titled court and cause, within six weeks after the first publication of this summons upon ynu, which date of first publication is March 26, 1822, then and there to answer or otherwise piead to the complaint filed herein ; and If you fail so to do, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: For a Judgment against you upon the first cause of suit set forth in said com plaint, in the sum of 11676., with ltnterwt thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per an num from the 8th day of November, 1920, until paid, and for a reasonable sum to be fixed by the court as attorneys' fees in said first cause of suit, and for hie costs and disbursements. And for the foreclosure of that certain mortgage declared upon in said complaint, covering the Lota 18 to 24, inclusive. In Block 8, Hartley's Third Addition to the Town of Vale, Oregon, and for an order for the sale of said premises as upon ex ecution, and that the proceeds thereof be applied In satisfaction of said judgment. And for judgment against you upon the second cause of suit In the sum of (223.26, with interest thereon at the rate of S per cent per annum from the 9rd day of December, 1921, until paid and for a roasonable sum as attorneys' fees In said second cause of suit; and that the lion de clared upon In said second cause of suit be declared to bo a valid and subsisting lien against the premises above described, and for an order for the sale of said prem ises in satisfaction thereof. And for such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet and equit able. This summons Is served upon you by publication, by Order of tha Hon. Dalton Biggs, Judge of the above entiUed Court, duly made and entered herein on the 23rd day of March, 1922, which said Order di rected that summons be published in the Malheur Enterprise for a period of six weeks, commencing with the issue of the !6th of March, 1922. DAVIS A KESTER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Residing at Vale. Oregon. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S BALE IN FORE CLOSURE. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE, duly Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- gun, uounty or Malheur, dated the 8rd day of April, 1U22, In a certain suit in the said Circuit Court for said State and County, wherein E. D. Hamilton as Plaintiff, re oovered judgment against Claud E. Wood md Chas. W. Polk as Defendants, tar ,h. sum of 14500.00 with Interest thereon at the rata of 7 per cent per annum from the 25th day of February. 120, and $450.00 Attor ney fees and the further sum of IIB.DU costs, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's office of said Court in saiu ixranty on the 24th day of March. 1922. Therefore notice Is hereby (Wen, that I will on the 8th day of May, 1922, at the hour of 11 :00 in the forenoon of said day. at the north main entrance door of tha Court House, at Vale, in said County and State, sell at public auction to the highest bidder or bidders for cash, the following described real property to-witt N'jNEH, SEVLNEV4, of Sec 18, Twp. 15, S. Range 44. E. W. M. e'w 2Mf Se!" 18' TwP' 1B' S' 45 44NENW MMf 8e' TWP' 18' K,nB N'jNEVi of Sec. 14, Twp. 16, 8. Range 44, E. W. M. The above real property with its appur tenances, taken and levied upon as the property of Claud E. Wood and Chas. W. Polk, defendants, by virtue of a Mortgage liven thereon by the above named Defend ants, or as much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy said judgment in favor of E. D. Hamilton, together with all casta and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, thia 8rd day of April, 1922. H. LEE NOE, 8herlff Data of first publication April 8th, 1022 Date of last publication May 6th. 1922. Sale May 8th, 1922. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE COUNTY" COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR. In the Matter of the , Estate of Vincil Shrader, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned. Pierce Shrader, Administrator of the estate of Vincil Shrader, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against said deceased to exhibit them with the ne oessary vouchers, within thirty days, at his residence, about seven miles from the town of Harper, the town of Harper being hts postoffice address; or at the County Court, of Malheur County, State of Oregon, within thirty days after the first publication of this notice, the same being the place for the transaction of tha business of said ae tata. Dated this the rd day of April, 1022. PIERCE 6HRADKR, Administrator. R. Q. WHEELER, Attorney fur Adminis trator, residing at Vale, Oregon. NOTICB OF BHBBIPri IALB I BOB- CLOBUBBL BT VIRTUB OF AM BIBCUTIOB Nl FORECLOSURE, duly isensd by aha OUrft of the Circuit Court of the State at Ore gon for the County of Malheur, dated ae 9th day of March, 10U, in a certain rait hi tha said Circuit Court for said Btmte aa County, wherein Bank of harwouct aa Plaintiff, recovered J u lament against C. B. DeVol, John B. Hedges and Charles Jones, as Defendants, in the sum of Three Haudrea Fifty (1160.00) Dollars, with interest from tha 22nd day of March, 1B28. at the rata of at per cent per annum, and Fifty aao.00) Dollars Attorney fees, and tha further ansa of (172.59) curts. which Judgment was -rollea and doeketsd In tha Clerk's office of said Cuart in said Geaatr H as ra e W Vara, lint. THKBXFORB HOTICB M Bnarr orVEN. Tbat 1 will on tha lath assy wt April. 1VO. at the hoar of 11 o'clock at tha forenoon if said day. at tha North eaaln entrance dour f the Court House, at Vale, saia county ana nusie, seal at pabiss nne lion to the highest bidder or bidden fee cash, the following described rani proper, towlt: BWH, of staetkaa Is, Township IT, 8. Range 48, E. W. M. Taken and larked apoa as tha property of the said above rtaaaea Defendants O. SI Da Vol Joha B. Hedges cut a Charles Janes. mar Ac muca thereof ac fnar be .asssssary te satisfy eald judgment to isvua of Baak oi anvrwood, and against tna above Mated Be iesalanta, with Interest thereon, together wisk an coats ana aamirsesneata teas ,kave or aay accrue, ibsaed at Vela, Oregon. Oils ttk das- ac Masaa. lMs. H. LEB HUB, Sheriff. Data of fe-ss poblleatioa Karen 1L int. Xlatsi of assl pnbieafloa April Sea, Ittt. jbata sef Bals, April IOCS. 1MB. .rTa('B OB FINAL WIT LIM rarer. IN d'HB COUNTY OOOstT fus) MAU HE.IJU LUUM'II, V 1 A 1 s Or UHIXJ014. In th Mauler uf the Batata of Fred teller men .aleceaseo. NO Tit a,' Id HEREBY OIVBM. Tfcat aVe uniierasyswaL. Hannah Oellarman, the duly appointed, uaalified and acting aaeentrtx uf the estate) of Fred OeUeruaa, dmsaisa. baa filed hmr final account and report aaa by order f said Court duly auade and eo tared un the ata day of Mareti, Ills, use hearing ea caid account will be held al Ufce Court Boesa of tua above entitled Cuart as the Court Huusa at Vale in said Coaata aad State ua Monday, tha 10th day of Arrn. Xtii. at II o'clock a. ov, at which Mass aad place auy and all objactlons. so sent fluai acoeual and report will ha heard, aad nil persons auaosrned thereia arc furtaer notified ts he pees salt aad snow cause, v any they hoc, wng said aeeuuat aad re port should not he approved, settled aad al lowed, and Us taavienisiacd daehara4 aa such exeeutrU. Dated at Vale, Or area, this tut day at Mar saw )s2. HANNAH OUXBUMAN. avueutrlx of tha asUa) at Fred CeJIernaaa, Ussninsd, .