Saturday, October 1C, 1X1 TWO MALHEUR' SajgfiRPWSft VI EGO. jHaUjeur Enterprise PUBLISHED BT MALHEUR PUBLISHING COMPANY WM. rKAMCIS F. SEEM AN Mniwln Editor Adrerthlnir RprientfltW The Amprlcnn Pre AMoclntlon MALHEUK COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER OaaMnlty Correspondent. I'ulillnheni Autocajiter lllatratt Newi Service. Member Ortson Stnto Editorial Association, nd Ad Cot fUMillKD EVERY SATURDAY AT VALE, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON Entered lit tht Vale, Oregon, Ppst Office aa Second Class Mail Matter BUHHt KIPTION KATES IN 'ADVANCE Canada a-nd Foreign Subscriptions, Postage Extra fWOHN CIRCULATION, JANUARY 1st, 120.... - OVER 2900 EASTERN ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: Press Association. 225 Went 89th Street. New York : People Can Bulldln: Advertlsinfr Hntm SO Cents , Per Column Inch for Stereotypes. Comnoaitio 'yyU EKtjra. Standard Ued Franklin Printing Prist Lbt Quoti-d on All Job Printing To mil U attention of the thinking men and women of Malheur County to varlou raiiass of the dar eCfectlng their prosperity, welfare and happiness ts the sincere aim f law fceJUrlal policy of the Mnlheor Enierorlse. ...W hat benefits didt be derived denend it action you take. I alking. writing, thinking, must be followed by action any reenlU. Are yon doing your part In behalf of the county In which yon lire - DOES MALHEUR NEED A CHANGE TOO? "' Speaking of contemplated and desired changes in f .Y J.1 I A J.' . 1 i! f1 - i 1 j i.i Aiauonai Administrative government Drings to mina tne , question of what are the people of Malheur County going ' to do? How are they going to demonstrate their loyalty ' A. At ! Jl. .1 . II Jl .1 -i . io uie principles mat an tninKing Americans are reaay to . demonstrate that they stand lor at the coming election The present County Court's offices in the County Court ; House are not open to the public but about six hours each weak, 'i he rest of the time those offices are locked, and the Judge was one of the Democrats who sought an in crease in the present salary of his office, contrary to what was taciuy understood Dy tne people at tne time that he was elected. , The office of the District Attorney is a misnomer en . tn. as far as the accessabilitv of Prosecutinir Attorney CSSgfar In an official capacity is concerned at the seat of farernment, and when he was elected he said that he wemd make every effort to see that this office was nron. eriy eared for and that the affairs of the office should be administered from the Court House. The office of the County Agricultural Agent is al ways onen to the neonie of Malheur Countv. hut Arrent. T. . R. Briethaup is in Vale not to say anything of the office of lae farm tfureau, but about two hours of each month, ana my tne weakest attempt is made to maintain the of fice in the county seat. The Boys and Girls Club Leader 01 Jttaineur County is seen in Vale only on the rarest oc eions, and then but for a few moments at a time, and this is another of the county offices that is paid for by tke taxayers, and many contend that the place for this and all of the other offices and officers is in Vale, the county seat. A Republican County in a Republican State has near ly every office filled by a Democrat and of all the offices tm the Court House, there are only two that are open even hours each day, viz: the County Assessor's office ad the Sheriff's office. The office of the County Clerk is open every day for about eight hours, with Deputy County Clerk Harry S. Sackett on the job all of the time, bot County Clerk Arthur M. Moody is not in the office attjeh. These'questions and facts are brought to the at tention of the people of Malheur County so that they may bear them in mind when they are performing the func tions of every true American when he or she delegates Who shall represent them for a term in the public offices. Now the Democratic County School Superintendent fa teaching in the Vale High School, and that necessitates the closing of that office during most of the business hours of each day. This may be within the law as liter ally construed, but it does not seem to us that it is ior any oinciai elected to represent the taxpayers to at tempt to serve two masters, whether it be in the form of two jobs or in any other form. 0 NO REGARD FOR TRUTH HIP! HIP! HURRAH! EVEN HOOVER COMES IN! Mr. Cox has a habit of beincr misinformed. He has n habit of making sweeping charges and then letting them .. -& . "L i l i . m . ' urg wxien ne cannot specuy instances. At least two in stances of this sort of thing are before us, his charge that the United States Navy was shanhaiing men into service aad his charge that the Republicans had a $15,000,000 eampaign iuna. ivir. cox doesn t seem to care for the truth. The Dalles Chroncile. J WHAT you lose vv thru baking failure must be added to baking costs it has to be paid for. Calumet Baking Powder v.-ill save you all of that. De cause when you use it- there are no failures - no Id -..;s. Kyery bak iiitf is tweet und palatable and stays moist, tender und delicious to the last tasty bue. That's a big saving but that isn't nil. You save when you buy Calumet ami you gave when you use it. ':' II I Mi' W UU Cpra BAKI5CG POWDER jklW' "BEST BY TEST" $i si 5 j-.f i .i-i 'v''(i!.' ' , It i i reasonnble in cost and rossts'g more than the or- ilinuryleaveniiibtrent!tli. You pay less atul l.: e less. You yet the most in purity, dependability and whole BoniinebS. In every way it is the best way to l;eep down bak- Inn co: ts. Thai's what has made It the world's bieeest ki-lhng baking powder lias kept it the favorite t'f millions of housewives for mure than thirty year I'o tin I c.m ofaliimet contuini full "ly'l'l""' la'"llt IKiw Ierneoiiie in 1J e. iiisleiid of 16 iii. r aim. lie wiie von eit a v.nml when you want it In a recent issue of the Portland Oregonian, Herbert Hoover, who helped the Democrats spend some of the bil lions of the many billions of money so prodigously thrown to the fou winds; one whom they preferred as their Pres ident, comes out with his name signed to a full column, telling the people of the United States why the country should make the much needed change in our administra tive government. In one paragraph of his article derog atory to the Democratic regime, he says: "I have no doubt our Democratic friends will argue that they are martyrs to adherence to a great principle in the unmodi fied covenant of the League of Nati'jns. They are seek ing martyrdom upon a false premise," and then he goeo on to tell why the League is such a dismal failure, merely an attempt to saddle our nation with the DRF. a ?! POLICIES of an impractical dreamer, wbn v ::.ut:y promulgated the same "Dream of Perpetual Peace" that no doubt the Black Chiefs of the African Jungles in the days of old, dreamed of as a solution of the problems of existence un der what was then and is now, a cruel law of nature, but nevertheless a true one "The Survival of the Fittest," all Pacificism to the contrary considered. In one part of his letter Mr. Hoover says : "There are great domestic issues, delayed by or accumulating out of the war, that have been insistently demanding solution ever since the armistice. It was the business of the Dem ocratic party to have assembled the best brains of the United States before each of those problems, to have pre vented the advancing cost of living, to have found solution for the difficulties of our agricultural industry,"- to have inaugurated constructive methods of resettlement of the land, the development of our industrial employment re lationship, the protection of child life, the solution of our deficient housing, reorganization of the business adminis tration of the federal government, and a host of other do mestic questions. Nearly two years have passed since the armistice. JNone ot these things have been accomplished we have only promises. The failure in these domestic necessities has already imposed a terrible cost m our daily living and will yet impose vast unemployment on .great numbers of our countrymen, lhe responsibilities of croy ernment should now, therefore, be transferred. I should ike to have seen the Republican party take a more ad vanced position on many things, but the party has the skill, constructive ability and spirit to meet the issues in tront oi us. It it fails to provide peace on terms that pre serve the great principle to which it has pledged itself ; if it fails to attain it by methods that will secure the good will of the entire world ; if it fails to provide these jrreat measures of internal progress and reconstruction that we so urgently require, it deserves no more consideration our years hence than the present party deserves today, DO NOT BELIEVE IT WILL FAIL. Senator Harding has shown a'iine aspiration and ability to secure co operation of the entire government and the nation in these solutions. I, therefore, whole-heartedly support the Re publican candidates." This from the man whom the Democrats wished to nominate for the Presidency of the United States, in view of his purported efficiency as "a spender" in a money-mad and money-squandering campaign that was carried on in the face of all common sense and is still being carried on in the face of just criticism, and in opposition to the sin cere efforts ot a Republican Congress. The Malheur Enterprise and every part and parcel of Malheur Publishing Co., are deeply gratified to learn at this late date, with the defeat of every Democrat staring lem in the face, that Herbert Hoover comes out and runs until he is out of breath to climb aboard the G. O. P. band wagon. After his association of the past few years and after what he has done in that environment for the past five years, we are still skeptical as to his reason for the change of mind. After he has served for a few years on the right side of the fence, we may grant that he has not "flopped over" merely to be in with the winners for the next great number of years to come. O HARDING IS APPLAUDED At a movie the other day the pictures of the presiden tial candidates were thrown on the screen. Cox came first, and there was nary a clap, but when Harding's fol lowed the house went wild. We will bet dollars to dough nuts that mighty few in the audience knew anything in particular about either candidate. It was what each stood for, and those that applauded knew that Harding stood for an end of Democratic policies and mistakes. Harding stood for success and. was applauded, while Cox represented the dead. What more do you want? Hills- boro Independent. O THE HOPE OF AMERICA The Wilson-Cox Covenant may be the "hope of the world," but the Harding-Coolidge Covenant is the "hope of America." Dufur Dispatch. llli."t'?.",.7 mm mmmm Wirv v "ft SiJawk. 4 fSflr: If Its a cinch' to figure why t " 1 t WsJy? Si i-"t Vou should know why Camels are so unusual, so refreshing, so SHtfefvirg. First, quality second, Camels expert blend of choice Turkish atv.l choice Domestic tobaccos which you'll certainly prefer to either kind s:rkl:od straight I Camels blend makes possible that wonderful mellow mildness yet all the desirable body is there I And, Camels never tire your taste! Youll appreciate Camels freedom Iroin any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or unpleasant cigaretty odor I For your own satisfaction compare Camels puff by-puff with any ciga rette in the world at any price I t timfta are ot vveryivhBrm 11 mt mntifically tru hd pgekalea of3Qcif , ft.r JJ ii.nt. oi Inn pa.kanrn I 3UO .-le-irrtlea) in gltttmiam r-.t'.-' 'vervd eartsn W Htrontly reeoinitetid thta carton to itm oj t.fhct ftuApi oi when you travtii. '. I. REYNOLD- T'MTO CO, Win.ton-S.lom, N. C WHO is the "purchasing agent" of your family? We'll wager the "lady of the house" does most of the buying. Is she de ciding on Oregon-made products and help ing to make Oregon a better place in which to live? The long and varied list of quality articles made in Oregon includes almost everything one needs. For the larder CANNED FRUITS CANNED VEGETABLES COFFEE CHEESE FLAVORING EXTRACTS CATSUP BAKING POWDER CANNED FISH PREPARED MEATS For Instance In the clothing lines there are BATHING SUITS SUSPENDERS LADIES WAISTS BLANKETS OVERCOATS MACKINAWS SHOES OVERALLS HATS AND CAPS NECKWEAR SHIRTS GLOVES BUY OREGON PRODUCTS Associated Industries of Oregon si And then there are SOAPS BROOMS STOVES FURNITURE BRUSHES PHONOGRAPHS TOYS REFRIGERATORS TRUNKS SUITCASES TENTS AD INFINITUM MANY BAG LIMIT OF BIRDS Vale llunterH Go After Gaudy China rheUHiiiitH Last Sunday. Some Keturn With The Limit, While Others Were Not An Lucky Culumet Sunsliiim Cka) Keiip li rupof buttrr, H; eilpi K'mi'l lilted HilKXl, 2' j cups Hour, 1 cup, 2 level teaspoons C' met Making Powder, 1 tea spoon lemon, vulk of 9 eKcs. l'hen mix in tu regular sy. Sunday, October 3rd, marked the opening of the 1'heasant scusim which loses with sunset next Sunday, Oct bcr 10th, and many were the hunters eal und liretended, who thoulderel , arious types of firearms, pocketed i their particular pet loads of shot, and meandered with broud and noble ! stride to the wilds of the nearby fields 1 alfalfa, grain stubble and sane- j rush, to try tneir luck, pluck und en urance in the hunt for the coverts of ' he elusive bird of eoreeous plumiiKU. ! While many returned with only one ! r two of the lieautitul birds that are ; ver in such urreat demand ns a table ! delicacy, nevertheless some of the i more persistent and knowing, and it may be added, lucky hunters returned with the bat; limit of three cocks and two hens for the duy's efforts. I New Short Line Agent Here The recent change in agents at thu Vale station of the Oregon Short Line brings U. K. l'oust, of (ilenns Ferry, Idaho, who will have charge of the local station. Agent l'oust in tends bringing lua family to Vale as soon us possible. Forinxr Agent J. II. Hrcnnan was transferred to lleyburn, Idaho. 8uberibe u th Mnlhvur EnUrprU. W print ll lh uuuty nil oll u all tha s '?1 &;h?U -F&y 'J?2-$, GENE MELADY The f Taster Man" f lb lir Stock Trad Your Profits Depend! Upon Your Sales Ship Your Range Cattle and Sheep to MELADY BROTHERS Live Stock Commission Merchants OMAHA .The Firm of 100 Service For Twenty Years the Most Progressive, Aggreioe Expert Salesmen ol Range Cattle and Sheep in the Live Stock Industry. OUR MOTTO RESULTS, NOT EXCUSES Bill Your Shipments the Melody Way AVV JO SERVICE SAFETY SATISFACTION WRITE US for market information and stock paper free of charge.