Saturday,' October 9, 10 TWO MALHEUR ENTERPRISE, VALE, OREGON ptalfi eur (Enterprise PUBLISHED BY MALHEUR PUBLISHING COMPANY Wat FRANCIS F. SEF.MAN Mana-tlna; Editor Pmminn Advertising Representative The American Press Association MALHEUR COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Cm fitly Crresponr1entj:. Pah lip hem Anto-ranter Service. Member Oregon State Editorial lllatratl Newt and Ad Cmt Aaaociation. 1 UBLJSHED EVERY SATURDAY AT VALE, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON Entered et the Vale, Oregon. Post Office a Second Claae Mail Matter SUBSCRIPTION KATES IN ADVANCE Canada and Foreign Subscription!, postage Extra 4WOKN CIRCULATION, JANUARY lt, lt20 ..OVER 20H EASTERN ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: Atnertea Pre-n Andoclntinn, 225 Wt SUth Strwt, New York': People Cm Bu.ldfnjr, tTaleagn. Advertiaim? Rate. 30 Cent Per Column Ineh for Sterenlypm. Corn portion Ctita Extra Stanilnnli7.fM Krnnklin Printing J'rht I. twt (Jtrntod on i AIIJob Printing. Ta rail the attention of the thinking men and women of Malheur Count? to varloua yrafct of the dn eifrrting their prnperity, welfare and nnppineaa la the alneere aim wf the Editorial policy of (lit tf nlhrur Enterprise. What benefit mar be derived depend pan what action ; p lake. Tiilkirix, writing, thinking, munt be followed by action to ffcoaaajtaa any re-wltA. Are you doing your part In behalf of the county In which you lire? SHOULD MAfiONKS RETURN? VALE MAYOR IS JAILED FOR SLEEPING ON JOB Mayor Wildhaber Overcome by In sistent ( all of God Morpheus and Drives Horn Throughout Entire Council Meeting Touncilmcn Leave Him in Building The entire city of Vale is nj-op-with consternation and many of the people are threatening dire things, as a result of the actions of Mayor G. W. Wildhaber, at the last meeting of the city council, held at the Chamber of Commerce rooms on Fri day night, October 1st. The -story after the facts, as ascer tained by a reporter of the Malheur Enterprise, follows: The Mayor called the meeting to order, and a short time after it was noted tha he was experiencing great difficult. in casting ott temptation, refusing to heed the gentle whisperings of the god of sleep, Morpheus who was evidently weaving an enticing lairy story of the wonders to be found in the labyrinth of pleasant paths where one is promised such an abundance of happiness and where one may ac complish such remarkable and phe- nominal things. At last he became so imbued with the drugs of restful sleep thut he lay down on one of the soft upholstered lounges and im mediately he went on a hog driving trip while the council was presided over by Councilman C. VV. Nelson. The Mayor continued to drive his herd of hogs while he emitted various sounds that he thought were proper and necessary to guide the herd through to safety, and as the council finished the numerous problems and intricacies of the city's business they adjourned to the tune of the Mayor's high-speed gear, which was then making a rasping noise of protest because the orank-case was running low on lubricant. It was then that the councilmen held a lengthly con ference and they agreed to play a practical joke on the Mayor, as pun ishment for "sleeping on the job." They decided to darken the rooms, lock the doors for the night and while they were at it they got some rope and tied the doors from the outside. After a time the Mayor awakened and tried to get out. Find ing that he could not do so he became insistent in his calls for liberty. That failing, he started in to "raise Caio" and after the proper term as a sentence had expired he was allowed to again look on the light and glories of the outside world. The Stage Villain and the Virtuous Soubrette BOYS AND GIRLS ARE WINNERS . Should Diogenes return today in this world of political chaos, where there is so much of doubt and some mudslinging, he would no doubt feel as though it behooved him to return to the nether world and again rest in peace. But assuming, for the sake of argument that he did come suddenly among us, there is one thing that is certain he would iinu in politics one honest man whose word has been and is his bond. A man who has come out like the true gentleman that he is, who has stood on an honorable platform in his daily life, is re spected and in many cases honored as a man of striking ability and who, contrary to the usual political ineundo resorted to almost invariably by the man who seeks election to a public office, has openly stated that he seeks an office at the hands of the people at the forth coming election on Tuesday, November 2nd. There are many people who now see through the psychological rasoning of the poHtical artisan who says that he does not want the office, but would take it as a favor to the populas at'Jarge and for the benefit of humanity gener ally. This man wants the office and is working to get it and believes that his record and his desire to serve the people of Malheur County are both within the code of a gentleman and a clean desire to fill an office competent ly. The man referred to is Robert D. Lytle, of Vale, who is a candidiate for the office of District Attorney of Malheur County, running on the Republican' ticket. He is a man who has played a square game in his daily life for the five years that he has been a resident lawyer of the county, and those who vote for him are sure to know that they have voted for a man who will play the game square, with partiality toward none and equal justice and mercy toward all. 0 SHOULD STAY THERE Matrimonial matches that are supposed to be made in Heaven should stay there. They are surely out of place in a divorce court, where all the petty and sordid elements of life, as it is lived, are aired for the benefit of the morbid curiosity seeker who dotes on wearing out the benches in those tribunals, not to say anything of his "pants" and the patience of self-respecting people. MAY HE A SMOKE SCREEN These shafts of accusation hurled bv Cox mav be the result of a desire on his part to dodge the real live issues of the campaign. If so he has failed to divert the public mind from the crying needs of the present and of which the prevalent unrest is but one manisfestation. Eugene Register. 0 "DON'T HANDCUFF HARDING" "Don't handcuff Harding. To tie his hands with an opposition Congress would be a national calamity," are the powerful words of an Eastern Republican writer. They are particularly applicable to the Oregon Senatorial situation this year. SMem Statesman. 0 . If AIM.UVr. and rnMQWUVATir.xr t i i n ., - fourth i) ace. Kathenne lioswell of in uespeaiung lor me Mountain west States a policy jvaie, won fifth place, in division 2 of wisely regulated development, Harding shows men- Mildred fonkiin f Cairo, cookery, won tal grasp of the problems that confront that region, im- 'SisS AvSniS mense as to its area and rich in resources that will, when f wo fillh pi--e in corn, conservatively unlocked, contribute mightly to the needs ; JXEZ -ShV Of the Nation. Albany Herald. I best five bl each project were selected. Local Tig Club Winners Given Trip To State l air, Where They Carry Off Honors. Only Four Counties In State of Oregon Top Them. Malheur County again comes into her own. Her sons and daughters, sent to the State Fuir at Salem Sep tember 27th to October 2nd, carried off one of the ribbons of honor, rank ing fifth. Violet Lees, of Honita, county win ner in sewing, Division I; Evadine Cockrnn, of Ontario, cookery; and Glen Rose, of Cairo, 1'ig Club winner, were each given the trip to the State Fair by the Malheur County Agricul tural Association, and while there they were members of the Club Camp maintained by the office of the State Superintendent of Schools. The club members heard lectures by Governor Olcott and other prominent men, saw the State House and all other of the Ktute Institutions and each had a good time generally, then the greatest pleasure of all was returning home with the signal honors that they won. Much interest was displayed in the Malheur County pig owned by Glen Rose, the pig which traveled such a long journey to be exhibited at the State Fair. This pig won third in the I'oland-China specials. A Malheur County booth was shown in the club department at the Fair, with exhibits in sevving, cookery, corn and potatoes. Violet Lees won the state championship in sewing, which entitles her to the two weeks in Cod- va is next summer, uavis i.ees won Sunday and Monday, October 10th and 11th SPECIAL DOUHLE HILL II T I Mpj A :: ROBERTSON-COLE I H ;; UHtK.-ftCIAL I R r-H"W":-:":":--:"!'-:--i. Theatre The Original Tennessee Jubilee Singers Negro Melodies, Comic Songs, Cabin Songs, llallads, Rag Time and Classic Selec tions. A Refined and High Class Entertainment. Added Attractions Episode (5 of "The Moon Riders," and International News. COME EARLY IF YOU WANT A UOOD SEAT V .1 ' TA.S ARB CAL. 7--& X - l ' RMMtNT WHEN WORM 7- STAGE BOOR . 111 1 Reproduced by pentnaslun New York Tribune, Inc., Copyrighted 1920. WESTFALL Hay Stack liurns Staue Contract Is Taken Many People Motor To Vale Receive Sheep This Week (Dorothy Woodard, Correspondent) School opened at Westfall Monday morning with a large attendance. Mrs. Li. M. Estes motored to Vale Wednesday to meet her husband, who returned to Westfall with her. -I. C. Medlin accompanied by his wife and small son, left for Vale last Tuesday, where he will receive some sheep he has just purchased from H. Waters. If. M. Muir is very busy this week with his thrashing machine. A. M. Highsmith and wife who have charge of the Westfall school this Year are living in Mrs. Corder's home. I' . Shular and family have moved to Idaho. J. Iiecker rented their ranch and will take possession soon. W. II. Woodworth mudu a business trip to Vale the latter part of last week. G. Olaypool has taken the contract for running the stage between West fall and Harper. H. K. Spieth of the Vale Machine & Welding Works, of Vale, made a busi ness trip to thjs city Friday. Wayne Hyde made a business trip to Ontario Saturday. Kelina A nan lost a 75 ton stack of hay a few days airo by spontaneous combustion. judgment in favor of C. B. Stanford and J. S. Shepherd, copartners, to gether with all costs and disburse ments that have or may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 7th day of October, 1!20. II. LEE NOE. Sheriff. By C. W. Glenn, D viuty. Date of first publication October 9, 1920. Date of last publication No vember 6, 1920. Date of sale Novem ber 9, 1920, at 11 a. m. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, Octo ober 4, 1920. Notice is hereby given that Owsley E. Carman of Vale, Oregon, who, on September 20, 1920, made Desert Land Entry No. 05030, for the EV4NW14, Section 8, Township 18 South, Range 45 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Final Proof, to estab lish claim to the land abovedescribed before Register and Reciever, U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, on the 13th day of November, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: . Bruce R. Kester, II. C. Eastham, John E. Bennett, H. J. Kennedy, all of Vale, Oregon. . THOS. JONES, 90ct.CNov. Register. Christian Church Rev. J. A. Melton. Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor i:30 p. Preaching, 7:30 p. m. Methodist Church 10 a. m Sunday School. 1 1 a. m., Preaching. 3 p. ni., Junior League. 7 p. m. Epworth League. 8 j). m., Preaching. Prayer service Thursda" p. m. t 4 I I : 3 evening Catholic Church Father O'llagen, Tastor. First Sunday of each month, Ser vices at Juntiiia. Second Sunday services at Vale at 9 A. M. Third Sunday services at Breuan and the Fourth Sunday at Ontario when Father Stack is in Jordan Valley. as net 1 1 niitl i- n !- on froi' f the in' f the fr- V ! cfV-'tn r incuts rolled fice o1 ' the Sill d.iv Children Under 12 Years Adults (War Tax Included) 2.")C. 75c. Tuexdiir mid ctlucday, Oct. 12 nd I J Win. S. Hart in "Sand," ml a new $lli(l,(riO Hundd Lloyd Comedy ''Humping lulu Broadway." Thursday and Friday, Oct. II and IS Lois Glomm in '"Subaru." a big vivid utory of the hot desert Funds. Also comedy "Guff and Gun Pluy." Saturday, Oct. HI Billie IturKe in " Way Goes Prudence," and a Seimelt Comedy, "11 'rr Go." Coming Sunday Oct. 17 Jiimei Oliver t'uiwooil's sensation " To God's Country." NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution duly is sued by the Cl-rk of the Circuit Court for Malheur County and State of Ore gon, dated the Idih day of September, 1920, in a certain action in the Circuit Court for "iid S ate and Comity, w herein i '. II Si nr ford and J. S. Shep- , j herd, co " I ner.-i, Plaintiffs, recov ered in i m n: inst K. E. Norvnll, . van , f ' the sum of Two !" r v ive and 80-100, ) !V!I r . with interest there ' ' ' lay of June, 1920, at "r '.' i cent per annum, and ' . of five and '20-100 , costs and disburse m i li judgment was en 1 d in th Clerk's of "i in said County on f :'eiitfmber, 1920. Which eMciition commanded me to satisfy said judgment in favor of C. It. Stanford ami .1. S. Shepherd, co partners, out of the personal property of the said Defendant, or if sullicieiu could not be fumd then out of the real proper' y belougimr to tmid Defendant in Malhinr County, on or after the Mil day of September, 1920. Therefore, r.oi ice is hereby given that. I will on the 9lh day of Novem ber, 1920, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the North Main Entrance Door of the Court House, at Vale, in said County and S' ite, sell at public auction to the bidder or bidders for cash, the following described real property to w it : The Fast half of the Southeast Quitter lE'vSE',1 of Section Four teen (II) Town.-hip Nineteen (19) South. K. me,. I'o i . -t'oin n ' v M. Also Twenty shares of Stock in the lin ker Ditch Company, al.-o known as l lie .1 II. Ditch Company. The above real properly "'th its ii'pi'i teiiaiici s taken and levied upon as tin' prosily of the said D feiid aet. K. K. V'l will, or a much thereof us m.iy be tuce..-.u y to bull, fy ulj Thanatopsis. The word Is of Greek derivation and means "view of death." As used In Rryiint's poem It might he Inter preted lis "n meditation on the sub ject of death." PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ATTORNEYS Gro. E. Davis Bruce R. Keitat DAVIS & KE8TEK Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Vale, OreKon Ni-lifn nidtt. .- Vale. Or H. C. EASTHAM Attorney and Counsellor at Law U. S. Bank Hldir. Phone 248 Vale -Oeegrofi JUI.IEN A. HURLEY Attorney and Counsellor at Law Offices Nelson BuiUlimr "one 218-W -: Vale, Orestos ROBERT D. LYTLK . Attorney First National Hank Kids. Vale, Oregon lhulie 6 R. . WHEELER Attorney and Counsellor at Law I'mctice in all Courts and II. S. Land Office Collections Neisen Bide. -:- Vale, Oregon LESLIE J. AKER Attorney and Acrountant Income T, - Adviser Fostoff - IVuili'lne; Ontario. Orrpon UNDERTAKERS T. T. NEI.8EN Vale. Oregon Up-to-date Undertaking Tartar Fine line of Undertaking 8upplieo Auto Hearse Service l'hone H ENGINEERS John K. Johnson J. Edwin Johnnnr JOHNSON KNC! SEEKING CO. Urenned Realty Tralir-a Land ! orator Tnwnxhip Blue Priota Surveying A Ens inrvrinr IHve Rull-Mm? Vnle. Ortiroii DOCTORS !R. W. II. RKYNOI.Ofl Chiropratie Nrv Special.. Ki.rn 20S-4 Moor HoH OntnHrt Ore-jroP Malta A Bperl-lt. Of X-Rar Work K. n. HI'RROWfl. M. I), t'hjrttirian i.d Hurveon OfftCv ovt-r Vitlc Print Stor 1' hit tie 215 Vale, Ureon lK. K. K. SORVAI.L Nere Bneei-IUl Prurle Hnvaiirian Offlra, Ah. tract Hid wppo.. Oretel Flatet Vale. Orettun Phine 43 Phone Will Save Tiresbme Walk Phone the store and they will deliver. This is when the telephone proves a convenience. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO Malheur Home Telephone Co. J. A. Lakness, Vice-President and Gen. Mgr. I riVEiEi JE.1V V 1-Li At the Only Exclusive Battery Shop in Vale Expert Ignition Work That is Guaranteed Generators and Coils Repaired, Magnetos and otar ting Motors Made as Good as New. Store Room for Winter Storage of Batteries. f Wester Battery Service Station I Elmer Wester,, Prop. Phone 69, Vale, Oregon. t .;..-..X-.M..X--XXM- Kill That Cold With CASCARA,, Coogbi rOMv QUININE AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep t'lia r.landard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks i:p a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe i.i 3 daya Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form docs not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT FARMERS! If you want to buy Cattle and feed your surplus hay, call and talk the matter over with us, and if you need money to buy cattle, we will be glad to furnish the neces- sary funds. Farmers & Stock Growers Bank ft WE PAY 5 ON TllCrE CERTIFICATES AND SAVINGS Vale, State Depository Oregon $ lfr l" 's 'I' 'I' 'H"fr"frfr'H4"frls"J lHr'H"H,s"'S"fr,i''Hl -J's,H Dr. Fsullne Sear. Dr. Ilsrriet Sear. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Graduates of Anu-rtrsn Srhitol of Oteopalny. Kirkolll.. Mo. 1st Building North of Vsle Drua Store FARM LOANS Ranch. Ixiani. !0 Years. R iral Credit Hay and Gent-rat l-'lre Insurance C. C. Mt'KI.I r.K Real Eriala 1st Nat Rank . v lie. Oresr.,a H"H-':-3,M ! fr -H88-H-i-fr- ! ! Hill M ! ! f Through This Tire Of ours you will at last know real pleasure in driv ing your car. It is the tire that does not tire out after a few hundred miles on rough, rocky roads. This tire is built for hard service and that is what you will get out of it X Dr. Itobt-rt V. I'atlon Dentist Offices with Dr. H. W. Sin 'hammer I. 0. 0. F. VJe, Orcjfon. Guaranteed for many miles but usually gives t a great deal more. Schroder Tire & Vulcanizing Shop J VALE. .... OREGON i