Saturday, September i8, 1$2Q TWO ahL " MALHEUR ENTERPRISE, VALE, OREGON jMfceuv enterprise PUBLISHED BT MALHEUR PUBLISHING COMPANT WM TBANCIS F. SEEMAM , I .Mnln Editor rwHcii Advarthlns RpiwiiUtl-Th Amwlfan Praaa AwocUHon MALHEUR COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER aatWl CnBlnKr Camnpandntta. Pnbllahrra Aatoci-ter Illnatrattd Nawa and Ad Cat W ' Bark. Maaber Ortton Btata Editorial Aviation. FUBLISHBO EVERY SATURDAY AT VALE, MALHEUR COVNTY, OREGON Entered at the Vale, Oregon, Pout Office u Bceond ClaM Mail Matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN ADVANCE Canada and Forebrn Subssriptloiu, PoaUuia Extra SWORN CIRCULATION, JANUARY lot. IMS ..OVER EASTERN ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES i Amxriea Pros Anaoelatlnn, 25 Wat S9th Strert, Nw York : Proplea Ca Bullijlnir. IB Onta Extra. StanHardlrpd FranMip Printing Print JUtJatpjm All Joh Pjt- Ta call th attarrtlon f tba thlnklnr man and women of Malhrnr Coonlr to varion VrobWiu of th dar al'fii-tlnir hrlr proanerltr, wlfr and hanplnm la Ihe ilncora aim f Iho Editorial polity of the Malhear Enterprlne. .. Wriil kmrflta mar be derWed depend von wht action Too take. Talkln. wrltlnr. thlnklnr. mtit be fallowed br aetlon to aeeompltik any renlu. Are rem doinc roar part In be hi If of tho eoantjr In which yon lire? before on record. (They are "study in opposites.') Chum of his two fine boys John and Cavlin, Jr. Bged twelve and thir teen respectively "THE POT AND THE KETTLE" Trim and Incinerate Weeds Now is -the time, for all good men and true, together with their , wives and children and all of their rela tives,, to come to the relief of what is proving an unsightly eyesore to all of the residents of Vale as well as to the stranger in our midst, by cutting the weeds from the vacant lots and from out the streets and tho sidewalks. There Is a veritable har vest of the villianous herbage that has Bpread over sidewalks and path ways in most every part of Vale and in some places downtown, they are encoaching on the already unsightli nessof the landscape and townsite's appearance generally, which is bad enough in the impression that is created to the person who comes , here from other parts, without the negligent and unnecessary growth of the shameful weeds that are allowed to produce their seed and then next year there will be' even a larger crop than ever. . The weeds when trampled by the ,iasserby, give forth an offensive odorthat is odiously repulsive to the 'inr-r sensibilities. From the stand fM!?,i of sanitation alone, they should ha cut mid the stubble thereafter destroyed by fire. There is enough evil with us at all times and in all phases of animal life, without per mitting the inanimate things of evil to flout their ranks and offensive propagation in the face of every one. The city council recently passed a resolution to the effect that the ; property owners of the city shall be Icompclled to cut all weeds on their lots anywhere in the city limits and there is no better time to begin than .right now. Clean up for the Pioneers celebration. The city of Vale will clean up weeds out of the streets if you will get busy on your lot or lots. Coolidge at Close Range Governor Calvin Coolidge, Repub lican nominee for Vice-President, has a personality that grows on you with acquaintance. Everyone admits that he is of presidential caliber, and the public and press have receiv ed approval 'Senator Harding's state ment ho will welcome, when elected I Vice-President Coolidge into the counsels of his official family. Vice President Coolidge will therefore be a real assiatant to the President and not merely the presiding officer of the Senate. Governor Coolidge is known in Massachusetts as "Silent Cal, Sphinx of Hampshire county." One of the canniest, cleverest, most 'silent and most epigrammaticy poli jticial who ever 6lowly but surely 'climbed the political ladder. "Sticker" to Puritan standards, ppenking with an old-fashioned Yan ,kee drawl. Thorough master of tho English and of brevity. j Devoted husband to his vivacious wife, whom he is said to have wooed and won with fewer words than ever REPRESENT THE PEOPLE Happily the Republican party seems to have happened upon a pair of candidates for the presidency and vice-presidency who are typical re Drosentatives of the common people and tho average national everyday life. There are two working methods of government and one is the case of tho superman, who uses his per sonal talents to rule others. The second method is a popular voiae of government in which the citizens st'lect executives from among their own number to do tho governing. The nomination of Harding and Coolidce. then, ourht to give the nopi'lar government system an ex ceedingly fair chance again, Burns News. ' Fall and Wiinter Hats HATS Ladies' and children's fall and winter, any style and quality ranging from $2.75 to$22. Expecting shipment. of coats and suits, also new line of sweaters in a few days. g it Warmsprings Dry Goods Store Balgcman & Uutbidge Vale, - - - ' ' Oregon YOU CAN ORDEEW COAL TELEPHONE V V. The Public Service Commission Recognizing the justice of our claim for a fair increase, will give us a hearing in the City Hall, Ontario, at 10:30 a. m., September 23, 1920. Malheur Home Telephone Co. ' J. A. Lakncss, Vice-President and Gen. Mgr. Those Famous Tschirge Bartlett's and Butter Pears Ready After September 14th, 1920 Call or Mail Your Orders Early We Also Have the Splendid Angeles Pears And Othr Varieties The Tschirge Orchards E. V. Schroeder, Prop. Box 3 Rrogan, Ore. Fepm History of the American Peo ple .Vol. 4. Page 102., by Wood) ow Wilson ii In April, 1814, President Tyler sent to the Senate of the United Slates, a Treaty of Annexation, which he had negotiated with Texas. Secret negotiation, a piece of busi ness privately carried to completion and made public only when finished, suited well with the President's tem per and way of action. A man Na tually secretive fond, not of conceal ment, but quiet subtle management, not insincere, but indirect in the ways of his approach, he relished statecraft of this sort. The Senate rejected the Treaty by very decisive vote of 10 to 35. Men of both par tics alike, were deeply irritated, that tin President should spring this weighty matter upon the country in such a fashion, taking no counsel be forehand, save such as he alone choose to take. (A-47). SENATOR HARDING After the first inspection of Sena tor Harding as presidential candi date, the voters who have political leanings . in his direction are this early in the campaign pretty gener ally ready to give him their ritamp of approval. Klamath Falls Record. REAL DIRT FARMERS Mr. Cox need not worry about the farmers. The Repubican administra tion that is going to follow the De mocratic regime will sec to it that a real fai-mer fills the portfolio of secretary of agriculture. Albany Herald. HARDING SHOWS POLITICAL SENSE. Medford. Ore.. Aug. 21. 1920. One thing we like nbout Harding is his refusal to Indulge in personalities or ibuse. We have yet to hear him mention President Wilson or Gover nor Cox with anything approaching bitterness or disrespect. In this direction the Republican nominee shows not only excellent taste but ound political sense. Medford Tri bune. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION (From Portland Daily Oregonian.) The iustice of providing for the vocational education of persons in sured in industry is 'a lesson from the war. An act of Congress -provides for federal co-operation with the states and appropriates $750,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922. It seeks to make concrete the grow ing desire that no man shall be do- nrived of the means of earning an honest living through circumstances involving no fault of his own. This industrial rehabilitation mea iuro promises to revolutionize our inception of the place of so-called cripples in the world. Tho number of annual victims of industrial accidents is very large, exceeding the number, of those dis- iblid in tho period of active fighting in the war. The old way was to abandon the victim to mendicancy and to accept him as o rero in production; the new is to encourage him to add to the wealth of the world. In dollars and cents as well as in imponderable ways, the industrial victim repays many times over the money expended on liis re-euucalion. Mad Pianty of Tim. "Yes. hoys." continued the steeple jH-k, who was letlliiK true imtl thrill . iUK slorlt'M, "yes, I wns work Ink h i'Iih Ii lower one afternoon about twelve minute to 0, when 1 Kliupi'il, slid down i ln roof and cmixht on the lonif lnuul of the clods. There I iluiifli'd while Uo town folks collected below. So I yells to 'em, 'Sny you folks, uo home 'it your suppers. It'll be close to hulf an hour before I drop.' " OREGON HEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. - Formpr residents of Minnesota held a basket -picnic at Salem Tuesday. lrrigon is to have a new school building. Bonds for $40,000 have been voted and sold. The potato and whrat crops In the Deschutes valley will be unusually heavy this fall. John M. Jones of Portland has re ceived a recess appointment as post master at Portland. Recent fires, with an aggregate loss of $6000, caused citizens of Matin to call a meeting to organize a better fire department. , The Albany cannery will be en larged at once by the construction of a new structure, 60x90 feet, for a fruit and berry preparation room. Henry F. Mcllwaln, of Eugene, who has been seriously ill for a number of months, shot himself through the temple and death followed Instantly. Vivian L. Dunten, aged 66, farmer of Cainp creek, near Springfield, was stabbed to death during an alterca tion with William U. Elliott, a neigh bor. ; . Records of the submarine mine tar get practice Just completed at Fort Stevens indicate the phenomenally high score of 98 per cent on the figure of merit. Nine boys and two girls, whoso ages range from eight to 15 years, were rounded up at Salem on charges of committing petty thefts in different parts of the city. More than 75 per cent of the motor vehicle operators' licenses, based on a total of approximately 165,000 appli cations received, have been Issued by the secretary of state. For the first time In the history of the Oregon City Manufacturing com pany of Oregon City it closed for two weeks to allow employes and super intendents a vacation. The demand of the Northwest Mill ers' association for a 48, 000-pound car load minimum on grain products ship ments has been granted by the Oregon public service commission. First Lieutenant Maylon E. Scott, 77th field artillery. Camp Lewis, Wash., has been detailed as assistant military instructor at the Oregon Ag ricultural college, Corvallis. Application has been filed with the state engineer requesting state guar antee of Interest on bonds in the sum of approximately $250,000 voted by Oil v W0MPWvsX WSs!kjs. Your ncsr.a reason in ana season vur 5 Protect it NOW with NO Iionse or building, regardless of how well constructed, can long withstand the elements without the protection of good paint. Sunshine, rain, snow, ice and wind; all have their harmful effects in one form or another. Many old structures are in bet t e r condi tion than c o m p ara tively new ones be cause they have been p r e s erved through the use of good paint. I plaints p m 71 YEAR H .Every bru3hfnl of FULLER Paint applied 'to your house or building means not oniy protection against destructive elements, but keeps up ap pearances as well. FULLER Paint saves a great deal more than it costs. 71 years of FULLER Paint-making Ex perience has established a high standard of quality. Take a few minutes and realig a survey of your house or building. And remember there's a FULLER Pair.t or other Product for everything that needs prerervinir or beautifying. Look Up a ULLiriK Dealer in xour Town W.P.Fuller&Co. 1849-1920 Northwest Branches at Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Boise. Rose Mercantile Company, Agents, Vale, Ore. WHEN IN NEED OF JOB PRINTING PHONE THE MALHEUR ENTERPRISE AND WE WILL QUOTE PRICES Z L .-..?... 4.4a aW 'i I Goodyear Tires for Small Cars Are Popular Because Economical il Snskaa Powsr Over Birds. The buiouu of blologlciil survey states t tin t snakes do not charm bird In the understood sense of ths word YI1111 111." Tho Instinctive f(r that s bird or small animal, such as a rn li bit, has for a snsks paralyzes the muscles of (be blid or animal and prevents It esrsplim from the snake. To Clssn Pspsr.d Window. To roiuuvo atulnvd panel fruiu lHi usi ! Dlaknlvo lu . and apply wl h u'l old i.potk'e, being careful not to husa your har.ds. ' eiv on for a 'ew Dilnutes and scrap off wtlh a knife. Auolher wuy I li nel the pa wr well with common aiuuiouls or boiling hot vliii'Kur. Tto''Jsflrtir There is nothing but disappointment in buying cheaply made tires that are announced as wonderful bargains at a few dollars each and then fail after brief terms of service. Get exceptional mileage at exceeding ly low cost in Goodyear Tires, of the 30x3-, 30x3V2- and 31x4-inch sizes, built of Goodyear-selected materials and with Goodyear skill and care. Due to their precise manufacture in the world's largest tire factory de voted to these sizes, their quality is most economically produced and therefore most economically em ployed, j, If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell or other car taking these sies, go to your nearest Service Station for Goodyear Tires; ride farther and fare better. 'I 30 x 3',i GooJveur IXmbtc-Curc f)'! r. Fabric, All-Welher 1 rcuJ L J-i. Fabric, Anti-Skid 1 rcaj w L-r- -m fr r - T r --i-i -S " i. . llo:ivy Touri t Tube, cost no more than the prlc yoj w.c ofd lo pay fur tulicj of lcti merit why rUk coatly caiina when :.H sure protection is available? SO 30 x Vj ii nu.VrprtH tag l-- i! ill M.1 .'. y..--.. Ml ..I . T- r; Si 4