Ycur Co-operation Desired Sugger-ticns end support are so licited to help moke the 'Enterprise" a two representative of Vale, and Wallni ir County. Send a subscrip tion 'to a friend whom you wish to welcome, to thia country. The En terprise is absolutely independent, tiont.i everyone with the name fair ness, is ulways progressive, and urges your activity in the develop ment of Malheur County's great pos- . sibilitios. It is your paper and is working to develop your towns. Full News Service For All County Communities Largest Circulation In Every Section Of Malheur County Best Medium For All County and OaUide Advertisers. mm 0 f(1 a -: - Advertise in the Enterprise - The only paper that circulates throughout the Vholo of Malhur "County. It has more readers becaui? It prints more reiuliuir miUtr. Pe pie pay for the Enterprise becaube4 they want to. react the best reviews of Northwestern and world news; the most thorough reports of South eastern Oregon in igrtioi), 6tock, ol, fanning, minerU and community progress; the late.-t market ques tions; all filings in the U. S. Land Office, Vole district, etc. The Home Newspaper, Read In Every Nook of Malheur County. VOLUME -XI. NUMBER 40 LOCAL BUSINESS HCUSESJriERGED Newly Forined Corporation Absorbs Hayes Hardware And Vale Saddlery Com pany Converted Into a Large Department Store. Incorporated For $50,000 T rV VALEOREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1920 BOKITA SERVES SUMPTUOUS REPAST TO HER "SUBSCRIPTION .' $3.00 PER YEAR t-IIWONIKGH SCHOOL 3 IN IftDn AN VAl I FV Hi S''arm Rureaa Communities Are Active on Problems of Importance to KancneM in 111 JUULlAli fiiU-LI i n,tf,,rr RpHinnanf ho roimtv. Farm Ilureau Branch Will Be Organized at Uanita Next Month. Two Hundred People Enjoy Big Barbecue at Bcmta. FiURaiis Well on Jones Property Is Inspected by Large Delegation. Brcncho Riding, Foot Races and Other Entertainment Is Enjoyed BROGAN TO HAVtO YRAK HIGH SCH'JOL GKOWTH OF MALUF.nt COUNTY SHOWN HY SCHOOL FACILITIES ! i",vo ; ! By the merger which took place this week a new corporation has been formtd to take over the entire in terests of the Hayes Hardware and ,.Mso tho Vale Saddlery Company, Both of these institutions are' old reliable houses and have for years done business in Vale and with many of the people of tho county. The new progressive concern will be known !s The Rose Mercantile Com pany, incorporated by W. M. Rose, of tlx; Vale Suddlery Company, his wife, Mrs. W. M. Rose, and their son. A. G. Rose, who has spent the rst two years in Pendleton, Oregon, where he has been identified in gen- enil men-mule lines. The Vale Sad- I HE first Union High School to be organized m Malheur County is now an authorised reoily, culminated by the or ganization of the district coin nrisincr Jordan Valley, Sin;.- ville, Skinner anl Denncy. The school is to be located in tho ILU t ' On Tuesday evening the people of an exhibit for the count;- fair and Seligman showed such an Malheur met at the Odd Fellows : holding a community fliff. Mr. Tom taste that it 'looked like . it hBll to organize a branch of the . Logan was chosen to Wake arrange- been compel ed to M ini enough co;.ntv f irm bureau. Arrangements , ments for the exhibit at the county to take a photograph or two of the ? for the noting were made by Mrjfair and the ladies will be , given bunch) he woul. 1 have wluued thoee I Cr.n-.. Mr.rfitl wlw had been boost-; charge of the community fair. . !who .got a little start from ever it ' f the bU,"f U fV BoiUta Has Great Barbecue " as for IffckS ;.. tho oenet.t of his community and! n . ... . Bon(ta t'f ,'m,nhintoo small.. or J city oi joraan voney. n- o ..j -' i members leathered for a business I started for Jones' place to visit tha the Tery dporway of Vale, la contemplated that a l,,Ke mod- J.W nl 5"' of !ew pump oulfi? in Cow Valley, ? that of W Marquis, wholes ?! I? rfuLrvVv in.V I icPoV who f nreLlent Pof tie i"veil matters of' community andiHickox was" just finishing up the 1 three miles out on the Cairo ,. It built in Jordan Valley in t.ie IIrKox, who -is prcvuient oi "e interest The coopeiative last half of a raspberry pie. f road. This crop consists of It better way to iudge any ?ec- A. r.mt L "i- f speeches to set lortft H"-"" j" 1 .2Zt. coomng ciuu o I i way tion of the country than by it pchools end in ths appiicnc:n of that truth it mu.:t ba ac knowledged that tiie r- ocrc s i T ', , . -i i... th-.; V, !, , .r.t.nT nnH in fart f unuouDtecuy unsurpassici uy i'm' advani,?ie: of such an oreaniza-w . "' ""5,showea tnat me gins oi me ceiu- V.ti-.n. nd tho work of perfectinir the 6cepmi ana sat, n. a. Jones eciu munity nad made great progress 5 l;.cnl hmfieh of the bureau proceeded. tto,at position. ., along this line and had done work A -l .1: .... . 1. . i J III; IJITL u& . IJO ...VJ.1M1.. i ..... . TT 11 n milKI IHmi IK HlllUUltk VI dlery will be moved into the building: knowl e,i ged t t .ie pf ss h- v ,c ,u;,, , ,g 2," kwwer, when the two hundred orney. Then after the dinner, Miss now occupied by the "Hayes Hardware J Ivhih Plnnt-inl ' V tor tl - "'- fol lowed by thS K PeVe lined UP t0 march Past 'wTsot gave a canning demonstration and comrl-... line of general mer- 2 fr' ,XahTt int in Ml " i ? Hon of n o of t W thelwSn Sf ! table faden with -more than the f or hbenefit of tffe ladies, while .nilise. lneluilin? erocenes. boots. uuw n muwiwui... m . u, . . ... .. , , . - nrnvorhinl R7 vm-ictis of movender. u ,..- oVi tier in n HamnriRt.ra- vei vl.hincr that iroes to make ud R first class department store, with the oxc.'pt'ori of furniture, will be car ried. i he Rose Mercantile Company is incorporated for S50,000 and is to be a closed corporation. Its officers are W. M. (Billy) Rose, president, and .A. (1. (Andy) Rose- secretary and treasurer. Erbio Hayc3, proprietor of the Hayes Hardware, who ha3 just sold oui,'. sav3 that he has not decided just what he will now enter, nor.! where. Hj will probably go to roitland or some part of the Wil-Uin-.ette Valley. Sjiacious county fair buildings are going up at Albany, Oregon. STOCK RAISERS WILL VALE COMMUNITY HAS FARM BUREAU MEETING United States Biologies! Survey To Extennhiaie Gophers in Meadows Belcw Citv. Wei h for Alfalfa Meal-Mill : ' .,! nr4?.n .. t'nAlr TJIUVKlUiai Ul VSMluv v v " irnn TTIOYI WITM 1J1KII If III t& Utf III VII in L,I ll.rc. A nominating committee oflPe ladles had been busy for an jtion on ngation from the Jones 'h. ee Ti-mbprs was elected to report !hour or two P.revwus tq the joyful ,wella proposition that looks like a vVr a In ief recces Duiing the re- imement, carrying innumerable par-1 one Bd promises a new future cc-.-ik, s;.v,!al cc tha young ladies ic, pucbbbos mm ; ; itor Uow vauey r.nterta'n' .1 thos ;t:id vocid music. Tha committee on pi-ejsent with piano Ifrom we rneian w . Then came the horse races, bucking nominations l8 a temporary ..resting place for . ft bnaeball gBme. another 1 MALHEUR CROP IS-1 RECORD BREAKER i RANCHER MARQUIS HAS t BUMPER CROP OF WHEAT AND BARLEY GROWN . t ON NEW LAND UP T 1U 91A1XVAI1U L ALHEUR Counjy is fast I gaaning fame for the t . i(i7 esia v-'" tnofc are grown it'imu her borders and thfrre not seen them, unbenevnble. One of the most notable that V i i - v . w . s SPORTSMEN TO MEET AUGUST 25 Dr. Brown Cal's Meeting to Care Fr Matlers Before Club. Club Will Organ ize For Ccminj Hunting Season Seek New Mem bers For Orgsnizatisa, Dr. Frank J. Browu ha issne4 sre many of thtfaa crops th it If t call to arms of the in- mbr-rs of the tola oi are to mose wno aave vie iwu iej uu viuu, uw wnuu) the land was ever planted fore, aa this is the first year for water fo roach of the linds that lie under the Warmorinir t project. Next year thVJsijr dam t win nave pieniy oi wntei. all of these lands, as it will he collecting and storing the noun. tain and the river water. H''I''H'''"!"!"!"!"! 'I' I 1 'I ;tbe same. Phelan Seine Chef! As the appointed hour drew near, .... . J J J . i 1 . T V Pknlnn (hen lepoitci a;id its report was iidoftcd, reMiltin;; in the following 7'1, h t io 'V' Buyiosr and Marketing, m. 1 Km titt: community Jbet-1 peptimist .friend, J. V. phelan. ii.wn i (S. IT. HodtiM)! Pest Con- i r. a. i .i rol. ;. !J. Woramm; Crop Improve- ul(, eveP and anon be seen 'or more runners. Lester Haininack nr,', V. IX.- Denauk; Livestock Im- U ' PnBrlw dirpption. onlv won in the foot race, but hs hard ; !.- ; i.ion;, J B. Voodcock; Soil Im-ito reUlrn 8Kttin after a few moments ' prested by young Johnny ftoeian royciiu-!.. f Lj. i- L,ynae; farm Ke-jwith a myRterioua air of feed and th dance. Mr. Harry Reed won the rjrize money in the buckins; event, while his brother, Fred Reed, won both tke untried horse and free-for-all races against a field of eight ew moments i ' - j j . complacency Tillic Luellan was first and Anna at About fifteen members m the special meeting of the. Vale O m Kiurity Farm Bureau last ftjoday. August ltith, and several isruts oi imtieilance were taken tip, dh-.cu-.-'. ood passed upon. The nost iniiii.ri - , (WILD a mysterious u vx tuiupmtcinj r-, j . . . , . . ..,!s, J:. L. Stanfisld; Boy3 and vbich( though it led to no little spec- Jordan second in the girls foot race, jn ls ( ,;u s, vada ft.omtt; . Rural (jutjon on the part of- those, observ- j Ironside Will Organize .,me Iir.piovement, Mrs. J. B.;;no- his operations, did not lessen at ..... . t. f rrn Woodcock. i'if thl intew. in the fo'rthcominiri After the sport program, the farm ekctidi of officers resulted in ;? ' ! u,i nT it wn rumored bureau organization party proceeded .t. K. II iil bchiy choaen president- lt,ar .u attj,A -Bt had been to the Ironside community, where a IN MP. PaW.WniV mt Was the -gopher, situation. 1(1 tr.tl .'.'HJIUll IIVII Fi IVlri. V. N. Wo.ham, secretary. !b?,hc"d "lM!U i meeting had been called by Mr. J. W. Broian Bureau Meets 1 Subsequent events proved that Bill-Anthony, to talk over the orffamza- "expectations were tuny .lustuiea. i - -- .,i 7 O i the ypy 1o Malheur, a meeting I'expectat Lskcview' To Hold Round -Up Bis Trip For Cat tleir.cn cf Eastern Orc cof To Visit Crater 'Lake Sept. 10th. aim Bureau Agent was ir r.lvuct:.! to see that the government o.pcvts of the United States iiiojop-iem iMirvey are brought into tha section to ex terminate gophers in the mcador.-s below Vale and in the lower ii .:i!.n County Agent Briethaup ays that will make application to the J!:el'-;: . cal Survey immediately, and that in a short time results, will be had. Marketing of hay and tho pi k! offered for alfalfa was t...K. it es was also the erection of an aKs!"a mill in the cummun: the T'.vogsn community was at- and on uecount PLASTER LADIES" TO BE MADEJfTMAlHEUR Specialists To Assist In Dress Form Demonstra tion Meetings Are To To Be Held in County In Near Future. Twenty-five . or more "plaster Indies" will bo manufactutod in the county next week at series of demonstratien meetings held by the Home Betterment committee of the Farm Bureau. Mrs. W. L. Davis. County Chair man, has arranged for the assistance ivas at- mere never inum jrri.rv.. J"" '. , . . : ..mmlttn,, ; man, uas arrmiKBu iwr MuU-d. ThU meeting was held in'dcno in tha way of harbecueing Deet, i" "Ti,tiT, "k nH of a specialist who will conduct the Mint ot:U tnew were mninmiSR tu rn i . " S. ,irfi., t. finw lorm demonstrations, uaoet- '. i.-. n;.f mnnn jnv nti iip'nt n. ot iu rnere were triiinitniKs t buii. vi.c -- . I lv and work with stock was not! most exclusivts tastc-or incisive j aoranRe "r tner JL togs will be held on the folloviing . .,,.,.-,.1 i. n Uith.r Ami wp had both kinds of P"t of September to complete Uie ?.,. a -,,,, 23rd. Mra. ., vlHjv.'J U y UlI 1 tilt VI kllU Ct Vim.n " However, action was taken on getting I tastes present. Official Photographer , work. to be held at the Chamber of Com merce rooms on the evening of Wednesday. Aucu;t iMi, at 8 o'clock. This will be tho- first get together meet of the club for soma time d it is looked forward to with antici pation on ' the part, of the rntnib ship. ' - i . Various' matters ire to bt taken care oft among them the raisia of the money ncce.csriry to pay for the transportation of tho trout fry recent ly received from he ctnte game fipd fish warden at. Bonn':v:lle, and planted in th big reservoir of tie Warmspvings 'project All members and all Bpurli-mcn are" requested to be present. . . . Any nspirftiit of piscatorial honors, .especially tlio-e who are den'rous of following in th? footsteps of the ven erable Walton cud all of the grtmb tribe of huntsmen -brave are invited tq be present and take out a member ship' in tho. local order, for it "Is through cooperation such s is made possible -by organization of tki character- that many improvements of the sporteinanls world of the fTa "all outdoors'! ,re to obtain. POSTMASTER GENERAL GIVES Ti RANTS 03DER Postal ,.EiTis)loyees Incensed At Domineering Order Contrary to Ia7 and Justici1,' vich Rcbs Them " fcf Ballot CIRCUIT COURT AND i CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN SUNDAY SCHOOL HOLD BIG PICNIC LAST WEEK S. O. Corrol!. secretary of the Ore iron CvA'le & Horse Kaisers Associa- i r. A, " .. .,, meal nun in iiic iviiiuiuii.v;. tion, announces that meetings will definito action Wa.j taken on 11 cu re nem in a numuer oi vanuus uilics jssueB 0f V!ii:t import, and thev r-" and towns of Kastern Oregon, and to be token up at the Rc:.t ri-ruli! issues invitations to all cattlement to meeinff rtt- r.d the Xkeview Round-Up on . September 4th, 5th anu bin. A ser'es of meetings of the Exe- rutivc i ommiiree oi me iaiue oi ( t;t Helens road Hor.o Raisers Association of Oregon let f;;J. $76i0'00. Will uu iiL'i'i an iuuuwd, IAkeview, September 6, 7:S0 p. m.!ilKVf LAiJiMiifr iiOJUiVU! Klamath Falls. Sept. 7,-7:30 p. m. Portland cypoit.s rnl increasing. p:wi:.j- mm JURY TO MEET' Tent Pitched In Vale Attracts Many. I Popular Animal Acts Heartily , ; Aplauded Laughable Jargo. iiwestu-fstars Convene On' , . Augtt?;t 00... Circuit Court CrV. vents September 7. Wvttt Cases Will Be 'i'yU:d liaring Term San Franciscy,, August 21. Cali fornia postal employees are rnrt;f at tho movt r'-eont order of Post- 4- I 1 TJ....1 .11 I V i i .r ha. no J .i . Illinnicrr vit;iirioi iiiuji;r.uii i.iivb . schedule: Nyssa, August 23rd, Mrs.jbut deprives them and their families i- i Tr.k iV m h it nT. wh of the ballot. Neither-me employee 1ist.2Gth, Mrs. Mrs. 13. II. Brfcnbach, nor an me-lnber of his) imm,diate family is permitted to psreicipat In politics on pain of dismissal. Tho Postmaster General's order o thin subjuct reads: . . ''Employeiwi are: accountable for political activity by persons other ' chairman:. Oreeon Slope-Rivrdal August 25th, Mrs. Davis, chairman; Vale, August 26th, Mrs. R. D. Lytle, chaiiman: Brogan, August 27th, Mre. 'L. A. Cornell, chairman: Cairo-On- . . .... itario, August Htft. Mrn. v. V. Hick- tlirisiian Lnurcn memuers x, chairman j Christy Bros, eircus arrived in f five special cars of their own end pkched the big tents in Vale, for an rfternoon and evening performance, ;Toosday, August 17th. Quite a large ;crowd of townspeople anu ioiks ironi Frolic in Chester's Grove Last Friday Suhday School Children En joy Big Event The Christian Sunday .School held aajoining sections weic uv.Cu ..u . . . , - - Allw.uf)t 13- Aertormances were r . ? , i !Eo AT P. ?. mv 1 ho Mi'lheur County Grand Jury two successful ...ill i l-.i,tn.r AninlHt HO. Void -..in ..,ii, cut : . --, ,-- . . . . !nfir wn9 1a F.fl rr. :. ' mutters coming regu-, Many acts pi interesv were h..ow.. vil(,,.pn. nn,r . irtr(, crowd ,i.-rnhov nr rne nn r.nmp m rufm up iiuvei unu 1 11- ; . ... . . , , in Chester's Grove. A bountiful din- served at, noon to over l.n 1 it. Lived 35 Years ir. Kd rtfi-n Oregon Was Fi-ci-Cashier c f Stale I? nr. k At Cove, Oregon. T. .1 li.n mnn. of On- Icrbi nine amoncr the most popular yv- " 'r: r.i. k H. I. Cockrum, or b.ii.g the three downs in their in- by t per. o v t-!:, io; L. L. Currson, of Snake tormittent funny jargon .and stunts, tl f urch furn h?H ,moc l.i.er; A. G. amre. of Ontario; Adam and finally the introduction of their hwuetrt tire afternoo" J Miiii v, of Bsiiluh; Jamra Harvey cf wild and wooly animal, Jargo, whom thioughout the cnt ernn-fa Val ; a i l A. L. McDowell of On- tho Naturalists are still debating. enjoyable time was reportea Dy l.-rio. The iinois will be engaged fccme contend that the Jargo is of lur about three weeks and after that tho species Giraffe, and others coh- Ft. Klamath, Sent. 8, 10 a. m Bedford. Sent, i), 10 a. m iti,n,i Sont- 11 7 -an n. m I'rineville. Sept. 12, 2 p. r.i. ! Purchases Adrlilli All membsrs of the Association . ure reouested and all persons inter-; est-d in the livestock business are i coidially invited to attend, all or nnv '' ese meetings. The I.-A-vkw Round-Up will be held r.t I r'kevic-w, Oregon, on Sent. 4IK p.t-li r.nrl CiYt nnrl W0 pvnpi tfl ha rtb nnfl ri. Tho manaKcment of th- Un main thVro until the 7th. The di-1 State National Bank of Vale, a', lectors of the Lakeview Round-Up nounees the appointment of Hu-ni extend all members of the Assoeia- McCall, wno comes irn uie ove -.- - - pWtv RrntKom will be welcomed n,-n i.-iftinn tr, hn with them State Bank, ot Cove, tMvgon, ft v.. ... .c.. "T : ' .i.ui... ..ia! , j ' ,l,w.l, W ,.nKhim-. t.n.l vv.m for- turned in tne triul UOCKet anu men tira.ii un ...... r ' We al n exooct to be at Crater rnerly connected with th.i !.. Gv.n Lake on the night of September 10. : National Bank, of La Grande. O Thi i livn r.n. tho aeries, or meet- succeeuinir J. . . puiiuvhij, wn., 1-ni.' will be Biibjtct to cull tn any tend, and the contention is partly Frank Cawlfield, who is the man--o. i lal matter ! that may nri.se. borne out upon closer inspection of j ager of the Harper Bank, and yrtfe, ' r; Ciivuit Court of Malheur the ill-tempered brute, that he is the, made a short business trip to Vale County will convene Monday, Aug- result of many years of expenmenta; i the first of the week. u-t 7th. Juda-e Pulton' Biggs presid- tion, throughout the whole gumut ol ! , i g. After all of tha cases set for tho wild animal wojltl. or. Griffin of SkullsDrinirs was A roui-t are disDoscd of. the water Taken as a whole, tho circuB was C . G . Onff in i ot SKuUspnngs was Cove cases of various kinds will bo heard, appi eclated by all who attended and """" ' u ' ... .mi i. ' ... n . U ...ill V.rt iituliiAmiiH i Oregon wool manufactures total .ater matters will be cared for. thee parts. . sw."''""""'.-.-. I ings promise to be very interesting leaving for the Malheur County and we hope that you will be with us. Bank of Nyssa, where he will sun j as casnier. I. The residents of vale lo ? i valuable asset to the bast inters!. s of the section in the transfer of t . interests of J. P. Dimuway, but the county of Malheur is still to receive the benefit ,of this continued co operation, for he has the interest of BIG BEND CLUB GIRLS FEATURE IMBIHCHSUPER-MAN Republican Nominee Lived tin Kan-i, Worked As a Rf.iiroud Laborer Also Publis'i.vd Newspaper '-Jnrr.-'t'c.fn Pl-noram of Ril? the entile county at heart a:d Ny , l j 7. ?!, u u s fs loyal to the entire county. UrvO ScV.lr.ff Club at the I Hugh McCall is a man of Stirling niiiulitir.c.. ihnt.' lnttf-'.nv 1 , i i I s . 5 NovcnritKr J. itioo, at Corsica. s been questionexl and he - . . . Morrow County of the latest rehool tul.v (,.,;0i IJii 'f.(,hr is G. jyron Club Leader's Home - Sfate Chsmmon Talks To Club Members business qualities' has never a banker conscrvant with the need;) and the desires of Eastern Oregon, wut.e ht has lived for the pa t 3.5 v-"V'-' An intere;ting program was given Ha is a large land owner in Uni- :. by the Hi' Bend Sewing Club girls County, and has b?-.-n in tVip li: i.- fuv a nct.sber cf friend. at a meet- ing business fcr the pi-1 i l '. h,.lrl ui i ie hnmn of the Club havmir been ar-roci?t"il v i . ii i'" S(n;.l;.l- W native of i ron G. Harding is not Marion. He was born 18(jo. at Corsica, a Loader Mr:. B. G. Roberts, on the La Grande Rational Bank nink all that -ik.aivl t'i- nat time, lle beis of this club are Marian Rob- is a stockholder and a director in ert-5, Irene Biumbach, Anna Thelan. the La Grande bank. Pearl Jnrobs, Helen Hatch. Haiel . U. G. Couch, biother-in-Iav of Ilat.'h, Marie Tate, Mary Samer, Mr. McCall, assisted in the purcha--e . Anna Van Buskirk. ; of the interests of J.-B. Adrian, v.-ho Oi.r. feature of the program was a severs his conection with the L'. S. demonstration in the making of. National. Mr. McCall rava that irious slitclies used in making and soon as he call get a hoj.-e he i.i decorating a garment. Catherine , tends to move hin family here. iJ. swjll, .ciat'- Champion in the I . Cookery Project in l!ili. gave a most 'ANNUAL TEACHERS' INSTITI'1 : . inttresting talk on her course at O. j A. C. this sanim.r. Fay Clark Hurley, County School At the conclusion of the program I Superintendent, announces tho Teach, the Rij? Bi'nd girls served refresh- er3 Institute, in '..oiw-"',ti' ..a .'i '' ni merits to their guests, among whom j)er g a an,i jo. O.' imj to hoirl v. -.- the King:iian Kolony Sewing facilities, which are nlvey. t&v..!.., k), girls with their leader, Miss w hai not t.een finally le;-l..l vh-.-re l lcrince Kinsman. the teachers are to m:--'. con !.. or 'li. . wT. ttndfnt Hurley str.Vs that thj Cargo shipments of lumber for the v.m'on wi!l b held in ei:i,-r : t'-r-t .k inoiiths of JU-0 totaled Ontario on the dalet above m RJO ?SS..Vii f.-tt a cain of 8U 1.856.- ed. AnDroximatcly 115 tis.i'u. i MS feet c.:cr similar shipments for be in attendance during th'.t dav. ..i rcs3o.-:diii. iK-riod of Thesjt Announcement .wiM be mad? i- f i, :.re snr.ounced hy JBii'; njft is-vie of th rnt-mrire of 1 an l ?r In: portion Bureau of Seattle, place of meeting, as determined. . ron Ilirdirp, t;id his mother was Phoebe 1 r:;iabeth Harding. His eaily home j v. !; Pj.t a log cabin, but it was a . .;i (;)- i-i! fiv.me nbudf. typical of i , ni, He wo'kinl s any other f j:rn I iil.'.nted crops and helped lj lurv i. tli'm'. Later, for va, tuie, h . u.,ilcl as a laborer with thu con traction g:ir? of a railroad. Hit first monvy he ever made at sixteen vuv fio,:i a path of spuds and f ir a jjlet of v.hcnt, the latter of which he !oil for K I tv pit bu'ditl. Hp al- t;-Piled public school Hp to this time inl (iiip'ived the money from thy Cio;i of ,iot.ito.-. tad wheat outfitting i c!f" for a colh-ce education. Ho (nt''-.J Oi.irj Ccntii.1 CollKC Ht? ll.t-i i;.. gitdiu-ted in 182 with th i ;(' ILo-lielor rf f'.ei'-r.e'.., and v.hii." v.-):! iiiv; hi': w.-.y through tol 1 r-. he al.'.o edited the Snec tutor, f.fi'ici'd oikuji of b college. In hi. : e 1. wh-- inr.ocjlmed with the r.;. ;. r fj-H t.f printor's ink, whlrh !.;t ( neon--i-'h-I his natural inrline tioa.: io this- diiortion. After col 1 fe l.: taught Bchool for a term, 'j I .- i.ni.n iCMl.ng luw, but , !, ' "f . i" broke out ill hii -( '. . :on, ai.'l ho 1 au r became thy i. . iro.-ner of ne Mannn "il.-. 11.' i one (.f th.. iuvm mi n who have made a new 'out of nothir.g." ! i.-i.i :.r I r paper 4 JmM fMZzzz 1 mwiimmmr"" : ej will make the dress forms at tye, ..This',neans mil one cf the cow meeting, and in turn will assist plaining mail carr;(.rfi( "that if my other , ladies. Every one interested .f k further interest In suffrage or in. the- woman s clubs in which she has been active in work ing for suffrage, I will lose my jot if the powers-that-hc find it out. I know of many wives 'of postal em ployees who nave been doing good work in politicst They have been good citircnB in 'every sense of the word, and now they are disen franchised dernlte tn nlnetwntU amendment. The order is typical ef the Burluaon tvraimichl. donnnalien. No employer of labor in private en terprise would dare go to tho lengtks Burleson ia." M. E. CHURCH HOLD ' ANNUAL CONFERENCE CountyJ Conference Held la Vale lLast . Week State Conference" To He Held ,.: ; At Canyon City Early In : Sfutciaber . is invited to come to the demonstra tion as an observer. Fone your committee chairman for tho time and place. MAY START CAMPAIGN FOR SALEOF ALL WOOL Eastern Firm Recommends Cooperative Plan For Is suance Certificates and Urge Immediate Ac tion in The Matter Melady Brothers, of Omaha, Ne braska, advance a rather novel plen for the institution of a nationwide campaign for the relief of the wool situation, as that tentatively put by them up to F. R. Marshal, editor of th National Wool Grower. The let ter from Gene MeWdy, as s ait by telegraph, in the above matter, is as follows: ' 4 Omaha. Neb., Aag. 4, 1920. Mr. F. R. Marshall. Editor The NatAmal Wool Grower, 303 McCormick Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. We have a suggestion for the re lief of the wool situation and be- The Fourth Quarterly Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church was held in Yale h.t Thursday eve ning, August 12lli, with Rev. Ir U. Aldfich, of La Grande. Oregon, pre- Isot a larvro attendance wai growers to a great extent, Our sug gestion is: That a nationwide campaign be instituted for the sale of wool. TUat every citizen take from ono " hih up, as many as tney care to, at fiftv cents a Bound. Ixi.u.. et'it'ilcauia lor tne amounv lev. that if it is put into effect fc d wi tUSKct that many k thrnucrhfiut tha United btates It Wfll , ' i-. A ,.,n , i help eendiUons and relieve the wool . . pi.ofit.(lju ua.. ting was held. The reports showed 'an inrraso in membership of per cent for tee year. The, fallusving officers wet e chosen for the enpuing termt Trus tees. C. P. TPP. L. F. Lumtiee. H. ' E. Speith-Leonard Cole, Bruce Kes .Iter and C. ( Kojdo; Rewards, Mrs. Inurehased and when the wool dis- i, xt . c....i...,. u - t ! , - - , . nij-a, tti. It.- t I. in I . i.i. a.. amount tne wuw urings. We believe in thu way It win force the market and demand and it will bring immediate relief. . We have been extensive hendlera of range sheep and lambs on this market for twenty years and leallr.e the seriousness of the situation, mH we wish to place the fmt order for two thousand pounds et 60c. a pound. If this plan looks plausible to yon. it can be worked by wire and through Congressmen and Senators aiw the I'resM. th Komelhinir must be dene and "" e quicker we get action the b-'U . We will aDnreclate a wire fro'ei G. B. Ruth regaining this suggestion ana i believe that if it is put up to the public, they will go back of It i they have every proposition o' th kl"d' MELADY BROTHERS. Gene Melady, Mir.tifc-'r. iim,.n TA i-.i T.i;.i ii iin-.-ton. Mr. Tf. !e. Kneith, Mrs. Liln Smith, Mrs. C. IP. Tapp. Mrti. C. Romph, Mrs. Hazel Crummitt. M's, J. H. Vn Reper, J.' N. Van . K. pr, Ross A. Soward, M, . Kllis, 0cur Daly asd James Athcrton. Tho Anual ronferenc will holi their eesion at Csnyoii City, Oreron, commencing- Kci-l.-mber hlh, lfJO. which will )xt '.t'.e.iiled by the paster and one lay di leitotf. Thi Uy dele gate will m rleclcd on the firt Sun- wns in Vul Monday from U jnita on biisjoe-n. Rose City Park, Fortlajid, has 1s si'fcd 20 permits for bungalows. .SeotU Mills to have new state tank. rntraet has bn let for r.'b.ooo Governor OU-ott . is inveHtrgatinir the complaints of ranchers thm Jap anese oro a menace to thu orchard diinct a ilood River. l The i Mon Tarti.n I ej-u Is hnv. iitj uyHiil) Av.ri t'i hold its own due to tho eky-wki ting ta bill In North DiUiotu. where it has btfvn In power, t 1 V-t't. John's terminal carVne. i Cohiml.la .h.ighwa" to h ad thoubands of fertile acres. county.