MALHEUft ENfElftfrftlSg, VALfi, MGE EIGHT 5' mm 1 Better Living Conditions every JTujrrti Delco-Light ia mora than a mera lightinjc plant It givea you electric power too, for operat- ing all of the light machinery around the house and barn, UBuel ly turned y hand. - , It will pump and deliver water to all parta of the Jiouaa of barn. , . Write for Catalog LighU and Shadowe an Ohio Farm ( ' From Ohio cornea a atory which tfvea an insight into what modern conveniences hava com to mean in the farm home. ' A certain farm , house in - Mont gomery County, Ohio, was almost entirely destroyed by fir a short time ago. The houm was of bride, roomy and ubitantialrjr built aa most old-fashioned farm houses are. Thick stout walla and good workmanship are probably what saved the bout)" from being destroyed- but as it was, nothing much but the four walla were left standing. The hdusa ia being remodeled now with some enlarge ment. The owner is seeing to it in this rebuilding that 'the jneWhoji will have all modern conveniences. Among such conveniences is, ; of rourse. electric service. The owner had electricity in ,the old house,, the electric plant being installed ire the basement In a fire which destroy ed evervthintr inside the walls ;th plant was of course ruined. . Fortun ately there was a new garage on the - .Vmrt Alatr,f from the house ti.ay.rn m ..w v . . " ' , , . and the family was forced to mdv , into this garage temporarily. Tha fir.l thinir that the farmer did on the morning after the fir waa to... call up the man who had aold him his electric plant and order another vv. one. Before night the neyf - pfont V; was in and the family iwas-enjoying. . i v a. .1 the convenience ol electric ngni ue- pite the fact that they had no house to live in. The pumping system which supplied the old house waa lo cated outside of the house' and a littl distance from it; and waa not destroyed in th fire, ao that it waa an easy matter to pip tna water into th garage. - Thia p'ump ing aystem waa alao operated b electricity ao that as soon as the plumbing was completed, th family was enjoyins: running water in th garage just as they had in. th hous. ' This experience goes' to 'show th extent to which. the. f arm fanjily. be come attached to modern conven iences. This particular family baa . found that electric ligtit "and running' water have made lire in their jrjes ent rather crowded;' living quarters much more comforUbl -' i certain that they "will -make th fullest possible use of ejfectncity in their new home when it ia completed. New Dress Skirts 'Are here in latest styles. Popular Colors, Popular Materials, at Very Reasonable Prices. DROP IN, SEE THEM ADVERTISED 7iTitrgg JVlay We Book Your Order This Month? Then an sound reason why it would y b t serious mistake to delay until Summer to order your Round Oak Moistair -eating System! By book V ing on now at present prices you not only save money but insure prompt and proper installation according to carefully drawn plans, furnished with out cost to you, by the Round Oak Heating Engineers. if OAK MOl STAIR, heating system a Winchester Kitchen Knives WE HAVE the exclusive sale of these new and supe rior Knives butcher knives, parinu knives, sTicers, . cooks' knives, fruit knives, bread knives, etc. - . They are made by the same WINCHESTER factory which for more than fifty years has been world famous for ' Firearms. You will like, them because they are nude so J well and stay sharp so long. Come in soon and see then. 1 the WmCff5TR STORE KZ , eaJ I B I (8) : : : Liberal terms for tliosrj who order now. Investigate k certainly does not obligate you. Ajents fsr White Sewing Machines Cheney .Phonograph Sherman & Clay Pianos V AEE'-'TEADING COM VALE, OREGON ' ... - - . .. Branches at Riverside, Juntura and Grane AGENTS FOR Gossard Corsets, McCall Patterns, Stetson Ifats. Queen ' Quality Shes, Florsheimr Shoes, all STANDARD LINES. .(i. FOR SALE ' Pure Bred Whitcface Hereford TJull 1 Adunair No. 684956, 35 months old. 2 Sidney Boy No. 675058, 38 mo. old 3 Bian Sincold No. 450546, 30 mo. old 4 Don Woodford No. 738202, 25 mo. old 5 Comer Stone No.B75028, 35 mo. old will be at Vale for one week. These will be sold at a price that will be a barcain for any stockman. Inquire of C. C. Mueller, . first National Bank Bide. gtudebaker Cars Will Be Handled By Kesaler Garage Th New Models Are Her Kwlor Garage this week received the agency for Stuilebnker cars. Another line of bigger cars entered the Vale field this wek "when the Keasler Garage closed contracts for the agency of the Studobnkcr cars in thia section. The new Studebakcrs are beautiful in design and feature high grade mechanical construction. The Big Six, Special Six and Light Six will be hanled by the local gar age and one of the Special Sixes, a compact and powerful five passen ger car is on display at the garage at present , d Haul Anything anywhere, but. w want to haul you where yu want to 'go. Drexel Auto Livery, Drexel Hotel. AdvlOMSt PLAYLETS SUCCESS High School Students Prove Arthiis In Rendition of Playlets At Local Theatre "Put a qualified engineer on th Commission." Vote for RHEA LU PER, Republican nomination for Pub lic Service Commissioner. . Adv. 24Apr-15May. New Retreading KutW at Schro dor'a Tiro Kepuir Shop for putting good rubber on your ld easing work i guaranteed. Adv.l7M.4t. Rex Theatre Program For Week of April 25 Sunday Only n A HOLD LOCK WOOD in ' "THE GREAT ROMANCE and EpUode 8 "Lure of th Circus' Monday and Tuesday Special All Star Cast in "ATONEMENT Ale Path New and Lloyd Comedy Wednesday and Thursday ENID BENNETT in WHAT EVERY WOMAN LEARNS and Paramount Magsxln Friday Only "THE GAY OLD DOG" A Fare in Six Parts Also Fp. 13 "Black Secret" Saturday Only FATTY ARBl'CKLE in "LOVE" DOROTHY DALTON In "ins virrs rniEND" "The Twelve I'ound Look" and "The Newlv Married Couula" were entertainingly put over by the ra-'j maticuly inclined members or the Ju nior. Cluvs in their playlets at-. th Rex Theatre on the night of April 16th, when a number of students took part in playlets of the above titles and some very creditable work was don by those who formed the cast. Elaine Clower was- obarmifiif: in th part or Lady Sims, fay tes ter was the first wife and Lawrence Propst completed the perpetual nrt angle a Sir Harry. In the "Newly Married Couple" by J. M. Barrie, Bernice Hope took the part of the mother, Lawrence Proust was the fattier, .Merl 'Uoswe. was the daughter, Axle was jmper.y sonated by John lioswell, and tran ces Hornbeck interpreted "Matiele, all of whom did well in- theif lines. The playlets were very ably directed by Miss Teressa Cox and the success of the plays was undoubtedly due to her effort. "Qualified by technical trainTngT Vote for RHEA LUI'ER- Republican nomination for Public Service Com missioner. Adv. 24Apr.-lbAlay. SALE OP ABANDONED CAMP THHKI FORKS OWrilKH AMT .j....j..f..f...g ... . $ . WANTED House, shack, aiyr old place where some furniture i 4 can be moved in and ' called home, sweet heme. Phn En- terprise. ELECT NEW OFEICERS HKSKRVATION. OKHUON' AND IDAHO, Th abandoned Camp Thraa Frk, Owrhaa Military Hntfarvation, aon,l.tliic. ,of taa Faat- ana (iraHin Kmvrv. WaUir Kaaarva and W,h4 Ktwnrva. Orvun and Idaho, naavt lha nitnaral land and land DravWualr dla- putad uf tharuin, Vtll b uffarad fur aala uniler tha protlaiont uf uit act uf.Juljr.a. ! ill Stat., lull, for caah at nut l than tna apprataad prtoa, th land In Idaho b h ofrvred at th U. S. land effi. MoU. Idaho, anmmenrinf at IS a. n., 4n ii. iviu, ana ui lanni in uregon w om oi fared at th U. 8. land off tea. Vala, Orrfuai aoiniuHiieiniz at 10 a. m.. Jun i&. 1U20. 1'h landa tu t offered In Orcirnn 'artf th th iMuttrn part uf Malheur County, . d cribed on th plat of nut'vey aa Ijta 4 and Bit. 25, 1-uU I and 4 Sec. Ii6, Lot, 1. 4, 6. and a 9w. SS. T. Si 8., R 4S E.. It t, S. 1. I..".' 1 and 0 Sfc. 2. T. S3 S . R. 44 K, W. M . fjntaliUng 81.05 aor wnion traow nnvc ortn apprawti at privet ranitltiif from J to $12 ptr atr. . . . 1 he JuniM to tie nift'i,! tn lilaho are. in the wt-atern part of Owyhee County and are deeariUnl on th plate of eurvey ae. LoO t. , a and 11 tier. K, Late t.' , 7" and S.. V, NWI..SW'.. Si,SW',(, ilWVr St' Sec. It. lx)U . 4, and ( S.o. la, I-oU 1, 4 and 7 Sec 17, Lot 7 Sec. 1, lt Sea l, T. X . R. W, LoU 4 and See. 10. loU I, S. 7. S, KW MWV. S'-j kt4 Se. 11. LoU a and Sea. U. 1U 4. . and 7 See. U. all Sea. 14 1au 1. t. I and 4 See It, Uta 1. . and 4 Sr. Hi. all Sea. HI, lota . S. II and I Sea. 114, Uit I. Se Sa andiUl I, . S. 4. MtV N), NA, Se. 1 I Ait 1 and . See. 27, T . K 4 SVt H. 14.. aonulnlne . II aerea, which trajta have neeit appraUed at price rauilif frwia M to l per aera. Kaid laada mmf a afferad far aala a aaoaiata leaal ulMltvtalon or thay may dk.od of fa twa or mora unite. tii may It avada iUir in pron or ly ' aa-iit hut will sot I reeelv ed throuth th mail Furhara will not he required In .w lualil itton aa tu ave or eititen.hip or Make any hewta' a to Ut aatnuat or eltaracter of puhlie land heretofore aciulred hy Uiem un.ler any law. Full paynwut aiut ha rsade for th land time ol ale. All pereona are warned aalnt an, tetina into any agreement, eomhiaaun or eeaph-ay which will prevvnl any land (rum .cllin advaatatfeoualv. AH pareoaa ao ffeitdln will ie pro.eeut.Hl erinrtinally under Section It of th Criminal Coda. CLAY TA1.I MAN. t omnitulonar, iApr-llJuna. At th first regular business meet ing following the annual member ship meeting th members: of the Val Public Library Board on Tues day evening elected th following of ficers. President. Mrs. R. -E. Wea'nt; i VIc.Prsiaen.'-rrs. J, A. Hurley; Secretary,. Mrs.., ieorg Huntington Ciu-reyT Tjeaajired- A. ,W. Reed. . - 1 'Plans' for 'ways and means, of .xais-1 ing immediaU'u'unds for Library use wer discussed and a tenative. plan for several summer festmUe taik- "id,..wairrtjirja; of .atanrling cornmit , fte'ea' for the Venn was held over for a vote bi tno next maciin trie seuitu WrtritiMtty in May. --' ; ,. ijrr r '! SCRIBES VISIT INTERIOR TOWNS ' ;:s! VVii " : "' Publiflier Cin'rey and Editor Seemttn Make Trip Oa Business, And ..i..-. .-.MakiMto-Mcllheur . . Iaving "Vale ' early on "Saturday last Geirg .'Ihintington Currey and William Irarlcia-Saeinan, made a bus iaftss -trip to a number . of the towns ill: th 4ntetorvViaitfng Brogaii, Mal hur 'City.'-rrotisirl and some' of the rancher's along canyon road of lower Willow If)k -and aloag upper Willow Crafek jntf-' ita.- headwaters, ampe4, alcua: th stream over night anil fiahtttl -aljo Ironside "Sunday morning and in th afternoon, the fishing riot' being' very good on ac-eoimt- f -t tM recant snors which hav riled the streams, went on to Mm- Littl-1 Mheur country at the edge of the-'ft We '-Mountains, where a 'irreat anvauai f anow is packed on thi rnouaJpSaj' .thai'' slopes. Plen ty of Water' is f lowfng down the Lit- J 14... JfiiJkUuuT4.4nd it was in turn so mudded that very few of th rain Ijovf. a ut(f' beauties were . caught. Wlljly -ha grade.ver the range- to ,hoi $lulheuf 'riivei Jf not only very tt ep end in bud condition, neverthe ls .th--trip,va mad '"with ho '.ei iou detriment to Hher the driv i of . th car, . th latter of wKU-h' was 'stuck in on of, the fresh est " gulleya v'4flr going" over the 'mig jof mountain whar a dalay pf som.hafhour was experienced. lcal Mff cnant Win POLITICAL Announcements List of Candidates Seeking Party Nominations for Various State, and County Offices at Primary . Election, May 21, 1920 (All announcements under this Heading are paid Advertisements) FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE To the Republican voter of Harney ana Malheur oounti I herewith aubmit my candidacy to tha Republican voter pf Horsey and Malheur oountiea for the nomination of joint Repre aentatir in th Oregon Lasialatnr in the above dUtrtot. Should I be nominated and electee! I will devote my beat energy and thought to eeeur intr legislation that will ba of benefit to thb part of th State, and to the State at larg. P. 1. GALLAGHER. FOR STATE SENATOR I hereby announce myself aa s candidate for the Republican nomination for the office of State Senator of the District comprised of Malheur, Harney and Grant Countiea. If I am nominated and elected for a eeond term I will continue to aerv thia district and the State of Oregon to the - cry beat of my ability. JULJEN A. HURLEY, State Senator I FOR ASSESSOR After serving 4 year aa aaaauor of MaJ- i heur County, during all of which time I hav attended to th duties of the office to the beat of mv abllltr. I auhmft my candid acy for r-leetion to th approval of the people subject to tha Democratic primaries. R. at. CARLILE. FOR COUNTY CLERK. ' I hereby announce myself aa a candidate for the. office of County Clerk of Malheur Cuuntv, Oregon, subject to the will of the Republican voter at the Primaries on May 2 1 at. 1920. If nominated and elected I prom ise to devote all of my time and attention to the proper conduct of the .affairs of the of fice. HARRY 8. SACKETT. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. I announce myself as a candidate for tha nomination for the office of District Attor ney fcr Malheur County, at the Republican Primarim to be held May 21, 1020. If I am nominated and elected I will devote all the time and attention necessary to the proper performance of all the duties of the office. ROBT. D. LYTLE. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby announce my candidacy for nom ination aa County Surveyor, aubject to the will of the Democratic electors at th Pri maries to b held on May 21st. 192. HARRY . TAMBLYN. FOR SALE Household goods, dishea, beds, on stove and table, etc. Inquire of Mra. Fletcher, ear K lessen beck's residence. FURNISHHD ROOMS to rent, aiactrie lights, city water. HI ma Raymond. 24Apr. 4t WANTED Men to take contract ef fencing M acres grazing land. Write Wm. Kiach. Beulah. Oregon. 24 A 6tp WANTED By Diatrlct No. Uf, known as the ' Owyhee school, firat-euua teacher to act a principle and teach th fane, higher grades 6th, th. 7th and Sth. Ladyjprfrf a ply at one, stating aalary exrjectcd and giv ing referenoe. Mrs. Delvn 4. Wall, Clerk. Nyssa. Oregon, R. F, 0. FOR TREASURER. I announce myself for ra-neminatton aa County Treasurer of Malheur County, sub ject to th will of the Republican elector at th Primaries to be held May list. 1928. , Respectfully, C. C. MUELLER. KOR STATE SENATOR Subject to the result of the Primary Election to be held May Hat, 1920, I here; by announce my candidacy . for the Repub lican Nomination for State Senator from tha Twrnty-e econd Senatorial District ' com posed of Grant. Harney and Malheur Coun tiea, State of Oregon. If nominated and elected I will, during my term of office, ndavor to act with prudence and car in the discharge of my duties, without fear or favor and for tha greatest good to the greatest number. CHARLES M CRANDALL Val, Oregon. FOR SHERIFF. I kreby announo myself aa a candidate for the si-cond term aa Sheriff of Malheur County, Oregon, subject to the will of the Democratic voter at th Primaries to be held May 21at, 1920. H. LEE NOE. FOR COli-NTY - ASSESSOR I he-cby announce myself as a candidate fr Aasesaor on the Republican ticket, being a resident of Malheur County 14 year and a tax payer, I consider the of i ce of assessor on of th important of- fifloa of the County and if elected as your Assessor it will be my endeavor to place oiwervative values upon taxable property f the county, so apportioned that each r'as of property will pay 1U just pro portion of the taxc. I have no radical I. .'una relative to assessment or th per 1 Tuuince of the duties of the office, but believe th work of th office should be djnc on a busineaa basts having tn mind economy and fairnes to all classes. 11. L. POORMAN FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Assessor of Malheur County subject to th will of th Republican voters at the Primary election to be held May 21st. 1920. Ever conscious' of th great responsibility the office oarriea, I promts, if nominated and elected, to giv my best 'thought and . energy to a careful study of th relative I property valuation and without fear or. fav or to ao place th same on th tax roll that in my bast judgment all will bear 'alike their just and eo.uite.bla burden of taxation. I. B. QUISENBXRRY. 'A. Ef M'itjillivray has been noti fied that the Rexal Store of whi.-h I 'i it th. proprietor, stand No. 185 ' on. Ill Honor .Roll, in class A, wh it'll j takes in all towns of 1.000 or less In x'.pulatiep. in ; Oi entire United I ftat. ' This is" distinct honor rating, in, th l of . Rexal Good-i tjui Mr. ,McUiLLlvTW aays h is verj tcrotebit to. tn people of Vale and ! Mtlhvr C'aunty lor Uieir palron.tge I ivhkh has made .it possible to win thi honor. t, ' ".." ''Apply- ng!orrlnir ' efficiency to Stit . centt'lof juthlic Utilities," Votu Ttr KIJEA LUPKIl. Republican pom- FOR JOINT SENATOR. I leek lh republican nomination for joint Miiauir for lh twenty-aeconti Senatorial lin tt icl at tha eominir Primari. If nonihiaU-d and alecUnl I promts to tha DUtrlvt an bont aervic nd will Uka my oath of office unplatWad to any pcraon or inurwatt. 1 am a literal and not a reactionary or radical ; and wpecially ao aa to public ex penditure. Economy should mean thriftncMi Pub tie etipanditurw dtmiard a reasonable premise of material and social benefit. Irri Kation and drair.i. under special assess menta ; good roada ; proti-ctton of frraaina IkiuIs and of tha public ran fur th rood of th live fntervwt aa a whole; brtter mnt of mail service; improvement of facili ties of branch line raili , are amoiuc th Important local mreds. Koata and posUl ser vic in country ditrkta are the only visible returna from taxation, and th burden of taxation should b fairly qualiaed thru Ui maru. On th forctrotna statement I ask th u;i'ort of the republican voters. CHARLJ.S VV- El. LIS. Burn. Or. Suva one -third on your' tir bills. Lr6t Sohdoeder put Dtw rubber on those worn casings. Latest up-to-date "Baking-kettle" doea .it ao that the repaired tire la guaranteed. Adr.27M4t NOTICE OP BALI UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAtaR. C0L0RITE HAT DYE ALL SHADES - - Colors Hats and Everything: i A. E. McGILLIVRA? REX ALL STORE . Chicken Every Dinner 75 c Sunday Drexel Grill FROM 5:38 TO, 7,;3I P. M. ' TOR 8( nOOt, BliPEKlNTENOENT I hvrub anhounre myaelf aa a andliiate for tt airiee of i'eunty BuirtnMndnt of schools of Malheur IVunly, Oregon, subjrel to th lll f Ut Repuhhran voter al th l'rbr, IA b. held Mar tl 1:U. If nom inated and aleeteJ I will devote time and riyr to Ui alvanat of th school in evuhr, NOTICK 18 rlFUKBV OIVTN THT tt. tER AND BY VIBTUK OP A CHATTEL MOKTGAGB made executed and deliver.! by W H Snyder aa the th Ur of Febru ary, 1919. to Alio Curtis and Allen Curtis tn secure the payment of ana aertaln prom tesory not of said date In tha sum of '-'( Ml at eleht per rent per annum from tha data) of said note, and- the terms of said mort gag being broken, end said note being past due and wholly unnaid. and th eaM nor. gagees having deliver to aa Uie aaM mortgar and note fur collection, aa by law. and th term of th aald chattel sawrtgag I provided. I I will therefor, aell at publte auelluo, at the mtrth door of the county court house In j Vale, Malheur enunt, Oregon, on Monday, . the 10th day of May..lt0. at II a'cloek a. I m . the said chattels mentioned and da- sovlhed In aaid chattel mortgaca. to-wit : on ; house, one water wheel and all of th fencing t I loeated en what Is known aa the Perklna" ' homestead on the Owyhee River. Mhnr County, atat of Oregon, for rash la hand, I j or so much of th said chattel property , ) may a curriclent v auary w aia aw.! prinrtral and Interest and eon or sal. n.ii Anrll is. 1 tsa H. Ml NOR Cher Iff of Mainour Cauntr, atnm VTjajro) IIAprlliMaf 1 MTiat Currey AdwTertiBeri Ia Worth InTf stlgating. Stock Ranches- We have a number of exceptionally gopd bujrs in large and small stock ranches requir ing from $1200 to -$10,000 cash paymentg. If Interested Come in and let us give you the Details Do You Want to Sell? We are going after buyers for Lands Under the Warmsprings Irrigation District, city: pro- ; perty in Vale, stock ranches and good tarms in all parts of Malheur County. If you really want to sell list your property at once. I-roans- Insurance - Investments - Promotion D 4 U Buy or Sell It.WiU Pay U 2 C Currey Development & Landfo. George Huntington Currey, Manager Vale, Oregon . : A