tAtihtoAV, AMttL 24, 1920. MALHEUR ENTERPRISE, VALE. OREGON i LOCAL PERSONAL NEWS J. F. Phelan and wif. of Bonita spent Tuesday, April 19th, in Vale on business relative to his ranch and says everything is in good shape in bis section altho the recent storms and snow has set things back some what. "' J. D. Hammack, if Bonita spent tho midweek in Vale, on his return from a Visit to his mother in Los tine and reports a backward season to Wallowa County owing, to thei 'continued storms general thruout Eastern Oregon. - G. E. Corliss of Ontario spent a 'few days visiting in Vale in the pearly part of the week. . J. A. Newton, Silica mining man, "of Harper, spent a few days in Vale this week. Mr. Newton has already installed a mill which is now in full operation. Claude VV. Wells, manager of the American" Diato- Company of Harper, spent, a few days visiting relatives in Vale and purchasing furniture for the new house which is being erected for him. ''...' . W. C. Tomlin, stockman and ranch er of Harper, -spent the early part of the week in Vale looking after business interests. ' ' Harry Tomlin land wife passed through the County Seat Monday en route to' their home near Fangollano from Ontario W. A. . Schlupe, ';. a rancher near Harper was in town Monday attend ing to business at the land office. C. H. Morf jtt, Malheur Merchant, spent Monday in Vale. Joe Weber, one of Harper's most enterprising' farmers spent a few days, in Vale and attended to busi ness at the land office. A. C. Spurlock was a Vale visitor 1 from Riverside Monday, J. A. McNulty, Stockman of Wat son Bpent Tuesday in Vale looking iter business Interests. Hugh Shover was a Vale visitor from Watson Monday. W..R.. Harrington, a Brogan Farm er registered at the Alco rooms- in the early part "of the week. MrsvThos.; W. Claggett of Ontario, spent a few- days visiting in the Mueller home ' this week. Mrs.P. J. Gallagher, of Ontario, came to Vale Monday to meet her husbatid; who has been in Bums at tending ' Courts , . They returned to Ontario the .same evening. D. Stewart, who is very ill at the Drexel Hotel. . Arrived from Bonita Tuesday that he might secure medi cal attention. " James Graham; of Westf all was a Vale visitor Tuesday. Fred.. Kingsbury, visited in Vale Monday from Juntura. . Amos Roethler, stockman of West fall, accompanied by his wife and small daughter spent several days in Vale thi week. W. S. Davis, of Battle Creek, Mich t ;u v. ... 1 j IKSM1, wnu nan uccu .euifjiuycu Witii Vale Mill' & Elevator Company re turned -to' Vale Tuesday from a trip to Boise. Mr. Davis, expects to spend some time in Vale. E. E. Kendall was down from his ranch near Jamieson and spent sev eral days In Vale. Roy Campbell, who was formerly of Vale- how of Ontario, spent Sat uray in Vale. Mrs. Eva Yost spent Monday in Vale from Rjverside. ' Loyd Edmunson and wife were Vale visitors in the early part of the week . - J. H. Gordon, of Ontario, was in Vale Tuesday, visiting and on busi ness, District Attorney, R. W. Swagler wan in Vale on legal business the first of the week. v Fred B. Currey of La Grande spent F. B. Currey of La Grande spent a few days visiting relatives and renewing old acquaintances v- '- this week. He visited with his I nephew, George Huntington -.let;. r. J. Ualiagher, State Kepresenta tive. spent Tuesday and Wednesday of the present week in Vale on court business. Mr. L. Boswell of Big Bend spent a few days in Vale the first part of the week transacting irrigation business. J. II. Thompson of Nyssa was in Vale on business' Wednesday remain ing over till Thursday. Harry Tamblyn. County Surveyor has returned from Malheur' City, where he spent 10 days surveying for individuals in that section. ' Christian Church ' (J. A. Melton, Pastor) Bible School, 10 A. M. You will miss something if you are. not on time. Preaching 11 A. M., Subject The Church, what is it, m prepa'-x'-imi for the inter-world Church. Drive for funds to "carry the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the wvrlfl Christian Endeavor, 7 P. M. fol lowed by a special Musical Progimn consisting of Solos, Duets, Quartets; and Readings, also a special song by our Young Ladies Chorus, A 15 min ute' address by the pastor, subject The Church and its Task. You are cordially invited to these services and if you are not present you will miss something worth while. Methodist Episcopal Church (E. F. Clower, Pastor.) Sunday School at 10 o'clock A. M. Mrs. B. F. Farmer Supt. " The regular Childrens hour, at 11 o'clock A. M. Junior League at 3 o'clock P. M. Epworth League at 7 o'clock v. Preachine at 8 o'clock P. M. , Singing practice at 7 o'clock Wed nesday evening. Prayer service at 8 o' clock P. M. Thursday. . . All will receive a cordial welcome to any or all these services. Osborn Millinery I i .is showing some very attractive hats at. '. . attractive prices. .. ; Pnces rah'e . from .$3.50, $6.50. $8.00, $10.00, $12:O0:iup;'io..$3Q.OO. ' . We have the hat you need and want. We also carry, a select line of waists reason ably. -priced-'" UBborn Millinery Ontario, Oregon j; Inks, Office Supplies ' DON'T FORGET THAT THE Malheur Enterprise iS CLOSING OUT THIS LINE ALL STRICTLY FRESH GOODS Off Get Your Office Supplies Now 'I' i l f I I' ! ' ' 444 WALTER WALKER BROKER STOCK AND BONDS ALL KINDS I. buy anii sell Western Pacific Oil stock as well as anyStocks or Bonds on the market. SEND ME YOUR ORDERS WALTER WALKER 805 Bannock-St- . . - Boise, Idaho rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTT TTTTT ONTARIO Student Body Votes Near East Fund . Talk Fair Affairs Wind I Breaks Window . f ONTARIO. Oregon, April 23 On i Thursday of this week, occurred the wedding of Miss Dorothy. Jaquirh to i Herbert Paul, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Delphine Ja fluish: Rev. Cochran, of the Tresby- teriah church, officiated. The bride and groom left Friday for a honey moon trip to Chicago and other mid dle western points. ! Rev. W. J. Luscombe gave a talk Wednesday morning, to the High School student body, in which he vividly presented the great need of money for the Near East region. That afternoon, the Seniors voted to donate $75.00 of the amountthey made from their class play, to the relief fund. Mrs. Ida. B. Callahan, of Portland, presjdent of the State Federation of Women's Clubs, was in Ontario, Sat urday, and held an interesting meet ing of the Woman's Club at the Public Library. Delicious refresh ' ments were served at the close of the meeting. The Furity Bakery moved to the od Lambkin store, near the Ontario Meat and Grocery -Company, this i week. In eddition to this action, a large electric oven, costing $2000.00 has been installed andf other machin ery has been ordered. F.. H. Mulkcv. of Spokane, arrived this week to superintend the con struction of the Ontario Milling Com pany's plant. Mrs E. A. Cooley and her mother. Mrs. M. L. Currey, left last Wednes day for the John Day country, where they will spend the summer. E. E. Kiddle. Eastern Oregon's representative in the Highway Com mission, was here Monday and Tues dav. investigating local conditions. . The Rehekahs held an initiation in the Oddfellows' hall, Wednesday evening, and a good time was enjoy ed by nll. ' A proposition was put to the dir ectors at the Commercial Club's Tuesday luncheon, to construct a combination natatonum, gymnasium, and dance, hall. The matter was re ferred to the membership committee. Mrs. Henry Griffin returned .Wed nesday from Nampa, accompanied by Mrs. Sullivan, whom she has been nursing for the past three week's. Two healthy youngsters arrived this week, to rejoice the Kime fam ily, the first baby, a girl, was born April 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kimn while a nine nound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Kime, : on April 19. Over six hundred baseball fans at tended the opening game at the ball park in Ontario, Sunday, and wit nessed the first honors for Payette. Mrs. J.-W. Springer returned Tues-j she attended a convention of library workers who are interested in the county library movement. The con-, vention .wag held on Monday and Tuesday and was superintended by State Librarian, Miss Cornelia Mar vin. S. M. Boucher and M. D. Thomas have purchased the Hugh Allen dairy, and will continue it under the old nsrae of "Golden Rod Dairy." Miss Estelle Conway returned Thursday, from Portland, where she attended the wedding of her brother. The Tuesday Bridge Club met this week with Mrs. E. H. Test. . A. joint meeting of the Malheur County Fair Board and the Commer cial Club directors was held Tuesday evening, when preliminary arrange ments' were made for the 1920 Fair. The girl's physical training classes of the High School motored to Vale, last Thursday, and enjoyed a plunge party. Fred Currey and son Oren are down from Juntu.a, to visit Miss TTirel, who is attending high school here. D. E. Montague has rented M. L. Currey's home for the summer, and Paul Cayou is moving into the house vacated by Mr. Montague which was recently purchased from Joe Staples. Ontario's main street is being flowed to lower the grade for pav inr, and will be the next street to be treated. Wednesday evening, the Nut Club -ntc tained with an initiation and re crUon tne Wilson Hall. Mrs. H. C. Cleveland and daughter, Dorothy, left Monday, for their home in Jamieson. after spending a few davs visiting friends in Ontario. , R. V. Gunn, end L. J. Allen, of Corvallis, are in town this week, as sisting the county club worker, Miss Mazie Wilson, in the organization of the various clubs for the boys and girls. .. A slight "twister" struck the northeastern part of Ontario, Tues day, and wrecked two chimneys, be sides' destroying a large plate glass window at the Troxell Implement Company. . Peggy Renfreau, of Weiser, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. A. M. Warde and dnughter Blanche, were visitors from Beulah. last week. The Wednesday Bridge Club was entertained this week by Mrs. J. D. Billingsley. (Continued on Page Eight.) I LOCAL NEWS BREVITIES Snow At Ironside Morgan Carlile, County Assessor. spent Saturday night and Sunday at ironside, where fiBhitig and lots of it was the or- 1 . H 1.1 J .1 A. .1 J"' - 1 . . uer vi u ujy, uuk ine urn uiu pot bite at all owing to the turbulent condition of the stream as the result of the recent snows that fell in that vicinity on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Fellows accompani ed Morg on the trip. They are not dis couraged nevertheless Bnd intend going up Willow Creek in the near future or as soon as the snows have all melted and the waters are again clear. Purity Bakery Mored The Purity Bakery of Ontario has moved to their new location ont main street one block south on the opposite side of the street. The New Bakery equipped with all the lateat type of electric maenmery. Buys Car Mrs. L. A. Mansur of the Arlington has recently purchased a Chevrolet touring car. To Elect Officers The American Legion, Julian Lowe Post No. SB. will hold a meeting for the election of officers on the night of Tuesday April 27th, at 8 r. M. and all members of the Legion are request ed to be there. The regular weekly ieetmg has been changed from Mon day to luesday of each week. Special Program Sunday night. April 25th, a special program con sinsting of music, songs and inter esting readings will b rendered at the Christian Church. The program is free and all are invited. John Day Boosted After a ride down the John Day Highway grade on their way to Vale from Bonita, J. F. Phelan and party are enthus iastic in their praise of the grade and the work done on that portion that is finished. Returns From Winter Trip Mrs. A. M. Hurley returned Monday after spending the winter months in Port land and Seattle with relatives and friends. Bonita People Visit Quite a num ber of Bonita residents visited Vale on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Phelan, were down on ranch business; George Lees, was in Vale on naturalization maters and Abe Lewellel accompani ed him as a witness; Tom Stewart,' came in to attend to his naturaliza tion application, but was sick when he left Bonita and was so much worse when he arrived here, that he was sent to the Vale Hospital a very sick man; Mrs. Elizabeth Wor ley and her sister Miss Mary Lew ellen were here on a shopping trip, visiting the various stores; J. L. Ham mack, and Lee Hammack came in on business and returned Thursday. To Move Cattle On Monday a number of cattle consisting of some fine breed stock now in Crowley sec tion are to be taken to Bonita by J. F. Phelan and J. L. Hammack. Baby Girl Arrival "of an eight pound baby girl, born to Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Powell of Vale is re ported by Dr. H. W. Steelhammer. on April 15th. Baby Boy Dr. Steelhammer re ports the birth of a nine pound baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Burrelle of Vale at the Vale hospital Friday morning. Leader Has New Cir Miss Mazie Wilson, the Boy3 and Girls Club Leader of Malheur County, has a new Ford car, which the Farm Bu reau has purchased for her use in the performance of her duties in the course of following which Miss Wil son must cover all parts of the coun ty and she is very much pleased with the new acquisition. At the present time L. J. Allen, State Live stick Leader is being shown over parts of the county by Miss Wilson and the car has proven that it fills a necessary means of travel for thi3 branch of the Farm Bureau. New Men's Emporium The last of this week marksthe opening of the men's sanctum-sanctorium on the ground floor of the Alco building next to the Drexel hotel, 'in which James Smith caters to the wants of the man of Vale. The new quarters are large and spacious nnd are equipped with three new modern billiard tables, card tables, bright linoleum and fixtures and a full line of cigars, tobacco and cigarettes, as well as candy, will be carried. A firstclass fountain will be maintain ed. The building has just been com pletely remodelled and rearranged. Takes Outing Fishing Saturday marked the departure of John Davis and party consisting of Professor Beckman, John Boswell and Wendal Thayer, on a two days fishing and camping trip to upper Willow Creek and altho the first did not bite un til Sunday afternoon, they stayed on and caught the limit for each of the party and an enjoyable time was had. New Rur.il Home Jerome Bridges purchased 14 acres on Bully Creek From L. A. Mansur through O. E. Carman, for his son-in-law Frank Kendall, who Is to make his home there. Blanton Lands Sold Messr. O. E. Carman and H. E. Young, have pur chased the Blanton place consisting of 280 acre J lying immediately west of Ontario. Bullock Place Sold Fred Trenkel bought the Bullock ranch and all its appurtenances located in the Big Bend section, which he is to make his home dace, moving from his 1 place on the Shoe String For Mrs. Claggett Mrs. C. C. Mueller very informal ly entertained a few ladies on Mon day afternoon for Mrs. Thomas Clag gett of Ontario who was a guest in the Mueller home over the week end. - Club Meeting Members of the Monday Study Club will meen with Mrs. J. F. Mill er Monday afternoon April 26 for : the last regular study program of ; the current year. All members are urged to be present to take part in this program and help plan work for the coming year. P. E. O. Luncheon Members of Chapter K. P. E. O. of Vale motored to Ontario on Tues day afternoon where they were delight fully entertained with a luncheon and social hour by Mrs. H. C. Smith. The guests arrived in Ontario about three o'clock and after a pleasant social hour were taken to the Blue bird where at a specially appointed table the organization colors of yellow and white were used to mark the sixteen places, and a delicious four course luncheon was served. Embroidery Club Mrs. Ernest Diven entertained the embroidery club Friday at her home and an enjoyable time was had and something in useful produc tion was planned. WW Bridge Prty Mrs. Earl Neely. entertained at bridge Saturday afternoon last and the high honors went to Mrs. Ernest lnven. During the afternoon at this party Mrs. O. E. Carman, sang two delightful solo numbers. www In Honor of Guest Mrs. Burton West of New York City is visiting in Vale with Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Dunlop and has been the inspiration for a number or pleasant parties during the past week." On Wednesday Mrs. T. T. Nelson was hostess for Wednesday Bridge with Mrs. West as guest of honor. Fri day evening Mrs. John P. Houston entertained for Mrs. West and Fri day afternoon Mrs. , H. C. Eastham entertained a number of guests in her honor. After completing her visit in Vale Mrs. West will continue her tour thru California stopping at San Francisco to visit with Dr. Flor ence Dunlop Strickler. Gingham Party Mrs. F. C. Oxman entertained a number of friends on Tuesday after noon with a gingham bridge pai$y. Guests arrived gowned in gingham frocks and place cards were made from strips of gingham. A gingham anron was awarded as prize during the afternoon's playing and Mrs. Emsst Diven wm the lacky lady. At the oios f the atteanon light rfeshns-tt were aerveil by tke hosfeesa. Returns Home Miss Maurine Jones returned this week after an extended visit in Boise with friends. During her ab sence Miss Jonesw as honor guest for a series of delightfully arranged parties and dances in the Idaho Cap itol City. iUttttttttt CLOTHING We have Full Line of Wearing Apparel. SHOES BOOTS SHOES t New Lot Red-Seal Gum Boats Just In FIRST QUALITY GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES WE SAVE YOU MONEY fl ON MEN'S SHIRTS H WORK SHIRTS if Underwear "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" Amenta for lianns Canvaa Dam Vale Saddlery Company WM. ROSE. Prop. 'IM.MWJI Harnei and Saddles on hand or mad to Order SEiiV wamwl IS OUR MOTTO Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables Our Staple Lines of Spices, Teas, Coffee, and Canned Goods are of the Best Brands DIVEN & COMPANY Dependable Groceries. PHONE 4 VALE, OREGON 3v km Guard -$5" $ . Your Homo "A Technically trained man with business judgment". Vote fpr RHEA LUPER, Republican nomination for Public Service Commissioner. Adv. 24Apr-15May. ' ' TVTEVER kas there been a better reason for " I 3 Prescrvn yur property than at the present v, " time. High costs of construction have greatly increased . v the value of homes and buildings, no matter how 'old they might be. . f - Paint GOOD Paint, will do more to preserve and increase the value of your prop6rty than anything else you can possibly invest in. It is the greatest safeguard against the ravages of time and weather. It is the best kind of insurance. v . ; Guard your home and buildings with FULLER Paint smd ther pwxhi4. Baok of them are 71 years f paint-making experience. Thousands of property owners have used these products for years. Look Up a FULLER Dealer In Your Town " '' ' W. P, Fuller & ,Co. Northwest Branches at Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Boise ' E9ESI STUB E BAKER CARS Beautiful in design Thoroughly modern Mechanically right Kessler Garage Vale, KESSIJtt & WOODWARD, Props. Orecn.