Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, April 17, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    ftATttftbAY, 'APRIL 17, lteo.
la th Ceantr Crt f tli ta af Orra
Far Malhear Coanty
la th Matter of the Guardianship of Joseph
Beaeh, Unri Beach. Lei Beach and
Teddy Beaeh. Minora. , . . .
Notlea ta heror alren. that under and by
virtue of an order duly tamed oat of the
bor entitled Court In the entitled matter
oa th 12. dar of March 1920. aatnnriilng
IB. 'the enderstaned. the GuaHlan for the
above-named mmor waras. i win on .
day of April 120. at the hour of I oetetk
P. M. of said dar. at the north entrance o!
the Court Houee In Vale, Oresjon, offer
for sals to the hle-btit ano beet bidder
eaeh all of the followlnc eetate. belonging
to the ald minor wards ! Lot 1-4 of
Sea. J Tw. S S.. B. 48 E.. W. M. ocated
(a Malheur Count. Oregon : and If th"
aald imieit be not eold on aald date
will thereafter aeeept bid. for private sale
of the aald real estate.
The Guardian reserve the rlirht to re
ject anr and all blda. offered at either public
or private !-ALIt.j. BEtH-ECKKIlM AN
la the Ceanrr Court of the 8' ate af Oreen
For Malheur County
The undersigned Elisibeth Keller having
been appointed br the County Court of the
State of Orea-on, for Malheur County. Admin
istratrix of the estate of Melville D. Keller,
deeeaaed, and having qualified, notice to
hereby given to the ereditora of. and all
peraona having elalma agalnat aald deeeaaed,
T ikaM vrUA aa recmlred by law.
within aix month after the first publica
tion of that notice m aaia mi.iriv.u
at her residence near Jamteson. Oregon or
to Devta V Hester her attorneys at Vale.
Administratrix of the esUU of MelvUla D
Keller, deeeaaed. a
Dated. March 17th. 1820.
OTMar-i4Apr. ;
Department af the Interior
U. 8. Land Office, at Vale. Oregon Mare
It. 1920
NOTICE h fiereby given that John J.
Aekerman of Bonlta, Oregon, who on Dee
amber llth. 191R, made Additional Home
stead Entry. No. 0H807. for WNWH, BK
8WV4. SWKSEtf See. 8, T. la 8.. H. 40;
and Lot S. Section 4,-Townahlp 16 South,
Range 40 Seat, Willamette Meridian, has
fled notice of .Intention to make final three
rear Proof, to establish claim to the land
above deacribed. before Register and Receiver,
TJ. 8. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the
tTth dar of April. 1820.
Claimant names aa witnesses ; Abe Lew
Allen, Ben Harris, Ernest H. Hathaway,
Stmon Sarvitiue, all of Bonlta Oreiron.
TH08. JONES. Register.
Department of the Interior
V. 8. Land Office at Vale. Oregon, March
1. 1820.
NOTICE fa hereby given that Wilson A.
Woods of Brogan, Oregon, who on April 4,
181T. made Homestead entry No. 0M45 for
the 8S'4. NSBK. SVjNEVi See. 4, and
on Mar J4, 1919 Add'l Hd. Entry No. 06037
for the NV4SWK. NWV4, N,NE'4 See. 84,
all In Township 16 South. Range 42 East.
wlllaH Maidinn. ban filed notice of In
anition to make final three rear Proof. toJ
aetablah claim to the land above aeeeriDeu,
before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land
Office, at Yale, Oregon, on the 23rd day of
April. 1920.
Claimant names aa witnesses : P. K. Scars,
Jamleaon, Oregon, Ed Hannon of Brogan.
Oregon, C. H. Llbbr. W. J. Wood both
of Huntington,- Oregon.
THOS. JONES. Register.
I Mar-17 Apr.
la the Clrealt Ceart af the Btata af Oregea
For Malhear Ceaatr
C. L. MOAD, Plaintiff
B. W. CADY and MARY E. CADY. hfa wife,
STEIN and ROY 8. NEAL. Defendants.
To E. W. Cady and Mary E. Cadr. has
-rire; William J. Cady: O. H. Von Felsen--tei.i
: amt Key 8. Neal, the i-b-io aanv-d -fendanta.
OREGON: You are hereby required to ap
pear and anawer the eomplatnt filed against
you In the above entitled ault. within aix
reekt from the 27th dar of March. 1929,
'.he data of the first publication of this
iummons ; and If you fall so to appear and
aniwer, the plaintiff will apply to the
".oiirt for the relief demanded la the
complaint, to-wit .
For a judgment against the d f-ndanta O.
ft. VonFelsensteln and Roy S. Neal for
8400.00 and Interest therfl fnce F-T.tem-ber
24. 1917 nt aix per cent .p.r ai-l-um.
and for 8MI.00 aa attomer'e fees, and
eosta and dishuraementa herein : and for
a decree reforming deed from defendant E.
W. Cadr and Marr E. Cadv to William J.
Cailr: and deed from William J. Cadr to
defendant G. H. VonFelsensteln : and mort
vage from defendant G. H. VonFelsensteln
to secure the auma of miner above, mention
ed, ao that each of aald instrumenta shall
cmreetly describe the lands therein and in
this ault mentioned aa lv.ts In Twnship
SO South Instead of Township 80 "North",
and aa ao reformed, to foreclose said mort
gage upon said land described aa the "South
west Quarter of Section 18 In Towushm 86
South. Range 87 E. W. M. In Malheur
Countr. Oregon." and for an order of aale
of said premisea to par aald judgment, and
that eaeh and everr of the defendanta be
forever barred of all right, tttlo and es
tate in aatd landa, except their statutory
right to redeem : and for such other retlel
as may seem equitable.
By virtue of an order of tha Honorable
Dalton Bigga, Judge of the above entitled
Court, made and entered on the 2rd day
of March, 1920. this aumona ia publlahed for
six weeks In the Malheur Enterprise.
weekly neweoapea published In said County.
commencing with the Isaue thereof of March
27th, 1920 and ending with tha issue of
May 8th 1920.
Attorneys for Plaintiff. Residing a Vale,
tors of the City of Vale, Oregon, that onder
and br virtue of an ordinance adonted hv
I tha Council of the City of Vale and approved
hr the Mayor on the 8th day of Aorll. 1920,
a special election la called and will he held
In the City of Vale, at polling plaeea to be
fmvlded In eaeh precinct thereof, In the North
Vela precinct and in the South Vale Pre
elfct, on Friday, the flat day of Mar, 1920,
of 8 o'clock In the forenoon until 7 o'clock
in the afternoon, at which time there will
be submitted for determination whether or
I pot there shall be Issued the bonds of th
'municipality of Vale In the aum of 186.000,
or en much thereof oa mar be neees.ary.
for th nurnose of acquiring and Installing
an additional water supply for the aald
City and Its inhabitants, said bonds to be
negotiable. Interest bearing, payable forty
year from the date- of Issue, and hearlns,
Interest at a rate not to exceed six pel
cent per annum, to pay the expense of so
qulring, constructing and Installing the nec
essary water, works and apparatus for
supplylnr the municipality with additional
water and water system.
This notice la given under and by virtue
of the duty Imposed on me by the afore
eald ordinance.
Dated at Yale, Oregon. April 17, 1920.
Recorder of the City of Vale, Oregon.
Department af the Interior
U. 8. Land Office at Vale, Oregon,
April 1, 1920
NOTICE la hereby given that Thomne D
Scott of Vale. Oregon, who. on March 27,
1909. made Desert Land Entry No. 08.15,
for NNU,, Section 14, Township 18 South,
Range 45 East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of Intention to make final Proof,
under the Aet of March 4. 19ft. section 2. to
establish claim to the land above described, be
fore Reg later and Receiver. U. 8. Land Office
at. Vale, Oregon, on tha 10th day of May,
Claimant names aa witnesses : Charles
Faubian. of Parma, Idaho, George Russell;
or Vale, Oregon, J. R. Randolph of Vale.
Oregon, Edward Gibson, of Parma, Idaho.
Trios. JONfcS, Keg later.
Department of the Interior
U. 8. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, March
, 10, 19Z0.
TMOTTfTTfi la hereby given that Walter W.
Howard of Vale. Oregon, who, on October
IBth. 1916, made Homestead Entry No.
6471T, for NEV4. SEV.NWV,, Section 19 and
NWViNwVi. Section zu, iownsnip is oouui.
Rang 40 East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make Final Three
Year- Proof, to eatableah claim to the land
above described, before Register and Receiv
er, U. 8. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on
the 22nd day of April. 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses:. Morton
Moudy. Roy A. Pope, both of Vale, Oregon,
Ralph Harvey, J, M. Weaver, both of Bon
lta, Oregon
. THOS. JONES. Register.
20 Mar-17 Apr.
Department of tha Interior
TJ. 8. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, March
12, 1920.
NOTICE la hereby given that Ralney
Arville Bybee, of Brogan, Oregon, who on
February 25, 1916, made Homestead Entry
No. 04205 for WW, Section 24, Township 14
Smith, Range 40 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make final
three rear Proof, to establish claim to th
land above deacribed, before Charles H.
Morfitt, V. 8. Commissioner, at Malheur,
Oregon, on the 2Srd dar of April,. 1920.
Claimant names as witnessed:
L. D. Lynch, Harry Wheelock CVaa. Bron
eon and C. W. Parrott all -d Malheur,
THOS. JONES, Aegistar.
30 Mar-17 Apr.
Department af tha Interior
TJ. 8. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, March
28, 1920.
NOTICE fa hereby given that Milton W.
Yeoman of Brogan, Oregon, who on Max
10th, 1918, made Desert Land Entry, No.
06642, for 6EV4SEV4. Sec. 7. NW'NWV,,
Sec 17 and NEHNEI4, Section If), Town
ship 14 South, Range 42 East. Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to
make Final Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before Chas. H
Morfitt. U. S. Commissioner, at Malheur
Oregon, on the 28th day of April. 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses : H. L
Glaeeoek. Manuel Todhunter. John Todhunter.
L. F. Keller, all of Brogan, Oregon.
, . THOS. JONES, Regl.tcr.
S7m.-24 Apr.
Ia the County Ceart af the Btata of Oregon
For tha County ef Malhear
1 In the matter of tha Estate of James 8
N ap ton. Deeeaaed.
Mary H. Naptoa the Administratrix of the
Estate of Jamea 8. Napton deceased, hav
ing rendered and . presented for aettlement,
and filed In this Court, her final account
of her administration of said Estate.
It k Ordered, That Tuesday the 27th
day of April A. X- 1920. being a day of a
Bubaequent term -of said Court, to-wit : of
the April Term thereof. A. D. 1920 at 10
'clock A. M. of said day. be and the aald
fa hereby appointed for tho aettlement of
aald account: and that notice of aald aettle
ment be published in the Malheur Enter
prtee a newapaper published In Vale. Mal
heur County, Oregon aa often aa one a
week for four successive weeks prior to said
day of aettlement.
Don at Vale. Oregon this 23rd. day of
March A. D. 19Z0.
Department af the Interior
U. 8. Land Office at Vale. Oregon,
April 8. 1920.
NOTICE fa hereby given that Lincoln Mor
ris Erhardt of Vale, Oregon, who, on Aug
ust 2, 1910 made Homestead Entry No
04616. for the N'iSWH, SEV4SWV4. Sec 8.
EMiNWK. 8W14NWM Sec 10, and who on
April 1, 1920. made Add'l. Hd. Entry 06977.
for the. EM,SE4 Section 4, All in Tewnshir
20 South, Range 48 Bast, Willametta Meri
dian, has filed notice of Intention to make
final three-year Proof, to establish claim tr
the land above described, before Reglatet
and Receiver, U. 8. Land Offtoe. at Vale
Oregon, on the llth day of Mar, 1920.
Claimant namea aa wltnesaea : Bert L
Ingham, Le Hogan, J. D. Roger and T. C.
McElror all of Vale, Oregon.
THOS. JONES, Register.
bids will be received by the County Court
of Malheur County at Vale, Oregon, at thr
Court room at Vale, Oregon on April 17th.
1920, at 10 o'clock A. M. for grading about
.0 miles of the Vale-Brogan aeetlon of thr
John Day Highway, according to plane an
tncclfleatlone on file In the office of the
Oregon State Highway Engineer at Ontar
lo, Oregon.
The said County Court will receive- and
consider bids for all or any portion of aaii4
construction work not las than on mile
Plana and specifications may be had a'
the Highway Engineers' office at Ontario
Bids to be accompanied by a certifier
check for five per aent of the amoun;
'Signed) E. H. TEST. County Judge.
F. M. VINES, Coromisa loner,
J. F. WEAVER, Commbr.kmer
ATTEST: A. M. MOODY, County Clerk.
Tho Court roservea th right to rejec
.ry and all bids.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon.
April, 2, 1920.
NOTICE la hereby given that Henry 1
Hnrt of Harper, Oregon, who, on Februav
13t.h, 1917, mode Homestead Entry No. OfiSI
for NEV,NE,4. 8NE'i and NWKSE1
Sectlon 12, Township 20 South, Range i
East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notle
of intention to make Final Three Year Proi
to establish claim to the land above deocrib
ed. before Register and .Receiver, II. S. Lan.
Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the I2th day o
May. 1920.
Claimant namea as witnesses: Ho-vn
Camp. J. H. Hart. C. F. Anderson. W:
Cramer, all of Harper. Oregon.
THOS. JONES. Regi.t. .
Eighth Grade Exaninations will be held ir
all of the' schools in Malheur County o
May 18 and 14. 1920. Teachers ahould rc
port pupils who are ready for the eiamina
tlona In the eighth grade subjects and alsi
In physiology and geography.
The questions for these examination wil
be worded so that pupils may answer then
from their study of the old or the nev
text. . .. ,
Tho program fa as follows: Thursday
Arithmetic Writing. History. Agriculture
and spelling: Friday. Physiology. Language
Geography. Civil -.rnmentnd Reading.
County Superintendent of Schools
10 Apr.-14Apr.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at Vale Oregon
April 10, 1920.
airiTTrir. ft. herehv given that ElliabeU'
Powers of Ontario. Oregon, who, on Septem
, a ion m4. Homestead entry. No.
01657." for Weat Half Section 84. Townshir
. c n... xa Et. Willamette Meri-
dtan. haa filed notice of intention to make
final three year Proof, to establish claim
to the land abov. described. te'-
ter and Receiver. II. S. Land Office at
Vale. Oregon, on the 27th day of May
19?S:.-L.. .. witneuea: J. D. Bill-
ingsley. of Ontario, Oregon. Don E. Piatt of
Harper. Oregon, C. W. Klbler. Isaac J. Pow-
" " E.'H. TEST. County Jislg. era, both of ',d,ONEa BexiaUr.
First publication March 27. 1920. ' THOS. JONES, negater.
lasst publication. April Z4. mzo.
Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Supervisor of the E'""
Colony Drainage District at their offle. In Nr.. Malhur Coungr. Oregon
hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday, th. 21st day of April 1920 and Immediate
thereafter publlclr opened, for th. purchase of bond of aald district la the "
Fifty Thousand lloO.OOO.OO) Dollar., dated March 1, 1920. in denomination, and matur-
tag aa follows, to-wlt : ...
Maturity Numbers Interest Principal
March 1. 1921. 8.000.00
March 1, 1922.
March I. 1918
March 1. 1924. -
Marah 1. 1916. 1. 2. 8. 4. I, ....
March I. 1924. T. 8. . 10, 11. 12 .
March I. 1927, IS, 14. 16. 14. 11, It
March 1, 1928. 19. 20-1-8-8-4
March 1, 1929, 26-6-7-8-9-80
March I, 1980, 81-8-8-4-6-6 - -
March 1. 1981, 87-8-0-40-1-2
March 1, 4S-S-B-B-I-
March 1. 1983, 4 60-1 2-3-4
Mar'h I, 1984. 6H-4-7-8-8-60
Mairh I. 1985, II 1-1 144
March 1. 1986. 67-8-9-70-1-2
Merer. I. 187. 18-4-8 6-7-8
, March I. 1988. 79-HO-1-2-3-4 ....
Mareh I. 1939. 5-4-1 ---
March 1. 1840. 91-2-6-4-5-6
a. 000 o
2.000 00 o
2.820 0
2.2X6 09
1,740 00
1.640 00
1.880 00
1.200 00
1.020 00
840 00
420 000
I 2.000.00
I 2.000 00
t.OWi.av ao
t.000 00 00
8.000 0 00
t.OAO 00 aa
t.000 00
1.000 0
8.600 00
8.500 0
.! 0
1.740 0"
4 . aa
4.20 it
4.020 00
4.640 00
4.10 00
3 ';
la the County Court of the Slat of Oregon
for Malheur County,
HENRY 8. BtrLLOCK. Deceased.
The undersigned having been appointed by
the Countr Court of the Stat, of Oregon,
for Malheur County, Administratrix of the
estate of Henrv 8. Bullock, deceased, sal
having nualified. notice h hereby given to
the ereditora of. and all persons having
claims against aaid deceased to present
them, verified aa required by law. within
lx montha after the first publication of
this notice to aald Delia Bullock, at the
tfflee of Davia and Keater, her attorneys, at
Vale. Oregon.
Administratrix of the estate of Henry 8.
Bullock, deceased. ,
Dated. March 28. 1920.
Flrat Publication, Mareh 27, 1920.
Last Publication, April 24, 1920.
la the Caantv Ceart f th State af Oregon
For Malhear County ,
In the Matter of the Eetata of -
That th. undersigned by order of trie above
entitled court bearing date Mareh 16. 1920F
wer duly appointed Executrix and Executor,
respectively, jointly, of the ' abov entitled
AU persona having elalma agalnat aald
estate are hereby notified and required to
present the aame to the undersigned with
in six months from the date of th. first
publication of this notioe. duly verified, with
proper vouchers, at the office of H. C. East
ham. attorney at law. In Vale, Oregon, which
ia hereby designed as the place for the
transaction of tha business of snld estate.
Dated. Vale. Oregon. March 20th, 1920.
ANNIE B. O'NEILL. Executrix, and
FRANK O. JACKSON, Executor of the
last will and testament and estate of Francis
O'Neill, Deceased.
H. C. EASTHAM, Attorney for Executor.
20 M.r-17Apr.
Warmsprings Irrigation District
have been filed with the Board of Directors
of the Warmsprings Irrigation District three
separata petitions for the inclusion within
said District of the lands deacribed in aald
petitions as follows :
Petition by the Oregon and Western Col
onization Company, a corporation, for the
inclusion within said District of th. EV&
NW4, SW',NWV4, WVjSWVi of Sec. IB,
Twp. 18 S., R. 46 E.. W. M.: the WW
8EMNW54. WVfcNEWSWtt of Sec 11, Twp.
18 S.. R. 46 E., W. M. ; also that portion
of the WtyNEMNWVl, NWNWVi. 8M
NEV,. SE4 and the SVjNWVi of Sec 21
In said Twp 18 8., R. 46 East, W. M.
now, or which may com. under a,ny Dis
trict ditch, or- future extension thereof, con
taining 620 acre more or lea.
A petition by Albert Silverman for the in
clusion within said District of the NEV,,
NI-SEVJ. EVjENWV4, and the EV.NE14
SWV, of See. 11. Twp. 18 8., R. 46 E-,
W. M. containing 800 acres more or Insa.
A petition by Frank P. Dow for the
Inclusion within said District of the SWV4,
W-AW'AWWjSE and the WSWV4SW4
MEli of 8ec 16 In Twp. 18 8., R. 46 E.,
W. M., containing 186 acres more or leas.
All property owners in the said Warm
springs Irrigation District and of anr of
'he lands above deacribed which it ia pro--osed
to Include In said District, and all
CTona Interested In- anr manner In aald
matter are hereby notified to appear at the
office of the Board of Directors of aaid
district at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon
2 o'clock P. M. on the 4th day of
May. 1920. being the regular monthly meet-
fnv of aald Board, and show cause. If any
'her have, why the pravers of said petl
!ands Included within the boundaries of
Mona should not he grantod and the said
aid Warmsprings Irrigation District
Dated at Vale. Oregon this 8th day of
nril, 1920 by order of the Board of Dlr
Secretary Warmsprings Irrigation District.
0 Apr-1 May.
Defjs. Contplalata, Etc, Flies) ky
Countr Clerk During
rait -Week.
Ontario Advancement Co' to w w ni.
ton NHNWWSEmNEM. SHNEV.SEV.NE",-t-18-47.
Feb. 14, 1920. 21876.00 82 0 I. R. 9.
uncano .v. Co. to W. W. Hlnton, Nt4
NEV4SByNES-18-47, Feb. 14. 1920 31000 00
81.50 I. R. 8.
Ontario Ariv Cn fcn iMMih rl.M t ..-1-
aa, nsvw,,ENE', -8-18-47, Feb. 14, 1920.
1 1 ww si.ou 1. it. H.
U. 8. A. to Robert Krkkaon. Lola 1-8-4
See. 27; Lota 1-2-6 See. 22-16-46, Feb. t.
Robert Erlckson et ux to Roy Martin A
V. W. Halle. Lota 2-8-4 Sea. ft- Iv l.t.a
See. 22-16-46. April t, 1920. $600.00 50c I. R.
V. 8. A. to Victor C. Hamilton. SHNWW
Lots 2-3-4 See. t: Lota 1-2-3- See. 4-11-44.
Sept. 8, 1919.
H. R, Sherwood et ux to P. M. Warren.
N 70 Ft of Ixita 4-5-6 Bl. 19 Nyssa. April
2, 1920. tftOO.OO 11.00 I. R. S.
A. B. Anderson et ux to Robert Erlck
aon, Lot 8 Sec. 9: Lot 6 Sec 8: Lot 1
Sec 8-(except are)-16-46.. March 8, 1920.
Robert Erlckaon et ux to Pet. Iverson.
Lot 1 (except 9 acres) A Lot 6, See. 8:
Lot 8 See. 9-16-46. Oct 28, 1920 315000.00
316.00 I. R. 8.
Maria M. Maxwell to Wm. T. Aahcharft,
SWViSEU-11-21-46, Jan. 10, 1920. 11000.00
Sl.'IU 1. K. .
vJohn Wood et ux to Rex Marqula 2.88
Acres In 8 W14SWVISEA4. 19-18-46 Dec 6.
1919. 260.00.
Glenn E. Burrelle et ux to Chas. E. John
son. N1 JNE4 8E',NW'.-8-19-44. April 6,
1920, 8A.onn.00 t 00 I. R. S.'
son N,NEV- SEVjNWW-8-19-44. Anrlltt
Wm E. Coder to D. M. John. NWU-28
EMiSWH WSE-21 : 8EK-29 WV,8WH-28-27-89,
March 27, 18929 310 00. 13.00 I. R. 8.
Jo G. 8taples et ux to Psul C. B. Canvnu,
Lots 6-7 Bl. 147 Ontario, April 6. 1920.'
U. 8. A. to Jas. M. Weaver, NWNWW-27-18-39.
April 10. 1920.
Ella Sproul et vlr to W. F. Eseue. Lots
11-12-18 Bl. 120 Ontario. April 1, 1920.
Thos. J. Brosnan et ux to Otta Thayer.
Lots 2-8- SWUNWli WW.SWVi-28; 8V4NEV4
NWH-88-17-47. -April 6, 1920. 257,126.00
357.60 I. R. 8.
R. A. Stewart et ux to Wm. Bryan Phlntw
Lot 16 Bl. 174 Ontario. August 7, 1912.81.00
C. F. A I. E DuPre to Geo. H. Roe.
Lota 8-4 S4NW4-5-l9-47. March 20,1920
310.000.00 321.50 I. R. S.
Jas. R. Coder et ux to D. M. John SWVJ.
29; EE 1-80-27-69. March 27, 1920 310.00
32.00 I. R. S.
U. S A. to Geo. B. Eddy. NEMSW14,
S1ASWV4-70: mjNWH SE14NW WV4NEW-29-24-4.
Feb. 2. 1920.
L. N. Plamondon et ux to S. Humphrey
A. Leslie Hope. Lota 1-24 8WV4NE 8EU
NWVi, E.SWVi-6-19-46. March 19, 1920.
$10 00 310.50 I. R. 8.
Mae Westfall et vlr to Sam F. Taylor.
Jr. Lnta 89-40 Bl 10 Riverside Adn. Ontario,
March 12. .1920 810.00 50e I. R. S.
Montie G. Gwinn et ux to Malheur Live
stock A Land Co. Lot 1 Sec. 19-18-44 A
NW4NEM-25-18-45. April t, 1920. 32400.00
32 60 I. R. S. '
II. S. A. to Owsley E. Carman. N4SE
NEV,SWV, RV,SWy4-26-l-44. May 4. 1917.
Ontario I,and A Towns I te Co. to Mrs. F.
8. Klbler, Lota 16-17 Bl. 290 Ontario, April
22. 1911 (150.00 80.60 L R. 8.
E. H. McDonald et uv to Fred Koonman.
NW'.NWV, WUNEV.NW4-81-19-49, Mareh
9, 1920. 824000.00 324.00 I. R. 8.
F. B. Newbill et ux to H. C. Garman et
ux EV.SEV1 -14-20-46. April 6, 1920. 312000.00
38.00 I. R. S.
Geo. W. Routh et ux to Frank Ervtnffton.
Lot 14 Bl. 84 Ontario. Sept. 2. 1915 3100.00
Geo. W. Blanton et ux to H. E. Young
A O. E. Carman. WSW, SVNWW-12:
NV.NEV,, RW4NEV.-14-18-46. April 8, 1920.
310.00 38.00 I. R. S.
Rex Marnui. et ux to John Wood 2.44
Acres In NWHNEU-80-18-46. Dec 6, 1919.
Peter Wood et ux to Geo. Greeley. RW.;
SWV.-22; WU.NWV, 8EV.NWV4 NVjSWti,
SESWM. SWV,SEV4-27-27-46. April 9. 1920.
32050.00 88.00 I. R. 8.
IT. S. A. to Floyd H. Howard. S'ANEV,.
NEMNEVi-13-14-89; Lot 1. Sec-18-14-40. Aug.
1, 1919.
Francis O'Neill Estate to Francis P. O'
Neill. NEV,SE,4-81 : NWViSWV, SV.SWti.
SWV, SEV, -82-16-44. April 10, 1920. 316000.00
316.00 I. R. S.
Complaints In Circuit Court
Dennis A. Sexton vs Louis Compbelt. Re
covery of Money 2811.06. April 9. 1920.
The Devereaux Mortgage Co. vs H. G.
Monre et al. Foreclosure Mtff. 32412.00. April
9, 1920.
Mary Ervlngton vs Allen Ervtngton, Di
vorce April 10, 1920.
Marriage License Issued
Chaa. Andrew Chlpman and Edna Ander
sen. April 9tW. 1920.
Qualified Property Agents
Promotion of Legitimate Project
Inauranc That Insures
B 4 V
U 2 C
(Banded Real Estate Dealers)
George Huntington Carrey. Mgr.
Nelsen Bldg. Vale. Oregon
Bald bonds to bear Intorsat at per cent a annum, parahl. ta,"'",1!! "
ftrat lUr September and Mareh. principal and Intoreat payable In VnitM -"
J-"T' 77 o,' ZftL, al the Secretary of said District at Nyssa, Malheur Couatr. "r"on.
m Z L Agny of Stat, of Oregon la New York City, at tn. optaa of th.
all bLia aauat b accompanied by a certified check for tea per cent (10 pes- cant) f
ST btd. Urn. to be forfeited t th. district a liqukUtod uaaaaga, ia
(al kldaer fall to tan ap aas pavy iar -
awara. .... , i.u. .4 th district will fnraish th
fcjbidar with th approving ksal opinio of Messrs. Teal. Minor A Wmfrac of Peru ad.
hB.asrl rMrva'tJ ht to reject any ar all bids.
BTra at th Wd W kay-rv-or. W t Kiaaaaaa fkmynag. jffi-,,,,
Ms lTAa.
StW Fr rosy checks,
mWpw smiles, white
teeth, good appetites
and digestions.
11 Its benefits are as GREAT !
lij as Its cost Is SMALL! j
jlj It satisfies the desire for !
J ' sweets, 'and Is beneficial, too. I
I Sealed Tight Kept Right
j .
Every j VILEYII Flavor
1 1 '
Nothing wrong with our balr.nce"
TILE right balance of costly Turkish
and Domestic tobaccos, propor
tioned by experts that's why
Chesterfields "satisfy."
Every puff brings you the full, rich
flavor of genuine Turkish tobacco
and the lively relish of choice Domes
tic leaf.
And theblend the manufacturer's
private formula can-
pot be copied.
Every package enclosed
in glassinc, moisture
proof paper that seals in
the flavor.
;T Jim
( iP.If v4 wjk Cite
'WtF-1!1! tf'ra jra va r?.-M Mr -J.JV-? r&j.c. Is :rz , 3
.,:.- t-i. jsaai-a, a. s. .;i.j..-m r.-.v .r-.j.t- c.-.t-fcj
The Most' Welcome
That Ever Came to Market
Men Who Appreciate Superlative Values Prefer The Brunswick
In every great tire factory, the
chief question is: "How much can
nve give for the money?" And the
product depend? on the . policy
Every man who Has become ac
quainted with Brunswick Tires
knows that Brunswick standards
are again evident. This famous con
cern noted as a leader in every
line it entered since 1845 has once
more proved that its policy is right
A perfect tire is simply a matter
tot knowledge and standards and
skill No secrets nor patents pre
vent making an ideal tire.
But standards come first. For in
Stire making there is vast room for
skimping, for subtle economies, for
hidden shortcomings. Makers with
out the highest standards don't
build high-grade tires.
The Brunswick organization of
tire makers includes a brilliant staff
of technical experts. Not a man
among them Has spent less than
20 years in handling rubber.
Each is a master of his craft.
And the new ideas they brinej to
the attention of Brunswick direc
tors receive sincere consideration.
Every proved betterment i3
adopted unanimously.
The Brunswick Tire is a combi
nation of acknowledged features
plus Brunswick standards of manu
facture. The result is a super-tire, the like
of which you have never known, be
fore. The kind of a tire you will
gladly join ia welcoming.
Yet Brunswicks cost no more
than like-type tires.
Try ONE Brunswick. We prom
ise a surprise. And we feel certain
that you will want ALL Eruns- '
Then good tires will have a new
meaning to you.
Portland Headquarter.: 46-48 Fifth Street
Sold On An Unlimited Mileage
Guarantee Basif
. iP?:'-- f ir5Y
V;.' J V - .ie't.
U..,..,.q,..,.l,..i '"-ilit)1VJJTVv-- -aav"y
1 si' . j 1 . x
T- . L l " 1 ...... .'it I ,.!..... ... .I'l.. .'"1:,. ; a
Cord Tires with "Driving" and "Swastika? Skid-Not Treads
Fabric Tires in 'Plain,'' "Ribbed" and "BBC" SkiJ-Not Treads