SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1920. MALHEUR ENTERPRISE, VALE, 6REG0W ' 'T fdr the boay itud Kogers is Helping ueorge fen- VAVWMWWW Items of Local and Personal In terest, by county Correspond ents of the Enterprise LINCOLN. Lincoln ..School ..Celebrates.. "April Fool's Day" Girls and Boys In dustrial Club Organized T. T. N ELS EN The Furniture Man. Vale Oregon. Let a Tire Factory Vulcanizer Repair Your Casings We send post paid, new 30x3, Plain Casing $12.00 30x3V2 Non Skid $17.00 PARKER'S TIRE SHOP Auto Accessaries New Shop Ontario, Oregon J Residence Property Nice five room house, with batn hot and cold water, two large lots. ' t A Good Buy at t $2,000.00 ! Terms if desired. f t C. C. MUELLER t Fint National Bank'Bldg. j WHAT ABOUT THAT INSURANCE? I,lNCOLN, April 12 Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, of On tario, were Sunday guests at the Anderson Cox home. Miss Irene Braden began working in the Tompkins Candy Kitchen in Weisor Monday, March 29. Miss Genevieve Mayberry spent the weekend in Weiser with Miss Esther Patch. They attended the Whitman Glee Club concert.' Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Withers and family spent Easter Sunday with friends in Weiser. Word was received last week by Mrs. W. S. Mayberry that her moth er, Mrs. J. R. Smith, of Lebannon, Oreeon. was very ill with pneumo nia. Mrs. Mayberry left Friday fo Lebannon. She found her mother much improved but will remain in the Willamette Valley indefinately. Miss Kistie Patch of Boise spent Sunday with her sister Miss Jennie Patch, returning to Boise Monday morning. Rav rant was a truest at a birth day dinner at the Grant home Sun day in honor or Oscar urant. Oscar Yant is recovering from the whooping cough. The Boys and Girls Industrial club at the Lincoln school is progressing nicely. The members have practi cally all started their work and all have sent in their first reports. The second club meetinc was held Friday ! March 26. and was very interesting, i l . i r. . i ti i..u : n i : , . nn uiiu iieipiui. i. nt- uuu is a live . and the prospects are promising. The Lincoln School celebrated April Fool's Day with a peanut showei for their teacher, Miss Mayberry. Everyone enjoyed the shower and the question box which followed was amusing and interesting. The onl unpleasant feature of the day was the wind breaking the new flagpole. The school is' planning for a picnic to be held on the last day of the term. ton on Barber Flat, I The range is in fairly good condi tion owing to the cold, backward spring. i Guy Shumway made a busmee. trip to the Wannsprings dam last week. . i everyone is Dusy fretting me Miss Cox and Mrs. Barclay re- K"d edy tor "P.". see'n turned home from Ontario where Mrs. E. Rogers visited with Mrs. they had a nice visit. Shutnway last week. Rhoda Armstrong has been helping While roping a wild horse T. It. out at the Pioneer Grill this weeK Beers had the rtrfortune to have Belle Lawrence, who had been visit- entangled in the rope and : o; otrH hmo was drairired about for some few tvVmh.w minutes but he was able to free Robert Lawrence made a trip to himself before any great damage re r i i . i, suited. I' lnln MfiUhnfmnn tla 11 (ThtOl AT UCV1KC AtctUd una 4 v. iivu -z.." Mr. and Mrs. Pan McPherson.. of '" We are glad to see his smiling Riverside left Thursday for Baker . K" where she is going to obtain medical TO PRODI i. . i LIVINC, LIKENESS in Photography is Hn Art Picture Taking is our Business; we are Artists. Satisfied customers It the medium through which we hope to build up our Clientelle. AMATEURS REMEMBER TO SEND IN YOUR FILMS. They will be finished by a Professional. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO SATISFACTION OUR SUCCESS. SELIGMAN'S STUDIO. Photos that are different. PHONE 133-W ONTARIO. OltEGON TT The Bank of Service The First National Bank of Vale, Oregon Capital and Surplus $58,000.00 Commercial Department ....Saving Department Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent Our Purpose is to make our bank a material benefit to the community in general and its matrons in particular. It would be a Measure to have your name on our )ooks. We invite you to start a check ing account with u.s The advantages we offer will be convenience and benefit to you. ALBERT W. REED, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Chas. W. Nelson, Pres. J. T. Logan, Vice-Pres. Elis Rose James M. Weaver- xxttmxtmmtmmnxttmtttmtmitttmmm BROGAN Leap Year Dance Given by Ladies Aid Big Success O. H. S. Fur nishes Music BROGAN, Ore., April 8. Mrs. J. P. Smith of Ironside returned to her home after a week's visit with her son, J. A. Smith, and family. Isabelle Cole, who is attending High School in Vale, spent the week end with her parents here. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. J. A. Smith Wednesday. Ivy Wise, Willie Woodcock and Guy Wise were among the many Ironside people who attended the dance the 2nd of April. Cecile Madden of Standfield, Ore gon, is here working for R. H. Lock ett. , Ruby Wilson attended the dance at Vale last Thursday. A nine pound baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. V. Kesterson March 30. Mr. Parrott went to Vale on bus ines Monday. Evan Allstrom of Wilder, Idaho, was in Brogan last week. An Easter program was given by the Sunday School last Sunday at the hall. Baskets of candy Easter Eggs were cven to the children and ice cream was served to all. J. A. Smith and daughter. Beulah, went to Ironside Wednesday. Miss Julia Westfall was an over night guest at the J. A. Smith home. The Leap Year dance given by the Ladies Aid on April 2nd, was a de cided success. The music was fur nished by the Ontario High School Orchestra added a great deal to the attraction of the last two dances in lirogan. Despite the fact that their loader was unable to accompany them last Friday they gave us some very good music which everyone enjoyed. Mark Rathford and E. Lacy passed through here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wheelock of Cow Valley were in Brogan Wednesday. James Coleman went to untarto Wednesday. , BULLY CREEK ALCO ROOMS RmMl-cl RrriWorpfrd Ralh Hot & Cold Water ROOMS BY I) Y. WEEK OR MONTH When in Yale P'ni) Villi Us Your f'-:'. I '- Meagre yjlV. JOHN KHIfi Prep.' rarnur's k I! Block. Vale. service. Verna Newton visited with friends in Crowley Sunday. Mary McRae visited at the Wilson home Saturday. Presiding Elder will hold ser vices here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hylton were CROWLEY Mail Service Is Improved People Expect Good Crop Results This Season CROWLEY, April 14. Crowley has chrarivaried this wee. Mr. Hylton been having very cold weather lately, left Mnndav for outside rjoints. Hazel Dutcher, who was a River- Frank Shumway aim son, Guy, 'side visitor, has returned to her home came in frm their home at Creston at 1. Jv. venators. today. I Dave Jackson has returned from Lloyd McRae was a Riverside vie- vaie, ltor Wednesday. JAMIESON Jamieson Wins Cyphering Junior Choir to be Organized Crowley section has been having good mail service recently. Crowley school has three more .weeks. All the children will miss the teacher, Eve Knottingham. Match Most of the ranchers have their spring grain in and it Is hoped that the crop wil be large. Miss Nellie Powell has been a JAMIESON, April 15, 1920 In the .visitor at the Star ranch, spelling and cyphering match be-1, Mr. Maxan has returned to Crow tween Brogan and Jamieson Schools, ley long absence. Brogan won the 6-6th grade spelling I Crowley has been having real se while Jamieson won the 7-8the grade jVer storms lately, spelling and the cyphering match. ' Charlie Cook and Roscoe Starr Mrs. Pope wishes that all the hav returned from Vale. children would attend Sunday School' M"- Cook has been a visitor at so that she can organize a Junior " Dutcher home during Mr. Cook' choir absence. The J. L. Pope, A. B. Cox and ' Biu sPivis left ,atelT for the lamb- A. L. Guerber families and Miss."1 camps, Jensen attended church on Easter Sunday at Vale. Mrs. Earl Lord has gone to Port land to meet her father and mother of Chicago who will visit in Jamie son. Many cars of people were enjoying the Highway between Brogan and Cow Valley, Sunday. MALHEUR. Malheur I. O. O. F. Visits Neighbor ing Lodge Epidemic Hits Malheur MALHEUR, April 14 The I. O. O, F. lodge of Malheur visited the Vale lodge Saturday night, and were given a banquet which was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. H. M. Derrick suffered an at tack of tonsilitis last week. Geo. P. Dotson and family have moved here from Austin. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Woodcock and Mrs. Geo. Eddy were business visit ors at Ironside one day last week. Mrs. F. H. Holden of Baker visit ed here a few days last week with her mother Mrs. J. S. Williams. Dr. Hulshizer and Geo. H. Bodfish made a business trip to Baker last week. Mrs. lone E. Oliver went to On tario last week she expects to stay some time. Miss Irene Lynde returned Mon day from Boise where she had been visiting her sister Mrs. Ueorge German. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Derrick visit ed relatives at Jamieson one day last week. Ernest Locey was a business visit or here from Ironside Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glasscock were doing some land business here t nday. Louis and Herman Rose of Iron side passed through here Sunday en- route to Cake, on a business trip. lhey were accompanied from the Howard rsnea by r,a Rose and Hor ton Worsham. An epidemic of colds visited Mal heur last week. BROGAN Industrial Club Holds Meeting- Schools Hold Ciphering and Spelling Match 4 "X '."X E S X XT i 7ir a ynr a rzTiTino i inn jfjrxjui hjljkj ALL KINDS CIC.ARS TOBACCO CANDY CIGARETTES & NOTIONS Subscriptions Taken Tor Anything Printed The Post Office News Stand A. S. Hunt, Prop. The Ilsndy Place to Shop Vale, Oregon, Farewell Party Given Sunday School Enjoy Hike and Picnic BULLY CREEK. April 11. Mr. and Mrs. Gillette gave a farewell dance at their home April 3rd for Mrs. Deters, who left Saturday for I.aGrande, where she will spend the- summer visiting relatives. h.yeryone present had u very enjoyable time Those present from Vale were: Mrs Beach, Agnes Beach, Rose Jensen, Scott Wilson, Luther ami Josepnine Gillette. Easter Sunday the school gave a picnic. After climbing to the highest mint eggs of all colors were handed around. Those who attended the pic nic from outside points were: Nora Struthers.Mr. Hendrix, Walluce Le- Mome, Max Johnson and Mrs. J. J. Dioerson, who acted as chaperon. Mrs. Johnson, of Vule, has been visiting the past week with her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Dickerson. Mr. Earp and family have moved to the Warmsprings ranch, where they will spend the summer. RIVERSIDE Young People Give Surprise Party Shearing to Start Soon Leave For Baker RIVERSIDE. April 13. Carl Cur ti'inan is planning to take over the Kiverside-Follyfarm mail route soon. Hazel Dutcher, who had been vis iting at the McRae home, returned to Crowley Monday. Mr and Mrs. Ed Hart left Monday fur Harper where Mr. Hart expects to btart fhearing sheep. Mrs. Hart is expected to return home soon. Bill and Charlie Brown spent a few days at Riverside this week. The young people of Riverside gave 'a surprise party in honor of Carl , Curteiiian on Thursday evening, the ' occasion being to help celebrate his ' I'll thiltiv. All iiivscut fpent a very 1 1 en ioyable evening. 1 Mj. Armstrong visited the dam Tjla-t week. He reports it has about BROGAN. Oregon, April 14 Guy Wise of Ironside was an over bunday visitor here. Mr and Mrs. Axtle Reed motored to Boise Saturday returning monday. Dorothy Bridwell of Jamieson was in town Monday. At the spelling and ciphering match held at Jamieson Friday, April 9, between the Brogan and Jamieson schools. Jamieson won two and Brogan one. Leonard Cole who has been at Hot Lake, returned home last week. J. F. Reed was called to the bed side of his daughter, Mrs. Preston who is visiting at Caldwell. Mrs. Kesterson and infant daugh ter returned home from Ontario Sun day. L. Hill, Louise Pennington, Mrs. Deveny and son Harold, motored to Cow Valley Monday. The Industrial Club meeting was held at the hall Friday, April 9th. After the business ws traned program followed after which re freshments were served. CRESTON Returns to Homestead Range Re ported to Be In Very Good Condition CRESTON, Oregon, April 13 Pete Rader, accompanied by his wife and little daughter, returned to their homestead near Creston. Frank Shumway returned to his F Station FREE FntVICE DONT FORGET YOUR BATTERY NEEDS DISTILLED WATER WE PUT WATFR IN YOUR BATTERY FREE CALL TODAY S1 " T- . Battery bervice is backed up by a thorough mechanical r ri n i p m c n t , expert .rl riT-.c'-ip jnid a consistent .; ft maktng the car ir.tmst our interest, i it regularly. WETFP BfH'"!!Y STATION ' l ' Elincr Wtcr, Prep. I Vale Oregon T Schroeder's Tire Shop repairs your old tires and guarantees their mil- age. Adv.27M4t Subscribe for the Enterprise Tcday tuiiiiiiitHHMuiitHUKHmiiituimntiHiHiniiwmuHiitiniMiiumitnmiiiHiiitiuiiitiuuiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiHii!iiirti::i:ii n:nii ..if:j: ; iumi mm .wmmmmmmmmm i Heln i? Eigh for Houseclecmhm Time If some kind person should come into your house around spring housecleaning time, wash and pack away all the winter blank ets; clean the motor rugs that show grease spots after the winter's use; take out the sum mer curtains, do them up as yo.i would, beautifully finished; and wash your feather pillows to a venne -flit now fluftiness vouJdu'c you be grateful? Our modern Hundry methods ice to relieve you ol.'v?-.- det-iils of rl.-nri'njr. Bundle ii.;?, :ii!k-.vs, rugs nd other ke- vi?:' pieces today and sen! iht.M to is. are ft your of those s Epririg h'5j up yo'io t":i;; Lace t'Timns that Loch IJkz New We wash yonrlcca curtains in tt -...-cy suds, and pure soft wr'.er. 0::r mo-.U-rn n y methods enable us to return your ct.rti.i:1 . . ctl? their original size, with scallops eves, and b auiitu'-ly finished. How ahovf: tkz-se heavy Rqf and Are yoi. coins to s!r-:yj heavy rig and voolcr. launder them for you, them in urs. ; e. -i L. axj r wr.s'.ii ig; of those i :;r i in&V We can yo' iiclf, aad send Hen V V'L' f:. !onh at Of course, you vUl ashed. Wiiy not i ;: you? Our w?y of 1 ' . aud keeps then soic i..t rc Staring :": your b'ankets i'.i.; jrious work for : : saves the nap, Eidc rac ivr Quilts erily Our modern'.ijf'; ?k.-::v.i ' : tire ideal for your eiderdown quilts, v' : :i ; c i-aturally want cleaned BciO-e si;';.i'-. Tlrs ib another bit of heavy v.ork you id ihM it tjcmunical to have us do for von. Year Feather 1 iiiows Mc taeJL? "4. Feather ji'i'.'v.vs war.'--. ! b are soft ond uov.-ny u i; drying in clean w.irm in your eid pillows hy h. laundiy way. 'owny o - ?; ccUdized methods i :! in rich suds and uiii'ni.';. i;ut new life '. inj t:3 wasli iuem our PEARL OIL (kerosene) is clean burning. For use in oil heaters, cook stoves and lamps. Ask our dealer (or Pearl Oil. PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) STANDARD Oil COMPANY tCAHfOWIAl And those r ZcrRugs? You can send your it o'or n : 'o us also, to be washed fiee of the y i-t :it- .tine and grease. We have t p.-;.-rr.c;.t ior haadiing these exua weiU;y t!i:n-s. Drec,r Up Your Car in Frcih Covers This U the ti:;-r Before yoj p!.-.c season, "send th: .;, freslii) lamuii'.e J. ileal cuiomobile covers. .a ' '-r car 8f,aiit for the jl-' cine pi. :cc-s to us to be Let us wa ih Your Mops Everything elsr f."t; BO Cior. t t. ri: t I l; wci'.en moi ,. li.: mill call. e i h.i'i-cclejning time, v.:, a iu.vy O'Cedar and i."i.:n ua, uud our driver SOFTENED WATER PERMUTIT SYSTEM Sen J if diy Phone 98J ONTARIO L. Everybody Washes With'Jiaimvtittr J;,s u ieei oi water in ii.