SATURDAY. APRIL 8, l&2fl. PAGE FOUR MALHEUR ENTERPRISE. VALE, OREGON ' ' - , -. . . .m. i H-H Saturday for a short visit with his Something Different and Original at the i;! I VT REX THEATRE ILM Itcma of Local and Personal In terest, by county Correspond ents of the Enterprise FRIDAY, APRIL 16th THE JUNIOR CLASS PRESENTS TheNEWLY MARRIED COUPLE BiT Caste, Pretty Costumes Its SOME Comedy in Two Acts Also Thirty Minutes of "TWELVE POUND LOOK" AN ORIGINAL PLAYLETTE No Reserved Seats Come Early Please Curtain Rises at 8 o'clock AD JUTS 50c and 77c PLUS WAR TAX What to Eat Where to Eat WILL NO LONGER BE A PROBLEM AFTER YOU HAVE TRIED A HOME COOKED MEAL HERE. WE SERVE AT ALL HOURS Salads Are One of Our Specials Bread and Pastiies "Hikes, Cookies, Doughnuts, Fancy Pastries ,Candy, boxed or bulk, Fruit and Nuts r X .:: CITY BAKERY AND ELECTRIC CAFE D. A. McFADDEN, Prop. PHONE 251 VALE, OREGON BROGAN BROGAN, Oregon, March 30, H. A. Aldridge of Baker is here this week. Weaver Randolph of Vale was in town Monday fixing up the tele phone lines. I Mrs. R. H. Lockett of this city went to Juntura Monday. Miss Cecile Logan who is attending the O. A. C. at Corvallis was here for a short visit last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Logan of On tario were here Monday. At the oral spelling test between the Jamieson and Brogan schools, , Brogan won first place, but only af- i ter a close contest. I Hazel Charles of Jamieson was a visitor at the Wilson home the week end. Lewis Rose of Ironside was in town Sunday. mmmWWWWWWWWWWWWWWVL Thelma Van Buren, Mrs. M. Ruth- eford and Vada Lawrence of Ontario passed thru here last week enroute to Ironside. J. F. Reed went to Unity on busi ness this week. Myrtle Glascock, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Logan, Lafe Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Allen, attended the dance at Malheur Saturday night. They all reported a very good time. The Sunday school will give an Easter program next Sunday. Every body is invited. Fred Reed, who has been at the Vale Sanitorium for the past few months returned to his home here Thursday. Roy Harrington and J. H. May of Cow Valley were in town Saturday. Mrs. A. II. Retteg has been on the sick list this week. Mrs. J. P. Smith of Ironside is visiting her son J. A. Smith and family this week. Mrs. Sherman of Boise, Idaho is visiting her daughter and family Mrs. A. A. Daubrava this week. Do not forget the 2nd of April! Everybody is invited to attend the Leap Year dance at the community hall. The O. H. S. Orchestra will play. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Thompson went to Vale Wednesday on business. George Glenn of Vale was in town this week. Mr and Mrs, A. Reed, Alford and Allen Schlottman, Clifford Cole, Cyril Crawley, Clarence Vandiver, attended the show at Vale Saturday night. Ike Reed went to Ontario Sunday. Mrs. Lester Derrick of Jamieson was a guest at the home of Mrs. II. Tague last Sunday. Mrs. J. F. Reed who has been visitingf her daughter at Caldwell, Idaho, returned to her home here Monday. RIVERSIDE Plan Organization-..of -..Basket ..Ball Team Store Manager HI Hold Church Service. RIVERSIDE, Oregon, April 1. Mrs. Frank Newtov has just returned home from Boise- where she under went an operation. Her friends are glad she is back and feeling fine again. Roy Lawrence, expert mechanic, ar- children's help being needed at home, rived this week and is working in the , It would not make the people finan Riverside garage. cially poor to receive a little outside Saturday for a short visit with sister, Mrs. S. S. Simpson and also to look over the land situation in this vicinity. Mr. Wyard was very favor ably impressed and with Mr. L. L, Culbertson purchased 200 acres in the Crane Creek country and which they are equipping for immediate work. Mr. Johnson, a stock man, bought the ranch lately occupied by Lee Brown, now by Mr. Cheek, for the consideration of $28,000. Mrs James Bartshe of Caldwell ts now making a pleasant visit with her son, Mr. John Bartshe and family. Charles Herr sold his 20-acre tract this week for $5,000. The rate of attendance at the Park School is very low the past two weeks due to good weather and the Notice to Stockmen We have employed a Range Rider for our lands in Township 18 Range 43, Town ship 19 Range 42 and Township 20 Range 42. All stockmen are warned to keep their stock off these lands. i Oregon & Western Col. Co. By W. J. Pinney, Agent PUTTING OFF TIL TOMORROW Means Suffering Next Winter! Putting off 'til tomorrow is the cause of all fuel famines. Last minute orders for fuel mean a shortage because the demand is greater than the supply. Last fall and winter we could not fill a tenth of the orders for wood, so great a volume flooded our office. Our supply of wood is now large. You can place your order today and insure yourself enough for any emergency. By pooling your order with your neighbor you will get quick shipments and it will be easy to handle. A car load is only 16 cords, and many people find they can use this much themselves. Our yard manager will gladly give you any in formation regarding prices of wood. Make ar rangements to order your wood right away. When the cold winds howl outside your house next winter your snapping, cracking, cheerful wood fire will more than repay you for your forethought. AT VALE YARD A Full Car Costs $05.12 A Half Car Costs $32.56 We guarantee each car to contain 16 full cords. F. L. GILBERT, Manager Vale Yard BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER CO. BULLY CREEK Good Attendance at Farm Bureau Move To Warmsprings Ranch BULLY CREEK. April 1, Mr. and Mrs. Harris have spent the last week in Pnrma owing to the serious ill ness of his sister. Mrs. J. Gillett has been in Vale the last week visiting friends and incidentally receiving dental treat ment. J. J. Dirkerson, George Dickerson and Richard Galloway attended the Farm Bureau which was held near Vole. Mrs. A. Jensen has returned to her home, after spending several weeks in Vale receiving treatments. This school week ended with a per fect attendance. H. B. Earp and family will re side at the Warmspring ranch this I summer. JAMIESON "uuila Set Good Attendance Record Give Student Surprise Party JAMIESON, Oregon, March 30. The following pupils were neither ab sent nor tardy the past month: Dor othy Bridwell, Daisy Irwin, George Horn, Wilson Dunn, Bernico Kellcy, Amy Kelley, Dorris Pritchard and June Lockett. The upper grade room won the tardiness contest this month. The spelling contest between Bro gan and Jamieson at the Brogan Community Hall, March 20, was won by Brogan. We are proud of the spellers of our school just the sume. A surprise party was given for Mildred Bennett March 30 at the school house. She was given a hand kerchief shower. Mildred, who is go. ing to Vale to live, will bo missed by all. The. boys and girls of the Jamieson School purchased $14.75 in Thrift and War Suvings Stumps during the month of Marvh. The largest num ber purchased by one pupil was two War Savings Stumps and six Thrift Stumps by Chester Kelley. Miss Lola Jensen spent the week end In Ontario shopping. J. I Pope and Miss Hazel Charles were in Vale last Saturday having dental work done. The McCumbridge family have been but ull are improving. There will be church and Sunday schol every Sunday at the First M. E. church. Come next Sunday. The girls in Riverside are planning on "getting up" a basket ball team this summer. Wont some one "get up" a "match team" so they can show their athletic ability? Lloyd McRea has been visiting out side points the past week. Elise Cox has been acting as nurse maid to Mrs. Newton's baby during the absence of his mother. Mr. Wing, the station agent, has been talking of leaving us for a bet ter paying position. Dan McPherson, manager of the Vale Trading Storejias been sick with a cold for a few days. DEAD OX FLAT. DEAD OX FLAT, April 1. Mr. Horace Joseph went to Seattle to at tend the funeral of a relative. Emmett Fitzgerald, brother of Mrs. Ora Wilkins, arrived from Portland last Sunday and will stay for an in definite length of time. Mr. Burtwell, father of Mrs. Gil lespie of Moores Hollow, suffered from a stroke of paralysis last Thurs day. Miss West and Miss Glatt spent the week end in Boise shopping and' visiting friends. Porter Boats is constructing a modem bungalow for the home of his foreman. This is an ideal way to overcome the labor problem, both for ! the employee and employer. j G. J. Wyard, of Seattle, arrived help during the rush season, for it is taking something from their children that cannot be replaced in after years by time or money. S. J. Simpson was seen driving a fine Willeys Six this week. The four children of Mr. and Mrs. Cheek, living on the Lee Brown place, are attending the Pioneer school. Next Friday at the Park school the parents and children will observe Ar bor Day. This is previous to the reg ular time, but a grove and trees on both sides of the drive are to be planted. The people of the entire neighborhood are invited. A very thorough cleanup day, improvement and repair day will make up the pro gram. All are invited to attend. There is to be a Scriptural Eastet service held at the Park school house Sunday. The older division will give a cantata of the story of Easter. The primary department will give a concert of songs. A delightful dinner party was giv en at the country home of Otto Mill er last Monday evening at six o'clock. Covers were laid for fourteen. The out of town guests were W. B. Rob erson, Portland, Oregon; G. Wyard, Seattle, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coulter and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wood of Weiser. Chicken Dinner Every 75c Sunday Drexel Grill FROM 6 TO 8 P. M. NOTICE MILK - MILK - MILK On and after the 1st day of April, we will make two deliveries of Milk Daily; one in the morning and one at night, delivered to the nearest part of your house at the rate oi $4.00 per month. ' We are also going to install a milk station in our store, where you can call and get milk at $3.50 per month, provided you will bring a clean bottle each time. Otherwise a charge of 15 cents per quart will be made. WE HAVE ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENT COMING SOON Thanking you for your past co-operation and the kindnesses shown and hoping to be able to serve you better in the future. THE VALE MEAT CO. A. H. CHESTER, Mgr. Vale, Oregon. THE PIONEER MARKET; TEN YEARS IN BUSINESS The Vale Hot Springs Sanitarium Rooms, Board, Bath and Massage: Dr. Thos. W. Thureton, SupU Vale, Or. i i i " 1 1 - W f "WANTT E D ! ' I W i W We have made arrangements to send a representative thruout the Central States to tell the Farmers in those places about the farming possibilities in Malheur County. This party knows these people as well as this country and plans on bringing 100 farmers to buy new homes in Malheur County. This campaign will bring many new- This party will leave early this sum mer and if you want to sell your farm we can almost guarantee results if priced reasonably. vomers to Malheur County this sum mer. There will never be a better time to sell than the present season. Complete" descriptions of all' Exclusive Listings with the Currey Development and Land Company will be laid before hundreds of prospective Buyers. List your property now and get in line for this Great opportunity to sellall or a part of your ranch. Our Service Also Includes Extensive advertising of your property. Direct Connections with other Live Agencies. Personal Examination and photographs if needed. We Go and Find the Buyer. We Don't Wait for Him Our Policy Our aim is to give the best possible service to both Buyer and Seller. We deal only on a straight commission basis. We insist on fair prices and ex clusive contracts. We show the buyer your contract for sale and give you the benefit of every legitimate offer. We have no secrets and deal entirely above board, bringing buyer and seller to gether for their mutual advantage. We Have Buyers Looking For LARGE AND SMALL FARMS STOCK RANCHES RANGE CITY HOMES LOTS BUSINESS PROPERTY Do Not List Anything You Do Not Positively Want To Sell Farm Loans . Building Loans . Insurance , Investments B 4 U Buy Or Sell C the Currey Development & Land Co. Office Ground Floor Nelsen Bldg. George Huntington Currey, Manager Vale, Oregon Office Phone 117 New Birick to haul you anywhere. ?S lanylitwe, Pre! Auto Live-.