SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1920a PAGE TWO MALHEUR ENTERPRISE, VALE, OREGON Do You Know That Hudson luilds thelEssex? That fact has not been generally known. But ESSEX did not nwd Hudson's endorsement, lit proved by the salss record it ha made. MORE THAN 20,000 ESSEX CARS, exceeding $33,000,000 In value, were bought in the first eleven months. There was no nerd to use Hudson's reputation aa the world's largest builders of fine ears to give endorsement to the ESSEX. The kinship of thetwo cars was purposely concealed so that the ESSEX might develop its own position on merits alone. ' We tell you of that kinship now thai you may understand why the ESSEX la a superior light car. The engineers who developed the famoua long distance enduring HUDSON SUPER-SIX put all their skill into the design of the ESSEX. Both cars are built by the same workmen. But one standard is known to HUDSON, and it applies to both the SUPER-SIX and the ESSEX. That is why ESSEX is the success it is, why . its performance is praised by all who know it Come take ride in the ESSEX if you would know the car of the future. FOR SALE BY Eastern Oregon Auto Co. H. E. YOUNG, Prop. Vale, Oregon. Jfflalfjeur enterprise KUBMSHED BY GEORGE HUNTINGTON CURREY, Publisher and Owner Wm. FRANCIS F. SEEM AN.., J Managing Editor MALHEUR COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Special Community Correspondents Publishers Autocaster Illustrated News and Ad Cut Service Mtmbar Oraran Slat Edltarlsl AlHdilM . mint t.npn ptfimv r 1 Tlim u . w A f to" aBCrvf i Entered at the Vale, Oregon, Post Office as Second Class Mall Matter t WMIKdlfflflnHMll CERTA1NTEED ROOFING Complete Line of Hardware for The House EVERYTHING FOR THE KITCHEN Full Line Phoenix Paints and Muresco Wall Tints YOUR WIFE WILL APPRECIATE one of our famous labor-saving Crystal Electric Washers for which we are exclusive agents Hayes Hardware ERBIE HAYES, Prop. VALE, OREGON. Subscription Rates In Advance One Year. $2.00 Six Months,' $1.25. Canada and Foretell Subscription. Povtasa Kxtrm. Sworn Circulation, January 1st, 1920 ... Over 2000 EASTERN ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES imerlean Prcaa AaaoclattoB, 225 Wert Sth Stlwt, New Yor : taoplaa Cas BUM. Chicago Advertising; Rates SO Cents per Column Inch for Stereuti pea Composition It Centa extra Standardized Franklin Printins Prioe List quoted o all Job Printlna. The Vale Hot Springs Sanitarium Rooms, Board, Rath and Massage: Dr. Thos. W. Thurston, SupU Vale, Ore. BB9IlBHEIEBEIIHBEBIIfiKH3BB I Lest You - Forget! t M M n M H M n M n H H H n M M H n H H H li II II U H M We wish to remind you that we are agents for the largest g manufacturers of EASTERN OREGON YELLOW PINE COAST FIR & RED CEDAR SHINGLES Full Line Building Paper I Complete Stock on Hand so you don't have to wait. M H H M M M Home Lumber & Coal Co. R. N. SIMMONDS, Mgr. Vale, Oregon H H M M H H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1BBBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI CANCER NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD NO PLaSTCHS AND PAINS FOE UOUKS OH DAYS TUMORS PILES FISTULA GOITRE DISEASES OF WOMEN SKIN STOMACH BOWELS POIIH VKAKB BTIDV IV KIIKOPR OVfcK THIRTY VRAKS EXPERIENCE PORTLAND PHYSICAL THKR Al'Y a ANOKA TORIES tit la sl Jsaraal Maine. I'.rll. Or. JIM'S PLACE TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES Always Fresh and at Right Prices BILLIARDS AND POCKET POOL J. D. ROGERS, Prop. Vale, Oregon. PHONE Sft. NEW VULCANIZING SHOP Send or Hi wig us your Tires to Krpuir NEW TIKES 30x3 Tlaiu $12.00 303ty Nun-skid $17.00 (Tires sent prepaid) PARK ICR'S TIKE SHOP Ontario, Ore. TO PRODUCE A LIVING LIKENESS in Photography is an Art Picture Taking is our BuHlnetta; we are Artists. Satisfied ruxtomer la the medium through which we hope to build up oar Cllentelle. AM ATEl'KS R KM KM BLR TO SEND IN YOUR FILMS. , Ihey Mill be flnlnhid by a Professional. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO SATISFACTION OUR SUCCESS. PHONE 133. W SELIGMAN'S STUDIO. Photos that are different. ONTARIO. OREGON The Enterprise is Read in Every Nook of Malheur County VALE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1920. i i t bj ,. ,.n -j a i 'L'-Ji'-'.f ' ' To call the attention of the thinking men and women of Malheur County to various problems of the day effecting their prosperity, welfare and happiness is the sincere aim of the Editorial policy of the Malheur Enterprise. What benefits may be derived depend upon what action you take. Talk, writing, thinking moat be followed bj action to accomplish any results. Are you doing; your part? n ta ( RAFT VERSUS PUBLICITY-COUNTY NEEDS TRUTH While Boys Fought War, and Home Guards Furnished Sinews, Special Powers Were Granted, the Press was Censored and Few Questions Asked The War is Ended, the Press is no Longer Muzzled, the People arc Asking Questions, Graft is being Uncovered Publicity is Reviving Truth. During ' the war our public officials were protected by a cloak of mystery, news was censored and even tainted by the whims of official dom, the public inspired by the common danger and patriotism sacrl ficed their sacred right to know the truth, to criticise, and worked to win the war. The war came to an end, but this false mystery of officialdom, the habit to evade the truth did not end, and will not until challenged by the light of publicity. Public Officials good and bad have drifted into the "Me and Gott" policy, forgetting their responsiDinty to uie people, forgetting that the people they serve are entitled to know what is done with their money, forgetting or denying the publicity which has protected the people from despotic graft since the birth of the Republic. What do you know today about the acts of your public servants! We hear charges from many places of jrraft, graft, graft. There has been graft, and there will be graft until Pitiless Publicity is given a chance to counteract the evils of the Pitiful Makebelieve publicity of the past few years. We hear of Army Scandals. Had the public been told the truth there would be no scandal today. When the "boss'? which in this ( country is the people, knows from his employees what is going on, mis takes are usually overlooked; but when the boss is hoodwinked, and he later finds out he has been grafted, -well what usually happens. At the present time our State Treasurer is charged with at least making poor investments with state funds. Had he advertised for se curities no one could object to his actions. Officials must recognize that public business is not private business, and must be bandied in a public way. The policy of our present County Court seems to be to tell the public nothing and to do what they please. They have done many things which had they told the public about and explained their motives, if these motives were proper, there would be no fault to find. But when the Malheur Enterprise turns the light of "publicity upon the paBt actions of the Court, .when it investigates the records on its own initiative, and calls attention to a number of little deals and. queer actions, asking for explanations, Judge Test simply says let the grand jury investigate. Why are not the people entitled to a statement T Is it not tneir Dusmess he is supposed to be looking after? The Enterprise has no personal grievience with any of the County Officials, on the other hand this paper Is not under obligations to "protect" anv official. The policy of the Enterprise is to encourage the upbuild ing of every section in Malheur County, to assist the officials in doing their duty, to aid not destroy. However it is its duty, its function, its business to tell the people the facts, any honest information regarding public affairs, regardless of how the truth may effect individuals. Bearing upon this need of publicity a recent editorial in "Editor and Publisher" under the heading "The Truth Shall Make You Free" re minds the newspapers of America of their trust to the people. Follow ing we reprint a part of this article. The time has arrived when the press of America from the largest metropolitan daily to the smallest country weekly must Join In demand ing full publicity and open discussion of every question affecting the life of the American nation, the well-being of her people at home and the safeguarding of their relations with the other people of the world. Whether the stifling and the prevention of the full play of public opinion during the Great War, through suppression of the news of some of the Nation's activities and the isolation of our great leaders from the representatives of the press, in order that they might give their whole time to the business of winning, was ever justified, is open to debate, WE THINK NOT. It was one of the muny things that we accepted without question from our Allies who had two year's experience in the flames that were burning the world before we cast our lot. Two years' work under gov ernment restrictions in Europe; two years or longer of foreign propa ganda in our midst, lulled the American press into accepting, without serious protest, practices repugnant to every principle of American de mocracy. Monarchies live by suppression, proclamations and fine phrases; mythical greatness is created through secrecy. Democracies can live only tvith the free play of public opinion that finally generates majority action, great leadership results from response to the call of majority opinion. Open discussion must be re-established in America; the newspaper of America must immediately resume their place as the chroniclers of facts as THEY see them; as Interpreters of actions as THEY view them AS THE TESTING GROUND OF PUBLIC OPINION. The viewpoint of the individual newspaper is immaterial so long as we first have a fair, truthful ondhonest presentation of the basic facts, for a fact is the. truth and we are told that the "Truth Shall Make You Free!" The press, through which our widely scattered citizenry has spoken finally since 1776, must lead the people's fight for open discussion of every issue that effects the international and domestic future and well- being of our people, for it is well known that tn America uie power of the Government rests upon the consent of the governed and the im mediate reaction of the people with respect to policies at home and abroad is absolutely essential to the peace and comfort and well-being of the people, hence we come to demand pitiless publicity as our inherent right. n m a m Out where the handclasp's a little stronger, Out where the smile dwells a little longer, That's where the West begins; Out where the sun is a little brighter, Where the snows that fall are a trifle whiter, Where the bonds of home are a wee bit tighter, That's where the West begins. Out where the skies are a trifle bluer, Out where friendship's a little truer, That's where the West begins; . Out where a fresher breeze is blowing, Where there's laughter in every ttreamlet flowing, Where there's more of reaping and less of sowing, That's where the West begins; Out where the world is in the making, Where fewer hearts in despair are aching, That's where the West begins; Where there is more of singing and lest of sighing, Where there is more of giving and less of buying, And a man makes friends without half trying, That's where the Went begins; . i ' Arthur Cbjipnitin. To Help You Win Riches power happiness. The average man places these as his goal. He dreams about having them. But the average man is slow to take a prac tical step tdwards that goal. He is content to dream about it and never gets there. The most practical start Is to start a savings account. Rockefeller had to save his first thousand dollars. It earned the rest of his fortune. Character Earns Credit Ssving men not only have capital for their efforts. In saving, they estsblisha reputation which will make it easy to secure additional capital when necessary. A farmer has frequent need for capital if he is striving continually to improve his property. How important it is then that he build up his credit estaoiisn jus cnar acter. The easiest and quickest way is to start savings ac count. MliniiMlimiillllllllllllliil To Saw YourMT0y &fa II H STAViaQ H US BANK. WIT Capital and Surplus $105,000.00 UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK VALE, OREGON ' NATATORIUM VALE'S PRIDE is open Saturday Evenings UNTIL 10 P. M. and every day is a DAY OF FROLIC AND FUN when spent in the plunge filled with natures hot water flowing from Vale Butte. VALE NATATORIUM "Natures Health Giving Hot Springs" LARGE PLUNGE VALE, OREGON Modern Residence For Sale Fine six-room house, ce ment cellar; hot and cold water plumbing; good barn, and 12 choice lots. Price for short time only, - $3750 INQUIRE OF a a MUELLER First National Bank Bldg. tf Vale Wall Paper LATEST DESIGNS in all colors Everything for the home Inspection Invited T. T. N ELS EN The Furniture Man. Oregon. NdVvYorkHatCo. Manufacturing and Cleaning lEN'S FINE nATS A SPECIALITY vnr finishing and Retrimming . Send-W Stetson. to us by Parcel Poet 3?? Stark St reet ; Portland, Oregon