Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, March 06, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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"WZtt I Wall Paper
tU i ' v 'Zlr in all colors
Everything for the
Inspection Invited
T. T. N E L S E N
The Furniture Man.
Items of Local and Personal In
(crest, by county Correspond
ents of the Enterprise
Sells Ranch For $21.000 Returns
To Ranch From Baker Busy
Bees Meet.
r: mi, sujnuav
IICA IflVUllV March 7th
the ciumTEsr Vs " f yfS
SHOW OK EARTH P , . L U&effi&i
BIG BEND, Ore., Mar. 4. E. Pul
lian sold his ranch Monday to a
son-in-law of Mrs. Milsap's for $21,
000. He takes possession March
The Ladies Aid well meet at the
home of Mrs. Lora Pillsbury Thurs
day afternoon.
W. W. Ivooncy was transacting
business in Parma Saturday.
The Big Bend Busy Bees will
meet at the home of Mrs. Forbins on
March 12. All are invited to attend.
Silas Cartripht would like for the
party who borrowed a sack of seed
potatoes out of his cellar one night
last winter to return them, this
nice weather makes him want to
plant potatoes.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Welsh autoed
to Caldwell Sunday to attend the
funeral of Mrs. J. Thompson who
died at her home in Caldwell on
Saturday, February 21.
Frank Boswell, who has been visit
ing: with his sister in Baker for the
last two months, has returned to
his ranch in the Bend.
Mrs. Baldwin, who lives on the
Tom Welsh ranch, has been quite
ill with the I .a Grippe but is much
improved now.
Mrs. Phelan and Anna spent the
week-end with Mr. Phelan in the
Dewy Miller home, where Mr. Phelan
is boarding until he takes possession
of the ranch just purchased from
Mr. Miller.
Herb Wilson is visiting Bill Con
ley in the Bend.
Mrs. H. L. Cornell, who has been
sick for the past two months, was
moved to her sister's home, Mrs.
! P. B. Anderson of Parma, Sunday,
to be near the doctor.
RF.MEMMl'R yum bovr-or.r dnyswhen
you'd iiiv t'iiU-v Ir'jin scIukiI. or
Kfl 'IP nt .1 uYloi k In M-i- the Ou'iM
romp l'i town or Ink wul'T till vour limk
iirhiMl to i;it in K'MiiruilM'r the
irilts. the k'iIIit ami uhmior lh.t Inset
.it'-it vou - ttif utTe devil ttupfe Mod
nets tt.;,t l.eid hiM'Hlmuod. t lip
iilhnn doMitr fn-t- sti-t psrmle mid nil
ou iuvt- 1 to U.1 v s p.'iif bv.
COMK bikI be a boy ownln nul brinn
your lioys und girls with you. Let
them we on the M ret n xbr tr rllintf
wnrli ot Mr-inn mnn, KDIMH POI.O I err
I"THK I Ukli OK THl CIRCUS " You'll
Ntp mil cirri's inT.f.ritier'i. renl trti mid
nil the fcrouml old tiir-p plrrv tt ft n pilr
yon hnpi-y. "THK LURK OF THR CIR
CUS" is a roiiiimi p of cirniR lifr, a love
htnry und packs of excitmi; ailvtriturr.
Ail children y to 15 years of ae admitted free but
must pay 2 cents War Tax
Adults HO cents Admission
Purchase Bid Kngine for Mill Re
building Reriidence Property
May Buy Parsonage
ton. Mr. Mofrus has purchased a
highly improved farm near Wilder,
James Newton has sold his dry
ranch to the Stanficld Sheep Co.
for the sum of $2,000.00.
J. D. Fairman who now owns the
big house formerly owned by the
Westfall Bros, of Westfall, is having
the building torn down and will move
it to Harper where it will be re
built on Mr. Fairman's lots on B
Rev. Ira Aldrich was in town at
the close of last week in the interest
of the Methodist parsonage. The
proposition of purchasing the Logan
Barclay residence is being considered.
Charles Pearcc has taken a posi
tion with the Jones Mercantile Co.
Oscar Jacokes and family are mov
ing to the ranch this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kine visited
Ontario the first of the week.
rs. JSarl Godding and children
are visiting this week at the home
of Harold Wilson of Namorf.
Earl Godding, Fritz Anderson,
George Hart and Frank Upton are
out on the desert this week getting
wool from the great numbers of
sheep that have perished during the
winter. They expect to go to Harney
county next week.
M. E. Newton returned recently
from Portland where he went on
busines for the Diato Co. A one
hundred horse power engine has
been ordered for use in running the
big mills here. The engine will
likely n(jj be ready for installatir
before early summer.
Mr. Stock is erecting a one-room
residence near the Lee home.
Ed. Castro has rented the Frank
Kime place for the season.
Community Sing Enjoyed by Many
Brogan and Jamieson Ex
change Libraries
BROGAN, Mar. 4. A "Community
Sing" was much enjoyed by those
who attended Wednesday and Fri
day afternoons. They have decided
HARPER, Ore., Mar. 4. About alto have such a meeting Thursday
quarter of an inch of rain fell here ! of every week for a while.
the winter here.
Orville Nichols of Ironside was
in town Sunday.
Delicia Rouse was home for a
short visit last week.
The Ladies' Aid will meet at
Mrs. Grabners Wednesday, March
Mrs. E. W. Schroeder entertained
at a birthday party on Sunday the
29, in honor of her husband. Covers
were laid for twelve. The guests
present were Mr .and Mrs. Laurenio,
Tschirgi and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Dubrava, Otto Florence, and
Judge Maranda. Mr. Schroeder has
only had a few birthdays so natur
ally feels quite boyish.
A. A. Dubrava has received his
new Oakland which he tried out
Florence Mays was an all night
gueat of Bernice Schroeder Monday
The dance given February 28 was
much enjoyed by all who attended.
Mrs. R. C. Baer, who has been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harrington, has returned to her
home at Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ax Reed made a
busines trip to Vale Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith of
Ironside were visiting friendB and
relatives here over Saturday and
Mrs. Preston went to Vale Mon
day taking her baby to the doctor.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rcttig and
Harold McKeney spent Sunday in
Cow Valley as guests of J. L.
McKeneny and wife.
R. Hayden of this city made a
business trip to Vale Monday.
Lester Blanchard, who has been (
Post pond Program for March 1
Full Attendance Record for
School Again
, Three petitions were brought np
bifore the City Council Monday
night creating three new paving
I Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wood are th
proud parents of a lovely baby girl,
4.JThe bom Saturday, February 28.
The schools nave receivea permis
:.. 1 T ..... I Timnu
school will give men ..-.u ' . t ,v, rm.ncil to close the
Basket supper and program, which -
was postponed, on Saturday. March . t"rt
1-.EV?n'T..COmr.. tnmJ Mrs. Chas. Pinney. proprietor . of
unesier rwenuy . .. .. ,.. niri rr ; akin nt
the Moore Hotel dining room, and,
school after attending school
nt the winter.
' :.i.. w r,,,il who cathcrings.
ine rimainuci ui '" r- ,.. ... tn. ,ii, .
The Ontario Base Bi.TI Tans are
i... nnrfoctinrr n team and llnlnir
are going fine again of gnake yM
Miss Jensen and Miss t,Trtci nine r .
moved to the Guerber home to towm. : ,
chool Bnu ""I """
Boise sDent the first of the week
in Ontario visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Griffcn.
ONTARIO i Tne n,aric Mu'0 club weT wrJ
" delightfully entertained by Mrs. C.
o,; K,,, r.rlnal'ouncil Passes R. Emison at her home last Sat-
Kll kjn- - (
have been on the sick list resumed
their schol work Monday and things
board the remainder of the
Ordinance Class Play
Is Given
James Smith of
urdav afternoon.
i Mr. and Mrs.
I . . .. r . . m 1
Caldwell were in uniano luesoay
ONTRAIO, Ore. Mar. 5.-Thc offi- evening to attend the Senior pi
cers of the Ontario Commercial club, ! The Oregon club entertained last
at a meeting of the directors last Friday evening with a Leap Year
Tuesday, appointed the following dance in the club rooms. A. large
officers "for the coming business year; crowd of Ontario ladies and their
E C Van Pctten. President; D. M. men" atended the dance and spent
T.v Viri Vice-President: H. H. a mst delightful evening.
dent: R. W. : Rev. W.
day nigni lor a uutui mj w
F. Cochran left Wednes-
Manaeer and Secretary.
The Womens club met at the home i ortiana.
of Mrs J R Fortier last Thursday The Catholic Ladies Aid society
entertained by their hostess. met at the home of Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. H. Boiling moved Rader Friday afternoon to make pre
from town to their ranch last Tues- parations for an ' apron sale to be
day held some time after Easter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Blackaby re-' Mrs. Minnie Kahout of Jordan Val
turned to Ontario last Friday after ley, step-sister of J. R. Blackaby
. j- f 1-.; tVim SflturrlAV at the
here the past few months, went to. two months visu in ua n.u.m-. ' t 0,
began grading on the street leading ne-imonia following a minor opera-
u ij..i,.i ict WoHn..!nv niv ition. Funeral was hefd from the
Otto Florence of Twin Falls, Ma., inninR actual pnvin(. j. r. Blackaby home here, at 2
was looing after his farm interests tions o'clock Tuesday afternoon, March
in Cow Valley from Saturday to The mpt ast MomaJ.
Monday and was a guest at the E. t tQ cnac(. an emerp.0Ilcy or(ler Tuesday evening. March 2, the
W. Schroeder home while here. K0Veniing the garbage question. ! Senior class of the Ontario High
Mrs. R. N. Lockett made a business igverv householder must have a metal i school presented the play "The Fif-
trip to Ontario last week. lcan jn which to place refuse. Aiteenth of January," at the Dream-
Roy Harrington, John Mays and sanitary collector was granted a f ran-j land Theatre. The class certainly
Otto Florence made a business trip chise, and the contract called for the . are to be congratulated. The play
to Cow Valley Monday. collecting of the garbage once a wool a college comedy in three acts,
Leonard Cole returned home Mon- form the residences, with a minimum! was excellently produced, showing
day after a few weeks absence. charge of titty cents per momn. ine naru worn arm K
Nampa to visit with his parents Sat
i: s n..n.-;riar1 U.if .ilisnrriino ntiH interspstin er from
Harold Fagu, Richard Reed, Sylvia i""rl" '""r' T. 7 . .-..,.. : 1 ZT tZ Z ,C " i
Thompson aad Thelma Smith were uuo'-" iL .,... I ..... r ..if fK- aua
IOr a longer penou Luaii mtvcii uti.v. i I'tuiu ui vn-u..
Frank Loveland has let his houst, ! success of the play is due to the
Monday night leaving the roads at
this writing in tine condition.
Lola Pearce of Payette is visiting
at the home of her
The Industrial club held a meeting
Friday, February 27. It was visited
by the club advisor. Mrs. Eaton.
the home of her sister, Mrs. Edith Rettigg joined taking sewing.
L. A. Hucker. , Mrs. Earl Neely of Vale was a
John Mogus, who has owned an guests at the Woodard home over
I attractive farm about seven miles j Sunday.
I south of this place for years, sold Elmer Molthan and family moved
WIIIIWI IH'CVWlVll TM "TIIL1 ill iTii i)viwnr ' ",tl lor ylu," M"" .uoiuian anu lamny movea scnool and the public is invited to petty he
WILLIAM DhSMOMHN 1HE BLUE BANDANA recently to a Mr. Schroeder of Cos- ! to Ironside Sunday, after spending'use it while it is at the school house. ' Portland.
absent from school last week, from
r lailK Liuvcmnu lias itru inn uuun-., ip
. " furnished, to Night-Marshall John ii. coach, Miss Catherine Conway. A
Mrs. Harrington, Koy Harrington - j anJ has gone tQ California 'chorus of boys and girls, under the
for an indefinite period. very able direction of Miss Edith
Ivan Oakes has purchased the Vai. 'Griffith, entertained between acts
Pettan home form E. C. Van Ptttan with clever songs and steps. The
family were Brogan visitors over , Work is being rushed on Mr. Van 'excellent music was furnished by the
Saturday and Sunday. jpettan's new home in order that High School orchestra, under the
The school has recently changed he may soon vacate his present home, lirection of M. D. Thomas. It
traveling libraries with the Jamieson i P. M. Madden is selling his pro-. is estimated, at the present time,
school and the public is invited to perty here prepatory to moving to i that the gross receipts wil amount
and son, Ivan, were guests at the
May home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Logan and
i ll
to more than $300.
BrTII'KNI OP VtUlM lft TO 25 Hit M
rHuM ihi tiAium p r,A.soiJNH a
'.. 111.
S 1 X
MANY men and women, who
could well afford costlier tars,
axe driving Oakland Sensible Six
Their selection was
prompted primarily by the un
matched value that this handsome,
sturdy car represents and the
unusual operating economies that
the Oakland Sensible Six effects
over ii loni lifetime of efficient
l'tii( ( w, Kit, SlJ7i Cmm. $ittu rw
Hoo, kvm. . ' : . ti a hnM, AiUUoil
wk Mil. i vi'Liium; km ( 1 i macii-
IMSIS. M I . I 1 I(S, l TuMoltll i: Itl PAlK
MI X. Ml It M!h IS (.1 l( VM 1 1 1) HI vm s nsi At iidn ki si i is wi
City Comforts for
Every Farm Home!
Electricity and running water now made
possible for every farm at small cost.
Lighting Plant
Is a simple, practical, tlii.rntiehtv efficient
IlKht ayil hmi-r plain mi the most cinnpat I
form ptssilile.
Ily presstiiK a liutt.ui tlu easolinc intilnp Is
stainil. plci'ti ii'ilv i s t-'flii'r.iteil anil the stor
age l.iitti lii s an- fully i hat-ceil then the
elmilif stops all tiunal u-.illi . l'owiT cull alno
In- taken ilii.'ctly from Hih nenorator so that
ith a ii i ii i ! i- of lii'hts liuiiiiiiK siifrii'ient
polvt-r ran he used to opiratv a mllkiliK in.
ehine. washer or an other marhinerv witti
"iii ilrawint rum in f:om tile storage liat-ti-rief.
It reiiiiu e.s praet leally no at tent ion.
INIVKUSAI. l.iKht Plants rnnce in ca
paeity trom a l.'0-lit; lit plant to luoii-lit ht ca
jiari t y.
This PAUL System of Water Supply
In rtoiiiu away with hard work on thotisnnds
ff town h nil farm Innnes throughout the
fount r y.
Thf I'AUI. sstMiiK art nvule in various
types Hii.i sizes fur pumntnui watrr from
finti-rns, wells, pprin!. lnKes or wherever
j-tnir niiji'ti it w.itr supply may be.
The t pe 1 11 u st r. ued j a dec p-well pump
with ; .f l.'.it-jiui gallons wr hour
or pumpinu from do p., asp. 1 wells two inches
it laru" r in dia.nei.i ,uid w her.- .he Witter
MaftN fmm f Id teel .l.w the top.
1 A I " I Mi illnw - ell rumps
Si 1 1'-l'i in i m I'miip- umU' i;
the stem w ill deliver w ate
.udleirs sliuht leaUar in
. t f s
are the only
t h it I ea 1 m e
aHvnya, r
ip'iiK or fuoi
There-s .
ll' I.UIU,
A I I, W atei
.-ietn lor every
I'KU I'.S.
ll -
vrv i
ii i - r v
rllr fur t alnliimir ! Illiiatrnlrd l.ltrrulurr, I'rlrrn, l:ir . I hr
Automatic Water SystemHot and
Cold Water, Bath, Etc.
... -TY
i. ' :.h, ; js
ill- ,-l ' .LL-.i5Ju Pv
5M r
Introducing' Mo"Hihway Special"
The Service lK-ton Farm Special A truck built and
designed to solve the haulage question of every farmer. Built
not only to operate economically and efficiently, but to
farm requirements.
Constructed along sturdy, rugged lines
to stand up under capacity loads. Pneu
matic tires insure safe, fast traveling over
any kind of roads or in the fields. The
"Farm Special" body, a combination of
all types. Grain, Hay, Fruits, Sand,
Gravel or Live Stock any kind of a
load can be easily hauled. Present, in
its construction, are all the superior me
chanical qualities that have made
SERVICE Motor Trucks standard
for dependability, durability and econo
my. Summing it up a truck built to meet
every requirement of the farmer. Let us
explain how it will solve your haulage
problems. 7 models 1 to 5 tons.