SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1919. MALHEUR ENTERPRISE, VALE, OREGON PAGE SEVEN i I Vegetable Give Health cooked in a small amount of water (Continued From Page Two) j WnDB , part of the minera, i;lIt Most vegetable are better - when I dissolves out into the water and U Jei 'us BAKE "for Moia QUALITY BREAD Home made, fresh every day. Three sizes of loaves. Clean, fresh and wrapped in dust and germ-proof wrappers. PASTRIES Cakes Pies Cookies ' Doughnuts Buns Try our 12 o'clock Lunches Special orders taken. CITY BAKERY D. A. McFADDEN, Prop. PHONE 251 VALE, OREGON Dicen 1 c Co any OUR AIM r :sfy our customArF. We havs iiwl iy to that aim for years. We Carry A complete line of staple and fancy groceries 'n best quality of Standard goods only. Fresh Vegetables and Fruits in Season Try Our Store and Be Convinced lost if the water is thrown away. Cook whole when possible. 'Tender spinach or lettuce leaves re quire no added water for cooking. If thoroughly washed, enough water will cling to the leaves to prevent burning. Delicately flavored vegetables should be steamed or cooked slowly in a small amount of boiling water until tender and the water boils away. Strongly flavored vegetables may be cooked uncovered in a large amount of rapidly boiling water, and the wat er changed several times during the cooking Starchy vegetables should be put on and cooked in a sufficiently large amount of boiling water to cover them. Boil gently and keep kettle covered. The time required for cooking vege tables depends on the kind, size, and age of the vegetable. Judgment must be used in ' deciding when they are quite done but not overdone. Potato Biscuits are Delicious For a change from biscuit made entirely of white flour, try this re cipe for tea biscuits. Less liquid is required when mashed potato is used because of the liquid contained in the potato. 2 cups sifted flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 3 tablespoons shortening. 1 cup mashed potato liquid sufficient to mix. Sift together twice the flour, salt, and baking powder. Cut or rub into this the cold shortening. In the same way, rub into this flour mixture the mashed potato. . Finally add just enough cold liquid to make the mass' cling together. Do not knead. Place on floured board. Roll. until one-half inch thick and cut into rounds. Place bghtly floured biscuit tin ' H tr PO minutci in a mod-jr- or. B'd'e - H potato ; . -, .n...j. 'h n these made Fill men with praise if you . would have friends - IMPEBIAIXS MOUTMPltce CIGARETTES are filled with 6uch tine tobacco, are made with 6uch care, mouthpiece and all no wonder men praise them and pass them on to friends. 10 for 13c The John Bollman Co. Branch lt the trouble continues, it will be necessary for some one to march boldly into Mexico and read the League of Nations Covenant to the Mexicans. Boston Shoe and Leather Reporter. THIS WILL ASTONISH VALE PEOPLE The quit action of simple witch harel, hydrastis, camphor, etc., a mixed in Lavoptik eye wash, will sur prise Vale people. One girl with weak, strained eyes was helped by a single application. Her mother could hardly sew or read because or eye Vains. In one week she too was benefited. We guarantee a small bot tle of Lavoptik to help ANY CASE weak, strained or inflamed eyes. Aluminum eye cup FREE. 12 VALE DRUG STORE Diven & Company Quality Groceries Vale, Oregon An Unpardonable Sin (Contributed) To educate your children in a town To live in it To make a living off of it and out of it. To get everything you possibly can out of it And put absolutely nothing into it! It is perfectly proper for a British newspaper to suggest the dropping of "Hun" German has acquired a mean ing since 1914 that makes synonyms Telegraph. It is idle to talk of coining seven cent pieces for street-car fares. It would be only another year before we would have to discontinue them and begin to coin fourteen-cent pieces. New York World. Your Copy REMEMBER We Are Always at Your Service for that newipaper advertisement or eireular may ex preia yourideaabut effective typograph ical display ia ne ceaaary to get beat resuita. With your knowledge of your buaineaa and our knowledge of the printing art we can co-operate to mu tual advantage. 30 VWWVWVWWVWVWVWATO Farmers. C nd Sheep Men, and Citizens o f Mai r, Harney and Grant NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Increased cost nf paper and all expenses in connection with publishing a newspaper, to gether with new postal regu lations require us to enforce subscribers to pay in advance for the Enterprise. We have already succeeded in getting nearly all of our many sub scribers to pay in advance. Now in order to treat these fairly and to maintain the high standard of the Enterprise, EVERY subscriber, in order to continue receiving the En terprise must pay his subscrip tion of $2.00 regularly each year, and in advance. ' Watch Your Date The date to which your sub scription is paid is printed each week on jour copy of the paper. Watch this date and try to send in the money for the next year's subscription before your time expires, thus avoid ing missing any copies. '! he dates are indicated on your paper just to the right of your name as follows: ljnnO, means the first day of January, 1919, etc. Hereafter we will not mail receipts for subscriptions unless requested, but will ad vance ihe date printed on your paper, thus zivinsr ..ou no (ice that you h.i : prot'r tTPilif . A :e li"-i h'i' !.. d:i'e ni;iy 'i ' til a week or of Davment. V. e .. glad to correct any errors in your name, address, or the date paid to. Change of Address In requesting ,us to chanpe the address of your paper from one post office to another it b necessary that you give the post ofice where you have been receiving . the Enterprise as well as the new address to which you wish it sent. This will avoid your missing seve ral issues and will save us a blind search thru the entire list to find your old address. If your paper does not come regularly kindly notify us at once so we can locate the trou ble promptly, j. jfr jfp .j. .g. .j .j. .j. .j. received f.rr'-c 'iways Henry Ford would be in a bad way if authors, historians, artists, law yers, and statesmen didn't know more about automobiles than he knows about literature, history, art, etc. Boston Shoe and Leather Reporter. With hogs selling at twenty-four cents on the hoof there is many a silkpurse that isn't worth a sow's ear. London (Ontario) Fee Prees. In Budapest a reactionary is any body whose conscience bothers him after he has killed a praperty-owner. Indianapolis Times. USE WANT ADS ft.ftnd Buf columns fx VTZL sand of people fuf yntS m few hours If f RAGS WANTED We will pay 6 cents a for clean cotton Rags Phone or Bring to the Malheur Enter prise, Vale, Oregon. 21 Jun-tf - It seems another blow at the food supply of the world when prohibition steps in and blights the wlld-oats crop of coming generations. New York Morning Telegraph. If Mexico could only be made safe, it might become a great winter re sort for Americans. And then the Mexican bandits could become hotel kepers. Long Island City Star. The Malheur Telephone Company offers it s telephone service to the progressive business man as the most econ omieal, efficient meth -od of communicating with his customers. : It is always ready, always handy, and pays for it self in the time it saves. The door to your store is always open for trade. Did you ever stop to consider that a tele phone is as simple a method of entrance to your place of business as your door? Think the matter over, call Weaver Randolph and have yours install- ed. Fall Cleaning Coming? Is now near at hand We are making special prices this week on laundry soap. These are the old prices and our customers will get the benefit of the savings if they buy now. The new prices are considerably higher. White Flyer $6.00 box Bob White $6.25 box Crystal White $6.50 Ice Cream Milk and.Crcam Eggs and Butter THE VALE ME A T CO. A. II. CHESTER, Mgr. Vale, Oregon THE PIONEER MARKET; NINE YEARS IN BUSINESS Here's the Uiygi Lvtnt in the History of Vale WE ARE BUILDING: 150 Barrel Flour Mill 25,000 Bushel Grain Elevator and Warehouse. .10 Ton Feed Mill for Rolling Barley and Oats 10 Ton Attrition Mill for making Fine Flour for Sheep and Hogs 5 Ton Corn Meal Mill, and all will be ready for business Oct. 20, 1919. OUR SCALES WEIGH UP TO 15 TONS YOU CAN HAUL GRAIN IN BULK AND DUMP IN OUR ELEVATOR WE ARE SELLING 30,000 GRAIN SACKS AT LOWEST MARKET We will have all kinds of feed for sale. Come to us for your Cotton Seed Meal or Cake. Chicken feed of all kinds. We Are Now BUYING WHEAT, OATS and BARLEY WE WILL ACCEPT WHEAT, BARLEY AND OATS AT ALL STATIONS ON THE OREGON SHORT LINE Come to Us for Your Cotton Seed Cake and Meal Our Temporary Office in Rear of the United States National Bank VALE MILLING & ELEVATOR CO. a .m .. . a .a .at ai . a, - 1 We Are Paying Highest Market prices For Your Grain The Vale Hot Springs Sanitarium Rooms, Board, Bath and Massage: Dr. Thos. W. Thureton, Supt., Vale, Ore. E 18 cents a package Camaa ara told tvmry. wharminmcientificMlly aemlod package of 20 oigarattaa or tanpackaga(.300cigaretta) in a g aatina-papar-covared carton. Wa atrong'y racom mand thia carton for tha hnma or ofliea aupply or whan you tra vat. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Wiotton-Salcm, N..C. CAMELS fire in a class by themselveseasily the most refreshing, the 'most likable cigarette you ever smoked. You can prove that ! Simply compare Camels puff-by-puff with any cigarette in the world at any price! Put quality, flavor and cigarette satis faction to the utmost test! Made to meet your taste, Camels never tire it, no matter how liberally you smoke them ! The expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos inak-s CumeU c1l1.;.!i ful so full bodied, yet so fascinatingly smooth and mellow-mild. Every time you light one you get new and keener enjoyment I Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after tasto or any unpleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels 03 unusual aa they are enjoyable. In fact, Camels appeal to the most fastidious smoker in eo many new ways you never will missthe abs.'iico of coupons, premiums or gifts. You'll prefer Cumel Quality I