SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1919, MALHEUR ENTERPRISE, VALE, OREGON PAGE THREE 44 Hi 1 11 UM I I M 1 1 1 H HlfHI 4 41 I Hlfl tiH-t-H-M- i.. n.'immiMiv;mra;:iinT wnw 'Mniwiixm I Vale Personal and Local News f irmn't.wnH'ifmniimtlimiini' nMriHM,riH,MMMTimfiMmiitirt(iNi:uiMriiwfitTrninMintrMHitiiiMirtMimiMT'TifirnniTiriiiriiiriini(iiiMi,!FT(T:ifMinTlitriii!Mii!i,iiui'"i Mr. and Mrs. John Boswell came down from their home in Big Bend to Visit over tho Fourth with former Vale Friends. On their return they were accompanied by their daughter Miss Merle who had been visiting the week previous with her friend Miss Veidi Miller. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boyd were out of town visitors from Princeton In the city Wednesday and Thursday. Ivan S. Hart was in town from Har per for a few days this week. Chas. Parrott of Brogan was regis tered at the Arlington Thursday. Lester Lee was another Harper vis itor for the Fourth. M. H. Conroy from Juntura and I. M. Davis of Drewsey were guests at the Drexel Monday and Tuesday. V. Eugene Brasie was in the county seat from Malheur the first of the week looking after some of his many business interests near here. I Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Arnold and two children, formerly of Ontario, came down from Kelso, Wn. the first of the week and visited a couple of days at the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. J. I). House near Jamieson. They left Wednesday for Shoshone and Twin Falls where where they will visit with friends. R. H. Lockett and Evan C. Allstrom were Brogan visitors in town the mid dle of the week. Mrs. C. V. Vandiver of Brogan was shopping in Vale Monday and Tuesday Thos. Venable was again in town Monday and Tuesday from his home in Boise, looking after business in terests here and renewing old acquaint ances. Misses Norma Lockett and Josephine Tague were visiting friends in Vale this week from Brogan. Alvan Clarke was down from Bro gan for a few days for the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fears and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Springer and children motored over from Ontario and made a brief visit here Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gramse and Miss Ula Gramse visited a while in town Sunday while here they enjoyed a plunge at the Nat. Misses Dollie and Ora Lawrence re turned Tuesday afternon to their homo at Ironside after a two week's visit in Vale with Miss Nellie Thompson and other girl friends. Miss Thompson ac companied them on the return trip and will jsit at Ironside for a week. Floyd Powell was down from Bro gan and spent the Fourth in Vale. Mr and Mrs. W. W. Hinton and daughter Miss Anna Harris motored over from Ontario for the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Udick and daughters came up in their car from Ontario to see the fireworks and listen to the band concert Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Wall were JEWELS OF SOUND In Cabinets of Exquisite Beauty You know of course that so far as the reproduction of music is concerned there is but one instrument which RE CREATES it with proven fidelity That instrument is The NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" We have placed many of these in Vale and Malheur County and Every one has given Satisfaction. Come in and let us demonstrate for you today. We Also Sell EDISON RECORDS VALE DRUG STORE Vale Leslie L. Hope, Established 1887 Pioneer Drug 1 MAC SAYS: I Your Vacation Needs Are Here Thermos Bottles pints $2.75; Quarts $4. Sterno canned heat 15c can. Sterno outfits, kettle, holder and heat, 75c and $1. Cold creams tor tan and sunburn, 57 vari eties, from 25 cents up. Cameras and films, from $3.00 to $30.00. A. E. McGILLIVRA Y PHONE 39. &Xd$L- VALE OKEGON I T I over from their ranch on Owyhee the Fourth. Mr and Mrs. Bert Koplin were in Vnle from their ranch to spend the Fourth. Mrs. F. C. Oxman was a visitor in Vale over the Fourth at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs. Thos. Jones. Mr and Mrs. J. L. Pope and child ren were in Valethe Fourth coming down from their home at Jamieson for the day . H. A. Fosselman came over from Lmmett this week to look after pro perty interests in Vale. He sold his business in Emmett a few days ago and is looking over the country. Mrs. Charles Pitts of Nampa was in Vale a few days this week visiting Mrs. Sasser, and other friends. Art Hunt of the Post Office News Stand and son John went to Parmn this week to visit relatives and spend a few days vacation. Mr and Mrs. R. C. Halliday, Mrs. i T. W. Halliday and daughter and Kcn , neth Adams were in Vale from Rupert ! Idaho Sunday visiting with Mrs. Halli 1 day and daughter Mrs. Burbidge here. Earl Winters of Everett Washing ton who has been in this section the past few days looking after his fath ! er's interests here was a week end , guest with his old friends Mr. and : Mrs. Kenneth Herrett, and the party ; made n trip to Boise last week end. i Mrs. Walkup and two daughters of I Burns were guests of Mrs. Pearl Bur- I hirirp nvpr last week end. I - Mr. and Mrs. J. Boydell brought a party over from Nyssa to spend the Fourth in Vale. Hugh Clement was one of the sol dier boys from Ontario who was pres ent at the dance Friday evening. Willard Edwards and Earl Stream, both of Brogan, visited in Vale for several days last week and were pres ent during the Fourth celebration. Mrs. J. C. McCreight accompanied by two daughters and her son and Miss Jennie Robinson and her brother V. Marshden motored up in their car md visited during the evening of the Fourth in Vale. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Powell and child ren returned to their home in Ontario Friday evening after a couple days' Ht with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Thom son. Miss ertrude Robirts of Harper visited with her sister Miss Maude Robirts Friday and Saturday. Miss Gladys Dell came down from Nampa Thursday evening to visit over 'he Fourth with friends here. She eturned to her work at Nampa Sat urday morning. Misses Ruth Howard and Ernestine 'ocey from Ironsides were visiting : "ew days in Vale last week with friends. Billy and Ross Thompson cam' down from the ranch above Vale t Proprietor Oregon Store of Malhenr County. spend Independence day with home folks Miss Verna Seward was another On tario visitor the guest of friends in Vale over the Fourth. Mrs. Frank Mulkey and small son Clair of Jamieson are visiting this j week with Mrs. Mary McKinney. Special O. E. S. Meeting Eastern Star members of the Vale lodge meet at the home of Mrs. H. R. Dunlop on Thursday evening of this week to hear the report of the recent state convention by their dele gate Mrs. John P. Houston. The reg ular meeting night for the lodge was postponed during Chautauqua week and the special meeting called for this week. After listening to the complete and interesting report Mrs. Houston gave of the big meetings at Portland .1 social hour was enjoyed and light refreshments served. Trout Dinner A delightful dinner party was enjoy ed Monday evening at the home of Dr. F. J. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Reed who were hosts to a few friends. -A feature of the table decor ations were huge platters of trout caught on Willow Creek by the hosts. After dinner cards were enjoyed until a late hour by the guests who were; Attorney and Mrs. R. D. Lytle, County Clerk and Mrs. A. M. Moody and Dr. H. W. Steelhammer. Wilson-Kimball Miss Iva Wilson and Emmett Kim ball, well known young people of Westfall, were quietly married by Jus lice of the Peace Robt. D. Lytle last Thursday evening. Only a few immed immediate friends were present at the ?eremony and all their friends and ac uiaintances join in wishing them hap piness. McDonald-Gibson Miss Annie Margaret McDonald and Albert Gibson were united in marriage at the Methodist parsonage by Rever end Clower on Wednesday evening. The young people are well known in the Big Bend and Nyssa sections and have many friends who extend wishes for a long and happy life. Gibbons-Patrick Miss Chloe E. Gibbons and Benja min Harrison Patrick were united in marriage in the parlors of the Arling ton hotel on Friday evening by Rev erend E. F. Clower. The happy couple left immediately afterward for Boise where the groom is enployed and where they will make their home. Miller-Jones Miss Laura Miller became the bride of Ralph Jones on Wednesday after noon at the Methodist parsonage when Reverend Clower read the pretty ring 'eremony of the church. They left Wednesday evening for southwestern Idaho where they will reside. Wednesday Bridge Wednesday afternoon bridge club members spent a pleasant afternoor his week when Mrs. John P. Houstor was hostess. High honors for the il;r were won by Mrs. Lytle, Cooling re freshments and iced punch were server during the afternoon by the hostess Guild Meeting Mrs. George E. Davis will entertain Guild Friday afternoon at her hom "or their regular monthly business an social meeting. 'announcements METHODIST CHURCH (E. F. Clower, Pastor.) July 13, 1919. Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m. Mrs. B.' V. Farmer, Supt. Preaching by the pastor, at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 8:30 o'clock p. m. "No Loafing" "Wherefore is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath day." Dr. Cuyler states i that at the foot of Ludgate Hill is one I of the most crowded thoroughfares of i London. In the center of it, between I two lamp-posts, there used to be a solid oak bench with a high back, and on that back was the inscription: "Rest but do not loiter." On that bench thousands of people in the course of every day used to rest their weary limbs. Like the poor man's bench in seething London stands the unrepeal ed ordinance of the Sabbath, and over its blessed portals is written: "Rest, but do not lounge or loiter." CATHOLIC SERVICES At Juntura 1st and 3rd Sunday at I 8 o'clock followed by Benediction of I the Most Holy Sacrament. At Beulah 1st and 3rd Sunday at 10:30, At Vale- -2nd Sunday of month at 8:00 o'clock followed by Benediction, At Brogan- 4th Sunday of month at 9:00 o'clock. Lectuies in Christian Doctrine are , given in Vale on the 2nd Sunday, after Services and also on Tuesdays and ! Thursdays at 4:00 o'clock, parents are requested to see that their children I coma regularly, and at the proper time. Those lectures are given at !. and Li j:. ui.ii.ud. - til . after j-W-MH--MM-M- A tli News Brevities JL Screening Dining Room Proprie- I tor McFadden of the city Bakery has j had the interior of the bakery enclos-1 ed in screening the past week and will j install new screening at the wide en trance joining the Diven grocery. To Homestead Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Means and sons Arthur and Donald ! and Mrs. Carl Helm and sons of Stan- i CavinesT? returned to Vale this Week field who are visiting here leave the j from business trip to Seattle, Port first of the week to spend the next j iaru an(j other coast points. He stop few weeks of warm weather in the , ped Dff jn La Grande a day to visit , i i . . . upper ironside section wnere ir. i Means has recently built a homestead ers cottage. To Portland Mr. and Mrs. Art Kessler and son left Monday for Port- land and the coast on a few weeks Scene from "Empty Pockets" at the Hogs at $22 n hundredweight in Chi cago, broke all records for hog prices. During the month of June 177,000 American troops salted home from Brest. Serious riots occurred in several Italian cities in protest against the high cost of living. The German national assembly at Weimar has adopted new national col ors black, red and white. Between 10 and 15 people were drowned when an excursion boat near Sioux Falls, S. D., struck a snag and overturned. Wages of $15 a day for harvest handB have been offered in Hays, Kan sas, according to a report made to the Kansas state fire marshars office. The allied governments have rep resented to the government of Holland the necessity of taking steps to pre vent the departure of the former Ger man emperor from Holland. Mrs. C. P. Fiske, wife of the former chief justice of the North Dakota su preme court and an unidentified girl, were killed at Minot when Chester .lacobson of the United States avia '". corps attempted s '"" li.lli, ; i iilll.i i' 'Ilium ;'I1N!'TIII!I!I r!!IHll''!!r Hl;':illll;':',l!tllll'M)1lllllllM!''ll'llllllllllll Look Over These Prices CAN YOU AFFORD TO DO YOUR OWN WORK WITH INAD EQUATE REPAIR TOOLS, WHE:; WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO IT IN AN EXPERT MANNEI ? Vulcanizing .-'rices Size of Tires Full 3- inch $3.50 3 1-2 inch $4.00 4- inch $6.00 4 1-2 inch $7.00 5- inch $0.50 Tube Repair Prices 50c first hole, 2. each additional, Blowouts 50c first inch, 10c each additional. Splices, single. $1.00. Splices, double, 1.50. Valves, $1.00. Valve Pads $1.00. Rogers Tire & Rubber Co. VALE , fMr. anb tflrs. J. iJ. Jfeocietp GET THE ENTERPRISE HABIT WHEN YOU WANT Visiting Cards Party Invitations Birth Announcements Dunce Programs Wedding Announcements Society Note Heads Correspondent ( ards l'io -r Envelopes to Match Our Specialty Is Satisf action. Phone AgeiitN for Higlictt Clan- l'ni:rer. Vale. i M kUfBl'l RJ RPRI i One rM--M-4 of Local Into est pleasure trip, Fishing Parties A number of Vale people spent last week end at Willow Creek fishing. Among those going were Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lytle, Mr and Mrs. A. W. Reed. Dr. Brown and son Hershel. Returns From Business Trip Wes on nja retum trip. Makes Final Proof Axel Shodin one of the prosperous young ranchers of Sand Hollow made final proof at the Vale Land Office this week on a homestead tract. Hex Sunday and Monday, July 13-14. of the pudding is in the eating. So the proof of good printing is in the satisfaction of the user and the re sults secured. We are specialists in the kind of printing that brings busi ness and are equipped to handle anything in this fine that you need. Cools the stomack, washes out the bowels, drives out impurities, help the liver it's Hollister's Rockey Mountain Tea. Take it once-a-week during hot weather and see how happ and contented you'll bee. 35c. Ter or Tablets. Adv July. A. E. McGILLIVRA Y As crop conditions stand now tne : Pacific northwest tributary to Port i land and Puget sound ports will pro 1 duce 60,000,000 bushels Of wheat. Las j year the yield was about 41,000,001' i bushels. The largest crop ever grown, ! that of 1916. was 70,000,000 bushels. State will receive 73 army trucks foi road work. mmiimMitmii t.iiiiiiiitmiimiiii viiitiiiMiiHiiniiii mi: MANY A GOOD TIRE HAS SLIP PED DOWN THE TRAIL TO THE JUNK HEAP, With Hundreds of Miles of Good Wear left, be cause Its Owner did not Understand Pro per Repairing. N Sect; ns Inside Sections $2.75 $3.50 $4.40 $5.25 $0.00 OREGON ! THE PRINTED WAY is THE PROPER WAY 0. ASS1EIE0 ADVERTlSEnENTS Put four Little Want Ads Where People Look for Them Price is one cent per word per week; advance payment required. Minimum charge 25 cents. 25 cents extra for illustrated brand REAL ESTATE Opportunities To Buy, Sell or Trade FOR SALE 160 acre desert claim, NWW of Section 28 Tp. 18, Range 44 four miles west of Vale. Can "as sign or relinquish." All fenced, 3 wires, good barn and fifteen acres plowed. Any reasonable offer not re jected. A. R. Mcintosh, 115 N. First St. Yakima Washington. SJuly 2t UNION AND WALLOWA county property for sale or trade. Write to Geo. H. Currey, "He who Moves Real Estate", La Grande, Oregon Mar8tfp FOR SALE Good new six room modern bungalow with bath and. base ment, well screened porches and lawn with flowers and vines. Lot 200x94 feet, electric pumping plant for gar len. Good terms for right party, in juire of William Bohna, Vale, Oregon. IS July If. WANTED To get in communica tion with owner of good stock ranch who is willing to sell. Address P. O. Box 454 Payette, Idaho. June 28 2tp I AUTOMOBILES Bargains In Used Cars and Supplies SECOND HAND CARS hikland Snap at $500.00 luirk Four 'ase 10 thoroly overhauled good run ling shape good tires .'ord Bug. Kessler Garage, Vale, Oregon. 28 June tf REAL TRUCK BARGAINS: ; One ton Republics with stake rack bodies. Brand new $1000.00 i One and one half ton Republic with cab and stake rack body. Brand ew $1800.00 : Two ton Second hand Nash trucks at Bargain prices, v'ale Machine and Welding Works, t FARM BARGAIN COUNTER Produce, Implements, Live Stock Offers FOR SALE Twenty-five head of milch cows, will sell one or all. Eleven head Holsteins, balance Jersey and part Jersey. Inquire Vale Meat Cpra pany. 7 June-tf FOR SALE Good cow will be fresh about July 22, Inquire of H. H. Mit chell near Lincoln school half way be tween Ontario and Vale. July 12 tf Professional Directory ii ii ,, i ii i. i ii ii ii ji i . ii j j j ! ATTORNEYS H. C. EASTHAM Attorney and Conned lor at Law U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 248 Vale -:- Oregon EL G. WHEELER Attorney and Counrellor at Law Practice in all Courts and U. S. Land Office Collections Nelsen Bldg. -:- Vale, Ore. Geo. E. Davis Bruce R. Kester DAVIS & KESTER Vule, Oregon Attorneys and Councellors at Law Nelsen Bldg. -:- Vale, Ore. JULIEN A. HURLEY Attorney und Councellor at Law Office! Nelson Building Phone 210-W -:- Vale, Oregon ROBERT 1). LYTLE Attorney First National Bank Bldg. Vale, Oregon Phone 00 UNDERTAKER T. T. NELSEN ale, Oregon Up-to-date Undertaking Parlors line line of Undertaking Supplies Hearse Servico -:- Phone 77 ENGINEERS JOHN E. JOHNSON Pioneer Engineer and Surveyor ol Malheur County Blue Prints and Platting Hayes Building -:- Vale, Oregon -f -f ! ! ' 't I 'l' H I I " H I Cherries For Sale Five to six thousand gallons, large, mild "Late Duke" variety at Seven to Ten Cents per pound. Two cents off per pound price for picking at orchard. Phone, write or come to, H. G. Monce Two miles N. W. of Nyssa, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS Things for Sale or Trade or Wanted HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE Cooking Range, dining table and chairs. Bookcase, New Edison Phono graph and numerous other articles. Interested party call at residence of W. F. Bohna. 12 July tf RAGS WANTED We will pay 5 cents a pound for clean cotton Rags Phone or Rring to the Malheur Enter prise, Vale, Oregon. 21 Jun-tf LOST AND FOUND Owners or Articles Located Anywhere COAT LOST In Ontario on Monday evening lune 30 a ladies blue serge suit coat. Finder please notify Mrs. George Huntington Currey at Vale and receive reward. FOUND Gold watch, Elgin works, two charms, one W. O. W. Found be tween homes of Mr. Wells and Ross Soward. Owner must indentify witch and pay for this ad. Inquire at Enter prise office. X1G. STRAYED AND ESTRAYED The Stockmans Weekly Rndeo $10 REWARD for iaformation lead ing to recovery of 3 year old black filley, branded Diamond on left shoul der, J. M. Fairbanks, Ontario, Ore gon. June-5tp STRAYED OR STOLEN From my pasture at Juntura. Oregon one sor rell horse, six years old with flax mane and tail weight about 1150 or 1200 lbs. very gentle, broke to ride or drive, has collar marks, no brand, liberal reward. L. P. Delsole, Juntura, Oregon. 12 July 3t STRAYED One Bay Horse weight about 1250 branded quarter circle over C thus E on left stifle, wire cut on right Q hind leg. Finder notify Sidney Comegys, Ontario, Oregon and receive liberal reward. 12, July 12tp SERVICES Personal Services Offered and Wanted AUCTIONEER For first class stock Auctioneer call for date with E. W. Dunn, U. S. National Bank, Vale, Ore Feb 22 tf. TOWNSHIP Blue Prints corrected (.o date. Made by John E. Johnson, Hayes Building (diagonally acrnM from Court House,) Vale, Oregon. igi ifr 'I' i I' 'I' 'M'jt DOCTORS EDGAR S. FORTNER, M. D". Physician and Surgen OFFICE HOURS 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 Office over First National Bank Telephone No. 33 J. Ontario Ore. R. D. BURROW, M. D. Physician and Surgean Office over Vule Drur Stare Phone 2 1 6 Vale, Oregon DR. K. B. NORVALL Nerve Specialiat Druglt-KS Physician Opposite Young's Garage. Vale, Ore. Phone 43 H. W. STEELHAMMER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 18 - Res. Drexel Hotel 3 I. O. 0. F. Bldg. Vale, Oregon OSTKOPATHS Dr. Pauline Sears Dr. Harriet Sears OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Graduates of American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. I. si Building North of Vale Drug Store FARM LOANS Kam h Louns, 20 Years, Rural Credit Huy and General Fire InHurnnca C. C MUELLER Real Mate 1st Nat. Bank Bldg., Vale, Oregon. JOHN IIARDWICK Real Estate If you want to buy or sail City or Farm Property Consult Hardwick, Abstract Company Building wjfm wtm f V"' V y fl