SATURDAY, JULY 12, 19l9. PAGE TWO MALHEUR ENTERPRISE, VALE, OREGON ! LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS I . ..i.ji,i,.iIHM,ii.1..Iii..uiu mm miiun.iu ..lum.-.uii.uiiin st M MHNS In The Circuit Court of the Klnle of Oregon ror Malheur I ounty MALCOLM COMUQAU Plaintiff a? AS 1 HOWARD. JOHN M. HOWARD. MRS JUSIE WALDON, : rm.rly Howard, MRS IN A WAKBRI.ICi, formerly Pf iffer. MABKI J ' 1'' ill I I- it. MUM, i 1 I I'l' Kir F BR, the heirs of Philip Pfeiffer. deceased. t. . K. Mueller a run i d m h an litem o th n i i OT heir- of Phili; Pfeiffer, itl t f eMail. I. B V DIVKN, JOHN DOE and RICHARD ROK Defendant To JAS P. HOWARD and to JOSIE WA1 DO;. f-riKrly Howard, defendants: in l ' runic of 'lie Stnte Ot Oregon: You air herrby iufred to appear urd ana war th' itaht. i'.'I ggatllRt you in the almve rn titi i i-uit Mrlttitn nil afteh from the date of th- tlr ;ubilcat io.t of thi Mimmon, am nhown h i-i. - it -ir -t on yuu nci ionally, thri within i.v vnekr from th- date of such Ma Vie, . n;.d i: yoti fail to answer for wan thcrt it, th plaintiff will apply to the Court ! ! ' . nIMI ;"nir.Jei in tl romplain t'' . i i-y uy : that he have and recover and from the deff ndnnt' Jas. P. Howard. J oh?. M Howard and Jaffa Waldon, formerly Hm- r.: 1. jMirtiy nn I ac . ei ally the sum of I hri ilundr d Thirty me ft Fifty Hundredths Da Ui ' 83.11 .60), with interest thereon at the mt of ten pt-j- cent per annum from Jun Iti, r.'Ki, until paid, and the several sum pa it for a rh'iwn in the rollowffw table, with Interest on each nam from the date of pay ment thereof a. ebown. that la to say : ' 1 ' Amount Apt i . i. Illf t r:.GH April :. lflG G.OV. A; . il 1. 1 11 6 It.f A ril T. It'lfi 10.34 Apt il 1, 11)16 3.20 Mi v h, 1911 3.6K May 8, 1011 36 At. I the farther ItUH of One Hundred Dollars ( it a a n a on.'.hle attorney's fee. to- ir V v. ifh the eoata and disbursements of t!-i ii't : and lor a dcrree that the defendant .la I". Howard. John M. Howard and Jo.-ie V": i Ion, former! Howard, ami all other de fei .a'- almve named, have no right, title, In pro l or rotate in. or Hen nn, itaid prem Ue , or f a'.y they have, or any of them, thai !) iAim ii upaatibtnt in time and inbois (!'-. :i and inferior iti rtvht to the lien and es l. - fthfl plaintiff! .-aid mortgage; and that thov ba fortvor foreeloaad and debarred of any arid tl! i i.:lit of redemption therein or theret' aave the ntnttttory right of redemption: and That nnld prcfnbm he Hold under execution nnl the procaedj of Mich sale he applied In 1 : i v Mi Tit of -r' judgment, and the expense O? ate, and the lUrplUSj if any, be paid ovei to the clerk of thi court ; that the plaintiff Of a pernon. nviy i bidder at . m h Hale . Dll . t).,. sheriff of Malheur County, Oregon let th' purchaser Into posnaaalon of said preni i and for inch other, further and different relief as to e'Uii'y may neem meet. 'i'lii- sitmnutin i- frrvrd on you by publica ti'n b Virtue "f an OVder bearing date Jutv 7th. 199. made by the Honorable Dalton Iti . , judue of th- nbovo entitled court, dir ectlng th" publication thereof in the Malheui Kin rprhtv on-' n week for ilx eoMeetitlw D.tted end first published at Vale, Oregon, July 12th, HMO. H. C. BASTHAM, tldinj at Vale, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. l-d July-M Am-. NOTICE OF SIIKKII F H BALI IN FORECLOSURE Hy virtue of an execution in foreeloeure duly Itau d by Ihe Clerk of the Circuit Court foi Malheur County, Oreson, dated tli !ib day of -in y, 1910, in a certain Milt in the Clrettlt t ou i for laid ' DUnty and Stnte wherein Ivan B. Oafce recovered judament avainet U.e 1 irst Trust and SuvingH Hank of Hrogan, Oi ' i a ' m i i;iUhi, i iiil (J. i. Magenheimei, :. i . ildatinu , ent for said I ir; l Truet anti Ba inafi Dank oi Brosan, Oreson in the lol lu i i(? rami and amountof namely. i on ih first cause of suit tet tor'h there In follows, vlll Kor the sum of Kout I and 91 ity-etght and 7.'i Hundredths . ,7SJ Dollar , nrlth Interest thereon from i t day of October, 1912, at the rate ' ( . cent pen unnunt, and for the num oi Four Hundred (9409.00) Dollars ae attorney'.-lee-, u HM1 huh! i irst cause of suit, and th further BUtns of 127.06 with IS per sent Interest from July 22, 1916 1 S9S.1S, with in tereat at the rate of 15 per cent per annum from October II, 1918) $24.69, enth Intere at 16 pat cenl per annum from July 1916 162.91, with 16 per cent Interest pei annum from Au (ust i . 191 : 166,68, aftth i per e nt interest per annum from April l 1916 126.22. With I- per c.-nl interest per an nnm from Auau t 6, 1919 ; a 'id 8280, with I per cent Interest per annum from May 16, 1911 And. a Purthi Judgment, upon the BBC OND cause of null let uu-.n inereiUi as follone, yuti For the sum of 'Inn 'rhousanl Tin Hundr d Klevun and "i Hu idredthc fMJU.6J Dollars, with Interest therwu al the lata oi C per cent per annum from October 81, 1912 uoil to,' tin- i inn oi I hree Hundred Thirty , ItO.Oui Dollar aa uttotiiey's fees upon pai s nd Cau e oi iu1t, and Mo (turthu u;. oi with 16 per cent micr-'-tt per aunUi fru t July I, 19181 . II SJ . ui 18 per eeul Interest i i n nnum from Auanst HMO : t'iX'i, wiin o per uenl interest Irom May 16, I99j SO'HC'K la liKREU) GIVEN, i hat I will on Tm day. Uie 12th day of AlUfUst, 1919 at Ttl O M . ol day. at the front en- tran i ol Mm Court House at Vale, Maiheur (Mint) Oregon, veil at public auction to the hi hesi bidder, oi balder, the foltowlna den. crllnd rval property, Unwlti The Northwes! Quarter of the Southwesl Quarter (NW, I grt oi Hectlon Nineteen (19, Township i I i (16) fioUth, It. inre I'orly-three I l-M j Pi t. W M eve aiwl eaoept a -trip of land Iti feet wide mound the boundaries thereof I foi pad purpo ( or o mueh thereof no may j ii nt irj i" satisfy the vald judsTmenl in; favor ot -aid plaintiff ami aaalnat ihe i aid id' ndantffl upon tbr said flret eaU4j of on and 'I lii- Northweat Quarter of the Northweal I (M .i -i i.vw'iNWy of Section Twenty-five I (K5J in Townehlp riftaen (16) South, naluja r'orty.two 1 12 1 Baet, W. M leave ana axeept a trip of laini iti' j feat wide around !ua i i i. htrl i0 roof for road purpoeet) or nn I much thereof as may be noeaaiary to satiety J the aid judirmenl in favoi of eald plaiutiif ! anil aaaln i the .aid ihifendante upon the eeid second cau ' cull therein. I.' , ami levied uimfi a. tin orooartv nt tin- l-'ir-t Truet and Bavlnffi Bank of llrnan, i Oi i nn. iintiit at Vuli-, Orvon, ilus '.'ih day ol July 1919. Il UKK NOR, Sheriff. Bi I i MeKlroy, Deputy, f'li i Publieatlon July 12. 1919. I. n Publication, Auvunt 9, nun Mini i in n t in nuts In the Ceuno Capri af th Mat ..f Orea-aa 5 for Malheur County. '' In the Matter of tin- last will -mil teetamc .,ii I , Lute ..I BECUNDO ACHABAL, Do- eeaeed. MJTH'E is HKRE1IY QIV1N I'd WHOM IT M CONCERN, that the 'indrnhtned by 11 rder nf the above entitled court bearina dal May IS, 1919, filed in tin- office nf the eli-r, nf nld court nn May I I. I'.ilO. wan uiipnint ed pxecutoi .i !i the "i-i annexad ofthoabove i-i i- led tmtate. All pereone haWna elalaui u t . in i ..i-i tale are hereby notified and re. . .! In pre COt tin in to nn-. duly vi-i ifii'd. i 1 he pro 'i-i vouohere, at my residence in On nn Canyon, Malheur County, Oreaon, Uy wuy of MeOerinitt, Oreaon, my poetoffiea ii i dn McDermitt, Nevada, within -.Ix i h of ili.- data nf the riral publleati .i -.1 i nutlee, niy .aid reenlence helna haraby d - itvd ai tin plaee for iho bancaattea of tin biuinu ' of unid rstat,'. ,1 and 'n i publwhed July I, into. CLETO ACHABAL i the eetate nf Becundo Achabal, di e need Ju'y 5-Ain 2 NOTICE l on ft tit K A Hon Depal i ii'i iil uf llit- Interior I1 s Lend Office at Vain. Oreaon, June, 5th, 101!' M' I II I i herein viven Hint Edmund Phllo li nd i- of Vale. Oreaon, who, mi. January th 1911 mill- jlomeet-ad Rntry, No oritt'io. I KW i. i and I. Beet ion ho. Town ' i Ranae 44 Raat, Wlllaairttf Mar. i-'i " ha filed notice nf intention to make Pinal 1 Year P f. b tahllsh elalm to I I le erlbea, before ReflUiter and l .i s Land Office, at Vale. Oraaon, on the ITth day of July. HMO. ''I. .imam name, a- wltncce! t. I. lii.-'. er I ' Diekervon, Ben Btruthaea, Andm J 'i - n nil nf Vain, Oraaon. I HOB JONEB, Reaut tee lune 1 1 .1 uly 12 NO I It I UK BOND HAI K III be 1 1 by Ihe Board uf Direct f the Wari.rln IrrlBaMoe in Va'e, Malheur County, OraaoSi 'ill tin- hour of 8o'euieli p m nn Ui I 1 nf 11 1 9I9 and Immediately thereafter puhliilv oaeaad fur Hi ' I d ml DI Uriel in the HUM of tliul.OOO. dated July 1. I'.'lll. nuinhcMsl snd maturlny a follow., in-wit: M MHKRS INTKREril I'RINt'll'Al. TOT A I I I 0 114.999. 06 180,006 66 1 . 1. 1100 in 161411 11.866.66 88, 000 00 54,866.60 6I8.I46 96.986.66 14,666.66 ii,860.tKl 847-1 11.846.66 ;I6 000 no f 4.846.66 'a 16.666.66 :k. nun oil 1.666 66 6)1 -M u..nn.a.i 11.666 66 5 4,666 6C ' ""I 1 1,846.66 15,000 011 ht.Hto 1'" 1 1650 1,766.66 in noo on 64,766.60 1651 in-'-' 8,666,66 16,666498 ift.666.66 lino.1160 n.060 00 11,666.66 64,666.66 I luu ihiii no K ,.l.-. i' di -1 i al thol T 1st Iln . in rliase ol Ih In J- aionluatki i -i t'Kt 1 if 11 1" ; 1949 toil 1948 164 1 I 'il 1948 Ifii 194 1 I al bond In heal loleri I al -Ix per eeeyt, 16 imm- aeatl ori annum, psyslde i.rmi-en-11 1 illy no laauary and July fir I, euartaal an-l Intea-eel payable in Ualtea Sisi,- aald com 9i ifftei "' thi P-ounli Treeurer nl tlsih-or Counta Oreaoa, di ai the Frxcsl Aaeaej e 1 . 11 u -.. 1 ii, at the eatlea ul the holder 1 -I aM n ' ' 1 Rank j in eerllfk ' eaeel fm tea pel real ai Hut aaaaaal bM saate to be iorfalted i the Dbitrlet - llaaidjated damage m Ike event the mirmdiil biddei li i- take up and paj fai sabl I I i laaln laa day. ait.-i the awsnl 6 nt lid. nni t 1 adltkMietly a. to Iresliti sml th Di.iii,-t will furouh tin- suaaaaiful bi Idrr .villi Hu ai... u,y I. k'u! apWIOa "f MaBMea, M. in, a Wllifrn- uf I'urtlslid I iti.. Board re n riyhl in rajerl sea at n luiU . 61 li HOJa. r., i.lxi, Joi, t I SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregnn Kor Mslhenr County f.KORCE SMITH and FRANK SMITH, Plaintiffs JACOB STIEGER snd JOHN STIEGER. Aho nit iiki.r no. . , ..r , Ttiinn inc any riKht. title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate describe,! in the complaint beShs, Defendants. To JACOB rrtaVlKn JAHn rti1RR Jso all other persons or parties unknown Claiming any rnrht. title, entate. I MM or m .rest in the real estate describefl in the com laint herein. Defendants : IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF 0MB ON : Vou and each rf you are hereby requir- to appear and answer the complaint tiled trains t you in Oic above entitled suit within ix weeks from the date of the first puli ation of such "ummons, to-wit, nn June 11. 9tV anl it you fail o to appear and ans r, the plaintiffs Sftil apply to the Court r the relief prayed for in the complaint, to vit: For a dearssj hcrern that the defendants. At OB 8TIBafm and JOHN STIEGER, were sen on the Sth day of October, 1902, single ud unmarried and that the laid deed referred in the complaint herein, dated October 1 M , '.02, from the said John Steitrer and Jacob teitfer to .. T. Smith, lie reformed so that he description of the land contained therein tail read as follow.. : The Northeast Quartei if the Southeast Quarter iNE'A SE'j), tht outheat Quarter of the Nortbast Quarter I of S'-ction Twenty-five 126), pfn,nahip 'Ihfrtoen (121 Suth, Ranifc Thirty nine rat) Fast, W. M. and the Wet Half I 1 I) South. Ranae Forty (401 East. W. M. fill in Malheur County, Oregon, contain ini: One Huialred and Fif ty-eipht and 66-100 fl.r,s.fi6) acre; and for other and further rel lei as to the Court may seem oauitable lerein, and for a judgment for their cosU and tli-hursemi'nt of this suit. This summons is published by order of the Honorable F. II. Test, Jueve of the County CoUrt for Malheur (.'ounty, OreKon, dated the ftfe day of June, 1919, ilirectin that the aer- iee of summons hi-rr-in h made hy publication. thereof in the Malheur Enterprise, a weekly newspaper published anil circulating in Mal heur county, Orejron. commencing with the i Itte thereof of June 14, 1919, and endiiK 1th tile bwae thereof of July 26. 1919. DAVIS St K ESTER, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, It-- i ln at Vale. Orssfon. June 11-July 26 NOTICE TO CREDITORS n Ihe County Cnurt of the Stale of Oregon lor Malheur County. In the matter of na Estate of DOMINGO HEN(;0, Drceas.d. NOTK E IS HEREBY GIVEN lu WHO VI IT MAY CONCERN, that the undersigned by the order of the above entitled OOUrl beai inC date May 12, 1919, filed in the office of the clerk of said court on May li, 1919. wa appointed ndministrator with the will annexed of the above entitled estate. All persons hav- inj: claims ntrainst said estate are hereby not- i i d and required Ui present them to me y rerified, Mtltn the proper vouchers, at my Idenee on Twelve Mile Oraeh , Malheur linty, Oregon, hy way of McDermitt, Ore- .m, my im-to1 fict- :iddnss h'-iicr McDermitt atl.i. within six months of the date of the fir-t publication of this notice, my waid re- sMenee befns hereby deshinated as the plane for the trim .action of the business of said OS ite. Dated and first pnhli-hel July 5. 1919. AMOS ARAMBUBA, Administrator with the will annexed of t'. estate of Domlnae Bengoa, Deceased. July 6-Atttf 2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon Fur Malheur County. In the MaOcr of the last will and testament and estate of FEUMIN AOHABAL, De ceased NOTICE is HEREBY (il VEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, that the unders taned by the order of lh'- above entith-d court bearlni lit- May 18, 1919, filed in the office of the clerk of laid court on May 16, 1919, was H pointed ndministrator with the will annexed of the above ontltled estaU-. All persons hav itij.' claim against said estate are hereby notified and reoulred to present them to me Verified, with the proper vouchers, al my res idenee In Oresjon Canyon, Malheur ( ounty, Oreaon. by way if McDermitt, Ore yon, my pos toff ice address htdriK McDermitt. i-( .nda. within six months of the date o Ci- firt puhliration of this notice, my said res Idenee helm: hereby designated uu thi I Laee for the transaction of the business of n j estate. ,i ted and first published July .", 1919, CLETO ACHABAL dminlitrator with the will annexed f the t-.l I',- ruin Achitlmt. fltciit-.ett. Auk I. NOTICE KOR IM'lll.trATlo.N Department nf the Intprior Land Office at Vali, Ort-Kon, Jun. NOTICE i hereby civen Mutt Bart Bawall Worthley f Vala. OreKon. vho, nn Novambar 18, tOlS. made 1 1 lead Kntry. Nn. 02'.'7l. for SV',. Baa 18, Twp, 20 S, Kanite 48 E v. iiliiiiirt i Meridian, lias fili-d notice of in t 'tiiiun in make Pinal Three x ear Proof, to M utblteh elalm in the land above datarlbad, In fore 'I h.- ResUtar and Receiver, V. B, Office, at Vale, Onvon ,on the Mrd ilay of July. 1019, Olalmaitt namaa as HiTt in i..n John Tom . t ian nee Vlnee, I'at. Johnaon, all of Vali. Oreson. Tlios. JONES, Rfcbter 21 .luni'-lo July. SI MMONB In t hi I irruit Caurl nf th- Btate of Ori-eun For Malheur Cuuntv TURNER TRUST COMPANY, A Corporation, flalntifl It. V u M i ii I'ruetee in llanl.i untry. CARL I BOLBERO, AI.I.KNK SOLBERO, hi wife, ami D. I M I'll I'll V. Daf andante. To R. V. Wlleox True tee in Bankruptcy Carl J Bnlbent, Allene Bolbera, hU erlfe ami li. I-'. Murphy, tin above named defendantel IN THE NAME OF fHE BTATE l ORE (.on, you are hi-n-ny n-iiuu-i-ii to appeal and ntr tin- eontplalht filed aialntt tin- above i-nlilh-il null witiiin you ivi-i-iis friim tin- iln!,- nf thi' fit I puliiii-atinr of this lujnjnona as ordered, eowiti The Ittl day of July 1919, ami if aervad personally trnhoul this stat,-. then within six weeki from tin- ilai,- of eueh peraonal lervlce upon you end if yon fail M In anawor, fnr want thereof tin- tilniutiff ill apiily In tin- Court fnr tin t-i-iii-f ih-mitmli'il In Ihn i-nmplaint. towlt1 Pol 'rffK?1 pI,nS,"ffl V""..Vr six..,"','" "I',1 --, '.'- "'. riundredthi lU8.4e ;i llnllai . xx it Ti Intercet tliri ix'li at thi- rati- uf tn-r eeai par annum from December lih. toi Until paid, anil fnr tin1 fui-OiiT sum of Out Hundred Pifty 11159.001 Hollars attorney', fix-s and for Me coot, ami detbureaniente ot this suit, and fur a decree that tho said lev eral sum, hr a first lion Upon thi' North Half nf the Northwe., Quarter N' NW'.i Beetion 20 ami the louth II. ill of iln- Bouthweet Quar tor iS' .sw ,i Si-i'iiiiu Twenty IM1, Town shin Sixteen 1161 Bouth, Ranae PortyHHrvah 147) Raat, Willamette Meridian in Malheur County, Oreaon, in accordance with tin1 terau and condition, of Hint certain dead of truet dated October 2ml. lull, eaecuted hy I'ARI. I ROLBERfl and M l. I NK SOLBERO, hi wife ami delixi-iisl in Hi.- iiauuiiii. Mi.iiurt Hoimsil .-iiiil I ru t t'.nni'iin v . a i-in tmrat inn. and that i Ho said true! d I ho foreeloaad ami eald or ent bee la- ordered lold ba satisfy ihn -aid ludament, ami that you ami each uf you In forever barred end fnreeloeed of all rhrkt, iiil elalm ami euulty in the said prerouvee, aa eepl your itatuort rlaht in redaant, and foi aueh iiilo-r ami further ri-lii-f as to the Court nuu team meet ami rauRanla. Il.i. stiinnmiiN is publlahoil ill Ihn Maliu-ui RnterpraMi, a weekly newvpaper publlehed and elreulatlaa in laid County ami Btata, hy order nf the Honorable Dalton Bhra. Judae uf thi Circuit Tourt uf th,- r.ald County ami Btate which ordar na. made ami entared on tin 'III da of July 1919 ami directed thi' publl t-atioli uf thi- iiiumuns fnr .ix weak, in laid napaai eoaunencina with tin- issu, thereof af luty I2th. Ittl tl ami ,mliiiLr ith the laaae lhataif uf lkuau.1 - r,l. 1919, provided that in .-asi' aereeaol rvlee hereof la madi- without ihn stato ni Oreaon that tho defendant, and each uf III, in hull' -ix wii'ks finm UM dal r such iet v Ic within which I" uppi.i and atiswei Attorney ii Oreaon II July .'i 'i.- DAVIS Plaintiff, lie idln - K ESTER at Vale NOTICE OF 8 A I K OF STATE LANDS Notlee I hereby given that the State Land Board of the State of Oregon will receive Healed bids until 10:00 o'clock A. M., August iz. riy. ror the m owing merited tads. to-wit All of Sections 16 and 84 T. 32 S. R. 42 K All of Sections 16 and 36, T. S3 S. R. 43 E. All of Sections 16 and 36. T. 34 S. R. 43 E. All of Sections 16 end 36, T. 40 8 R. 47 E. AH of Sections 16 and 36, T. 40 S. R. 48 E- All of Section 16 T. 41 S. R. 44 E. All of Section 16, T. 41 S. R. 45 E Al! of Scetion 16. T. 41 S. R. 46 E. All of Section 16. T. 41 S. R. 47 E. Ail of Section 16, T. 41 S. R. 4H .. All bids mut. in seeofflpaniea by resrularly ! utod application, to purchase and check i or draft for at lean one-fifth of the amount 'd. .."T1 rCTprvw thc ri,,t RnJ "'J, md.v , , u , , . , , ! Applications and bids should be a Idr-Ms.l to G G Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and Marked ' Applications and bid tii purchase state landa". G. G. BROWN, Clerk State Land board Dated at Salem, Oregon May 2!, 1010. June 7- August 2 NOTIC E OF FOREt LOS! RE Sale of Chattel NOTICE IS HER EM Y OIVEN TO THE NATIONAL NITRATE COMPANY, LIMITED, AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: That default havlnaj been made in the pay ment if he tWO pron-l'-nrv notes made Aug ust 12, 191. by said National Nitrate Com pany Limited to me, both for fSOO.OO, both nsnrlnsj interest from date at 19j per ennum, one payable December It, 111 K, and one ay ahe February 1919, and secured by a chat tel mortRatfe f the same date, on am! cover ing that certain one story corruratcd irn MlldhssTi known as the "M. F. Co. WbWs house, situated at the intersection of 16th treat ami the Oregon Short Line Ry. Co ': rfifnl if way and depot grounds on the riirht f way and depot grounds of satl i ail road nnpany, under a lease from said railroad nmpany therefor, also the said sense, all l - i iik in the city of ale, county of Malr. ur and state of Oregon, and having taken pos session of said personal property under and iiy virtue of the terms of the said chattel mortKaice for the purpose of foreclosing the same, in accordance with tie terms thereof, having elected to ell the said personal pro perty at public auction on two weeks publish ed notice in a newspaper of general circu lation published in said city, county and state, in itead of privately at is therein per mitted. 1 urQl at the said location of said per sonal property in said city, county and state, near the passenger depot of said railroad com pafufi on Monday, the :21st day of July, 1919. at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenosti of .snid ilny sell said propirty. or so much thereof as may be necensary. to satiify and ii.c -ha.-'-re -am ileh'. a- evulenceu hy sain pro- mlssory notes, both being wholly unpaid, the xoei. e of tahini: po-.ession ihereol, putiHn tig this notice, and all charges touching the sme, and including a reasonable sum, 10 per cent of said debt. counsel fees therefor, ren derlnsj the overplus, if any, unto the said mort gagor. Dated end first published July , mitt. J. E. LAWRENCE, Mortgagee By II. C. EASTHAM, his attorney Residing at Vale, Oregon ruly ..-July 19. I'liartoi- No 76. Report of the t'ondition of TIIK JONEB & CO HANKERS ;it Weatfall. in the -.late of Oreiron at cloae of business June SO, 1919. RESOURCES fjoani and discuuntx $ 1.5,66 Overdraite, si-euroil and unaacuran Rondl and warrants -.t'lrks, securities, judirnients, ete Banklns house furniture and fixtures Due frntn approved raaaraa iiank 'ash .in hand other resource., Liberty Loan Advances Total LIABILITIES apital stuck paid in llil S i '';'. !' 1 50. on 2,000.00 250.00 19,(84 M 3.2S 70.00 $ 95,889.44 i 10.000.00 surplus fund ndividod profit, loss expenses nnd 8,500.00 taxes paid 1.050.11, i ndlvtdua uapoaita eubjeet to check io. 07.1.11 iirmand certificates uf depiisit 10,756.80 Total I 99,889.41 STATU OP OREGON, County ot Malheur, s. I. J. I). Kafrman, Caehhtr of the above- iiimi'd hank, do solemnly swear that thi tlaive statement is true ui tho best of my nuwleilire anil hellef. .1. I) PAIRMAN. Caahl ORRECT Attest J, i; I amiikiison, C. K. JOHNSON. J. D. PAIRMAN, Dlraetora SIMMONS in the Circall fourl of the Slale of OreKon l ur .Malheur I ounty EQUITY NO. Hill. 3. J, MAOENKEIMER, Plaintiff, PD1TH M BHERMAN, Defendant To Kdith M. Bharman, the abova named de 'endant ' IN TIIK NAMK Ol TIIK STATE Ol ORK .ON, Yoti am hereby lummoned nnd required 1 appear and answer tho cumplaint Hied Liiainst ynu in tl-.e aliuie entillod Cnurt lauaa within six weak, from the 12th day nf illy l'.H'.l. thai lii-llu.' tin- dale nt tin- Il uld icatinti uf this eummone upnn you, and if ynu fail tn anawer, plead or utherwisc rppaar in said came within said time, the laintiff. for want thereof, will apply to Una iourt fnr liie relief demanded in hla com lain! herein, tu-wit : Por a Judament aaainai ynu In the sum uf 1.011.25 with Intareat at li per cent per 1111 uni from October 81, 1914, and for the urther sum of $125.00 as attorneys' fees here In, and fo. ensts ami tlishursemenLs her-'-'1. ami fur a decree t tin t g,n ill Indebtedness lonstltute. n lien upon thaiand uaserftyad as ha sW'iNW'.NK'i of Sec. 86, Twp. 15 S.. I 48 fe., W. M.. (aave and except a strip of and io'.- feat wide alona th,- Bouth and West ides thonxif for road purpose.) ; and that .iid lien be foreclosed as provided by law : and hat plaintiff have a decree for the foreclosure ml sale nf said premises and that the money 'rom the proeaede thereof be applied toward lie payment of said sums due the plaintiff heroin; that -aid defendant, Edith M. Bber nan, and all person, eniunlna by, Utroturh. or indar her, bo forever barrad and foreeloaad of ill rufht, title and interest in and In the nld premises, or any part thereof, heir statutory rhrht to redeent; Hmt the plaln iff herein, nf any party to this suit may eciiine a purchaser at said sale, and that "laintiff have such other and further '-lief as tu the Court may seem lust and aojUtt - lil, in the prciuinet. This sumntone is published pursuant to an 1 rder of the Honorable Dalton Blase, Circuit Judae of Malheur County, Oreaon, made ami mtered the ith day of July. 1919, directln. lublieatlon for six weeks, eonntenelna with '.he issue of July 12. 1919. DAVIS K ESTER kttornaya fur Plaintiff, Raaidlna at Vale. Oraaott, 12 July-2.'l Aug. . hartar No. 119 Itepnrt of Ihe t'oiidillan of THE PfRBT HANK OF .11 Ml It A 1' Junturs. Oreann in Ihe Slate of Orernn. at Ihe close uf business. June 'loth. 1919 RESOURCES . i-i ns and discounts 8 sii.27.1 88 Bonde and warrants I 1,61-7 1 11 II. nkina house 1,561 furniture and fixtures 1.00000 line fruni aoiuiived reserve hanks 18,928.6'J iheeks ami other cash Items 100 8.1 ":ish un hand 6,160.64 Customer's IwbUity account nf Qovt. Itimd Suhsci ilitiotis. 51IS. 0(i Other reaouri War Savlna Stamp. 152 86 Total 1189,488 I' LIABILITIES lapital -tool, paid in 86.666.66 -lurplus fund 1.000 00 Unaiviaad nrofitSi lass expense, and taxes paid 11,687.95 Individual deposits subject in check 96,997,54 Total 1196.486.49 S I I E OP OREGON, County nf Malheur, s 1, David 1 Orahaaii Caaaler nf the abova lamed hank, do oleeanly swear thai ihe ahovt titetiient is true in Hie boat uf my know UnkfO ami belief. II-WID P lilt AH AM. rashici Bubserlbad nnd iworn tn before me this 6th lay nf July. 1919. XMIRKW 1iR Ml AM. Notary I'uhli. llllltKi'L, Altevt : W ALIEN. P M tSTERSON. DAVID P OH ll M Itiria-tors si MMONI In Ihe Ctrealt Gearl at Ihr Htalr nf Oregon Par 6lalhrur ( iiuiil) KQl'lTY Nn ix 1 1 a .1 M M.KNHEIMEIt. Plaintiff. WILLIAM I SHRRM N. Dof.-o.lain 'I'u William T Sherman, the abova nauuil lofendanl IN rflg NAME OP IHE STATE OP DUE ION Y, it are herchy I lint mo Dad and required i appear and answer the eomplaial file'1 Uculaet ynu in Ihe almve entitled Cnurt am' II within -l weeks frntn July 18, 1919, that . in the -late af the flrxt publUatlna nf 'hi. siimmmo a POM eott, end if ynu fail to ui-wi-i. PHutd ur ntherwbve aopeai in said eauee within said time, the plaintiff, for want In-renf. will epplj In this I ,'lirl fur Ihe lelief lemanded in hi- eoaiplainl her eta. 6a ar at i tn- a judx' men! aaalael poa 'u Hu- bum uf 11,011 8 with intetesl at 0 a-l n-lll fttiili October JI. I"1 I, and fnr the further sum uf rU''i'lll a- e lint ii.-y " fees heroin, and lot further sum of I II 19, paid, and f"r CObU j snd datbareeraeule aarelai ami for a aaereal 'hut -aid iud btednes, is a lien leain th- land iteeerMxed e- iSe SE' . NW ' , NK , of Sex- 19.1 trip uf laad Idte fe,4 wide around tin smith end Past sides Ihereal fnr road tun ivsix!. end that inki Ilea he fiierrliiseil a irovlaWd bp lav. and thai plaintiff have R teeepa fur the fuieekmire ami sale of sail ireenkwM aeeurdlaa to tha law end practire l this Court and that I lie ttluli'-y finm Hi, iroeeeili nf the tabl sale ta- aptdlexl In pax men! oi the .aid mm dm the pialuilfi hen ui, thai ih,- dafenrfanti William T aaarmaa iipl al' pai en ilaliiilni b Inrouali m in i -aier. k fvie-ar 4led lataaVaMai I el ' rbcht, title ind interest in and to the Paid Premise, or any part thereof, except th-ir J-Ututory right to redeem; that the plaint. IT herein, or any party to thi wit miy and that Plaintiff - m " have such other and further relief a to ihe Court may seem just and equitable in the premises. This summons is Mbllehed pursuant to nn Tver of the Honorsble Dalton Hi - . Cir cuit Judee of Malheur County, Orewon. said order having been made anil entered on the 'Hh day of July, 191!t directing publicstion for six weeks, commencing with the issue of July 12. 1919. DAVIS A K ESTER. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Itesidinj: at Vale, Oregon. 12 July-23 Aug. NOTICE FOR PI'RLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Iand Office at Vale, Oreaon. June, IS, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that William FlUtl of Malheur, Oregon, who, on April 'J, 1 !". made Homestead Entry No. u,17i. for W ji fSWAku iul fiSVjKS for th E'-d K:- . Sc. 10. an'l SEW SK1;. V&l M Jr.""'...!4 flW of li. tention to make Ktnal I hree Year I'roof, t estahlish claim t the land above described, belore Charles H. Morfitt. U. 3 Com-.-i sloner at Malheur, OreKon, on the !;tth dsy of July, Vlilmmit nurnn u trHncw: Steve Dcml-y. ReorK Gertlni r, II. M. Rolhwfor-I, li. m. I !;.!..'., nil nf Mnlhclir UPMMI. 2 .Iune-26 July : : : : : : : AUTO LIVERY Vor uick and Efficient Service Call A. Gler. Mansur Office Arlington Hotel Thone 246W - Vale, Oregon .;. .;. .;. . .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Increased cost f paper and all expenses in connection with publishing a newspaper, to gether with new postal regu lations require us to enforce suhscrihers to pay in advance for the Enterprise. We have already succeeded in getting nearly all of our many sub scribers to pay in advance. Now in order to treat these fairly and to maintain the high standard of the Enterprise, EVERY subscriber, in order to continue receiving the En terprise must pay his subscrip tion of $2.00 regularly each year, and in advance. Watch Your Dale The do.te to which your sub scription is paid is printed each week on your copy of ihe paper. Watch this date and try to send in the money for the next year's subscription before your time expires, thus avoid ing missing any copies. The dates are indicated on your paper just ta the right of your name as follows: ljanil, means the first day of January, 1919, etc. Hereafter we will not mail receipts for subscriptions unless requested, but will ad vance the date printed on your paper, thus giving you no tice that you have received proper credit. As we correct the list but once a month your date may not be changed un til a week or so after receipt of payment. We are always glad to correct any errors in your name, address, or the date paid to. Change of Address In requesting us to change the address of your paper from one post office to another it ir, necessary that you give the post ofice where you have been receiving the Enterprise as well as the new address to which you wish it sent. This will avoid your missing seve ral issues nnu will save us a blind search thru the entire list to find your old address. If your paper does no come regularly kindly nptify us at once so we can locate the trou ble promptly. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. d .. OUR SPECIALTY I family Laundry Work Send us your laundry orders, we ap preciate your patronage and guarantee satisfaction. Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention Vale Hot Wells Laundry .1. Bi HARRIS, Prop. Phone N ? WANT TO BE cool. 7 Then I se Perfection Oil Stove Two huge burners and per fect oxen will enable you to get it complete meal without heating up Ihe hotlsa. Cook in Comfort. HOOIIKI Kin hen ( ahinet is the chenpe't I, dun saving kitchen convenience in the world. We are sellings them. Ilundreda of other llargaina s7T0RDALE ale Oregon nomeTown jl.hi a yueipig SEES BILLBOARD AS EYESORE Writer Denounces Monstrosity as De structive to Every Standard of Civic Beauty Re)8tODflbl6 pt'iiplt' 110 loilK''r BXpW?t take ...ii,. Jotirne, wlthoul l.nv- Ing to look at hilllxpiinls BllvertlMlDg l.vl,-sn,.rt.M.lht.ow.l.T.s,, In IM Infilst (if t lit' ''IliiifPSt SCCtHTy. . . . , . . , s " litis shlltldtM' It) IIM tli'Miirhl 'tf nmn's rnnnuost nf tilt' ftlr Ihnt aonn, Mllmw. wi hll w Ihe tikf IHaatefM OTCf with i hi-wlnir mini nils, n writer . . In the Boston Globe laments. With what regret simii we look back to the diiys when we could lift up our eyes to fhe eliiinly ns n relief from the griev- om handiwork of man. But not much longer. The dnrk underside of a good black storm cloud Is too good n bill board tn be neglected. Directly the t.rt of throwing letters of light against I the heavens is perfected we shall need a "blue sky" law with vengeance, Within certain limits the billboard . ha Its proper function, one which no ' jone need resent. It Is largely a ques- Hon of "the eternal fitness of things." v We ilo not resent a screeching tnon- jttrosltS of lumber nnd paint which de d lilies the serenity of n placid landscape I or the privacy of n residential street I by attempting to blackjack our Intel lects into buying some particular brand of sonrf particular article Which we do not want. A public opinion which tol erates this wholesale disfigurement must be in a somewhat rudimentary stute as regards its standards of civic beauty. Eyes which nre forced to grow accustomed to such physical ugll- "SS grow desensitized to ugliness of l sorts and are prone to tolernte ugly eech and though! and action. CITY LOOKS TO THE FUTURE Cleveland Planning Not Only to Pro vide Homes, but Wholesome Amusement for Citizens. Cleveland, O.. which has lieen one of the Hist cities to begin building on an extensive scale, will not only pro Vide for the needs of its lituneinakers who must have dwellings, hut wll! make sure that all Its residents have amusement during the summer months, As a means of making the city a bet ter place for returning soldiers BS well ns more attractive te Its other citizen-, recreation centers will he established at various convenient places, Aeeoniing to Information sent to the United Stntes department of labor Cleveland has set aside S,"o),txiO for the purpose of providing these recrea tion centers when the city goes dry. Six of these will be opened on prin cipal comers and will be fitted up in a most Inviting and artistic style. A 910,000 lug cabin baa been erected In Garfield park, and a boathouse costing $1110,000 Is to be built iii Edgewater nark. New parks will also bp opened, This enterprise Is suggestive of the development of the idea f community life, for the recreation centers have great possibilities as clubhouses of the future where citizens may assemble In past evenings in healthful relnxn-. Hon. Advertisements on Trees. Already In nine states the nailing of advertisements onto trees, sides of barns and fences within the limits of highways ami on properly of persona owning land, wlthoul the owner's per mltslon, Is prohibited hy law. Col. Ed ward S. Cornell, secretary of Hie Na tional Highways Protective society, stated nt Muslim when commenting on tho work Ills society Is doing to beau lily and preserve the highways of the United States. Aside altogether from the stand point of beauty, said Colonel Cornell, nailing of advertisements onto trees is harmful t" Ihe trees themselves nnd also the fact that heavy nails are left embedded In the wood renders the iviirix of sawing them into lumbar dan gerous to the workers later. Colonel Cornell added that a bill to prohibit unlawful signs on highways hud recently been Introduced in the lower house of the Illinois legislature. Workers' Home Urged. The war provided a great Impetus to Ihe movement for decent homes for employee, said Noble Koster Hoggaon president of Hoggaon Broa builders, of New York. "Under governmental auspices and with government money," he added, "plants enguged in war work under took to create villages designed along modal Hues 10 bouse their workmen, and so reduce shifting Of labor from place to place. "To Ignore our housing needs in our future Calculations will be BO less r 1 1 it n ti calamity. A man holds his home sacted above all things. Take Ills home away or the right to create a Inline and ou will produce wanderers living under conditions not lit for aul iials. The result Is new tnenibera for Incipient bolsbcvlsts." Two Important Questions. No questions are of greater itupor lOUte 10 ih'' family than the water ilipply and Ida disposal Of Its sewage. The prospective builder should make ilium i lint these problem are solved ii fore be dot s anything else, for they l(S lit the foundation 0f the entire household's hcnlth nil, I comtort. NOTICE TO ITOCKMEN We hav? impioy rt Mr. II. H. High I i . rangs rider for nn lands tu town I ship 1 1 I., R. 1.1 und Twp. Ill S.. k I U and Twp. M I., K. 4'.'. OrfK i. Western Colonisation Co Hy W J. rinney, Agent Mar 16tf Kenton county has JtHH) lute bean Industry, PaytlNI Oil drilling will he under 9 a . ,"OB. ERMET!C(ftLLV sealed in its wax wrapped package, air tight, impurity proof W1IGLEY5 is hygienic and whole some. The goody that's good for young and old. Tfte Flavor Lasts A a7 (jCW is wait), more than a hundred dollars spent. The surest way to make your plans come true is to open a savings account and deposit a part of your regu lar earnings. It is our aim and effort to give such service to our patrons that they profit hy our dealings and recommend us to their friends. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000.00 UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve Association of the United States VALE, OREGON 1f1f1r-'V1f1f1fi'1ri'1r1ri1fti I Hiit iavaaaVaVaeaVaVaVaaVaV Fruit Season is Here Once More Send in your orders early. We will be glad to secure the Best the market affords for you and can ship anywhere. BROGAN TRADING AND LUMBER CO. GEXFRAL MERCHANDISE I J. A. Kennedy, Mgr. t I I v 9vv1fifQ lt11t1f1)1fvtQ4 UHHIMi )vf4vfc4a44a The Post Office News Stand Means more than just a place to get your maga zines and papers, altho we are glad to say we can supply you with any magazine or paper pub lished. TRY OUR FOUNTAIN SERVICE AND TAKE HOME A CARTON OF OUR ICE CREAM; ALL FT WORS. High Grade Tobacco and Cigars, Candies, Nuts, Chewing Gum, Fruits, and Lunch Goods High Grade Tobiccoi and Cigars, Candies, Nuts, Chewing Gum, Fruits, Magazines and New spapers. A. S. Hunt, Prop. The Handy Piatt to Shop VuU Oregon IHtMxtvHiaM i tHl4v4a)asH Ba tore to let WRICLEVS Look for tha nam: A Brogan, Oregon X iiHi4iii t M tH' .o-l- . ...... ( .,, , ,