fafflhflAY, HAfeofc 2 1919. tiu&msk tmtitimkti, Vale, oregqK, I -News Brevities of Local Intel est f , ,Njr8i Boy Back Allen Forbes for sir ''month's b, member of the motor Artillery In .France has returned home arid spent a 'feW days in Vale this week. He saw only two days of trenches ' before taking pneumonia from which, his recovery was very slow. He is glad to be back in Mal heuVcouhty and 'among 'Nyssa friends again. On Way to Washington Mrs. Jack Wheeler and baby were in Vale a few days th.la.wcck visiting with the East hams and Dunaways. Mrs 'Wheeler 'is enroute to Washington D..C. to join her; husband Lieutenant Wheeler who will' be stationed there for" a time. En route 'cast Mrs. Wheeler will- visit Mrs. Dr. Williams in Iowa. Visits Afother Sidriey Burbidge left for 'Kctton-Lincolnshire, England last Monday where he will visit his moth-' er for" several months and return to Vale in. the fall. He has just been releasee) from the army. New ' Corners Mr. and Mrs. Estes Visits Sister James Cook of Cald well formerly of Vale has' been visit' ing his sister Mrs. II. E. Young. James is just back from France, he was member of a hospital Unit and has been nearly all over France. Mrs, Young returned home with her broth' cr the last of the week, to spend sev eral days with her parents at Cald wel. . From Owyhee Mr. and Mrs T. M Lowe were in Vale Wednesday and Thursday from their homestead near Mitchell Butte, while Mr. Lowe was transacting 'business. They also vis ited .Wednesday with their daughter Miss Marian Lowe a studept in the Payette high school., Home From France Clarence Scott arrived in Vale last week from Camp Lewis. AJtho Mr. Scott was not in service a year he visited many south- cm' and eastern camps in the U. S ( and saw a large portion of France. 1 I Home From Service Clair Rouse was in Vale a few hours this week S!fnrrr1na At PYisail' nra Yinra viairina. friends and are JOoking for a homeVcturninS homc Br10gnnJ after scv" in 'Vale'. They like the looks of the city' and expect to settle here before .going back. to Fossil. 'Dance a Success ;The Masquerade dance given1 on St. Patrick's was at tended by a nice crowd of people from Ontario and out in the country, be sides the Vale .people. Baby),Boy Arrives A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Herrett; Sunday Morning March 16. Moved 'Thursday Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Eberly moved into the former Paul Freeman home last Thursday. eral months service abroad. SOCIETY COLUMN P. E O. Guests Day. Tuesday March 18, Mrs. Dunlop and Miss Mary Glenn were hostess for guest day of chapter K, P. E. O at the Glenn home. After the regular busi ness meeting Mrs. H. C. Eastham ac- UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK VALE, OREGON Member Federal Reserve Association of he' United States It te our him and effort to give such service to 'pur patronB that they profit by our dealings and recommend us to' their friends. 4V CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000.00 -f - - - ..E offer ybu the services of a s. good strong bank which is thoroughly conversant with the requirements of this community. DIRECTORS F.r Wildhaber J. B. Adrian Leo'H. Schmidt George E. J. P.'Dunaway Davis PAGE.TtftfGE 1 . ... componied by her daughter Virginia! Easthnm sang an Irish Lullaby. The rooms were decorated in green and the table was beautiful in green an'dj white. The favors were "Patrick Caps" which were becomingly wornV by all present. 1 he. color scheme of green and white was artistically car lled out in . the delicious luncheon which was served. After luncheon Airs. H. C. Smith of Ontario gave some appropriate toasts and also won the prize in the Irish guessing contest Mrs Staples of Ontario was uo for tho day and the invited guests who enjoy ed afternoon with the P. E. O.'s were Mrs. J. Boydell of Nyssa, Mrs. Judd 01 Wisconsin, Mrs. McLaughlin of Jamieson, Mrs. Loveland of Caldwell Mrs. Wildhaber and Miss Lovelana In connection with the work of the club the Oregon chapters of P. E. O, arc this -year providing funds for eleven college students, and this was the subject of interesting discussions during the business hour. Vdh Personal and Local News Annual Dinner. Members of the Vale Monday club and their husbands enjoyed a moat pleasant evening on March 17 when the annual dinner in honor of club husbands -was served at the William Bohna home. Decorations of the even ing Were green 'and white with the shamrocks predominating, being hung in streamers across the archways and covering the lights, bouquets of green carnations formed the table decora tions while each lady wore a shamrock jcap and the men matched honors with green ties. At seven o'clock a roast turkey dinner topped off by ices and cakes wes served. Whist was played later iri the evening, Mrs. R. D. Lytle winning high score for ladies and C. Mueller the gentlemen's prize. The very pleasant evening was finished with an informal dance and at a late hour the club members departed 'for their homes' leaving their wishes that the next annual dinner come soon. Afternoon for Bride Mrs G. F. Wildhaber delightfully entertained a house full of ladies last Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Julien A. Hurley, a recent bride. The spacious rooms' of the Wildhaber home were the scene of much merriment during the afternoon when the guests hemmed tea towels for the bride and each person composed nn original poem to accompany the towel she had hemmed, at the last named art Mrs. Fairchild of Everett who is visiting her daughter Mrs. Vernon Herrett, was awarded first honors and .Mrs. Hurley honor guests prize. Refresh! ments were served late in the after noon, Mrs. R. 'E. Weant presiding at the serving table. Afternoon Tea. Tho Methodist Ladies will hold a tea at 'the'Tfomo' of Mrs. M. N. Fegtly next Wednesday afternoon, March 26, beginning at three o'clock and contirt uing until about five in the evening. All ladies are cordially invited to at tend. A silver offering will be taken. The Methodist aid has just reorgan ized after a period of rest and the tea will be in the order of a get acquainted affair. MEAT GROCERIES MILK We cary everything good to cat, and you'll find it less ex pensive and more convenient to get all your supplies here. Come in and make your pick of our fruits, vegetables and gro ceries' and delect a nice piece of fresh or cured meat. Pure rich milkdelivered at $4.00 per month. Seven years ago wo installed a modern packing plant in Vale and since that-time have' been doing a very nice business for' which we thank our many customers. Now in, order to keep pace with the growth of our city, we have -just enlarged our' quarters to include a complete and modern grocery department in addition to our 'up-to-date meat market. Our Motto is "Sixteen Ounces to the Pound." We'handfe everything to eat in quantities to suit all comers. THE VALE MEAT CO. A. H. CHESTER, Mgr. Vale, Oregon THE PIONEER MARKET; NINE YEARS IN BUSINESS J J J J J J A CHTJRCH--CHOIR Sunday Services, Choir " "leetings, Etc. .;. , .5. . .. .;. .5. , CHRICZIAN CHURCH Tho Christian Bible School meet? at 10:00 o'clock. The attendance is steadily growing, 67 present last Sun day. The Ladies Aid wl!i meet at Mrs. Mulkey's home Friday at 2 o'clock. The Ladies are sewing for the Red Cross. There will be preaching Sunday at 11:00 o'clock and. 7:30 Sunday Mar, 23 Rev. W. L. Mclivaine of Seattle, Everybody Welcome. CATHOLIC SERVICES Father Stack PaBtor Services will be held at Juntura on the first and third Sundays of each month t "iO o'clock. Sei vices -will be held at Vale on the Second Sunday of each month at 10 t ' o'ejock. X Services will be held at Brogan on X the fourth Sunday of each month at X ' 10 o'clock. This schedule holds good until Junf , first when duo notice will be given in regard to change of time for services. 1 M Si 1 i t ! 8 H H 1 I't'l ' li'Uli H -il i 1 H-t-fr-H-H-t t-j-W.iiih DRINK AND BE MERRY GREATEST VARIETY FINEST QUALITY BIGGEST QUANTITY OF SATISFYING SOFT DRINKS ALWAYS " JIM'S PLACE J. D. ROGERS, Prop. Vak. Ort WHERE YOU ARE MADE TO FEEL AT HOME. Smokes - Eats Pool Billiards - Cards DririKa. 1 1 ii HI llllllll H i I tl-i H H i i 1 1 H H ifr-H-t-H--H-Hi-fr that heritage METHODfST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services for Sunday March 23, 1919, Sunday School at 10:00 o'clock a.m. Mrs. B. F. Farmer Supt. Preaching at 11:00 o'clock a. m. Subject God's Hand in History. Christian Endeavor at 6 o'clock p. m. and preaching at 7 o'clock p. m, The officers and teachers of the Sunday school were well pleased last Sunday when they were greeted by the largest school ofthe conference year, yet there is room for more and they would receive a cordial greeting A Valuable Heritage ,"Oh, yes, my folks arc all religious, all the family way back," said a young man in a hospital ward, "but I do not take much stock in that sort of thing." "You have inherited stock In it, and very valuable stock," gravely answered the surgeon attending him. "Do you know why you are recovering bo rapidly from your accident why the bones knit and the wounds Ijeal so rapidly? It is "because those ancestors of your have bequeathed to you good, clean blood and a sound constitution! the physical wake-up of those who have kept God's laws. If I were you J I would cultivate, an appreciation of L, R. Kirney of Jamieson was in town last Friday. Sunday Frank L. Tate of Jamieson was a Vale visitor. W. H. Ransom oft,Drewsey was an eany weeK visitor in ,town. Elmer Powell of .Jamieson. was a visitor in Vale Saturday. O. B. Yaunt of Baker was in-Vale Saturday attending .to legal business. W. Lewis of Nnmpa was registered at thb Drexcl last Friday. Rush McIIargue of Crowley was a visitor in town last "Friday. George Foon of Crime was in Vale last Friday. Wilmer Shaver of Watson was a Sunday visitor. Charles Mnnloy of Dixie attended to business in Vale Tuesday. S. B. Hinton of Brogan was a vis itor the middle of the week. Milt Davis a rancher of Drewscy was an early week visitpj in town. Charles T. Lellard of Drewscy was in Vale the middle of j tho week. Mrs. C. E. Johnson of Westfall was in town the early part of the week. Trcssa Pederson ot Payette visited relatives 'here several days this week. R.. W. Sloughton of Payette was In Vale Wednesday. Edwin Johnson of Drewsey was in town the last of the week. G. H. Bodfish, Malheur merchant was in Vale over Sunday. H. C. Cleveland, and family of Jam eson were in Valo Sunday to visit with Mrs. Cleveland. Mrs. Fairchild of Everett Washing ton is visitinc. at the home of hei daughter Mrs. 'Vernon Herrett Mrs. Earl Neely and children left for Jamieson Saturday to spend a few days with friends and relatives. Clint and George Stacey were in town for a few days this week and attended the dance. E. T. Bogart of Jamieson was in Vale attending to legal business the first of the week. District Attorney and Mrs. R. W. Swnggler were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rielly. Engineer A. J. 'Wiley of Boise was in Vale the. first of tho week looking after project worl here. Dr.. Avery Kobcrts, dentist who re cently located at Ontario was in Valo, Monday. Mrs. Virgil Staples was up -from Ontario Tuesday attending the, P. E. O. meeting. . . Mr. arid'Mrs. ,Eee . jMiUjjr.jof ' West fall were quests"'at the Drcxel last week-end. J. R. Mustardt of, .Ontario, vps. i ?ucst at the Drexel the" latter part of j last week. . ... Edith E. Johnson "of . Payette was. a guest at the Drcvel Hotel last Sat urday. .... Dr. Avey of.Pajrette was in ,Valo Tuesday attending to professional bus iness. -it Mrs. Lou Jacobson of Los Angeles was visiting friends in Vale the first of tho .week. Craig Cochran was down from Crane the latter part of., last week mil registered at the Arlington. A. W. Ferguson .of Watson was in town Tuesday and paid a visit to the Enterprise. Cecil Scott of Parma vas a guest at the Drexel the earlier part of the week. Fred Langley of Dixie was register ed at the Arlington Hotel Wednes day. Leona Lammort and Norma Lockett of Brogan were visiting in town Wed nesday. . Roy McNulty ,a racher of Watson attended to business here the first of the week. Vale Mansur was Up from Ontarib and spent the week end with friends and relatives. T. P. Joyce of Juntura, was regis tered at the Drexel the first of the week. ' H. F. Benson of Weiser was over Monday and paid a visit to The Enter prise office. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Ridglqy of Jam ieson were in Vale the first of the week visiting their son Robert. Mrs. II. C. Smith was up from On tario the first of the week attending the, Monday Club dinner .and the P. E. O. Meeting. Engirieer John H Lewis .went to La Grande to confer with Water Sup erintendent Cochran regarding action on some of the water decisions in this territory. Howard Camp of Harper was in Vale this week looking after business here and stated that the roads Jjorn Harper were pretty rough but that the rains had been greatjy appreciated by ranchers and stockmen. Miss Le Nora Mallet, is nursing Mrs. H C. Cleveland of Jamieson who is in Vale. Miss Mallet is a sister of Charles, Mallet. The families of Si J Bean and James Flfer were un from Mnllpf tn Attend the lotfl Socialist party Wed- nesday. . Mrs. A. M. Hurley retured Inst week end from Portland where she spenl some time with the Gus Hurley fam iiy. Realcstatc Changes Hands Warmsprings Realty Co. report the following ;sales the past week, 6i tract to James Inmon of Jn and 46 acre tract out of th quarter section to J. E. Feathc Cornelius ; Oregon, and a h( two lots belonging to Ernes to uenno Atncn wno win i. home in Vale after the firt month. The lan'd sold was held on r by James MilleV and O. E. flnd adjoins the -King place tEast. Mr. Featherston bout tract for his son and contem buying more. While here he looked over an improved place for a friend in Portland and left feeling that he nad found what his' friend wants. Mr, Featherston is head of Featherston Mfg.. Co., of Cornelius", bottlers of .Featherston Logan Berry Juice, brand which is well and favorably known. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AN INDEX TO THE LIFE OF VALE AND MALHEUR COUNTY Thee classified columns are open to Farmers, Merchants,- House wives, Piofcssional men and everyone who desire a brief and effective medium of reaching the public. This Department will solve your s problems and fulfill your wants. Readers will find valuable infor mation and helpful suggestions in the For Sale, Wanted, Found, L5t Strayed, For Rent and' other sections. The most widely read section of the ENTERPRISE, this department will place your locals where people look for them, where they will bring the best results, and where no one will be offended in readlne them, a e Price one (cent per word per Insertion; minimum charge 25 cents--23 cents extra for making engraved brand. Must be paid in advance. f of echn. Th p,t Irw month, itrtr.l thonuinH dollnrs worth of lire itotk ihM httH STu?Enl.ri T """" " "E",r"" n h. h,m. Duo to tht cot nd difficulty of handling 'mall account! It waa tithtr nccnaarr1 to b the raU. of Ibu ad. or handl.. them on a caih hl. Thcr'rc, hereafter n7 tre Enlerprle, one cent per word per week-. Flure It out rounelf or write for nrico In adrance.. Itemember to add 25 centa for each engraved brand" ESTRAY NOTICE FOR SALK CTrjAVr'rfc - , , , , M.ivni.uu une rcu cow, wnilC fAIJO rnncnv , , , faced 'and has calf; one red muley ,3 ?I , i model Oak cow, one roan yearling heifer, one ds" f.a' n 8 buy , red steer coming two years old, one Lf, ' . ? 'hoUrouSHy ovor' red heifer coming two years old one S An uu I ""Sf at ?4; spotted steer two year old. AH are S y' ikMinlinS branded N over u rlr,U mm I' nt $?00' I,lflu,re Kewlar Garage, r-W"" '6"-. Vnln llrn.m,, .1- l v -... IIXH . ' iYiiir ao n h J PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DOCTORS EDGAR S. -EORTNER, M. D Phvsiclan and Surgeon OFFICE HOURS 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 Office over First National Bant Telephone No. 33 J. Ontario, Ore oi R. D. BURROW, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office over Vale Drug Store Phone 215 Vale, Oregon DR. NORVALL Nerve Specialist Druglcss Physician Opposite Young's -Garage. Vnle Ore , Phone 43 OSTEOPATHS Dr. Pauline Sears Err. Harriet Sear OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Graduates of American, School o Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. 1st' Building North of Vnle Drug Stor ATTORNEYS II. C. EASTHAM Attorney and Councellor at Law U. 3. Bank Bldg. Phone 248 Vale -!- Oregon R. G. WHEELER Attorney and Councellor at Law Practice in all Courts and U. S. Land Office Collections Nclsen Bldg. -:- Vale, On Geo. E. Davis Bruce R. Kestei DAVIS & KESTER Vale, Oregon Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law Nelsen Bldg. -:- Vale, Ore Julien A. Hurley G. A. Hurlot HURLEY & HURLEY A ttorneys and Counsellors-at-Law Nelsen Bldg. -:- Vale, Ore ROBERT D. LYTLE Attorney First National Bank Bldg. Vale, Oregon. Phone 00 FARM LOANS Ranch Loans, 20 Years, Rural Credit Hay arid General Fire Insurance C. C. MUELLER 'Real Estate 1st. Nat. Bank Bldg., Vale, Oregon DRAY SERVICE Residence 87 Phones Of fin 9f O. K. TRANSFER C. II. Dodge, Prop. Out of Town Work Any Ti.no Teams and Trucks Sample Rooms in Connection. ENGINEERS JOHN E. JOHNSON Pioneer Engineer and Surveyor of Malheur County Blue Prints and PlaUing Haves Building -:- Vale. Oregon UNDERTAKERS Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director .' T. T. NELSON Vale, Oregon Up-to-Date Undertaking Parlors... Fine Line of Undertaking Supplier Hearse Service Pbcrf ' SPRING DRESS PA TTERNS Large assortment of Farcy White and Floweret! Die? Voiles. Some beautiful patterns for Easter dresses for the little folks. . A few cents wisely sxpended will rccurtain tliut room, in a soft, clinging summer-like material. We have several bcautien for you to see DRY GOODS STORE Vale BALGEMAN AND BURBIDGE, Oregon i earmark :t;d over slope on right ear. Finder of ' oALE BARGAIN House and jtll or any will receive reasonable I i'vo lots' finc shado' thrco blocks ""u murx nouse on corner. Side walks, city water. Best bargain in Vale. Price $1200 Terms. John Hard wick Realty Company. 8Fcbtf 'reward, notify A. D. McCnnn Brogan "regon. 8 Mar. t3p LOST One dark red 2 year old Hereford bull with red spot on jaw, figure nine, thus, 9 on Tight hip. Will ' pay liberal reward for information ' leading to his recovery, M. D. Kelly, damieson, Oregon. 18. Jan 8t STRAYED From their Ironside range, two black 2yr. old steers and one young brownish black cow, all branded bar over P, on loft hip with crop off left ear. Cow should have calf by side. Please write any infor mation auout these arrivals to, E. F. Pratt., Nyssa, Oregon. R. F. D. No 1 1 Mar-3tp. EGG FOR SETTING S. C. White Leghorn eggs for sale $1.00 per 15, $5.00 per 100. R. D. Pierce on W. H.' Smith Ranch 4 miles east on north' sido of river. R. F. D. No. 1. ' Mnr 22tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Four roomed house, barn and two lots on I north side in Vale. $500. $200. cash or trade. Balance very easy. Frank Johns, Parma, Idaho. 22 Feb-Apr.4p. ESTRAY NOTICE One Motly fnc ed yearling steer. Marked, crop off .left ear, split in lower part of right ear, waddle on right jaw, brnhded ZM on right side. Came to my place Jan 3, 1919, Owner can have same by paying costs. R. D. Pierce, Vale, Ore gon, four miles east of Vale on north 3ide of riven 8Mar 3tp ESTRAYED I have in my posses lion one white horse branded jlQ on left shoulder, weight about 1050 pounds. Also .one bay horse branded 2 on right thigh, weight about 1275 lb. .spot in forehead. Owner can get pro perty at my place on tho North Fork four miles from Beulah, Oregon. Rec tor Arnwine, Juntura Oregon. 22mnr3t STRAYED Black Jersey heifer, coming 2 years old, branded 43 on left hip. Will pay reasonable reward for information or bringing snme to our FOR SALE Seed Potatoes, free from disease, and the kind that yield Two cents a pound, sacks furnished by purchaser. Trueraan Cornforth, Vale, Oregon. 22Febtf FOR SALE One Mogul engine 8.1G II. P. In good running shape, used two years. $600 cash.Ono ford car 1916 model $300 cash. C. W. Lanman, Bro gan, uregon. 22Feb.4tp. FOR SALE Blue Stem Seed wheat at ranch of Eastern Oregon Land Co. half way between Jamieson and Bro gan. Inquire I. E. Oakes, Agent, On tario, Oregom lMar4t. FOR SALE Beardless Rye Seed. ;Four cents per pound in good sacks. Walter Batzol, Payette, Idaho lmnr5t FQR SALE Barley seed. at Willow Wood Stock Farm. Inquire of G.'W. Haw, Jamieson, Oregon. 16mar 4tp EGGS FOR SETTING, S. C, white! Leghorn, foe sale nt. si.nn fnr ik p place knowti as tho Ben King ranch D. Tiered", Vale Oregon. " MarlStf UlllUa Jttnb Ul VUIU. C11U f. Ijyilll. R. F. D., Vale, Ocgon. Marl5-3tp STRAYED Anyone finding cattle branded p n on right hip, bell wad dle, also waddle on rjght jaw. Please notify me and I will pay all feed bills. Ben F. Jordan, Westfall, Oregon. 22 Feb 2t. WANTED STRAYED Anyono finding Cattle branded on lcft h'P notify Fred flUf Cammann Westfall, Oregon. 1 will pay charges on same. 15Mar2tp. REAL JSSTATE UNION AND WALLOWA county property for sale or trade. Write to Geo. H. Currey, "Ho who Moves Real Estate", La Grande, Oregon Mar8tfp NOTICE TO STOCKMEN Wo have employed Mr. II. II, High Jis range rider for our lands in town ship 18 S., R. 43 and Twp. 19 S., R 42 and Twp. 20 S., R. 42. Oregon Western Colonization Co. By W. J. Pinnoy, Agent. Mnr 15tf. As a matter of fact, It's the over balance of power, with the liberty- loving nations on the heavy end, that makes the world feel so safe now, re gardless of just what form tho League of Nutions takes. Clinton Daily Clin- tonian. WORK WANTED Married man, ,age 30 with one child desires placo to work on shares, fully furnish'ed, ,or would consider placo by monjh, ifully experienced with livestock. Jas. M. Bingham, Box 20, Eastend, Sask atchewan. Imar2tp WANTED To hear from" owner who has small place' for sale. Givo description and terms in first letter. Address R. D. Farwell, CHewclah, Washington. 22Mar2tp waned"t6trade a bio7kf Jots in good location in Ontario, Ore gon for irrigated or irrigatablo land in Eastern, Oregon Address 820 W. 8th St. Albany, Oregon. lMar4tp. MISCELLANEOUS i FOR LEASE 15 acres new land; all "fenced. One half mile south 'of Bully Creek bridge, good water rights. Will give entire crop for two years. Phone 233W. A. M. Rhinehart, Vale, Oregon Mar 8 tf TOWNSHIP Blue Prints corrected to date. Made by John E. Johnson, Hayes Building (diagonally across from Court House,) Vnle, Oregon. AUCTIONEER For first class ("tock Auctioneer call for date with E. W. Dunn, U. S. National Bank, Vnle, Oro. Feb 22 tf. J y t DQNT THROW YOUR OLD mOESWAY! Bef, After Bring them to McKay's and get them back us good as new expert repairing will make your shoes last longer. Get Our Prices on "PYREX" Transparent Ovenwarc If you want Crockery, Granite Ware, Dishes, Brooms, School Supplies, Nuts, Candy Clocks, Knives, Brushes, Toys, Crochet Thread, Gloves. Shoes, and all kind of notions, it will pay you to Buy Cheap for Cash at Mc Kays Variety Store x Vale, Oregon