A6E TWd tate MALHEUR ENTERPRISE VALE, OftEQbN, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1 i f Jfflalfjeur enterprise PUBLISHED BY GEORGE HUNTINGTON CURKEY, Editor and Owner. OLIVE M. CURREY, Associate Editor. GEN. P MALHEUR COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER - r Special Community Correspondents Exclusive N. E. A. Illustrated News Service Member Allied American AitocUtlon Member Orexon Stale Editorial Association PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT VALE, OREGON Entered at the Vale, Oregon, Post Office as Second Class Mail Matter Subscription Rates in Advance Three Years, $5.00 One Year, S2.00 Six Months, $1.26 Canada and Foreign Subscriptions, Postage Extra . EASTERN ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES American Trees Association, 225. West 89th Street, New York! also TV-oples Oas Bulldlnir, Cnieairo. Have exclusive charsc of Advertising orlglnatlnK east of the Roekr Mountains. Advertising and printing prices, given on application VALE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1919. vvvw First National Bank VALE, OREGON THE BANK OF SERVICE CAPITAL ?50,000.00 SURPLUS !.... $ 8,000.00 The increase-Production and Income that will come to the Mal heur Valley from theWarmsprings Project will demand in creased Banking Facilities and we are prepared to. serve you, COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES. We have complete Files and Records for Safekeeping o Docu ments and Bonds without charge for the accomodation of our customers. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE President, Chas. W. Nelson; Vice-PreSident, J. T. Lognr., Dir ectors," Ells Rose, James M. Weaver, C. I Crandall; Cashier, Albert W. Reed. REND IRSHING COMMENDS AID RED ARMY Post Exchanges Overseas Arc Taken Over by the Mili tary Authorities VifLYi c Best for the West Established 1885 Delicious Sweet Corn "Golden Bantam" Exceptionally early and in flavor and tenderness not equalled by any other variety. The cars are ohort and compact and the kernels plump and creamy. This and a thousand other veg etables best for the West, way be selected from catalog and found at your dealers. Write Seattle oj- Portland for Catalog, Free. J Warmsprings Irrigation District Bonds (A Municipal District) Malheur County, Oregon A Farm Mortgage Gold Bond Yield ing 6 Free from nil Income Tax, also City County and State Tax. Write for circular giving full information. CLARK, KENDALL & CO. X Northwestern Rank Building Portland, Oregon U. S. Bonds Bought and Sold at the Market H-fr-f-M-r-r-H-r-M-I-W t x x X X X X X X X X t t X i WALL PAPER INDIVIDUAL AND EXCLUSIVE will be your verdict when you oxumino our line of wall papers for tho spring rofinlsliing work. All tones ami colors, to linr moniic with ovcry finish in woodwork und floors. Now is the time to invest in that Iimv dinliig net or one of tho new beautifully finished bedrooms sets, We have many designs for your uppiovul." T. T. NELSEN Vale OREGON Asserting that the valuable aid ren dored by the war service of the Y. M. C. A. had ben a large factor In the final great accomplishments of tho American armr. General Pershing, In a communication to B. C. Carter, In charge of association operations with the American Expeditionary Forces, pays a splendid tribute to the work which this agency accomplished under extreme difficulties and handicaps. "The Y. M. C. A. served the army bet ter than could have been expected," says General Pershing. At Its own request the American Y. M. C. X. has been relieved from main taining post exchanges with the Ex- pedltlonary forces overseas, the need for such service having been relieved with the signing of the armistice. Cop respondence exchanged between Gen eral Pershing and B. C. Carter, In charge of the Y. M. C. A. with th army, resulted in this decision. Car ter wrote to General Pershing January zstn as follows: Dear General Pershing: - A year and a halt ago you re quested the Y. M. C. A. to under take operations for post exchanges for the American Expeditionary Forces In order that "officers and enlisted men may not be taken away for that purpose from their paramount military .functions of training and fighting." As soon as hostilities ceased we raised with you the question whether time had not come for the Y. M. C. A. to be relieved of the operation o( post exchanges In view of the fact that there was no. longer the same pressing demand on man power of the army for training and fighting. When' we first raised the question with you It did not appear to you that It was feasible In the bes Interests of maximum service to the army that a change be made. Now the situ atlon Is materially altered. Recent general orderB from main headquarters and ' requests from commanding officers have laid on tho Y. M, C. A. Increased responsi bilities In promoting educational, athletic and entertainment activi ties In the American Expeditionary Force. This Is placing a rapidly Increasing burden upon our per sonnel. The army is also now pre paring for the delivery of all sup plies for post exchanges which heretofore have been Imported, manufactured and delivered by the Y. M. C. A. In view of the changed situation I wish to know whether you do not think It would be possible for the army at a very early date to as sume full responsibility for the maintenance of post exchanges throughout the American Expedi tionary Force? Very cordlaliy yours, . (Signed) E. C, CARTER, '.General Pershing Immediately acted upon the suggestion made by Carter and relieved the Y. M. C. A. of Its task of maintaining the post exchanges Ha said: My Dear Mr. Carter: I have received your letter of January 29th asking whether. In view of present changed situation, It would be possible for the army to assume full responsibility for maintenance of post exchanges throughout American Expedition ary FoVce. As you correctly state,- tho Y, M. C. A. undertook the management of post oxchanges at my request at a tlmo when It was of groatest Im portance that no available soldier should bo taken away from vital mllltnry functions of training and fighting. As reasons which Im pelled mo at that time to request you to undertako this work n longer exist, I am glad to approve your suggestion In reaching this conclusion. Consideration has boen given to new burdens In connec tion with entertainment, athletic activities and education that you havo assumed. I have accord ingly given directions that army units themselves take over and operate their own post exchanges, In making this change permit me to thank you for the very valuable services and assistance which the Y, M, C. A. has rendered to the American Expeditionary Force In handling these exchanges. Handi capped by shortage of tonnage and land transportation the Y, M. C. A. hus, by oxtra exertion, served the army better than could have been expected, and you may be assured that Its aid has been a largo fac tor In the final great accomplish ments of the American army. Very cordially yours, (Signed) JOHN J. PBnSIUNQ. M..1 HUTU 11 11 11 Letters From Soldier Boys hi,T"i"t"r,i"i"T"i"i"i"f"i''iMf"f'i"i"i"r'f ,i"i"T"T"i' Enterprise Classified Ads save time, money and trouble. No. m ltrport of ths Condition of T1IK Kill ST HANK OK JlINTIIltA At Junlura, in tha Stats of Ortion at ths Host ol nutinrss, March I, 1111. UKSOmtCES .nans anil discounts S fid.SK9..r? Bunds and Warranto . . a.fiS&.lO mocks, securities, juilxmerits, etc, U, .. on. ami stamps. lanUuit house ''urnilure and fixtures. Due from appro-d reserve banks, fash on hand Other resources. Due from 4th Lib erty Loan Subscriptions. 20.H2.23 4.500.001 3,000.00, Zt,M f,S 4.96T.7& ,WHITES OF AVIATION Clifford Cole Writes of Experience in Aviation Camps of France Sunday, November 25, 1918. Dear Father: I am at the Canteen, and it is Stfhday night and is also the day that has been set for all of the boys of the A. E. F. to write their Dads a letterv They say these Icttersiro not supposed to be censored and tell us we can write about anything we like so I will, try and tell you as much as I can think of about what I have been doing .the past year. There .are more than sixty-three of us here at this Flying field now, all of the American Mechanics "as they call us" have left for another field up the coast. This is an Areol Gun nery Instruction center for French and American flyers. This is where most of the American Aviators learn to operate a machine gun from an Areo plane. They have baloons and various kinds of targets to practice on. Their is a lake here also where they have n great, many flying boats or hydro planes. They also instruct in machine gun practice and boom droping, they have floating targets in the lake. This makes boat riding rather dangerous. This is a very historical place, it is nn old Camp of Napoleons. Most every nationality, existing has been in this camp all the way from Siberians to African Negroes. I am helping take carp of a French plnne at present. Each plane has a crew. The number of men in a crew depends on the kind of plane. There are three of us work ing on this plane it is used for in structing machine Guners. It is a three men plane for a pilot and two machine guners. It takes about ten days or two weeks to teach a machine gunner to shoot nnd then he goes to the front, this is a finishing school. The same pilot runs the machine all the time. The pilot that, flys the machine that I am working on has been here at this field for over a year, he flys almost, every day so you see he knows the game pretty well if Tie didn't he wduld have been knock ed off long ago. I have gone up with him several times and have taken some pretty long flights at different times. We have been in this field now for ten months and have been on the job almost every working day. Of course a machanic works every day whether they fly or not. If they are not flying we are pumping the old machines up. We have had orders to leave here the fourth of December nnd we are going up the coast to a. big American Gunnery School "tho name of the place is "St. Jean do Moches" some namo. We don't know what we will be doing up there yet, the rest of our squadron are there, They have all American planes up there. We have had several of the New Liberty planes here, they are sure wonderful ships. They have got anything1 beat that the French have. I have seen several try out with the Liberty and French planes. The plane that I am working on now is a fast bommcr it has two eight cyclinder motors, each one hundred and fifty horse power, it has about sixty-five foot wjng spread, it was used on a French mail route from St. Nazair to Paris. St. Nazair is one of the big coast towns where the Americans are landing lots 'of supplies and troops Well a year ago I was at Lyons France, going to Aviation Mechanical school. We Were there two nnd n half months and from there went to Is- sodun, a big American Aviation Camp where ,we stayed until February and then they sent us down -here, nnd we have been here ever since. We don't know when they are going to ship us back but if we have good luck wo may get started back sometime in January 1919, that is what most of the boys think but I will be surprised if we start that soon. We havn't killed any Huns ourselves but we helped to train men that did kill lots of them. Well I have written a lot and havn't said much but I will close ,it is late and starting to rain so I will have to get back to the barracks in time for taps which is nine-thirty. I will close hoping this finds you all well, Good-bye, As ever, Your loving son. - "Clifford Col'e. 3Gthe Areo Sqdr. A. E. F. France. P. S. We are going to have a big Thanksgiving dinner next Thursday, we got fifteen turkeys so don't worry about many going hungry for some time. Merry Xmas to all. Cliff. m ill o LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 4 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE IN FORECLOSURE v nv virtue of atliexecutlon in foreclosure duly Issued bv the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County, dated the 14th day of March. 1919, in a cer tain action In the said Circuit Court for said State and County, wherein II, C. Reed, and Llille Reed, "aa Plaintiffs recovered JudKment acainst W. Truman, Beeghly, Victoria Dollie Heeghly and Mahlon BeeKhly, as dependents, for thejmm of Thirteen Hundred Forty Eight Dollars and 32 Cento ($1348.32) with interest thereon from the 6th day June, 1918 at the rate of six per cent per annum and for the further sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars fXlfin.001 attorneys lees ana lor me iurm . T. 11 ftl rtm MAS, a sum ol seventeen xonurs, i.i.vv, 1 ,H,l,,iHMn.n(l ctxt I win tn iitr nnv 01 adhi. ivip. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the, forenoon of snld day at th main entrance door of the u.ih.,,. rA,tniv Pnnrt Hnu-e. at Vale. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder or bidders for cash, the following described real property, to-wui The North half of the south half and the .rnith half of the north nan oi oeciion Eight, township fifteen, souinoi mime iu one, K. w. iii. in mneur wuiiu, Taken and levied upon as the property of the said above named defendants, W. Truman nkiu Vlinrt nnllfe Beeahlv and Mahlon Ueexh y, or as mucn mercoi "W. .(M (,., lament In favnr of H, E. Reed and Llnie Reed and against the ..1,1 M,ve named defendants, with Interest thereon, together with all costs and disburse, ments that have or may accrue. Dated at vale, uregon inis iuhi mj March A. D. 1919. Ily T. C. McEIROY, Deputy '22 Mar.-19 Apr. March NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S.'Land Office at Vale, uregon. fin, iuiw. NOTICE Is hereby given that Irene Wood. i. ...t.r... nn .wnnrienck. oi oiaineur. Oregon, who. on July 0th. 1916, made Home stead Entry No. 04441 for WliNEU. EVj S3. tfeuSKU. Sec. 28. Tv 13 S. U. 40 E . ", . .v.- ...M, r .ni,l flren WOOdCOCK. on Jan. '23. 1919, made additional homesteair entry No. 05031. r SWHW, swworjM. Sec. 28. NWV,, Sec. SS and SWNW,i, Sec. !r-!!i iVT n An V.t WUlnmette Mer- Idl'an. his flleS notice of Intention to make vii.l Thr- Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register ani Receiver. U. S. Lartu Office, " Vale, Oregon, on the 16th day of April. 1919. Claimant names as witnesses : Ceorge N. iw. v.i-.r.l Woodcock. W. N. Worsham, n ' r I ., 1 1 nf Mnlheur. Oreiron. Mar. lE-Apr 12. VflTirc T(l CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon, f or maineur iimj. m IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THOS. Y. STARK, Deceased. - ,,.,.! ..... ..l havlnir been aDDolntea by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County. Administrator of the. estate of Thoa. Y. Stark, deceased, and naving qualified, notice is hereby given tp the cred. Itors of. and all persons having claims. against said decreased, to present them, verified as required by law. wunin si nionui. the first publication of this notice tp Davis & Kester, attorneys for said Administrator, at their office at Vale. Oregon. M. 11. Stark, Administrator of the estate of Thos. Y. Stark, deceased. Dated rebruary X4. miv. Mar. 1-Mar. 59, NOTICE FOR PUI1LICAT10N Department of the Interior Land Office at Vale. Oregon. February -). IfllQ NOTICE Is hereby given that Julius Paul, of S. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon For Malheur County In the Matter of the Guardianship of Pres ton H.Bogart, Insane. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; That the un dersigned guardian of the above named Pres ton II. Bogart, Insane, acting under by virtue of the terms of an order and the license of the above entitled court bearing date the' 17th day of March, 1919, will offer for salo and will sell at public auction, subject to con firmation by said court the real property belonging to said ward, described as follow ? Lot four (4) and the southeast nuarter nf the Southwest quarter, (SEWSWV4) of section sev en (7) and lot one (1) and the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter (NEW NWU) of section eighteen (18) In township fifteen (15) South of Range forty four (44) East of the Willamette Meridian, In Malheur county. Oregon. At his residence at Jamieson, Malheur coun ty,. Oregon, on Monday, April 21, 1919, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, for cash in hand or on terms of not less than one third cash and one third in one and two years from date, with interest on deferred payments of not less than ten per cent, per annum, and that falling to sell said property at said time and place and In said manner, the same will be sold subsequently at any time within one year from March 17, 1919, at private sale for the best price and terms obtainable, at the said place, but not on more favorable terms than specified herein, subject to confirmation as aforesaid. This notice Is published in the Malheur En. terprise by virtue of an order of the Hon. E. II. Test, judge of the above entitled court. made and dated March 17. 1919. directing the publication hereof once a week for four consecutive weeks. ' E. T. BOGART, Guardian of the person and estate of Preston II. Rocart. innane. RmMmim nmirrea uamieson. uregon. ii. u. ttAsniAM. Attorney for Guardian. (1st publication March 22-19) (5th publication April 19-19) must KEEP it not cnoiisis to irake good, we good until you get it. , Hence the sc?'sd psckcae impurity-proof guarding, preserving the delicious con tentsthe beneficial gcoc'y. i The Flavor Lasts SEALED T(GHT KEPT RIGHT liilllliilillliii 25 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DeDartment nf tbo fntifrtr U. S. Land Office at Vale. Oregon. March 18th, 1919. NOTICE Is herebv elven that Paul P. Kraln oi liar per uregon, who, on March 14th 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 03171, for SEW SW, StaSEll. NESW. Section 22. TwS. 21 South, Range 42 East, Willamette Mer idian, has filed notice of Intention to make rinai tnree-xear IToor, to establish clainT to the land above described, before Register and Receiver. U. S. Land Office, at Vale, nrnnn on the 25th day of April. 1919. Claimant names as witnesses! Charles Ril ey, oi vaie, uregon, Jesse schiupe. of Harper Oregon. Warren Schiupe. of Harper, Oregon, mm itiruy naiiy, oi jiaroer, uregon. THOS. JONES, Register. Mar 22- Apr 19 JV'o. It REPORT OF The cnNninnv nv The Jones & Co. Bankers, at WestfalL Oregon in ine oiaie oi uregon, at the close ol business. March 4, III. RESOURCES Loans and discounts (41,417.35 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.... 617.14 Bonds and warrants Liberty S.Rfis-sa mocks, securities. Judgments, etc Hanking house . . Furniture and fixtures Due from aDDroved reserve hanks Cash on hand.. Expenses . .. ia,. Other resources, Liberty Loan Ad vances 150.00 2.000.00 250.00 6.222.61 1.968.22 318.17 185.00 Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in. . . ... Surplus fund ... in K n Miir 2&thV 1916 made Undivided Profit, less expense, and ale. Oregon, who. on March 25th. ''"'! uxea paid 667.9: omesieau entry, no. i . .r'.'.-.JI-''V. Individual .lonxlt nhl.t h.k ? wan ri . NKl'.NWti. AN. . - - I55.991.8S .110,000.00 3.600.00 Total LIABILITIES Capital stuck paid In ... Surplus fund ndlMdnl profits, less expenses and 1,425.00 1132,037.48 S 20,000.00 1,000.00 10,457.60 taxew paid Indhidual deposits subject to check 100,579.83 Total 111 0X7.40 STATE OF OREGON, County of Malheur, ss : 1. llaid K. Graham, Cashier of the above name,! bank. l solemnly sweat- that tha above statement Is true ia the best of my knowledge mi pellet. DAVID V. GRAHAM, Cashfer. Sutiscrlbed and astern la before me this ftUl day of March, 1919 ANDREW GKAllAM. Notary Public. Mv ronimUtion exniros Oct. 16. l(r0 CORRECT Attest I Wm JONES A. K. MASTEKSON DAVID K. GRAHAM Directors. ltnmwtrail KntrV. SKM. Sec. 1 and NM,NEU. NEViNWU. Sec. 12, Twp. 20 South. Raivge 44 East, Willamette Meridiaa, nas ineo notice ui nunimu - i. - iff-. I 'T-v ..'.. I'mnf. til establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, u. . w """!,, Vale. Oregon, on the SN day of April. 1919. Claimant names as- witnesses j Martin Fasekas, T. C, Doane, Axel Shodln, Jake Rus. ...U ..1 t,V.le..Ore.o. jQNE3i jwuur Mar l-Mar 29. NOTICE FOR PUIILICATION Department of the Interior U. 8. Land Office at Vale. Oregon, March 15th, 1(10. NOTICE Is hereby given that Victor Ham ilton, of Huntington. Oregon, who, on June 9th, 1914, made Homestead Entry, No. 0J3tu, for lots 2, 3, 4, StiNWU, See. 3 and Lota I, 2, 3. Setlon 4 Twp, 15 South. Rang. M East, Willamette Merktlarf. has filed notice of Intention to make Final TVjree-Year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon on the 23rd ilay of April, ll. - Claimant names as witnesses l Charles Davis, Albert Hancock. Jesse Newton, George Morris all of lluntingtonj Oregon. THOS. JONES, Register Har-Aprl9 10,933.20 3.000.00 Time and Savinsrs Deooslta. Bills payable for money borrowed. Total 355.991.85 STATE OF OREGON, County of Malheur ss. I, J. D. r'alrman. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. D. FAIRMAN, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Uth day of March, 1919, SELMA FAIRMAN. Notary Public My Commission expires Nov, 27. 1922. CORRECT Attest! CHAS. E. JOHNSON , t. a LAMBERSON. J. U, If AIRMAN Directors. g-r. rrrvvTV'n.'v,v'.,vv,m,v""m'V-m'vvwfi ! DO YOUR SPRING HOUSE CLEANING ELECTRICALY I AND KEEP YOUR HOME CLEAN EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR You'll clean in half the time you did the old way and you're not half so fatigued. Use The HOTPOINT VACUUM CLEANER It's use means more time for home planning moro time for reading more time out of doors this spring. , AND THIS 1 THE WAY YOU CLT2AN simply attack the Cleaner to any electric lamp or wall-socket and guide it over your rugs or carpets (no lifting, no beating) is so easy no dust left to be wiped up aftedward all sucked up into dust bag. , COSTS LITTLE TO USE ABOUT lc AN HOUR We'll gladly show you come in today. Bo prepared to. clean the easy, dustless way, during the coming hot weather. VALE ELECTRIC CO. Phone 78 VALE OREGON) MH-rT-rM1 'I' '8' 'I' KIDNEYS WEAKENING? LOOK OUT! Th. housewife of Holland would al most as roon be without food as .with out her "Heal Dutch Drops," as aha quaintly calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, They restore strength and are reaponsl le In a srreat measure for the sturdy, robust health of th Hollanders. Do not delay. Go to your druggist and"- I,.'.?11 ""PW" you with GOLD MbDAL- Haarlem Oil Capsules. Take them as directed, and iryou are not satisfied with results your druggist wlU Kladly refund your money. Look for the name GOLD HE DAL, on the box and acceDt no other, in k Ih,,, i . - uwava- Kidney troubles don't disappear of uiBiuaBiYcB. inar Kruw aiowiy dui steadily, undermining health with deadly certainty, until you' fall a vic tim to Incurable disease. 8t,op your troubles while there Is time. Don't wait until little pains become blc; aches. Don't trifle with disease. To avoid future suffering begin treatment with GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil. Cap sules now. Take three or four every day until you are entirely free from pain. This well-known preparation has been one of the national remedies of Hol land for centuries. In 1696 the govern ment of the Netherlands trmntAH a pe-ciai cnarter aumonz lion ana sale. tine Its prepara- IDAHO COMMERCIAL COLLEGE ACTICAL SCHOOL of BOISE BUSINESS Wriie for Information. i. at?" THE OLD RELIABLE TRANSFER ROADS ABE NEVER TOO LONG OR TOO SnORT. Hauling of All Kinda ... - -. . . Work Guaranteed Teams and Wagons Light and Heavy Trucks IF WE SUIT TELL OTHERS ;H9 NOT TELL US. PHONES Dray 31 Barn 11 Residence 59R VALE TRANSFER CO. C. G. GRIFFIN, Prop. VALE- OREGON y I J