THE MALHEUR ENTERPRISE SATURDAY. AUGUST 24, lgljj. COMMUNITYiGATHERING AT JAMIESON $ rUEDV rADMCD nAVC FAD A Oil A Malheur County Community News PAGE FOUR. WHETHER HE BUILDS IT OR NOT All investigations which have been made pofnt to the fact that a SILO is an absolute necessity. It is no longer a question of 'Shall I buy a Silo 7 but 'Which Silo shall I buy.' We sell the D. & M. Frost Proof Silo, manu factured by us, direct to the farmer. It is the most economical silo on the market. Call and see E. C. LONGWELL and let him. tell you why this is the best silo for the mprfey. E. C. Longwelli Local Manager Vale, Oregon MAMUrAttURtRi Western Soft Pine ADDED SALES SPACE ENABLES US TO GIVE YOU BETTER SER VICE THAN EVER BEFORE. Our meats are selected with the greatest care and we butcher only the pick of the herd. With our refrigerating system we are able to serve you these most appetizing foods during the hot days. The best steaks, veal, mutton and pork chops. Cold meats and tinned goods for lunch cons. Cookies, breads and full cream cheese. .Ice is necessary to keep foods. We deliver ice at your door. THE VALE ME A T CO. A. H. Chester, Prop. Vale, Oregon rEACHES PEACHES PEACHES Those Celebrated Elberta Peaches at The Willis Fruit Ranch will be Ripe and Ready for Delivery August 29th 1918. They are Extra Nice and Large this year. If Hot Weather Continues They will have to be Moved Very Quickly. So You will have to Hurry if You Want Them. We Solicit Your Trade. THE WILLIS FRUIT RANCH Brogan Oregon Special Shoe Sale The latest advice from the factories warn us that the cost of phot-H Is continually advancing and that we may look for still higher prices In the near future. Regardless of this fact we are going to close out several lines of seuMonable goods including boy's shoes. CALL IN AND CUT OUR PRICES VALE SADDLERY CO. VALE OREGON BONITAJTEMS Returns from Washington Trip Word from Soldiers in Camp KINGMAN KOLONY Hard Rain and Cold Weather visits Kolony Returns From . Mountains Kingman, Oregon, August 21 An other hard rain Monday was followed by a slight frost. Neither of which were much appreciated by the farm ers this time of year. A. G. Kingman and family accom panied the Wade family on their .re turn trip as for as Baker. John Ennis arrived in the Kolony Saturday to visit with his family nnd the Scotts and Overstreets. The Harry Thompson, H. Q. John son, B. F. Logan, and A. C. Gund crscn families spent Sunday at Mit chel Butte. Miss King of Portland former Kolony teacher is visiting Miss Max well. The Sheldon family returned from tho Mountains Friday, all much im proved in health. J. Edwin Johnson of Drcwsey ac companied by his mother visited Sun day with the LeMoine family. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Gunderson visited Monday with their son A. E. Gunderson. They were on their way home from a trip to Detrich Idaho where they have purchased a farm. Mrs. Wm. Moses left Monday for a visit with her parents at her old home in Wisconson. Miss Althca Sheldon and brother Donald spent Sunday visiting friends in Caldwell. Mrs. John Ennis and daughter Edith spent last week visiting friends in Br.ise. H. E. Nugent visited Friday with his daughter, Mrs. A. C. Gunderson. MAYBERG NEWS Fall Building and Improvements noted G. A. Veteran Visits Daughter When Buying Bread, Ask For KREAM KRUST Sold by all grocers, Vale, Juntura, River side, Brogan, Jamieson, Crane, Ilomedale and Nyssa : : : : : THE PURITY BAKER Y ONTARIO, OREGON W. S. S. Will Heli) Win the War Mayberg, Oregon, August 23, 0. E. Clark has moved into his own new home and wears a beaming smile. Mr. and Mrs. Hcdglin are guests of their old neighbors. Will Smith and family. Mr. Hcdwlin is from the coast and is hunting a location here, here is hoping that they will find what they want and that they will locate with us. Grace Marsh arrived home Satur day from Tulsa, Oklahoma after a three months visit with relatives. Wm. H. Thornburg and wife of Winchester, Indiana parents of Mrs. 0. E. Clark and Mrs Will P. Roberts arrived here Saturday and stopped off to be with her daughters for a short rest. They were on their way to Portland to the National G. A. R. Convention of which Mr. Thorn burg is a member. They will return hero for a few weeks visit the last of this week. Mrs. Ida Adams who has been vis iting in Greenleaf returned Tuesday. W. D. Stephens is reported as being some better at this writing. F. S. Baily is making additional im provements on his already spacious dwelling. II. II. Mitchel and wife, Jim Fifer nnd family. O. E. Clark and family nnd William II. Thornburg and wife were all guests at Will Robert's Sunday. J. A. Wnslow had tho misfortune to tear the ends of two fingers off, on tiiis right hand, Monday. Mr. Lacky hns finished threshing his wheat and had a fino yield. Will Hickcy has moved into the new lnngalow prepared for him by Mr Baily. Bonita, Oregon, August 22. Lew Sutherland returned home last Thurs-. day from a trip in Washington Lew expresses himself as well pleased with tho Washington country and will move there in the near future. Mr, Sutherland spent one day at camp Lewie with his step-son, James Wil son. He reports Jim in the best of health and enjoying camp life, but getting anxious to cross the pond. Messrs Hammock and Bilyeu have been quite busy the past week haul ing hay from the Sunnyside country, getting ready for winter. The Stutfcbakor agent of Ontario, was a business visitor in our burg last week. Mrs. Hattie Reed, received a letter last week from her son Fred who had arrived in France, and was enjoying navy life. A card from Adrian Rut ledge to his father conveyed tho news that he also had landed safely on the other side. May they be as for tunate returning. J. F. Reed, Earl Weaver and Mr. and Mrs. John Logan were dinner guests at the Art Springer home Sat urday. Mrs. James Weston and sons left for Seattle Saturday, Where they will spend the winter and expect to return in the spring. B. A. Harris was a pleasant caller nt the Sutherland -home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanks and babies were supper guests at the L. A. Bilyeu home Sunday. BIG BEND NEWS New Minister for Nyssa and Big Bend Take Vacation in Hills Big Bend, Oregon, August 22, N. S. Phelan went to Council, Idaho Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. George Castle and Miss Alice Wilkins of Caldwell were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Judd. Margarite Harper of Middleton is the guest of her uncle, George Swig ert and family. At a" congregational meeting of the Presbyterian church organization held at Wade school house Sunday night, Rev. Shields of Burns, Oregon was elected pastor to serve Big Bend and Nyssa jointly. Rev. W. F. Baird of Baker presided at tho meeting. Rev. Shields will preach his first sermon in Big Bend September first. Lou. Boswell of Malheur City is visiting his, brothers John and Frank Boswell. Mrs N. S. Felan returned home Sunday from a visit with her sister near Pendleton. John Boswell has a new Oakland car. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robinson went to Ironside Monday. The John Holly and John Boswell Dinner and Sunday Service Given in Honor of the Pastor and Family The Jamieson and Brogan commun ities held a community picnic dinner and Sunday Service at the Jamieson hall Sunday afternoon August 18, from one till five. Tins atfair was arranged in honor of Reverend Lus- combe and family who were in attend ence from Vale, it being the ladt Sun day of their conference year for that section. J. L. Pope spoke briefly in behalf of the Brogan and Jamieson people, thanking Reverend Luscornbu and family for their assistance and labors during the years they have lived in this section and Mr. Luscombo has been visiting pastor to their .com munities. Altho tho roads were washed out between Jamieson and Brogan by a water spout the evening before a largo number of Brogan poeple were in attendance. At two o'clock the large attend ance gathered for the meeting congre gated about an immense dinning table which groaned with good things but was strictly in order with Hoov er's ration. After everyone had enjoy ed a real country dinner toped off by ice cream an afternoon service was held. Reverend Luscombe condusted the services and spoke brief words of appreciation to the Brogan and Jamie son people who have made his visits in their territory a pleasure during his ministerial years in this section. Miss Lancaster of Jamieson gave two vio lin solos and Mrs. Georgo Huntington Currey of Vale sang several solo num bers. COMFORT ECONOMY APPEARANCE DEPENDABILITY GENERAL SATISFACTION To know what these words rcaly mean when applied to Autos youmust become acquainted wtih the Chevrolet. wat'cITfo AUTOS Chevrolet Nash Scripps-Booth Hupmobile TRUCKS Nash Chevrolet White Quad TIRES Goodyear Federal and Racine families have gone to the hills for a ten days outing. A number from the Bend attended the picture show in Parma Monday night. Mr and Mrs Thos Welsh returned from Boise Wednesday. WHITE STAR ITEMS Second Crop of Hay Up Cattle arc Prepared for Market Shipping White Star, Oregon, August 22. Farmers hero are threshing and put ting up the second crop of hny. They were detained some however by a slight rainfall. J. King of Caldwell was up the valley Saturday to buy horses. Fred Vogue, C. Smith and Mr. Moc- lnr came down Monday from Clover creek with n drovo of cattlo whicli tliey expect to ship. Harrison Russel and wife who went to Salem, Virgina n short time ngo to tako charge of his father's ranch state in a letter to A. A. Robins that they can hardly endure the ex. trcmo heat after lenvilig such a plea sant climate. Mrs Harry 'Stacy who is quite ill was taken to tho Valo Satltorium Tuesday. Mrs A. Hall has knitted thirteen sweaters for tho Red Cross and is now busy knitting socks. Word was received yesterday from Fred 'Stacy and G. H. Ricker nnd fumilics who weitf to Long Valley last week on an outing and also to get hucklc berries thoy had not yet reach ed their goal and could neither ad vance nor retreat on account of the mud. Karlo Boston states that the Mal heur boys who were in training nt Benson Polytccnic School at Portland had been separated and sent to vari ous parts of tho U. S. Earl and some of the other boys are now stationed ut Camp Lewis for a short time, and lours each day. Ho ulso suid they saw Teddy Gunderson, Lester Scott, Walter Leavitt, and Cliff Hofman who had Just been released from ouar. entitle, Urn mi tm mT 1 If On of a Serif of Informative Article on Dental If pottneftc 9 How To Develop Good Teeth YOUR teeth need exercise daily. By masticating the hard and rougher sort of food they can best be ktvt In condition. Ilard crusts and other coarse and fibrous foods which require thorough chewing before they can bo swallowed, are especially Eood. n only for childna ut for arfuff aba. 1 1 helps to produce a good circulation of blood and fn children develops tho muscles and oxpands the Jaws, so thatroomls provided for theincomlnRlarKer teeth. Children should bo allowed to cat onlv at regular hours. A child should "o taught to chew his food very thoroughly. Proper training and care of tho tocth In childhood estab llsh liabltatl. y will appreciate In after years. A fow minutes lonarr with the tooth-brush each morning and night a visit to a good dentist at In tervals will cave lots of un. Htetmtantpatn and avoid poor health which will surely follow neglect of the mouth and teeth. fuiIftWM II t J ofDitlml Kxamlntn StattofOrtoon g W 1 M M B.B DREAMLAND ATTRACTIONS ONTARIO, OREGON Sunday, August 25th. FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN and BEVERLY BAYNE in "NEATNES AND DISPATCH". Pathe News. Monday, August 20th VIOLET MERSEREAU in "MERGAN'S SRAIDERS" PEARL WHITE in HOUSE OF HATE Tuesday, August 27lh TOM MIX in "WESTERN BLOOD" MUTT AND JEFF in HOSPITAL ORDERLIES. Wed. & Thus. Aug. 28 & 29 WILLIAM FARNUM in "ROUGH AND READY" Pahe News V'ri. & Sat. Aug. 30 & 31 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "THE MAN FROM PAINTED POST" i? Sunhine Comedy. 5 We handle the best in all lines of machinery, including Trac tors, Gas Engines, Harvesters, Lighting Systems, Heating Sys tems, and all Farm Implements. GARAGE SERVICE We are putting in a complete line of supplies, parts and extras for every make of Car, Truck, Tractor, or Machine that we sell. We are adding the very latest equipment for Battery Service, Tire repair, and Machine work. At Your Service Whenever Needed KESSLER'S GARAGE Vale, Oregon Vale Trading Co. Proprietor A. J. Kessler Sales Manager H. E. Spieth Garage Manager T. T. NELSEN Licensed Embalmcr and Funeral Director UP-TO-DATE UNDERTAKING PARLORS Hoarse Service Fine Line of Undertaking Supplies Phone 77 Vale, Oreg. I 15 saved ?j i2.0 saved - ILL 2.4sav! d The saving in meat shrinkage by electric cooking is indicated at the left. Translated into money this means that on an eight M)und rorst costing 35c a pound, electricity will save you from 35c to 45c. Also electricity is a cheaper fuel than coal at present prices. Won't It Pay You to Cook With Electricity? Vale Electric Co. Vale, Oregon TM73 A HANDY PLACE TO TRADE. Postoffice News Stand PAPERS We have arranged with the Propat Auto Stage to deliver the Orcgonlan and the Capital Evening News to us at 7:45 every evening. TRY US For Magazines, Newspapers', Cigars, Tobaccos and high grade Confectionery. Hire's Root Beer on tap all the time. Good and cold. AGENTS FOR CUT FLOWERS AND POTTED PLANTS Hot Popcorn and Peanuts Fresh Bread, Package Cookies and Crackers Soft Drinks Loganberry Juice A, S. Hunt, Prop. Vale, Oregon Mac Says: School Supplies We have Them ! A complete assortment of text books for both grammer grades and high School. ' Tablets, pencils, note-books, compos ition books, rulers, inks, , mucilage, pastes, in fact everything that Johnnie' or Sarah needs for school. Mac can't pay the postage on text books but on all other items Mac Pays The Postage. A.E. McGILLIVRAY THE REX ALL STORE a