PAGE TWO. . f J.. , THE MALHEUR ENTERPRISE SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1918 FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN The fourth liberty loan will open Pntuidny, September 28, and continue three weeks ending October 19, it was announced Wednesday night by Secrc ' tary McAdoo. In fixing three weeks as thn length of the campaign instead of four treas ury officials plan for a more inten sive campaign. Although official announcement has not been made, the amount of the loan probably will be $6,000,000,000 and the rate of interest which the donbs will bear 4 per cent. jUalfjeur enterprise GEORGE HUNTINGTON CURREY ' Editor and Owner MALHEUR COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER When. Buying Bread. Ask For KREAM KRUST Sold by all grocers. Vale, Juntura, River side, Brogan, Jamieson, Crane, Homedale and Nyssa : : : : : THE PURITY BAKER Y ONTARIO, OREGON W. S. S. Will Help Win the War PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT VALE. OREGON Entered at the Vale, Oregon, Post Office a3 Second Class Mail Matter -Special County Correspondents Subscription Rates in Advance Ono Year, $2.00 Six Months, $1.00 Advertising and printing prices given on application VALE, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1918: BILLMQ SYSTEMS The Malheur Enterprise carries a complete line of standard size (11x8 1-2) Billing Systems. We always have in stock and can furnish promptly Binders and Indexes Billing Sheets 1 and 2 on Duplicate Sheets for above Carbon Paper for duplicates Ledger Cards or Sheets to fit binder Transfer Files to keep duplicates If you want any special forms or binders we can furnish them on short order. Our Prices Are Less Than Mail Order Houses OTXny Reliable OutsidFFirm. Let Us Have Your Order. MALHEUR ENTERPRISE Printing Dept. Vale, Oregon. 15.9-5C saved r?llr"- ' Also elecirleltv in n r-lir-nnrr f.tpl than 1 3? ei ak d -..:t.i . At to aav :u - . 12.4pusavled The saving in meat shrinkage by electric cooking is indicated nt the left. Translated into money this means that on an eight pound rnrst eostlng Sflc a pound, electricity will save you from 35c to 45c. Also electricity is a cheaper fuel than coal at present prices. Won't It Pay You to Cook With Electricity? Vale Electric Co. Vale, Oregon JM73 I YOUR HAY INSURED? At present high prices can you af ford to carry the loss yourself? Call and permit me to show you how little it will cost to have a reliable company protect you. C. C. MUELLER Phone 33 Vale, Oregon Postoffice News Stand PAPERS We have arranged with the Mock Auto Stage to deliver the Ort'gonian and the Capital Evening News to us at 7:45 1'. M. AGENTS FOH CUT FLOWERS AND POTTED PLANTS Hot Popcorn and Peanuts Fresh Bread, Package Cookies and Crackers Soft Drinks Loganberry Juice A; b. Hunt; -Prop. TRY US For Magazines, Newspapers, Cigars, Tobaccos and high grade Confectionery. Hire's Hoot llcor on tap all the time, (iood and cold. SUGAR SAVING REQUIRES RACK BONE. "There is one food which practically everyone likes", says a recent Food Administration bulletin, "Whether people have strength to deny them selves is a real test of will power and character. That food is sugar. "The fact that sugar in one form or another is a food which ninety nine persons in a hundred enjoy is no vague theory demanding demonstra tion. Every body is aware how fond children are of sugar, and the taste is ono which in later years may be modified but is seldem outgrown. The capacity to change from eating a certain amount of sugar to eating less in dicates definite will power, or to put it more informally, backbone. In fact it probably takes more of the out-and-out spirit of self-denial voluntarily to cut down one's sugar than to give up any other food; for sugar, in the popular mind, is associated not chiefly with nourishment, but with the plea surable side of life, with boxes of candy and cool soda fountains dispens ing sweet drinks, and so on. "Yet there has got to be a curtailment of some of the pleasures which use up sugar if the supply is to hold out. Owing to world-wide ship short age, this country will have to get along with less sugar than in the past. This may in part be accomplished by using less in the kitchen of the home, and by regulative measures of effecting the quantity procurable by the trade. Pa i n pa WHEN A SPORT IS NOT A SPORT. Most hunters and fishermen are real sports. Others only appear to be. The real sport is careful to keep the game laws of the state at all times the same as he would if a warden were on his tracks. The principle back of game preservation and the various game regulations is to keep game in the country and to make possible a continuation of the outdoor sports of hunting and fishing. A basket full of little trout will fill a dozen baskets if allowed to mature. A mother bird kliled in the spring will raise a number of tender frys by fall. This should be remembered and the best way is to forget the idea that it is smart to getaway with out-of-season game; and to remember that all sportsmen belong to the great out of door fraternity, membership in which requires a sense of fairness and the exercise of a little common sense as well as the matter of paying annual dues of $1.60 in the form of hunting and fishing licenses. This is not a tax; but is a contribu tion toward a fund that, under the direction of State Game Warden, Carl D. Shoemaker and his assistants, is keeping the streams stocked with trout and the hills and valleys populated with game birds. The poorest sport, the would-be sport who is no sport at all, is the slacker who persistantly hunts and fishes without paying his dues, that is without buying a license. Cs fa pa pa SALES DAY PROPOSAL. It has been proposed that the business men of Vale inaugurate a monthly sales day. Mr. Griffin has offered the use of his stables without charge and while it will require considerable effort and a lot of push and stick-to-it-iveness there is no question but that it will prove a mighty pop ular move, once established. It will bring the country people to' Vale and as soon as a reputation is established will make Vale one,of the big centers in live stock exchange. It will equally prove beneficial to the farmers and stock men who will then be able to find a market at home for their horses, cattlo etc. Not the least benefit however will be derived from a monthlv get-to-gethcr of the farmers, stock men and town people. The Tuesday luncheons are getting the business men of Vale better acquainted with one another and they are learning the benefits to bo derived from cooperation and united effort. The monthly sales will do the same things on a larger scale and many benefits will indirectly be derived for tho good of the county. Pa Pa Pa Pa JAPAN'S OPPORTUNITY. Jnpan has been wanting to get into the war game for some time but for some reason has been held back by her allies. Now that she is permit ted to take a hand in tho reconstruction of Russia many are of the opinion that she will do her duty and do it well. Japan is an exceedingly ambitious nation and she now has un opportunity of doing a great work. It is true that America is to work in conjunction but the few detrails that have so far been made public are to the effect that Japan is to do the major part Rus sia is a great nation and the friendship of a next door neighbor whose pop ulation exceeds 140,000,000 is n legacy that Japan is to shrowd to loose. Not only will Japan secure this prestage but will receive the praise of all the world. So will America, for without our help Japan could accomplish little, as Russia was suspicious of her neighbor until America gave assurances of fair play. Pa Pa Pa Pn P YIELD EQUALING NORTHWEST'S FOR BOOZE. President Wilson after several years careful consideration has come, out strongly in favor of Women's suffrage. Our prohibition friends should have hope, ho may yet decido to permit the nation to becomo dry. Mr. Hoover is authority for tho statement that four nnd a half billion bushels of grain is being consumed monthly in the manufacture of whisky and beer, This is just about the annual yield of wheat in the states of Oregon Wash ington and Idaho. Not n few believe that this waste should be conserved nnd sent to our boys in the trenches. At any rate those of us at home would be glad to eliminate this proportion of substitutes. Congress is expected to tako action the latter part of this month on nation wide prohibition. Pa Pa Pa Ps STRENGTHENING OUR NEUTRALS. Human nature is tho samo the world over. Wo all want to be on the winning side. Nothing succeeds like success. This is once more exemplified in tho attitude of several of the small neutrnl nations whose real sympathy is with the allied cause but they were afraid of Geramn success. Since the crushing defeat administered the Inst few days there is quite a noticeable, change in tho tone of the press. These countries nro in a position to know whnt America is doing and is capable of doing, and they know now what tho' final result will be- and if tho war continues two years more several of these neutrals will be allies. Pa Pa iw Pa While tho German press was trying to make her people believe that her U-boats were doing great damage on tho American Atlantic coast, we shipped 300.000 well trained soldiers over seas during July without the loss of n single man. m n pa Pa n Y.M.C.A. ADDS TO FIGHTING VALUE To tho Offices of the Natinol War Work Council of the Y. M. C. A. in Now York thero cjimo in May an entirely unsolicited letter from the Heudquartcrs of General Pershing. Contained in it were these quotations: "Give us nino men nnd the Y. M. C. A., nnd we will have a more effective fighting force than as though we had ten men without tho Y. M C. A." If their estimate is correct and headquarters surely ought to know then tho Y. M. C. A. is at this moment adding 10 per cent 100,000 men to the fielting power of our armies in France. Pa Pa Pa Pa "Keep your eye on Pasco" was a popular slogan several years ago. Pasco become a city of over 4,000. Keep your eye on Vale, history often ropentu Usclf, ami the Vale spirit will make, W fa Wn IftUer, LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS $M"M"H"H--m--' See. 11, T. 16 S. R. S9E. and who on May 1, 1916 made Add'l Homestead Entry, No. 0U10, for WH SE',J. SEVi SWtf, See. 11 and NWVi NEW, Section 14. Township 16 South, Range 39 East, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to make Final Three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Re ceiver. U. S. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the 6th day of September 1918. Claimant names as witnesses! D. A. Zeh ner, W. R. Spauldlnir. R. W. Knlghten, Thos. Stewart, all of Donltn. Oregon. THOS. JONES, Register August 331. NOTICE FOR PURL1CATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office, at Vale, Oregn, July 29. 191S. NOTICE Is hereby given that Charles II. Dronson, of Malheur, Oregon, who, on July 2Srd 1918 made Homestead Entry, No. 03741, for E'A Section 13. Township 14 South.. Range 40 E. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Charles II. Morfltt, U. -S. Commissioner, at Malheur, Oregon, on the 6th clay of September, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses t Ray Ohmart. C. W Parrott, Nick Worsham, Frank L. Morfltt. all, of Malheur, Oregon. THOS. JONES Register. Aug. 331. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the under-signed executrix of the estate of John Napton, de ceased, has filed in the county court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur her final account of her administration upon said estate and that Saturday. August 10.1918 at the hour of 1 o'clock, 1' M. of said day at the court house In Vale, Oregon, has been fixed by said court as the time and place for hearing said final account and settling said estate. Any and all persons Interested In said estate are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and file their objections in writing, if any there be, to said final account and con (Mt the same. Done and dated and first published, this 13th day of July, 1918. Emma A. Napton, executrix of the estate of John Napton, deceased. July- 13 Aug. 10 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior . U. S. Land Office at Vale Oregon. July 23rd., 1918. -..NOTICE is herby given that Raymond Ohmart, of Malheur Oregon, who on November 26th, 1914, made Homestead Entry, No. 03664, for Lota 1 and 2, E'j NWVi. NEVi, Sec. 19, Township 14 South, Range 41 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described. Before Chas. H. Morfltt, U. S. Commissioner at Malheur, Ore gon, on the 4th day of September, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses : Andrew Ret tlg, Grover, Pound, L. D. Llnd, all of Drogan, Oregon, Chas. H. Bronson of Malheur, Ore. THOS. JONES. Register. Aug. 3 31-p. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon UUl. l'JIB. July NOTICE Is hereby given that Jay D. Fnhy, of Bonita, Oregon, who on June 1, 1916, made Additional Homestead Entry, No. 03868, for SWM NWH. Nti SW',, Sec. 16 and NEW NWM, Sec. 22, T. 16 S., R. 40 E., Willamette Meridian has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three-Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the 16th day.of August, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses : Walter W. Cavlness. George Lees. Don Epperson, all of Bonita, Ore. ; W. W. Cavlness of Vale Oregon. . THOS. JONES, Register. July 13 Aug. 10. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon July 23rd, 1918 NOTICE Is hereby given that Harry W. Wheelock, of Malheur, Oregon, who, onMarch 10th, 1916. made Homestead Entry. No. 03691, forLots 1 and2. EVi NW , SWH NEVi. WW SEVI. NEVi SWIJ, Sec. 18 Tp. 14 S. R. 41 E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Chas. H. Morfltt, U. S. Commissioner. at Malheur, Oregon, on the 4th day of . September, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Dr. T. C. , Ohmart, Ray Ohmart,, Wm. G. Pound, John Perecz, all of Malheur, Oregon, THOS. JONES, Register. Aug 3 31p. In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon, for the County of Malheur In the Matter of the' Estate of JOHN WAGNER, Jr., Deceased. Having been appointed by said Court, as administratrix of said Estate, and duly qualifying as such, NOTICE Is, hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them, verified as re quired by law, within six months after the first publication of this Notice, to the under signed, at her residence In Vale, Oregon. CLARA M. CRANDALL, Administrator of said Estate. Dated June 27th, 1918. First publication Juno 29, 1918. 6-29-to i-27 July 13 August 24. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Vale. Oregon, July 21th, 1918. NOTICE Is hereby given that Robert L. Logan, of Huntington Oregon, who. on, Aug ust 7th, 1913, made Homestead Entry, (as amended) No. 02809 for S'A SW: Sec. 2: N',6 NWVi. Sec. 11 T. 14 S. R. 43E. nnd who on Nov. 17 1914 made Add'l Hd. Entry, no. o.!3&. lor W"0 KJi. Sec. 11, Township 14 S. R. 43East, Willamette,' Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three-year proof, to establish claim to-, the land above des cribed, before Register and Receiver. II. a. Land Office, at Vale Oregon, on the .6th day ol September, 191S. Claimant names as witnesses: Albert fJJas cock, Lee Vredcnburg, Zella Becker, all of Huntington Oregon. Fred Graham of Broguii, uregon. . THOS. JONES, Register Aug, s 31. G. A. K. TO PORTLAND Great interest is being manifested throughout the Northwest in the- Nat ional Encampment of the Grand Ar my of the republic which is to be h-dd in Portland, Oregon, August 1S to 24. It will be the first Encamp mcnt ever held in the Pacific North west nnd undoubtedly the last tim the old soldiers of 18fil C6 will ever come to the Pacific Coast. Toledo mill to have another, big caw matrimony heretofore and now existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant and that plaintiff be absolutely dkorced from the de fendant. . . , This summons Is published pursuant to an order of tho Honorable Dalton Biggs, Judge of said Court, said order having been made and entered of record on the 9th day of July, 1918, directing publication hereof for six WDate of first publication, July 13, 1918. DAVIS & K ESTER , . , Attorneys for Plaintiff, Residing at vaie ureguii. July 13 August 24 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon July 9th, 1918. NOTICE Is hereby given that Walter W. Cavlness. of Bonita. Oregon, who, on July 13th 1915, made Additional Homestead Entry, No. 03991, for SWi', SWW. Sec. 14. SV4 SEW Sec. IS and NWVi NWVi. Sec. 23. T. 16 S., R. 40 E.. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice or intention to make final ihree-Year proor, to establish claim to the land above described. before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Vale. Oregon, on the 16th day of August, i '.i IB. Claimant names as witnesses: Jay D. Fahy, ueorge Lees, Linn Epperson, all of uonita, Oregon : W. W. Coviness of Vale. Oregon. THOS. JONES. Register. July la Aug. iu. summons for pitm tr ATinv In The Circuit Court of the State of Oregon ror ine ixiunty ox Alaineur. CHAS. T. CARTER, Plaintiff JULIA S. CARTER. ... Defendant, To Julia S. Carter, the above named de- lenaam : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON you are hereby summoned and reauired tO BDDear and answer ihn enmnlalnf flla herein against you In the above entitled Court ana cause wltnin six weeks from the date pf the first publication of this summons udoii you ; and if you fail to answer, plead or other wise appear in said cause within said time, the plaintiff, for want thereof, with apply to the Court for the relief AvmnnAjA In Ma complaint, to-wit. For- a decree herein dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant, and that plaintiff be absolutely divorced from the de fendant : and for a Judgment for the costs and disbursements of this suit- anil for ti,h nth nnd further relief as to the Court may seem ciiuiutuie. This summons Is published pursuant to an order of the Honorable Dalton Biggs, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County, said order having been made and entered of record on the 9th day of July, 1918, directing publication thereof for six weeks. Date of first publication, July 13, 1918. DAVIS & KESTER Attorneys for Plaintiff, Residing f V.I. ri' . July 13 Aug 24. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION In The Clrcn't Court of the State of Oregon For 'ilis County of Malheur. MOLINE FARMS COMPANY, a Corn ration, vs. MARY LANOIR nnd JOHN LANOIR, her husband: BESSIE LANOIR and AL BERT LANOIR, her husband: NELLIE BRYANT and BERT BRYANT, her hus band: CATHERINE McCLUSKEY and WILL McCLUSKEY. her husband : ALICE POLLOCK and JAY POLLOCK, her hus band: ANNA McGANNON and Wm. H. McGANNON, her husband: being all of the heirs of Edward II. O'Donnell. de ceased: also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any rlgni line, esuiie. Hen or Interest In the real estate described herein. Defendant. To Mary Lanior, John Lanior, Bessie Lanlor, Albert Lanior Nellie Bryant, Bert Bryant, Catherine McCluskey, Will McCluskey. Alice Pollock, Jay Pollock, Anna McGannon and Wm. H. McGannon: also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate de scribed herein: DEFENDANTS: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON, You are hereby summoned and reauired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you; and If you fall to answer, plead or otherwise appear in said cause within said time, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in its complaint, to-wit: That plaintiff have a decree of this court that plaintiff is the equitable owner of the North Half of Section Twenty-six (NV4 Sec. 26), In Township Fifteen (15) South, Range Forty-two (42) East and Is entitled to a conveyance from the defendants covering said premises; that said defendants hold the legal title, ns trustees, for and on behalf of the plaintiff, and that said defendants be re quired to make and execute a deed of con veyance, conveying the legal title to said premises to the plaintiff herein within thirty days from the date of said decree, and If they fall to do so the decree shall stand as a con veyance. And for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This summons is published pursuant to an order of the Honorable Dalton Biggs, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Malheifr County, said order having been made and entered of record on the 6th day of July, 1918, directing publication hereof for six weeks, date of first publication, July 13th, 1918. DAVIS & KESTER Attorneys for Plaintiff, Residing at Vale Oregon. July 13 Aug. 24. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of The Interior U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, July 31st, l'Jis. NOTICE Is hereby given that Fred W. icatcllir. or Everett. Washington .who. on January 30th. 1915, made Homestead Entry, No. 03642, for W'A NEW, NVj SE,S, Sec. 30 Twp. 18 S., R. 44 E.. W. M.. has filed notice of intention to make Final Three-vear Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. a. unnu uince. at vale, uregon. on the 4th day lo September. 1918., Claimant names as witnesses : C. O. Gunderson. Theodore Gunderson, Fred Hen- cnee, juuus Kary all or Vale, Oregon. thus Junes. Register, Aug. 3 31 p. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT Public Land Sale Department of The Interior U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, July 26th 1918. NOTICE Is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S. pursuant to the application of Arthur R. Van Buren, Serial No. 05510, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than S2.25 per acre, at 2iK o'clock P. M., on the 10th day of September. nexc. ac mis omce, me following tract of land: Lota 10 and 11 and EUi SWVi, Sec. 30. Two. 14 S.. R. 89 E.. W. M. This trui-t 1. ordered into the market on a showing that the greater portion thereof is mountainous or too rough for cultivation," ine sale will not be kept open but will be declared closed when those nrn.nt nt IH hour named have ceased bidding. The per son malting the highest bid will be required to immediately nay to the Receiver thm amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above- ucsrriDea lanu are aavlsed to Ille their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated tur sale. THOS JONES n,ltr MATTHIAS N. FEGTLY, Receiver. Aug. a at. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Vale Oregon July 23rd.. 1918 NOTICE is hereby given that Garrison A. Tnreman. of Ironside. Oregon, who, on, Feb ruary 24th. 1914. made Homestead Entry. No. 03129. for SEVi SWVi, WV4 SEM, SWU NEVi. Sec. 23 : and who on June 18, 1914. made Add'l Homestead Entry No. 03392 for NEVi SWVi. SEVi NWVi. NWVi NEVi. SEVi SEy,. Sec. 2S. Township. 15. S. R. 37 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intonttnn t make Final Three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Re gister and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the 7th day of September. 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Anson E. Powell, J. A. Lawrence. John M. Tyler, Henry Cape, all of Ironside, Oregon. THOS. JONES, Register. Aug 10 Sept. 7. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION In The Circuit Court of the State of Oregon GEO.A.FpXRTKhER?an,5r Plaintiff. LYDIA ANN PARKER,' t t j i r. . . Defendant defendant- Parker, the above named IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OR ORE UON you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaints filed against you In the above entitled Court and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you: and if yo fall to answer, plead or otherwise a?p.e,.w.ln, "a,tl "u"e within said time, the Plaintiff, fo want tWMf ) , l Court for the relief demanded in his complaint. For a decree herein dissolving the bonds of SUMMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Malheur County. MARTHA BOYCE, Plaintiff, JOHN BOYCE, Defendant. To John Boyce, the above-named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON, You are hereby required to be and ap pear In the above entitled cause on or be fore Monday the 9th day of September 1918, and to answer or otherwise plead to the complaint on file against you in said cause on or before said date, or for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment and decree against you for the relief demanded in plain tiff's complaint, namely. That the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant be severed, set aside and held for naught, and that plaintiff be divorced absolute from the defendant : That the plaintiff have the care and custody of the minor children Issue o the marriage of plaintiff and defendant, to-wit; the care and custody of Jennie C. Boyce. Jesse K. Boycc William T Boyce and Pearl F. Boyce, said minor children. For a decree and judgment of the above entitled Court, that the following mentioned and described real estate to-wit : The NV of Section 19 in Township 27 S.. R. 40 E. W. M. situated in Malheur county. Oregon, be set apart and the title to the same be decreed to be in plaintiff, and that the said lands, be sold or otherwise disposed of for the use and' benefit, of the plaintiff and the above-named minor heirs, as the Court may adjudge and decree: The title to the above described lands now vested in the defendant, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit. And you are further notified, that this summtins is served upon you by publication, by order of Hon. Dalton Biggs, Judge of the above entitled Court, and that said order was made and dated on the 23 day of July 1918, and directed that this summons be published for six full and consecutive weeks. In the Malheur Enterprise, a weekly news paper printed nnd published at Vale, Oregon. Date of first publication July 27, 1918. Date of last publication, September 7, 1918. GEO. W. HAYES.Attorney for Plaintiff. Residing at Vale. Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT Public Land Sale Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, July 29th, 1918. NOTICE is hereby given that, as directed by the commissioner of the General Land Of fice, under provlsslons of Sec. 2155, R. S. pur suant tho the application of Gordan R. Dick son. Serial No. 03342, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than J2.75 per acre, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. on the 11th day of Sept.. next, at this office, the the following tract of land: SVj SWM, Sec 12. TcwnshiolS south. Itamre sx Em wii. lamrtte Meridian. "This tract is ordered into iht m.rk.1 on a showing that the greater portion thereof u mountainous or too rough for cultivation. The sale will not h kent own hut will k. declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person mak ing the highest bid will be required to im mediately pay to the Receiver the amount mereoi Any Demons claimlnir adventlv tii .In.. described land are advised file thplr Um or oDjeciions. on or neiore me time design ated for sale. THOS. JONES. Register. Matthias N. Prirtlv. I!..U.... Aug. 10 Sept. 7. NOTICR FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U, S. Land Office at Vale. Oregon. July 23rd. 1918. Notice b hereby given that Anson E- Powell. of Ironside. Oregon who, on May 9th. 1916. mad Add'l Homestead Entry, No. 04426. far WV4 NEVi. SEli NEVi. NEU SEU. Sec M. Towmhlp 14 S. R. 38 E Willamette Meridian as filed notice of Intention to make Final Three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and IU ceiver, U. S. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the 7th day of Sept. 1918. Claimant names as witnesses : W. R. Lofton, John A- I'wrence, Garrison A. Tiiremin John M, Tyler, all of IrpnsUe. Onvuu, THOS. JONES, Register Aug. 131. First National Bank Vale, Oregon THE BANK OF SER VICE Capital $50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Earnings .... $10,250.00 The increase PRODUCTION and INCOME that will come to the MALHEUR VALLEY from the WARMSPRINGS PROJECT will de mand increased BANKING FACILITIES and we are prepared to serve you. Commercial Accounts Savings Accounts SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES We have complete Files and Records for Safe- ' keeping of Documents and Bonds without charge for the accomodation of our Customers. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE President, Chas. W. Nelson; Vice-President, J. T. Logan; Dir ectors, Elis Rose, James M. Weaver. C. L. Crandall; Cashier, Albert, W. Reed. St i z mm NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S Land office at Vale Oregon. July -6th. 1918 NOTICE Is hereby giren that OIIt F. Anderson, of Bonita, Oregon, who. on MareH ttth. 115. mad Homestead Entry No. M73I Service Guaranteed A Telephone in your Home Rives you Instant Communi cation with friend or business house alike. The Trend of Modern Civilization demands QUICKCOM MUNICATION SERVICE. "SERVICE" is the Motto of this Company. Why be without a, telephone. Malheur Home Telephone Co. H. II. WAGG0NEER, Manager Vale Oregon XLS It rr wi, nw, gBV WWH NRli 8W, wwwwvwwwwvvwvwvwvwvvv