Surrounding Vale Now Under Construction. ,J6rdan '.Valley PJrojcct of 40,000 Acres in Soutkern Part -of County Nearing Complelifln;6iki Wnrmsprings Project of 40,000' Acres Eertile Valley Land Projects Totaling 100,000 Acres Under Contemplation. Fro History. Oil and Nitrate Development Ccntuiucs With Help Develop the Unlimited Possibilities of the Vast Malheur Full News Service For All County Communities Largest Circulation In Every Scclion Ot Malheur' County West 'Medium. For All County and Outside Advertisers vouty co-operation Suggestion and Support nre Solic ited to Help Ma!;c The "Enterprise" a True Representative of Vale, and Malheur County. Send a SuWrip tion to- Friends Whom You Wish to Welcome to This Country The -Enterprise is Absolutely Independent, Treats Everyone With the Same Fairness, is Ahvliys Progressive, mid Urges Your Activity in the Develop mcnt of Milheur County's Great Pos sibilities. It ia Your Paper and is Working to Develop Your Community. Let all the Malheur Towns and Settle nicntK Work Together for a More Prosperous and Ilettcr County. ADVERTISE IN THiS ENTERPRISE . The Only Paper That Circulates ' Throughout the Whole of Malheur County. It Has More Ileadcrs'-JJe--' cause it Prints More Heading, Matter.! People Pay for Tho Enterprise He"- cause I hoy Want to Head the Best r Reviews of Northwestern.' and World News; the Most Thorough Reports of e-jaifi?5tcrlV "Oregon , Irrigation. ns Airming, Oil, Mineral and Community Progress, ' Ihc Latest Market Quotations; oil Filings In tho U: S. Land Office, Vale District; Mal heur County Official Notices; Real Estate Transfers; County Seat NewsJ Correspondent Letters The Home Newspaper, Head In fcvery Nook of Malheur Comity. A 4 . y - VALE, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGuS! $918. SUBSCRIPTION $2,00 PER YEAR. VOLUME NO. 37. st!ra Broo-an Fruit Scclion Produces Another iteccrd Crop. snake Kivcr v alley Lands m county trouuee juargesi urmn ana iiuaua xicmi ip. Jwer .Better rrospects ot success. Jiusmess is itooai)n vaicjann jiauicurouniy. xuuuru uivncu w uhiu uuu f wui vuaj,iVw,?"!llA Empire of Nearly .10,000 Square Milcs.VWaleTHas CoodSchoois iliusmcss Houses, uourt House, unurencs, nanus, sanatorium, ime nornes; r STATE COMMISSION PASSES WARMSPRINGS BOND ISSU Construction Now Waiting on Feder al Capital Issues Committee Thursday of last week tho state se curities Commission composed of State Engineer, John II. Lewis Super intendent of Banks. Bennett and Attorney General George M. Brown, authorized the sale on the Warm snrinirs Bonds, having satisfied thpmsclvefc bv norsonal investigation ar to the value of the bonds and the ' merits of the project. Tim nnl- rpnnirement remaining to ' vAlMnte the sale and the contract is ' the permission of tho Federal Capital , Issues committee at Washington. Tills matter has been presented to the RED CROSS NOTES Chairman Resigns in Compliance With New Rule. Tho regular monthly mooting of the Vale Chapter Rod Cross was held in the work rooms last Friday evening at eight o'clock. At .the close of tho meeting Judge McKnight who has acted ns Chairman of the Vale Chap ter since early last fall tendered his resignation to take effect immediately giving as his reason that it was his desire to comply with the wish of the National Officials to keep all political affairs and the Red Cros3 entirely separate. As Chairman, McKnight i3 the Republican candidate for re election as County Judgo ho did not ronsidcr that it would be proper for him to continue as head of tho Vale Red 'Cross. Acting upon the cam theory, Vice Chairman, C. C. Mueller tendered his resignation in as much a3 he is seeking re-election as County Treasurer. No election will be held at present and it is expected that other tibci'3 Si the committee will act u oxecutives until the annual meet ing which will be held.early in Octo ber. ork Room Notes Red Cross workers making gar ments or knitted articles should be careful to get a Red Cross label and attach it to the article in the right place before handing it in as finished. These little labels arc a Rod Cross bearing tho name of tho Chapter or Auxiliary whero the garment was made. Thoso in charge of workrooms will instruct workers where to sew the labels on' the. various articles. Getting tho labels on before the gar ments are ready to bs packed facili tates that work immensely. Follow ing is the table as to where and how to sew on -the labels. Cut this out and place it in your Red Cross work bag. ' Helmets Anywhere on inside edge. Muffler One, corner. Socks Upper edge, center back. May be put on as. standing loop, one end inside and the uiner remaining out. Wristlets Upper edge inside. Comfort Kits Inside bag just be low hem. Six more comfort kits of tho recent order have been finished and shipped. (Cohllnued on Page Six) FRANCO-BRITISH ROUT ENEMi Victorious Allies Sweep Onward In Rush for Berlin Huns Routed Beginning at dawn -Friday morning the Allied Armies launched a fresh at tack which in its sweeping area men aced tho entire Teuton lins from near 1 1 "-l. 1 ... Tl t. -. nn n infant-, mile front the Huns were pushed backward and tho victorious AUied troops advanced from four to twenty miles- The much fought over battlo ground from. Ameins to Montdidi?r was again the fcene of a mighty battle. British and French troops penetra ted enemy lines and gained all ob jectives taking'' more than ' 100 guns and 7000 prisoners. Under cover of darkness the plans.were laid and with the first light of dawn the Germans wereinttneked, completely surprised, and rputed. Field Marshall Haig-ot the British forces executed a brilliant piecefof military genius in the attack Foch's object in striking at this pointSfs believed to have been bafod upon '.tho idea of breaking tip the en emy lino bstween Mondidier and Spis. sons Ekfore the Germans had time to stoballie tho line frorn Soisson! tplthc Rheims front. i , Weeks Review At do timo during the weeks flfiht- committee by Congressman Sinnott and Senator McNary as well as the complete details and merits of the project sent by.Secretery Hope and Chief Engineer Wiley- Tho sub committee at San Fran cisco has had the rnatter under con sideration tho past week and are ex pected to recommend tho issue to tho Waimsprings committee thta week. The merits of tho project, including quick and increased production and the low acra cost of the system make such an extremely favorable showing that there can be little likli- hood of the government not sanction ing the issue as a needed war devel opment. ing has there been a slacking, on the part of the Allies onward drive. Early in the weak they crossed tho Aisne and routed the German troops driving them still farther northward. Freshets caught tho retreating Ger-' mans "on tho Vesle and thousands were killed. Tho American troops in this drive alone took 8100 prisoners and many guns. Franco-British troops aided by American divisions early in the week entered the great store house of tha Marno front. Tho trail of tho fleeting Huns everywhere was a vertiWo charnel house. As they retreated they burned evacuated citie3, and des troyed and burned bridges and other means of communication Beginning' the early part of the week the enemy withdrew on the Avre river front- and Friday morning wore completely swept ifrom these posi tions by tho British attack. A large part of the Crown Prince's army is, in retreat beyond the Aisno front where they hope to get to positions of safety and make a stand. During the last few dayr, of tha week's fighting they impose' strong resistance along the Vesle ant east of Solssons to Rhcims, but lost heavily when attempting to counlci .attack, and wore defeated at ever; point. Tanks and machine guns played ai Impoitant part in the supriso attacl. Friday at dawn. The Allies too' thousands df prisoners and large num bers of machine guns from the Ger mans who fled pell moll before th- tanks and machine gun batteries sen .igainst them. Tho allied troops alsi entered and r'coccupied a score o mora of villages and hamlets an gained complete controll of all rail way lines leading from Villers-Bret onneux to tho important junition n Chaulnes where lines radiate north cast toward Peronne and southwan to Roye and Compicgne. ONE DELIVERY A DAY Merchants Allowed Only One Free Delivery, By New Order. Beginning Monday, August 12, all free deliveries of merchandise must be limited to ono delivery per day, ac cording to tho rules dictated by the War Industries Board and the Council of National Defense. The require ments in brief aro (1) One delivery per day route (2) No special deliver ies except on special charge (3) Re- 4 turn privilege strictly Hmited to three days Merchants and their customers ore expected to cooperate and no devia tion from the established rules will be allowed. John K, Kollock, secretary of the State Council of Defensa hat requested a complete lt3t of all re tail dealers in the county from county chairman, C. C. Mueller. Mr. Kol- H speak in Vo Saturfay nlpht und will be asked to speak on his new order. The Vale merchants are preparing to comply with, the ofderand af,ter, this week the 'housewife's mutt order theirday's supplies m time -for the sprhSp dietrfitwill-by VprKed out Will Locate Here T. J. Toohey formerly employed in 1 the Park barber ahon returned to j yale IhU week'rfhd will take over the roanagement nf the barber shop whilr tJr.fPark'lsih the service. Mr. Too hey recently came back to Malheur county from Spokne where lie has been employed for sgnio timev'jnd .1 . ....1 ear luver- side. Salem "will ert building' for voli tional school LIBRARY MEETING New Quarters Commodious and Ccn- traly Located. Vale Public Library is nicely lo cated in its now quarters with tho Chamber o'f Commerce and books on the shelves include a number of new novels and war stories just received from a supply house. Librarian, Miss Davis plans on re-cataloguing and re arranging the books .as soon as she returns from her vacation- Members of tho Board will hold another mend ing bee and all books which aro torn will bo mended to withstand further hard use. The new building is so centraly located that a large increase in patronage is expected during tho coming winter. Board Meeting Wednesday evening, August 14, is the regular meeting night for the Library Board and President, Mrs. Miller requests a good attendance for matters of importance will be brought up pertaining to the coming winter's plans for funds. October is tho bo ginning of a new year for the Library Association and a renewal of mem berships and election of officers will be held. WELFARE WORK T0C0NTINUE Many Mothers Not Interested in Bet ter Baby Movement. Two more days have been set a side by the Women's County Council of Defence for the weighing and measuring of Vale Babies. Only ft small percentage were examined dur ing the two days last week and do causp the government wishes the cam paign to be a thorough one it was found necessary to continue tho work afternoons -of Tuesday and Wednes- Jay, August 13 and 14 from two till five o'clock. A largo majority of Valo mothers were apparently not interested in knowing whether ot not their children measured up to the standard for their iges. Tho movement for better babiei i just as important a3 any other pat riotic movement, for the burdens ,of ho coming generation will rest upon tha shoulderj of the boy3 and girb md there is no duty so sacred as tho ight of parents to give the child very advantage for a healthy growth 'o manhood or womenhood- There is no obligation or expense onnected with ths contest as conduct ed by the government. The babies may be brought to me Vale public I ibrary rooms- Tuesday and Wednes day afternoons and under direction of Millard Nelsen their weight and nearuromcnts are taken according, to government standards obtained from nation wie'e investigations in child welfare. The children up to four years of ago are included in this campaign and Chairman of the Wom en's Council of Defense, Mrs Lyle re quests that each mother make special note of the days and respond prompt ly so that the work may be made a easy as possible: It is the ernest dc niro of the workers in this district to turn in a full report of the babies living within their territory but some cooperation on tho part of tho moth ers must be shown. When yOu bring youy baby see that your neighbor is also notified; Consider this work just as important as Red Cross and Liberty Loan work and do your bit. Help your country in making a com plete report for tho better health of its babies. PASTURE UNDER COVER O. A. C. Bulletin Gives Valuable Silo Pointers and Methods A silo is n pasture undnr cover the contents of which can bo used at any time of tho year as a profitable feed for dairy cattle, beef cattle, horses, mules, sheep hogs, and chickens, points out E. L. Wcstover, dairy hus bandman and L. E. Robinson assis tajit professor of rural architecture at" O. A. C in Extension Bulletin LNo'. 207 Just issued. The Bulletin is entitled "A" Silo For Every Farm" and may be had for the asking, Several silos havo been built thi3 year in Malheur County and many farmers aro planning on build ing silos in tho near future. County Court Meets "Commissioners Kelly and Weaver and County Judgo McKnight huld county court three dayu this wek ttlinK UP the county's accounts far tbi month. . . Uo bewage tank. REGISTRATION OF 18-20, 32-44 PLANNED SOON August Call For TwclvO Men Comes Seven Callc'd' for 14th. Twclv.e men have been called to hold themselves in readiness to re port before the Valo iioard for mili tary duty in 'the' five' day period be ginning August 20?" Mori included in this call will be entrained for Cam Lewis, Washington. , Seven Called for 14lh . Seven men- arc called to report August 14 and will bo sent to two coast mechanics schools,. Loid Cran dull now at Tacoma, Shado Overstrect of Ontario, Rcubtn . Danielson .of Nyssa, Herschel Browne of Ontario and Thomas Skinner of Jordan Valley have been called to report August 14 to leave for Benson Polytechnic In stitute at Portland. Laruo Blockaby of Ontario and James S. Morgan of Portland are called for August 14, to bo sent to the Modern Auto' School at Spokane. Six Leave Thursday Thursday six men entrained at Vale for Camp Frecmont,- California. The Vale band and , n large number of townspeople, relatives and. friends of the boys escorted them to the train whero after a short concert by tho band. Geergo V. Hayes delivered a (Continued on Pago Six) APPLICANTS FOR NURSES' SCHOOLS Hospitals of Land Must Have Student Nurses for Depleted RanLs , . Because so many of ' America's trained nurses havo already respond ed to the call for helpers over sea3 and because so many more of them have been called to go soon, the gov ernmcnt has sent out a call for 25,000 young women of tho land to respond as student nurses to fill tho depleted ranks in tho 1 arge hospitals and training schools or America. Young women volunteering for this work will be given from two to threo years training in Nurses training schools. Most of these scho.ols tho lodging and tuition i3 free and the student receives a small remuneration for her services which covers tho cost of uniforms and books. Under tho present government plans every woman who completes a satisfactory course in training is el igible for service as an army nurse at the front and stands a chance of being nsigned to duty abroad. At tho same time she will be qualified to earn her living in ono of tho most useful professions open to women. The work of receiving applications and giving information to registrants is in charge of Mrs. Robt. DLyll.e of Vole, county chairman of ttyo Wom en's Council of Defence. At Ontario Mrs .Henry Smith at tho Mooro ho.tcl will inMnn'n nnnlmn innn nrul n-iun irtrfl will receive applications and givo in formation to applicants in ,that sec tion. Several have made application up to date and a good many more aro expected to sign up" in this ter ritory. A quota of fivo waS given Malheur County. Tho enrollment or application cards as signed by applicants indicate two classes. Preferred and Deferred. The Preferred class will be tho30 who are ready to t-ccept alignment to what ever hospital the Government directs them, although they may state, what 1 training school they prefer to he sent to; Thoso who register in the pre ferred class will be assigned first, and all possible consideration will be given to their preference as stated; The de ferred class ia composed pf those who limit their pledge of servioethat is who will not engago to go except tc ortnin hospitals. This clasa is in tended largely for thoe who, for fam ily reasons cannot accept training at . t , who register in the Def.elusa wl) lie n.B,Kr , o,.,y w, ,u.u.,BJ class la oxnnuslpil. Tho government relieo pn lhl , not - 'n'l , " " '"!c",u ""v m ' 1 thus volunteering to &o,hm tiny; a -distance from their nomtuu 'iwe. , ... ,,,. H ..tinn are most n. tendent cf tho Valo schools assured JfWLZ? J.ri8SjuiS,itI W Wh y .hb word, ore not appro-fed "by IheStBtO'Boanl of Itfurao Kxnminors. w ' The Term pf .Uifrtudents Tho term of training vnriop from , two to three year, according to Utf1 "Submenu of the part loulav ool l" wnwn in. siBcom. n ure may vB ji'Par- nor nvjrc than t'jrcc. SUPERINTENDENT ARRIVES Work of Preparation for Fall Term . Begin3 Improve School Buildings Professor D. W. Hammock, Mrs Hammock and their son and daugh ter arrived in Vnlo last Sunday from J3ugene whore Mr Hammock has been in attendance at tho University, of Oregon summer school. Since his arrival Mr. Hammock hns been very busy- getting 'acquainted and laying foundations for the coming schoo'l year. Within the next few Jays work of renovating the school for tho fall term will commence. SotnO of -the rooms in the high school building are to be retimed and re-plastered and somo new equip ment and additions to the various de partments will be added. Mr. and Mrs Hammock are com fortably located in the Guild house on West street and look forward to their school year hero with pleasure, Mr. Hammock for the past six years has been superintendent of tho Gil lam county high school at Condon and has had thirteen years or school work which ably fits him for the position of superintendent. Ho is a graduate of Kentucky University and has tnken special work at University of Oregon. HOME GUARD TALKED AT BUSINESS LUNCH Men at Tuesday Luncheon Revive Guard Consider Moitthly Sales There was. plenty of pep shown at tho Businessmen's Luncheon at tho Droxel last Tuesday. If any ono ques 'ions tho , progrcssiveness nnd com munity spirit of tho business and pro fessional men of Valo they should havo attended tho luncheon and wit nessed the active enthusiasm and in intcrost taken in many little matters of 'importance so vital to tho develop ment of tho town and county. T. T. Nelsen will bo chairman next Tuesday and anothsr profitable nnd enjoyable timo is assured a3 several important mattcr3 will be discussed. No mem bership in anything i3 required to at tend thoso meetings. No special invi tations can bo sent you officially, for thoso meetings aro open to everyman interested in the wellfaro of Valo and Malheur county. They aro as much your affaire as anybody's and for your personal good and the good of your community you should attend. Working cloths aro expected, and ov eralls are honored at these luncheons. Nearly fifty men attended the luncheon last Tuesday. Chairman H. C. Eastham first called upon Geo. W. Hayes aa chairman of tho Vale Coun cil of Patriotic Service to discuss tho question of reviving tho Vnlo honor Guards. Judgo Hayes very much fa vors an active Homo Guard and pro mised to tako it up with tho local war council under whoso authority the guard wns forned- Shcrriff Bon J. Brown mode nn ap peal to tho men of tho town to re orxanizo tho guard. Mr. Brown has ,eeurod tho guns an'd is anxious to c ' ( . . onerato in every wny. Robt. D. Lytlr- gavo some of tho reasons why the guard did not continue after organis ing last spring. County Road Mnste) B. F, Farmer spoko of the need of the guard" nnd Geogro Huntington Currey pointed nut that as soon as the com pany gets tho rudiments of tho drill learned they will greatly enjoy th drill periods nnd the physical bene fits will morn than repay then) their, effprt. A. W. Reed suggested the innugurn- hion ofa public Sales Day in Vale. He said after a husty canvass ho had found somo of tho merchants' in fa vor of thj sales nnd somo not. He said tht C. G, Griffin had offered the uso of his stables free of charge and that it wns his opinion that a monthly ?al-6 duy would bo n great benefit to the town Mr. Stewart of tho Caldwell horse and Mujo Company was present and IU.UIIIL11 recomendod that the muincss men gei j thQt' .yW1(j ,touW takd conquerable , t tJje gal(JS wou)d praU . . ' i... 1 ortoWhh thcmgclvQB nnd, W of U best features connected with tho town D fW iriimmock.tho now superin qnd rnrur Unt e wishwl to bocom '. full lidded citizen or ttie comunuy jid thnt lie wai Interested in the wel- are uf the town, Mr. Hammock com ;illmentod tho town upon tho progrea JrJt hc jg encountered every . 1 Ur,, ' 'Cftr, Shocmkkor was prwent and , (Continued on last pago) US. ARMY OFFICERS TO SPEAK ON HOME DEFENSE SATURDAY Army Officers Will Bring Up-to-the-Minute War Service Messages. The entire .county is invited to be In attendance at. tho Mass meeting called by tho Council of Defense for Saturday evening August 10 at eight P. M. in tho Rox Theatre at Vale. A special invitation has been extend ed to drafted men and local councils ip each district emphasize tho importance of tjheso men being in attendance for part of tho Evening will bo given over to a meeting for men only which time Capt. R. H. Russell, U. S. Medical Reserves will speak". Capt. Russell has been specialy de tailed from Camp Lewis for a series of meetings in Oregon,' Arrangmcnts for tho meeting and musical numbers of tho program have been made by the. Vale Council COUNTY INSTITUTE Large Attendance Expected For An nual Institute Sessions September 2nd, 3rd, and '4th Valo will be host for the Annual Malheur County Teacher's association meetings Detailed plans havo not yet been laid for entertainment of tho guests nnd the program for tho threo days ses sion but County Superintendent Miss Fay Clerk is anticipating a record breaking crowd in. attendance and will have something interesting and worth whilo for every minuto of 'tho three days timo. Tho institute hold last year .was a record breaker in attendance and rc lultR and Miss Clark plans that the meeting this year shall surpass oven Iitfit years fiesslohs. Responsibility for n great deal of war servico work has opened n new field for tho teach ers especially in tho rural districts and many interesting hpurn In this study will 'be a fcaturo-of tho pro giams this' year. Prominent school men of tho coast states will be in attendance and many fino speakers and lecturers will ap pear. Thoro is a probability that Professor Carl D, Doney president of Willamette University and recently returned from Franco may bo secured as a lecturer for the Institute. That his lectures will prove intensly in teresting to other than tho school peo ple is proven by the thousands who havo listened to his lectures in Wil lamette Ynllcy towns within the past few weeks- State superintendent Churchill will also bo scheduled for several talks. Outsido of tho regular instructive and lecture sessions for tho teachers; each day's program will include mus- icnl numbers and other forms of en tertainment A local committo will assist Miss Clnrk in arranging this part of the program and also fur ther entertainment of tho city guests. All meetings will bo held in the Vule High School Auditorium. PLAN BIG FAIR WEEK Added Premiums Attract Stockman Educational Day to bo Feature Ono of tho features of tho Malheur County Fair September 10, 11, 12, nnd 13, Will bo educational Day, tho Vi. On this day a parade participated in by all schools of tho county will be given. Each dirtrict is asked' to be represented in this parade. Ontario High School will march in their newly adopted uniforms, A prlzoiwill be offered to the school pro scnting tho best patriotic drill. Tho ndded premiums In tho live stock' divisions will mean a larger number of entries nnd keener compet ition. Tho usual track sports will bo -rivon with tho addition of many at- i-actlons usually shown nt fnlra which Ve not open this" your. Tho grand 'Blond., recoipts on the opening day will bo donated to the various Red Cross socioties of tho county, 1 ? ' v BUSINESS BLOCK SOLD Tom Vcnable in Purchaser of the Odd ftllows' Building. Ed .It. Hamilton former resident of Valo jiiow at Lothbrldgc, Alberto, Canada while in Vale the past week sold iiis Interest in tho Oddfellows Building to Tom Vcnablo well known Btockman of ihis county now'llvini; lu Bolsei The amount of monoy chang ing hMs In he deal waa f 8,000.00. Ells, Rose, Ironside rancher, was In Valo ThiTtd&y, of Patriotic Service Under direction of Chairman Geo. W. Hayes. '''ThcVale concert band will give a half Jiour con cert immediately proceeding tho meet ings which will start at 1x30. Vocal numbers will be- given by Mrs. lI.'R. ' Dnnlop, and Mrs. George Huntington Currey and Mrs- A- W. Reed. Mnjor John B. Hibbard .0. N. G. and John K. KoVloch secretary of tho State Council of Defense will speak on tho vationu orgniiizalions for war. ser- . vice and chiefly upon the Jilome Guard.i and Council of Defenso .organizations . nnd their necessity in oach community : as a help in tho many 'war servico movements. Every man and woman is urged to attend and a special invi itation is issued to' the men under! ho draft to attend the lecturq of Capt. Russell, for ho will givo them many things 'which will bo of great help in their firsttralningi U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Four Minute Men Will Aid In Na-. tion Wide Campaign Tho government of- thew'Unlicd States has placed the recruiting -of war labor with the? U."S. employment i. i . 1 .1 1: .1 1 -f?'9 worm nas ucer ueinorauzeu anu swJ0 nf fAM ii-rt trtnnnft nf nrnnnr' tnbnr dis tribution had to bo worked out., The following information from secretary of labor W .B. Wilson will explain i tho new plan, 1 Our increasing military en'erglosS aro putting strains upon imtasjxy which call for the most careful hus- 5 banding of our manpower. Vo cano lorfgor leave our labor supply o Ute? unregulated forces of com'petion nor I oven the patriotic offorts of- divorso ; agencies of tho government unrclal-; cd to a comprehensive policy.and'unl-, fied direction,. The averago mnnufncturernovBrer alizes that he can. no- longer- jpcrujtj tho 1;ind of labor and in tho numbers ho requires through his agents or) through privnto employment agencies. Between 3,000,000 nndv 4,000,000 workers of nil kinds in ndditionffo i thoso now engaged in war production, will bo rquired by tho war industries during tho noxt twclvo months. TJ10 Inbpi market has been so demoraliz ed and depleted that tho .supply. of ; tho great number musjtanifestlyjb(3 1 conducted by tho . govcrnmenti-Addf- otional labor, particularly common In- bor, must be found while skilled craft- men must bo transferred from 'J.fio ; nonessential industries ( to .tho Jhlp ' yards, munition and other .war plants. , Tho United Stnte3 employment Scr- . vico Is now adequately equipped . to takp this job in hand but it cannot fill it successfully unless tho individual? employer co-oporatos instead- ofi corn notes with it. Tho nast six months Of tho Employment Service's activity' havo been dovoted largely to building up of- nnr officlcn- recruiting and placing organization nnuinjjconserv ing thq immediately available supply of workers. The moro difficult task, that of Employmgnt Service needs tho assist pnee of every employer and as sociation of em"pl?yes and business men in tho country- WILL RELEASE GAME BIRDS State. Game Warden Will Help Mai- hour Replenish Fish und Game. State Gumo Warden, Carl D. Shoe maker, Ted Lansing representative of tho Porjland public market nni Geo. King;' of tho gortland. Chamber of Commcrco ycro guests in Valo Tues day while on a trip of inspection. Whilo in Valo Gamo Warden Shoo maker arranged with president. 9 fM1 Chni'nbcr.of Commerce, Ilobert LytleV loliboratoix dozen China ljheai"w. in this territory this fall and the first six dozen will be fpllpwcd ;wHh in'a short time by art equal jBhipment. A number of these birds will-bolib-ornted on tho flats between hcj-oand Ontario. It was ajs.o arranged to send a f ih car, into this se'c'tlpn gprintf with thousands of fry to, re plenish tho streamy of Molhe.ur coun ty. Losal sportimens committor V(il help ill tl9 distribution of theaojry when they arrive. . Mr. I4nsing nr.d r. King are botji representing tho city of Portland anif are intercstcc! . obtaining fish for the public mnrkel Recently, started ther. They are- anxious to obtain :al varieties of fresh water fish as well as, :ilt flhh )