SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1D18 PAGE FOUR THE MALHEUR ENTERPRISE 3. t' 1 X I X Malheur County Community News BROGAN NEWS ITEMS Dance at Hall Satuday Night News of Folks Visiting. BBOGAN, Ore., July 25 Mrs. Eng land is visiting her son for a few weeks. She has Mr. Grover's little girls with her. Alice has been visit ing In Brogan for a month.. Reports from Boiso in regard to Mrs. Doubrava, are encouraging. Mr. C. Clarcnco Vandiver arrived from Portland on Monday. She will stay with her father and sister, Mr. Rouse and Mrs. Ray Cole, while Van . is- in tho service of Uncle Sam. Mr. Struthus reports Mrs. Struthus as improving right along. -Mrs, Goodwin, who, with her sister from Louiscana, have been spending a few dnys in.Portland, returned home on Monday. .Ilcr sister went home. 1 There is to lie n danco at the Hall Saturday night, given by tho Ladies of Brogan. Proceeds will be used for tho hall debt. KINGMAN, KOLONY NEWS Farmers Meet to Discuss Hay Prices Picnic Party Enjoyed. "'KINGMAN, Ore., July 24 Rcfino was in tho Kolony Wednesday of last week and brought all of Kingman's and Blodgett's hay, $15 per ton being the price paid. Scveml of tho men from the Kolony expect to attend the meeting at the Grange hall on the Boulevard Wednes day. This is a farmer's meeting to discuss the price of hay. Archie Moses returned last week from tho training camp at San Fran cisco. Ho failed to pass tho physical examination on account of being under weight. Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Guston of Poca tella were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Logan. Mr. Guston, is an old timer here and he expects to visit Vale, Ontario, Payette, Weiser and Huntington before returning home. Miss Florence Kingman gave a party Monday to several of the neigh borhood children in honor of her little nephew, Kenneth Wade, it being his birthday. And on Thursday Miss Kingman will give an auto ride and picnic for her neices, Betty and An nette Blodgett, Bemice Martin, Ethel Hickox and Nola Le Moine. Mr. and Mrs. J.' J. Dickerson and children of Valo spent Sunday with Mrs. Dickerson's sister, Mrs. Le Moine and family. Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith of Aber deen, Washington are the guests of Mr. Smith's sister, Mrs. MacLaffcrty and family. Thcadoro Gunderson of Vale was over Monday to say good-bye to his brother, A. C. Gunderson and family, beforo leaving for the training camp at Camp Lewis on the 24th. Don Sheldon and Harry Thompson are spending a few days at Smiths' Ferry fishing and having a good time in general. Dave Johnston was a business visitor at Parma Tuesday. Several of the farmers will begin cutting tho second crop of hay this week.- BONITA NEWS NOTES Sell Two Bands of Fat Cattle Harvest Grain at Ironside Will BONITA, Ore., July 24 Mrs. L. A. Bilyeu received a telegram Wednesday morning stating that her son-in-law, Arthur Hanks was in the hospital at TO OUR HOME PEOPLE " . Wc carry a largo line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. We " are hero to" servo you every day in tho year. Before sonding away or going away to trade wo would certainly like to show you' our goods nnd quoto you prices. Brogan Trading and Lumber Co. J. A. Kennedy, Mgr. Brogan, Oregon IN m M M m M m m m n 19 m m m SB HI m NEW EQUIPMENT Having recently installed n new DRY CLEANING machine and EXTRAC OR, w now c.vpcct tho entire DRY CLEANING business of this community. Wo feel that wo deservo your patronajre. Wo are now better prepared than most towns of this size to handle your cleaning, Further if tho war permits us to stay hero wo aro going to do more. Wo are going to give tho people of Malheur county tho best cleaning plant in Eastern Oregon Certainly" if Valo Is deserving such a plant, this plant is entitled to your business. Tho DRY CLEANING machine is of the latest and most efficient desibn, constructed with a hot water vacuum making it possible to use hot gnsoline instead of cold making it the most efficient machino made. . The EXTRACTOR is likewiso very efficient as anybody can see when they consider tho size of tho cylinder (SO Inches in diameter) revolving at the rate of 600 revolutions per minuto, extracting from your clothes all grease, dirt and filth which everybody will collect in their clothes in n short time. BRING OK SEND US YOUR WORK VALE CLEANING WORKS WATCH US GROW Boise undergoing an operation. Friends are anxiously waiting a later message. Albert White, who was called to tho training camp at California last week returned homo Tuesday having failed to pass the physical examina tion. Lou Young nnd family, Lyman Fackerall and wife, and Albert White and wife left Wednesday morning fcr the Boise country, where-they expect to spend the winter. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan Fackerall re turned to the Valley Saturday. Mr. Fackerall's sister accompanied them for a visit: Lou Sutherland and L. A. Bilyeu, each disposed of n fine bunch of cat tle and will deliver them at Brogan the fore part of the week. C. G. Grif fin of Valo was the purchaser. C. O. Powell started for the Iron side country this morning with his header and will spend several days harvesting for Lewis Rose. Mrs. James Weston and sons, Frank and James spent Wednesday at the John Logan home. Mr. Boyd was a business caller at the Sutherland home Friday. Mrs. L. R. Phelps of Jamlcson spent Sunday and Monday at the Powell and Watson homes, returning Tues day. Mrs. Dan Zchner and babies, Carl and Marino spent Thursday with Mrs. Mabel Logan. Anson Powell of Ironside motored over for a short visit with his sister Mrs. James Weston Tuesday evening. Chas. Powell, wife and children were Ironside visitors Wednesday spending the day at tho Roso home. Despite the dry season, Mr. Bilyeu has a fine crop of raspberries, which are just beginning to ripen. CROWLEY NEWS ITEMS Dance Was a Big Success Summer Resort Popular. CROWLEY, Ore., July 24 The dance at Dowell's hall was- a grand success, and a big crowd was in at tendance. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Beers, and Miss Rogers of Creston attended the dance, Mr. Beers being the musician Messrs Nichols and Spaulding of Idaho have been visiting at the Crow ley ranch, tho past week. Loyd McRae and sister Mary of Riverside attended the dance at Dowell's hall. Hilie McCullough, who has been working for his uncle, Ed McCullough has gone to his home in Idaho. Miss Mary Corliss of Fangollano, was visiting at the Crowley ranch last week. Charley Carter of Ontario wen through here buying horses. The new summer resort is getting to bo a popular place. This is a fine place for those wanting to get away from city life for a while. The haying season is about over. and the hay stacks are few and for between. Messrs Sam Applegate, and Jack Hansen of Idaho have been visiting at the Crowley ranch. The friends and neighbors of Chas. Dowell are sorry to hear he is in the hospital at Boise, We hope to see pg tinaney coming nome soon. Ml Dan Chandler and wife who have H . been on their homestead all summer Frank Boswell drove to Cow Valley Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Harris and Foster Swigert were county seat cal lers Monday. Will Taylor and Homer Sweet went o Vale Wednesday to report for mili tary service having'been called In the recent draft. Will Jordon and wife of Greenleaf and V. V. Hickox and family of King man Kolony were Sunday guests In the Bert Roberts home. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thos. Welch and family left Monday for an outing at Payette Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Ferrell returned the fore part of the week from Wash ington. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robinson nnd sons arrived home Monday from Iron side. Mr. Robinson and Wayne, ac companied by Rex Brumbach, returned to the hills Tuesday. Thteshing has commenced in the Bend and with second haying coming on the ranchers are busy. day. An outing party consisting of Misses Bessie, Norma and Irma Hope, Clarice Edwards and Grace McDaugh lin left Monday for a two Week's out ing near Ironside. Mac Stiles has returned from Baker where he made a good record as pitcher. X-X"X-X-K-X-M"H-XXM-H;- FIVE YEARS AGO f Interesting News Items From En-y terprise of Five Years Ago. X X"X'Xx: Happenings and Doings of Vale Folks Five Years Ago. Editor F, M. F.egtly, of tho Jordan Valley Express, has recently been ap pointed City Recorder of his home town. Miss Ida Coffman of the United States National Bank made, a trip to Boise the past week. Paul G. Freeman was one of the fans at tho Vale-Weiser contest Sun- Mrs. R. G. Wheeler Is visiting in Nampa with Mr. and Mrs. F. Easter-brook. The "Stork" loft two fine boys at tho home of Mr, and Mrs. C. G. Mc Cambridge of Jomieson this week, t M. Alexander of Boise was in the city looking after "Alexander's One Priced Clothing Store". Ed Baker, Malheur county sheep grower shipped 8,000 sheep from Bro gan to Chicago. He shipped 10,000 head from Harper a few weeks ago. Owing to the heavy rains the Epis copal lawn social was turned into a house party. City water works completely wreck ed at the head, by a flood, it-will take two or three days to make repairs. Woiser-Vale ball teams played a tie game, 3-3. Glick was the hero and saved us from defeat. NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT IN VALE OREGON There has never been anything in Vale, with tho INSTANT action of simple buckthorn fiark, glycerine,' etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. ONE SPOON FUL flushes the ENTIRE bowel tract so completely it relieves ANY CASE sour stomach, gas or constipation and prevents nppendictis. The INSTANT, pleasant action of Adler-i-ka surprises both doctors and patients. Vale Drug Store. . ltf. X,,X..X"X"X"X"XX"X"t;..xX H-H-M- i WE INVITE YOU To hharo tho cooling breezes from our big fans with us. You will onjoy a game of billards on our tables in tho evenings. Tho best of everything is served from our new fountain, fro cqld soda waters in nil flavors. Our Root Beer id tho best over. Wo nlwayt have a complcto lino of tobaccos and con fectionery for your selections. "JIM'S PLACE" VALE. ORE., PIIONK U8 J. D. RODGERS, Prop. "3.X"XX ..:-:..:..H"X--HHH- Mac Says: Cool off at our fountain. Our soda water will even cool hol-hcadod folks, and a stain of Mac's Cool Root Beer will make you feel that life is worth living after all. AfWr you have quenched your thirst tako home these hot weather comforts: A. ). S. Foot Soap 30c Roiall Foot Powder 25c Hwsull Foot Tablets .... 25c Rttxall Tnleunis (a doren kinds) :,. 25c Toilet Waters, per bottlo , $1.00 to $3.00 " . A. E. McGillivray The Rexnll Store will leave in a few days for La Grande. Carl Sutton of Mooreville won the red and green silk muffler for the best dancer at Dowell's hall Saturday night. Mr. Goodwin of Burns is visiting at Rush McIIargne's this week. Ed McCullough was calling on J. K. Venator Monday last. Mrs. Mary Powell of Nevada is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dutcher. Mr. Burnett and family, and Mr. Coder of Mooreville wcro visiting Mr. and Mrs. McCullough of the Crowley ranch, Friday last. j Miss Hazel Dutcher and sister, Mrs Mary Powell wero visiting at tho Crowloy ranch last week. Miss Area Mooro of Burns is visit ing her folks at Moorevillo this week. CRESTON NOTES Creston Boy Arrives in France Sun day School Resumed. CRESTON, Ore., July 24 Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Fenton and Miss Anna Mrs. George Fenton and son Billie, were guests at tho Rogers homo Sun day. Miss Cassle Donaldson of Ontario Is visiting relatives in Creston valley. David Regers was a passenger on tho train Monday for Vale, where ho will tako physical examination for army service. George Fenton is n Boiso business visitor this week where ho expects to dispose of his band of sheep. Word has been received from Jnck Shumwny who recently sailed for France, that ho had arrived there Bafoly. After n few weeks delay of tho Sunday school supplies they hnvo ar rived, nnd Sunday school will be con tinued, every body is invited to attend, BIG BEND NEWS Threshing Commences, Haying Finish ed Return From Washington . BIG BEND, Ore., July 25 Mr. Lowell of Caldwell accompanied by Louise and Harold McCormlck of Ros well and Mr. McLean of Twin Falls and Mrs. and Miss McLean of Colo rado Springs were guests last Thurs day evening of Miss Lois Russell, Mr. and Mrs, G. L. Judd wero Sun day guests of relatives near Nampa. Mr.McGlll of Ontario finished his work of assessing in the Bend the nast week. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNTY COURT COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS REGULAR JULY TERM HELD JULY 5th, 6th AND 10th, 11B.' Rilln Allowed bv the Countv Court at the Rccular July Term Name Account of Amount GENERAL FUND G. C. Wall, Labor, Court House : ? 28.00 Davis & Ke3ter, County Court .". 15.50 Davis & Kester, Special Counsel - 50.00 Bender-Moss Co., County Court - 6.75 Ben J, Brown, Sheriff, Special Deputy Hire 41.28 BenJ . Brown, Collection Taxes .. 148.22 Ben J. Brown, Transportation Prisoners xuo.oo Arthur M. Moody, Supplies Clerk : 2.G5 John R. Houston, Supplies Clerk - 34.51 Glass & Prudhomme, Supplies County School Superintendent 10.00 Glass & Prudhomme; Supplies Clerk : .'. 22.15 Compton Carbon & Ribbon Co., Supplies Clerk 3.50 Bushong & Co., Supplies Clerk 15.75 J. E. McDonnell, Deputy Assessor - 25.00 P. S. Morton, Deputy Assessor 45.15 C. M. Vnn Buren, Deputy Assessor 48.00 Dave Magill, Deputy Assessor - 7G.00 Mrs. Will J. Rnherts. Teacher's Exams 12.00 Gate City Journal, Adv. County School Superintendent 2.10 Fnv Clnrk. Office Ext). Countv School Superintendent ' 22.05 J F. Miller, Traveling Exp. County School Superintendent 4.00 City of Vale," Water - 41.00 Vale Electric Co. Lights 9.36 Malheur Homo Telephone Co., Phones & Tolls 56.25 C. H. Whitney, County Auditor 100.00 C. B. Tapp, Janitor 75.00 Vale Hardware Co., Supplies Court House .'. 2.00 Dave Chancey, Labor, Court House - 16.00 L. S. Hogan, Labor, Court House 85.76 Malheur Enterprise, Supplies & Publications ..... 47.85 Airs. John Kircher, Board Indigent . 17.00 A. tj. AlcUillivray, urugs indigent i-ov S. E. Hnrner. Care Indigent 36.16 Juntura Mercantile Co., Supplies Indigent 30.00 Holv Rosarv Hosmtal. Care Indicrent Z7.U6 O. G. Luehrs, Drug Indigent , 27.50 R. D. Lytle, Canvassing Election 3.2.0 E. H. McDonald, Election Expenses .-. 5.00 Vale Trading Co., Supplies Election : i.uu A. Gramse, Fruit Inspector 48.00 A. Gramse, Fruit Inspector 132.00 Dr. R. O. Payne, Coroner's Inquest - 50.00 Anson E. Powell, Water Master 17.60 Anson E. Powell, Water Master 159.45 J. A. Yeager, Sealer Weights & Measurers .-. 22.16 J. T. Hall, Bee Inspector : 20.70 I. Boydell, Registrar of Election - 2.30 C. C. Quackenbush, Registrar of Election 4.30 Lena 1 . Tillotson, uegistrar ot Election zu J. E. Holly, Registrar of Election : 1.00 J. W. Weaver, Registrar of Election - .-. 50 D. A. Zehner. Reiristrar of Election JO Andrew Graham. Reiristrar of Election .' 30 J. M. Addington, Registrar of Election , ." 1.00 L. L. Seward. Registrar of Election i , 40 W. W. Dowell, Registrar of Election v 40 C. M. Sterns, Registrar of Election 2.00 Chas. J. Bush, Registrar of Election 30 W. J. Hinton,- Registrar of Election 40 A. B. Cox. Registrar of Election , 50 J. E. McDonnell. Registrar of Election - - 1.30 R. L. McDonnell. Reiristrar of Election 20 Churton Woodward, Registrar of Election 20 Geo. H. Bodfish, Registrar of Election 30 V. M. Lowe, Registrar of Election ." 1.70 X. E. Littlefield, Registrar of Election 30 H. G. Joseph, Registrar of Election .-. 50 L. E. Palmer, Registrar of Election 30 Arthur M. Moody, Office Expenses 24.80 Boyer Bros. & Co., Supplies Indigent .' 74.15 Dr. W. G. Howe, Care Indigent 4.00 Anna M. Wheeler, Conducting Exnms 12.00 Ryder Bros., Supplies Indigent - 18.33 vm. E. u:es, uare indigent iz.uu G. L. King, Justice Court - 6.15 Leonard Gillispie, Justice Court : -i 1.70 Dr. Weese & Fortner, Care Indigent 328.00 Brogan Trading Co., Supplies Indigent ... .. 30.00 J. F. Weaver, Commissioner - 66.00 M. D. Kelloy, Commissioner .,.,.7,., ... 38.00 Norma Hope, Conducting 8th Grade Exams . ........ 9.00 Dr. J. T. Rees. Cornor 25.00 Gluss & Prudhomme. Snnlies Clerk 7.25 Emma McGivern Clemo, Conducting 8th Grado Exams. .......................... 9.00 ROAD FUNDS ' Ontario Auto Co., Supplies, General Road R. D. No ,? 32.50 J. A. Randolnh. Repairs. General Road 8.75 .Standard Oil Co., Supplies General Road, R. D. No. 1 25.85 Standard Oil Co., Supplies, uenerai uoati, . u. no. i .. u.i-i Standard Oil Co., Supplies, R. D. No. 1 . 34.68 J. A, Walters, Labor, R. D. N. 1 71.00 V. V. Hickox, Labor, R. D. No. 0 09.00 K. N. Dahle, Labor, R. D. No. 9 - 242.00 W. J. Hinton, Labor, R. D. No. 11 209.88 G. A. Turemnn, Labor, R. D. No. 11 17.50 W. A. Turemnn, Labor, R. D. No. 11 -,. 37.50 D. A. McFadden. Labor, R. D. No. 13 . 9.50 T. Chas. Pritchard, Labor, R. D. No. 14 ?. ,. 140.00 J. A. Randolph, Supplies and Labor, R. D. No. 15 " 14.00 4.Y0 230.25 23.00 27.50 20.00 82.50 30.00 20,00 80.00 96.00 27.00 25.00 68.00 30.00 120.00 16.00 148.25 40.00 160.60 SPECIAL SALE ON ALARM CLOCKS Call and see the values we are offering f or J. A. Randoluh. Renalrs. R. D. No. 15 uoiso-rayette Lumber uo., supplies, u. u. xo. m J. A. Newton, Labor, R. D. No. 20 Owen Hall, Uibor, Uenerai Owen Hall. Labor. R. D. No. 1 Owen Hall, Labor, General W. G. Hall, Labor, R. D. No. 1 Clarence Swasher, Labor, R. D. No. 1 Clarence Swasher, Labor, General . G. B, Smith, Labor. R. D. No. 1 S. L. Bull, Labor, General S. U Ball. Labor. R. D. No. 1 S. L. Ball, Labor, General ChnB. Bceler. Labor. R. D. No. I Chas. Heeler, Labor, General J. O. Peterson, Labor, R. D. No. 1 A. S. Richoy, Lnbor, R. D. "No. 10 . S. H. Rose labor, R. D. No. 2 B. F, Farmer, Expenses, General - - E. L. Gaul, Labor, R. D. No. 18 U. S. Plumbing & Heating Co., Supplies, General I ft ?? 9 9- t? i "T f? XT TT TV TV if xx H 8 I XX II II AA XX I .... TV XX E xi: $ TT TT TT Stoneware Season This is the season for Stoneware. We have a large assortment. Jars from 1-2 gallon to 20 . gallons each. Churns, Mixing Bowls, Bean Pots, and Slop Pails. , The House That' Sells Cheap for Cash ,At Mc Kays Variety Store Vale, Oregon We Want' To Do Your Printing PROPST AUTO STAGE VALE LEAVES VALE 7:45 A. M. ARRIVES ONTARIO 8:45 A. M. LEAVES VALE 4:30 P. M. ARRIVES ONTARIO 5:30 P. M. DAI LY ONTARIO LEAVES ONTARIO 9:00 A. M. ARRIVES VALE" 10:00 A.M. LEAVES ONTARIO 6:15 P. M. ARRIVES VALE 7:45 P.M. HEADQUARTERS VALE Propst Jewelry and Confectionery Store, Phone 48. ONTARIO Moore Hotel, Phone 1. ONE WAY $1.00. Cool Lunches For Hot Days We handle everything in the" cold lunch line and keep it cool. Minced Ham 30c Lunch Loaf , 40c Boiled Ham 60c , Dried Beef 60c Portland Bread 2 for 25s Crackers and Cookies THE VALE ME A J Vale, Oregon A. II. Chester, Prop. 13.50 jl U538.87 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT AT THIS STORE ON ALL PURCHASES YOU CARRY HOME. This discount is taken off your bill at the end of each month. Our slock of Staple and Fancy Groceries is complete. AH The Standard Brands Fresh vegetables in every Saturday: Cabbage, Cauliflower, Spinach, Onions and Lettuce. Full line of canned goods, cookies and crackers You Save Money When You Buy of Us. Diven and Company Formerly "M. P. Co." Si XX XX XX 1 I TT I II 8 ;s . AA H TT :b: I I I t:: Sa cs XX : a x it i