Vale, Oregon, Saturday, jruNs 22, iois THE MALHEUR ENTERPRISE fcAGEFIVE X r- - 5 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Increased cost ofpaper and nnection 1 gether with 'now postal regu- n)l expenses in connect! publishing a newspaper, with to- latioris require us to enforce subscribers to pay in advance for the Enterprise. We have already succeeded in getting nearly all of our many sub scribers to; pay in advance. Now in order to treat these fairly and to maintain the high standard of the Enterprise, EVERY subscriber, in order to continue receiving the En terprise must pay his subscrip tion of $2.00 regularly each year, nndMn advance. Watch Your Date The date to which your sub scription is paid is printed each week on your copy of the paper. Watch this date and try to send in the money for the next year's subscription before your time' expires', thus avoid ing missing any copies. The dates are indicated on your paper just to the right of your name as follows: ljanO, means . the first day of January, 1919, etc. Hereafter we will not mail receipts for subscriptions unless requested, but. will nd- " vance the date printed on your paper, thus giving jou no tice that .you havo received proper credit. As we correct the list but once a month your date may not be changed un til a week or bo after receipt of payment. We aro always glad to correct any errors in your name, adress, or tho date paid to. Change of Address In requesting us to change "' the. address .of your paper from one post office, to another it is . necessary that you give tho post of ice where you have been receiving the Enterprise as well as the new address to which you wish it sent. This wil avoid your missing seve ral issues and will save us a blind search thru the entire list to find your old address. If your paper does not come regularly kindly notify us at once so we can locate the trou- jJ. Ladies' SymphonyOcteathauMi Ten Splendid Musical Artists in Two rrpgra'miCgh 'tlie Fourth,!! SO ble promptly. w The enthusiasm of their audiences aJcnteU young women have been The Ladles' Symphony Orchestra of Chicago has achieved unusual success in their. field of musical endeavor, everywhere, together with the press end personal comments, testify to the delight with .which thesex charming and received.. ; , - This splendid musical organization consists of live stringed 'Instruments, clarinet, flutehorn, piano and traps. In addition n specially built reed organ of unique construction Is carried by the company. When combined with the other Instruments the reed and wind effects of, a very largp orchestra aro secured. " The two programs on the fourth day are built to please lovers of every kind of music. There are orchestral numbers, violin and 'cello solos, Instru mental duets, quartets, readings and vocal foIos. Beulah Truitt, manager of the company, Is an nrtlst In readings fnd chnrncter sketches who could easily give a full afternoon or evening program. Ethel Lee Buxton, soloist, has contributed largeiy to the success achieved by the Ladles' Symphony Orchestra. She tins n soprano voice of unusual range and flexibility. - All Malheur Enterprise Job Printing Satisfies ii i l 'A w mm mmmrnm, . m jm1b 1 W BIG SHIPMENT OFFICE AT VALE DRUG If If 4f ,W hav" ?st rcei,ved a shiPm?nt JK ELjKJ?S8ST5 V"rJ lno Chairs, Rockers, Extension mMgl Tables, New sTyle Rugs, Etc Auto Truck, All Kinds of Our furniture line is complete and MK Drayage and Transfer Work I felfpfeltr we can furnish yur every need in W Promptly Done. I BpMeS&ta Home and Office Equipment. m OFFICE PHONE 31 I Sltw KM T. T. NELSON V - Jig RESIDENCE 103 1 " Va'e "!" Oregon lt Cooking Convenience AH the convenience of gas that is the meaning of a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove installed in your kitchen. Easy to operate. A touch of a match and in a jiffy your stove is ready for cooking. No smoke or smell ; no dust or dirt. More convenient than coal or wocd. Better and more economical cooking all the year round. A cool kitch en in summer. And you have all the convenience of ga3. In 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes, with or without ovens or cabinets. Ask your dealer today,, STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE VALE TRADING COMPANY VALE, OREGON A New Perfection Oil Cook Stove means kitchen comfort and con venience. Ask your friend who has one. Used in 3,000,000 homes. Inexpensive, easy to operate. See them atyour deal er's today. mm FLY TIME IS HERE ALSO nice line of screen doors and cqjnplete new stock of lumber, doors, windows and all building ma terial. Money spent for a well screened home buys the best health insurance in the world. TJ. I I XT OUR SCREEN DOORS THE HOME LUMBER AND COAL COMPANY J. C. CONKKIGHT, Manager. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Deeds, Complaints, Etc., Filed by County Clerk During Past Week, i ,, ,, , , , .'i '1 '1' '111' 'i ' Utah Nursery' Company to Clarence Barrett, dater, May 25, 1918, NEVi NEU, Sec. 12, Tp. 10, S. R. 4C.?1300. E. G. Bailey it ux to Oregon & Western Colonization Company, Dated, June 4, 1918, W SWU SWH, SW VI NW'i SWH, Sec. 15, T. 18, S. It. 47, save and except right a way for roads and ditches, $10.00, Ontario Advancement Co. to E. G. Bailey, Dated, May 13, 1918, same dis cription as Deed Bailey to Oregon Western Coin. Co. consideration. $5, 835.00. Jordan Valley Hotel Co. to A. B. Aicuenago, Dated, May 29, 1918, Lots ono to seven inclusive in Sub- Divi sion, "C" Block 5, Pioneer Addition to Jordan Valley. $100.00. Jordan Valley Hotel Co. to Harry Looney, Dated, June 6, 1918, Lots 20-21-22-23-24, Sub- Division "G", Lots 11-12-13-14-15 in Sub-Division "H", all in block 5, Pioneer Add., Jordan Valley consideration, $475.00. U. S. A. to Harry Robert Garrett, Patent, Aug., 2 1916, W SEVi, Sec. 6, T. 19, N NEU SEM, Sec. 7, T. 19, S. R. 45. Mary J .Glascow to Mary Coleman Dated, March 27, 1918, SEU NEU, Sec. 30, T. 16, S. R. 43, except road way, $1.00. Alfred B. Ball et ux to II. J. Sloan & 11. C. Watson, May 9, 1918, S4 NEU, Sec. 35, T. 21, S. R. 40. $2500, Micheal O'Donnell to P. R. Sears Dated, Juno 5, 1918, SEU NEU, NW U NEU, NWU, Sec. 35, T. 16, S. It, 42. ?1 000.00. Mclvin D. Kelley et uv to Poarl E Jamieson, Dated, June 8, 1918, WA S EU SWU, Sec. 2, NEU NWU, cc 11, T. 1C, S. R. 11, $800.00. Jordnn Valley Farms to Miranda I, Whittier, Dated, April 13, 1918, E&, Sec. 27, T. 30, S. R. 44. lying east of Antelope Feeder Canul 173 acres, consideration, $11277.50. Anna Townsend to G. W. Welch. Dated, May 1, 1918, Lot 10, Block G, Terrace Heights, Ontario, $500.00. Ida B. Leach et vir to Sarah A. Birdsull, Dated, June 10, 1918, 31.31 acres in N SWU, Sec. 8, T. 16, S. R 47v 10.00. Lloyd L. Culbertson et ux to Otto C. Miller, Dated, May 24, 1918, S SEU NEU, Sec. 22, T. 16, S. R. 47, $3000.00. J. L. Largent to H. L. Smith, Dated, December 5, 1917, NU NWU, Sec. 14 T. 15, S. R. 42. $700.00. Herman H. Wise to J. L. Largent, Dated, November 24, 1917, N NWU Sec. 14, T. 15, S.R. 42, $1.00 Penrl-E. Jamieson to Melvin D. Kel ley, Dated, June 8, 1918, SWU, WMs S EU, NEU SEU, Sec. 13, T. 16, S. R. 41. S1600.00. John W. Catron et ux to Jordan Valley Farms, Dated, April 11, 19io, E, Sec. 27, T. 30, S. R. 44, $1600.00. Complaints Filed in Circuit Court Frank J. Brown vs James K. Kelley, Recovery of Money, $93.50, Juno 10, 1918. D. F. Murphy vs Micheal M. Joyce, Damages, $750. June 12, 1918 Geo. Fenton vs Jose Uberuago, Damages, $750.00, June 12, 1918. John Dumphy et al vs Amos Roethler, Damages, $2000.00, June 13, 1918. Marriage Liscensc Walter M. McCutchon and Murial MMillikin, Juno 13, 1918. IIOLSTIMUN YIELDS 10 LBS OF BUTTER IN WEEK Idleaze Pontiac Lass 238652 has covered herself with glory by becom ing the 33d purebred Holstein cow to produce more than forty pourids o butter in a week. Her official re cord for seven days stands at 715.5 lbs. of milk, yielding 42.48 lbs. of but ter. She then continued and com pleted a thirty day record of 2811 lbs. of milk yielding 141,08 lbs. of butter. Her sire is King of the Pontiac 39037 and as she is his third daughter to yield over 40 lbs. of butter in a week he is again in a class by himself King of tho Pontiaces was tho fircl bull to have more than one 40 lb daughter, an honor which he was forced to share this winter with his sire, Pontiac Korndyhe. He is now the only bull with three 40 lb, daughters The dam of Idleaze Pontiac Lass if Pelham De Kol Urma 109314. Idleaze Pontiac Lass freshened a the age of 4 years, 14 days. She is owned by J. W. Vaughan, St. Johns ville, New York. MORE HOLSTEINB F. J. Tickner who owns an alfalfa ranch up the river and has a Holett-in dairjr herd is the owner of Sir Walter Segris Wayne a fine large registered Holstein-Friesian bull. Mr. Tickner camo to Valo last fall from tho Pay ette country where he formerly owned .property. Ho brought with him n xinc nerd of good holstein stock. Some of tho finest livestock in this part of tho country is now owned in Malheur county and tho introduction uf pure bred and registered stock is doing much to raise the standard of tho dairy industry in this section. Tea Service Beverage Tea is tho active service beverago at tho British front, according to Y, M. C. A. canteen workers "over there." Gerge W. Wlckersham, former At torney General of the United States, says:'1 Business ns usual means waxto as uf.ual." JllMMIIBHIHIIHHHIHIHIIIMill UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK VALE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $90,000.00 BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS SAVE FOR YOUR WAR STAMPS -W. S. SJVRE A GOOD INVESTMENT THEY WILL SAVE OUR LIBERTY DIRECTORS J. P. Dunaway G. F. Wildhaber Leo H. Schmidt, B. W. Mulkey George E. Davis" J. B. Adrian It is our aim and effort to give such service to our patrons, that they profit by our dealirgs and recommend us to their friends. HlIIIllIKIHlSIBiIlIISiMIlBIIlIliIMiailll1 MAKE YOUR DOLLARS HAVE MORE SENSE We give you a real "Cash Discount" and a "Carry Home Reduction." We are the only ex clusive grocery store in Vale and specialize in Good Things to Eat at lowest possible prices. Call in and give us a trial. Cut your grocery bill. FRESH STRAWBERRIES A fresh supply of luscious strawberries ar rived this week. Come in and try a box. They are delicious. WE MAKE a specialty of flour substitutes for war bread and best white flour. Also a fine line of dried fruits. Just received, Barley flour in $1.00 sacks. Fresh vegetables in every Saturday: , Cabbage, Cauliflower, Spinach, Onions and Lettuce. Full line of canned goods, cookies and crackers Diven and Company Formerly "M. F. Co." THE UNIVERSAL CAR Thcro can only be one reason why Ford cars have sold and are today selling from five to ten to one over any and all motor cars made, and thnt reason is: It is a better car from any and every mechanical qualification the records of more than fifteen hundred thousand Ford cars prove it. With the now largo radiator and enclosed fan, streamline hood, crown fenders front nnd rear, entire black finish, nickle trimmings, it is a most attractive car in appearance. Reliable Service assured through nine thousand Ford agents throughout the country, Runabout $435, Touring Car $450, Couplet $C03, Town Car $500, Sedan $015, all f. o. b. Detriot. Como in and let us show you how easy they are to operate. On salo at Tho Vale Hardware Company Help The Red Cross. The Vale Hot Springs Sanitarium Rooms, Board, Bath and Massage: Dr. Thoa. W. Thurston, Supt., Vale, Ore. 3 m m 3 M