PAGE four THE MALHEUR ENTERPRISE VALE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1913 MAYBERG AND VICINITY First Alfalfa Cutting Made New Teacher Elected. MAYBERG, Ore., June 25. The an nual school meeting was held ct d!s trict 64, Monday, Juno 17 and 0. V. Holloway was elected clerk and II. II. Mitchell, director. ' Miss Florence Scott of Ames, Iowa was elected teacher for the coming term. 'F. A. Trenklc and O. E. Clark arc each plastering their houses and mak ing other needed improvements. Farmers aro cutting their alfalfa this week. A medium crop will bo harvested. Ben Duval is drilling n well on his ranr.h. F. S. Bailey's new tenant house is ncaring completion. John Fairbanks and family attended church at this place Sunday. Clarence Sulkns and his mother called at the Will J. Roberts' Sunday afternoon. Mr. Capp and family of Texas, a brothcrinlaw of Arba Fritz arrived in this vicinity Saturday evening and will make this his future home. Professor Maybcrry and daughter have moved to their homestead near here. They come hero from Pendleton and have been elected to teach the White Settlement school next year, Will J. Roberts and wife will have I Malheur County Commimity News ( 3 BIG BEND NEWS MOCK AUTO STAGE VALE LEAVES VALE 8:00 A. M. 1:30 I'. M. DAI LY ARRIVES ONTARIO 8:15 A, M. 5:15 I M. ONTARIO LEAVES ONTARIO 10:00 A. M. 7:00 1. M. ARRIVES VALE 10:15 A. M. 7:15 P. M. HEADQUARTERS VALE McGillivary's Drug Store Phone 39. ONTARIO Carter Hotel Phone 27. ROUND TRIP $1.10. The Malheur Enterprise carries a complete line of standard size (11x8 1-2) Billing Systems. We always have in stock and can-' furnish promptly Binders and Indexes Billing Sheets 1 and 2 on Duplicate Sheets for above Carbon Paper for duplicates Ledger Cards or Sheets to fit binder Transfer Files to keep duplicates If you want any special forms or binders we can furnish them on short order. Our Prices Are Less Than Mail Order Houses Or Any Reliable Outside Firm. Let Us Have Your Order. MALHEUR E NT E R PRIS E Printing Dept. Vale, Oregon. I Make Our Store jj Your Headquarters ? During Chautauqua Wo Invite you to come in and enjoy the cool breezes of our electric fans and to refresh yourself before and after tho pro grams. You will find our soda Fountain and ice cream servico prompt and tasty, and our menu complete with all cold drinks and fancy dishes. Ho sure and try your favo.'ito record on the wonderful Edison Phonograph. You will want ono of these perfect music reproducers for your homo, when you know their undoubted superiority. lluy a season ticket for the Chautauqua and plan on enjoy ing tho, culii'u program of music, patriotism and and inspiration. Little Girl Dies After Brief Illness Leaves for Camp. BIG BEND, Ore., June 21 Last Thursday evening in Caldwell, Will' Welch of Big Bend and Miss Georgia Fr.oman of Caldwell were united in marriage by Dr. Boone. Both young people aro very popular in their re spective communities, having hosts ol friends who wish them well. Mr. Sclby of O. A. C. was calling in the Bend Thursday. Dr. Mitchell of Parma gave the first of the series of First Aid lessons at the Red Cross rooms last Thursday. Besides the local women taking the coursea number from Kingman Kol ony are meeting with the Big Bend class. Maurice Judd left Friday for On tario where ho joined eight others called in the draft who left that even ing for Portland to enter Benson's Technical school .for a three months' term. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and Alex Wade accompanied Maurice Judd to Ontario Friday. Frank Boswell was in Vale last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robinson and sons came down from their homestead Saaturday to spend a few days in the Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johnston are the parents of a daughter, born last Saturday. Kirs. Leslie Howard is quite ill. Last Sunday morning occured tho death of little Thelma Louise, the year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W, Jacobs. The little one was sick only a few hours and her passing away came as a shock to the entire com munity, who sympathize deeply with tho stricken family. Tho funeral services conducted by Rev. Gauss of Parma were held Monday morning. burial taking place in the Roswell cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson of Roswell were guests Sunday in tho D. Miller home. Miss McDowell, who has been nurs ing in Ontario, returned home Mon day. Misses Louise and Mary Welch curne from Caldwell Friday to spend the summer on the ranch. Tho L. E. Pillsbury, F. A. Miller and P. B. Anderson families spent Sunday at Payette. Raymond Price of Parma was an over Sunday guest of Lewis Tata Tho rains the past week have dc- layed haying somewhat but have been splendid for tho grain and new seed ing. BONITA NOTES Leave for Hay Fields Horses By Barb-Wire. Cut unnwlcc Should nny NYAI Vrmlucl, bouclit at thU torr, full to she full snlUfacllnn yuur inoury will h promptly refunded with out ijurtton. THE VALE DRUG STORE Vale Oregon THE HOME OF NYAL FAMILY REMEDIES BUY What You Need NOW Almost every kind of mcrchnndlhc is raising in price. Mall order houses aro substituting inferior grades of merchandise. Many of our articles in staple merchandise wero purchased "Before, tho War" shortage. Como in and sco for yourself Regardless of price some of our lines cannot now bo replaced. It pays more than ever to buy ut home. " War Saving Stamps" Day June 28 Be Rendy BR0GAN TRADING AND LUMBER CO. J. A. Kennedy, Mgr. Brogau, Oregon Postoffice News Stand PAPERS Wo have arranged with tho Mock Auto Stage to deliver the Ori'Kouian and the Cupltal Evening News to us at 7:45 P. M. TRY US For Magazines, Newspapers, Cigars, Tobaccos and high grade Confectionery. Watch for our war bul letin every afternoon. Up-to-the minute war dispatches. 4 AGENTS FOR CUT FLOWERS AND POTTED PLANTS Hot Popcorn and Peanuts Fresh Bread and Cookies Soft Drinks - Loganberry Juice A. S. Hunt, Prop, Vale, Oregon BONITA, Ore., June 20. Still con tinucs dry and hot. C. O. Powell has one of tho finest looking crops in tho valley. Chas. Howard and Frank Reed started for Portland, Thursday in the Howard car, in search of employment. and if successful will move their families to Portland. L. A. Bilyeau started for Nelson's mill Friday for lumber. Mr. Bilyeau expects to improve his residence by tho addition of two new rooms. Walter Weaver is assisting his uncle, John Weaver of Ontario, in the hay fields this week. Ed Donnelly had a fine mare and colt cut by barb-wiro last week. Joo Young made a trip to Brogan Thursdny to meet two of tho Elders of the Latter Day Saints church of Salt Lako City, Utah. Earnest Hathaway has been quite sick the past week. Earl Weaver has been riding the range for cattle tho past week. Mrs. Hattio Reed and son Victor spent Friday at tho Eldon Stream homo. Little Doris Lees who was operated on for adenoids, is reported doing nicely. Peter Wilson left for Jamieson, Monday, where he will assist with the hay harvest. charge of tho schools at Arcadia the coming term. KINGMAN NEWS 1TMES First Aid Class Organized Will Lay New Pope. KINGMAN, Ore., June 20 There will be a program at Grange Satur day night . Among other interesting numbers Miss Golditb Johnston will tell about her trip to State Grange at Salem nnd Miss Ennis of Sioux City, Iowa, will favor the audience with musical numbers. Tho ladies who attended tho First Aid meeting at Big Bend wero: Mrs. V. V Hickox, Miss Ovcrstreet, Mrs. Martin, Miss Goldith Johnston, Mrs. II- '.. Johnston, Mrs. Peck and daugh ter, Helen, Mrs. Ben Logan and Miss Sheldon. Thoy think tho course will bo very beneficial. Seeral Kolony people aro expect ing to attend the Chautauqua at Par ma, which will be from June 20 to 25. Red Cross sewing will bo at the chool hou8o every Friday p. m. Al tho ladles of tho Kolony aro urged to be present. Several more sturgeon were caught hero last week. Grandma Bradley and Miss Maudo Clarku of tho Owyhco wero Kolony visitors Sunday. Mr. C, O. Gunderson and sons, Theo dore, Carl and Asle and Mr. Hinchy of Vale were visitors at the A. C. Gunderson home Sunday. A few showers the lost week have been real refreshening, but have hardly been appreciated by the far mers who have their hay down. Joe Sheldon surprised his folks by a visit over Sunday. He came down from Smith Ferry where he and his sister and Miss Mary Chase arc spend ing the summer. He was accompanied back by Miss Elizabeth Chase of Port land, sister of Miss Mary. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Z. Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson werp guests Sunday at the homes of Mrt and Mrs. Thompson's parents of New Plymouth. Mrs. Kate Buttlcr of Bjg Bend spent tho week with Mrs. John Vonderhoof. Mr. nnd Mrs. Orin Wallace and son of Arcadia visited Sunday with Bob Wallace and family. Don Sheldon motored to, Payette Sunday. The new pipe for the fifty foot ditch has arrived and will be installed im mediately. Warren Blodgett motored Chas. Lc Moine and son Wallace to Valo Mon day. Miss Helen Peck and brothers, Chas. ar.d Bob were Nyssa visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Vanderpool motored to R. B. Thompsons Sunday. RIVERDALE NEWS Mnny Will Install Pumping For Another Year. Plants RiyERDALE, Ore., June 20. First hnying is on in full swing and is much better than was thought possible a few weeks ago. Mrs. Chapman returnedjto her home in Richmond, Oregon, after spending some days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brookshire. E. J. Patch has ordered a new fif teen horse power oil engine from Port land and will install it on his island for the purpose of pumping water for irrigation. Tho price of the engine is $050.00. Mr. Garrett has been on the sick list for several days but is much im proved at this writing. George V. Nesbit is figuring on in stalling a pumping plant for the pur pose of irrigating his ranch on the Flat. Will Farnsworth of Blackfoot, Idaho Is here looking over the country. Art Fairbain recently installed a pumping plant for his big eight hun dred acre tract and Mr. Fairbain in forms the writer it is doing good work. The Red Cross social at Jefferson school house on last Friday night took in about $50.00. Snake river got enthusiastic recent ly and climed the banks at the rate of fourteen inches in one night but like some of the German drives, it is kind of slowing down. R. J. Parker expects to install a pumping plant tho coming spring in order to be nble to get water when it is so much needed. John Blattnnr made and placed a "Weir" for the Malheur District Im provement Company recently for the purpose of measuring water used by the Company. It's a wonderful in vention and will eventually be used by all irrigation companies. Mr. Lassiter, Carl McCluro and others are figuring on a new pumping plant by another yoar'in order to savi their crops in the future. and a good dancing floor, n stage and dressing rooms and n basement which will be fully equipped .liy the ladies for a kitchen. The lighting has been given special .attention" and the room is especially .sunny and airy. Plans are now underway and it is tho idea of the committee to have an enter tainment on opening day and invite all surrounding neighbors and com munities to come and initiate the new hall. Chrd of Thanks Wc wish to thank the people of Jordan Valley, Sheaville and Rockvillo for the kindness shown us during the illness and death of our brother and son, Barney Malloy who died nt St. Alphonsus hospital in Boise, Idaho, June 5, 1918, aged- 20 years. Wo especially wish to thank our neighbors the Naremorc, McLoud and Fcnwick families who so kindly assisted us. Also Mr. and Mrs. Loy Harden and Mrs. King and Mrs. Hoffman of Cald well for their beautiful floral tributes. JAMES MALLOY RICHARD MALLOY MARGARET MALLOY ....KATE MALLOY Special Prices on Photos of the men entering military or naval service. Tho Burrell Studio, Ontario, Oregon. Juno 15-2t. U. S. LAND OFFICE FILINGS All Homesteads and Other Entries Filed at Vale Office During Week. MALHEUR CITY ITEMS Leaves for Service Leases Ranch for the Summer Malheur Oregon, June 20 Robert Worsham was drafted into service for the Government and took his depar ture Thursday for tho Mechanical trainincr school in Portland. He was ac companied to Vale by Mr. and Mrs. W, N. Worsham, Miss Norma Lockett and uuy woodcocK. M ho weather continues hot and dry an Kinds ot crops nro sutiering sever ly from the drought. r. Li. fliorfit has leased Mrs. Alice William's ranch and has taken charge of it. Mr. and Mrs. James Morf it aro visit ing in Vale this week. Mrs. F. L. Morfit and children re turned home Saturday from a visit n VanWlck Idaho and Untano. J. B. Guy and Gcn Woodcock and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wood cock visit' ed a few days last week with their sister Mrs. R. C. Bowman of Snake river. Mrs. Bait Howard, C. E. Howard and Mrs. Gladys Howard motered to Uakcr on business last week. FIRE AT MALHEUR Autos and Truck Destroyed in Barn Fire at Malheur A firo which destroyed n largo barn at Malheur City last week caused the loss of several autos and other imple ments and articles stored in the build ing. A Denby truck and touring car belonging to G. II. Bodfish wero com pletely destroyed, neither being in sured. A large truck belonging to the mail carrier on tho line between Mal heur and Baker was destroyed. This truck was insured for $1200. The building, tho property of Jones Mor- fitt was a complete loss. COMMUNITY HALL Brogan Will Soon Have Big Opening For New Entertainment House. Brogan's Community Unit is re ceiving its finishing touches and the people of Brogan arc planning a big opening day for tho near future which 1I1 Include a dance in the new hall in the evening. The hall has a fine large entrance, plenty of seating room James Mc D Roe, Ironside, Oregon, (Add'l Homestead) S. SWVi, Sec. 32, SEVi SW'i, Sec. 31, T. 15, -R. 39, Lots 3-4, Sec. 5, Lots 1-3, Sec. 0, T. 10, R. 39, 297. 37 acres. Georgennia Scamp, Harper, Oregon, (Add'l. Homestead) NEU NWVi, W Vj NEK, SE NEM, E SE Sec. 22, and E NEM, Sec. 27, T. 20, R. 40. 320 acres. John Edgar Fenwick, Sheaville, Ore. (Homestead) SEV., Sec. 8, SW'i, Sec. 9, T. 27, R. 4G. 320 acres. Hattie E. Dugger, Grass Valley, Oregon, (Homestead) SW NWVi, NWVi SWi, Sec. 13, S NEVi, N SE1,, Sec. 14, T. 14, R. 42. 240 acres. Frieda M. Enberg, Baker, Oregon, (Homestead) E4 NEVi, NEVi SEVi, Sec. 33, SV& NWVi, NV4 SWVi, SEVi SWVi, Sec. 34, T. 13, R. 37. 320 acres. Clarence Sylvass Barber, Malheur, Oregon, ((Homestead) SEVi SWVi, S Vs SEVi, Sec. 17, EV NWVi, N NEVi, Sec. 20, NWVi NWVi, Sec 21, T. 13, R. 41. 320 acres. Roy Stephenson, Rye Valley, Ore gon, (Homestead) all of Sec. 1G, T. 13, R. 41. G40 acres. Steve Olojos, Malheur, Ore. (Add'l. Homestead) E SEVi, Sec. 22, T. 13, R. 41. 80 acres. George Middaugh, Vale, Oregon, (Homestead) SWVi NEVi, NWVi, Sec. 25, E NEVi, and NWVi NEVi, Sec. 20, T. 19, R. 44. 320 acres. James Dunn, McDtrmitt, Nevada, (Add'l. Homestead) SEVi SWVi, Sec. 17, NEVi NWVi, WH NEVi, Sec. 20, T. 3G, R. 4G. 1G0 acres. Fred Rippcn, Watson, Ore., Stock Raising Homestead, SWVi SWVi, Sec. 1, SV6 SWVi, SEVi, Sec. 5, NVi-, Sec. 8, . W NWVi, Sec. 9, T. 27, R. 44 G40 acres. Leo B. Street, Watson, Ore., (Stock Raising Homestead) EV SV6 SWVi Sec. 32, mi NWVi, SWVi, Sec. 33, T. 27, R 44. (540 acres. Edith E. Allen, Juntura, Ore. (Tract Not Isolated) W SWVi, Sec. 28, SV SEVi, Sec. 29, T. 21, R. 38. 1G0 acres. Benjamin H. Benson, Huntington, Oregon, (Homestead) EVi NWVi, Lots 1-2, Sec. 30, T. 13, R. 45. William E. Coder, Mooreville, Ore., (Add'l. Homestead) SEVi, Sec. 29, W VS SWVi, Sec. 28, WV6 NEVi, Sec. 21, T. 27, R. 39. 320 acres. . Snmucl F, Brown, McDermitt, Ne vada, (Sec. Homestead) EVi, Sec. 20, WV, Sec. 21, T. 39, R. 40. G40 acres. Robert M. Goodwin, Ontario, Ore., (Homestead) SEVi NEU, SEVi NW Vi7 SEVi, and F.V6 SWVj, Sec. 2G, T. 10, R. 37. 320 acres. Albert Hartley, Crowley, Oregon (Add'l. Homestead) WV, Sec. 10, T. 27, R. 39. 320 acres. Chance E. Reeves, Turner, Oregon, (Homestead) NEVi, Sec. 20, T. 14, R. 43. 1G0 acres. Richard J. Pellissier, Turner, Ore., (Homestead) SEVi, Sec. 20, T. 14, R. 43. 1G0 acres. Chance E .Reeves, Turner, Oregon, (Addl. Homestead) NV6, SEVi, Sec. 25, T. 14, R. 43. 480 acres. Richard J. Pellissier, Turner, Ore., (Add'l. Homestead) EVS, Sec. 35, SW i, Sec. 25, T. 14, R. 43. 480 acres. BE THRIFTY! In your purchases as well as in your savings. Here's a chance for thrift as well as saving SPECIAL STRAW HATS including rough and smooth sailors, Manillas, Alpines and chips value $1.50, $2.00 and $2;50. SALE PRICE CHOICE $1.00 HIGH ART . Palm Beach Suits For the warm weather. Genuine Palm Beach cloth, in regulars, young men's, stouts and slims. $12.50 SUIT In a variety of splendid models and colors. Summer Unions r Porosknit, B. V. D. and Wright's Spring Needle in all regular and extra large sizes. Eclipse Summer Shirt Cool, comfortable and a pleasure to wear and to wash choice $1.50. ALEXANDER One Price Clothier, Vale, Oregon jjj War Savings Stamps Buy Them 5 Maybe your neighbor would like to keep the Enterprise Subscribe yourself. NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT IN VALE OREGON There has never been anything in Vale, with tho INSTANT action of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-kn. ONE SPOON FUL flushes tho ENTIRE bowel tract eo completely it relieves ANY CASE sour stomach, gas or constipation and prevents nppciulictis. The INSTANT, pleasant action of Adlcr-i-ka surprises both doctors and patients. Vale Drug store. ui. TOWNSHIP Blue Prints corrected to date. Made by John E. Johnson, Hayes Building (diagonally across from Court House,) Vale, Oregon. AUCTIONEERING Is Our Business We both work for your in terest on i the day of 1 your sale. SWANSON & SON Phone 118-M PAYETTE, IDAHO Mac Says: CHAUTAUQUA Program Will be Better Enjoyed If You Will Refresh Yourself With a Dish of Cold Ico Cream Also Rexall Face Soap and Toilet Preparations Will Keep Your Skin Healthful, Clean and Cool, and Will Rcmovo Tan and Sunburn. Remember - Mac Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. PRINTING Butterwrappcrs. Salo Bills, Shipping Togs, Posters State ments, Billing Sheets and Binders. Legal Blanks, Letterheads, Enve lopes, Cards, Invitations, Circulars, liooKlets, Kuleil r orms, Color Print-: inc. first class and guaranteed to satisfy. Printed and for sale by tho Malheur Enterprise, Vale. Oregon. 1 fl6-tf. I PUBLIC SALE OF RANCH On Tuesday afternoon, Juno 25, 1918, at one o'clock, at the front door of the Post Office in Brogan, I will sell, at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following real estate situate in Malheur County, Oregon, to-wit. The South Half of the Northwest Quarter; The North Half of the Southwest Quarter; and The North Half of the Southeast Quarter, of Section The West Half or the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty five; All of said lands being in Township Fifteen, South of Range Forty-one .E. W. Al and known as the W. C. Young Ranch BROGAN EMORY COLE OREGON