Saturday, February 9, 1918 THE MALHtfUR ENTERPRISE PAGE THRtifi A- TALC onteel 95 A WOMAN has to breathe the fra grance of Jonteel, the New Odor of twenty-six flowers, only once to know it is a perfume that is rare and expensive. You expect its price to be for biddingly high. But you are astonished and delighted to find that Talc Jon teel sells at a price no higher than that of ordinary powders. Try it today LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS ITEMS OF VALE Face Powder Jo'nleel 50c Tale Jonteel 25c Comhlnalhn Creamjonletl 50c I T T X ! For Sale By A. E. McGillivray Vale, Oregon -:-:-:'.x:hh:- Mrs. C. C. Mueller spent the first of the week in Ontario, visiting at .ie i-uett home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geise, of Wat son, and Miss Alice Heugal, teacher at Watson, were in Vale the first of the week on a business trip. Mr, Geisc has been working at the Her cules Nitrate mine. - MMEBMIMHIlIlIIIIiBBIillMBIIMIIPIIBin n tm m Groceries & Meat Ask for our prices on any article of meat or groceries you need. We will give the best price on all your wants that we possibly can. Fresh supply of Premium Bacon, per lb 48c Hooverize and make Mince Pies Mincemeat, per lb ,.; 18c Peanut Butter The best Peanut Butter, per lb '. 28c- Fresh supply of Sauer Kraut, per gal 50c Cream Flour, was $3.20 per sack, now ..$2.80 High Grade Tpmatoes, can 18c 8-oz. soda crackers, best 12c 6 per cent reduction on all Teas and Coffees a m H H H BO m m m THE VALE MEA T CO. BHlSHiffllllllllHBUllllBlIllllHllHllllS! 53 m s m SIRENS OF THE SEA Famous Rival of "Daughter of the Gods" Will Appear at the Rex Theatre Next Week "The Sirens of the Sea" is the title of a beautiful and unique photoplay which has been secured by the Rex Theatre for next Thursday evening. The prices on this attraction have been placed at 20c and 35c, and fol lowing is a synopsis of the film: "It's an enchanted island and over yonder sit Lorelei and her sirens. De struction or not, I'm going to Lore lei," exclaims the handsome young yachtsman, Gerald Waldron, to Halt ley Boyce as they sail past a rock bound island, where Sybil, an exqui sitely beautiful maiden, and her girl companions1, all donned in sea-weed in lieu of bathing suits, are playing ukalele3 and dancing uDout on the beach. The girls seek hasty shelter as the young men make a landing and "rush after them. Gerald and Hartley both become en amoured of the golden haired Sybil. Trouble ensues when Julia, a capti vating brunette, consumed with jeal ousy, conspires with Hartley for the undoing -of Sybil, who, to elude Hart ley's desperate pursuit throws her self into the sea. Gerald rows about all night and falls asleep at dawn, dreaming of Sybil as Lorelei. A thrilling drama based on the "Lorelei1 legend is then visualized on the screen with picturesque settings and magni ficent water-witch scenes of dazzling splendor, the sea swarming with a huge ensemble of alluring water sprites performing sensational diving and swimming feats that have nevei been surpassed. Retreat of the German At the Battle of Arras will be shown at the Dreamland, Ontario. Oregon, Tuesday, February 12. The Evening World says "The second installment of the Official Gov ernment Pictures, "The retreat of the Germans at the battle of Arras,' gives a close-up of modern warfare that is as gripping as it is true. The scenes showing the operation of the big guns, the tanks in action and the use of barrage fire, furnish a succession of thrills." Ontario The Malheur Drainage District lets a contract for the drain age of 5350.37 acres, to cost $150,000. HBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBI m m M WE HANDLE EVERYTHING ! ! No article is too small for us to handle. We specialize in money-saving values in household necessities. A visit to our store and an inspec tion of our stock will convince you. : : Prices and Merchandise to Fit Your Purse Johnson & Nordale 2nd Hand Merchandise Voak Building BflBflflflBBflBflflBBBBBBflBBBflflBBBBflflBBflBBBBBB i.,t..l..l..f t.,1,,1. I .1. 1 VALE HOT WELLS LAUNDRY Prompt and Reliable Service CLEANING and PRESSING Goods Called For and Delivered Phone 99 H. C. NEFLY Xi i mi mi 1 1 m t h in i in 1 1 1 1 11 in-n-ini-nnini 1 1 i h' Reverend Luscombe made a hurried trip to Boise the first of the week on business. J. E. Bowman was in town from his ranch, in Cow Valley during the week. John II. Forbes was a Nyssa vis itor in the city last Friday. Jerre Gooch, who has been in Vale the past two weeks, returned to the Rainbow mine the first of the week. Ira Piper was in town from his home in Crowley Friday. Among the Ontario visitors in the city Friday of last week, were C. M. McGanagill, J. W. McCullouch nnd J. H. Seaweard. Mrs. J. R. Winans, of Venator, was a Vale visitor the latter part of last week. Oliver Sanday came to town from his home at Bonita Saturday. Geo. Palmer was a Vale visitor from Watson Saturday. Chas. W. Johnson was in the city from his home in Burns Sunday. Chas. HafTord was a Watson arri val iruthe county scat the first of the week. E. Storzbach came to Vale Sunday from Cake, for a few days' visit K. L. Weick was a Parma visitor in the city Sunday. Stove Ward was a Watson visitor in Vale Sunday. Mrs. J. Palmer arrived in Vale, Monday from Watson. W. J. Pinney, of Ontario, was in the city Monday. Adolph Fisher arrived in Vale from his home at Mooreville the early part of the week. Gus Mansfield was a passenger to Vale on the Juntura train Monday. Iko Crosby was a Juntura arrivel m the county seat tne nrst ot tne week. G. W. Cox was a Vale visitor from P.iverside early in the week. Mrs. C. H. Bown, of Nampa, was in the city the first of the week. E. E. Kendall, of Jamieson, spent a few days in Vale the fore part of this week, visiting friends. Jas. M. Weaver was a business vis itor in the city Tuesday. Chas. Halford, of Watson, spent a few days in the city this week. Oren Woodcock was in town from Malheur City Tuesday. Wm. Gregory came down from Wo3tfall Tuesday, on a business visit. Thos. Joyce was a Beulah arrival j in the city Wednesday. Wm. Riach, of Riverside, was a fuest at the Drexel Hotel a few days tho first of the week. Geo. Lees was in town Saturday 1 from his home in Bonita. 'I"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!' SOCIETY COLUMN SOCIETY COLUMN Social Functions Enjoyed by People of Vale. . tinf 1 Lenten Season Comes With the opening next Thursday of the Lenten Season, social happenings will see a sudden lull. This week and the first few days of next week will sec a number or parties and dances and the Oregon Club Minstrels for the benefit of the Red Cross on Monday evening will be tho biggest social event just preceding Lent. A few benefit parties will be given during Lent but for the most part a social quiet is planned and Red Cross work will probably receive an unusual amount of attention during tho next four weeks. P. E. O Luncheon Tuesday, February 5th, tho Vale Chapter P. E. O. met at the home of Mrs. C. C. Burrows. The chief feature of tho afternoon was a cov er(if luncheon at 1:30. Table deco rations were in yellow and white and the following places were laid: Mes dames Dunlop, Kester, Eastham, Bur rows, Farmer, Nelson and Miss Mary Glenn. Out of town members attend ing were Mrs. J. H. Williams, of Vale, and Mrs. V. P. Staples and Mrs. Henry Smith of Ontario. At another smaller table Master Charles Burrows was host with Harriet Eastham and Mildred Kester at his guests. Imme diately after the luncheon the regu lar business meeting was held. Parent Teacher Meeting The Parent Teacher Association held their regular meeting in tho high school auditorium Monday of this week. A small attendance was Light Refreshments. Church Parade and F&iriotic Ser vice. Methodist church, Sunday, Feb.' ruary 10, 1918, at 11 a. m. Patriotic . addresses by Mrs. B. F. Farmer, and the Pastor. Music by the Vale Male Quartette. Presentation of Service Flag. 'I' '""""' f 'I 'I 'I' ' 'I' 'l' NEWS BREVITIES Picked Up In Vale And Nearby Neighborhood. Clean, Dried Fruits, For Pies and Sauces. . tt . ,, . t 4 Wind Creates Rumpus A strong sou'wester struck the city Wednesday and did no little damage over the city, overturning light barns and small buildings. The big drug sign over JMcUillivray s drug store was torn away from its anchorings at an opportune time, as no one was passing, Pictures Fail to Arrive It was disappointed crowd which gathered at the Rex Wednesday night to witness the Retreat of the Germans .at the Battle of Arras. The picture, through a mistake of the express company, was shipped on through, and tho first installment of this popular series of films was missed Wednesday. How- over, they came Thursday and were enjoyed by a good crowd. Returns From Sound Mr. and Mrs W. C. Tomlin returned this week from several weeks visit at Bellingham and Seattle. Altho they had a fine trip they are glad to be back in tho land of sunshine after being drenched in tho cold rains of the Sound country, Mr. and Mrs. Tomlin aiso visited at Portland and Tacoma while gone. M. D. Stallings, of Bellingham, Washing' ton, who returned with Mr. Tomlin, will be associated with him in the Michigan Cattle Company at Harper. Mrs. Edith Olsan, also of Bellingham, in this present to hear the program. A rous ing meeting is planned for the next i recently became interested meeting date and a special eltort will .company, be made to have all parents in at tendance. The Welfare of the Child in our city will be discussed. Entertain" at House Party Mr. and Mrs. Murray Morton en tertained about thirty-five friends at their home on Tuesday evening with dancing and cards. The spacious rooms afforded a fine plnce for dane ing and the couples thoroughly en joyed the evening. A dainty punch table was arranged by the hostess, from which light refreshments were served throughout the evening. . Valentine Luncheon The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church will serve a Valentine lunch eon at the Chamber of Commerce rooms, Thursday, February I4tn. Serving will begin at five and con tinue until all are served. Will Serve Luncheon Cafeteria Luncheon will bo served by tho M. E. Ladies Aid at Cahmber of Commerce, Thursday, February 14, at five o'clock. 2-9-tl. Boy Scout Anniversary Progam Vale Troop No. 1- At Vale High School Auditorum Saturday Feb ruary 9, 1918, at 8 P. M. J. H. Edmunsun Juntura arrivals in week. was .among Vale tho the past W. S. Perkin was a Brogan visitor in the city Wednesday. Chas. Miner, of McDermitt, arriv ed in Vale Sunday. AI. Green, from town Monday. Westfall, was in A. L. Lee, who owns a fine home stead near Harper, was in town for a few days the first of the week. Mrs. Ida Glasscock and Mrs. Alice Oik were Vale visitors from Brogan Wednesday. Wayne Lee was a Harper arrival in town during the week. Judge Perky, of Boise, was a bus iness visitor in Vale this week on le gal business. Steve Dqmbey, wife and family, were in Vale this ween irom tneir home near Malheur. G. W, Voak passed thru Vale Thurs day en route to his former home at Brogan, on a business trip. Mr. Voak is now in the tire business at Boise. There In ui"ie . ., i In this section Ot tlie country than -.1 oilier diseases put together, and until tin; last few year was stupoe! to bo Incurable. For a Brest many years doctors pronounced it a local disease ami prescribed local reme dies, and by constantly fulling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incur able. Science lias proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore re. (lUlres constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Is the only Constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken Internally? It acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Address: F J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. PoM by Druggists, lie. Tke Hsu's Family fills for constipation. Selection Vale Orchestra Address of Welcome....Scout Scribe John Davis. Work of tho Honor Guards Mrs. G. F. Wildhaber. "Song of the Scout" and Flag Drill Boy Scouts. Address "Preparation for Life Work" Prof. G. A. Ruring. Vocal Solo Mrs. Geo. H. Currey Address "Pushing Ahead' Sen ator Julian Hurley. Piano Duet The Misses Mueller Address "The Nobility of Char acter.". ....Mr. R. D. Lytle Vocal Solo Mrs, H. E. Young, Taking the Scout Oath .The Boy Scouts. Vocal Solo Mrs. II. R. Dunlop Selection The Vale Orchestra Offering for the Natonal Boy Scout Work. l l ll ll l l ll ll ll ll ll ll CHURCH-CHOIR Sunday Services, Choir Meetings, Etc. m 3 i i i iiimhi CHRISTIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL interest in the new campaign is growing. Four regulars became Cor porals last Sunday, having secured one new pupil each. The campaign song, "The Fight Is On," was sung like they really meant business. Come out and hear it and see for yourself, CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR The Endeavorers held their month ly business meeting Monday evening in tho Christian church. Plans for the Baker convention were discussed and Jelegates chosen. After tl.c business was over a social hour was enjoyed. Christian Endeavor meets next Sunday evening in the Methodist church at 6:30. Tho topic is: "What My Church Stands For." There will be special music and ah interesting meeting is promised. METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a. m. Boy Scout Patriotic Ser vice. 7:30 p. m. Address, "Abraham Lin coln Emancipator." The public is cordially invited to attend the Boy Scout Anniversary Gathering, announced elsewhere in this issue. EPISCOPAL SERVICES , Will be held in Holy Trinity Hall, Sunday morning. Church school as usual at 10 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon by Rev. Chas. II. Powell, at 11 o'clock. All are cordially invited. Pendleton In Umatilla County, one of the mg farming counties in the state, GO per cent of the taxpay ers will be assessed over $5000. Scene From "Sirens of the Sea," Magnificent Scenic Production, to be shown at The Rex, Thursday Evening, February 14th, 1918, at 20c and 35s W2 To make a hit with the family, top off a good dinner with a home-made pie. Dried fruits are recommended by the Food Administration, so it is not extravagance. , Keep your pantry well filled with dried fruits and you will be prepared to serve a tasty des sert on short notice. We carry a large variety , . Dried Pears Dried Prunes Dried Apples Dried Apricots Dried Raisins Dried Peaches Dried Grapes Dried Little Seedless Raisins in Bulk The next time you order flour, order Cream Flour. We carry that brand, at $2.75 per Sack We pledge ourselves to give our customers the benefit of fair and moderate prices FREEMAN'S STORE Clothing, Dry Goods and Groceries ilHIHIBBHBIHIIIIMrSBEailQllIIMHMHIll!. BELGIUM UNDER THE GERMAN HEEL By BRAND WHITLOCK U. S. Minister to Belgium AN ABSORBING STORY MASTERFULLY WRITTEN. CONTAINS OFFICIAL REC ORD OF BELGIUM'S TRAGIC FATE Begins Serially, February 17th, in the OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL Of Portland j 01 m m m & M m m m m M m IlllllllllllllllIllHHlillllllllllllllll CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AN INDEX TO THE LIFE OF VALE AND MALHEUR COUNTY These classified columns nM open to Fnrmers, Merchants and Ev eryono who desiro a brief and effective medium of reaching tho public. This Department will solve your problems nnd fulfill your wanta. Readers will find valuable information and helpful suggestions. The most widely read section of tho ENTERPRISE, this department will place your locals where pcoplo look for them, and whero thoy will not be offended in reading them. Price one cent per word per insertion; minimum charge 25 cento. FOR SALE LOCATION NOTTCES for sale at the Enterprise Office for Nitiates, Oil and Minerals of all kinds, also Proof of Discovery and Assessment Work Blanks. FOR SALE A 25-35 Savage rifle, . ... r T.l n nrst class conaiuon. uuoi-ko Carter, Box C5, Vale. j20-tf. OLD PAPER for sale. 5c and 10c per bunch, uooq ior starting urea, underlaying carpets, covering shelves, trapping nnd packing, etc. At tho Enterprise office. 6-9. WANTED FOR SALE The Eldridge Dairy, at Ontario, Oregon. Doing a fino bus iness. LEON ELDRIDGE, Prop. 2C-tf. RAGS WANTED Old rags want ed at tho Enterprise office suitable for wiping machinery. Tho highest price is paid for clean rags, sacked and weighed. Wo need some now. 10-13-tf FARM LOANS Ranch Loans, 20 yrs, Rural Credit Plan. Hay and General Fire Insurance. C. C. MUELLER, Real Estate 1st Natl. Bank BIdg., Vale, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN on improved farm property. Ross A. Soward, U. S. Natl. Bank BIdg., Vale, Ore. 8-11-tf PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1 DR. GEO. K. CARLISLE Specialty, Diseases of Women and Children and Cancer Specialist Without the Knife Arlington Hotel : Vale, Oregon R. G. Wheeler R. D. Lytle WHEELER & LYTLE Practice in all Courts and U. S. Land Office Collections Nelsen BIdg. Vale, Ore Geo. E, Davis Bruce R. Kester DAVIS & KESTER Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law Vale, Oregon f"ulien A. Hurley G, A. Hurley HURLEY & HURLEY Attorneys and Counsclors-at-Lavr Nslsen BIdg. Vale, Oregon r. Paulino Sears Vr, Harriet Sean OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Graduates of American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. 1st Building North of Vale Drug Store T. T. NELSEN Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director UP-TO-DATE UNDERTAKING PARLORS Hearse Service ,' Fine Line of Undertaking Supplies Phone 77 Vale, Oreg. A Big Bargain A -l-room brick residence, 2 lots; frontage, CO feet, 119 feet deep; sta ble, chicken park, cellar, out build.' ings, electric lights, side walk; four blocks from center of town. Prlco $700.00. JOHN HARDWICK REAL TY CO., Vale, Oregon. fO-tf.