Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, November 24, 1917, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    3 um. i-JhjawwgkNgJCSafif
Community News Continued
(Continued from page 4)
nnt callers at the L. A. Sutherland
home Monday.
Miss Katharine Doollng has com
pleted a very successful month of
A special meeting will be held at
the Bonita school houso Tuesday at
one o'clock.
where he expects to make his future
home. Mr. Bohna has lived near here
for several years.
'i"i"f "i"i"t"i"i"t"i"t"t' 'i' i' '1
mmhi lt l l l t.
Receives Word of Sister's Illness
Personal Items of Interest
to Bculah Folks
Beulah, Nov. 22 Mr. and Mrs. R.
L. Scott left Friday for Vale and On
tario. Mrs. Scott will undergo an op
eration while gone.
Miss Mayme Murphy accompanied
M. H. Joyce to Ontario in his car.
She will visit in Boise before re
turning. Mrs. D. T. Murphy and children
returned Saturday from Sumpter,
where they had been visiting for sev
eral months. D. T. Murphy, who had
been attending the water hearing at
Vale, accompanied them home.
M. W. Scott left Friday for Vale
to attend the water hearing. Satur
day morning he received word of the
serious illness of his sister, Mrs. Os
car Hunter, of Miles City, Montana,
and he left at once for her bedside.
B. W. Tillotson has returned from
a trip to Ontario and Boise. He was
accompanied by E. H. Frazer and
William Sullivan, of Boise and the
party left Tuesday for Burns and the
Harney Valley.
Walter Elley, of Fayette arrived in
Beulah Monday. He is gathering to
gether the pack horses and outfits
left here by Lester Seawell.
A party consisting of Miss Callie
Shelton. Mrs. David McDonald, Mrs.
B. W. Tillotson, Mahlon Bumgardner
and Andrew McDonald toured the
Drewsey country Sunday.
John Murphy and Martin Joyce left
Monday for Ontario.
Mrs. C. H. Stallard and son have
returned home after a visit at Drew
sey. D. V. Zornes and wife visited at
Westfall Saturday and Sunday.
Pete Joyce and P. J. Conroy were
Beulah visitors from Juntura Friday.
R. G. Hunter has returned from a
visit to Ironside.
Frank Hanna, of Westfall, visited
Beulah Tuesday.
Mrs. Wm. West, of Harper Hotel,
went to Nyssa for a few days on the
Paul Erwin has been hauling lum
ber to his ranch to build a barn.
Jess Schlupe we"nt to Ontario Mon
day. He was the guest of 'A. Howe'n.
Kerby Waltz and wife returned from
Fruitland Saturday- where they have
been working in the fruit orchards.
Earl Reed, Agnes Nally, Mrs. Eber
ly and Mrs. Anderson went to the
Westfall Y. M. C. A. dance Satur
day night.
Clint Stacy and sister attended the
dance at Westfall.
Lee Roby and wife, of Cfane, vis
ited at the home of Mr. Roby's moth
er, Mrs. Kate Nally, Friday they went
on to Ontario.
Paul Miller attended the dance nt
Fangollano Saturday night. There
was a large crowd present.
Mrs. Warren Schlupe has returned
from Ontario.
Jack O'Neill as in Harper buying
supplies for his sheep camp this week.
i " i ii i ii ii i immh
White Settlement
i t ii ii ii ii i ii ii i i
New Sheds on Stanfield Property
Brings in Bunch of Cattle Sage
Brush Fields Under Plow
! $!!! $$
Community Hall at Fangollano Scene
of Jolly Time News of
People on Flat.
FANGOLLANO, Ore., Nov. 20.
The dance given at the Community
Hall November 17th, was well attend
ed by a large crowd. People from
Creston, Skull Springs and Barren
Valley were present and all reported
the best of time. Floor, music and
supper were excellent.
Jack Slayton came home from AI
berson the first of last week.
Johnnie Ashmore was seen in Fan
gollano Thursday.
Jim Burnyard came to the Flat Sat
urday evening and staying over for
the dance.
Harry Tomlin of Coyote Wells has
been riding for cattle the past week.
Swede Anderson, Pedro Beattel and
Tex Martin all of Barren Valley, at
tended the dance Saturday night given
at the Community Hall.
Mrs. S. R. Copeland and Miss Lackey
came to the Flat Friday evening.
Willice Corliss and Esther Mercer
were calling on friends in Fangallano
last week.
William Hildabrand returned home
last week from Fruitland, Idaho,
where he has been working for some
1917 Charles Faubion and family
have moved ack to the ranch, after
having spent the early .fall in Fruit
land. .
John Fairbanks and family motor
ed to Baker for a weeks' visit with
Rex Marquis came home from Sweet,
Idaho, with another bunch of cattle,
numbering 92 head.Rex is busy doing
his "bit" to help Uncle Sam feed the
Claude Lambreth and family spent
Sunday with his mother, Mrs. P. E.
Mrs Andy McGregor, formerly of
this Neighborhood, but now of On
tario, was a Sunday visitor at the
home of Henry Foster.
John Potter and wife, of Ontario,
spent Sunday with Ernest Adams and
N. G. Sullens and family were a-
Manscreek, Ida., Sunday visiting their
only daughter, Mrs. H. T. Barker.
Ed Fifer, of Payette, spent Sunday
at home.
Several carloads of lumber have
been taken to the Stanfield ranch for
new sheep sheds.
Jndge Brown and C. A. Mallet have
disposed of the products of their or
chards to s party who will ship to
The Dalles.
Harold von Readen was unable to
continue his school work at Dist. G4
last week.
week remodeling his house.
Joe Rumple, who has been working
in Idaho the past summer, has now
returned to his homestead.
Ebb Dunn made a business trip to
Nyssa Monday.
Leslie McKahn arrived yesterday
from Beulah with a band of sheep
which he is going to take to Apple
Arthur Seavey and his son Leslie,
from Ontario, are here tnis week rid
ing for horses.
R. Dunn has been very busy the
past week shipping his live stock to
Jordan Valley.
Mrs. George Hayes of Vale spent
Sunday visiting at the O. C. Gun
derson home.
qqI qqqq
I "
Westfall People Give Liberally to Y.
M. C. A. Address by Mr.
Cochran Much Enjoyed
At a rousing meeting which people
from all surrounding territory attend
ed Westfall lived up to her reputation
last Saturday evening when some
thing like $375.00 was subscribed to
the army Y. M. C. A.. The meeting
was held in the town hall with Geo.
T. Cochran, of La Grande, State Wat
er Superintendent, as principal speak
er. J. D. Fairman was master of
ceremonies for the evening and after
a solo number by Mrs. George Hunt
ington Currey, of Vale, introduced
Mr. Cochran, who spoke in behalf of
the Y. M. C. A. work as It is car
ried on for the benefit of thesoldicr
boys. Mr. Cochran drew vivid mind
pictures in his descriptions of the
work which the Y. M. C. A. was do
ing for the boys at tne front, taking
his listeners from the first training
camps to the very front line trenches
and on "over the top." He gave in
a practical way the benefits and com
forts provided for tlie boys fighting
so far from home, in the Y. M. C. A.
huts and dugouts which are super
intended by men especially trained
in the handling of men. After the
meeting a dance and supper were held.
Unique decorations, showing careful
planning were used in the hall. The
dance tickets were in the form of
the red Triangle of the army Y. M.
C. A.. A. huge red triangle placed in
front of the stage made a frame for
the speakers, and just in front of this
frame was a tiny model of a Y. M.
C. A. hut. The whole was made most
effective by the bacKground of many
Thanksgiving Week
Special Showings of
NEW WOOL AND SILK DRESSES $8,50 to .$20.00
NEW PARTY DRESSES $12.50 to $30.00
NEW FALL SUITS for Ladies and Misses $12.50 to $30.00 "
NEW FALL COATS for Misses and Ladies $7.50 to $25.00
SPECIAL LOT of Wool Dress Goods, 36 in to
44 in. wide 65c to $1,00 per yd.
SPECIAL showing of underwear for all the family, from
Cotton to the best of Woolens.
THESE DAYS it is very hard to get just what you want '
at all times, and a visit to this large and varied stockv
has been a pleasure to many this Fall.
School to Give Dance and Basket So
rial Hauls Lumber
For New Barn
HARPER, Nov. 21, The Harper
school is going to give a program
November 28. and are going to sell
baskets. The proceeds will be for
the benefit of the school. After the
basket social a dance will be given
at the Harper Hall.
Mrs. Nelly Heart is teaching George
Heart's four children, as it is too far
for small children to ride to school
in cold weather.
lill Newton and Mr. Murphy are
building a road from Cottonwood" up
the mountain to Mr. McLeod s home
ThomaB Bohna and wife passed
through on their way to Walla Walla
3 3gg44""l"$ $$"!
McDermitt Children Buy Liberty
Bonds District is Progressive.
Holds 10 Months' School
In many ways the McDermitt
school districts are taking the lead
among all of the districts in the
county. They, Districts 51 and 57,
are the only ones in Malheur County
holding a ten month session and they
nav the highest salary in the county
ttis many menus nope ( for country school teachers,
to have him back again soon. i The fnllowinc children of the Ore-
Clint Reep and family and J. A. on Canvon school. District 57. have
Winslow and wife attended church at bought Liberty Bonds: Juliu Lucirica,
this place Sunday. Jesus Lucrica, Helena Lucrica, SegunJ
Frank Foiles has the a. nuner j,ucr:ca, Delfina Coscorroga, Fermi
this week.
Harry Williams, has had as his
guest the past week, his mother, or
Heppner, Oregon.
Miss Fikan, of Nyssa and Miss
Hodgson, of Vale, were week-end vis
itors of Will J. Roberts.
N. G. Sullens, chairman of the Y.
M. C. A. work in this neighborhood,
reports the donations very satisfact
ory indeed. Everyone wiling to do
their best for the boys who are tie
fending democracy for us.
Harry Williams is busy seeding his
grounds. All the farmers are busy
with fall plowing. Many fields ot
sagebrush are disappearing, a vast
amount of weeds are being burned
at this time, and Frank Foiles is see
ing to it that from one to three coy
otes help to contribute to the family
exnense account every day. Success
to you, Mr. Foiles.
4 r
Busy Remodeling Home Ships Stock
to Jordan Valley Attend
Westfall Dance
Coscorroza and Santy Coscorroza.
FAIRDALE, ORE., Nov. 23 Jake
Routh and wife spent Sunday vis
iting friends on Bully Creek.
Arthur Claypool and wife and Mr.
and Mrs. Billly Harris went to West-
fall Saturday night to attend the
dance given for the benefit of the
army Y. M. C. A.
Andy Jensen made a business trip
to Mormon Basin last week.
Joe Peters has ben ousy the past
Chain Letter Not Sanctioned
In spite of previous announce
ments that the American Red Cross
does not approve the chain letter sys
tern of raising money, and that it
has never authorized any chain letter
promoters to use the name of the
Red Cross in any way, letters of this
nature are in circulation and many
copies of them have been forwarded
to national headquarters for expla
The American Red Cross reiter
ates that no chain letter project has
its approval. While some of these-
schemes may have been started in
good faith, mention of the Red Cross
is not warranted. Red Cross mem
bers, and the public in general are
warned that there is no assurance
that donations in response to any
chain letters will reach the Red Cross
treasury, and are urged to pay no at
tention to such appears, whose sin
cerity is always open to doubt
Aid to the Red Cross should al
ways be furnished through recognized
channels, if the donor wishes to be
assured that his gift is to reach the
object intended.
President's Daughter Extends Thanks
Treasury Department, Washington
November 10th, 1917 On behalf of
the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee
I want to extend to you our Heart
felt thanks and appreciation for the
splendid cooperation you gave us in
obtaining nation-wide publicity dur
ing the Librty Loan campaign just
Yours very truly,
Mrs. Win. G. McAdoo,
Chairman Woman's Liberty Loan
II 11 Betty Walet Drestei
lill! SI II I : re told by ui exclu- IS
Mil B w I 3 ilve'y ' th' city. ?f
The above all wool serge Dress,
....only $18.50, postpaid
Department Store
Malheur County Teachers' List
Dist. , le,rm
No. Teacher andi I'ost Uliice , oaiary ivio.
1 Mrs. W. W. Howard, Brogan, Uregon $iuu.uu o
Mrs. Pearle E. Jamieson 75.00
2 Jane Miller, Rockville, Oregon ,??-99 5
3 C. H. Zevely, Jordan Valley, Oregon - 111.00 9
Hazel Fnwcett 80.00
Ruby Fcnwick - - 75.00
Alice McDonnell 75-00
4 Bessie Morton, Vale, Oregon , 60.00 8
5 lva L. Decker, Ironside, Oregon 80.00 8
Grace Daley ,??-99 n
6 Alva M. Highsmith, Westfall, Oregon - 100.00 8
Etta A. Highsmith, Mrs - GO.OO
8 H. R. Douglass, Ontario, Oregon 222.23 9
S. M. Boucher - ..
L. L. Culbertson 110.00
M. D. Thomas 100.00
D. A. Hiles - - 100.00
Mayme Benge - 199,99
Leona Rader - 95-00
Catherine V. Conway - - 90-99
Edna Griffin, Mrs -. 90.00
Mae Piatt 80.00
Luella B. Callin . 77.50
Mrs. Lucy B. Fox - 77.60
G. Eva Boydell 75.00
Emma McGivern - ... 75.00
Olive Clement, Mrs 80.00
Cora McNulty ; 76.00
Jennie Whittaker 77.50
Rena Biggs 70.00
Ruth Purcell 80.00
Reba L. Callin - muu
9 Rosina Clement 55.00
10 Chloe A. Seymour, Jamieson, Oregon 100.00
Mabel Ridgley 75.00
11 Callie B. Shelton, Beulah, Oregon 90.00
12 Ruth J. Clark, Juntura, Oregon - 85.00
Nellie T. Jacobs, Mrs.' . 80.00
13 Clara Howard, Malheur, Oregon 70.00
Clara Morfitt 60-00
14 Virginia Rout, Westfall, Oregon 75.00
15 G. A. Ruring, Vale, Oregon 183.00
Agnes Ryder 88 .00
Elma Raymond 82.50
Gladys Turner : 74.25
Ella Barkley 77.00
Hazel Mulkey 77.00
Irene DeArmond 77.00
George Anna Hodgson 77.50
Frances Bartshe rh
Gwendolyn Jones Zi,59
Norma Hope 80.00
Olivo Wilson - 80.00
18 Mrs. W. Guy Thompson, Nyssa, Oregon 80.00
Alice If. Curtis 60.00
23 Blanche Jarvis, Payette, Idaho 60.00
24 Dorothy Smith, Vale, Oregon 75.00
26 P. P. Brainard, Nyssa, Oregon
E. B. Nedry, 90.00
Margaret Davis, Mrs - 77.25
Althea Sheldon
Mary K. Fikan 75.00
Alice McFarland - 80.00
Blanche Landrith Wallace 70.00
27 Clara Bushaw, Sheaville, Oregon 80.00
28 No teacher.
29 Mrs. R. U. Spaulding, Weiser, Idaho 65.00
Evelyne Browne 60.00
30 J. H. Dunn, Ontario, Oregon 80.00
Mrs. J. H. Dunn 80.00
31 Mrs. Hazel Northrop, Payette, Idaho 75.00
Maude Keller -
32 Contract not registered.
33 Will J. Roberts, Vale, Oregon 80.00
Mrs. May Roberts 80.00
34 Mell E. Carter, Cord, Oregon 75.00
36 Mrs. Carrie I. Cheeley, Nyssa, Oregon 80.00
Edna VonReaden 75.00
38 Mrs. E. M. Craill, Harper, Oregon , 70.00
39 Mrs. Matye H. Seitz, Nyssa, Oregon 75.00
40 Mrs. Estella Conklin, Ontario, Oregon 80.00
42 Evangeline Kendall, Jamieson, Oregon 65.00
43 Frank Newton, Riverside, Oregon 76.00
44 No teacher.
45 No teacher.
46 Martha Overstreet, Parma, Idaho - 90 00
Veryl Carmack - 90.00
47 Annie McDonald, Parma, Idaho. Contract not registered.
48 Mrs. Geo. A. Morris, Huntington, Oregon 60,00
49 Venia Powers, Payette, Idaho - 60.00
50 Catherine Dooling, Bonita, Oregon - 70.00 8
51 Mildred Fletcher, McDermitt, Nevada 100.00 10
62 Eva Neely, Mooreville, Oregon 75.00 '8
63 Ruth E. Halvorsen, Jordan Valley, Oregon 70.00 $8
64 Maude Griffin, Bonita, Oregon 70.00 8
65 Delva S. Wall, Creston, Oregon 70.00 8
5C Teacher not yet employed. '
57 Dorothea Cox, McDermitt, Nevada 100.00 ?10
68 Ruth Canright, Payette, Idaho 65.00 f;8
69 No teacher. A
60 Mattie Knottingham, Crowley, Oregon 60.00 j8
61 Amy E. Whipple, Nyssa, Oregon 125.00 W9
62 Ruth Lackey, Skullspring, Oregon - 60.00 J8
63 Robt. I. Carlton, Rockville, Oregon , 60.00 i8
64 Harold VonReaden, Ontario, Oregon 75.00" -8
65 Esther Koplin, Vale, Oregon 60.00 ;8
66 Louise Sears, Harper, Oregon 76.00 ?8
67 Emily Blanchard, Ironside, Oregon (Fall Term) 65.00 'M
68 Pearle Wallace, Weiser, Idaho GO.OO tj?8
69 Edith Jones, Jordan Valley, Oregon 60.00 8
70 Leonore Stovall, Vale, Oregon 65.00 g8 .
71 Mabel Thomns, Brognn, Oregon .. 65.00 ;8
72 Wm. Sturgill, Cake, Oregon 110.00 'j9
Grace Chappell 76.00 :;1
73 Wm. Westenkow, Weiser, Idaho 60.00. 8
74 Vera Neeb, Bonita, Oregon GO.OO 8
75 Esther Mercer, Fangollano, Oregon. Contract not registered.
76 Mrs. Clara L. Green, Cord, Oregon 75.00 8
77 No teacher.
78 Ruth Griffin, Rome, Oregon - 65.00 8
79 M. Eleanor Froman, Harper, Oregon 75.00 9
You pay principal like interest and at the
same time. This is' an Amortized loan and be
comes completely paid off in twenty years.
You choose the date of annual payment.
You can pay in advance or pay all at any time
and save interest. You pay at your own bank.
Annual payments little more than average in
terest rates in this county.
Call and get particulars.
Phone 33 Vale, Oregon
Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Running Water
Rates 50c. $1.00. $1.50.
$10.00 and up
European Plan Vale, Oregon
We Pay the Postage to Anywhere In Southeasten Oregon
on Printing Orders.
Manager Geo. H. Bubb, whose this
season's edifton of "Ikey and Abey"
plays the Dreamland Theatre, Onta
rio, on Tuesday, Nov. 27, has been
very fortunate in securing the ser
vices of Mr. Dick Maddox, the well
known writer-producer and comedian,
to play the part of Ikey Cohen in the
play' of Ikey and Abey. This sea
son's book and lyrics are from' Mr.
Maddox's pen. He also staged the
production of Mr. Bubb, which is brim
full of bright and original songs,
dances and mechanical effects. He
and his pal, Abey, have a budget of
new songs, dances and up-to-date par
odies which they will present with the
company this season.
You can have two experts working
for tho price of one.
J. M. Swanson & Son of Payetto,
Idaho, work in harmony together.
Seldom a bid escapes them. They
keep the interest of the crowd from
tho start of the sale to the finish.
A square deal to the buyor and sell
er is their motto.
Write, phono or wire for date at f
our expense.
We will be glad to help you i'o
up your bill, and advertising