SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1917. TftE MALHEUR ENTERPRISE PAGE-TBTRj I. . AN INDEX TO THE LIFE OF These classified columns nM open to Farmers, Merchants and Ev eryone who desire a brief and effective medium of reaching the public. This Department will solve your problems nnd fulfill your wants. Readers will find valuable information and helpful suggestions. The most widely read section of the. ENTERPRISE, this department will place your locals where people look for them, and where they will "not be offended in reading them. Price one cent per word per insertion; minimum charge 25 cents. FOR SALE FOR SALE OR TRADE One Mo del B Edison Picture Machine, in first class order, all complete ready for im mediate use. A Bargain. Address Box C, Nyssa, Oregon. 10-27-tf. FOR SALE A 5 room plastered house with closets, screened porches and good cellar togetlier with out bujldings, modern chicken house and pens.shnde trees, city and wind motor water plant, on acre of ground, under cultivation, close in and near the school. Must sell at once at a bargain. Terms see Walter Powers, Telephone Manager. 10-20-tf. FOR SALE OR TRADE Two gray marcs, about 1300 pounds each. Will sell same for cash, or will trade for cows or young stock. Inquire of Hen ry Rumpel, Vale, Oregon. 10-27-4tp. FOR SALE Notice to stockmen and others: Four miles west of On tario, Oregon, I have for sale, 320 acres unimproved land, full watc right. Joining this I have 1G0 acres improved, known as t!.e James Ulan ton ranch. Will sell the 480 acret reasonable. For particulars write Mrs. J. J. Toole, Payette, Idaho. 27-4t. OLD PAPER for sale. 6c and 10c per bunch. Good for starting fires, underlaying carpels, covering shelves, wrapping and packing, etc. At the Enterprise office. G-9. FOR SALE Trepass notices, blank rfotes, location notices, license applied for signs, bundles of old papers, sec- FOR SALE OR TRADE One near ly new Cabinet Pathephone and Rec ords. Box C, Nyssa, Oregon. 10-27-tf. ?????? If you, say people do not read the Classified Ads, why are you reading this one? ? 7 It Pays to Advertise. 10-13-tf. WANTED RAGS WANTED Old rags want ed at the Enterprise office suitable for wiping machinery. The highest price is paid for clean rags, sacked and weighed. We need some now. 10-13-tf IlBaMIlIBIIBHIIHIBIIEIHIIIHMEHIlBEB Eat Our Home Cooking at the KIR-DOO KOZY Meals Served 'family Style New cozy dining room and sanitary kitchen in connection with the Alco Rooms. Mrs. John Kircher & Mrs. M. H. Doolittle, Props Half Block South U. S. Nat. Bank, Vale, Oregon IllllIlIlIllllIllIillllllllllllllEllMB ARLINGTON HOTEL f y lAVING leased the Arlington Hotel, and LGJ renovated the same thoroughly, we solic liffiril it a share of the patronage of the travel ing public, and local hotel patrons. Rates 50c, 75c and "$1.00. Special rates by the month. Mrs. A. G. Matthews, Prop. The New Management of THE DREXEL GRILL ISHES to announce that they have reno vated and remodeled the kitchen and have brightened up the dining room. - First w mm class meals every day. YOU -ARE INVITED TO INSPECT OUR KITCHEN ANYTIME J. F. LARSON, Manager I ARLINGTON I have leased the Arlington restaurant, 'and invite the public to come and eat our home-cooked meals. Prices reasonable, and Sunday dinners a specialty. Strictly first class service and well equipped dining room. Special Kate, 35c Dinners. H. B. EAUP, Proprietor. Land owners in an Irrigation dis trict adjoining Grants Pass by a vote of 43 in favor to 5 against voted for $290,000 bonds. The district compris es S000 acres. Petitions are being circulated by the California Grape Protective associa VALE AND MALHEUR COUNTY FARM LOANS Money to loan on Improved ranches 20 years time. Rural Credit plan'. C. C. MUELLER. 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg., Vale, Oregon, MONNEY TO LOAN on improved farm property. Ross A. Soward, U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg., Vale, Ore. 8-11-tf MISCELLANEOUS AUTO SIGNS "License Applied For" signs printed on card boar-1 for that new car. 10c each at Enterprise office. 6-9. STRAYED A small bay mare, one white foot, fore top cut off, brand fig ure B on right stifle.' Ten dollars re ward. A. B. Frasier, Ontario, Ore gon, R. 1. 10-27-4tp. ESTRAY NOTICE I have taken up one stray cow' and calf markings on cow,' slash on right hip,diamond anchor on left hip, dolop on the left side of neck, swallow fork on right ear and crop on left. She has white face, has a red white 'faced calf. Owner can have same by paying ecd charges and for this ad. F. C. Sllis, Ontario, Oreg. 10-C-3t. FOR SALE 10 head Iilgn grade lairy cows, all With official records in Cow Testing association. Will sell any part Or all together at prices to make them sell. E. M. Dean, Njfssa, Oregon. " 9-15, FOR SALE 80 ncres all good farming land, complete and ample water right paid up. Maintenance on ly 3.00 per acre. 40 acres in alfalfa cut 240 tons this season. $3500 cash required, balance at 8 jier cent with pelnty of time. Price makes this. offer biggest snap in Oregon. Write or see G. S. Dean, Ontario, Oregon, Box 303. 10-13-3tp. LOCATION NOTTCES for sale at the Enterprise Office for Nitiates, Oil and Minerals of-all kinds, also Proof of Discovery and Assessment Work Blanks. The German command is wise to provide three weeks' furlough for the soldier who brings in the first Yankee prisoner. He will need it. Mason City Globe-Gazette. 18 m ta m m m m m u m m 3 Prompt service. RESTAURANT tion to place the abolition of the sa loon on the ballot in November. All public schools in Oregon will honor the memory of Francis Willard by having a special program on the 26th. I j BRIEF LOCAL Miss Maurine Jones, who is attend ing college this year at the College of Idaho, was a week end visitor with her parents in Vale. Mrs. C. C. Burrow went to Boise r,tho first of the week on a brief visit. A. G. Moore came up from Ontario Friday of. last week ,on a business visit. Cyril Crawley, of Brogan, was in the city tho latter part of last week. Leonard J. Cole came down from Brogan last week, on a business visit to the county seat. W. T. Bunt, .of Brogan, was in the city for a few days the latter part of last week. Joe Mustard, of Westfall, came down the latter part of last week on a business visit. Roy McNulty arrived in town Sat urday from his home in Watson. John Bates was a Pendleton visitor in the city Saturday of last week. Jcddie Mustard, of Westfall, was a Vale arrival the latter part of last week. i J. C. Bridge was in town from his home in Grants Pass, Sunday. Donald McLeod, of Harper, was a Vale arrival, Sunday. J. S. McCumsey came down from his homo in CrOwley the firsflfof the week. L. Wrinkle, of Ontario, was a coun ty seat-visitor the early part of the week. Alvey J. Stewart and Buck Jones, were in the city Monday on a business visit. W. B. Eaton was a urogan visitor in the city the first of the week, and paid the Enterprise a visit, renewing his subscription for the coming year. A. B. Cox, of Jamieson, spent a f ow days in Vale the early part of the week. M. Stanton was in the city from Juntura Monday. Henry Wakerlig, of Westfall, was in the city tho first of the week, com ing down on Monday's train. Roy Logan was a JWestfall visitor in Vale Monday. W. G. Mustard, of Westfall, paid the county seat a few days' visit the fore part of the week. Mrs. Mary A. Lankester, of Astoria, was a Vale arrival during the week. J. S. Napton, of Homedale, was a Vale visitor Tuesday. D. H. Palmer, of San Francisco, was in the ciy the early part of the week, on a business visit, and was the guest of the Drexel hotel while here. O. D. Loveless, of Brogan, was in town for a few days this week. W. W. Wheaton came up frm On tario Tuesday. W. Pollak, of Albany, Oregon, was in the city Wednesday. P. F. Farrell, of Caldwell, was a business visitor in the city the first of the week. Thos. E. Walker, of Weiser, was in town Wednesday. John Palmer aws a Wednesday ar rival in, the city from nis home in Watson. F. Mulkev. manacrcr of the J. L. Pope merchandise store at Jamieson. was in the city on a brief visit Wed nesday. F. E. Keep, and J. C. Bridges, of Brogan, were in town the first of the week. W. D. Meyer, of the Western Pacific Oil & Gas company, was a business visitor at tho well near Vale Thurs day. D. Zee, of Alton, la., was in town Friday. Augustus Simonet, who has been in Bend, Oregon, for the past few months, returned to Vale Saturday. J. O. Moudy was In town from his ranch in Cow Valley, Sunday. Mr. Moudy has three sons in tho U, S. army, the last draft taking the third, Irwin Moudy. Mrs. J. A. Newton, of Harper, was in the city fronrHarper Sunday. G. L. Johnson came down from Bro gan the first pf the week. Adam Murray was a Beulah arrival in the city Sunday. Sunny Nutt, of Juntura, -was a busi ness visitor in "Vale the early part of tho week. Horrv Dav. of Beulah. snent a few days in Vale the first of the week. J. L. Turner, of Riverside, was a business visitor in -the county seat Tuesday. E. Gearhard. an electrician from Gooding, Idaho, was in the city the first of tho week, visiting Mrs. Ruby rBrien. Rush McIIargue, of Barren Valley, was in Vale tho last of the week. W. A. Anders was down from his ranch at Brogan last week and paid the Enterprise office a call. AND PERSONAL .j. , , ,i ,i ii i i i ''l"l"l' 'I SOCIETY COLUMN Social Functions Enjoy- ed by People of Vale l ll ll ll l ll il 4 Farewell Parties. Mrs. Robert D. Lytle entertained with two delightful social afternoons on Monday and Tuesday of this week complimentary to Mrs. E. A. Boyd who leaves soon to make her future homo in Boise. On Monday afternoon about twelve friends gathered to spend a delightful afternoon knitting and sewing. Tuesday three tables of Bridge were entertained, Mrs. H. C. Eastham receiving high honors and Mrs. Boyd the guest of honor prize. A dninty two course luncheon was served at the close or each enjoyable afternoon, the hostesses being assist ed in serving, by Miss Frances Horn beck. Yellow chrysanthemums were used in the rooms and arranged on the tables. Mr. nnd Mrs. Boyd are popular members of the younger set and will be greatly missed in society and civic circles where they have taken promi nent parts during their residence here. Entertains Bridge Club. Mrs. J. F. Miller entertained the af ternoon bridge club at her home on Wednesday of this week. School Program to be Given. On Wednesday, October 31, the first graders will give an interesting pro gram under direction oi Miss Ray mond their teacher, in the first grade room at 1:45 p. m. The program will be along Hollow'een lines and an ad mission of 15 cents will be charged. All parents and friends are invited to attend and enjoy tho afternoon. Parent-Teacher Entertains. On Monday evening aoout 50 par ents, friends and teachers gathered in the auditorium of the Mgh school for a social evening at which the Par ent - Teacher association members were hosts. A jolly get-acquaincd. hour was held after the program and those parents Qr friends who failed to attend missed a rare treat. Re freshments consisting of pumpkin pie and coffee were served and the follow ing program rendered. Introductory remarks, President Mrs. Hadley, pia no duet, Misses Helen and Vina Muel ler, The Parent-Teaclier Association, Mrs. A. H. Chester; The Playgrounds, Professor Ruring; vocal solo, Mrs. George Huntington Currey. ' Meet at Country Home. The ladies of the Methodist Aid en joyed a delightful social meeting at the country home of Mrs. S. Smith on Thursday, October 18. The motor ride to and from the place or meeting was much enjoyed by the attending nine teen ladies. Refreshments were serv ed by the hostess assisted by Mrs. S. J. Bean. FIVE YEARS AGO Interesting News From $ Enterprise Files Five b Years Ago. 4 (From the Enterprise, Oct. 20, 1912) Guilty of Manslaughter. Burbank Clay and Jim Buckland wore found guilty of manslaughter at Burns the latter part of last week,, as the result of the awful tragedy which took place in Harney about a month ago when Marshal Stroud was shot to death. Barber Gets Close Shave. Last week, H. A. Parke .after hav ing shaved a man, got a close shave himself. A railroad laborer drew his gun oh the barber, and backed out of tho shop and up the street. He was arrested, brought before Justice Wil son's court, and was given $50 and GO days for tho deed. James Frost to Locate. James Fro3t, who returned from Seattle Tuesday, states that a large number of Seattle people are looking for ward to locating in Malheur coun ty. Mr. Frost is ono of th Maskans who secured property in tne Cotton wood country. Enterprise Changes Hands. The Malheur Enterprise was sold this week, to John Rigby, B. M, Stone laying aside the editorial pen. Local Items. A. S. Hunt went to Ontario on a business visit the first of the week, Ralph Weaver,, candidate for coun ty .treasurer, was in town this week from his home in Ontario. The Misses Bessie and Norma Hope, of tho University, spent the week-cn'd in Portland, says a current number of the Forest Grove New-Times. John Oxman, of Wichita, Kan., who is recovering from an accident in a railroad wreck, arrived in town Mon day for a visit with his brother, Clar ence Oxman, of Jamieson. Miss Ida McKnight, hwo has been a guest at the home of her brother, Geo. W. McKnight, and wife, return- led to her home in Portland on Wed nesday. Miss McKnight and her rath er will spend the winter in Los An geles with her sister, who Is teaching NEWS NOTES j school in that city. Mrs. Thomas Jones, returned the first of the' Week from Boise, wheri she had been visiting for a few days. 'l"l"l"l"l"l"l"!"l"f '111 NEWS BREVITIES f - I Picked Up In Vale And J j Nearby Neighborhood tfr tt tt i . ti i, i tl tt i Death Claims Pioneer. Tuesday afternoon at, tho Metho dist church funeral services were held for Isaac McCumsey who died last Sunday evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. A. Newton near Vale. Mr. McCumsey was one of the well known pioneer citizens of Mal heur county and was n prominent fig ure in the county's progress from the time he settled on Willow river in 188C up to the time of his death. Inter ment was made in the Vale cemetery. OBITUARY Isaac McCumsey was born at Elk hart, Ind., February 18, 1837, and died Sunday, October 21, 1917, nt tho homi of his daughter, Mrs. J. A. Newton age 80 years, 8 months and 3 days. Early in life ho was united in mar riage to Elizabeth Wilson, who dice three years ago. Three children wen born to this union. One son, Thomas vho died several years ago, and twt laughters, Mrs. J. A. Newton of tin Harper country, Malheur county, one Mrs. Edith Wilson of Portland, Ore gon. Two grandsons also mourn the Jeath of their grandfather. Isaac McCumsey camo to Orcgor iho winter of' 1879-1880 and settled or Willow river. After ono year's resi Jence there ho moved onto his rancl above Vale where he made his home for many years. Valo was the next homo of tho deceased, from hero he moved to Sheridan, in tao Willamette valley and again ho moved from there to Portland, Oregon. Two years ago he returned to Mai heur count,y nnd mace his home witl Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nuwton until the time of his death. Honor Guards Snip Tho Honoi Guard Girls were present "en' masse' it the Snipping Party at the Rec Cross roms Tuesday evening and ac complished a great deal of work be siue having a fine time. Becomes Bugle Sergeant Informa tion from Chester R. Ames, who wa among the first three of the Malheui county draft quota, reveals the fact"' that he now wears chevrons, nnd if in charge of 3G buglers ai Camp Lew- is, where he fills the position of Bu gle Sergeant. He has also become a first cornet player in tho Regimental Band. Returns From Hospital Mrs. Olive Goff, who has been seriously ill for two weeks nt the hospital in Onta. rio, was able to return to her home in Vale this week. Estray Notice. Taken up at my place in Malheui county, Oregon, about mile south of Idaho-Oregon bridgo over Snake river at Weiser, Idaho, one sorrel year ling gelding branded A M on righi stifle. This colt was badly wire cul when taken up and in need of imme diate attention by a veterinary, which has been given. Owner may have same by proving property a:A paying charges. W. R. Artman, postofllce ad dress, Weiser, Idaho. 10-27-3t. f l CHURCH-CHOIR I Sunday Services, Choir f Meetings, Etc. 4 l ff METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Luscombc, Pastor Sunday Services. Martin Luther's 400th Anniversary, 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Preaching. G:30 p. m. .Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. m. Address ty Pastor "Mar tin Luther, tho Monk that shook tho World." In theso days of Religious indiffer ence it is good to remember the prico our fathers paid to hand down to lii the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. .Luther, one of the foremost heroes of all time, will bo celebrated throughout the world on Sunday. Remember the Special Offering next Sunday at Sunday School for new Song Books, Sunday morning is to be observed as Food Administration day in the pulpits and the Sunday morning ser mon will be on this topic. EPISCOPAL SERVICES At Holy Trinity Hall on Sunday, the 28th. Church School, at 10 a. m., as usual, Evening prayer and sermon by Rev, Chas. II, Powell, at 8 p. m. Holy Communion Monday nt 8 a. m. All are cordially invited to attend. Tho Board refused to exempt Henry Ford's son on the ground that he was 23scntial In the production of the Ford automobile. Despite the scarcity of foodstuffs In Germany the Teuton diplomats con tinue to spill the beans, Kunsas City Star. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE Redemption of Warrants. Notice is hereby given that the Treasurer of the Warmsprings Irrii gation district will redeem all war rants of the District indorsed "Not paid for want of funds" prior to June 20, 1917. Interest on these warrants ceases on tho date of this publication. Frank M. Vines, Treasurer. Oct. 27-3t, SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION In the Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Malheur -County. ALBERT E. JONES, Plaintiff, vs. BLANCHE FLOWER THEBAUD, Defendant. To Blanche Flower Thebaud, the above named defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby requir ed to appear and answer the complaint .lied against you in tho above-entitled uit within ten days, if served within .his County, and if served within any other County within this State, then within twenty days from the date of juch service upon youj and if served .vithout this State, then within six weeks from the date of such service jpon you; and if served by publication .hereof, then within six weeks from .he dato of the first publication of such summons, to-wit! October 27, nswer. the plaintiff will apply to the 1017; and if you fail so to appear and "!ourt for the relief demanded in the omplaint, to-wit: For a decree cancelling and declar ng void and of no effect that certain igreement made and entered into be tween yourself and tho plaintiff, in vriting, on the 7th day of September, 912, and recorded in Book "4" of ..eases and Agreements nt page 300. if the records of said County ami State, wherein tho plaintiff agreed to tell and you agreed to buy certain t-U-cstate described in tho complaint vithin five years from the dato of tho old agreement: and for such other elief as to tho Court may seem eqult bio; and for a judgment for the costs nd disbursements of this suit. - This summons is published by order f tho Honorable Dalton Biggs, Judge, if the above entitled court, directing hat service of summons herein be hade by publication thereof in tho ifalheur Enterprise, a weekly news paper published and circulating in this County and State, commencing with .he issue thereof of October 27, 1917, wd ending with tho issuo thereof of December 8, 1917, and directing that i cony of this summons and of the complaint herein be forwith mailed to the defendant at her last known address, Bliss, Idaho. DAVIS & KESTER, Attorneys for Plnintiff, Residinc at Vale. Oretron. Oct 27-Dec. 8. Wedding Bells. At the First Presbyterian church In Portland, on Tuesday, tho 16th inst., Rov. John Boyd performed the cere mony which united in marriage Mr. Silas Kirtland Skinner of Jordan Val ley, and Miss Johanna Murray of Drewsey. The ceremony was witness ed by tho mother nnd two of tho sis ters of the groom and a few personal 'riends of tho couple. Kirtland is the eldest son of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Skinner nnd 'one of the most estimable and popular young men of the valley. The bride is a na tive of Scotland and of a fine old Scotch family During two years Miss Murray lived in the Skinner home as teacher in the family's pri vate school and proved herself a young lady of fine ability and rare worth. The union meets tho happy approv- il of all tho friends of both Mr. and Mrs. Silas Kirtland Skinner. Jordan Valley Express! . If Germany insists upon annexa tions, wo may yield them tho pro Germans. Columbia State. One good Liberty Bond deserves an other. Chicago Herald. DIRECTORY i i i i i '"' R. G. Wheeler R. D. Lytle WHEELER & LYTLE Practice in all Courts nnd U. S. Land Offlco Collections Nelson Bldg. Vale, Orei Geo. E. Davis Bruco R. Kestcr DAVIS & K ESTER Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law Vale, Oregon fulien A. Hurley G. A. Hurley HURLEY & HURLEY Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law Nelsen Bldg. Vale, Oregon. Dr. Paulino Sears Dr, Harriet Soar OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Graduates of American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. 1st Building North of Vale Drug Store ,, ,i i, i, i, ,i i, i ii in, J " i FRATERNAL DIRECTORY VALE LOCAL OF TnE SOCIALIST PARTY Meets on every Tuesday evening of each month, nt the Hayes building, ob liquely opposite the court house. Vis itors always welcome. Call up the Eldredge Dairy for Milk and Cream Phone 50J Ontario, Oregon i V OlA $ I Transfer Co. $ R. M. BEACH, Prop. ! OFFICE AT VALE DRUG r STORE. All Kinds of Drayage & Traiw-' fcr Work Promptly Done. I Phi,no 31. jlj Rcsiden. ' '.mi- 103. CHIGHEI .SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND tADIES t DIAMOND UliA Gold metallic t Ribbon. TACs .(. iii.che-tbs DIAMOND Bll A Mi FILLS, for twentr-Sro fears regarded ai tkvt.8i.fest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY r . DRUGGISTS tkiIsd EV Ef! WHERE xkstiX There Is more- this section Ot the country tit- lier diseases put togetlier, nnd ut .ue last few years was supposed to ho Incurable. For' a great many years doctois pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local reme dies, nnd by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incur able. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured ,by F. J. Cheney & Co., Tole.da, Ohio, Is the'only Constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken Internally. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for) any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Addreis: F. J. CHENET & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists, 76c. , Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. A Home POOULY PLANNED AND BUILT IS COSTLY AT THE CHEAPEST PUICE LET US III. P YOU PLAN YOUR HOME. , IT WILL LE RIGHT. E. C. LONGWELL SALES MANAGER. VALE. OREGON. . r, Free Assay- B.rl? t If you have detlOlitS of" limestone, magnetite, marble, iron, chrome, manganese, silica, salts or' alkali, tend in particutart and lamflti r for free test. We can handle com mercbliy workable deposits. Gold, allver. coprer and oitrr cooiplrie amri made at commercUl ritr 5eM Ivr rale card and literature oa htt vtu. CHARLES A. , IKMlI ' , !. Industrial ChVmk! "An 'crr--Ir.t.inceri 1810 WlUkAQ , SEATTLE WASH T. T. NELSEN Licensed Embalnier and Funeral Director UP-TO-DATE UNDERTAKING PARLORS Hearse Service Fine Line of Undertaking Supplies Phone 77 Vale, Oreg. WHEN IN BOISE TRY Boise Waffle Cafe 104 SOUTH TENTH STRK1T For Your Shert Order Ltwek Ex-Governor Geer, who IJvm k Rom City Prk, Portland, had hl grf yines robbed the other night. U1KS-TBR8 A 3 In Red tidA lied with BlueCQ) ' Ts - i -.3