aA'fUftbAV, Auaust a, mi PAGE THRE l i i ' ' '"' '','"' U NEWS BREVITIES XT A T TTT S r TXS1S T I 8 ? t T fn A T TVTT7WC? i i n 5 VALE is tH8 county sdat of Malheur county, Oregon, and trading .cOiltdi' for h u lUi'ge fai!fflillg aiid StOck i'a.i&iiig c'ouHtrjj. Vale" is Ideated at the' junction of $f two branch .lines, of railroad and . three lei!tll0 Vuil6ysi Two important, irri- gation districts, Warjnspririgs and Willow-Alder, are" ofgafilz6a Adjoining :d: Vale1;, aha pfrbjje'ets will be iihdgr vay .as soon as possible. The Val6. oil field, is Ti now ni,tne Hands 6'i respoiisiul(! developer's arid Will likely produce' in near fu- x? ture. . Vale Has hot springs and sanatorium, tW.o bfilikg, fine;, court house', six :o: churches, huhierous iratefnal Organizations, U. S. Laiid Office', iiiGde'rn busi- r nesB blocks, and residences, pure mountain water supply, sdweragS system, x staildai'd HlgH school, feeveral good garages. :c 1 CLASSIFIED ADS ik ili 14f ifc iff $ iff & jfc its Jitsti jk jk AN INDEX TO THE LIFE Of VALE AND MALHEUR COUNTY "These classified columns nm open to Farmers) Merchants and Ev dfy6116 who dsslfd a brief ahd effective medium of reaching the public. This DtipaFthieht Will solve yotir problems and fulfill your wants. fiUdders Will Slid valuable ihforrttatirth ahd helpful suggestions. T"he HiUst Widely r"ead section of the ENTERPRISE, this department H , Will place ybdr ltitals where, people look for them, and where they will di Hb't be dffeKdfcd in reddihg ihem $ ' i'fifcfe tflie cc'iit tief w(ird per insertion i minimum charge 23 cents. . W. -M WANTED LOCATION NOTtCES fe side at - - the Enterprise Ofli-C for Ni'tiates, Oil ArH deairilig' 1(1 secure1 ri live1 aftolit anl Miherals of all kinds, also Proof iii edcrl t&wri in Malticur county to f fljscovery uhd Assessment Work handle Power'elie, d ftiei saver and Blank's; i c'carbSnizcT; for' gasoline niotors. Ad- 77h ciniii liil I I irfeijb:wY Farls, JSfdan Valley, SItiNS-'Llcens6 Applied fitj. 8 i If or B18nS Panted on card board fOr - that ric'w fcdh iOfc edch at Enterprise ANTEpVjjiri.for general house work:, Fiir particulars phone' 71 or ,-,:.XTC, u . ,u . , . , l' w tr L H'-K ,, TIN CANS One dttzen hew clean write box 97, Vale, Oreg. 7-28-tf. r . . . . . u j, , . .. 5 gal. gasoline earns. Inquire at En- WANTED Roomers and Boarders. terPrisc Kcl Mrs. M. H. Doolittle, Vale. 7-28-tf. FQR gALE QR TRADE 40 acres WANTEti Woman to work on a .f,al lan" co Toledo. ... . Write 572 Clinton Street, Portland, ranch as housekeeper, good wages. ' , . .lT Apply E. II. Somervillc, Brogan, Ore. 0rcgon- 7-14"4tJR- 7-8-3t " ' When you can't get relief from it i4i i Mnt , Rheumatism any other way, try the ALFALFA FARM wanted in trade 'ELECTRONET for Willamette Valley city or farm , , , property. Write description of place 1Ioalth Robe on exhlblt nt the Drex- in detail and mall to X3, care Malheur cl hotel- By tho counly manner, J. Enterprise, Vale, Oregon. 0-10-tf. c- M"rPhy. 7-14"tf- ' WANTED To trade horses for a I'AKM LOANb . second hand Ford Auto. See or write ' ' ' ' (V. Glen Mansur, Vale Oreg. 7-14-3tp. Monoy to loan oh improved ranches : 20 years time. Rural Credit plan. OLD PAPER for sale.. --5c and 10c - c- c- MUELLER. per bunch. Good for starting fires, 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg., Vale, Oregon, underlaying carpets, covering shelves, 1-1 ' wrapping and packing, etc. At the FOR SALE Enterpriso offlce. ' G-9. FOR" SALE Fifty Udi"es alfalfti, first cUttiHg. Three miles e'ast from Vale; PUrchriser to Jiarvdst same, tierrick 6h piade; Address, T( II. M68re; Ontarlbj OrefeHh; d-dO MAC SAYS: A. D. S. Foot Soap puts the ees in feet. Try it for tired, sore, blistered, aching feet. It brings quick and sure relief. Costs 2oc the cake. . Rexall Foot Relief, 25c; Foot tab lets, 25c. They bring cheer to weary feet. Mac pays the postage. A. E. McGillivray THE REXALL STORE Vnlc, Oregon Phone 32 LUMBER This is the season of the year to do that building you have planned on for such a long time. We have the mater ial, can.give you the best market prices in keeping with the quality you desire, and will do our utmost to give you the best service we can. SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED HOME LUMBER & COAL CO. J. Kimball, Mgr. Vulc, Oregon. I f: $ ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE First class condition, 28 rooms rea son for selling, ill health of proprietor. "Multnomah Rooms". Address A. HOwdrn, Ontalio, Oregon. 0-30-tf. FIVE YEARS AGO f Interesting News From j Enterprise Files Five 4 I Years Ago. ! ffri (From the Enterprise of Aug. 3, 1912) G. A. Hurley, who moved to Inde pendence recently, will engage in bus iness with his former partner R. Ji Taylor, in the real estato business. Bob Ivers and family, of Watson, passed through Vale this week on theii- Way to Logan Valley and Thun der mountain for a month's outing. Miss Myra King arrived in Valo this week from Burns, where she will re side with her mother, says the Burns News. Uncle Mac and Aunt Mary Diven returned 6ii Tuesday's Brogan train from a trip in the1 Upper Willow river vaileyj Chief of P&lic'e' Jack italan made a trip to Boise Tuesday- With an army deserter he had captured in this city. Officer Dolan took his mart to ,the Boise barracks andgot a$50 reward. Judge 6'eorge E. D'avis is improving nicely from the' accident ih which he figured last Sunday riear Wfe'stf ail. He nnd Chauffeur Kcssler had gone to Westfall the day before to trade the Davis car for a pair of fine horses. On the way home ono of tho horses jumped the buggy tongue and start ed to run away. Both men were thrown from the buggy, the judge suf fering a sprained ankle which has kept him in the house since. Mr. Kcss ler was bruised but not injured. J. 0. Moudy and Mr. Barton, who recently purchased the Thomas ranch, narrowly escaped serious injuries the first of the week. When nearly home from Cow Valley, the wagon tongue broke, scaring the horses so they ran away. Tho wagon tongup was driven into the ground with such force that the rig was thrown several times in to the air, the last time Mr. Moudy landing on the front wheel, inflicting serious injuries about the chest. One of the horses suffered a broken leg and had to be killed . Governor West was met in Vale by a committee of citizens this week, on his GOO mile horseback ride over the state. He discontinued the trip by horseback on the Idaho line, and con tinued his itinerim by auto to Boise. The famous Hart case was set to appear in the courts again this week, when a petition to set aside a will made July 7th was argued before County Judge B. C. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hadley and baby returned on Tuesday from n month's automobile trip that carried them to nearly every portion of the state. After attending the Elks con vention in Portland they went south through the Willamette valley to. Eu gene, where they tooK the McKenzie river pass through the Cascade moun tains stopping at Sisters. Mr. Had ley reports' plenty of good fishing in the Cascades. Register Bruce R. Kester and bride, nee Miss Mabel Judd, returned Tues day from their honeymoon trip through the eastern states. The werp married on July 11th in Wisconsin. There's a new dentist in town. Dr. Burrow doesn't seem to mind the com petition, for the newcomer is Dr. Bur row, junior, and arrived at the Bur row home on Saturday morning. Mo ther and son are doing well while Dad is treating his friends. Still are the Vale railroad quarters growing and assuming large propor tions. During the past week several crews have been busy erecting a large oil warehouse in the east end of the yards, and large building for the com missary across the track. During the past few days tracklaying has been going on at a rapid rate, and ship ments of supplies and timber have been exceedingly heavy. Wes Caviness returned Wednesday from a two weeks' trip to Portland. Miss Rhoda Sasser returned Thurs day from Emmett, where she has been taking care of Mrs. Frank Sasser. of this city, who has been ill with a siege of typhoid. It is learned that Mrs. Sasser is improving. C. C. Hull, one of the proprieors of the Bungalow theatre in this city, left the latter part or last week for Chicago and points in .Missouri, He expects to be gone about a month, during which time Manager Quisen berry will care for the business of the Bungalow. Horn, last night, July 25, to Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Test, a daughter. Deputy Sheriff K. H. Test was here from Vale bright and early this morning to make the acquaintance of the young lady. Ontario Democrat. - ,j Picked Up lit Vale And $ Nearby Neighborhood 4 1.6okfng oTcr Rccords-Beil V, Tait, of Washington, D. C, ufid a repre sentative of the Executive Committee 6f the' Chamber of Commereo of the United States arrived in Vale Tues day, and spent some, time inspecting records in the U. S. Land Office at this place. Called to Boise Jack Boor, a mem ber of the 2nd Idaho Ucgimcnt, was notified last week to nppev in Boise, and left Tuesday for thai place; where his company will mobilize. Just what duties thoy will be called upon to per form is not known, although there is much conjecture" that this branch ot the government service may bo sent to France, on account Of .thdir splen did showing on the Mexican border last year. To British Columbia Joe Thomp son, owner of the popular5 restanranl and lunch stand, left Wednesday for Vancouver, B. C, here he will spend he next two months on an;outing va cation. During the aosence of Mr. rhomnson tho restaurant will be in charge of. his wife. Vale Home for Sale or Rent J. H. Ellis' former home for sale or rent. There are 8 rooms and a bath; large basement with cement floor; two lots. The location insures a permanent and growing value to the place. 1 Vale real estate prices are low and mus,t reaci to a higher plain. Now is a' most fa vorable timo to acquire a Valo home. 1'ho Ellis place is well constructed and located and low priced is an especially good buy. For particulars see or write O. E. Carman, Valo. 8-4-8-25. "Uncle Mac" to California R. M., better known as "Uncle Mao" Diven, and his wife, left Tuesday for Chico, California where they will spend the winter with friends and relatives. To Play Engagements C. V. Hew itt and family, who have been in charge of the Rex theatre here for the past four' months, left Sunday for Boise; where thdy will begin an ex tended tour Of' IdilhG points with their musical vaudeville act, playing the Isis theatre in Boise the first three nights. During their absence Miss Flora Smith will have charge of the picture show here. i Lawn Salt This 4weck the" famous Red Table of special bargains, will bo covered with plain and fancy lawns. Call early and get your choice. At the Vale Trading Company' 'Big Store. , ,. . " Goes to Los Angeles Joe Kelley, manager of the Kelley Saddlery of tilts city, left last week for Los An geles, where he will attend a school of automobile mechanics for the next few months, with a view to entering that branch of the industry. House Completed The finishing touches of the new residence of the McKnight sisters and Frank Mc Knight, were put on this, week, and the building is ns neat a little work of architecture as could be imagined. It is situated directly opposite the Enter prise office, where the work of remod eling has been watched with interest the past two months. The now house is painted white, enclosed in a1 neat fence, and flowers and shade trees are already beginning to grow. Butter Wrappers Large enough to cover the ends of the butter. Printed on the best Vegetable parchment, with special non offset ink. Mail in your order to the Enterprise, Vale, Oregon. We will pay the postage. Camping in Idaho A camping par ty of Vale folks left the first of the week for a three weeks outing" in Ida ho. Members of the party were Mr. nnd Mrs. R. J. Ivers, Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Ruring, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moo dy and Mrs. Carl Fegtly. Rags? Rags? Any Rags Today? If you have a bunch of old cotton rags don't burn them up but bring them to the Enterprise office and watch the pressman smile. Wo pay 2V4 cents per pound for cotton rags. Assorted colors and various sizes and shapes accepted. Farm Land The Government needs Farmers us well as Fighters, Two million three hundred thousand cres of Oregon & California llailroad Co. Grant Lands. Title revested in Unit ed States. To be openeu ror home steads and sale. Containing some of best land left In United States. Largo Copyrighted Map, snowing land by sections and description of soil, cli mate, rainfall, elevations, tempera ture, etc., by counties. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 010, Portland, Oregon. C30-13t. Vale Transfer Co. It. M. BEACH, Prop. OFFICE AT VALE DRUG All Kinds of Drayage & Traw fer Work Promptly Done. STORE. 1 Phuic 31. t Residence Phone 103. Please Remember. That the forms for each week's Issue of tho Malheur Enterprise close an Thursday afternoon, and that all ndver- Using ahd news copy must be ' in before that time to Insure publication in that weok's pa- per. Ths Editor and tho entire force will consider it a favor If news items, corrosponddiice, and advertising copy will be sent in early in tho week. Thank yoU Tills is necessary in order that wo may pfilit tho papor so as to reach tfld cOUil- try f'citttafa on time. : : : : : : Mrs. H. C.Nccly arrived homd aw Ogden and Salt Lake, Sunday, where die has boon visiting friends and re latives for tho past two weeks. Mrs. F. L. Cook roturncd to her home in Caldwell, Wednesday, after i few days visit with her daughter Mrs. II. E. Young, in Vale. Receiver M. N. Fegtly arrived home Friday from a two wecKs automobile tour over northern California. Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Barr left Satur lay for Los Angeles, where they will visit. Mr. and Mrs. Barr are the pnr jnts of Mrs. M. H. Doolittle, and have jeen visiting their daughter and fnm .ly for the past month. Jno. Norwood, of Jamicson, was in ho city the latter part of last week. Clare Rouse was a Brogan visitor Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Timbrell, of Crane, who have charge of the Vale Trading company branch there, were Vale visitors the latter part of last week, Herschel Brown was a Vale visitor from Ontario for the Honor Guard dance Friday night. Miss Clarabell Zorncs took her de parture Saturday for Washington, where she will visit relatives for a while. Miss Zornes may go back to tier old home in Iowa, following this visit. Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Dunaway left last week for a mountain outing. They went to Ontario, where they were joined by Circuit Judge Biggs and family. J. B. Smith, of Rockvillc, as a Vale business visitor Monday. Mr. Sullens .vus jn.,Valo from his ranch' near Ontario Wednesday of this week. J. Johns, well known loan man of Pendleton, was in Vale the first of the week on business matters. Roy C. Stewart, of Westfall, was in town Monday on business. J. C. McConncll, of Nyssa, was a Vale visitor Tuesduy. Henry Epsie, of Jamicson, was a visitor at the county scat last Satur day. Miss Bessie Hope left Monday for Portland, here she will visit friends for a while. Mrs. Ralph Siddoway took her de parture Thursday for Mitchell, Ore gon, where she will spend a month with relatives as a vacation trip. Miss Norma Hope left Wednesday for Portland, and other coast points, where she will visit friends and rela tives. M. J. Joyce, of Juntura, spent a few days in Vale the latter part of last week. Wm. Stradley was a Big Bend vis itor in the city Snturd&y. R. H. Rodcnburg arrived in tho city from Culdwell lust Saturduy for a few days visit. W. Reed came down from Westfall Saturday. Wirt Arnold was a Westfall visitor in town the latter part of last week. Geo. England, of Brogan, spent n few days in the city on business last week. D. S. Lowrie, of the U. S. L. K. R. Co., was u business visitor in town Monday. J. W. Kaigler, an official of the American Express company, was. a business visitor in the city for a few days the first of the week. Mrs. Ben Jones came down from Juntura Monday. Emil S. Tschirgi was a Vale visitor from Brogan Monday of this week. Mrs. Leslie L. Hope left Wednesdny for Centralla, Wash., -r.cre she will visit relatives tho next few weeks. Miss Virginia Smith arrived in the citv the first of the week from Nam- pa, Idaho, where she has been visiting relatives for the past three weeks. W, F. "Long and wire were register ed at the Drexel Tuesday from Mal heur city. C. C, Romph and lamily returned Tuesday from tho Puyetto lakes. They went by way of Kmmctt und returned by way of Weiser and rcjiort a fine trip, Mrs. Carrie L. Roberts arrived home by auto Tuesday evening from the Rainbow mine, where she has spent the past four weeks visiting. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gooch, and Walter Meyers, of Rain bow. Mr. Meyers and Mr. Gooch loft tho same evening to return to the mine while the latter's wife will be a guest of her ount for n while. Mrs. Hnttic Croswcil came down from Junturn the latter part of last week, on a visit. G. W. Haw, Fannie Haw, and Mrs. F. Haw,- were among the Jamicson visitors in the county scat last week. Lizzie Turner was n Vale arrival from Jamieson last Friday, R. L, Campbell, a representative of tho Studcbaker company, was in tho city from Boise last week. E. L. Hibbs was a I'rairio City ar rival Friday in the county seat, Mrs. H. C. Smith made a short trip to Ontario Sunday. F. M. Knight, E. E. Cooley, and Chns. Troxell constituted a contingent of visitors in Vole, from Prairie City last Saturday. J. L. Griffith was in he city Tues day from Payette. Mrs. A. Murphy was a Beuluh visi tor in the city Tuesday. P. F. Joyce, of Bculah, was a visi tor in town the first of the week. John Conroy arrived in town from Beulah the first of he week, on a few days business tour. Wm. Conolly, the Westfall sheep man, spent a while in v'are during the week, coming down about Tuesday. Ike Crosby was a Sunday arrival in Jhe city from Westfall. Scott Hyde, of Westfall, was a Vale visitor the first of the week. Louie Hyde urived In the city from Westfall tho first of the week. ' II. A. Dressier, of Payette, arrived n Valo Sunday. Miss Mury Newman, of Shoshone, is visiting Thos. Jones nnd family this week. Miss Margaret Drane was n visitoi in the city from Ontario Sunday. l i i i ii i ii i i i SOCIETY COLUMN Social Functions Enjoy- ed by People of Vale i . i i. !" i 'I' 'I' l 'I' Honor Guard Dame a Success. Quite an assemblage of local young folks and visitors turned out for the dance given by the Honor Guard girls last Friday evening. The music was furnished by the popular Beamguard orchestra of Ontario. Punch was serv ed the crowd throughout the evening, and as nn entire result tho treasury of the Honor Guard girls is some $05 to the good. w m Crandalls Entertain. A number of yourig people were guests at a pleasant little house party at tho, home of C. L. Crandall south west of the city, Saturday evening. Cards and games were enjoyed throughout the evening, followed by refreshments. Later in the evening furniture wus cleared away and an impromptu dance was initiated, to tho enjoyment of the visitors. Those present were: Misses Maurine Jones, Helen and Vina Mueller, Valeda Rose, Frances Hewitt, Lillian Davis; Messrs Hugh Thayer, Chas. Crandall, Millard Nelsen, Homer Roberts, Percy Stacey, Edward Kimball. The hosts and host esses were Messrs Lloyd and Elmo Crandall, Duncan Graham, and Misses Lulu and Florence Crandall, K. P. Program Draws Crowd. The court room of tho court house in Vale was the scene of tho Patriotic Program by tho Knights of Pythias j DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY (i IN THE ) First National Bank S of Vale, Ore. and pay all your bills with checks, which is a more convenient way and at the same time cs tablishcs a credit. In making loans a Bank will always take care of its customers first. Give us your business and wc will treat you right. 5 per cent Interest paid on Time Deposits ( OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS C. VV. Nelson, President , J. T. Logan, Vice President Chas. E. Flynn, Cashier Eli Rose, Director James M. Weaver, Director J. W. Graff, Director )(()))t Saturday night, on account of windy weather. However, this did not mar the ceremonies in the least, and every number on tho program was well re ceived, from the concert selections by the Vale band, to the 15-minute talks by the speakers. The refreshments were served immediately after the program, and everyone reports a very enjoyable evening. Bridge Club Meets. The Bridge club met at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Crandall Wednes day afternoon. There were fourteen guests present, who were: Mesdamcs Neely, Burrow, Smith, Davis, Lytlo, Wildhabor, Dunlop, Dearmond, Sta ples, Easthnm, Houston, Reed, Hadley and Miss Lcla Jones. Tho high score was awarded Mrs. Wildhaber. Fol lowing the entertainment light re freshments were served. A Birthday Party. Little Miss Ernestine Staples, a niece of Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Staples, charmingly entertained a number of her young friends at a birthday party at the Stuples home Tuesday afternoon. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY R. G. Wheeler R. D. Lytle WHEELER & LYTLE Practice in all Courts nnd U. S. Land Office Collections Nelsen Bldg. Vale, Orei PERCY M. JOHNSON Land Attorney General Land Office Practice, Town ship Plats, County Maps. Room 203 Nelsen Bide. Next door to the U. S. Land Office. Vale, Oregon. "eo. E. Davis Bruce R. Kester DAVIS & KESTER Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law Vnle, Oregon fulicn A. Hurley G. A. Hurley HURLEY & HURLEY Attorneys and Counselors-nt-Law Nelsen Bldg. Vale, Oregon. DrTCARL J. BARTLETT Physician nnd Surgeon Offices over Vale Drug Store VALE ' OREGON Dr. Paulino Sears Dr. Harriet Sean OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Graduates of American School of visteopatny, ivirKsviue, nio. 1st Building North of Vale Drug Storo Valo, Oregon i . i i i 3 33l' 3 '3"3"3"l"3' FRATERNAL DIRECTORY ! j .g....3.3333 3 VALE LOCAL OF THE SOCIALIST PARTY Meets on every Tuesday evening of each month, nt tho Hayes building, ob- liqucly opposite the court house. Vis itors always welcome CIVIC CLUB MEETINGS Tho Civic Improvement Club holds Its regular meetings on tho -second Thursday of each month. All inter ested in civic work are cordially in vited to attend. Library open from "15 to 9:30 on Wednesday and Saturday evenings and 2 to 4 Saturday p. m. ANNA M. WHEELER, Pros. There Is moio fi irili In this section of llio country than ull other Ureases put together, uml until th lust few years was supposed to uu Incurable, or a Kreat many yeaiH Uoctora pronounced It a local disease und prescribed local reme dies, and by consluntly fallhiK to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incur able. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional dlsenso, and therefore re tiulres constitutional treatment. Halls Cntarrh Cure, nmnufartured by . J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio, Is the only Constitutional cure on the murket. It Is taken Internally, It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer ono hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. 8ond for circulars and testimonials. Addrmi F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Hold by Drugsltts, 76c Tk Hall's Family Pills for constipation.