PAGE FOUR THE MALHEUR ENTERPRISE SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 191?. 4444..M,4j.i..H'.,l"MM The Peoples, Market Jji? Call phone 30 igU for anything in fresh clean meats. We carry anything a Meat Market ought to have. $ Poultry, Beef, Mutton, Pork, Fish, Bacon, Ham, Chopped Meat, Lard and Pickles Vale Meat Market Walter Hanna, Prop. NEWS FROM OVER MALHEUR H"f "1 1 1' 1' Irfrk-HrlrHrHrHrHrk-i lt,ifj,ij.,l.,,,fr,l,.fr,l..jn..j. Cook's Auto Livery Has changed its office from Rogers News Stand to McGilhvray's Drug Store. Our Dodge car will take you Day or Night, wherever you want to go Office Phone 32 Residence Phone 16 'I I. CHEVROLET The Product of Experience Motor: Valve in head. Oiling System: Splash, with positive plunger pump. Carburetor: Zenith improv ed double jet. Clutch: Cone type. Transmission: Selective type sliding gear, three speeds forward, and reverse. Cooling: Thermo-syphon sys . tern. Rear Axle: Three-quarter Front Axle: Drop forged. Brakes: Emergency, internal expanding type. Tires: 30x3 inches; non skid, front and rear. Drive; Left side, center con trol. Foot accelerator. Springs: Semi - cantilever, front and rear. . Wheclbase: 102 inches. Equipment: Electric lights and starter, highest type two-unit system, single wiring used. Complete lamp equipment, including head lipht dimmers; mo- hair tailored top, top cov er and side curtains; wind shield: speedometer; elec tric horn; complete tool equipment, including pump and jack. r uii line of supplies and parts carried in sior.c $625 F. O. B. VALE Ask for Demonstration REPAIRING Wo ropnir and overhaul nil mnkeH of cars under n money back guarantee. We offer skilled workmanship at Reasonable Prices Kessler's Garage Phone 102-W Vale, Oregon 11I1IIIII1111III1IIIIIIIIIII1RIMII1IIIII, 10 Almost New Sewing Machines, $10 Standard Makes, Including the Singer, White, New Home and (j4r Minnesota. pZu FURNITURE, RANGES, STOVES, REDDING, DESKS, DISHES, TOOLS, HARNESS, COOKING UTENSILS All kinds of second merchandise Johnson & Nordale Corner B & Bryant Streets Vale, Oregon Everything In BEE SUPPLIES Hives, Supers, Honey Cans, Cases Wax worked over and taken in exchange Write for Catalog A. E. WRIGHT & SONS 71G Albany 7 Caldwell. Idaho HI S ARLINGTON HOTEL I UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT g Geo. Farrens, Prop. g When in Vale Chautauqua Week be sure to S room at the Arlington. Nice clean beds for 50c, 5 75frand $1.00. Special month rates $9.50 and up. First class restaurant in connection. Sun day dinners a specialty. 4E 3fc 305 30? 305 30( J(6 US 3(5 30C 3(t Every Community Wanted X The Enterprise readers live in every nook and corner of S Malheur county and the editor X wishes to make this page the X clearing house for all the local news of the county. If you X live in a community that is not represented on this page 5 the editor will be clad to re- ceive from you the news items X of your community and if you can send in a news letter every week or two he will take plea- sure in furnishing you the nec- essary supplies and appoint X you as regular correspondent for your neighborhood. X X X X X m X X X X X X x x m x x x x X BIG BEND X mx w. m m x x x x x m NEWS FROM RIG BEND Former Big Bend Man Enlists in the Army Patriotic Meeting Will Be Held at Schoolhouse. -Mrs. BIG BEND, Oreg., June C Alicc Shclton and baby spent day as guests of her sister, Mrs. neth Kimmel. Little Vivian Babcock has returned to her home in Parma, after a week spent as guest in the Purdy home. Marguerite Purdy accompanied her home, remaining in Parma until Sun day evening. Word has been received in the Bend of the enlistment for activo service of Richard Lander, of Knik, Alaska, formerly of Big Bend. He is station ed at present at Seattle. Mr. Edwin Wilson went to Nampa Saturday morning to attend the fu neral of his grandfather who died in a hospital in Boise. E. H. Brumbach was in Caldwell Friday attending a meeting of thresh- ermen. Mr. Boswcll and children spent a portion of the past week in Baker. Mr. and. Mrs. Will Jacobs are the parents of a baby girl. Miss McDon ald is in charge of the case. A daughter was born the past week to Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson. Misses Clark and Davisson spent part of Saturday at the Wade school house meeting the members of the girls' club. Mrs. Harvey, of Boise, was a week end guest in the D. L. Miller home. The Morley and Miller families au- tocd to Caldwell Saturday evening. Miss Lucy Thompson and Miss An (lie McDonald of Nyssa came to the Bend with Rev. Harper Sunday. Miss Martha Overstreet has been icctcd by the board to teach the ad vaneed grades in district 4G. Miss Annie McDonald is the new teacher hired by the directors of dis rict 47 for the coming year. Mr. Harold Hnlbroak has arrived in the Bend from Wisconsin with a view to making his home here. He is vis- ting at the home of his uncle, P. B, Anderson. Mrs. Chus. Purdy is the guest of Mrs. Hughes of Kuna, Idaho. A number from Big Bend attended he Sunday School rally at Arena val ley Sunday afternoon. Sunday morning, June 10, there wiP to held a patriotic meeting at the Wade school house, following the Sun day School session. Rev. Harper will jilk on the Liberty Bond question and several of our local speakers have parts on tho program which includes special music. Sunday evening at eight o'clock will occur a district Sunday School rally, The Members of the Social circle and Busy Bees, spent a delightful at tcrnonn, Thursday at the home of Mrs. E. II. Brumbach. E. H. Brumbach uutocd to the coun ty seat Wednesday taking with him tho results of tho election and regis tratiou. vertising matter. The lumber for the new store to bo built by the Big Bend Mercantile com pany at Adrian Station has arrived. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ekin and Vcr ncena were Caldwell Visitors the last week. Fred Baytor, of Roswcll, agent for the Grant Six, has been calling on prospective buyers.' Messrs Fred .Pillsbury, D. L. Miller, B. A. Morley and Mcsdamcs Miller and Morley autocd to Caldwell Sat' urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Welch have re turned from Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and family accompanied Rev. Harper of Nyssa as far as Owyhee Sunday, remaining at that place for memorial services. Wilford Swigert has enlisted and gone to Boise to join his company. Mrs. Carrie Tate has returned from the Sanitarium at Vale. The children of the Sunday School under the guidance of Mrs. Milsap and Miss Robertson arc preparing a most interesting service for Children's Day. A number of our Big Bend citizens attended Decoration Day services in Roswell. Mr. Matthews, of Oklahoma, arriv- in the Bend the past week to be the guest of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter of Parma call ed on friends in our vicinity Sunday. JK 3lt 36f 3t( HE 3K 3K 3(t 30f KC COW VALLEY T tK JK gfi in JVC JVS JK JK JK JK PUT IN SPRING CROPS Plow Team Busy in Cow Valley Coun try Baseball Games Between Teams Excite Interest. NEW STORE BUILDING Mercantile Company Will Have New Quarters Sunday School Rally Was Postponed. H M M BIG BEND, Oreg., June (i. Miss Lois Russell, of Roswcll, visited friends in tho Bend last week. Miss Delia Howard is visiting at the homo of her brother, Leslie Howard. Mrs. Tnte and son Chester and Mr, Stanscll and Arthur Holly were Vale visitors tho past week. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Matthews has recovered sufficiently from her recent illness ti io moved home, Mrs. Purdy spent tho week end with Mrs. Babcock of Parma, Frank Boswell hns returned from n trip to Valo and Malheur City. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell and family, of Roswell were callers In the Bend Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller spent ! Sunduy ns guests of Alex Wade on the upper ditch. I Tho Sunday School rally announc ed for lust Sunday afternoon at Arena Valley was postponed on account of the funeral of Mrs. Ford. The rally will bo held June 3. The members of tho Social Circle spent a very pleasant afternoon with Mrs. Tom Brown on Thursday, Mrs. Bullock and Mrs. Boswcll en tertained the IiUsy Bees at tho homo of Mrs. Bullock Thursday afternoon. Representatives of the Parma Chautaucrun were in our community during the past week distributing ad- COW VALLEY, Oreg., June 5.- Not seeing the "Cow Valley Items" in the paper for the last few issues, we thought we would drop a few lines to let you know that we are still in ex istence. We have all been so busy for the last few weeks putting in our spring crops that we havo hardly had time to sleep let alone write items to the paper. There is nothing much go ing on in this community but. the plow team. Miss Daisy Wilson is "jutMna in a fine patch of potatoes rn her home stead on Juniper mountain. Earl Weaver is back to the v.iltay to stay for some time. Ear! is going to do some farming this vep.r on hi 3 father's place here. E. Cole is doing some farming and fence building in the valley Mr. Cole intends to put in a big crop on his place in Cow Valley this year. Miss Gertrude Lynd who wan op erated on some time ago in OntbHo for appendicitis, returned home last week in perfect health. There was a large numbsr of the Brogan fans attended tha las base ball game played at Bonita be'.woen Westfall and the home team. The game was in favor of Bonita. Bonita got her first cleaning la: wccK at Mormon Uasin. Ihc score was nine to three in favor of the Ba sin. But Cow Valley only had four of their regular players and had to pick up some of the Basin boys to fill in the vacancy. Mr. E. J. Streams and his brother, Earl, made a business trip to Brogan last week. There was a party from Cow Val ley went last Wednesday, on McmorK.l Day to Jamicson and Brogan. It was a very bad day to be out. There was only one fighting dog -turned against us and we found him at the Wagner place. All that saved our lives was a hog-tight fence that ho could not crawl through. Mrs. E. G. Moudy has been on the sick list for the last ten days, but is getting a little better at this writing. J. O. Moudy and Ben Ruth have most all their garden in and will soon be through in a few days, if the wea ther permits. ) ittle Harold Phelps, who hns been going to school in Baker, returned home last week. C. W. Lauman mad a trip to his old home in Grand Ronde valley last week and visited some of his old friends and relatives. It was a shock to tho people in Cow Valley to hear of the sudden denth of William Young of Pole creek, who died at Ontario, undergoing an opera tion. D. It. Denton and John Bilyeau were visiting in the valley a few davs last week at L. A. Bilyean'? place. All the crops look fine in tho valley far and if wi onlv lime n few sun shiny days it will sure be n fine grain yoar. Walter Weaver will lie Uie only student in the graduating class at the Cow Valley school this year and ev ery body in the valley hopes he will sure make good, for this may b his last chance. X X X X 1 V K X V US Hi H I St It n In rn n fl f RIVERDALE J(C SIC 3K )K 3lt )K 3K HE 3K GOOD CROP -OUTLOOK X 38 X X m Haying Will Begin in Short Time at Rlverdale Frost Doa Slight Damage to Vegetables. RIVERDALE, Oreg., June 4. The present outlook is for a good crop of alfalfa hay, and cutting will begin in a week or ten days to the delight of most all farmers who have been short on this much needed product for some weeks. More alfalfa has been sown this spring than usual and more land is being prepared as fast as possible, Charles Johnson erected a wind mill on his place near the bridge this week, Ho believes in having everything handy and convenient in every way possible. Mrs. J. W. Cranor has been quite sick with measles for some days but is improving at this writing. Miss Edith Stansbury spent a few days with her sister Mrs. E. J. Patch this week. She may visit her parents Rev. and Mrs. Stansbury at Central City, Nebraska, during her vacation, She has been teaching in Central Ore gon for two or three years. Mrs. Ermine Parker and daughter, Miss Mary, who have spent some time with the family of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker, left Saturday for their home at Wcllivlle, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts, former. ly of Blackfoot, Idaho, arrived here a few days ago to visit friends. E. F. Naffin, who has been working on the new elevator in Weiser for some months, says he jumped his job Friday and will spend his time on the farm for a while watering his crops, Paul Stansbury spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Patch, and informs us that he has joined the Red Cross and may go to Franco tho coming fall. R. O. Yant came in from the saw mills at Emmett, Idaho, Saturday, to visit his parents for a few days and to be here registration day. He re turned to Emmett Wednesday morn ing. Many will register regardless of their feelings and opinions. Mrs. Weever has had a new wind mill erected on her place, which im proves the looks of things in many ways. We would be clau to see a wind mill on every farm on the Flat because they make a place look more prosperous. Mr. Grant, who lives on the west part of the Flat, left Saturday for the sheep shearing camps of the Idaho hills to remain until the shearing sea son is over. He is a professional clipper. The frost of the past week has done some damage to squash, watermelons, cantaloupes, cucumbers, beans, and all tender vegetables, corn and potatoes ire almost cooked and it did not im prove the looks of alfalfa. X X X X X X X X X X X X X m x x IRONSIDE XX XX X X X X X MARRIED IN VALE X X X X X X X Couple Ride From Ironside to Baker And Then to Vale In Order To Get License. IRONSIDE, Oreg., June 2. Wil liam Quinn and Miss Bessie Asher ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Tyler mo tored to Baker last week to be mar ried, but on their arrival there found they had to get their license in Mai heur county, so they took the night for joy riding through to Vale. They were married there on the following day. Mrs. Coburn and children have re turned from Vale for the summer va cation. Mr. Johnson, surveyor of Valo, has been in this vicinity for some time, laying out new homesteads. Rutherford Bros, have been in tho Malheur district for some time riding after cattle. X X X X X X X X X X X KINGMAN KOLONY 30E 3k 3k 5k jk i4E E 5k 3fo 4E KINGMAN KOLONY ITEMS Terrific Dust Storm Hits Kingman Kolony To Lift Water Fifty Feet For Irrigation. KINGMAN KOLONY, Oreg., June 5. Mr. Refieno has contracted Mr. Kingman's and Mr. Blodgett's hay at $12 per ton. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace , son and daughter, of Emmett, are the guests of Orin Wallace and family. Howard Hammond, who has been herding sheep for Mr. Kingman, was obliged to go home on account of wool poisoning on his face and hands. Warren and Lawrence Blodgett and Robert Peck are camping at Brown's Butte and herding their sheep togeth er with Mr. Kingman's. The work on the new pump under he fifty foot lift has been completed and the farmers now have plenty of water. Mr. Blodgett was n Parma visitor one day the first of the week. The terrific dust storm Friday, the 1st, was rather hard on the gardens, and they weren't helped any by the four nights of frost that followed. However, not much serious harm was done. Nola and Faye Le Moine left Thurs day for a week's visit with their grandmother at Vnle. The United States National Bank (Member Federal Reserve Association) Condensed Financial Statement RESOURCES , Loans and Discounts $363,863.47 Overdrafts None Bonds and Securities 23,380.25 U. S. Bonds 68,750.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 2,500.00 Realty and Fixtures 61,177.93 - CASH 232,266.62 Total $751,938.27 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 75,000.00 Surplus & Undivided Pro fits 14,506.91 Circulation 68,760.00 DEPOSITS 593,681.36 Total $751,938.27 Your Business Solicited and Appreciated Deposits, May 1, 1915, $256,276.31 Deposits, May 1, 1916, $382,393.60 Deposits, May 1, 1917, $593,681.36 UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK n 1" A NEW BARN ? WHY OF COURSE. YOU WILL NEED IT TIIIS YEAR AND WHAT'S THE USE WAITING UNTIL YOU ARE BUSY WITH OTHER WORK BEFORE GETTING IT UNDER WAY. WE'VE ANTICIPATED YOUR NEEDS ALL OUR LUMBER IS MANUFACTURED WITH THE ONE IDEA "QUALITY FIRST." COME AND SEE. MATT SANDMEYER Local Manager. Vale, Oregon. m .THE UNIVERS-AL CAR 320,817 Have been built and actually delivered to retail buyers since August 1,1916. , This unusual fall and winter demand for Ford cars makes it necessary for us to confine the dis tribution of cars only to those agents who have orders for immediate delivery to retail customers, rather than to permit any agent to stock cars in anticipation of later spring sales. Immediate orders will have prompt attention. Delay in buying at this time may cause you to wait several months. , .. Enter your order today for immediate delivery with our authorized Ford agent listed below and don't be disappointed later on.. Prices: Runabout $345, Touring Cat $360, Cou pelet $505, Town Car $595, Sedan $645, f. o.b. Detroit FORD MOTOR COMPANY VALE HARDWARE COMPANY I Beware -ot Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you ran possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O,, contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. In buylne Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu ine. It Is taken Internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F, J. Cneney & Co; -Tea' tlmonlals free. Bold bv Drucctsts. Price 75c Mr bottle. Tk USD's Farnlljr pills for coastlpatloa Do You Contemplate A IDDING a few new pieces of furniture, re placing that worn-out rug, curtain or lin oleum flooring or wall-Daoer to enhance the appearance of your home this spring? Remember, in our stock of up-to-date furni ture, you can find just what you want and at a price you wish to pay. T. T. NELSEN Phone 77 Vale, Oregon 'Tt I P2m